THB'BUSdAY MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. needing money before Any wage-earnpay-da- y can get It from us; no commission or Interest In advance; no mortgage or required. Repay weekly, monthly or In amounts from 51 and upwards, thus avoiding the payment o the and whole amount out or any one pay-da- y. It desired. have six months time. SOS McKay bldg. NELSON & HINDLEY. TAFT & CO. Ablngton Block. 125-12- 6 Phone Main 150. TeL Main 188. WE ARE MAKING SALES Every day. Our list, of bargains exceeds anything we have ever had. Don't think of buying until you, have seen us. We will cave you money. JENNINGS & CO for $1500. m brick building; all outside rooms on one floor; rent only $1)0; 4 Good corner years' lease; price for Monday only $1700. 9 ROOMS Good brick, vacant, lease for one year at $50 per month; for tle. This Is surely a big snap; Investigate If you want a good down-tow- n central. proposition. 32 ROOMS Good location, every room rented: rent only $65, with lease; corner building; price pnly $1900. IN VALUABLE GIVE INTEREST property and double money for an investment jlo, uregoniau. Ot 51000 to $juvu. RESTAURANTS. We have 6 good, first-claplaces, ranging In prices from $700 to $13,000. 7 PER CENT FOR $3000, G per cent for $2l,ooo; security Andrew Chezem, 27 Washington bldg. HAVE $1500 TO LOAN ON APPROVED C1TJ In property, 6 per cent; no commission. quire 33 Mill, evcmn&s. SALOONS. Several good propositions and well located; good leases, and propositions that will stand Investigation. OTTT.T. j al We have three general merchandise stocks that we know are No. 1 propositions and will stand the strictest investigation. BY PRIVATE party on real estate security, jj si, urc TERMS 0N" F ALL TITLES GUARANTEED. BUYERS PROTECTED ASVBLL AS SELLERS. THEABOVE.1 gonlan. PRIVATE PARTI makes real estate, personal, chattel, calory loans. 604 Marquam bldg. SPOT CASH MEDIUM-six- e FOR WANTED rooming house, well located, on West Side, with reasonable rent; no trash; state price ana location, auutces o u, 'GUARANTEED PATENTS d Send model or sketch . 1.1 t i. o n t i V ,trated suldebook;. contains 100 me-- J V "raicmcuu una nsi oi inventions now to ootam and sell at our """Mi Evans. expense. Wllkens & Co.. Reg. Paten Attorneys.- - 615 F street, Washington. IOr s, Oregonian, O 20. good clean stock. PROMI-ne- nt FOR SALE LODGING-HOUScorner. 25 nice rooms; good lease and furnishings; leaving city; $1000, part cash. If taken at once. D 16. Oregqnian. affairs compels quick sale. Call 210 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. re taurant; other important HOUSE, PARTLY FOR SALE house, furnished, cheap; also have will sell or trade for smaller place. J 18, G OLDFIELD SHARES ADVANCE 100 PER c ovrn and operate 100 acres assays up to $200; also operating lease Vi iu'"UU! wuartzue; aiso own and op- 22 SINGLE ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED, grounds; rent $70; good lease; nar Fair price $1460 cash. Phone Clay 1791. No All three In onu ramnnnv nr IK.' n.t r cir. per 1000 shares; the beft at the Ipwest price; will advance 100 per cent April 23; Oregonian. erate JOO acres in Gilpin County. Colorado: if not satisfied within 30 days after buying u c' "K1 00 returnee;; write for agents. . n s, oyster-house- HALF-INTERE- COUNTRY STORE. POST-offic- e. ground buildings; $2350, or take city property. Restaurant, best location, cheap rent; steady; good money-make- r; snap. Both will etand closest Investigation. F. Fuehs, 148U 1st st WAKTEDr-MA- AS N SECRETARY AND troasurer of the Ireland Excavating Corporation; salary $1800 per year; must take stock In corporation not less than '$2300. Address H 13. Oregonian. MILLINERY S V 11. Orcgonian. lished. SA-lo- WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION n business, concern; large and profitable, business; present owners retiring; this is an unusually good opportunity. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. $13.000 WANTED A PARTNER WITH $1700 IN old established teaming transfer line, ce- ment and boarding stable; partner to manage the business; business done last year was over $45,000; net $5000. Address L 15, Oregonian. AND LADIES' SPECIAL GROCERY FOR $73Q; CIGAR store for $1000; lunchcounter for $230: notion store for $1000; office business, $200; for rent, restaurant location with 9 For full particulars call 248 "A Stark st living-room- CASH for your real estate or business no matter where located; If you desire quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency. 312C Bank of Commerce bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. A SNAP RESTAURANT AND CONFECTION-ery- ; good location; reasons for selling, in another line of business. Call between 11' and 12 A. M.. 3 and 4 P. M., 405 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE BUSINESS THAT PAYS $200 A month, which I will sell for $230 cash; good reasons for selling; none but those who mean business need answer. J 10, Oregonian. WANTED BUSINESS MAN TO MANAGE branch office for Oregon corporation at Fresno, Cal.; must have small capital; salary and commission. Address K 13, Oregonian. orKe The Golden Sun Mining MONDAY FOR ACTIVE MAN HOTEL. FURNISHED. FULL OF 202 Klttredge bldg., Denver, Colo. steady roomers, producing $500 to $600 per with $200 to make from $18 to $23 a unnecessary. month; lease runs 2 years. $40 per month; Call 248 week; experience YOU CAN RAISE FROM $100 TO $1000. I IF price $1200. Towns end, Driggs frtark st. Co.. 2S0 uo.iiu4.i-per cent jou Alder ft. ana permanent position iuas partner interest In new legai-re-. GOOD, PARTY TO BUY MY INTEREST. -P.rVe COmnanV linrtOP mrtelratUi. OF SICKNESS. WILL SELL OR raving office business; must leave city; . t ACCOUNT enn Illinois: from Sim trade for city or country real estate, lntorest $!" to $200 month guaranteed. G 20, Orecan show you; no speculation; you'll have In legitimate gonian. proosltlon to party who could assume management. G 10. uuiij, .nviiif uj. xne Jortiana. Oregonian. FULL OF FOR SALE DINING-ROOE OPENING FOR ANY ONE steady boarders; fine location: lease, cheap wanting a grocery; good location In town FOR SALE DERMATOLOGY, HAIRDRESS-Address T 18, Oregorent, reasonable. with 3 sawmills; stock about $830; done alanlcuri",S parlww, with electric galnian. $15,000 last year; reason for selling, other vanic baths, fixtures new; splendid location; selling account of sickness. J 7, Oregonian. and more Important interests requiring BOARDING-bousAND ROOMING more of our time and attention. Address full; rent $40; only $050; genuine BARGAIN uregoman. u GROCERY care xi, AND MARKET. snap. Shown from 210 Commercial block. East Side, doing good business; horse, wagon, f:TTT? lVTPrn ov no . tt- SECURITIES stock, fixtures, living rooms; will Invoice HOUSE '" CORNER IN CITY. IFwith selling over about $700. E. J. Gelser. 