May 4

Forbes Park, Makati
May 4, 2014
What’s Inside
The Road to Emmaus
by Fr. Efren Jimenez, OFM
My Angel Experience
SYA with SNK-PGH Students
Hooray for SYA by SNK-PGH
Art Attack for PGH Kids
The ABCs of Catholic Doctrine, “What is
God’s Will for Me?”
by Lianne Tiu
St. Athanasius in Random Thoughts
by Peachy Maramba
Adorable Angel Ada L. Villalon
Writes about her Angel Experience
AF Conference 2014
Parish Bulletin
Sunday Gospel Reflection
By Fr. Efren Jimenez, OFM
The Road to Emmaus – How to get
From Jerusalem, to Nablus, turn
left at kilometer 9 (Nablus is a
flourishing town, Center of Samaria
district, known for its soap made
from olive oil).
Following the road for another 4
kilometers you hit a sleepy Arab
Muslim Village called EL Qubeibeh,
neighborhoods there - the German
Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo,
the German Hospice, and the
Franciscan compound composed of
a Sanctuary, the Convent of friars,
and a school.
The name EL Qubeibeh (Little
Dome), possibly got its name from
a dome (Parva Mahomeria) of the
Crusaders. The Franciscans took
care of the property since their
arrival in 1335 for the custody of the
Holy Land, and began a pilgrimage
there. Unfortunately, Emmaus is out
of the way for pilgrims visiting the
Holy Land. But it is worth visiting
the place because of its truly biblical
Franciscans Archaeologists made
several excavations there throughout
the years and they have confirmed
the existence of the village at the
time of Christ. The Franciscan built
a sanctuary there in 1861, in the spot
where the Byzantine Community
stood from 3rd to 6th Century.
At present visitors may enter a
wide gate leading to the Square in
front of the Church, the ubiquitous
Jerusalem Cross emblazoned on
the iron gate. The road leading to
the sanctuary is filled with ancient
pines and olive trees so that you
really feel the welcome invitation
on the gate, “Lord, stay with us!”
On a clear day, standing 800 meters
above sea, the city of Jerusalem can
be seen, and further toward the sea
the ancient city of Jaffa, where the
imposing church of St. Peter stands
at the edge of the Mediterranean sea.
(It is in this monastery of St. Peter
where I have lived for sometime.)
Inside the church at the left side, is a
constructed rectangular place, which
according to tradition is the place of
the “house” of Cleopas, one of the
disciples who entertained the Divine
Messiah after his resurrection.
The Road to Emmaus – Our Story
Luke’s story of the disciples on
the road to Emmaus is our story.
It is a beautiful post Resurrection
story of life’s journey. This story
is so profound in its message that
studies on stages of human growth
in the aging process considered
this episode as corresponding to
spiritual passages experienced by
those celebrating midlife journey.
In the course of this journey on the
road to Emmaus, the disciples move
from despair, disorientation, and
new beginnings. The two disciples
are leaving Jerusalem because they
have experienced the death of Jesus
and not the resurrection. They had
believed in him and his cause and
gave themselves to him and his work.
Now he was dead and gone and they
were in a state of disorientation. We
can imagine what they said to one
another, “Conversing about all the
things that had occurred.” “(Luke
The midlife experience recognizes
some shock received of an
unexpected inner or outer event in
one’s life. Both small and great events
can be the cause of one’s kingdom
tumbling down. The infidelity of
a spouse, the death of a spouse,
divorce, demotion, a child on
drugs, unwanted pregnancy, health
problems - any of these can be the
cause of someone asking, “Is this all
there is?”
The two disciples asked, “We were
hoping that he would be the one
to redeem Israel.” How much this
reflects the person moving to the
end of the first half of life. “I had
such hopes,” one cries internally.
In the wake of a broken relationship,
shortened dreams, mental or
physical collapse, lost joy and lost
soul, painful betrayal and darkness
never before imagined, one finds
oneself without hope or expectation
of a new life, resurrection.
But Jesus puts light on the bigger
story. Jesus enlightens the disciples by
showing the deeper meaning of what
had occurred in the suffering and
death of Jesus, “As he interpreted to
them what referred to him in all the
scriptures.” (Luke 24:27) The person
in midlife rises up out of the ashes.
