Page Four NEW MEXICO LOBO ~-··In the Barbs Top Pike Picnic, Dance, Highlight Intramural. Rodeo G~e~k Da!, May 17• II Lobo Lair ,.e.,ntau.. on th• committee at ~1.00 per person, Fraternity men ... encouraged to bring lnd•pend· ent women and independent men may likewise come ns dates o;f sor.· ority women, w. F•·ost led the Independent Wrll1s Smrth Announces J. t~am Th~ 1947 Greek Day has been officially set fot• May 17, Thi~J wa~ By ED GLASER announced by Wnlis Smith, the Greelc Day committee chairman at a meeting held last Tuesday after~ • '\ nQon in the Administration Build.. The annual Border lntel'collegiate Conference athletic were: ing. Representing the various F~.~,thet· Obering of Immaculate ···games, .... ffi1.£19J!i;t.lfl ....~V.f;.Jr¥.tll\~.~.,:Q;p,rn, ...dire.cto~~s .... dinuexs '" ,QfJJi..l:9..P.~n.~.:..i:,.W¥~~'F.~~f~·1"!~~. ,gr,~~~ .,sqci.~~ !~ate;~·n!_t~~~., ~~.. :t~e Conception Parish w fJ, s guest "'''""'"'"'ti"a:i'iie'Cl"IteaS·· will hit the UniVersity of New Mexico and its dependent; 2· • · iros' n e~ meetmg were: ' 's'peaUt'!i''lit·the·Ne:wman·.(,)lub meet ... . th'' k d A . \ . t 1 250 persons wi1l con~ penden.t; 3, Roy Echols, Independ~ Willis Smith, (Committee Chair. ing Wednesday evening, His topic envrrons lS wee en · pprqxi~a e J~ . e11t. man) and Dick Hillary, Sigma Chi. 11 d verge on .t\.lbuquerque to part~crpate ln the annual affair, Ribbon Tying: 1" J. W. Frost, In· F'rank Westerfield and Tommy was labo~· and was. fo owe by a diacussion with members partiwhile an unestimated amount 'i,Vjll be on hand as spectators. dependent; 2. Wally Parker, Kap- Lyons, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, cpating. Father Obering empha· The days of May 8, 9, and 10 will be crammed full of athletic pa Sigj 3, ~l.Savinaki, SAE. UQbert Clip~er, Phi Delta Theta. sized that labol· and business arc activity a general outline of which we'll try to present here. Bronc Ridmg: 1· Hany Lee, Jmnes GaJ•bepp, K~pp~ Alpha. anbject tn the moral law. He ' tl St d t U . B ")d' "II 'h PJKA; 2. John Daniels, Independ.. Jim DeVoss, Pi Kappa Alpha. . ted t th t the worl<I'ng· IliOn On Thursday the 8th~ 18 U en mon UI mg WI. /Je ent; 8. Kirk Wimberly, SAE. A1 V. ande~·grHf, Sigma Phi Ep· pom ou a the center as the events get unde:rwa;v. At 7 P. M. drawmgs Bull Riding: 1. Jerry Creamer, silon hads ? bnaturd·alfl'ighh~ to organtize · · be carrl¢d · out; at 7 :30 a genera) PiKA; 2. Bob Cook, Kappo S1g. . · an IS oun or IS own pl'O ecfor tennis seedmgs wzll Irving Bell, Alpha Epsilon Pi ..• tion, to join1 in nn organization meeting for all the conference wi11 take place; and at 8:30, Paul Gamersfelter, Kappa S1g- which will see that his rights tu·e the coaches, publicity directors, and faculty representatives TL rna. , Isafeguarded. will chew the fat iu their own specialized sessions. I Mike McCormick, Stray GI·eelcs. I Nomination of officers was held · · · gets gomg · m · earnest. A t 8 A • M ., TWO SORORITIES an(l the following candidates were Frlday~ the activity Nita LeHane and Helen Watson d p 'd t " k s I · th · t h I I I 1 propose : res1 en 1 .u~ar Ul' us; ' the racquet~wJe1ders start mr tournamen at t e oea Pi Beta Phi. · :fresident Virginia Zalm· 1 Vice !: courts. At 9 A. M., the divot-diggers hit the links for a day (Perfect Short Story) Libby Spelts, Kappa Kappa Sect·etary, Fl·n~ces StaUngs; Re: of practice, to aecustom themselves to the wiles and guiles of IIHere comes the mailman," cried Ga~ma. . I cording Secretary, Al Matocou; the local layout At 1·30 action shifts to Zimmerman Fie1d Percival :from the transom, whe1•e Blllye Willmmson and Jay Van Treasure1•, Rudy Cordova. The ' • ' • heaateatl nganappE!. Solen ·n be held ne xt wee·k 1 1 t' whei·ethetrackcoachesfindoutwhowillandwhowon't,as J 1 Kappa B d Alpha dJ Theta. W Ch'1eec1on ~~ 1 Jane Padilla u1•ged all those who · · · ''That's foreshadowing," replied ane oy an ean agner, time trmls get under:vay. At 4t, the same ~fternoon, SWJm~ Guinevere, who had takeh a course om;ga. were interested in working on the ming takes the spotlight as the tankmen VIe for conference in creative writing. I . Nedra Collender ~nd Bertha staff of the new Newman Club honors, At 6:30 P. M., the chefs and waitresses at the EJ The mailman handed Percival al 'Ioung, Alpha Delta PI. newspaper to contact he1·. Fidel Hotel get a workout, as the conference wheels retire box, and he handed the mailman his Millicent Miller, Alpha Chi Orneto the napkins and gravy. When the last ketchup stain is apple core, ge, wiped off' the moguls will be ready for the next event on the "Better late than. neve1•,'' Papa Judy Cohn,, Stray G1·eeks, ' · ·1 • h b b II b t l'I.T shouted to the madman, as he. The comm1ttee has already deprog.ram which .wrl be a ~1g t as.e a game e ween ,~.,ew wrenched the bo" from Percival's' eided on using the zoo ior the MexiCO and Arizona at Tmgley Fleld. Students, and also han.d. · I picnic grounds and the Heights those who just attend school, will be.admitted free to this "That's a trite phrase. papa," community cente•· for the dance as well as all the other athletic events. said Guinevere. I on the night of the 17th. CandiSaturday- morning the activities get underway bright and "I kno~, b~t I'm going to lose dates fo1· the title of Hector and Veterans attending colleges in · · h )'fi f h fi d sorne we1ght, he answered, clos· Heleu of Troy have already been New Mexico, who plan to 1·emain earl~ ag~m! ; those W 0 ~ua 1 ed rom t e rst roun ing the transom on Percival's head.' chosen one from each fraternity in school during the summer will tenms ehmmatrons, to battle 1t out at 8 A. M. Also at 8 "Papa's in a bad mood/' said and sorot•ity. The winnet•s will be receive subsistence checks without .A. M. the golfers go at it in earnest in the first round of the Percival. c1·owned at the dance. interruption if they comply with a li?-ks battle. At noo11:1 tho~e qualifying will play the sec?nd "We, nee~ed to. get that est~b- Tickets wiU be sol~ to th~ mem· new but ~imple procedure adopted round for the champ1onsh1p. At 1:30 P. M. track add1cts llshed, said Gumevere, elappmg be1's of each f1·atermty by 1ts rep~ by the Bia~e~ 13 ?ffice of the Vet. . . • ' • • her heads together. erans Admimstrat10n. Will agam flock to Zimmerman Field for the spiked shoe fl.. "What's in the box?" asked Gran~ . . Fred Wat·dwell Chief of the Vonals. At 8 that night, those who are still physically able will ny and Percival. A q~artet appear,;d reci~n~ "The cational Rehabilifation and Educaagain jam Tingley Park as the Lobo and Wildcat baseball 41 Well, well, I seem to be the cen- ~~ctent te~S:~ner, but umevere tion Training of the VA regional squads go nt it for the second straight night. te1· of attraction/' Papa said, ner- m el'l'Up em. office, announced today that tl·ain1 ••No boys," she mg • .• · t't The next day the visitors will slowly disperse to their vous1Y b1•t•mg h'19 elb ow. . long• speeches, • otlicers a t the vauous ms 1 u~ 14That's • ' • • a cliche, papa," said cautioned, ttghtenmg her claw· hold. tions have been instructed to se· respectJve schools~ and no.rmalcy will once agam be restored Guinevere. I Granny gummed the strings to cure signed VA forms from all to the U's athletic facilities. And only golf balls lying un- "Cliche1" shouted Gl'anny, "My the tune of "America/' but Papa, veterans studying under the GI Bill found in the t•ough, baseballs hits over the fence, sore mus~ God, are they sending us more hand 1...vith a sweep of his dominant char~ who intend to continue their stu1 acter, grabbed the box and opened dies during the summe1·, providing c1es, and dirty uniforms will be the mementos of the 1947 lotion1" version of the Border Conference's three-ring circus "That's humor, granny.'' said it with his toes, tbey have enough accrued time to - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - Guinevere. Inside the wrappings, he found carry them through the period be· • • Suspended :from the transom. an Underlying Themej which was a tween the end of the spring ses~ 11 • Testmg. of. Plastics for Elec. Percival cried, 11 0pen the box. The good thing, for without it this story sion and the beginning of the sumt'rt~al A]lplJeattons,'' Bruc~ Feeder, suspense is killing me," and might have been a failure. mer term. Umvera1ty o:f Texas. dropped dead, (Continued from page 1) "Electrical Machines for Solv~ '~There were too many charac· student a'Ctivities branch of this ing Simultaneous Linear Equa- ters any" said Guinevere sliding district. tions," Dale Rummer, read by Ray the Fren~h dressing into her fathThe following is a Jist of the stu- Grantham,. University of Kansas. er's chair for a foreign setting, dent papers that were read: "A Mechanistic Approach to "Gimm~ that damn box," yelled Momenta! Mass and Other Devel· Granny, Papa bounced it over her Monday A. 1\(, _ 1 ~ • "~dapting Elec~ronic Contr~~ opments .o~ t~~ Restricted Theory gray head. ~ Dev1ces to Material Handling, of Relahvd.y, Jack E. Brooks, •1Conflict" cried Guinevere pin~ Ray M. Whitenach, Kansas State Texas A. & M. ning Papa' to the floor in a 1claw~ 774 College. "Electrical and :Mechanical An- hold. from Kirthmd to victory over SAE, PiKA qnd Kappa Sig teams at the Pike sponsored inter-colle~ giate t·odeo Saturday aftet•noon at the Five Points rodeo grounds. Winnel'S of the four main