205 Morrison st. all the world. Industrial and. large basement, all full; a snap at Companies """"'6 yiuiuoiersc investigate. $800 if sold this week. K IS. Oregonian. FOR SALE ALL OR provide Dame ana merCONTROLLING .uwipin.u. cantile references. Interest In a sawmill on railroad; $10,000 National Underwriting PARTNER TO INVEST $150; ABSOLUTELY -- u., to $15,000 .xcw good needed; .Montgomery supply of logs and san st.. iiiui Cat secured; $100 monthly gauarantfeed; best Francisco, good market Box 346, Oregon Cltty, Or. references given. S 10, Oregonian. BOARDING-HOUSAT HOOD RIVER. PARTNER WANTED AT LEAST $0000 FOR BRICK FLAT, FOR SALE w; oig concession on tne Address o4.uij "Trail"; refuuiiuing; newly furnished, rent $75; lease; price, erences given and required. house filled and turning xiuue away people. Jacob $1300; terms. W 18, Oregonian. Lindsay, general delivery. Portland, Or. Trlf frT nrniurlv In.l.MI Would f000. furniture to st and rent LEGITIMATE BUSINESS FOR MAN AND desirable tenant. Geo. M. Strong, 113 FOR SALE CIGAR. CONFEmoVEltT t- -r wife; net $200 per month; must sell immecream and news store: rent paid to June u at. diately; $900. X 10. Oregonian. 10; lease runs to Jan. 1006; good stock and iurnisnings. waj um St., near Stark. PARTNER WANTED FOR A REPUTA12 ROOMS. FURNISHED, NEAR NKJELY Die estate experience Dumness; reai not MILLINERY AND NOTION STORE A GOOD easy terms. Alpine Fair grounds. $1500; necessary beyond ability to list and show Real Estate Co.. 152 1st st. bargain If taken now; must sell, called East property, which Is easily learned; profits on account of sickness; rent only $10 a month xiv sua ujjeii 10 inorougn investlga Including living room. Call 657 1st st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. CENTRAL. tlon. Particulars, 248 V5 Stark st. fine business; will bear most thorough investigation. 07 N. 10th. FOR SALE 20 ROOMS FURNISHED 24 THIS IS A unfurnished; large house, with restaurant; $3300 The very best house In this INTEREST IN FOR SALE good business; will trade for farm; close to corner, cjiy. oricic; rent $125; owner sick, good paying and growing business; investimain entrance to Fair. 806 Upshur st. you sell. must If understand see values gate it. W 20. Oregonian. tniB. isxciusire with Anderson, 181 Mor FOR SALE BEST LARGE ROOMING- rlson at. MAN WITH CAPITAL TO TAKE INTER-es- t iiouse in city; oeot in ever' respect and withand exhibit beautiful amusement at out exception filled now with a peo Fair. V 19, Oregonian. ple, owner, iciepnone Alain 59S9. year, with fine home and office. In a prosper ous iuwu ui. uio wmaiueiic valley, win oe FOR SALE WANTED CLEANING, PARTNER FOR CIGAR WITH SIDE sold for the value of the property; an exroom, in heat locationSTORE. dyeing business; have fine location. AdIn cellent buy for a. lire doctor. C 75, Oredress M 16, Oregonian. more than pays all expenses; other business CHANCE 111. COTTAGE. ELEGANT FUR- $ 350 niture. rent $20. Prlco 14 rooms, full of roomers, good fur1,000 niture, rent $50; terms. Price 23 rooms, good furniture. lease, rent $00. Price 1,260 12 rooms, good location; snap. Price. 900 9 rooms, good location, close In, 550 rent $27. Price 5 rooms, good location, rent $20 400 OTTO & CROCKETT. 243H Washington St. Phone Black 2871. & CO. frpft F02!7?S. BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY, 1656 4th st brick, corner, lease .$3000 flat, fine buy, lease . 1200 irooir. cottage, very fine loo Fine cigar stand . 450 A house for rent; $25. For tale-O- ne of the betjt-iaylrestaurants In the city, cost, $2400 to furnish place; business causes owner to leave city soon; will for $1000. part tjme; this place is doing a. fine business and a money-maker- ;; will tlLe strictest Investigation. See Ford, S 4th, room SO. .SMALL D 146-19- St.. Chicago. dry goods store, good Valley town; will Invoice $4000; will sell for $3000 cash or Invoice; business well paying and estab- HANI FACTCRING BUSINESS; EXPERI-enc- e unnecessary; ?450 with services will make $123 a month; permanent and sure. 24S particulars. Stark st. Full t BUYS -- Nearly all the above have good leases and I HAVE SO MANY CALLS FOR LODGING-house- s are well located. and business chances that I have We have alarge amount of money on. decided to handle them along with my nana, and will be glad to assist buyers at high-clareal estate business, legal rate of Interest. so bring them in and 1 will sell them for you If anyone can. I am a fixture here. JENNINGS & CO 332 4 WASH. ST. 34 years residence, and I know I can make good any claim. List your stuff with We have a large list of restaurants and me and I will sell it. Ground-floo- r cigar stores, grocery stores, office A. D. Marshall. 82 3d st. meat markets; also stocks of general merchandise in goo'd country towns. IN A JENNINGS &. CO 3324 WASH. ST. FOR SALE rooms; because with 16 of other Interests owner will take a partSAWMILL Complete and in ner; the right party can come In with $600 every respect; does best business of any cash and pay balance as It Is made; place mill In Willamette Valley: $20,000. Is central and will make lots of money JENNINGS & CO 3321, WASH ST. this year. Full particulars, Western Land Co.. 248 .i Stark st. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. ARE PARKER'S INFALLIBLE SYSTEM WILL In receipt of the latest Information on busiguarantee it to beat the races on any ness chances, town and country, list open to inspection at any time during reputable newspaper or handlcappers seoffice lections, or refund the price of same In hours. The Ames Mercantile Agency, full. For particulars address William Ablngton bldg. Parker, 1316 Vanderbll bldg.. New York. FIRST-CLAS- FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ONE OF THE best located email restaurants in trie city; a. bargain if sold Monday. Apply for par ticulars 181 13th St.; no agents. $150 or fee returned. nnlnln-- $1,350 LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH JENNINGS PATENTS DOING FOR SALE SMALL GROCERY investigagood business; will stand close horse and wagon and tion; 4 living-room- DSES; TAFT & CO., Ablngton Block. 