** REPLY DUE DATE ** Within # 30-Days of Receipt Date Issued: A. S. A. P ARGOSY UNIVERSITY: 225 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL. 60601 A Doctoral Student in the dept. of Organizational Leadership is requesting individuals to participate in the survey questionnaire as a sample population. Volunteers are asked to sign-up by **REPLY DUE DATE** listed above. Please contact: (312) 437-7044 wk., Email: cbrantl1@stu.argosy.edu -or- fill out below and return to: Cecilia Brantley, Box 16041, Chicago, IL. 60616 Dissertation Topic: Female or Mothers Risk Taking in Male-Dominated Motorsports and Coaching Youth Racers ==================================================================== Volunteer (Print Information Clearly) Date: _____________________________ Name: ______________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone /Area Code: _________________________________________________________________________________ How did you learn about signing up? __________________________________________________________________ Identify your motorsport(s) participation: _____________________________________________________________ Refer Candidate to Participate (Name, Phone & Email): ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Comments (Thank You):