events Newman Club to Hear Obering Tuesday, May 6, 1947 Jacobs Presents Plan For Better Read"rng Because so many books c'ataloged as great also are 11dull booka/' Dr. Willis D. Jacobs of the UniYOl'• ,sity Qf lfew Mexico English department ~:~uggests that the reader fir,st get acquainted with 1'exciting 1' good boolts, This pt'oposal appeal'S in the cu1·- l'ent issue of The New~ Letter of the Colle~:e English Association in an article titled ~'Don't Miss It," The m·ticle points out that ''li we de$ir~ students to read, we must :first let them convince themselves that it is consumin~ pleasut•e not to be missed, n . The Jist of boolts Dr. Jncobs euggel)ts includes Rich~ nrd W1•ight's ' 1Blnck Boy, 11 M, P, Shrel's ' 1The Purple Cloud," Ana~ tole France's "Thais," T. H. White's 1 ~Thc Swo1•d in the Stone.'' NI:W MEXICO LOBO In the same issue of the magl\zine appears an article by Pyke Jolmson, graduate student at Columbia University, written with Dr. Jacob's aid, which urges that contemporary best' aeller.s 2hould be UI>Eld in college course as a means of Athnulating student intereat in reading. The piece, 11 Uae the Best Seller13," declares that such a method will lead the student eventu&lly to read the best books, Semi-Weekly Publication of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Vol. XLIX BC CHAMPIONSHIP MEET OPENS TODAY . + • 1,, DIAL 6 fo;n:r::~;~r;:g ~::::r:h;:~t ~~~ alogies," Harold ~· Harms. Mis- lt's frdomGrann;sr, Arthur Pa~ticipan~" dio Frequencies," Glen Walters, souri School of Mmes and Metal- an~ounce gnawmg on t e 11 ' :e. ;•::_ University of Missouri, ~~servomechanisms/' James W. Ranes Missouri School of Mines d ,: tnll an ..ue orgy. • . "Use o:!: Thenmstors m a Neurocaloscope," John Stribling, Texas Tech College. ''B.eactance Determination of Synchronous Condenser for Stabil~ ity Study," Warren A. Rees 1 Univeraity of Texas. Monday P.M. "The Phantastron Tube," James McDade, Southern Methodist University. "Strain Gages," H. F. Brandon, University of Arkansas. ctstrength Throt1gh Unifiention,u John J. Trammell and Joe Florcs1 lu1•gy, strmgs of the box. "Electric Powe1• f 1. 0 m Atomic u1tfust you scream so loud that E 11 J h B ·1 U • , 't you l'Bise the dead?" asked Papa. 0 'nergy, n als ey, mversi Y Percival got up and said ~1 1'11 of New Mexico. 11 th t d 1 f ' " ca . a • an rase you our more. THREE BLOCKS EAST OF UNIVERSITY Lost: Pair of &"lasseli and blue fountain pen in brown leather ease. If fourid Dlease return to Pat Me- How a . ' cttys II • votce was restored! Early on December 14, 1946, flames .gut~ hundreds of miles away the needed sup· ted the Central Oflice at River Grove, IIJinois. Telephone scl'vicc for 10,000 families ceased to exist. were started towar(l River Grove. plies-the right kinds and amounts- In a mnltcr of just ll days .•• a record Even as the fire bu~ncd, restor""ation work was lwgun. Emergency telephone heatl<putrtf.•rs was set up. Aiobile equipment arrived to handle calls of first im· portancc. splices and conncction5 made. River Telephone nH·n from distant points Plarming well in tulraiiC(ljor both t!merg· acconipliHhmcnt • , • two Quonset huts were erected, new switchboards installed, Grove's comnumieatious syslcm was restored. came to aid the lm·ul forc:es. lll'll System encies and normal grou:th, is a tush of tcle· standardization prowd itself again for all men were.· able to usc the same methods, pl1o11e mallag(ml<'rll. '/1re 111U11'1' and varied problems pr<>setlletl offer cr stimulating chat.. the same tools; the same Western Electric lellf:5e-promise ath't'lllurc arul opporltlllity equipment. From Western Electric plants -to men rflw dwose Jdeplwny as a career. ------------------------,-----------·---------~ A DIVING LESSON FROM CHAMPION @•. ---------------------!(EACH.., •Jusr IMAOIN£ YOU1 1tE REAC.IHNG FOR. A CRDSSSAA HIGH OVERHEAD*"" E.¥Et'f/711J!Y.•• ''r'Ol!A. REACH SHOIJI..D BE HIGH ENOUGH TO AU.OW COMPLETE Clure, Bandelier Ball. Reward. We pal.'ticular]y like the erudite young co-ed's crystal clear distinc· tion between ••uke" and "love:" "If 1 likes them I let's them if 1 2414 E. CENTRAL 1 ' University of New Mexico. li<•~v~e~s~th~e~m~,~I~h~e~lp~s~l;";:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ I'The New Electrical Engineer- ~ ing Switchboard Installation," Nor.. ton Fincher, Oklahoma A. & M. "Closing Gaps in the Theory: Remm-ks on .Series Resonance," Wm. W. Wnrd, Texas A. & M. "Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquids," John C. C11nningham, Univerf!ity of New Mexil''l, Tuesday A. M. THE 1'lgnitron Rectifiers," Burke Frick and John Moynihan, Univcr.. sity of Oklahoma. l Rendezvous for the College Crowd IT~ TRUE IN DIVING••• EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER! l-lilton l-lotel "Use of Nomograms in Electrical EnginE!ering Problems/' June Hardgrave, University of New Mexico, 11 Thc Use of F. M. Radio Tete~ phone in Oil Well Drifling Operations," Jerry Stover, Southern Methodist University. SPECIALS IS CAMEL! SCIENTIFIC WATCH REPAIRING -ENGRAVING/,· . .. - ... .....-. -.~.- BUTTERFIElD All Experienced Operators LA DELPHA BEAUTY SHOP• 2908 E. Centro! Ph. 4770 YOUR T.. Z:ONE" WiLL tllLL YOU, •• 11 1 for Taste, •• T for Throat, •• ttilt'• Ylli PfO~UIS cround fM' ~II)' 'llat•Ue. See If Camek dQn't ~6lt J'JUU' 1'T4•hj' til II Uf," 2811 E. CI'INTRAL 1 ~ Bloekl East of Campu1 " + • I I I! I The honor of being a Senior at the University of New Mexico usually manifests itself in being allowed to sit on certain uncomfortable benches on the campus grounds. This week-end, however, will feature a sort of '1Be Kind to Sen· io1•s" Day, as the Juniors are feting the most august ones at the annual Junior-Senior Prom this Saturday evening, May 10. This will be such a mighty fun<ltion, that dancing will continue clear up to the wee small, usually forbidden hour of 1 a. m., th~ only campus dance that continues paat the standa1·d hour of midnight. Invited to join the dancers are the special gl\ests of tbe Junior Class; President and Mrs. Wer. nctte, Dean Lena Clauve, and Dean and Mrs. J. L. Bostwick. Chap~ craning will be performed by Dr. and Mrs. Tapy and Dr. and Mrs. Grace. Word has been circulated that the decorations will be among the most beautiful evet· viewed in these environs. A central star, tbe ltn•gest outside of the State of Texas, will be suspended from the ceiling of the SUB ballt•oom. From it vo:'ill 1·adiate thousands (at least hundreds) of streamers, blue crepe paper, and genuine tinseled stars. Programs, designed and executed by the masters of program design· ing and executing Balt'ours, will be presented to all young ladies attending, nnd will make a treasurable memento of the occasion, The man before the band will be Murty Baum, and his col1orts will provide almost continuous dance music from stnrt to finish. Farnsworth Chosen As AWS Leader The formal installation of officers or the Associated Women Students o! the University of New Mexico was held Tu~sday f).fternoon ut the Alpha Delta Pi house. Past presi· dent, Edith Davenport, conducted the ceremony with advisor Dean Lena Clanvc present. The new officers installed are: Caroline FarnsW(lrth, [)resident; Jane Boyd, vicepresident; Emma Jenn G1·iffin, sec· rotary-treasurer, 1md M, ax i ltlile Krobn, reporter, Out • gomg o 1~ cers arc: Edith Davenport, prcsident: Connie Stevens~ vicc-prcsidentj Caroline Farnsworth, sccrctary-treasurcr; and Barbara Grim· mer, reporter. Refreshments were served nrtcr the installation nnd business meeting'. The new officers will also serve as national officers for the Intel'• Collegiate Associated Women'\ Students for the next two years, and will preside at the national conven· tion in A1buquerquc in 1949. Planning for tl1o convention hns already begun and witt constitute a. majo1' part of the AWS pt·ogntm :f'or the 1 nex t sch oo year. NROTC Gives Ring Dance -PRmiPT SERVICJ!-... Expert Crystal Fitting Samfl Da.y Service FOR APRIL AND ~lAY $10.00 PERMANENT WAVE FOR $7.50 ... AND IN SMOKING roo. THE CIGARETTE FOR ME i~;:;::;:;::;:;:;:;:;::;::;::;:;:;:;:;::;::;::;:;:;:;:;::;::;::;:;:;:;:;::;:=:::;:;:; • • By ED GIJASER Attend Dance BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM NOTICE + ~mmes Granted Late ~ours to Vets Given New Rules On Subsistence Checks For Summer Session Creamland Dairies Inc. + Track and Field Events Junior -Senior Annual Dance Tomorrow Night Begin 1:30 Saturday • • f UNM Host ])[o. 52 ----~----------------~-------- nree ggs 8 ad I ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1947 The nnnua.l NROTC Ring Dance Wlll be he1d Mn:V 16, at the Student Union Ballroom between the boUt'S of 9 P. M. and 12 P. l\i, All OX· nn'V'al officers and former NROTC students ott campus nrc cordia1l~ itrvited to attend. It is 1·equested thnt those ox.ofllccrs and former NROTC atuc1ehhl who plan to nttend, pick Up their invitntlom; nt , th St d' t he N u.vy of .Jl• 8 lUm nee m c Building. Guests may wear uni:f'orms with bow ties or theY' may wear dinner packets. !