1004 Third Street. 6 CHANCES. BUSINESS ATOT4010 T ALSO L $200 TO LOAN ON GOOD REALTY. 20. care Orcgonian. 750 furniture, rent $23.... 523 Front, near Morrison 2,500 10th and Davis, bargain.... 200 Kood M 18 ROOMS Nicely furnished, good location; rooms always full; price $1600, or will rent furnished. We have several 8 or honsf-s- , nicely furnished, .cheap rent and good location, ranging-Iprice from $000 up to $300. ...... 2.050 2.250 2.000 LS50 electric lights, furnace heat 1.150 2 years' lease, rent $45.... 1,050 11 " furnace heat, very central.'. 1,000 11 " rent $23, Income $S5 800 10 furnace heat, select board. 1,400 10 " income $72, rent $40.." 1,100 10 " housekeeping, rent $30.... 9S0 10 on Main, near 6th st 900 " rent $43, Income $83 10 830 10 " furnace heat, gas 750 10 " housekeeping, rent $40 030 on 5th st.. rent only $30 . 0 900 " 7th, near Taylor, low rent.. 900 8 " 3d. near Madison, rent $22 . 900 3 " 0 furniture, very central 850 9 " food on 4th st--, housekeeping... 750 " "N. 14th st., housekeeping.. 9 800 " board, N. 9 th, rent only $30 600 9 Wo have at least 150 other good bargains. large yard, lots flowers; $700. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO R. L Eckerson & Co., S5V0 on all securities. room 0, Washington bldg. Clay 78. ..UVJ " II 11 ROOMS Oak furniture. Brussels carpets, furnishings all new; rent $35; comer house, AND LOANS ON FURNITURE.rates,PIANOS s. W. King, other securities; lowest room 45. Washington bldg. Hood 415. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS, ON ALL KINDS a. oauawsf, Ot security. room 10. Washington bldg. Clay 1814. 2.400 4,500 5.100 1,050 650 $150. 1.050 " 11 $1300. Washington sts. C.000 WE DO THE BUSINESS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE BARGAINS. 11 rooms, ront $60, income $113 Hot and cold water in nearly all rooms;, best location In the city; clearing above all expenses $53 per month; price. 23 ROOMS 3,000 Cth St., lease, income flat, on Alder st house, rent only $50 flat, transient, central 1st at., full, lease... very central, good furniture must sell, make offer. " ' " " " " " 12 ROOMS Wash. SC.500 ........ . ' " " ' 9 16 ROOMS Elegantly furnished,- - first-clalocation; cheap rent; a special otter this week LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL-arle- d people; lowest rates; confidential; will advance money on any good security. Room 218 Ablngton diuk. rnooe xvea j.zti. $1000 TO LOAN ON PORTLAND REAL ES-tat- e, improved or unimproved. Apply room 45, Washington bldg.. cor. 4th and TO LOAN 13 $2100. PLAN TO LOANS ON THE salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confidential. Employe" Loan Co., room 716, tue Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 221. TO $5000 SO 34 22 20 ROOMS Swell location near Morrison, well furnished, rent only $100 per month; lease; always full; this bouse is good buy, CENT MONEY WE BUY OR FIVE PER build ou a home or loan on your property; monthly payments; investigate; open Satur- $1000 " " ' " " 34 26 ROOMS Steam heat, newly furnished and remodeled; 2 yeara" lease; rent only $150 per month; price, $3000. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy payments; largest business in 40 principal clues. Tolman, 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 1758. hotel and restaurant 1st st.. Income $300 clears $200 a month near Union Depot, full clears $175, rent $125 new furniture, rent uuuou always iun. centrally located close In. rent only $33 " 48 46 32 ROOMS Bon ton location, rent 3175; good loose; steam heat, hot and cold water in most all rooms; now clearing about $175 per month. A cheap price for $3650. HOME THE OREGON Association will loan you money at 4 per cent, and give you 7 years in which to repay iu Call 232 Stark st for particulars. "WILL GIVE 50 rooms, 37 ROOMS Rent only $175 per month; good lease; clearing about $350 a month; bcit location in the city for swell trade; 'or a quick sale wo have reduced the price to $075u. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO-nla- n bldg.. loans money to reliable salesmen, trainmen, motormen, conductors or otner saiarled employes, Juet on hla note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in convenient weekly or monthly payments. Payments suspended in case ot sickness. Confidential. No inquiries. 332& WASH. ST. A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS IN BOOM-HOUSE- 31 ROOMS Rent only $123, leas until after the Fair, good brick building; $1000 cash, balance monthly, $75 per month; & snap for $3500. .iii; s And Business Chances Of AH Kinds. "Large List to Select From. Wo Protect Our Clients. BOOKKEEPERS, MANAGERS, labor-savinexpense-reducin- g system; modem methods; vices; exceptional inducements: tails. Office Men'o Record, 145 Chicago. fice s. ETC., GILT-EDG- E e, 00-0- 0 E -- ikc DO-ln- g MONEY-MAKE- ONE-HAL- F flrrt-clas- ! gonian. GROCERY. GOOD STAND. CLEAN STOCK, low Tent, fine location, nice business; bargain. V 20. Oregonian. RAILROAD TIES ARE ADVANCING IN ijwi;j. imvo wo unest tract 01 tie nmDcr in Oregon, close to Portland; water transporta' tion, and that means ties can be cut to uuucjccii iui competitors. , uregonian FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A FIRST-clas- s restaurant and ice cream parlors In Eugene: best equipped soda apparatus in Oregon; price & sacrifice; terms reasonable Address P. O. Box 52. Euegene, Or. $10 TO $25 DAILY CAN BE MADE BY IN-vesung u ana very mue work; write to us and we'll convince you It's no fake or scneme. Illinois Photoscope u xuinaojpn St., ;nicagO. u., STOCK OR BOND ISSUE, REPUTABLE cuiiwiaiinn, jnjning, inausinai or railroad wanted; have every facility for celling same on commission: give particulars. P. O. box .ew iorK my, $S50-FR- UIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE with comfortable living apartments: 2 years lcaee at $15 per month; neat business for man ana wuc or nustness woman. J 15, FOR SALE NEW APARTMENT-HOUS50 rooms, long lease, terms; no agents. Address R 20, Oregonian. "WANTED PARTNER IN SMALL business; about $1000 necessary. Address S 20. Oregonian. E. MANU-facturl- PARTNER WANTED TO OPEN RESTAU-raor cafe; Al location. Address T 10, Oregonian. "WE HAVE to rent tate Co. VACANT LOTS AND BOOTHS Alpine Real Es- at Fair grounds. FOR SALE RESTAURANT . AND LUNCH counter, bost in city. Jacob Krigcr, 23 N. ix, Fifth. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST LOCATED rooming-house-s In Portland; no agents. 181 13th st. GOOD STAND VERY CHEAP. NEAR mam entrance Fair. IBS 12th at. Phone Main $350 4603. POKER-PLAYER- WANT TO SELL THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT g of the souvenir novelty that was at the St, Louis Fair; 90.000 were sold there at 23c each. Address C 13, care Oregonian. FOR SALE A ROOMING-HOUS- rooms, E can at SA- OF 263 5th st. TO IX-v- st Oregonian. FOR KALE SALOON; MUST SELL. APPLY G4 3d st. LEAVING CITY nt HOUSE. to Fair; large basement for restaurant If desired; rent $42; modern and good furniture. 40 Jlamllton bWg. 1 SPECIAL SALE-24-RO- OM CEN-traHOUSE. rent $110; house (boarders), house, (boarders) cen central. $110; traL $50. 40 Hamiltpn bldg. FOR SALE shoo store ness and selling, u DRY GOODS. CLOTHING AND In good town In Oregon; good busifine location; best of reasons for io, uregonlan. FOR SALE EAGLE BAKERY AT MARKTT field. Or. For Information Inquire at 409 x.veroti sr.. jL'oruana, or Joseph Eagle, iuarsnucia, ur. HOUSE COMPT.KTR, FOR SALE 32 BOOMS. $225 monthly; IN GOOD Lo$1000. Hat- room 32. .Monday. Call after for sale: might take partner; reasonable. K 10. oregonian. 308 SALE RESTAURANT, FOR CHEAP taken at once; party has to so East. $5000 IF no agents. PAYING BEAL ESTATE. LOAN BUSINESS A GOOD ROOMING-HOUS- E FOR SALE 18 rooms, isc ciass lurniture, Jenerson sL, rent , ivj-icnas. iu namuton mag. 231 11 ROOMS: GOOn nltureflne location; noon, 4t4 Aicer. SOUTH 17TH ST.: A PROFITABLE proposition to any one who may call at noma iitn et. TO $10,000 WANTED llshed manufacturing Orcgonian. FOR g FOR ESTAB 16, enterprise. SALE SMALL JEWELRY STOCK; business; no competition. H 13, Oregonian. s, STEVENS. VEASEY & CO.. Telephone Main 1976. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO. Room 9, Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5336. We have a number of choice roomlns-hous- o locations for sale. Each one Is a guaranteed Both proposition. All titles guaranteed. buyer and seller protected. lease over the 32 rooms Housekeeping, Fair, $130 per month, good furniture and first-clalocation. Price, $2200. 24 rooms House strictly modern, hot and cold water In each room, all new furniture, furnace heat, rent $125. with lease, right In the heart of city; $4250, $2000 cash, balaneo ' to suit good 20 rooms Housekeeping, furniture, best location In the city for the Fair; gas light and furnace heat; price $1730; rent reasonable. house Transient, steam heal, gas and electric light; one of the houses in the city; now clearing over $3W per month; lease over the Fair; rent very reasonable. Price $6300. house Part housekeeping, furniture all first-clasrooms all taken, cheapest rent in city; $00: gas and electric lights; Jefterson st,11 near Went Park. Price, $2 1C0. rooms Rent $30; elegant furniture; hot and cold water; gas lights; facing the Fllth-s- t. car line. Price $900, $300 cash, balance to suit 12 rooms Boarding-hous- e, with three basement rooms, furniture all first-clas- s and one year old; rent $83, with lease over Fair; best location In the city for a good boarding-house- ; 10th st, near Salmon. Price. $1800. 40 rooms Lease over the Fair; all on one floor; rent $05; furniture all In good condl. tlon; ga9 light; Income now $450 a month. Price. $4800. Restaurant on Washington et; rent $50; this Is a snap for the Fair. Price, $1500. New home baker' Bake oven, all cooking utensils, counters, showcases, work tables and shelving, all stock on hand. Price, $830; rent $40; subrent part of space for $18, leaving your rent $22. Morrison st ' Candy store Slxth-s- t location; rent $27.60, with lease; fine stock of candy and cigars; two living rooms and running water. Price, Saloon On Sixth st; good fixtures and a good business; the best Uuy and the cheapest rent In Portland, with lease over the Fair; $00 per month. Price. $1500. EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO.. ROOM 9. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. IN TOWN OF 4000 WHOLESALE and retail bakery and confectionery; two retail stores; no competition; nets $"500 per year; If you have $6000 and want to get WANTED HUSTLING YOUNG BUSINESS man ns partner In office at Sacramento to manage business of large Oregon corpora- $15: also stable. Address owner, B 13. gonian. Ore- NEWLY FURNISHED, near Fair Grounds; rent $70; good lease; price $1400 cash. Phone Clay 1791. No agents. 22 SINGLE ROOMS. PARTY WITH $3000 CAN DOUBLE SAME in four years; straight, legitimate business, now established In the city. T 13, Orego- nian. look this upv FOR SALE DRY GOODS STORE AT 90S Belmont sL; extremely desirable location; 3 years lease of store and living rooms. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE AND. SALOON. 7th and Johmon sts. ; also store next door for rent; good location for restaurant. INTEREST IN GOOD REAL ESTATE BUSI-nfor sale; best reasons for selling; nam place for Interview. V 9, Oregonian. CASH WILL BUY THE BEST Located restaurant in Portland; lease till 1006; no agents. Address G 06. Oregonian. $3000 SPECIAL 25,000. ALASKA PETROLEUM and Coal (Alaska), cheap. Geo. W. Young, 705 Madison St. Seattle, Wash. PARTNER WANTED WITH $1150 IN and best paying manufacturing business in Portland. Y 6, Oregonian. $4000 FOR THREE YEARS; WANTED will pay good interest and give best of sePER-mane- V 13. care Oregonian. curity. FOR SALE PAINT SHOP AND TOOLS. IN heart of city: good location to handle a stock; cheap. E 13, Oregonian. FOR SALE A STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUN24 horsec. 4 carriages. In good order. M. E. Bush. Kalama. Wash. CIGAR STAND a Rtesland. money-make- AND Address POOLROOMS COM-blne- d; for sale. C Ben bldg. r, 602 Commercial MAN WITH $500 TO $1000 TO JOIN IN handling valuable tract of ,land and double his money. F 18, Oregonian. ROOMS; 18 PAYING Hatfield & well: on principal street; $1300. Smith. 165tfs 4th st, room 32. CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY STORE ON principal street, doing good business; fully equipped. G 97, Oregonian. FOR SALE $5000 STOCK DRY clothing and shoes; investigate. Box I Prosser. Wash. GOODd. A ("dress GROCERY STORE IN GOOD residence district on East Side. Address S 70. Oregonian. J GROCERY FOR SALE CLEAN STOCK. Excellent location, low rent H 11, Orcgonian. FOR SALE BARBER SHOP. 3 CHAIRS. GOOD cheap. Inquire at 66 N. 6th st LOCA-tlo- FOR SALE BEST CIGAR STAND IN CITY; money-make- r. Call 61 A SNAP RESTAURANT. In city. 246 Yamhill at 3d st BEST LOCATION N 14, Orego- MANUFACTURING BUSINESS: partner wanted; must have $1200 and be satisfied with $150 to $200 a month; duties easily learned; this business is open to thorough investigation. Call 248 Stark st tion; must have small capital; large muneration. Address Q 15. Oregonian. Leather and Findings, A. STROWBRIDGE J...Ltl.l 1 D".D a, LEATHER !., Y CO. .1 Es- - a Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189, Front st THE BREYMAN CO.. LEATHER MFRS,. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 4 3th, Machinery. 72-7- B. TRENKMAN ........ O "O & ......... CO., MINING SAW- ..V. ytCB, j , "J a ALBEB CO., SECOND-HANTHE H. raacmnery. saniuuu, ciu .19 urauu ave. Dayon Hdw. Co.. Agts. W. F. & J. Barnej Co, Star lathes, scroll saws, etc 194 1st Northwest Vravl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. Call or send stamp for Health Boole Osteopathy. CHANCES. BUSINESS a good, restaurant, we have If at the right price. it Splendid corner grocery with 4 nice living-rooms; stock at cost; good trade; you want D about $1500. s; Bakery, city; everything new and splendid trade: $1630. DRS. ADDIX & NORTHRUP, 416 DEKUM CO. INVESTMENT THE HEALY bldg. Phono Main 349. Examination free. GOOD HOUSE. CLOSE IN, PRICE Patent Lawyers. $1400. 25 rooms, furnished, on Washington et, cheap rent; a workingman's house; price, R, C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum, $eso. A gooa blacksmith shop, a snap, $300. Physicians and Surgeons. Al saloon proposition. Fine groceries and delicatessen, a barLB OTT, DISEASES gain. DR. MRS. CARE of women. Offlco 766 Qulmby st. near 23d. BERRY & ALEXANDER. 4 North Sixth St Paints, Oils and Glass LARGE AT FAIR GROUNDS 120 ROOMS, booth spaces will RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, restaurant and soon be erected and for sale reasonable; half glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. cheap to acceptable party. Exposition Leasfirst-clas- A d ing Co., 210 Commercial block. ACCOUNT OF DISSOLVING OF PART-nershl- p a good paying restaurant In finest Fair location for,sale reasonable; will easily earn $1500 per month all Summer. Address E 21, Oregonian. THE FLORIST BUSINESS AT 421 WILLIAMS heating, avc. buoo feet of glass, small cottage and salesroom, establUned 11 years, to be sold before first of June. Apply on premises. DAYTON HARDWARE CO., AGENTS Paint & Color Co. 194 1st LIN-co- ln Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese circle doors, bankers' comfort: Dlebold fireproof and burglar-proc- f. the best; repairs and Jail work. Davis, tid 3d, THE MAN WHO KNOWS THE GOOD AND bad points of all safes buys the 70 0th st, Portland. Or. Second-Han- d Machinery. WANTED BY A LARGE LANDOWNER. A partner with from $20C0 to $6000 to engage J. SIMON & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL sosheep and goat business; Investigation In machinery, pipe, cable, kinds second-han- d licited; no agents. Address T 4, belting, hardware; highest price paid for crap iron and metals. 244 Front Main 2002 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Rubber Stamps. Accordion Plaltlmr. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL, P. Herring-Hall-Marvl- n. a Main 710. Rubber) stamps, MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.; seals, stencils. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assayem. and Analysts. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 6th and Hoyt Phono Main 1403. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE chemists and metallurgists. Prices: PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. copper 50c. 204 Wash. 343 1st near Market Gold and silver $1; Phone Black 3133. Spiritualists. J. M. MOE. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist; gold and silver, $1. 350 Ankeny Rt SPECIAL 50c ! 50c! 50c t 50c I SPECIAL MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 203 STARK ST. readings few days only. Rev. Richard Best facilities; prices reasonable. Arygale, the renowned clairvoyant, franco medium, palmist, will give names, dates, PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST; facts, everything you wish to know never gold dust bought 223 Stark st falls. Free if incorrect Reads life like open book. Come and Investigate today. Attorneys-at-LaIs this not honest and fair? 233 5th st. Daily and evenings. Materializing medium. U. S. G. MARQUAM, 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I roaka specialty of defeating tax title. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S moot reliable medium; all in trouble call Business Colleges. and. get her valuablo advice on all affairs of life, (justness, love, troubles; absent friends TYPEWRIT-inTOUCH GREGG SHORTHAND. a specialty. 165 4th at. Russel bldg.; famous budget bookkeeping, actual busi-- n hours 9 to 5. practice; positions found for graduates; day and night school. Holmes Business MME. AD WARD CRAMER. SPIRITUALIST Y. M. C. A. bldg. Main 013. medium, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the sepCarpet Cleaners. arated, no matter the distance or cause; SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and satisfaction guaranteed. SO N. 7th st, compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on near Everett floor without removal. Main 5334. East 2394. MRS. LADD F1NNICAN CAN Bl CONSULT-e- d CO. THE PORTLAND dally at 412 Alder, cor. 11th. Main 6179. Phono All kinds ot work, Main 46S2. LARSEN. tho Palmist, returned. SclenUfia readings. 50c 162 2d st, near Morrison st Carpenters and Builders. CORNELIUS. FOR FEW DAYS MRS. only. 145 W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, general 0th, room 21. Hood 1943. 330 Stark. Black 914. jobbing, contracting. MOTH, CARD MISS READINGS DE GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES, dally. 472 Taylor st. houses Duilt and repaired. 208 4th. Clay 174. Storage and Transfer. Clairvoyants. AND PIANOS FURNITURE SAFES. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. moved, packed ready for shipping and shlp- PROF. VAN CORTLAND, all work guaranteed; large Sed; WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. fireproof warehouse for storage. Offico 303 123 1st. C M. Olsen, Phone Main 547. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PARLOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL YOUR C. O. PICK. OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK OCCUPATION. AGE. NAME. MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture) AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY, and What moved and packed for shipment; commodiyou called for, without asking a question. ous fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Will tell the name of your sweetheart or Clay sts. anything you want to know. He sends you away much wiser and happier than when FRED B1CKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONH you called. and furniture, pianos, st, household goodssewing How can I have good luck 7 machines and all trunks, tool chests, How can I succeed In business? prices. movable reasonable articles at How can I make my home happy 7 How can I marry the one I choos? Storage. marry well? How can I How soon can I marry 7 STORAGE WAREHOUSE, GOOD LOCATION, How can I conquer my rival? Apply 13 N. 1st st low rate of insurance. How can I make anyone love me? How can I get a letter? Trunk Factory. ANA-lytic- g, e, re- a good position? How can 1 get WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH. 303 PORTLAND TRUNK CO., 54 THIRD ST., wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. THE PROPHET HAS COME TO PORTLAND. Quaker, Typewriters. Hast thousecn Brother William, the greatest prophet, clairvoyant medium, "the of the great"? Thee should see this man; Now typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and he succeeds when others fall; tells the truth repaired. Coast Agency 231 Stark. TeL 1407 AN EXPERIENCED PROMOTER ABOUT on all affairs of life. If thee has trouble to proceed to England would like to hear of or are heartsick, call 313 Washington ot Wholesale Grocers. you anything FOR SALE. OR PARTNER. LADY OR gent. In restaurant, (finely located. World's Fair, winner; worth $1500: half Interest If taken at ohce $500. Inquire In barber shoo. 146 N. 6th st firit-cla- QUARTZ AND PLACER CLAIMS FOR sale In Cracker Creek district, from $1000 A. P. Smith. Bourne. Or. to $50,000. big into business, nian. Junk. Hides and Pelts. CO.. L. SHANK PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 342 Front st carpet-cleanin- gonian. TO SELL Crlbben & Sexton Co.. 17th and Upshur sts. Largest stock hotel, restaurant, camp range, gasollno stoves and refrigerators in city. ON SOLID ROOMING-HOUS- ROOMS living-room- FINE CORNER IN THIS CITY. COMMAND-in- g a large field, for cither drugs, hardware, dry goods or shoe store. Particulars. bZS Cole st. $1030 CASH BUYS Al GROCERY; BEST OF location; 3 living rooms in rear; rent only ROOMING-HOUS- ACTIVE PARTNER WITH $7500 TO TAKE half Interest in established mantifnrtnrin business in city; Investigation solicited. A urcgonian. st quote prices. 135 1st. cor. Aider. Main 1334. CO. keep fine line DAYTON HARDWARE and odd goods .a hardware. 11H 1st. Hotel. Restaurant and Camp Ranges. e, . T $200 BUYS MY IN GOOD paying office business; an exceptional opportunity for right party. C. L. Smith, room 303. 84 6th sj. OR PART FOR INVESTMENT TV some good enerprise without services. T. E. uameron, &cniinei oiag.f jauwauKee, Wis. 24 iiaruct st. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years' lease. 410 Belmont at.. East Side. street. WELL FUR- nisnea. cenirai. moaern, cheap rent. lease will net $200 a week during Fair. In quire 187 12th st. upper flat. HOUSE. r. money-make- HALF-INTERE- MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS OF ABOUT estate security. John Ditch-bur- n. $1000 on real 245 " Morrison ct. LODGING-HOUS- cation; income neia & smitn, lusy, 4tn st., WANTED FAKTNi5K IN A BRICKYARD. A I). Oregonian. SNAP well-locat- SELL MY IN REAL Estate business; Income $20O to $400 a month. If you want a good jaylng business for small Investment answer, giving your local address If you want Interview. B IS, Ore- CAPITAL FURNITURE HOUSE: RENT 333: arranged for roonrers or boarders; $650. Hat- neia & bmiin. iuft un st., room 32. ROOMING-HOUS- 22 WANTED FOR A SALOON; this place trill please any one wanting a ico piace nave a good partner; $1000 required. Call 24S Stark st. first-cm- FOR SALE REASONABLE HOME BAKERY on Morrison st.. established trade, low rent, light lunehes and Ice cream could be added; money-make- r. Phone Main 5733. MEN WITH the Ireland Scraper Corporation. money Invested. M 17, central, corner, brick building, good furniture; lease; price $1750; terms. E. J. Gelser $40,000 - PARTNER ing around. Writing materials and the leading dally newspapers of the country ore at your disposal. Customers we locate are satisfied that no pains are spared, to locate them where they can make money. We aro the only concern In Portland that make a business of renting furnished We have a houses for the Fair period. number of such on hand. Perhaps we can suit you. Any owner who has a house, to rent furtenant at our nished can find a office. We have the largest list of well selected properties In the city for rent, sale and exchange. houses near We have three, tho Fair grounds. 6, 8 and 10 rooms; low rents; furniture for sale at a bargain. house We have the best located In the city at a bargain for Monday sale. Wo can show you the results on this house. We have another on two car lines of 9 rooms. For quick sale, $500. A transient house In the heart of the city; low wnt; a big money-maknow and after the Fair. and 22 rooms. Including dining-rookitchen; strictly , modern. 3 baths, elegantly furnished; every room full. This Is a big bargain at $4200. We have been authorized by the owners to reduoe the price every day $50 until sold. Do not overlook this It's a 12 rooms, biggest bargain In Portland, within two blocks Portland Hotel; low rent; well furnished. For Monday sale, only $750. This will be gone by noon. Come early. Will trade a large, elegantly furnished house of 20 rooms for smaller house, well located. Ask us about this. We have one of the best business opportunities In the country for a wideawake young man with $050 for In a business; will readily pay $200 per month permanently. cottage, downtown, well .furnished; sewing machine and Insurance; rent only $20. Monday bargain, $400. We have several small grocery stores well located, good buys. with We have over 300 rooming-house- s from 3 to 100 rooms, all parts of the city. We can. suit you. We have the largest list of saloons, restaurants, lunchrooms, etc. in the city. Can locate you to make money. No trouble to show property. We employ a corps ot experienced assistants. Come In and get acquainted. Excavating