The disciples got up immediately
and returned to Jerusalem where
they found the Eleven and the rest
of the company assembled. They
shared all that caused their sorrow,
they had been dead, and now they
There is a call to growth, a call to
spiritual growth in each of us, a call
to the significance and meaning
of our own suffering and pain
and of life itself, a call to intimate
relationship with Christ the Beloved,
a call to the transpersonal and to
love and liberation of each other; a
call to true wisdom and redemptive
love of Christ.
Santuario de San Antonio (SSAP)
Pastoral Team
Fr. Reu Galoy, OFM – Parish Priest
Fr. Baltazar Obico, OFM – Guardian
Fr. Efren Jimenez, OFM
Fr. Jesus Galindo, OFM
Makati Medical Center Chaplain
Santuario de San Antonio Parish (SSAP)
Center Office
Tel. nos. 8438830-31
Website email:
Foundation website: www.
Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
Jayme Blanco – President
Edmund Lim – Vice President
Cristina Teehankee – Secretary
Parish Bulletin
Marilou Consing – Editor
Jeannie Bitanga – Assistant Editor/
Website Administrator
Dece Myra C. Urdaneta – Art & Design
Colorplus Production Group Corp.
Submit articles, pictures, announcements,
notices to:
Deadline for submission is every
Wednesday of the week.
The Parish Bulletin reserves the right to edit
articles for clarity and space.
May 4, 2014
SSAP Foundation Meets
with AF
Last April 11, 2014, our Santuario
De San Antonio Parish Foundation
participated in the Association
of Foundations Philippines, Inc.
conference held at the Asian
Institute of Management in Makati
City. The event was represented
by PPC President J.N. Blanco.
The conference was well attended
by over one hundred participants
Phils. Inc., SM Foundation, Inc.,
and Roxas Foundation, Inc.
The Association of Foundations,
Inc. (AF) was established in
November 1972. AF is the
country’s first network of nongovernment
(NGOs). Its mission is to enable
its member foundations to develop
sustainable programs that serve
their communities. Through the
years, AF has become a bridge
to grant opportunities, capacity
builder, data bank, consultant, and
an advocate of key issues. It is
committed to the constant growth
and professionalism of its member
foundations in their efforts to
improve the quality of human life.
conference were Usec. Yasmin
Busran-Lao and Former Sec.
Senen Bacani and members
of the Philippine Government
Peace Panel on the Bangsamo.
His Eminence Luis Antonio G.
Cardinal Tagle, Archbishop of
Manila discussed unity and post
modernity. Our beloved Cardinal
was himself a beneficiary of
the Roxas Foundation back
when he was still a seminarian.
With your continued support and
donations, the SSAP Foundation
is able to assist programs of the
JPIC scholars and seminarians,
medical assistance at PGH,
programs at the Makati City
Jail, Friendship Home, and
Calamity ministry among others.
SYA with Silahis ng Kalusugan
“Success is not measured by
what you accomplish, but by the
opposition you have encountered,
and the courage with which you
have maintained the struggle
against overwhelming odds.” Orison Swett Marden
This quote best captures the spirit
of fortitude shown by the students
of the Silahis ng Kalusugan (SNK)
School in PGH for the chronically
ill patients and those who are in
need of continuous treatment. It
has been several years since the
Single Young Adults (SYA) started
helping out these children, most of
whom were born with congenital
illnesses, heart conditions, cancer,
liver problems to name a few.
Each time we visit for an activity
or to provide assistance in cash or
kind to support the school, I find
myself awed with how cheerful
and steadfast they remain despite
the challenges that they face due
to their medical conditions.
Our end of school year party is our
way of celebrating another year of
their successes. For us, a year may
just pass by in a twinkling, with us
not marking any milestones. For
the elementary and high school
students of SNK, a year that has
passed means another year that
they have won their battle against
their diseases, another year where
they have managed to rise above
their conditions and enjoy their
lives as regular kids and students.
This year was marked by 2
highlights in particular: (1) Isaiah
Camilon graduating from high
school and now taking entrance
exams as he pursues his dream
of becoming an HR practitioner
and (2) Camille Vizcarra being
deemed healthy enough to be
mainstreamed into a regular public
school already.
It was a celebration filled with
fun, laughter, and games. The
prizes were quite simple but it
was the feeling of togetherness
and spirit of competitiveness
that made it special. We ended
the day by giving out loot bags
to the students with a few basic
necessities and materials for
activities that they could do over
the summer break. We also gave
a graduation present to Isaiah as
our way of congratulating him for
his achievement.
