Reece High School Respectful Relationships Policy Bullying & Harassment Reece High School values Respect, Responsibility, Honesty & Trustworthiness and Connectedness. Reece High School will provide a safe, inclusive, supported and ordered environment free from bullying, harassment and violence. Bullying, including cyber bullying, harassment and violence, is not acceptable in this school, and will be dealt with seriously and promptly. Reece High School implements policies and strategies guided by current research on effective approaches to the prevention of bullying and violence. These policies are reviewed regularly. Aims 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To provide students with a safe, secure and inclusive learning environment To encourage all students to speak up when bullying, harassment or violence occurs To deal with all issue that are brought to the attention of staff To equip students with the skills to be part of the solution To implement procedures and restorative practices in response to situations involving bullying, harassment or violence 6. To build awareness of bullying, harassment and violence in the whole school community and to develop a collective responsibility in response Definitions Bullying Bullying is when someone, or a group of people, who have more power at the time deliberately upset or hurt another person, their property, reputation or social acceptance on more than one occasion. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying refers to bullying through information and communication technologies. This includes, but is not limited to computers, netbooks, tablets and phones. It happens when a person is hurt, threatened, intimidated and or humiliated by another person. It may include abusive or threatening messages via text, email or social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram etc. Harassment Any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour, which makes a person feel humiliated or offended. Harassment may be ongoing behaviour or it may be a single act. Discrimination Discrimination occurs when people are treated unfairly. It is often ongoing and may involve exclusion and or rejection. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual conduct which makes a person (male or female, of the same or opposite gender, same sex attracted, bisexual or transgender) feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated. It can be a single incident, repeated, direct or indirect and take various forms. There are three broad categories of bullying: Direct physical bullying Direct verbal bullying Indirect bullying This form includes: Lying and spreading rumours Mimicking Encouraging others to exclude someone Damaging someone’s social reputation or acceptance Cyber-bullying Bullying is not: Mutual conflict, either verbal or physical where both students are upset Social rejection or dislike Single-episode acts Preventing Bullying Reece High will aim to Develop and maintain positive relationships with students and families Develop, implement and review anti-bullying policies and curriculum on a regular basis, including cyber safety programs Make explicit the school’s expectations in relation to bullying to all members of the school community Provide training and induction for staff in effective strategies to manage bullying Survey students each year and use the data collected to inform strategies Students should Be familiar with the school policy and what steps to take if you are bullied or harassed Speak up if you see someone being bullied or harassed Respect the rights of all members of the community and respect individual differences Refuse to take part in bullying, harassment or acts of violence Staff should Explicitly plan opportunities to model and teach appropriate behaviour Regularly remind students to speak up about bullying, harassment or violence Respond to all incidents of harassment within the classroom or on duty, no matter how small Ensure that they arrive in class and on duty on time to eliminate the opportunity for bullying Parents should Make the school aware of any issue or concerns about their child’s behaviour, health & wellbeing or any other relevant matters Communicate in a respectful manner with the school about their concerns as soon as those concerns arise Be aware of your child’s friends and presence on social media Responding to Bullying Students can try the following strategies Remain calm Ignore and walk away Go to a safe area within the school Talk to your friends, tell them what is happening Talk to an adult; a teacher, your parents You may choose to talk to the person and tell them to stop Seek the support of a student leader or teacher Follow school procedures for dealing with incidents of bullying & harassment Parents can try the following strategies Discuss the issue with your child but remain calm Talk about the problem with your child’s teacher Speak only to staff at the school. Do not approach other students or their families Social media is not to be used to express your concerns or complaints Follow school procedures for dealing with incidents of bullying & harassment Staff can try the following strategies Talk with the child / parent and listen to what is being said repeat the issue back Speak to all people involved and record information Facilitate restorative justice ‘mini’ conference Check back in with the student at a later date to make sure that the issue has not started again If the issue is ongoing refer to AST Student Support or Assistant Principal Actions to repeated acts of bullying, harassment or violence Repeated acts of bullying, harassment or violence will be dealt with under the school Behaviour Management plan. It should be noted that some flexibility is required when dealing with each incident depending on the nature and context. When consequences are put in place they should be appropriate to the severity of the offence. The priority is to; Restore – deal with the problem Repair – the relationship between all parties Consequences may include but are not limited to; Recording of the incident Formal interviews with staff Parent notification and involvement Restorative Justice conference Counselling Restitution for any damage caused to personal possessions Withdrawal from class Withdrawal from the school grounds Withdrawal of privileges; e.g. attendance at school socials Suspension