~dependent bidders for Student Council are, seated, left to right, Detty Cragen and Ilene Krefft. Standing, Robert IUnrcs, Brice Evnns, running for Student Body President, and Candido Salazar. CANDIDATES SET AS ELECTION NEARS ~onors Assembly In Gym Tuesduy On Tuesday morning1 1\[ay 13 at 11 a. m. the annual honoraries ast;embly will be lteld in Carlisle Gymnasium. All students wl.ll be required to attend, nnd those having classes at thnt time will be ex~ cuscd. Student Body President James Garliepp will be in charge and all honorary societies will nnuounce their recently pledged or initiated members. In addition, those students who have been elect· ed to the select circle of "Who's Who in Amedcan Universities" will receive their certificates. Dean Clauvc told the LOBO that nnnounccments had been sent to the various honorary organizations on campus, and although they haven't all replietl at present, a htrge response is anticipated. Among the societies expected to be represented a'rc: Khntnli, Mor· tar Board, Vigilante, Spm·s, Phi Knppn Phl, senior scholastic honor society, Delta Phi Delta, nrt honot socicty1 Alplm Phi Omegal society, Phi Alpha Theta, history honorary, kappa Omicron Phi, home economics society, Phi Sig~ mu honorary biological science so· t' s· Al 1 t t 1 CJe y, tgma Pta o n, womeu !'! music society, Pi Lnmbdn Theta, women's h (mornl-y ed ucn t •JOn so~ ciety Tau Kappa. Alpha honorary ', •t d ',. c A I bntmg <E! SOCJe y, an 1'"• • ,, wolnen's recreational association. NOTICE The e1imnx of spring athlcticst he annual Border Conference ehampionahips in track, swimming, golf, and tennis- gets underway today with the University of New Mexico as host school. With the Pl'Ospect of good weatfler, plus one of the most imp1·essive RlTays of atllletic talent seen in these parts, many performe~·s are expected to shatter old Conference 1•eeords, Tl'nclc heada the list in spectator interest, with over 150 spiked-shoe hopefuls from every Conference school except Flagstnfl', here to trod the cinders of Zimmerman Field. Besides the prospects of sparkling individual times, a dingdong teum bnttle is also forecast. Fo1• the first time since the inception of the meet, fourteen yenra ago, Arizona University which has wall<ed ofl' with track honors ever~ time, will be ncriously challenged. Tr-ack experts have been forecast~ ing n duel between the Wildcats m1d Tempe's Sun Devils since the beginning of t'he season, and a tie between the two in a dual meet two weeks ago has thiclccned the excitement for this meet. Arizona is led by star performers Cece Crouch in the 440, Jim Upchurch in the discus and shot, and Bill Smith in the mile. Tempe, has a capable sqund backing up its great Negro star, Joe Atistc who will pcrfot·m in the hurdle~. Texas Tech and New 'Mexico will be the dark horses in the meet whel'e anything is liable to happen. Other entries have been received from Hm•din-Simmons, West Texas, Texas Mines, nnd New I\lexico Aggies. A pair of baseball games between Arizona1s Wildcats and New Mex·-:- .. ico's Lobos will provide Friday and Saturday evening's entertainment Greek nominees for Council are, seated, Virginia Strike, Dick Ch'Nolo, prc:sillt•ntial candidate, and Sllir· for the delegation here fol' the Borle)- Crist. Standing arc 1. to r., Wilbur Stilwe11 1 Edward Balcomb, C. 0. Griffith 1 and !Uarvin Hcseman. der Conference games. The two ·-• IJoeturnal tilts will be played at ·J Tingley Field at 8 p. m., and stu· dent activity ticlmts will be suffi. cient :for admission. Mter a slow !ltart, Coach Petrol's Lobos have rounded into s'hapc, and are rated the best baseball team in UNM'.s history. As A1·lzona is the only club the Lobos have }"et to bent tl1is season, the games shape up as bard-fought affairs. In other collegiate tussles, the Lobos have split with Tempe and knocked down Hardin-Simmons twice. With Dick Civert;.lo, student body Larry Hess and Bob Giddings presidential candidate1 heading the will probably get the stnrting nods group, the Greek candidates for from Coach Petrol to oppose the student offices made ready this week Wildcats. The Arizona starters for next Wednesdny'e student body will be chosen from Bailey, Udoelections. All Greek candidates vich, Gpnung, and Hnrpcr, all of who could be reached were interM whom saw action in the earlier viewed and submitted their accumuseries between the two clubs. lated qualifications. Those who Although first base is uncertain, were not contacted at·e listed. I' the remainder of the Lobo infield Civerolo listed the honors and !~ will consist of LaUickel' on second, experience he had gained as folDavidson at short, and Jacobs at lows:: President Vigilantes, Presithird, Sapelli will catch. In the dent Vets, President IFC, Student outfield: eithe1• liasenbiller or CiSenate, member of Student Forum, chone will be in right, Frogge in and has been listed in uwho's Who center, and Zanet in left. in American Universities." Dick hnils from Gallup and calTies a 2.5 grade. average. He is n member of Kappa Sigma. The Indcpl'ndcllt C'andid:ttl.'.s for Athl('tic Council, Rudy Camunez, Greeks who are up !IJr Student and Chris IJt Lisio. Council at•e: ..Seniors, Jack Griffith, Marvin Heseman, nnd Edward Frauk Bartlett announces that he Bnlcomb; Jt!niors, Shirley Crist, ' 0 S will hnvo Ids rerording apparatus Virginia Strike, and Trump; set up in the :hOrth lounge of the Sophomores, Wilbur Stilwell and Student Union fot· the convehience Marge 1\{enaul. o£ those· students who would like to . Wednesday, May 14, Mr. W. F. ~hursclny evenmg,. J\~ny 8th 1 the trnnsct'ibe Mothel·ls Day me:ssages, Athletic Council candidates m·e George Me1•lz, Evelyn GlasebrooJ,, Shelton, Wcstmorlnnd St?rling Sit-, U1~1ted. Student Cht•tstlan Fellow- Bartlett told the LOBO that he •d Georg'c Hildebrandt, an d Buzz vet• Con1pnu~ reprcsentabve for the s1up WJll meet at the lovely gar- would have :Plenty o£ bl k Albli<}ucrque s,ection 1 will be in ~he den of Mr. an? II'Irs, C. Clctso- nnd that he will proce:: tb::rfo~ :McHenry. Griffith has seen varied service SUB Chapel for the llUl'1lOSC of m- W1ty at 1709 St~ma Cln Road. Bat·· students nt cost. The records can as Student Senate president, seniot· tcrYicwiug htlcrcstcd applicants bceuc sUllJ)<.'l' Wlll be served at 5:30 1 be air-mailed to any part of the P· 111 ' ami wil~ be :CoJI(')wed by fin Uuited States fn one dny, and council member, l{hatali Sec-Treas., for jobs. . . outdoor • · 1" d Homecoming Committee Chllirmat1, PosttJOns are open for sales jobs, 1 • . 1 .wot'shttJ I service C under. the- s1tou ld reneh 'h ~ e 1·ecttnen ~'lOU ay, enam sup Of t 1c c:mgrcgfitional He will be recordin ir 2·00 and IFC member ro.presenting Sig- sales mntmgentcnt, and ll1Cl'e11ati-J Student group. The subject o£ the lh h th ft g om · . • • y eterans between the ngcs evemng . w1l . 1 be "Cln·t~tinn roug e n ernoon. ma Chi. His home is in Snntn Fe. dIsmg. tdeals in He was recentl;y elected to ''Who's 25~35 nl'c etigiblu to apply. They Courtship and Mnrringe" led by Who in American Universities and must hav~ a rninittHJ.nt of two years Cnnoti nnd Mrs. George LaBarre of LAST ISSUE Colleges." St. John's Cnthcdr:tl, ltescntau hails from Evnnsvil1c1 of college, The last issue of the LOBO wilt Ind., and is a. m~mbcl.' of. Rappa 'rhe hours .:fo1• intervjewing wlll 011 1\:fa~ iS, graduating seniors be Tuesday, .May 20. All for Sigma. He holds a 1,5 grade ave- be from 0 to 11 on Wednesday, o£ USCF will be tendered a brenkthe end of tlte year must be into (Continued on Page 4} May 14. fast nt SUD basement 1ounge. the Lono offic~ by Friday1 May 16. Evans Heads Ticket As Independent Bid For Student Prexy ----}, ~ \, , •.. ~ ~\ Greek Candidate for AtltleUc Council, GEORGE 1\IERTZ Canfer bury Cl Ub Sponsors Parr·sl·an Cabaret Saturday s a A P arisian •• abarc t WI'11 t d • ht 1\[ 10 bc. opcm t th c~~.:;~. :~ ;~~~rth ~n~y Silv~r ~n th: cellar. Red chec!tered table c~oths, e~ndles and music, soft and. Jaz:..y, Wtll set the mood of the evemng fot• those adventurous souls who gQ out £ t b d • . f h . o the cus om~ oun hnuts or t eu• entertainment. · • Among the fentured nttractmns of the floor show aro a fortune teller of impossible • fol'esigltt and ins1ght1 nnd n chn1·ming blond vocali!Jt, Who can fore· see what other things migl1t happen oh the "left bank11 of the Rio Gl•tmde? Ti~kats will be on sale in the SUB durillg the noon hours uud during the week from members of the .Canterbury Club. Led by presidential candidate Brice Evans, who is backed on a petition signed by over 500 people, the Independent Council's choices for Student Government positions line up as the most formidable entryd .the una£filiates. have sponsore m severn1 campatgns. Evans is a Senio1• in the College of Education, comes from Twin Fnlls, Idalto, and sports a 2.4G grade-point average. He is an active athlete along with ability to }lick up the mental percentage. Paired with Evans is Candido Salazar, from Alcnde, New Mexico, who is an Arts and Sciences Senior 'tl 25 Jw"· • " d'd B 'tt c umor can 1 ates at·e e y ra~ gen, Bristol, Vermont, and Rob,ert Mares, :from Taos, New Mrue~co. Betty is a tmnsfer student from the University of Chicago, nnd baa nosted a 1,5 grade-point. Mares, tt • the lnde!Jendent's prune savvy nc.. cuntu1ator, cxlub1ts a flnt 3.00 avet•n e g · The Independent Sophomore StuI t C "I t f ' t ~n om1c1 represe~ a tve ,Is Etleen Krefft, from Mmneapohs, Minnesota, Eileen is in the College of Arts nnd Sciences and hns n 2.6. Mr. Baldwin of the Santa FE! Railroad luts informed the PersonThe brace of Athletic Council ncl Office that a spccinl car will candidates could hardly be more be put on the El Capitan at Albunppropriate. Representing the querque, 2:10p.m., June G, to ptofairer sex is Chris Di Lisio ft·ont vide tmnsportnt1on' to C.hica~o :f01• Albuquerque~ the outstanding fem .. ihil10 bnsketha.ller, and Rudy CnmtNhe aMtudc~ts aHt th~liUnlVet·tsi~Y ~f VERY IMI'ORTANT NOTICE ew extco. e Wl accep reset· unez, tho Las C1•uces Comet, scintilvations at any timo. There will be nn important meet- Iating scat-back on last year's ediSigned; ing of the Student. Coundil Mon- tion .of the Lobo grld macltine. Rud~ Lena 0. Clnuvc, day n£tcmoon at 5:00. Att<mdance is a junio1•, and is f1•om the shadow 1of the Organs. Dean of Women is imperative. .. Greeks list Civerolo As First Choice for President of Scholars Bartlett Transcribes Mother's Day Messages Silver Company Official lnteviews Applicants USCF Hld Bar becue At Garden Gathering I?