We hope you can include these
students in your prayers and
that you can join us in our future
activities with PGH.
My Angel Experience
by Ada L. Villalon
I nervously went to my spot on
the platform. It was my first year as
a soloist and I had a surprise task
to do. “Wow,” I thought, “so many
people here!” I prayed under my
breath that the performance would
go well. After a few moments, the
music went on. When my fellow
angels and I started singing,
Everyone sounded perfect. All the
practices with Teacher Lester and
Tita Karen paid off! I felt so happy
to be singing with my friends, my
cousin, Fortune, and my sister, Téa
and to see my mom, dad, brother,
grandparents and my baby cousin
in the audience. After the singing
was finished, I hugged my sister.
Then, it was time for my surprise
task. The statues of Mama Mary
and of Jesus were brought closer
together. Mama Mary was draped
in black. I handed Teacher Lester
the microphone and picked up the
hook that was left on the platform. I
was going to lift Mama Mary’s black
veil. After several tries, I was able
to do it. Mama Mary and Jesus were
After the performance, the angels
went back into the church and had
pictures taken in front of the altar.
We went to the Parish Center to
return our costumes. Tita Karen
had a surprise for us—a gigantic
Easter egg filled with chocolates!
When I got home, I was exhausted
but happy. I remembered all the
fun my friends and I had during
practices and the performance.
Joining the Salubong was a great
way to celebrate Easter.
Parish Bulletin
The ABC’s of Catholic Doctrine
What is God’s will for me?
By Lianne Tiu
Have you ever imagined the world
looking at a statue of you and calling
you Saint (your name)? There is
nothing wrong in picturing ourselves
as future canonizable saints. In fact,
God encourages us, because He
wants all of us to be saints!
To be a saint is to struggle to do
God’s will at every moment of our
lives. But how do we know what is
His will for us? First of all, He shows
what His will is by means of his 10
commandments, the laws of the
Church, and the duties of our state
in life and of our vocation.
God has specific plans for each
one of us. He speaks to us through
those persons to whom we owe
obedience and allegiance (such
as the Pope, our parents, and
civil authorities), and through the
counsels we receive from prudent
spiritual advisers. He speaks to
us through the Gospels and good
spiritual books. He speaks to us in
our prayers. By spending time in
silent conversation with Him, we
open our minds and hearts to His
plans for us.
God’s will is also shown in the
events of life allowed by Him. They
may be happy and successful
occasions; but they may be in the
form of sickness, material setback,
the death of a loved one, and the
defects or the sufferings of those
who are dear to us. Everything
happens with the permission of God,
who is infinite Perfection and infinite
Goodness, for the good of our souls
(however this is not always obvious
in our eyes).
God’s will is the compass-needle,
which at every moment precisely
points the way that brings us to
Him. To be able to say yes to Him
at every moment of our lives is the
essence of holiness. It is to submit
our wills to His will. It is not easy and
requires great effort and His grace
because we are always attached to
our own wills.
God’s will for King Louis was
to rule France well, and for Louis
and Zelie Martin* (parents of St.
Therese of the Child Jesus) were
to take care of their family of nine
children. They struggled to do what
our Lord wanted at all times and that
was how they became saints.
To lovingly fulfill God’s will for us
is the summit of all holiness.
*The married couple was beatified
on October 19, 2008. Out of their
nine children, only five daughters
survived childhood and all became
(Reference: “The Spiritual Life”
by Rev. Adolphe Tanquerey; “In
Conversation with God” Vol 1 by
Francis Fernandez; Wikipedia; )
Voices from yesterday and today . . .
by Peachy Maramba
ST. ATHANASIUS: “Champion of
Orthodoxy;” Doctor of the Church
297 - 373
May 2
Athanasius led a tumultuous but
dedicated life of service to the
Church. He was the great champion
of the faith against the widespread
heresy of Arianism, the teaching by
Arius that Jesus was not truly divine.
The vigor of his writings earned him
the title of doctor of the Church.
Born of a Christian family in
Alexandria, Egypt, and given a
classical education, Athanasius
became secretary to Alexander,
the bishop of Alexandria, entered
the priesthood and was eventually
been an outspoken critic of a new
movement growing in the East—
When Athanasius assumed his
role as bishop of Alexandria,
he continued the fight against
Arianism. At first it seemed that the
battle would be easily won and that
Arianism would be condemned.
