Campaign Rules Guidebook

Campaign Rules Guidebook
Campaign & Prize Eligibility
In order to be eligible to participate in, and receive a sales campaign prize, you must be:
A U.S. Bank employee. Some campaigns may allow non-employees, such as spouses, to participate in a prize
event or receive certain prizes. Check the campaign details section for more information.
Actively employed and working at U.S. Bank for at least 60% of the overall duration of the specific sales campaign.
Example, for a 13-week campaign, an employee must be actively employed and working (not on leave, disability,
etc.) at U.S. Bank for a minimum of 7.8 weeks of the campaign.
Employed with U.S. Bank at the time of prize distribution. Example, if a team wins a campaign but two employees
leave and a party is held 8 weeks later to celebrate the campaign win; the former employees may not be invited.
A branch or 24-Hour Banking employee (unless stated otherwise in the campaign overview guide).
o A branch or 24 Hour Banking (24HB) employee is defined as –
A full or part-time employee whose primary job function takes place at a branch location or a 24Hour Banking call center, and/or whose cost center is that of a specific branch or 24HBFS call
o Employees that are not defined as branch employees, or whose cost centers are not that of a single branch
or 24-Hour Banking call center, are not eligible to receive a sales campaign prize unless specifically
outlined in the campaign Overview Guide or the Campaign Details section below.
A U.S. Bank employee of a non-retail or non-24HB line of business (partner), participating in the sales campaign,
and identified as a campaign winner within their own campaign criteria.
An approved guest of a U.S. Bank employee. For campaigns awarding guest participation or prizes, the guest of
the U.S. Bank employee must meet all guest eligibility requirements as outlined in the campaign overview guide
and/or the Campaign Details section below.
o U.S. Bank employees may not bring other U.S. Bank employees as a guest, if the guest employee
participated in the same sales campaign and was not deemed a campaign winner. An exception to this is if
the U.S. Bank employee guest is a spouse of the campaign winner.
Free of disciplinary action and in good standing.
For internal use only.
Campaign Prizes
Sales campaign prizes are outlined in each respective campaign Overview Guide*.
Prizes may vary by employee*.
Prizes may vary by sales campaign*.
Distribution of prizes will vary by sales campaign*.
Cash substitutions or equivalents will not be made if a campaign winner cannot receive the campaign prize as
outlined in the campaign Overview Guide.
Prizes will be reported to payroll via the Prize and Award Reporting form. This form is used to report the value of
prizes and awards for employee taxation. Prizes and awards are taxable within 30 days following the date the
employee receives the award or as soon thereafter as practical.
o All winning employees are required to provide their Employee ID for tax recording purposes.
o Visit the prize and award reporting section on the HRConnection tab on USBnet for more information on prize
taxability and reporting.
*Please refer to the Campaign Details section below, or each respective sales campaign Overview Guide for more
All sales campaigns are conducted internally, and subject to internal policies and procedures. Internal documents are
subject to internal compliance review. Prizes are subject to Human Resources guidelines and U.S. Bank tax reporting
All sales campaign materials are for internal use only and may not be posted or distributed for external viewing.
Questionable situations may be handled at the discretion of Corporate Marketing, Human Resources and in certain
cases, Management.
For internal use only.
Contact Information
Contact the Sales Campaigns Shared/MN/USB, Mailbox for all questions and additional information regarding this
Campaign Definitions & Examples
24-Hour Banking (24HB): Bankers that provide inbound sales, outbound sales, customer service, Internet and
ATM support for consumer and business customers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Campaign Overview Guide: an internal document that outlines all prizes, criteria, dates and information as it relates to a
specific, sales contest. The overview guide can typically be found on the sales campaign site, and/or is distributed internally
via email.
Campaign Prize: a prize or award provided as a result of meeting certain goals and/or criteria within a specified period of
time, as outlined in the Campaign Overview Guide.
Contest Results: Weekly sales campaign results are posted on the Contest Results page on the USB intranet. These
reports outline sales performances as it relates to a sales campaign, as well as historical campaign performance indicators.