· I Friday, May 9, 1947 NEW MEXICO LOBO Page Two . GrinandGroan New Mexico Lobo By Ex-Senator PhU I. Buster New Mrunco's Leo.~mg College!;)r Pubhah'!ld each Tuesdqy And FrJdll}f of the reguhn -college )!J,;ar, exceP.t duung hohdllY peuod!i, by the As.soc1ated Students o:f the Um~l ver.s1ty of New Mexico. Entered a$1 seco11d ch~s.s matter at the post ofli<:e~ Albuquerque, under the Act of MaJeh 3, 1870, Prmtcd by th'll 1 T~e sw1mmmg :p(lol shou1t;l l<H>k a lot nlce1 a:tet• lb fMel,ttlng and freRh WEtter IS put !~, W1th all thts hot weath13r the f>W~tntnmg }lOol Is one sure place to keep cool )>etween c1a~se.s m the afternoon. V mverslty Press, Subscnptton late~ $3.00 pE.!r yem pnynble m advance Subscription rp,te for m<m m a1rued forces $1..50 MELVIN MORRIS, Editor "' 110 JC< rl~ht thl·ou~h 1t. Of eoutae. his un~ NOTJCE! del'wear gets pretty dn·ty. " 111 Man's vo1ce outstde of Hokona Hall, uHey, bring out mY pants., I left them in Shirley's room." The .ltoustlmothe~\ hearing th1a, was very B\ll:Pl'IS43d. Aft~r all, how was she to know tl1n~ Kelly bad bou~ht (1. new pap~ of yeUow cords that a.fternoon and left them m Hokona. * ' f(lr botll 1\!emesters. Friday, May 9; 1947 NEW MEXICO LOBO If u student When tbe 1~4.7 MIRIAGE c;.omcs was enrolled for only one semesti!r, opt Q,Rd IS ready for dJstrlbutiop, tlle other- semester fee will be $1.75, students ~nt1tJed to a IUIRAGE will Bdl Babb, MIRAGE l,luslne.!>s Man.. ~ ~h(lse studepbl wl:to can present ager told the LOBO today. Grad.. HILLTOP BOWLING CLUB Bowling and Fountain Service actiVJty cards for both past semea.· uate students must pa)' $3.50 for ters or a statement {rom the regis· the yearbook BlliCI'l they have P!Ud trar's office that they werE! enrolled no achv1ty f~e. ~------~-----'----·--------­ ACIIOSS THE CAMPUS WEEKlY PROGRAM .. Frank Bartlett Says WllEK OF MAY 12 TO 18, 1947 TUNE of the WEJ;lK-"The Red 11 Sill~ Stockmgs and the Green Per.. 1=\ssocialed Colleeiale Press Doog !lento11, A"o"•t• Ed•to1 You donrt have to be 21 to vote MOND4Y-* Me,stel''s Mmonty/ 1 a timetof devohon spqnsored by the Bapt1st St-udent Umon, M1ss Harrtett Roger,s m charge. 7.39 f1,11t1e.1' m the studenJ: ~~lect1ona 1 MAY 15, o. m DAILY MONDAY THROUG!l SATURDAY m the Student The school needs mole spir1t and Ed1torml l',.nd busmess offi< ale m to(lm 9 of th€1 Student Umon Umon Chapel Rocm. ?POEM? mteteat Jn these electiOns and one bUlldmg. Telephone 2·6623 •NIN!lTilJENTH ANNUAL !JXHIBIT!ON OF STUD!lNT WORK ~~~~~RII~!!.~rEQ PQR J'.IJ!riON ... L Ml~OIIUISINQ n Ridmg m h1s smlboat way to show that we've got 1t lS W of the Department of Art o.f the Utnve')':;)ty of New Me:ll:l~o, wdl KARL WllHMEYER National Advertising Service, Inc. be shown da1ly from 8 a.- m to 6 p m, m the- :Fme Arts Bldg. hnve ~ big turnout :for this electwn. Was Wdhe McShank, 0Jlh8t P.-~liJhtrJ RrPrtmJI411W Gallery unM May 151 when a new e)1:btlntlon Will be shown, • .AcUng Busmcss 1\'Iann,:er VOTE l\IAY 15 Th~se bubbl~s ma~k A20 ,..AIHSON AVIl N.W VOR:K. N, Yo *Noonday Chapel meetmg spQnsoled by the Bnptlst Student Umon 1 tllli;.UO t IOilO'II • ~ lollliiUll ' aJt• fi!~I~IKCt 0 M1s;:; Harrtett Rogel'B m Ghmge1 l2:a9 P• m DAILY, MONDAY 0 'l'HROUGH SATURDAY m the Student Umon Chapel Roolll, LATE FLASH: ASSISTANT EDITORS ~~r~~ Ruth Obolel', Dons Rudolph Umve~:s1ty FacllltY Senate meetmg, Dr. H. D Larsen m charge, 0 Well 1t hn:ppcned agam. The 4:30 p. m 1n .Room 61 BtQlogy Bldg Sl?OR.'rS EDITOR _ -~ --- ~-- __ -- Ed Gh.ujer 0 Bandoliet• g1rls called the .fue deTea Dance sponso1~d by the l\£Us1c Department, Dean J. D. Robb SPORrS S'rAFF ---- _ __ Glen Wershmg, .Mm:v Meyetson Whe1 e Wtlhe sank m ehQrge1 6 to 8 p m. m tha Student Unton ballroom MusH! partment a gam Wcdnesda:y :rugbt E:WGINEERING !lDlTOR • __ ·- _ )lip l\!acMurchy Depnrtment Faculty Will be the chaperons. wh~n aU the dooTs were locked by Khatall meetmg, M1, E<lwnrd Halcomb m chatge, 5 p, m, in the SOCIETY EDITOR .. ~. Staollb~th P!!t~ra Why hasn't the ftsh pond m the th~ house mother. The fire engmes Student UmoQ basement lounge. SOCIETY REPORTER __ - _ Ptew Mmteer Sub~atw been filled wtth water' came roarmg t'lut and from what Student Counc1l spcctal meetmg~ Mt~ Jn:amy Ga1hepp m chatgc1 b'RATER:WI:rY EDITOR - - _Jlob Ohpne1 Thtee fellows wotked very hmd i've hea1d the- fue depal'i:ment to1•e 5 Jl. m m the Student Umon north lounge SORORITY EDITOR ·---·- ---- -- 'J'opsy Dnyton Alpha Epsilon P1 meet1ng1 Mr, lrvrng Bell m chaz:ge, '1 p. :m. u1, lnst week end eleamng the darn aome of the locks off the doors. I Room 6, Btology Bldg FEATUI1E WRITERS _ John Guffee, Edwm Pattwk, ftank Schr1:1tber thmg out then t)le Sub manager know w)lo called but I won't tell Phratere~ meeting, Mrs. MarJorte Emmons m charge, 7 p, m. m NEWS REPORTERS --------~--- AlJCe Pulte, Juck Goldstem, Betty said it coqldn't be filled becau~e the * * • the Student Umon south lounge, Bentley. Suzanne Hodgnum, Pat CALLY HOLDEN, who now owns La Lorna, and Ltnda Darnell Phi Delta Theta actJve meetmg1 Mr Jim Taylo-1 m charge, 7 p, m Dattlen, Bob Chp11et, Dave Nolan, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _P::.I:c•::;nc_t;_l;..••_c.n.;.•'c.v_•:..•.c•t_•:crp:..'-';..••.:.·--------- he[\d janito1 h~n't okayed it, Now PAID ADVERTISEMENT: m the Chapter Room the po<ll lS an <lniy again! Wby Muny Sclllesmget, Lumta Baca, Hopeful: Yes 1 you. -sbll have that Kappa Al:pha act1ve meetmg, Ml' Glenn Mayer lll cha1•ge, 7.15 p m. Frttnk Jet auld, Eh.,;:tbeth Rameey doesn't someone get on the ball alJ.d m Room 15"0 1 AdmJmstration Bldg. Peggy Jtllson, Jeanne PopeJoY, get this little thing done? Aftet: date With me for tomght Theta meetmg, !\-l)ss Btllye Wtlhamson m charge, 7 p. m. m the Lunetta Yelonel;, Eloise RJChatds, Stgned, MARGIE. all, 1t would 1mprove the looks (If Student Umon north lounge Juamta Harnson, Carolyn Koch 1400 East Centtal Avenue the patto. Stray G1-eek meetmg, Mr, E W. Ta:rlor t;n charge, 7:15 p m, in Gwl!f Summe1s, Joanne LnPorte Just remember: Kisstng a girl the Mus1e Bldg, Albuquerque, New Mex1co ART EDITOR ~~ -- ---__ __ ---- -- Frank Walker * •• Sigma Al:plla Epsilon active meetmg, Mr Fumk Zellner in charge, h•aves 1ts ma1k o:n men. ART STAFF -- -------~Earl Stroh, Vtc Milone Ed1tor of The LOBO POEM 7 30 p m. in Room 203, Adnunistratwn Bldg The pledge meetFEATURE WRITER -- -~-------~-,., --- Mthcent Mtller mg1 Mt. Pete Bened1ct m charge, 7.30 p m m Room 253, AdminLa Loma ballroom, l'eccntly W.k- Umvers{ty of New Mextco Here lies Wdhe, CHIEF PROOF READER -------- __ - -~ ________ .. __Joan Taut Istration Bldg CIRCULATION MANAG!lR Htll en over by Cally Holden from Albuquerque, New MexlCC Cold and blue ; Delta. Stgma Plu Club meetmg, M1. Marvm Causey m charge, 7:30 OFFIO~ ASSISTANT -- ... ----~----- -_ . . Ingt1d Opvenheimer Hollywood, Calif01ma, has inatJtut- Dear Sit. H1s allotment check p. m, m Room 200, Yatoka. Hall, PROOF )lEADER ·-·--------·----·-·-----·-···---Bob Tenrman ed a plap by wh1ch he mtenda to , · Didn't come tbru, Sigma l?ht Epsllon ac.twe meetmg, Mr Tom MontgotnC!ry m charge, 7 30 Jl. m. m Room ao, Hodgm Hall Tbe pledgC! meetmg, Mr :play host each week·{)nd to dlffei- I should hl{:e to ask a questwn "' "' Robert Walt~rs m charge, 7 ,.SO p. m. m Room 31, Rodgm Ran. ent campus so~ml organbntums. of the ~tudent body. How long I see by the newspapers that a T(lwU Club meetmg, M~ss Helen Wackerbarth m charge, 7 ,SOp. m. The management Wlll secure a re~s- must Umversity students put up new glue has been tnventcd, It 1s U • m the Student Un1on basement lounge. ter .from the vanous soctettas1 then With bcmg attac,;ked? I mean phy~ J so strong, 1t can ptck \lP a 1001000 'l'own Club Mothets. Club meetmg, :M:ts. John T. Jone$ m charge, As citizens of Albuquerque leap with both feet on every Issue mvJtations 1 good for ndmis~ sically beaten up by a gang of 1 pound locomotive I wonder how The new hbr~b:y of recordmgs 7 ,SQ p m. in the Student Umon bnsament lounge. m1stake made by any member of the Umversity faculty or s1on to the balhoom. vandt~.1s Fust it w~s Jack Ha:rr1s effective Jt wlll he for picldng up is now m operation at the Universtudent body, they might well take a quick look around and Holden, a former mus1cal d1rec- Now II; Is Jim Rellly, and even women? stty Llbiary, Record albums are TUESDAY-HONORS ASSEMBLY, Mt·. JJmmy Garhepp in charge, . 