Steam Large Interest on WANTED In VALLEY WILLAMETTE, RANCHES TO trade for Portland realty. Pacific Realty Co.. 617 Commercial block. BARGAIN WELL-LOCATE- GROCERY. BAKERY AND WRITE ME FOR FREE the most valuable In ever given on oraw-poke- r. Ad- . Kilter, uoiumbus. Ohio. 14, uregonlan. We will rent your rooms free of charge: 70 people located last week. Strangers In Portland are Invited to make our offices their headquarters' while look- DlilECTOHY. Dancing and Elocution. Mrs. Larowe's Hall Classes till July; private lessons all Summer. Tel. Main 2329 till 2 P.M. Hardware. Portland Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. Ablngton Bldg. 106 ThIrdSt PHONE MAIN 193. ROOMING-HOUSE- S FOR SALE. We give special attention to the sale of rooming-house- s and handle the same only upon a legitimate commission. WE PROTECT OCR CUSTOMERS AND GUARANTEE THE TITLE OF EVERY HOUSE SOLD THROUGH OUR OFFICE AND OUR GUARANTEE IS GOD. 15 ROOMS Very central, transient corner. $1500. 40 ROOMS Corner brick, one of the best in this city; clears over $300 monthly; $8500. 25 ROOMS Pays well; lease $65 month; owner will sell on easy terms; $2100. 20 ROOMS Modern and elegantly furnished; $1S00. 3S ROOMS Newly furnished; rent $80; only $2S00. 23 ROOMS Corner brick, all on one floor, with good lease; $1750. 90 ROOMS Modern brick, partly furnished; splendid lease; $4500, 10 ROOMS Nicely furnished; rent $20; $475. fashionable boarding-housselect patronage. $3000. 20 ROOMS Newly furnished, near Fair site; only $IS0O. SO ROOMS Good transient house, will clear the price each month during the Fair. Call at office for particulars. 10 ROOMS Newly furnished; very desirable location; $850. s Any number of smaller houses at attractive figures. Call and see what we have to offer. No trouble to show you, and plenty of funds to assist buyers. 210-21- A CHANCE FOR A BUSINESS WOMAN TO get Into an established business dealing with the best people In town; present owner clears $300 per month, but Is compelled to retire on account of health. This proposition requires about $1200 capital. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. ly furnished, 18 to 20 boarders; rooms all inn. I'none iiain aiou from - to 4 P. 11 formation oress t BAKERY; if taken Monday. Apply 181 13th st. DINING-ROOIN HOTEL TO RENT. $00 per month. Alpine Real Estate Co.. 152 1st. MEAT MARKET. EXCEL- FOR SALE ou. --v u. uregonian. jent opportunity. FOR SALE S particulars regarding SPACE TO RENT. ALL FAI". GROUND SOS Upshur st. Phone Main k r Is bargains. SVLE F"P bargain rcaaun pi selling. STEVENS, VBA3EY & CO., Suite 20S. Allsky Bldg.. N. W. Corner 3d and Morrison Sts. Telephone Main 1970. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS $S0O. of- newest derequest deLaSalle st,. !l money-makin- g 23 BUSINESS CHANCES. greatest through I took $1500 capital, supplied by farmers, women, physicians, clerks, clergymen, etc. In Belfast, Maine, and In an honest, but vary profitable business, earned and paid tnem through Belfast National Bank $5000 - In cash dividends In the first six months, $25,000 In cash dividends within the next year, and in 18 months I paid them In round numbers $330,000.00 cash. EVERY $1 EARNED $220.00. This is history. Reads like a fairy tale, but It is true. I made poor people rich. They helped me earn the riches. Just read that over again. I had $1500. I earned and paid my stockholders $330,000 In cash In IS months. Every stockholder got his share. That's my way of doing business. You must believe this statement is true, 'for, if I were lying, I wouldn't tell you the place where I earned the money, and the bank where It was paid. I have learned the great value of the right kind of learned how to roako money fast m an honest, profitable business from which millions are made every year. . I now have a new business of the same kind, only my field Is the world. My plan one of extended Stockholders everywhere who can give me Information and lend their Influence. The dividends must be large. I already have 6000 stockholders In the U. S.. Canada. England. Cuba, Mexico, Sandwich Islands, Gibraltar, etc I want a few more. The shares are going fast. You can Invest $1 or $100. Monthly payments. If you wish. It will be safe and we will make It grow. This Is no scheme, no "Frenzied Finance." You will be met on the level and treated on the square. I place 30 years of untarnished business record behind that statement. I only ask you In your own Interest to investigate. You shall have all the proof you want. References, bankers, buslriess men, church and public officials, etc Send your address on a postal card. I will send a 24 page book. "A GUIDE TO FULL POCKETS," Free. I will pay the postage. Don't be "A Brother to the Qx." Stop plodding. Lift your head long enough to ask me to prove every statement In this ad. This Is your opportunity, don't miss It. Don't wait If you want something better than you have got. E. F. Hanson, 4 W. Madison Washington St. 9," 1905 CHANCES. MAKING MONEY. I was born on a Maine farm. I have made some great successes in business. My & CO. 332 Rooming-House- 52 ROOMS Nicely furnished, good location; house full all the time; doing good business; 3 years lease; rent only $70 per month; new house, new furnishings; $3250, part cash. THE STAR LOAN CO. can Any salaried employe, wage-earne- r, get on hie note, without mortgage-Confiden- tial. montb. "Week. Month, $50 Repay to us $18.23 or $0.05 or $3.25 S25 Repay to us 3 6,05 or $3.35 or $L65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or ?2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 2D. BUSINESS The Place To Buy ROOMS Swell 65 furnishings, EXTRA CHEAP RENT and good LEASE; BEST location In city, clearing above all expenses $600 per month. Price, $13,500. specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton building. CXL1NCES. JENNINGS We make a SPECIALTY OF ROOMING-HOUSE- S, and have many of the MOST DESIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for eale. Good locations are going fast. Note our partial list below of both large and small ones. If these don't suit you, call In. PEOPLE MADE TO SALARIED holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confidential; also CHATTEL LOANS a on personal property; rooming-house- s 17 Labbe blog., 227 BUSINESS HEADQUARTERS. ROOMING-HOUS- E LOANS day evening. CHANCES. BUSINESS FINANCIAL. p6eTLA2dV APRhT OEEGONIAN," big concerns considered; 15, Oregonian. have to offer; only principals only. 3 FOR SALE BEST BUSINESS OPPORTUN-It- y In Portland, cash monthly sales $14.