Such, however, did not prove to
be the case. The Council of Tyre
was called and for several reasons
that are still unclear, the Emperor
Constantine exiled Athanasius to
northern Gaul. This was to be the
first in a series of travels and exiles
reminiscent of the life of St. Paul.
After Constantine died, his son
restored Athanasius as bishop.
This lasted only a year, however,
for he was deposed once again
by a coalition of Arian bishops.
Athanasius took his case to Rome,
and Pope Julius I called a synod to
review the case and other related
Five times Athanasius was exiled
for his defense of the doctrine of
Christ’s divinity. During one period
of his life, he enjoyed 10 years of
relative peace—reading, writing and
promoting the Christian life along
the lines of the monastic ideal to
which he was greatly devoted. His
dogmatic and historical writings are
almost all polemic, directed against
every aspect of Arianism.
Among his ascetical writings, his
Life of St. Anthony (January 17)
achieved astonishing popularity
and contributed greatly to the
establishment of monastic life
throughout the Western Christian
trials while he was bishop of
Alexandria. He was given the
grace to remain strong against
what probably seemed at times
to be insurmountable opposition.
Athanasius lived his office as bishop
completely. He defended the true
faith for his flock, regardless of the
cost to himself. In today’s world we
are experiencing this same call to
remain true to our faith, no matter
Athanasius died peacefully at the
age of 78 years old, on May 2, 373.
He will always be remembered as
the chief defender of the integrity of
the Catholic creed during its 50 most
critical years in Christian history.
Sources of Reference: Butler’s
Lives of the Saints – Vol. II – pp
212 – 216; Pocket Dictionary of
Saints – pp 53 – 55; The Watkins
Dictionary of Saints – pp 21 – 22;
Saint of the Day - Americancatholic.
org; A Calendar of Saints – p 85;
and others.
May 4, 2014
It seems only yesterday when
you started out as Parish Priest
and Spiritual Assistant,
How time flies. On behalf of the
Parish Pastoral Council
We thank you from the bottom
of our hearts for being our
Guardian Angel these past
Thank you for opening doors for
us, having the mutual desire to
share God’s love.
As Pastor, you have given us
much more than thought and
A compelling Pastor, yet one of
Never the boss, yet controlling
the flow: kind, free and caring,
groovy and wise.
Thank you for all that you have
How much love resides therein!
The pastoral care you have
been can never be measured.
Heads above the rest in mind
and heart.
The Parish Pastoral Council
officers and members with the
Share your dream of working
together as a team.
Your openness to help endears
you to us.
On leaving your care, we must
look back to grow.
Upon these memories we lay
our farewell to you.
God bless you more Fr. Joel. . .
We love you.
Santuario De San Antonio
Parish Pastoral Council
April 21, 2014
The Good Friday procession with
PPC President Jayme Blanco
should read instead
as The Risen Christ Easter
Salubong Carroza with PPC
President Jayme Blanco.
Our apologies.
Parish Bulletin
Acknowledgements to the following
for Holy Week past:
Seder Meal Grace Padilla, Isabela Abella and our
Worship Committee
Lenten Recollections - Javier Gomez &
Bobby Novenario
Palm Sunday - Coro San Antonio
under Mrs. Amelita Guevara & Worship
Visita Iglesia - Mike Julian & Visita
Iglesia Committee
Chrism Mass - Youth and Worship
Ministries & PPC
Washing of the Feet New PPC Ministry Heads
Altar of Repose - Jolly Gomez for
the prayers and slides and Altar
Environment Ministry.
Zari Poe, Bing Bing Quiros , Wilma
Huang and Anton R. Mendoza
Parish Stations of the Cross -
Cantada our Dasma Village Rep and
Jun Rodriguez head of MSH as well as
our Worship Committee.
Easter Vigil -
EMHC & MSH, all the
lectors, Coro de San Antonio, Worship
Easter Salubong - Karen Blanco,
Lester Delgado, Babeng Abella
and all the Kids and their parents for
PGH Activities - Sabrina Soriano and
Hospital Ministry
Prison Makati City Jail activities - Ally
Raval & SYA
General thanks to Dee Chan for
reviewing meticulously all liturgy during
the services.