11 a. m , m Carhslc Gymnasmm. begin to purify their own clan. It lS a rare edition of an tol foi Twentieth Century Fox Stu- before these two cases It was sev* "' • <~n tht~e. day H!serve m the Reserve Delta Pht Delta meeting, :Mr, Dale KaJser in charge, 4:30 p. m. Albuquerque newspap~r that does not carry an account of a diOE!, has formed a twenty ;rnece eral Navy students who were as.. M:EN 1 MENl Room Any- f;llbum may be checked m the Art Bulldmg. stabbing or beating, seemmgly admJmstered purely fm• the orche.stta 1 :featm·ing G atrmg.s. The saulted. Some were seuously lil- Do wom'lln ~neer at you? Don't out for thtee days. taken to tbe A.i;vfh~·sru'd:~~gb~~~~~ Carolme Farnsworth m charge, 6 p.m. 't t d t h ld th' band IS especl~lly udep.t a.t pt-e- JUred and some weye not In the the gJrls call you a dteamboat7 Do nearest avallable llhonograJih and Vlgllante meetmfJ', Mr. Frank ]{m"" in chatge, 5 p. m. in the Stu.. . p1easu1·e mvo l ved • A U mver::n Y $ U en was e up JS senbng sweet music danccably, and case of J1m Reilly who was beaten you lack tllat mascubne appeal? absorbed at your le1sure. A fa1rly dent Umon baSement lounge. "" week, mtd, not content with the amount of cash and valuables will be at the spot startmg th1s on the night of :ntay 5, 1t was very IThen try .some o! that new strJk- WJde selection of class1ca.l and Baptist Student Union Council meetmg, Mr Sam Henly m cha.rge1 he carrmd, the vandals proceeded to be$-t hi:m to such an week every F'rtdliy1 Saturday and sertous Hts Jaw was btoken m mgly du:~tincttve pel'fuine for men, semi-classic albums are now availN 6.30 P• m. n1 the Student Umon Chapel Room. nt th•t he suffered seve•·al fractures and Sti'll ·n a Sunday. thtee places, h1s skull was frac~ uL<lcker-room!" On sale at John~ able. Alphn Ph1 Omega meeting~ Ilfr. Andy MttcheJl m chnrge, 7 p. m. · 18 1 exte " .. T J. d d t 1 h" k Ph' l d m Roam 213, Adnumstratlon Bldg~ The pledge meeting, Mr. hospltal. his week-end, the Sigma Chis "ure 'an an ar ety n 13 J<IW wn.s son's Pbat•macy m the Carlisle This. wee A.. l· 0 P e ges are Jnek Grmnel1tt charge, 'l p. nt in Room 21'7, Administration Bldg. nskmg as many orgam~ntions as Kappa Alpha pledge meetmg, Mr. Charles Cooper in cbatge~ 7!30 und the Kappa Stgs wtll be guests, so badly severed that he was com- Gymnasmm. When the Navy maintained a quattered Officer's Tl'am~ pletely unconsc1ous from loss of Get the renowned "hip ftaslt" size can be ri!a<:hed to contribute album~:> p m. m Room 253, Adm1mstratl~n Bldg. ing Unit here, the students in uniform could not venture a blood when taken to the htls:rntnl or the economy ten-year five gal- in ol'der to obtain a more compl~te UNM V~tm:ans Associ(ltlon mecbng, Mr .Ray Harr~son in ehnrge, It t t th U • t • ' l b 7 30 P· m m the Stud'l!nt Union bnscm<!nt l<~unge. block on mther side of Central Avenue Wlthout being accomI ~s no JUS e mvcrSI y ]on c~n. selection. Tlle a bums may e turnpanied by several friends. Since the departure of the unit, students. but all a£ the. Albuquer'Ill + '* ed in to Pledge-mnstet• John Grin~ \VEDNESDAY-UNM; Dames Club ntt::!etmg, Mrs. Hugh :r-.lunn in charge, 3 p. m. m the Student Union bnsement lounge. the ~trong.. arm element deems it necessary to Pl'adiee on any que Cltlzens w~o are threatened. If the pteseot trend of mcreased nel Ol' left nt the ~lbrary. The Mortur Bonrd rneetmg, Miss Jenn Hernandez 1n chllrge, 6 p. m. m Incidents of th1s sort have been enrollment tends to continue next name ()f the dm1o1 w11l be recorded the Student Umon north lounge. lone individual caught on the streets after sundown. Actual~ At the last m.ectmg of the lo~al occutnng, to my Imow1cdge, smce fall then 1 prndict that the ;present m each albtUn. Jumor Ptmhcllenic mectmg, 5 p. m. m tltc Student Umon 13outh ly, money seems to be secondm·y as a. motive for such prac- chapter, New Mexico Alpha, the 1943 I would hke to know why, signs readmg HKeep Off tlte Gtass"l lf you have a lonely Frlday mght lounge, Debaters Club mcetmg, Dean H. 0. Ricd m charge1 7 p. tn in ~ces, and that in itself seems a condemnation of the police Ph1 Delts elected Jack Musson ptcs- tf inc1dents such. As th~ to}Sp}mg of wdl be changed. The new aignsJ on you1 hands A·Phi-0 llastens to Room 216, Admin1st1ation Bldg. · :forces and youth orgn,nizabons of Albuquerque. ldent for next semestc~. Jaclt, who n. J<lck or the cuculatlon of ques- \Vlll probably t"end, ~~Kee-p Off the .suggest A quick trip to the n~serve Spur meeting, Mis13 Al1ce Duke m cl!atge1 '1 p. m in the Student • t• f t' · t . b t IS now in M1ehigan wdl be back at bonnnircs can arouse such fUl'<lt', Butldmgs, Room :for Btahms~ Tsehtukowsky, Umon north lounge Th ese you th orgamza Ions are unc Ionmg, cer am1Y' U ' a series of crimes such as these Ltszt or on the lighter side Newman Club meetltlg, Miss Pat Miller ln charge, 7:30 p, m. in -1n sue h an unmsp1re · · d , meth o d'tea1 manner th a t 1•t IS • a h and"tcap UN:rtl next falL The fallowmg * • 111 , , , • . me not investigated, not d1scussed, Strauss or Gershwin Then if you the Student Umon basement lounge. De Molay Club meeting, Mr, Dan li'owlct· in charge, 7:30 p. m in for a young person to JOin one. Also, these groups do not ":ele nlso elected to the other .post~ and only bately mentioned m the Tlungs ~tc nlways popptng over Ol' your organization wishes to enRoom 150. Administration Bldg. There will he electton of officers, appear to making an effort to get as members those who ttons. of the ftatermty P~:esldentl clt;Y papeis? FurthermoreJ wby lS at Snndcher Hatl. The whe~ls of ter tts.nanie among the patrons we *UNM GLEE CLUB PROGRAM,. Mr. Cta1g Summers in cllarge, 8 • • th t b · Jnek Musson 1eporter James Mit it unsafe for a part1on of Albu~ mischief" are constantly turJltng. I suggest tbe contr1bution of your p. nt. m the Student Uruon ba.llrl.lom. Adm1sston 60e. ~r.ea!I ynee d th e t rammg a• can~ eg1ven. ' ' . wou ld rk ~ t th e ga1.s favorite • alhumn. 1 e t CJ til ,r; • , ~ ehell; sectctary, Geotgc Grande; quetque ctttzen.s to go to cedaut e avou *The De11nrtment of Drama presents ~ 1 THE FRONT PAGE," by Ben il The sheriffs office ma.mtams a few patre>lmen on the 1 patts: of Albuquctque art-eJ.· d:uk7 who sneaked a couple fellows m -------Hecht and Charles r.ta.cArlhur, lilt. Edwin SnaJ}p m charge, s:ao }l m. nt Rodey Theatre~ Genctu.l ndmtssJOn 75c; students use ) University campus who evidently have .instl·uctious to merrily a umltl sectci:llryJ .l"olm So<lerJand; 'rhb would appeat· to be a ser1ous the date lounge aft<lr hours, but m!l 1':HPw about a date?" ae~IVIty tlckets. ReSC1"Vations must be ronde at Rodey Theatre """t- I hand out tickets to any person doing as much as 16 miles hlstormn, BlH Blanc; warden, enough matter to be tnken before 5llY wouldn't tell me their names. "Indeed no!" and the bo:..:. -office w11l open Monday, May• 111 from 10 a. m. per hour on school grounds. As far as can be determined! no Chuck Hancock; chaplnm, . Paul t~c dty c~ntmmsmn by \l Univer.. " " * I<Qh, I don't mean now. Some to4pm. student has yet been seriously injured on cant pUs and if there 'Voodnorth; ehollstel, Bob Chpner; SJty' cotnmJttee. One fellow wears such a supel' nasty wet afternoon when there's ~ THURSDAY-Student Etccbons, Mr. Jtmmy Gar1iepp in charf:!C1 8 is a shortage of policemen they might be bett'er employed rush chairman, Jim Noland BOB McCLl':NDON thin white shirt that the dust blows nobody else jn town/' I a m to 5 p. m in the Student Umon, Student activity tickets Member Hank '1'1ewlutt, Assocmte EdJtOI Pap Three TRY ME ••• And my portable JUKE BOX, ami remembet·- SSA M S ••• ------------------ 2-9249 2-1439 __ .' ---w----· La Lama Ballroom Plays 1-losl: to Local Social Groups -- . LETTERIP * • Now Open--• MALTS • SANDWICHES • COSMETICS • DRUG SUNDRIES 1810 E. Central Across from Campus ••• --·---e----------o------------Bub A Change of Stage . Campus Confectionery Make Class on Time The Sure Way Decord l.lbrary Now Qperi\tl"ng We Telegraph Flow~ts Ev~;rywhere Remember Mother on MOTHER'S DAY Rossiter's Flower Shop Gr~nhouse u.nd Gardens 114 \V, CentJ;a} Now Open Tuesday -· -· Closed Sunday R I E D L I NG M U S I C C 0 • HOME OF S'J'EINWAY PIANOS 406 W. Central Even with such examples of inefficiency or indifference m their own midst, the dtizens sit back and raise all kinds J of hell at an outbreak of vandalism on the U campus. It was regrettable, certainly, but the University took immediatej steps to stop the actions, and evidently succeeded- This I is 100 percent more thm1 can be said for downtown Albuquerque. H. T. LI'L ABNER 1800 E. Central 1 - PICK UP AND DELIVERY SlllRVICE All W-ork Guaranteed PHONE 6553 E. J. THORSON Deseret Club mcetmg, Mr. Jnrnes Barton in charge, 4 p. m in the Studl'.mt Union Chapel Rootn. InterfraternltL Intramural Swimmmg Meet at 4 p. m. at the University Poo, Intcrfratcrntty Council m.eetlng1 Mr bu::k C1vCrolc in charge, 4 p. m. m the Anth1opology Museum Student Senate rnectmg 1 Mr. Ted Hni.vley m charge, 5 p. m, in tha Student Umon south lounge. Tclims Club meeting, Mr Scott Adler IJt cbmge, 5 _p. m. on the Tennis Coutts. 