Schedule IV-J-2 Page 10 of 43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 813Of13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - CUSTOMER REQUESTED CLEARANCE - SDS-4 2 3 Applicable to requests to de-onergizehe-energize Company facilities to allow Retail Customer or 4 Retail Customer's contractor to work near Company or on or near Customer's electrical facilities. Requests for Clearance shall be filled on the requested date provided Company receives the 5 request on a Business Day that is not later than three Business Days prior to the requested date. 6 7 Notices received after 5:00 PM CPT, or on a day that is not a Business Day, will be considered received on the next Business Day. If the requested data is not a Business Day, or if the Company 8 9 receives the request with less than three Business Days prior notice, or the clearance cannot be safely performed on the requested date, Company will accommodate the request based on mutual 10 agreement with the requesting party at charges as calculated. All charges include the cost for de11 energizing and re-energizing facilities. 12 13 ESTIMATE OF COST 14 2. 15 As Calculated i. With 3 Business Days notice (residential) 16 As Calculated ii. With 3 Business Days Notice (non-residential) 17 As Calculated IIi. With less than 3 Business Days Notice 18 19 20 PROPOSED CHARGE 21 3. 22 As Calculated i. With 3 Business Days notice (residential) 23 As Calculated ii. With 3 Business Days Notice (non-residential) 24 As Calculated 25 ill. Wth less than 3 Business Days Notes • 592 q Schedule IV-J-2 Page 11 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8/30/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP .TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES ^ TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 . SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - DISCONNECT FOR NON-PAY (DNP) - SDS-5 3 4 Applieable to requests from Competitive Retailer to de-eneraYre service to Retail Customer due to Retail Customer's failure to pay charges billed by its Competitive Retailer or Company 5 6 7 For premises without a provisioned advanced meter and for premises whh a provisioned advanced meter without remote tlisoonnectloonned capabilities, if the DNP is requested by the Competitive Retailer, the request shall be completed wahin three Business Days of the requested date, provided Company receives the request at least two Business Days before the requested date. Notices received after 5:00 PM CPT, or on a day that is not a Business Day, will be considered received on the next Business Day 8 9 For premises wish a provisioned advanced meter v.idi remote disconnect/connect capabii6es and for which that Company can successfully communicate v.ith that provisioned advanced meter at the Sme Company attempts to execute the request by using Company§ advanced metering system, if the DNP is requested by the Competitive Retailer, the request shall be completed within 2 hours of receipt of request on the requested date provided Company receives the request no later than 2-.00 PM CPT on the requested date and provided that the requested date is a Business Day Requests received after 2:00 PM CPT on the requested date, or on a day that is not a Business Day, 11 10 12 13 WIN be completed no tater than 9:00 AM CPT on the next Business Day If Company cannot successfully communicate 14 with the provisioned advanced meter at the Ones Company attempts to execute the request by using Company's advanced metering system, the request shall be completed within three Business Days of the requested date. 15 16 For all prenises. Company ahel not disconnect a premise before the requested data and shag not disconnect a premise on the Business Day Immediately preceding a hosday 17 18 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 If the DNP is performed by Company due to Retail Customer's non-payment of a charge tl11eE directly by Company to the Retail Customer, or because the Retail Customer has not fulfilled its obige5mw under a contract entered into between Company and the Retail Customer, these charges shat not be billed to the Competi0va Retailer, 