Thank you to the Worship Committee
under Edmund Lim.
And thank you to the PPC with Tina
Teehankee, Vice President Edmund Lim
and President Jayme Blanco.
Foundation/Donation Website
Please invite your family and
friends living abroad to use our
in sending their donations or
learning more about our parish
services. It is not only convenient
but will also be a great help to our
Thank you!
Please join a Healing Mass every
First Friday of the month at 3pm at
the Parish Center, rooms 1-3.
* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop
* 1:30PM - Order of Franciscan Secular Formation
* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop
* 9:00AM - JPIC Hospital Ministry PGH Visitation
* 2:00PM - CWL Prayer meeting
* 2:00PM - Health Care Ministry Dancersize
* 4:00PM - Marian Cenacle Group Prayer Meeting
* 8l00AM - Thrift Shop
* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop
* 7:00pm - SYA Prayer meeting
* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop
* 9:00AM - Health Care Ministry Hospital Visitation
at Rizal Medical Center, Pasig City
* 2:00PM - Health Care Ministry Dancersize
* 7:30PM - Household Help Charismatic Prayer
* 9:00PM - TigAwit Choir Practice/Bibliarazar
* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop
* 3:00PM - CWL Scholars Meeting
* 4:00PM - VOSA Choir Practice
* 4:00PM - Luke 18 Prayer Meeting
Thank you once again to our donors
this past Holy Week:
Arch. Anton Rodriguez Mendoza for
the Holy Thursday Altar of Repose,
for the use of his beautiful font, for
his contractors, electrical lights and
Shirley Summers for the plants.
Danny Dolor for the Good Friday
procession statue of Mater Dolorosa,
flowers and Carroza.
Gli Gallego also for the Good Friday
procession and flowers of the Mary
Magdelene Carroza.
Ramon Pastor of San Ramon Flower
Shop for the Good Friday procession
flowers of Sto. Entierro Carroza.
Fely Kintanar and family for the
drinks, bottled water and juice served
after the Good Friday procession.
Peggy Ty Cham for the flowers of the
Risen Christ Easter Salubong Carroza.
Mia Cabawatan Lozada of
Bloomwoods Flower Shop for the
beautiful flowers at the church’s altar
Easter Celebration.
Do you have concerns related to your
child’s development, behavior and /or
learning? Call for psycho educational
screening and learning support
services for your child. 09082592559
Parish Bulletin
Please Pray for the Sick
Meldy Cojuangco
Connie Gomez
Marilou Arteficio
Ma. Pilar Oledan
Iggy Clavecilla
Cecille Reynoso
Maxima ‘Amah’ Sy
Emmanuel Gerodias
Aurora Gonzalez
Tommy Dy Buncio
Naning Bagabaldo
Remedios Maceda Berris
Cedric Castro
Anselmo Trinidad Jr.
Pilar del Gallego
Nena Jalandoni
Victoria Pajulas
Rosario Lopez
Sol Lavadia
Cecilia Manalo
Victoriano Chung
Erlinda Miranda-Oledan
Zwei Lopez Gadi
Shallouh Bancil Swinnerton
Tony Boy Floirendo Jr.
Francisco Tankiang
Cynthia Arms
Felicisimo Alcantara
Rosario de Leon Tobias
David B. Lu
Gloria Syjuco
Raffy Chan
Edric Co
Peter Soo
Estela Zapanta
Chito San Jose
Ron Jacobs
Marin Garcia
Nancy Imperial
Johnny Lopez
Tricia Canapi
Lisa Alvendia
Ramil Rodriguez
Letty Ligon
Norma J. Carlos
If you want a name added
or deleted, contact the
parish office telephone no.
8438835 (Edna).
