CTL-410 Series GPS Time & Frequency Unit Ultra High Sensitivity Assisted GPS Technology Ultra high sensitivity assisted GPS technology PRODUCT OVERVIEW KEY FEATURES The CTL410 series of GPS Time and Frequency units are designed for where a compact low cost source of highly accurate time and frequency is required, and includes an OCXO oscillator. GPS disciplined OCXO oscillator DATASHEET The CTL410 series utilizes the very latest state of the art GPS technology that allows ultra high sensitivity satellite tracking to levels as low as –160dBm. This low level signal capability can enable GPS timing in very weak signal areas such as under dense foliage, in severe urban canyons and even inside buildings. This high sensitivity is useful for applications such as GSM or WiMAX network synchronization, and alternatively for easier, lower cost antenna installation (as the antenna does not need to have a clear view of the sky and can therefore be easier to install). The CTL410 series has a standard 10MHz output frequency, but can be specified with a variety of additional secondary frequencies. The OCXO oscillator can be configured to be disciplined by the embedded GPS receiver, or to be allowed to free run following GPS calibration. The CTL410 series can also be configured with a 2.048Mbps output option. Other features of the CTL410 series include the capability of the unit to perform a self survey and enter a fixed position mode of operation. This allows GPS timing with only one satellite being tracked as low as –160dBm thereby greatly extending the ability of the unit to output GPS steered time and frequency and reducing holdover requirements. In addition, the unit will autonomously scale the self survey window based on initial reported GPS position to allow entry into fixed position mode even in very weak signal areas. GPS World from Chronos Technology CTLds086 v1.1 Feb2011 Low power, small form factor Ultra high GPS sensitivity Easier antenna location <1E-12 frequency accuracy 30ns RMS timing accuracy Achieves ITU/ETSI PRC MTIE mask Self survey and single satellite timing capability 10MHz and 1pps synchronized to GPS 2.048Mbps output option 10MHz phase aligned to 1pps Available with additional output frequencies Assisted GPS capability Outputs GPS assist data to act as a server to other CTL410 units Outputs GPS assist data to act as a server to other CTL430 CTL-410 Series GPS Time & Frequency Unit The CTL410 series will either work in stand alone mode whereby the GPS receiver will autonomously achieve satellite lock in good signal areas, or will accept GPS assist data to allow satellite lock in extremely poor signal areas. GPS assist data can be received via the RS232 serial port from a GPS assist server or other CTL410 unit located elsewhere in the network (the CTL410 will act as a GPS assist server to other CTL410 units). Specification INDUSTRIAL GNSS APPLICATIONS Physical PCB Size: 100 x 160mm Inputs Antenna: Antenna Power: Voltage: SMA +5 filtered and current limited 9-36V DC Note 1 The 10MHz output frequency can be specified with a square wave or sine wave format. As well as the standard 10MHz output frequency, there is also the option to specify two additional secondary output frequencies that are locked to GPS Outputs Frequency: 1pps Serial Port: Alarm: Data Output: Data Output: Data Input: Data Input: 10MHz CMOS (Note1) TTL RS232-C dry relay contact NMEA0183 (including Time of Day) GPS assist data (Note 2) Control commands GPS assist data Note 2 To allow a first fix under very poor signal conditions, the unit will accept external GPS assist into the RS232 port. The unit will also output any GPS assist data autonomously downloaded from visible satellites to be used by other CTL410 series units in a network. (GPS assist data includes satellite almanac, ephemeris, TOD, etc and allows a rapid GPS fix in signal areas below –143dBm) GPS Frequency: Sensitivity: Sensitivity: L1 1575.42MHz 12 channels -159dBm acquisition (A-GPS) -160dBm tracking Timing Accuracy 1pps: 1pps: 30ns RMS (clear view of sky) <1us (weak signal strength) (Note 3) Frequency Accuracy: 10MHz: <1E-12 (24 hour average) 10MHz: Achieves ITU/ETSI PRC MTIE Holdover: 10MHz: Note 3 With a clear view of the sky, the CTL410 series units will provide 30ns RMS timing accuracy. In areas of very weak GPS signals, the timing accuracy can degrade out to levels of <1us due to signal multipath. Such multipath will also degrade the short term frequency accuracy Note 4 The CTL410 can be specified with a variety of different OCXO types, such that specific holdover and phase noise parameters can be defined (Note 4) Phase Noise: -145dBc/Hz @ 1KHz typical (Note 4) Environmental Operating Temp: Storage Temp: Humidity: -10degC to +75degC -40degC to +100degC 90% non-condensing Chronos Technology Limited Stowfield House Upper Stowfield Lydbrook Gloucestershire GL17 9PD UK Tel: +44 (0)1594 862200 Email: sales@chronos.co.uk www.chronos.co.uk www.gps-world.biz