Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing Proposta di Tesi Supervisore: Dott. A. Leporati Dottorato di Ricerca in Informatica Ciclo XXI Sara Felloni DISCo Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 1/22 Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Codes Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 2/22 Quantum Computing Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing Quantum computing is the study of the information processing tasks that can be accomplished using quantum mechanical systems: ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of ▲ the elementary physical carrier of information is a qubit (a quantum system with a 2-dimensional state space); ▲ the state of a n-qubit register lives in a 2n -dimensional Hilbert space (tensor product of n 2-dimensional Hilbert spaces); ▲ by imitating classical computations, quantum computations comprise three steps in sequence: ● preparation of the initial state of a quantum register; ● computation, by means of a quantum gate array (sequence of unitary transformations of the register state); ● output of a result (by probabilistic measurement of all or part of the register). Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 3/22 Realistic Quantum Computation Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of How to reliably transmit quantum information through a noisy quantum channel is a central problem of quantum information theory: Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ▲ ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future ▲ qubits unavoidably interact with the external world (decoherence and introduction of noise); under realistic conditions, the quantum operations themselves are unavoidably affected by errors. Research Studies of the impact of noise on the stability of quantum computation and communication are of primary importance for the practical implementation of quantum information protocols. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 4/22 Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing Scaling Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ▲ ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes ▲ ▲ Research, Roadmaps and Projects Several and very different experimental designs for quantum computers have been proposed (cold ions and atoms, ion traps, linear optics, solid states, nuclear magnetic resonance). Small working prototypes can successfully be built, but the issue of scaling these up to computers large enough to yield useful computations is still under (physical) research. Partial Results and Future Research Decoherence ▲ ▲ Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Quantum computation involves manipulating the quantum states of objects that are in coherent quantum superpositions. These superpositions decay easily, as the (classical) environment interact with the quantum system. Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 5/22 Inaccuracy Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes Quantum computers are fundamentally analog-type devices: ▲ the state of a quantum superposition depends on continuous parameters; ▲ all quantum gates are potentially analog in that there will be some amount of inaccuracy in any physical implementation. Research, Roadmaps and Fault Tolerance Projects Partial Results and Future Research ▲ ▲ Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 For a quantum computation to successfully yield the correct result, this inaccuracy must be less than the amount of noise which the computation can tolerate. The tolerance of the computation to these inaccuracies must be large enough to allow physical (imperfect) implementation of quantum gates. Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 6/22 Quantum Error Correction Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes Close relation with the theory of quantum error correction: ▲ decoherence can be expressed in terms of inaccuracies in the overall state of the quantum system and an auxiliary quantum system interacting with it representing the “environment”; ▲ decoherence-reduction methods can be used to correct inaccuracy, and vice versa; ▲ the use of quantum error correcting codes can reduce both decoherence and inaccuracy ● during transmission and storage of quantum data and ● while performing computation on quantum data. Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 7/22 Quantum Error Correcting Codes Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors ➲ Quantum Computing ➲ Realistic Quantum Quantum error-correcting codes map qubits into blocks of qubits so that a small number of errors in the qubits of any block has little or no effect on the encoded qubits. Computation ➲ Practical Difficulties of Quantum Computing ➲ ➲ Quantum Error Correction ➲ Quantum Error Correcting Codes Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research To prevent errors during quantum computation, it is necessary to compute with encoded qubits without decoding them. ▲ Decoding or correcting errors in quantum codes is in itself a quantum computation. ▲ Decoding the qubits in order to compute exposes them to potential errors. ▲ Correcting errors using noisy quantum gates may introduce worse errors. Approximate quantum error correcting codes show strong connections with secret sharing schemes. Secret sharing seems to be a better classical analogue to quantum error correction than classical error correction. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 8/22 Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects ➲ US Research ➲ European Research Research, Roadmaps and Projects ➲ Quantum Codes for Classical Simulation Partial Results and Future Research Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 9/22 US Research Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects ➲ US Research ➲ European Research ➲ Quantum Codes for Classical Simulation Partial Results and Future Research Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmapping Project Los Alamos National Laboratory and University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration, of the US Department of Energy ▲ A Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmap, Part 1: Quantum computation, report of the quantum information science and technology experts panel, version 2.0, April 2, 2004; ▲ A Quantum Information Science and Technology Roadmap, Part 2: Quantum cryptography, report of the quantum cryptography and technology experts panel, version 1.0, July 19, 2004. Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 10/22 European Research ▲ Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects ➲ US Research ➲ European Research ▲ ➲ Quantum Codes for Classical Simulation Partial Results and Future Research ▲ Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 P. Zoller et al., Quantum information processing and communication. Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe, Eur. Phys. J. D 36, 203-228, 2005. R.F. Werner et al., Some open problems in quantum information theory, Institut fur Mathematische Physik, TU Braunschweig, Germany; online preprint quant-ph/0504166, 2005; EDIQIP Project: Effects of Decoherence and Imperfections for Quantum Information Processing, contract IST-2001-38869, 2003-2006, Universitè Paul Sabatier, Toulouse; Technische Universitat Darmstadt; Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia, Como; Royal Holloway, University of London; periodic progress report: Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 11/22 Quantum Codes for Classical Simulation Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects ➲ US Research Quantware Library opened at 19/12/2005. ➲ European Research ➲ Quantum Codes for Classical Simulation Partial Results and Future Research This library is established in the framework of the EC IST-FET projects EDIQIP (Effects of Decoherence and Imperfections for Quantum Information Processing) and EuroSQIP (European Superconducting Quantum Information Processor ). Several quantum computations and processes can be simulated with the given codes on a classical computer, for a moderate number of qubits (∼ 20), in presence of realistic internal imperfections and external decoherence. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 12/22 Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 13/22 Noise Models in Quantum Computing Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List Noise models that can be currently found in literature do not seem to be the most general ones. In particular, error channels corresponding to physical effects of amplitude damping or thermal excitations do not seem to be considered. After having studied and compared all single-qubit quantum noise channels, showing their different impact on quantum protocols of useful application, the following step is to further generalize the model including two-qubit errors. ➲ Main References An error model constituted by single-qubit and two-qubit quantum noise channels would allow to reach a satisfiable degree of generalization: every quantum computation can be expressed in terms of single-qubit and two-qubit gates. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 14/22 Aims Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors The main aims of the PhD Thesis are: ▲ to develop circuit models and mathematical descriptions of quantum noise channels; ▲ to perform a systematic numerical study of the effects of different noise channels on known quantum protocols; ▲ to show the very different impact of the various noise channels on the algorithms considered, in terms of fidelity behavior and of dependence of the maximum noise strength tolerable for the protocols on the noise channels. Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Studies like the present one aim to provide valuable information for experimental implementations of the quantum computations considered and, more generally, of quantum computers. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 15/22 Methods Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ Each kind of imperfection will be described by means of quantum circuits, composed by single-qubit and two-qubit quantum gates. The use of quantum circuits naturally provides: ▲ physical feasibleness, without requiring algebraic conditions that may result hard to treat in several complex cases; ▲ associated diagrams of states, for a clear visualization of quantum information’s flow during computation; ▲ associated algorithms for quantum computation and for classical simulation; ▲ a straightforward link to physical implementations. ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 16/22 Recent Research Results ▲ In (1), the stability under quantum noise effects of the quantum privacy amplification protocol for the purification of entanglement in quantum cryptography has been studied. A systematic numerical study of the impact of all possible single-qubit noise channels has been presented, finding that both the qualitative behavior and the noise tolerance of the iterative protocol strongly depend on the specific noise channel. ▲ In (2), a graphic representation of quantum states has been introduced, by means of a specific application, the analysis of two models of quantum copying machines. Elementary diagrams of states for single-qubit and two-qubit systems, entanglement representation and quantum copying machines have been presented, determining quantum circuits of easier interpretation. Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 17/22 Current Studies ▲ The initial formulation of the graphic representation of states in (2) will be extended in a more general formulation of the method and will be followed by application to more complex and meaningful quantum algorithms (Deutsch’s Problem, single-qubit noise channels, quantum error correcting codes, teleportation and dense coding, probabilistic quantum cloning). ▲ An exhaustive study of a general transformation of a two-qubit density matrix appears hardly feasible (240 parameters involved). The first step towards a two-qubit error model is the study of imperfect c-not gates, synthetized by means of known c-phase gates schemes (c-not gates and single-qubit gates reproduce any quantum computation). Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 18/22 PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ▲ Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects ▲ Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ▲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 ▲ An introduction to Quantum Computing and Information Processing. The diagrams of states: ● a graphic representation of states as an additional description of quantum computations, for analysis and synthesis of quantum circuits; ● formulation of the method; ● application to known quantum circuits and further studies. Decoherence, inaccuracy, approximations and quantum noise: an introduction to Quantum Error Theory. A general model for single-qubit quantum noise channels: characterization by means of quantum circuits, diagrams of states and mathematical description. Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 19/22 ▲ Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ▲ ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 ▲ Impact of single-qubit noise channels on known quantum algorithms, in terms of fidelity behavior and maximum noise strength tolerable: ● entanglement purification in EPR cryptographic protocols; ● quantum simulations of not too complex physical systems; ● quantum error correcting codes. A model for two-qubit quantum noise channels: ● universal set of quantum gates; ● imperfect implementation of the two-qubit c-not gate; ● further studies on two-qubit quantum noise channels. Application of the overall error model to further known quantum algorithms. Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 20/22 Publication List Quantum Information Processing and Quantum Errors Research, Roadmaps and Projects Partial Results and Future Research ➲ Noise Models in Quantum Computing ➲ Aims ➲ Methods ➲ Recent Research Results ➲ Current Studies ➲ PhD Thesis Preliminary Overview ➲ ➲ Publication List ➲ Main References References [1] G. Benenti, S. Felloni, G. Strini, Effects of single-qubit quantum noise on entanglement purification, Eur. Phys. J. D 38, 389, 2006. [2] S. Felloni, G. Strini, A graphic representation of states for quantum copying machines, EJTP 3, No. 11, 159-187, 2006. [3] A. Leporati, S. Felloni, Three “quantum” algorithms to solve 3-SAT, Vol. II of Proc. of the Fourth Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing (BWMC 2006), Sevilla, Spain, January 30 - February 3 2006, 137-160. Accepted for publication in Theoretical Computer Science. On Quantware Library G. Benenti, S. Felloni and G. Strini, Simulation of the quantum privacy amplification protocol (QPA) with a noisy apparatus, code for numerical studies in (1), 2005. QNR3 Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 21/22 Main References References [1] G. Benenti, G. Casati, G. Strini, Principles of Quantum Computation and Information, Volume I: Basic Concepts, World Scientific, 2004. [2] G. Benenti, G. Casati, G. Strini, Principles of Quantum Computation and Information, Volume II: Basic Tools And Special Topics, World Scientific, 2007. [3] M.A. Nielsen, I.L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2000. [4] C.P. Williams, S.H. Clearwater, Explorations in Quantum Computing, Springer Verlag, 1998. [5] S. Loepp, W. Wootters, Protecting Information. From Classical Error Correction to Quantum Cryptography, Cambridge University Press, 2006. [6] V. Vedral, Introduction to Quantum Information Science, Oxford University Press, 2006. [7] D. Bruss et al., Lectures on Quantum Information, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2006. [8] G. Strini, A. Carati, S. Vicari, Algoritmi quantistici per la risoluzione dell’equazione di Schroedinger, dipartimento di Matematica, facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano, a.a. 2004/2005. [9] G. Strini, A. Carati, R. Suardi, Sensibilità agli errori di alcuni algoritmi quantistici, dipartimento di Matematica, facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Università degli Studi di Milano, a.a. 2004/2005. Sara Felloni, August 19, 2007 Decoherence, Inaccuracy and Errors in Quantum Information Processing - p. 22/22