SIGNIS ASIA ASSEMBLY 2012 Kuala Lurnpur.Malaysia1 0ctober l-5,201ヱ 1.Name of Country: 2.VVebsite: Japan httpi〃 signis― iapan.Org/ 3.Country Populationi 128,056s000(Oct.1.2010) 4.Catholic Population: 448,440(2010) 5.Number of SI(3NIS Membersi 1 5 individuals and 7 organizations 6.Advisory Bishop to SiGNIS」 APANI Bp.Jarnes Kazuo Koda Advisory Priest to SiCNIS」 APANI F『 .Peter Masahide Haresaku 7,Nattona1 0frlce Director of Social Communications: N、 A. 8.SIGNIS Country Officers malling addresses/phone/fax/email addressesi Presidenti Mr.Francis Shigeki Chiba Vice Presidenti Mr.Thomas― Aquinas itaru Tsuchiya :A/1aC")MaChida SecretaryI Mr.Paul Tsuneakiぐ Secretariati c/o Daughters of St.Paul 8-12-42 Akasaka,Minato… ku,丁 okyo 107-0052 JAPAN Tel1 81¨ (0)3-3479-3941/Fax: 81-(0)3-3479-3944 e― mail:limukvoku(Dsignis― iapan.OrO 9.THREE MAJOR ACHiEVEMENTS FOR THE PAST YEAR: A.Cinema Japan Catholic Filrn Award 2011:(May,2012) `り ・ИJttα ″ωιSα ルS“ α ″夕 rr7げ “ apanese ' titlei"Ending Note").by Directress Marni Sunada (」 Afterthe ceremony,there、″as filF卜 screening,fo‖ owed by a talk between Directress Sunada and Fr.Haresaku. http://www.ending― Screening ofグ ルカθ θ J ttα ″ 滋肝毛 ι α ルばlir rfrι z♭ θ ガな力 in Nagasaki; “ `″ Screened in co‖ aboration with Nagasaki Catholic Centerin Nov.2011. Second tirne to screen the」 CFA filrn outside of Tokyo Metropolitan Area,http:〃 tsuki― aka百 .com/ Participated Macau Film Forum(East Asia Common Project) Nov.201l Japan rnade a presentation with video clips on the history and latest situation of pro― life in」 apan. SiGNiS JAPAN Film Recommendation イ イ たOJFdeS''by Directress by」 essica Hausner httpi//― rottentomatoes corn/rn/1ourdes/ B.internet 」an.2012: lnternet Seminar“ East Japan Creat Earthquake and Church HP" WordPress Course(offered by SNN) 」uly― Aug.2012: Sept.2012: Church HP Administrators'Exchange Meeting C,Publicity&Gatherings SiGNiS JAPAN Leaflet: Revised“ SiCNIS JAPAN"leattet to gather more ″ 押 ∫ 乳 :::胤 澪I:驚 危 龍輝 戦E識霧Ъ 謬蹴占 累黒 ぴ :デ I「 llび h and l lth issues. “Er7g″s力 Praza″ in SIGNIS JAPAN web stte has added new articles, httpl〃 sionis― General MeetingI May 2012 re― elected/re― assigned country officers. Regular Meetingl nearly once a rnonth 10.THREE MAJOR MEDIArCOMMuNiCAT10NS CHALLENGES: A.To Realize Evangelization by lmages through SNN rS′ GⅣ ′ S CoodNews Netwo“ SNN airns to be a Catholic internet video station where we can convey our Catholic ideas and attitudes toward the」 apanese rYlartyrs,Great Earthquake and people,and other social problems inciLIding nuclear powerissues by way of irnages, SNN is very young,and they need to bu‖ d up their organization for effective work and attractive contents. http:〃 B. To(3onvey the Messages ofthe Japanese Martyrs We are cooperating to CBCJ who has subnlitted to Vatican documents to appeal for the beatification of」 usto Takayarna Ukon by 2015,400th anniversary of his Martyrs and Church HP". We need death. We corlducted internet serninar on “ to pursue this project Further to convey their spirituality. C.To Hold Catholic Film Award Filrn Screenings throughout Japan Currently we have two screens,one in Tokyo area and anotherin Nagasaki. We hope lo expand the filrn screenings to other dioceses. Our challenges are:Allen, Money and ttime. 11.DESCRIBE BR!EFLY YOUR FUTURE PLANSI A.Campaign“ SiCNIS Supporters'' We wili run“ SiGNIS Sttpporters Campaign"to increase the number of our supporters′ financial patrons. We are not too optirnistic aboutit and know thatit vvin take 10ng tirne. B. To increase contacts with the Young Ceneration Elder generation rnust convey their spirituality,belief, younger generation and we plan to adrninistrate St(3NIS JAPAN facebook account,to pursue the possibility of Young Catholic Film Directors Festival,etc, 12.OTHERINFORMAT10N YOU WiSH TO SHARE Oct.2011,Participated SAA 201l in Nepal,presented a report on the Creat Earthquake of East」 apan,and a report on Fukushirna. Nov.2011,SIGNiS」 APAN participated National Assembly of Catholic Cornrnunicators held in Sendai by CBC」 」an.2012,VVe had an off‐ site meeting to discuss and share the basic internal issues. End くList of rnember institutions> 1.Office for Social Communicationsi Catholic Bishops'Conference of Japan 2.Society of St,Paul 3,Daughters of St,Paul 4.Social Communications Cornmtttee,Central Area,Sendal Diocese 5.Social Cornrnunications Cornrntttee,Nagasaki Archdiocese 6.Cinema Village of Heaven,Koenii CathOlic Church 7 Honnepage Commntee,Koenii CathOlic Church SICNiS Country officers List of officers and their position 1.Mr.Shigeki Chiba: President,SI皓 NIS 」APAN 2 Mr.Itaru Tsuchiya∫ ∨ice― president 3 Allr.Tsuneaki Mac Allachida,Secretary 4.Sr.Kyoko Shirrlizu, Treasurer SiCNIS」 APAN OfficeFS(May 2012-May 2015) Mr.Chiba Mr.A/1achida Sr.Shimizu Mr.Tsuchiya