BestChoice - Chemistry - University of Canterbury

Department of Chemistry
College of Science
Wednesday 1 December 2010
11.00 am - Room 531
Dr Sheila Woodgate
Chemistry Department, The University of Auckland
BestChoice: A voyage of discovery into the fascinating
world of web-based learning
BestChoice is an interactive web site ( ) developed initially to support learning in large firstyear Chemistry classes at The University of Auckland. In recent years usage has expanded to New Zealand and UK
high schools as well as to other universities in New Zealand. The model underpinning BestChoice learning activities
is simulation of the interchange of a student with an experienced teacher. The aim is to guide users through tasks in
ways that are intended to promote both understanding and development of transferrable problem-solving skills. More
than 80,000 users have entered 30,000,000 correct answers into BestChoice question pages.
This presentation will firstly demonstrate the BestChoice approach using the new student interface. The intention is
then to highlight how analysis of data that accrues from usage of BestChoice greatly informs both the developers and
the teachers of BestChoice users, including reference to as to how Bestchoice is used most effectively in a particular
academic setting. The data featured will be that obtained through use of BestChoice in Semester 1 at Canterbury for
CHEM 114.
Contact Details
For further information : phone 364 2100