'GPS Sleeves' New Sleeve Inspection Process

‘GPS Sleeves’
New Sleeve Inspection Process
In a continuing effort to better serve our customers, Con Edison Energy Services is pleased to
announce the launch of ‘GPS Sleeves’, a new tool that offers a self-service alternative to the
traditional gas and electric sleeve inspection process. Using a GPS-enabled smart phone,
customers and their contractors can take pictures of an installed sleeve and submit them
directly to Con Edison Energy Services for review, eliminating the need for a physical sleeve
inspection by a Con Edison inspector. GPS coordinate information stored on the photo will be
used to verify the location of submitted photos. Additionally, the photos will be reviewed by an
Energy Services representative to ensure that the sleeve meets Blue Book specifications
outlined in your Con Edison issued service layout.
Here are the steps required to carry out the ‘GPS Sleeves’ inspection:
1. Check your phone’s settings
Most smart phones (Blackberry, Android, iPhone, Windows Phone, etc…) support geotagging,
the feature that attaches GPS coordinates to photos. In order to use the geotagging feature, GPS
must be enabled on your phone. Additionally, it is recommended that you enable “assisted-GPS”
which uses internet data to assist with the GPS location process in places where GPS signal is
weak (such as basements or other obstructed areas). The assisted-GPS setting may be labeled
as “Use Wireless Networks”, “Use Google’s location service”, or a similar description. Note: this
option requires the use of internet data which may result in additional charges from your cellular
service provider. Check with your provider for more information.
The following links contain information on how to configure GPS settings on several smart
phones. If you experience issues with configuration, please contact your phone manufacturer or
service provider for further assistance.
Android - http://support.google.com/coordinate/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2569281
iPhone - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5467
Blackberry http://docs.blackberry.com/en/smartphone_users/deliverables/47561/alc1346767164902.jsp
Windows Phone - http://help.telecom.co.nz/app/answers/detail/a_id/32246/~/change-gpssettings---windows-phone-8
2. Take pictures of the installed sleeve(s)
In order to process your ‘GPS Sleeves’ request, several photographs are required to confirm that
the sleeve meets Con Edison Blue Book specifications. Using a GPS enabled smart phone, take
the following photographs of your sleeve(s) - Photos must CLEARLY display measurements:
Sleeve Diameter
Using a tape measure, show the diameter
across the sleeve opening. An example is
provided below:
Length of Sleeve
Insert the clip-end of a tape measure into the
sleeve and extend the tape measure to show
the length of the sleeve. An example photo is
shown on the right
Using a leveling tool (such as a bubble level),
take a side-angled photo of the sleeve to
show that the sleeve is leveled.
Depth Below Grade
Identify grade with a marking and use take
measure to show the distance from grade to
the sleeve. An example photo is shown to the
Overview Shot
Standing 5 feet back from the wall containing
the installed sleeve, take a photo of the wall.
An example is shown to the right.
3. E-mail photos to Energy Services
Attach the photos of the installed sleeve to an e-mail and follow the instructions below to
construct the e-mail for processing:
Send the photos to one of the following addresses (ie for sleeve photos taken in Manhattan, send
the e-mail to m-gps@coned.com).
Manhattan – m-gps@coned.com
Brooklyn/Queens – bq-gps@coned.com
Bronx/Westchester – xw-gps@coned.com
The subject line of the e-mail should include a case number and address as follows:
Case, Address
(i.e. 1234567, 4 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003)
Anything entered into the body of the e-mail will be recorded as notes. It is OK to leave the body
of the e-mail blank.
If the sleeve is related to an Oil To Gas (OTG) job, add the following e-mail address to the CC list
of the e-mail:
4. Confirmation
Within 10 minutes of submitting the photos, you should receive a confirmation e-mail stating
whether or not your photos were processed. A “successfully processed” confirmation e-mail
indicates that your photos were received and assigned to an Energy Services area and district.
If you receive a response e-mail indicating that the photos you submitted were not
processed, check your location settings to ensure that GPS is enabled and try resubmitting the
photos. If you continue to experience issues, please contact your phone provider or manufacturer
for further troubleshooting assistance. You may also reach out to an Energy Services
representative to arrange a physical sleeve inspection if the problem persists.
If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, contact an Energy Services representative.
Contact information can be found at http://www.coned.com/es/contact_us.asp.
5. The Next Step
A Con Edison Energy Services representative will contact you with any follow-up questions and
information on how to proceed. Please note that GPS coordinates must show the photo within
2 city blocks or a maximum of 2000 feet from the property. Con Edison cannot accept photos
with erroneous GPS coordinates and reserves the right to accept or reject submitted photos. If
you have any concerns, please contact the respective Energy Services representative for the job.