Final contest results are communicated typically by conference call, email, or written publication and will not be posted on
the Contest Results page until all final campaign results have been announced.
CSM: Customer Service Manager in the 24 Hour Banking (24HB) Division.
Division: Internal term used to identify the category of branch type or function. There are five divisions for sales
campaigns: Community, In-Store/On-Site, Metro Midwest, Metro West and 24 Hour Banking (24HB).
Eligibility: Meeting specified requirements to receive a prize, or participate in some way, as outlined in the sales campaign
overview guide and/or sales campaign How To Win document.
Historical Campaign Performance: Historical campaign performance reports can be found on Marketing on Demand, a
page on the USB intranet. These reports outline past performances in sales campaigns for previous years, and can
typically be sorted in a variety of ways including branch, district and region.
For internal use only.
How To Win document: an internal document that outlines specific campaign criteria for winning a prize. This divisionspecific document usually contains a product grid for the respective division for which it applies, including specific sales
goals or requirements for that division. These documents may vary by division.
Marketing on Demand: An internal web site (intranet) that features internal marketing-related content.
Product grid: an internal document that outlines the product weightings and sales criteria for sales contests. These may
vary by division.
Branch employee: a full or part-time employee whose primary job function takes place at a branch location, and/or whose
cost center is that of a specific branch. See page 1 for more details.
Sales campaign: an internal, sales incentive program designed and administered by U.S. Bank marketing to assist
branches and 24 Hour Banking (and sometimes other lines of business) with employee engagement and increased product
sales during specified time periods throughout the fiscal year.
Repeat Winner (to receive individual cash bonus): In order to receive a cash bonus as a result of a repeat campaign
win, a Branch Manager, District Manager, Region Manager, Region President, 24HB RSM or 24HB CSM must hold the
same manager level job function for at least two years, and have won the same, annual sales campaign in consecutive
years. Since this is tied to an individual bonus, the campaign wins follow the manager, not the branch, district, site location,
or its historical campaign performance. See examples in the cash bonus section of the campaign details.
RSM: Regional Service Manager in the 24 Hour Banking (24HB) Division.
SBS: Small Business Specialist; these employees and their managers are active participants in the campaigns.
For internal use only.
Overall USBY Campaign Winners:
Top 4 Metro Midwest Districts + 1 Wildcard
Top 4 Metro West Districts + 1 Wildcard
Top 9 Community Bank Teams + 1 Wildcard
Top 5 In-Store Districts and Top (1) On-Site Districts + 1 Wildcard
24 Hour Banking– 8 teams
Best Supporting Role USBY Campaign Winners:
Districts/Teams that are eligible for the Wildcard drawing at the end of the campaign, and not selected as a Wildcard winner,
have a chance to win a “Best Supporting Role” prize!
Metro Midwest Districts - 1
Metro West Districts - 1
Community Bank Teams - 2
In-Store Districts and Top On-Site Districts - 2
24 Hour Banking and Financial Sales – 1
Bi-weekly Winners:
Managers or individuals will have an opportunity to earn extra auction dollars by being selected as a first, second or third
place winner through a variety of photo and story submissions on the campaign website.
For internal use only.
Weekly / Bi-weekly prizes:
Teams will have an opportunity to submit photos and information through the campaign website. Prizes will be awarded in
the form of additional auction dollars, and will vary based on the contest category.
Best Supporting Role prizes:
All teams that were eligible for the Wildcard drawing, and not selected as a Wildcard, will have a chance to win a “Best
Supporting Role” prize. This prize includes a private, movie theatre celebration with qualifying branches/teams to enjoy a
movie of their choice along with snacks and refreshments.
Each event will include the following:
Movie showing at a local theatre.
One admission ticket per eligible (from a qualifying branch/team) employee. (no guests)
Drinks and appetizers/snacks during the movie.