11mted. Student Chr1stu1n Fellowship meetmg, Mr. Chain Rob~ btns in cfmrge, 5·30 p nt, tn the Student Umon basement lounge. Speakers. Ctub dinnet', Mr. Ralph Calkms m chat:ge.. '7 to 9 p. nt at La Plactta. Dr.. and Mrs. R E. D. Allan, and Mtss Elsie Haft'.. by AI Capp by E.D.M. Apothecatll:!s meetmg, Mr, Albert Dally ni charge, 7':30 p. m. in the Student UnlC:In basement lounge Phi Delta Theta pledge meetntg1 Mr. Att Shockley m chntgc, 7:3jl p m. in tlle Chapter Room ~'Ihe Department of Drnma ]lrescnis ''TliE FRONT PAGE/' by Een Hecht and Chnr1es MacArthut", 1\lr. Edwin Snapp in charge, 8•30 p m m Rodey Theatre General adm1s.ston '75c~ stude11ts use activity tickets. Reservations must be at Rodey Thea~ tre where the box office wd1 open Monday.. May 11, :from 10 .a. m. to 4 Ji. m, pub~·,._ extremely inte.resttng (1mrty affihabon mcrel~ n ccllnci- -and 1t should be intctestmg to see dence) in hls Jllaee · whetbet Gteeks or iitdependents ••• win out with tlteir tesJiectivE' pali- It looks ns 1f thi! citcie 1n front ClN>. of the Ad bmldmg has hopes of at last being put to good use. We The SAE's we1e ns busy as beav- understand the mfghty 11 Lobo11 ets last week-end and wbet1 the 'kliJCh we arc to boast lllny .have smoke cleared we observed Pete. this spot as his bome. BenediCt's pm on Kappa, Lois A stranger- looking for ,a eertam Lembke and Frank Westerfield.'a 4 'bard,.,•ate/' Oh Chi oj Dottie Pike college took the wrong turn and We have a hutlch they wilt last 13rtded up at the insane asylum. fill' many moohs. That mob scene He soon d1scovered his mistake, ~·ou s~w aJ'ound the fish pond last and the guard lednet!t~d h1m. :J.1.1m'Jd:ly \'.:J.S the brothers: sl10wing "Well" :he qtnpped as he left thllir enthuslluo:m. Did you ever get ur guess' thet~ isn't much d1ffer: thn.'!; phone call yoU wet~ called out ence between the two places uf'Wr ol c1::t~$ for-, Pete 1 all " uHmm '' gnmted the guard, ~1: Anyone on the campos wants 14 that's ~hat you thmlt, ln this a (l!l.l~J JUSt call C.]{. at BdJ\deheT. place you gotta sltow imp1oventent Ret Phi Plli tnn hangs alorte now to get out" Lhu~ 1ea.vmg a wide open field! -~-----Nothmg from .a stnught lme Why doesn't someone tell these SWelVe.S: sotm'ity girls the~ are itt c.ollege So shal"ply as a woman's ctlrve!l 1 now ttnd nigh school :fraternity pins And havihg swerveld, no might 01' ju!'it arerft wol'rlt mam, * • • Can ever put bet• straight .agam. OUJ vote .tor the next alum to bc>l'omc govetnor o£ New Mexico .).>'Mg to Mtss. B, Cl\.Jlerton. There[ Wlfe: 11Darlmg, JUSt 25 years was tb~ t.-rgurnent and then -etisis ago today, we beaamc! ~ngnged.'' 111 the model tegu~la.tura last week Absent nttnde:d pto:t'esaot: ttMy, • wh<.'it :li·-! Caperton gracefully • 1 , cr.m,c thl'ough with lwr ltnowledge my, why dl:n: yo~ lemltld me of or }llnlia:ml:!ntttry procedure, thus thnt before Its h1gh tune we got solvilllt the dispute nt hand and msrt'fed." STUDIO of Photography Portraits and Commercial Coverage Also Commission and Passport Photos ' • • • F'RID~Y-A:tt ExhJ!,Jt sportsorcd by Delta Phi Oelta, M'uts Hazel Bra:; m charge, 10 a, m, to 4 p. n1 1 m the Student Unton Patio, •Public let:tme• 14Regu:mal Typas of Amer1can Folk Music," by Ptof H. P. Eames, Dean J. D. Bohb m charge, 11 .n. m. in Room 7, MusiC Bldg Pht Alpha Theta tea and lD!tlatiott, Mt. Kcrmeth K. Hnrms and M1ss Artnc Johnson m charge 1 4:do to 8 p m. in the. Student Umnn basement lounge. •PUBLIC LECTUR!l: "WOMEN POETS OF BRAZIL" (wtth ••e!tal of Enghsh translations of Btaztlian poetrr done by the lcctut'ei)r by 1\tts. Mnr1e Pope \1/nihs, sponsored by the Depart.. mcht Of Modctn Languages, Club de las Amet.'ICM, and the School of Inter~Atnerican Affmrs, 7·30 p. rrJ. in Room 1501 Ad .. mlmstrat10n Bldg. *Pu'ohc Lecture. 1'ATOMlC FISSfON BY COS:MIS ltAYS, 11 by Dt·. Darol FormBJl of Los Alamos, svonsorode by the Depurt· lrtent of Phy:s!cs1 8 p. m tn Room. 2531 Admlliistration Bldg, "*ThC! OC!pttrtmeiit of Dr am a vresents 11 Tl!E FRONT PAGE, •J by Ben Hecht and Chnr1es MacA:~thur, Mr. Edwm Snapp in charge, 8.30 p. nt. In Rodey Theatre, General rtdm1ssmn ?5e, students use nctivJty t1ckets. Reservations must be made nt Rodey Theatre. NROTC Rll'lg Dunce sjjo11sored by the Wllldroom; Mr. C. lt. Wynd· Juan in cllnrge, 9 to 12 o'clock m the Studc11t tJnion ballroom, Capt atld M1s. Joel Newflom and Comdr. and Mts. S, s. DttU«ls. to; "' * "' .. Leam to Da11ce WYN CASTLE NOT!Cll U. N. M. scmor rings arc now on stde. o.nd rrto.y be obtained only at I the S. tJ. B bookstore. School o.f Dancing' TAP Senior Announcements nrc tn the ·SUn bool{store They shotdd bt!c purchased early for mnthrJg, I I followed by u dance, M1, W1lHs: Sm1th ln charge, 9 tu 12 o'~loek at tho Helghts Commumty Coutcr. D1. nnd M1a. T. 0. Donnel1y 1 nnd Dr. and l.:hs. R El B. Allen, chaperons Student Body Dancl'.!-l M1•. Ted Hnwl~:Y m thnrgc, U to 12 o'clock m the Student Umon ballroom • *The DeJ)attment Df Dtnmii presents mrntn FRONT PAGE," by Ben Hellht and Charles MacArthUr1 Mt. E111win Snapp IIi charge 8:30 n. m. in Hodey Theatte, Gf;lllellil ndmh:!Stl'ltl '7Uc; Rhltl(lnt~ r tl!IC ucttv1t:v tu::k~ats Reservations must be made nt node~ Theab•e. SUN:OAY -"'Servites ln church~s tbrougl10ut the c1ty, USCF •~setnor Breakiast1" :M1st~ Carolyn Culltms and Miss lletty .to .Ang(.! irr cllnrge, 8 n, m. in the Student Union base.llHmt 1ounge. I ALL TYPES OF DANCING BALLET ACROllATIC and .BALLllOOM lJr":ate and Class Lessons HOTEL FRANCISCAN BALLROOM Call Franciscan Hotel for Information NOTICE 112-41 j I1AS'f CEN'rl<AL E!nroll now for Summer Classes OI'I'OSl'l'E PUI'L!C LIDRARV --~ ALVARADO HOTEL It's Dancing Time at the LA LOMA Again $16.90 "CALLY" HOLDEN AND HIS BAND OF ~ 1 "I 20 HOST OF THE SOUTHWEST I l;n1t 1 yoli get a supct-delmt:e rejection slip fot' your fifes. and Dry Cleaners \ HThe Sweetest Music in Towrt" HERE'S WHAT YOU DO--Send us a erazy shot leaturing Pepsi.. Cola~ We)ll select what we think ar~ the three or four best '*shots" ncr; month. If yours is one of these1 you get ten bucks. If' tt IMPERIAL LAUNDRY • PHONE 6111 for Service • Stqp at 3rd and Silver for Cnsh and Carry in Savings I I dlnpel omJ, SATURDAY-Greek Day sponsored bY' the. [nterft•aternil~ Council, 1\h·. Wtlli:s Stmth in charge, 1 to 5 P.· 111. nt Tingley Pall{1 to be Ph. 2-72()3 1207 E. Central mnn. ehapcton.s. Chustmn Sc1ence Organizati(l.n Servu!.e, Mrs. J\;fnrie Wath~ m eha1ge, 7.15 p m. Ill the Student Umot'l ChapCl Room. Congratulations to tlle new _____________ lJcation lleads for next year.. The fiUtHng un l)bnoxi<lus Repubhcan Phone 5558 University Cleaners .P.te .Tequued. on the back streets of Albuquerque. • *RECORDS *RADIOS *SHEET MUSIC AuthoifzC(l "'!{cepsUki Dealer "Nina \0 $pot \or a Crazy Shot r IS: WHEN IN NEED OF ~P!4~p~~~~ 4 sitl.latton ~~ Jewelr4 Co- JJ Our Slant \1) ~~;, Judd-Wei~z Musson as Prexy 51c ALBUQUERQUE BUS CO, ''On Tirne With Safety, Phone 8806 Ph• DeIts Ch oose .I 6 Tokens - YoYr )Ce~ptolre perlet:l •rmbol ol tl., glory 111'1'• br/r.Q'I IO yo~r h~~ Hel1lown quoUty ond ln.o I'Of~o prG a1sur.d. by lh• l<eep1"kt Cert r""t• of GUOfonte• t~t~d Reg!11roll011. AND-it you just sort or happen to send in a Pepsi botHecap with your ilshot/' you get twenty buoks instead of ten, if we think yotlr ":;hot" is. one of the best. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 4 ADMISSION SEVENTY·FIVE CENTS, TA.'{ INCLIJDED Addr~ai: CoUege0¢pt.lPepsi~Co1a Company, Long I91lU1d C1ty,N.Y, The Store lor Pmticulat' J Mert nntl Women11 '-----~------....:. ................................................................................................. 11 Soft Drinks from the Service Bars Fra>W.I"d Popa~Coia Bolll<ro/r01n ""'I lo coad, ' ·. NEW MEXICO LOBO ].>age Four Friday, May 9; 1947 Candidates Set Cast Your Vote In Thursday's Important Student Council Elections (Continued ftorn Page 1) N~W M~XICO ' '' . Lo 80 Semi-Weekly Publication of· the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1947 NROTC Wardroom Queen Candidates No. 53 Arizona Baseball Tenm Drubs Pdck ...... ADeuce Again CarQlyn Kinnaird portra)'s l\1ol~ 1y Malloy in ! 1Front Page," opening: at Rodey on next Wednesday. A marriage license is like a hunt~ mg liccnsc-1t entjtles Y9U to o:ne first Game Was 14-2 Massacre But Second Time Out Lobos Revive Th~ branlts-wbich have plagued NQw Mexico's baseball team nll year.-retul·ned to sn&tch the second game of the two game set with At•izonn away ;from the hm:d-fighting Lobos 1 5 to 3. Al'i2ona won the fhst game, 14 to 2. Raw weAthel' and mterrnittent rains made for poor baseball wentl1er, but the way the two teams went at i.t, the con~ l ditions migl\t as well ha\'e been pet- ~ feet. REAL WHIPPED CREAM A Taste Thrill THE DUTCH DOOR LnJ:l'Y Hess and George Genug, acas of thetr respnctive pitching stnffa, started on the hill in the second e-ncounter, which w~s playl.ld under the lights of Tingley 'Wield bel:tne- f;Otne 300 spectatQrs. New 1\fexico i\t'st b:t:oke the ice when Bobby LallickeJ.·'s long triple drove in the first lUn iu the bottom of the fourth ~nning. After the Wildc!its knotted the count m tlle top o:£ the sellettth, the Loboa cnme back to go ona to the good in the bottom of ROBERT SHORE, 32-ycar-old freshman at the University of New Mexico, shown above, is one of the G3 disabled veterans wl:to authored a b~Qk of war t>torice, 11 The P!lrple T~sbunent."~,. Writers witllout pre'V1ous cx-pcrienc~, the veteJ:ans turned out tltcir work ns themes for an Enghsh clasB. at Amerie11n. University, Washington, p. C. Sltoro"a story, "On Ole Death of nn Angel," woa one of four m the book chosen by Life magazine for reprinting in the current issue. Shore comes from near Tuc,son, Arb-. Wighest ~ated --.....::,.._:__::.