-00owser has made enough to retire from business. W. R. Insley Company, brokers. 206 Stark. STOCK OF HARDWARE IN BEST VAL-le- y town. Invoice about $3500; also general merchandise store, clean stock, fine business, growing trade; $4000. 232 Starlc st. CENTRAL LOCATED TRANSIENT e, 24 rooms, 17 furnished, for sale at a bargain, on account of sickness W 16, Oregonian. CASHIER WANTED FOR A RESTAURANT. Must have about $500 and be satisfied with $75 a month. Particulars. 248 Stark st LADY WITH GOOD ROOMING-HOUSdown-tow- n corner, would like partner FINE with $1500 to take half Interest X 16, Oregonian. FOR SALE SALOON. VERY CENTRALLY located, cheap rent. $950 secures it; must sen at once, aiciam. room 303, 84 6th -- st. WANTED PARTNER WITH FEW THOU-ean- d g dollers In one of the busf-nessIn the city. W 13, care Orcgonian. A SNAP $100 WILL BUY STOCK AND complete outfit of a profitable general agency and office business. 301 Ankeny st GOOD. WANTED RELIABLE PARTY with $500 to manage business clearing $10 per day. Call 427 Salmon st $1200 TO $1500 TO INVEST IN LEGITIMATE no fakes' or pat- business, with services; ents. Q 14, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED NEWSPAPER MAN WITH money can secure nign-cias- s weekly cheap 617 Commercial block. TCHEIt SHOP FOR SALE. EAST SIDE, near race track. $900; party going East M 11. Oregonian. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE; price cut $100 for quick sale; cheap rent Y 9, Oregonian. B't AUGUSTINE'S Charges low. DR. HERZOG. FROM BERLIN, Scientific reveater, tells lite from cradle to grave. Consultation on all affairs. Good advice,' sure help, mistake impossible; restores lost love and unites separated by sympathy; Fee, $1; letUtr, $2. locates buried treasure. MMB. PATENT POWER GRAINER. Call at 231 Pine" for etate rights for sale. particulars. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN; LEASE 3 years. n;wij tumuueu restaurant T y, Oregonian. 1600 ELEGANTLY DECORATED DIN- urounas. cor. 27th and at Thurman. PLANING-MILFOR SALE IN GOOD Lo cation, doing gooa uusmess; must sell. A 10, Oregonian. LARGE. 207 Park. Chiropodist and Manicuring. DRS. O. O. FLETCHER AND J. A. EBNER Expert painless chiropodists, Kennlson system of New York. Corns removed without pain; bunions and Ingrowing nails a specialty. 316 Allsky bldg.. cor. 3d and Morrison sts. Phone Red 3086. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg., 1C2 2d st Pbone Main 130L d gentleman. He is th This is the man you are looking for. AND MANICURING CHHIOPODY BY young lady graduate, patrons are guaranteed skillful treatment 10 Benson block, cor. 5th and Morrison. Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Bobbins, noted bunion 360 specialists. Washington. Hood 904. LINDELL, expert chiropodist, all instruments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Black 2350, Coal Dealers. cools; Commission Merchants. METZGER, PURCHASER or HERMAN hides, pelts, turn, wooi, m on air, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commission merchant Front st, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO-ducmerchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. Dancing. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC-in2C9 14th. cor. Jclf. Waltzing a specialty. e g. Electric Goods. Telephones, Etc. , CO. OFFER LOW DAYTON HARDWARE prices. 194 1st st Main 122L Fraternal insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost fraternal society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Marquam bldg. Mitchell Sup. Sec, 612-61-6 Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE-sal- e FOR SALE W'OOD WORKING MANUFAC- saddles and harness mfra. leather and 0 tunng pi&ni, aoicg a goou Dusincss. G 14, saddlery hardware. 1st Main 220. Oregonian. BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE-sal- e iriK FOR SALE CIGAR AND FRUIT STAND. 106 saddles and harness xnfrs., saddlery N. Cth; cheap rent; will pay to Investigate, 4 hardware, leather, all kinds. 5th st S0-S- 72-7- LUNCHCOUNTER. $130; CIGAR STORE, $600. Alpine Real Estate Co,, 152 1st st LUTHER, CUSTOM-MAD- E & JOHNSON harness, wholesale and retail. 54 6th ot LOST AND FOUND. LOST VERY DARK JERSEY COW. WITH young calf: mother has Moray brand; inverted M on left hip and silts In left carr Relast seen back of Rlvervlew Cemetery.River-dale. ward If returned to A. W. Nicholson. P. O. address, drawer 32, Portland, Or. INFORMATION LOST $5 REWARD FOR leading to the arrest and conviction ot tho 7, person who stole the Snell bicycle. No. from the entrance to The Oregonian bldg.. about 10:30 Friday night; wheel had blue rims and left pedal was broken. H. E Edwards, 183 First st SMALL BLACK BAG WITH PURSE LOST containing bankbook, papers and about in gold and bills, between Oregonian building and E. 20th. st. Finder- - phone to East 12 or return to 701 E. Burn3lde and, receive reward. REWARD THE DOLLARS TEN will pay $10 reward for the arany one caught stealof conviction rest and ing The Oregonian from the doors of lt4 subscribers. Circulation Manager. STRAYED FROM BARN. TWO LARGS small black. Rewhite horses and oneCasslday, 211 Washward. Tomllnson & ington st $50 ORE-goni- an J. CO., dealers, best VULCAN COAL foundry and smelter coke. 328 B at. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. ON WASHINGTON LOST SOMEWHEREe eye glasses. Finder st. one pair will please return 125 14th st, and recelvo reward. LOST-BUN- CH OF KEYS. SATURDAY on S. S. Spencer, or between dock and Lower Alblna, Return to Oregonian; reward. TERRIER; ROUND MALE FOX LOST black spot on back, black and tan head; one ear partly white. Return to 224 2d et. Reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT-tresarenovated and returned same day. Factory. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hai- r ON WEST SIDE OR WHITEHOUSE road, a purse containing change, noto and beads. Reward. Phone Main 5902. LOST AN OPPORTUNITY, IF YOU DON'T sample Wooster3 Boston Coffee, cor. 7th and Morrison sts. LOST DEED AND ABSTRACT TO LOT IN LOST St 132 Louis. Please, leave 1st st. LADY'S LOST Mott Candy Co., BETWEEN 426 reward. Return 42G WATCH. 4th and Armory; 4 th. LOST-O- at $10 EAST SIDE. SQUIRREL reward If returned to 145 Front N LOST A FUR BOA. RETURN TO 229 st. or phono East 162; reward. LOST 1140 BUNCH or 381 OF KEYS. E. Davis. st AD-a- PHONE EAST Reward.