Limited Time Offers:
Periodically throughout the campaign, employees able to receive auction dollars, will have an opportunity to purchase real
prizes with campaign auction dollars they have earned. The number of these prizes is limited and will be first-come, firstserved. After making a purchase, the cost of the item will be deducted from the employee’s overall auction dollar balance.
Overall campaign prizes:
Automatic and Wildcard winners of the USBY Awards sales campaign will receive the following prizes:
Auction Party
o Each auction party to include the following:
Live auction for merchandise
 Merchandise can be purchased with the “auction dollars” awarded throughout the campaign
time frame.
For internal use only.
Auction dollars are dollars that employees can earn based on certain behaviors or
accomplishments. Note: Due to Regulation R, Campaign Bucks should not be given out solely
on the basis of a referral to USBI to open a brokerage account or perform a securities
 Auction dollars are distributed from the branch manager/CSM/SBS RM level and higher.
 There is no real monetary value for auction dollars, and can only be spent on prizes at a
campaign winner’s auction party, or other unique opportunities presented throughout the
One dinner
One event activity (DJ, photo booth, etc.)
Saturday night hotel stay at approved hotel
 Various factors may affect what is considered an approved hotel such as:
o The star rating – when possible, all hotels used for auction party purposes should be
the same or similar in rating in order to provide a consistent experience for all
campaign winners.
o Contract flexibility – all hotels must work directly with our approved hotel vendor,
Helms Briscoe, and must sign the U.S. Bank contract addendum, in addition to the
standard hotel contract.
Sunday morning breakfast
Eligible attendees:
Branch, SBS or 24HB employees of a winning sales campaign district/team.
Branch Manager/SBS RM/CSM of a winning sales campaign district/team.
District Manager/RSM of a winning sales campaign district/team.
Region Manager/President of a winning sales campaign district/team.
Administrative Assistant of a winning sales campaign district /team.
One eligible guest per winning employee.
Employees from other lines of business, ONLY if they were a winner of the USBY
Awards partner referral contest, or a winner of a sales campaign within their own line
of business, outlining prizes related to the USBY Awards campaign.
For internal use only.
Cash Bonus (only the staff titles listed below are eligible for this prize)
o Region Manager / Regional President / District Manager/24HB RSM
 Up to $4,000 for new winners*
 Up to $5,000 for repeat winners*
o Branch Managers/24HB CSM
 Up to $2,000 new winners*
 Up to $2,500 for repeat winners*
o Small Business Specialist Sales Managers
 Up to $3,000 new winners*
 Up to $3,500 for repeat winners*
*The cash bonus listed above is the gross amount and will be directly deposited into the sales campaign winner’s payroll
check. Taxes will be taken out of that amount by payroll. One employee may not receive more than one cash bonus prize per
sales campaign. For instance, if one employee is managing two branches, and both are winning branches, only one cash
bonus prize may be permitted for that employee. See the definition of a repeat winner in the Campaign Definition section
Repeat winner examples:
Amy, the DM for District A wins the fall campaign in 2012. Amy moves to district B and wins the fall campaign in
2013. Amy is considered a repeat winner, because she is a consecutive fall campaign winner as a DM, regardless
of whether or not district B won last year or not.
Mike, the BM for the Main branch is in a fall campaign winning district and his branch qualifies in 2011. The
following year, Mike transfers to the Washington branch which did not qualify for the fall campaign in 2011, although
it was in a winning district. In 2012, the Washington branch is again in a fall campaign winning district, and also
qualifies as a winning branch under Mike’s leadership as BM. Mike is considered a repeat winner because he, in
the BM role, won back-to-back fall campaigns.
For internal use only.
Non-repeat winner examples:
District 5 is a fall campaign winner in 2009 with Betty as the DM. Betty leaves and is replaced by Tom who was
promoted from BM. District 5 wins the fall campaign in 2010. Tom is not considered a repeat winner, because
Tom, as a DM, has not won 2 consecutive fall campaigns. If District 5 wins again in 2011, and Tom is still the DM,
then Tom would be considered a repeat winner.