__:_________ University Glee Club Lat ·n [ducators Wardroom R.ormal.Queen ~~;"!~:~~tb,H~~=:',~~,i~o~~:d~~~ Wigh Scholars 1 t c d F d N ht over~ Ch •t c C -·--··.JANE AYRES _;_ __ ____ LOJS DAULTON ~~~:~omorraw~~~ M~ is~~~~~ R-ECAP SMOOTH TIRES '\bted the most wanted pen for graduation • The only O.K. Electric Recapper in the city. No heat or pressure on side walls. • Guaranteed not to throw off at any speed Flats Fixed - Brakes Repaired 14, tetter day in existence of the Univ~rsity Men's G\ee Club. That night, at eight o'clock in the SUB ballroom, this group will release the best in their repertoire to the ears of man'' of their .J appreciators on campus As well as many others. Though there will be a fifty cent admissiOn -Charge, it has been decided that the total emoluments from theil• efforts wil be donated to the Cancer Fund. .ARROW HENlEY TIES Comes May along with baseball game~ track meets and regattas. Comes also the perfect summer tic, the N.row Henley in a wide range of superb stripes. Come in and get a e.ouple while they last! $1.. O.K. RUBBER WELDERS 1401 E. Central Dial 2·3486 STROl\IBERG'S Quality ]\fen's Wear 309 W. Central ====AHkOW TIES For PARKER"s1" PENS NOW !'LAYING MAY 9th 1'0 15 PARAMOUNT NEWS IN ALBUQUERQUE ITS Butterfield ONE OF :ARROW'S STYLE SCOUTS, DISGUISED AS A HADDOCK .•• NO FINER GIFT FOR MOTHER Parker ''.51" Pens or~ m•allabfe in Jhe fol!oHJlrtg colors: Black, Blue Cedar, DMe Gray, Cordovan Brown, $/2.50; $/5,00. Pc.,us: $5,00: $7.SO, Vacrunatlc Pens, $$.75. Pe~tclls, $4.00. I'LilN TO WRITE YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS WITH THE WORLD'S MOST WANTED PEN Seniors at 20 great universities, coast to -coast, have made Parker thelt first choice-more wanted thnn the ucxt tltrcd' makes combined! Here is n pen of rare beauty and prccision-pctfcctly balanced-eager to write. Wrifmg is actually flm with a usp•, Its tubular point starts instantly. Each stroke is smooth and silent, This, too, is the pen that Wlites (/ry with we link I So whether yoll're ,graduating this year or later, ,get a ''!iJI' JioW, Let it help you write your way to success. For graduatiot1, your birthday, or whatever the next gitt occasion may be-ask for the world's most-wanted pen • , , Parker ''51". The Parker Pen Company, Jtmcsvil1e, Wjscons1n and Toronto, Canada. almost dropped his telescope when he sa.w the tiot of well· bred stripes at the Henley regatta in England. lie caught the next plane- back and soon had some brand new J?atterns based on these cool, summery English stripes; patterns which were promptly put into a .superb line of Arrow tlcs. For the perfect summer tic of wrinklc•rcsistant wool· tayort fabric, buy an Arrow Hooley today I Just $1. KIMO JJ.RROW SHIRT$ and TIES:_· UNDtRWEAR ; .HANDKERCHI~FS'• SPORTS SltiRTS 2314 E. CENTRAL l~ Block'S Enst. of Campus . . •J...u-st •ear, Olt the campus of the " University of New Mexico, there 11 mcnts to encompass the entire . t' d arose under the dn:ec ton on super- membership nnd since has per.. • C • S d V1sion of Mr. rn1g ummers,hn forme hin ~tie style at scve.ral camchOral group consisting of men w o pus gat crmgs and loca1 ctty func.merely liked to sing. Though the 1 tions. They bave been very- well men were University students 1 the received by asst:!mbly nnd stunt group had no affiilintion -yith the night ero·wds and by tltc locnl men University. Thel:r meeting, prac· o! tbe Uio.n's and Rotary clubs. tidn"', The program f&t' tomorrow n\g'ht • nnd performing was voluntar)• and the personal satisfaction will consist o! about seventeen gained from n J"ob well done w~s numbers by the Glee Club, ranging their only reward. To climax tbelr front spirituals to popular g-lee club efforts was n concert in Rode-y The.. works.$ from F1-ed ater near the close of the year, Waring and the Yale Glee Club hold Again this, known to many, this most of tbc spotligbt. Perhaps the group formed to bring music by number best received by nudlenees students for students. tbus far has been the: rhythmic. sph·.. Early in the first semester, Cralg itual, ••nry Bones,"' which will be. S ummers established hts group present~d nt tbe -concert. • with a maximum of ten members. to be equally well received nrc other They rehearsed twice n week ln such numbers ll'S the- 11 Ba.ttlc Hymn the music bulldlng and edited tbe1r o fthc Republic" with Miss Betty • • effOrts m 11 radio broadcast. Also, Lou Wilton i\s solmst anu duo piano theirs '"ns • part in the enm.pus accompaniment of Miss Betty Lou " sing when, to conform with the nnd Ml'. Paull\-lucncb, "Were ,, 'lh . k Hill • Tecog.llized season or tlie year, th~y Y ou Th ere, WI 0 lCeury tn th t ~ 1 p ..... W"lh )lctformed with Mr. ine enor so 0 1 ~ e, el.O;<r 1, ou.terpretntion of Claude Thornbill's sky's "M~adowlands~" • d b also C Wlth ,.,. 1o; t•SI'lOwfalf.i' t-enor Sn1o snpphe. Y arter ~,1.. c ·n• ,, itShen 1 "D A ·mr..l To begirt tbe second scmeater it 'SOl, e m s n onu • was decided that a larger gt~l1p andoa'h," Mr-~ Summer's nrrange ... would possibly produce more de- m(lnts of Claude Thornhill's usnow .. sired results, nt whieh time the fa11," 11 1<-~ntucky Babe," with Lei£ group was enlarged to its present Tot·klesnn itt th~ baritone spotlight, enrollment, 24 members und .Piano George Gershwin's nsummertime," nnd b.'s .ccompanl'n\cnts ' Th'rs Di{!k 1-Iillcary itt the tenor solo~ group revised its rbhenrsnl sche- uyou'll Nevel' Walk Alonet with mnrlto11e. Bob VanDuyn takmg the dule ~l\d Vllrious other arrange- solo len.dt English folk song. "Shall I Wnstittg- ilt Despairt" ••Mavourn.. eent' 1 ••Graceful nnd Easy," 11Sally in OU'l' Atley,l• W!'th Pete Benedict. I Johnny Salazar New Vets' Prexy JohnllY Snlnzai'_; junior f't•om Alcade 1 is the new· president ot the Vetarnus Assoeit.tiort of the University of New Mexico. Of:Ciccr~ for -the 1947 !e.ll semester were elMtod by the veterans nt a meeting held on Tuesda~ in the Studen~ Union Builditlg, Other officers chosen were: Tony G. Jimenez, vlc:c-president: Ray 1-tntTison, secretal'YI and FMUndo It ltodl'iguez, treasurer. , Ali- ex~elttlve boatd' to net as n :poHcy~1)1nnnirtg committee wltS nlso elected and indlidod Ra-bort ~. Mares, Gilbert Trujillo, Dick Civer.. olo1 Tito. Quintann,_ and James MC.. MuU-en. LORELEI THORWALPSON ROSEMARY DUKE CAMILLE GRANTHAM ViSit NeUJ MeXiC'O ~?o~~: atti~~ive ~! tadie~:tured Three distinguished Costa Ric11a educators are visiting New ')1ex:• r th I t l.!o un de1• the ausptcca 0 e n cr.. Amcricnn Educational FGundntion: Dr. Vil'iato Camacho, National Curriculum Oirccto1• of the Ministry o£ Education; Professor Carl!ls CaJ\mnno, Director of the Municipal · 1 Secon d n)·y Sch oo1 nj l d Colegto C rt d M Ed • M Illo 0 n ago; n.n r. wm Ul' ' County Supet'Visor of the Turrialba District, former Director of lhe Jobn D. RockefeUer School in Tur.. . lb d t t 0• 1 b 1 na a an ou s nn ll1g t·ura sc 00 supct•vJsm·, h S In1 connection ' thed U1~ited1 tn C6 co·opera tve e ucn tona R program in Costa iea, 1a reorgan• t izabon of the educ.ntlonn sys em of that countrr is nO\V taking p)nce. As part of thnt program the government of. Costa Rica selected these cdueators to come · d to f the U nit ed Sta t es for a peno f four tll t t d d b th mon s 0 s l1 y an serve e latest. American hlethods and techniquc. s in their special fields of ed"'lth t l t f t ucn n r t rave • h !On. d b th A gNtn • s Edurmst' e 1 YF e d11t"o er- mcrJcatl th a uen oun a, 1 n, ese t mna t t e ucll-1 01"9 lire now 0 " a cons 0 coas t ... ' It' ho 1 a d e r o....... , Vts Ing sc 0 s n on erring witb lending educntors. The visitors, who arMved May 7, expect to be in New· Me:o:ico until May :14. An·ang-cments have bcen . ma de b y th e S cb oo I nf I n ter- A n'iCl"lcan Affairs lor them to visit the ° city, county, and Indian schools under the direction af Mr. J, B. Linthicuu.,, Mrs. Mat'Y" R. Wu.tsoh, and M1ss Lucia Fa-gt!. Later on they "11 1 S F Th • I . Wt tl'avc to a uta • e. 1 t a· a: hell' v s1t t tel'e lVll be 1recte by t e Stnte De.l)nrtment of Education. Miss Mildred ~aris Gets ~oosa Prtze I retil'e from the scene due to on sore ::n.m. Walt Cichohne Wok and Tlle three New Mexico high ~;~:~:~e~j~f.~:~~i~:t ;~~~~::: :i~~~;:~:;~~~:~~~~::~:~~ very above. will be this year's University of New Mexico ROTC Training f1·om third on n single to left, shd a~e Harty Lee. Patton of Clovis Unit Annual Wardroom Queen, which is quite a mouthfuU in high into catcher Stan Frogge and hlgl1, R\\th E7ther StnrJ:els of AlI ' d h R" D dU"I.l!g thA r·esultant errtnngle,'both bUqllCJ:quc ht.glt, • -nod Juan P_. any man's peerage. She wn reJgn uring t e mg ance umpires ~ "' Ch f u h h G tnn oft' the field to attempt nvcz 0 mon ll~ .ot rants, 1t F,riday eveni~g at the SUB.. " Besides bcammg at the terpstch· ~ -orean tnrsJ she has to reviC!W the' 'l'he 'eceiving line will stntt at bnttnlion Tuesday at 11:00. This 9 sharp, with Williams, Wyttdham. wilt be one of the few full dress re .. All Ollicer.a, former NRO • views the futute ens1gns won't suf.. TO students~ and V-5 students on Pttlchritude ueuallv ...3 m pus are invited. They may nick f'l!l" through. ~ .. J' makes -ili.tuvv rucn puU theil' rank up the 1'1• 1· nv'1tut 1' ons at the NAval '" ~J " and :file their nalls. Office in the Stadium Building. The Wardroom Format is held Guests may wenr ,!,let•vice blue unlnnnunlty in \lortor of those graduat-- forms with bow ties or dinner :ing -seniors whu will have completed jackets. their' RO'l'C requitements, nnd the traditionnl class ring will prov_idc the theme v.nd centetpie_cc a.t the dance, Th ~..