Philip Claparols
Joysie Rufino
Elisa Bengzon
Genevieve Chuachiaco
Binky Dizon
Conchita Bernardo
Lito Mabanta
Patricia Henson
Sophia Sakhrani
Vivian Young
Joe Guingona
Jun Cedo
Michael Huang
Tommy Tambunting
Ching Montinola
Monsour del Rosario
Helen Ong
Martina Lebron
Ma. Christina Bautista
Rose Lopez
Clemente Abella Jr
Dora Cantada
Armie Louise G.Sison
Jose Facundo
Noel Tantoco Lopez
Maritess Panlilio
Wedding Anniversary
Bobby & Laudette Bautista
Nicky & Rosanne de Lange
Wedding Banns:
Bernard Ong Chua & Ana Beatrice
David Caronoñgan
Jerome Khalil Pilapil Lazaga &
Roxanne Cruz Aquilizan
Jason Joseph T. Del Rosario &
Corinne Carmela N. Merchan
J. Anthony G. Castillo & Ronacelle
B. Lorenzo
Pochollo Caluag Rustia & Jeana Ria
Buenaventura Pineda
Anns M. Monte De Ramos &
Annabelle U. Dizon, Immaculate
Heart of Mary Brgy dela Paz,Antipolo
This Parish Bulletin
is furnished to all
without charge. The
advertisements that
appear here defray all
publishing costs with
which the church would
otherwise be burdened.
Please patronize these
sponsors as a thank you
for their kind generosity.
Angelo Sarmiento Estrellas & Marie
Grazielle Pintucan Milo
Jose Javier D. Lopez & Joanne
Therese S. Fortich
Kenneth Lawrence Tan & Rachel
Germaine Yu
Justine Kim Mascareñas Castelo &
Michael Asiatico Marte
Rogelio L. De Jesus & Geeta D.
Cedrik Nigel C. Perfecto & Kryzelle
H. O’ Connor
Simon Blasé Cruz Sumulong & Carla
Micaella Buena Sara
Niño Ray D. Aguirre & Kristine S.
Oliver Neil Dela Merced Santos &
Mary Lourdes Grace V. David
Joseph Raymund Torre Concepcion
& Charina Joy De Ramos Buenviaje
Jeffrey Hanns S. Miranda & Staneley
F. Lamire
Lucas Riel B. Bersamin Jr & Krista
Vianca N. Marin
Tristan Frederick T. Tiongson &
Karmina L. Aala
Jaime Enrique Y. Gonzalez &
Candice Monica Alicia Borja
Edgardo Cortez Vicente & Ma
Rowena Vindollo
Paolo Angelo Q. Narcisco & Anna
Marie Antoinette Santos
James Patrick S. Santos & Regina L.
Vicencio del Rosario
Prudencio Coyiuto & Jennie Eileen
L. Yap, San Guillermo Parish, Talisay
Carlo Antonio Siazon & Gelyn
Alabastro Fortez
Yves Lawrence Tan & Ching-Fang
Alfonso Ma. Miguel Vicente Cuenco
Cuyegkeng & Johanne Lynne Co Siy
Roscoe OrtizLuis Odulio & Kristine
Marie Joyce Siy Mojica
Erikson P. Pulad & Fatima Grace M.
Karl Wayne Noronha & Angela
Isabelle Poe, Nuestra Señora de
Gracia Parish, 7440 Bernardino St,
Brgy Guadalupe Viejo Makati City
Christopher S. Tordesillas & Ma.
Cristina Chan Carlos
Yohan Minaya & Carla Alexandra
Filamor, Our Lady of the Most Holy
Rosary, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan
Luis Miguel E. Angeles & Charmaine
O. Tang
May 4, 2014
TELS.: 867-2227 / 813-0875 CELL (0917)8672227
Our Latest Chapel, Crematorium and Columbary
in Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City
Petron Square Dasma
Rustan’s Makati
EDSA cor. Dasmariñas
4/F Home Dept.
Village, A. Arnaiz,
Ayala Ave., Makati City
Commonwealth - 932-1264 • Cubao - 911-0372 • Sucat - 826-7014
Marikina - 941-3611 • Guadalupe - 895-1011 • Los Baños (049) 526-8046
Makati City
1010 Antonio Arnaiz Avenue
Makati City, 1223 Philippines
Tel.: (+632) 893-0775 to 77
Fax: (+632) 893-0779
HK Sun Plaza
Diosdado Macapagal Blvd.
Pasay City, 1300 Philippines
Tel.: (632) 832-7873 / 831-0044
Fax: (+632) 831-4917
4th Floor, Filipiniana Section
Makati Ave., Ayala Center
Makati City, 1128 Philippines
Tel.: (+632) 579-6899
Marilao, Bulacan
3019 Philippines
Family moments are best spent ever Wagyu Steak in Melo’s. We have mouth
watering Wagyu Steaks that everybody looks forward to everyday of the week!!!!
Farewell, Fr. Joel!