The Jackson branch is in District C and they win the fall campaign in 2007 with Jenny as their manager. Jenny
leaves, but the Jackson branch's district wins again in 2008, qualifying again, however Kathy is hired as the new
BM. Kathy is not considered to be a repeat winner, since she has served as the BM for the Jackson branch for one
fall campaign win. If Kathy stays at the BM level, and her district wins the fall campaign, and her branch (any
location) qualifies in 2009, then Kathy would be considered a repeat winner, for her wins as a BM in 2008 and 2009.
How To Win
Bi-weekly photo contest – 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes awarded in the form of additional auction dollars. Communications will
be provided that outline the specific categories and prizes for this contest.
Overall Campaign –
Automatic winners will be identified as those that occupy the top rankings, based on the number of winners in their
division/site as listed above, according to the criteria in the How To Win Document by their respective division. Please refer
to the How to Win Document for your division for complete sales campaign winners’ criteria.
After the automatic winners have been determined, Wildcard winners will be selected. In order to be eligible for Wildcard
selection, certain criteria must be met. Please refer to the How to Win Document for your division for complete Wildcard
winners’ criteria.
For internal use only.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have an employee out on maternity leave; can they still attend the auction party?
As long as they were actively employed, and at work, for at least 60% of the campaign time frame, they may attend
the auction party.
We are confident we will be a fall campaign winner. Can we go ahead and contact the hotel we’d like for the
auction party to get the paperwork going?
No. It’s fine to have some hotel options in mind, and then if you win, present these ideas to your marketing event
planner for consideration. You must not contact the hotel directly. All contact must take place by our contracted vendor
Helms-Briscoe. Any contract or paperwork generated or signed outside the scope of these criteria will not be approved and
could result in costly cancellation fees.
I just want a casual party, but I know other managers like to host more formal parties. Can I scale back on
my event and spend the money on other things?
This will need further discussion. In general, every auction party should be relatively similar for all campaign
winners. The events do not have to be identical; however they do have to be similar in terms of the event components and
the employee experience. The prizes section outlines the approved components of an auction party, however there is some
flexibility on the level of formality or themes - these are details to discuss with your marketing event planner.
My mortgage lender was such a critical piece to us winning this campaign. I know they didn’t win the
campaign within their business line, but can I still invite them? If not, can one of my employees who wasn’t going
to bring a guest, invite them as their guest?
Unfortunately, mortgage lenders are not considered branch employees for purposes of this campaign. They cannot
attend the auction party event unless they specifically qualified through the Partner Referral portion of the campaign.
Additionally, they may not attend as anyone’s guest, unless they are a spouse of that winning employee.
For internal use only.
I don’t like to distribute my auction dollars until the end of the campaign. Is this okay?
It is fine to wait until the end of the campaign to distribute your auction dollars once you have confirmed your
campaign win, however both managers and employees will benefit most when the campaign dollars are distributed
throughout the campaign. First, because there are opportunities to purchase prizes with auction dollars prior to the end of
the campaign, which allows the employee to receive a reward that they’ve earned, regardless if they are a winner of the
overall campaign or not. Secondly, it provides instant gratification and reward to your employees as they can watch their
auction dollars balance grow; see the reasons why they’ve earned them, and possibly motivate them to do more. And
lastly, by awarding them throughout the campaign, it alleviates the burden of having to allocate all of your dollars at the end
of the campaign, and it is especially cumbersome if you want to record specific reasons to the employees on why they
earned them if you have not been tracking that information.
Who can bid on auction prizes?
Since auction dollars are distributed at the branch manager/CSM level and higher, all employees who report up to a
branch manager/CSM and Small Business Specialists may bid on auction prizes with the auction dollars they have earned
during the campaign.
Can my Ops Manager attend?
Unfortunately Operations employees, although they support the retail branches, may not attend an auction party.
Operations employees do not have sales goals or sell products directly, and therefore have no way to meet campaign
For additional campaign questions, please ask to your manager, your marketing representative, or send an email
to the Sales Campaign Shared Mailbox: Sales Campaigns Shared/MN/USB.
For internal use only.