-u b Cl'O.WMd by e queen "' 1 e .. battalion commnndet• C. R. Willinms. 1 Rexroad And Nolan AwardedNew york U Government fellOWShip Nava] Qff'tcers Rotatton • AnnouncedBvNewsome Michael Rexroad atld William 1 d II t u ' No an, gi:a unte fe ows in he ntversity department of government, have been granted fello\Vships at New Univer.!litj' to take the Commande1· s. S. Daunis and Lt. Ph.D. degree, Dr. Thomas C. DonCmmdr. R. E. Jcfl'rey, who nelly~ head or the department of cotnpleted theit tou ..~o- of shore duty government, llnnounced t'his week. have received thek orders for sea duty. In accordance wr'th Navy Rexroad, a resident. of Albuquer~ que, was a captain in the Army Air Department Policy. officers serve Forces during' the wnr. Nolan is n h\O -years on shore and then three tesident of Gallup and took his A.B. -yenrs at sea. Crtundr. Daunis 11as leceived Olders as Commanding Of.. degree from New Mexieo State fleer of the Destroyer, Norris, He 'l'eacheis College prin1· to bcginrting u b d b d wt e re 1•eve Y CornmAn er his M.A. work nt the Univ-ersit~. Richard w. Peterson, who has jpst completed his sort duty on submnlines. Lt. dommandel' Jeffrey win NOTICE 1 eport u E~ecutive Officer of the The Lobo football tcatn will play Desb·oyer Stickell. He will be ;·c. .. lieved by Lt. Tom Perkim, .n naval an INTRA-squad game nt Zitmrternvinto 1·, who has already l'eported mnu field M:<.t Frtduy night ot nt the tmlt for dut~. 8 -o'clnck. to stop the melee. llowavcJ; linothet• btlsc runner cntnc all tJ1e way in from second, and tho"batter who hit the siugle ehelcd the bases unnro1ested. Althoug" tr'nrc should h b 11 d u to t' 11 ahve b c,e1n ca. e 1'uft tmha J~aldy w en o 1_ umnn•es e e J!C "' ' the decision wns t1mt two l"Uns should be allowed, and the batter pia d 011 tb" d J~~nny Zn~~t.cnme in til finish up the eighth and twirl the 11 inth, and wns very effective. But the bad cn1l was the straw that tn·oke the cnmcl's back, nnd the Lobos ncvet• re· coVel'ed !rom this break. The evening before Wilmet• Har· d b per odppoGs~dd~o ~t' ht~gs odnbth1lc 1 mgs P• c C{ goo moun · hurt but was by tl1e odd antics aof' th b 11 th dd t • H a on emu y Ub nrpcr ......e, ·,,, hot W"ler ,,·,th his' control, ..... ~ but manngcU to pik!h his way out of trouble. Bob Ruman's hontc: l'Un with Ute. bases loaded in the ninth innlng made the sco;re look worse than lt actually was. Vince Cappelli, Lobo catcller was :forced to ·ad· leave tlie game in the th-ird 'inning with a split throwing digit Th Lob . 'nd th.. e os \VI 11 Wl u:p , Enr sea~ son's aotr'vr'tr'cs , ..,·th three games .~ this week. Wednesday, the tos Al. amos Atomic Bomb(lrs wiU ·invade U d f the niversit-y dinmon for an n ternoon gnrne stmtlng at 2:SO. Ed Gh'lser is expe~ted to hu·l."l for the PetroJmen. A pair o! afternoon we~k-end t1lts with llardiu Simmons is on the slat-e- for Friday and SatUl'day a.!ternoon;:: -n.t Tingley Fleld. ln previous t1lts e.t Abilene, the ~obos dow·ned the Cowboys twke. Bob Giddin"S and Larry "' Hess wil do tile n\Otmdwork for the New Mexicans, whito Bob MeChe;::~ wa.s nt1nounced todny by Dr. Wtlbur 8· Gre?ory, head 0 ~ te~ting and co;~se~t:g Ai t~et~nt•et"s;ty. d . the /cc tu\. c 1St ot stfu2e9n9t8s m . ' .0 P ctt !)Cl' c. en, o , .scmors tit rN ew Mexwo s 9'1 f oul'.year accredited high schools. Dr Gregory explained that the ~. • • examtn~tlon,. used alsO' m oth:r sto.tes, JS destgncd to measure bnrnc ~nowledge acquired in ~igh scbo~l ut five fields: m?themattcs, and setences, and l"endmg and v~eabuh:n.·y. Th, c t 0 p 100 st.ud.ent s. Wl'11 rec clVe ccrt 1fica to s of .dIS t me t 10n,, D r. ~ ure..g O"~ Y s•id ._. • \"'hrl ,y e 0 th ers m !"JJC •t op 10 vet• ccn.t ge t Iton.o!.·a bl e :ment ~on. All, he stnd are ellglblc for schoJ.. nrships to t'be Univet•sity Pl'OVided • 1 nc~ lS • nee d .-1. ot• fimancm cstabhshed by the Umvcrstty's scholat_•ship CO):Untittee. NOTICE Thet·e will be a special Lette:rman's Club meeting Tuesday, May 13, at 7 o'clo~k. . • • A hcndllne from MlniDl says thnt the seas()n's robberies top $200 ' oao. ThE!- big-ge~t robbery wns at the Bcucbcomber NJghtc1ub. Marie Pope Wallis to Speak on Latin Poets 'Mrs. ltiarie Pope Wallis will -speak. on "Women Poets of !i d BraZIJ" Fri ay, May 16, at 7:30 p, n1. in Room 150 O-f the Ad~ . • t t" B 'ld• h" • . nums ra IOn Ul mg. T IS lecture lS the last m the current Hispanic Affairs Series, and the public is cordially invited to attend. · This lectUt'£ the. result of months of acuq{ring the "docJt !ll d I 'th th l'f d ks f fi d OHI. .~a or, Wl e~ Wl e 1 e an :vor o ve mo ~~ Brazilmll poets, Marm Eugenia Celso; Gllka Machado; Cemba MeireJes, Adalgisn Nery, and Hertriqueta Lisbon, with 1'ead· irtg of translations of their representative works done by Mrs. t . 1" 11 "'allace, -n ,'1-------------- Mrs. Wallis holds a B.A. with a major in Englis'h from the University or n11fornia nl L<>• Angeles, an FINAL EXA'IJNATION M.A. in SpMch -nnd nn M.S. in So~ ., ~ SCHEDULE ainl Work from t'he University o-f Semester JI, 1946~47 ney andth¢ MoeTexans. Hedrick Vince Will probably l'f . At vnriou~ go for Capelli South et·n '" vil 1 ormn. in s.olo1 ntid two college songs, Cole ( ; - - - - , - - - - , - - - - , - - , _ - - , - - - - - , , - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - -7 ' will be behind the plate if' his fin- times she hrts st\tdied at the univer~ Portet's •1Bulldog of,Yo.le'' nnd "Old sttics o£ Mexico, Puerto Rico, Snn Wednesday Thutsday Friday Saturclny Monday gel' resonds to treatment. OtherNassau.'' 1\fny 28 Mny 29 May 30 May :n J'une :t wise, versnttle Stan Frogge. :Mn.tcos, nnd Michigan. She has handle. the !litchers. done. graduate work nt UNM in Supplementing the pt•ogrnn1 will be. three guest mtlsts nnd il group ---- - - ---·HisJ')B.1'lic Languages, Llt'<!.Ul.tUt'e, of novelty nmsiclans. Included is '7-9 MWF 8 'MWF 9 M.WF lQ MWF' 11 M.WF 1 nnd History in 1939-43 and 1946~47. Mhs Betty Lou Shnde, Jlromincnt She is one of thCo first two enudi~ pinnist on cnmpus and member o£ Q dntes iot• the; Ph.D. degree in our En~r 4 i.nstitut.lon at the next ~ommence.. Sigma Alphe. IoW, honorary music Soclal Chemistry Modern Psy-chology sorority, Mlsil Shnde wlll, together 10·12 Sclc.nce 2 Language :Enghsh A ment. H-er tenchlng career includo:!S 1111 lb with her solos, nccolnpan)l the glee • Phnrmac~~ filth nnd sixth grades nt the Mcx~ club fn several mtmbers. Her own Dr. S. P. Nanninga, denn of the icnn School, Montebello, California; pieces will be (1Ct\t nnd Mouseh by l-S T'l'JIS 3 '!'ThS 2 TThS 1 'l'ThS 11 College of Edueo.tion at the Univct·-1 Spanish! French, Drn.maticet nnd Anton Copland and 11 P1eludc" by TThS 10 slty of New Mexico, wi11 (1eliver-th-e Pub1ic SpMkhtg ln Los Angeles and Debussy. ---cotmnencemcmt nddress on 41 Educn- Snn Diego school systems; nnd Vocal nrtist wlll be Miss Betty • • tion and Democrncy" to the Kirt- SlHkltislt at UNM. She was cnse Lou Wilton, locally known corttrnl4-6 MWF 12 'r'rhS 12 MWF 4 MWF .6 TThS 4 ltmd Mgh sCllool g1·ndtmting clnas 1 and executive with the Bmoau of to, Miss Wilton ltas recently won n Muy 22 nt Kirtland. Count~ Wc1fnre, Stnte Rclio:f Ad .. lCOB s:ponsoted contest £dr the Cin-1 L----.!...----.!...----.!...-----L-----L-----L----..L-..!::.!!!:._....l Donn Nn1mlnga was tho com- tninistrattort All Nations Child chmrtti Opera Association. Tho mchcCment nddtess Sllonkct nt grad- Welfare- CHni<!, .uud WPA Division Roont assignments tor g-roup examinations will be announced b)' 1nstructors • '.May S.. OJ.-" lfituke nttd Ccrtificntion, ln Los ( Cont Inue ot1 page B unti011 ex(lrcises nt. ';Ent:mo wm 0r• Nann1ng0 • T Add reSS K"irtland Ht"gh Sen"IOrS 1----- -----1 I a Misa l~Uldrcd ForiB of Albuquerque. hn& been awarded the Ro~o Rudin Roosa award for 194'7-1948 by the faculty o! the Department. of Go'Vel'tlment nrld Citizenship, Dr. Thomas C. Donnell¥, her:ad of the department, announced todny, The award is given each year to the upperclassman or graduate student in the department who had in~ dicntcd by his record his positi'ire interest in tl1e field of government. Miss Farris is a junior and 'has maintained almost nn 11A'1 ave:rage ttl the University. During the war slle W~l'ked ior the U'. S. Treasury Department in Washington. ) ) ' Angeles and Atbuqoerque; Dircetor, Social Trnitling "rogram, Bar· J: ela$ Community Center,· Field Rep1-eMntt'ltive, Comntu:rlity' P1·ogram, Sch oo l df I nt er.-A mcrJcnn . Alf1ura, • VN'M; and Principal Welfa1•e Officer, UNRRA1 in En"'land, F~·nnce, "' and Germany, :Mrs. Wallis .served in the WO in 1944-45, She hns had Wide thcatl'ical professional expe~ rience in vaudevHle, stock, and proQuctions in New Ytn·k, New Jersey, nnd California., She has been a prominent figure in the Albuqucr· que Little Theater activities. Among Mrs, Wnltis' writ{ng's are~ column nnd articles ln Western Woman, tt·anslation of El Genio Alegre by Quintero Brothets, ''Theresa Mal'in Llana's Tnterseetion,'' in PQo.t Lore, usocial Service 1 Spccial Delivery'" ~n Amel'ican Unity, t't:Je_pat•tmentnl Coo1•dlnation for Cultural CoOPE:ll'a.tlon," in Pi Lambda Thetn JoUl,lal_; translation (Continued on page 8) '