2 ESTIMATE OF COST At Meter Labor. T&D Craft Labor Hours Rate Cost $ $ 035 5029 17.39 $ $ 0.35 15.92 5.51 $ 22 90 Trensportatlon. Transportation! Hours Rate Cost Total Cost 3 4 At Premium Location fl ,e.. pole. weatherhead, secondary box) Labor 0.35 T&D Craft Labor Hours 117.20 Rate $ 40.54 Cost $ Hours Rate Cost Total cost At Premium Location $ $ 035 15 92 5.51 $ 4605 PROPOSED CHARGE At Meter i. Standard Disconnect ii Same Day Disconnect $ $ 2290 45.80 At Premium Location I. Standard Disconnect it. Same Day Disconnect $ $ 46 05 92.09 PROPOSED CHARGE Advance Meter-Remote Disconnect $ 22.90 • 593 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 12 of 43 • --.^.PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8/30/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES . ... TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO 1. 1 2 3 4 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - RECONNECT AFTER DNP - SDS-6 AppGcable to requests to re-energix service to Retail Customer after Retail Customer has been disconnected for non-payment. Company shall complete reconranfion no later than 48 hours from the time the request is received. Hoviever, if this requirement results in the reconnection being performed on a day that is not a Business Day, an additional charge for non-Business Day connection vial also appy, 5 6 7 8 Standard Reconnect For premises without a provisioned advanced meter, for prentises aft a provisioned advanced meter without remote disconnect/connect capabilities, and for premises with a provisioned advanced meter for which that Company cannot successfully communicate with that provisioned advanced meter at the time Company aaempls to execute the request by using Company's advanced metering system, standard reconnect requests received by Company by 2:00 PM CPT on a Business Day shah be reconnectad that day. For premises with a provisioned advanced meter with remote disconnect/cenneA capahiRies and for whidM Company can successfully communicate with that provisioned advanced meter at the time Company attempts to execute the request by using Comparry's advanced metering system, standard reconnect requests received byCompanyfrorn S:OG AM CPTto TDO PM CPTon a Business Day shall be reconnected within 2 hours of receipt of request 10 11 12 13 14 ForpremisesvAMaprovisionedadvancedrnetervd8iremotedisoonnedloonnedaapahifsesvihereeheCornpetitiveRHeilerprovides prepaid service under P.U,C. SuesT. R.25.498, standard reconnect requests received by are Company from 8:00 AM CPTto 700 15 16 PM CPT on a Business Day shall be reconnected within t hour of receipt of request 17 Forallpremises,standardreconnedrequestsreceNedbyCarnpanyaeer2:00PMCPTonaBusinessDayshallhemconnededthat day If possible, but no later than the dose of Companys next field operational day. Standard reconnect requests received by Company after 700 PM CPT or on a daythat is not a Business Day maybe considered received on the next Business Day. 18 19 20 Same Day Raonnnsok 21 22 23 • 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Same day reconneat requests received by Company priorto 5:00 PlA CPT on a Bus hiesit Day shall be neccmnected no laterdien the dose of Company's field operational day 2. ESTIMATE OF COST At Meter Labor. T&D Craft Labor Hours Rate Cost $ $ $ $ 1 18 103.20 12134 0.59 20.72 12.18 $ $ 1.18 25.72 30.24 $ $ 1.18 30.72 36.12 57.68 $ 121.24 $ 157.45 $ $ 0.39 15.72 6.16 $ $ 2690 $ $ $ S E $ Holiday 1 18 77.40 91.00 059 77.40 45.50 039 5291 20.74 Weekend Same Day Standard Hours Rate Cost Transportation. Total Cost Without AMS/AMR: At Premium Location (i.e.. Dole, weath er h ea d , secon d ary ¢= Labor. T&D Craft Labor $ $ 0.59 11720 6890 Holiday Weekend Same Day Standard $ $ 1.18 117 20 137.80 $ $ 1.18 156.27 183.74 Hours Rate Cost E $ 0.39 117.20 4593 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.39 15.72 6.16 $ $ 0.59 20.72 12.18 $ $ 1.18 25.72 30.24 $ $ 1.18 3072 36.12 $ 52.09 $ 81.08 $ 168.04 $ 219.85 Meter i. Standard ii Same Day iii. Weekend iv. Holiday $ $ $ $ 26.90 57.68 121.24 157 45 $ $ $ $ 52.09 81 08 168.04 219.85 PROPOSED CHARGE Advance Meter-Remote ReConnect $ 2690 Transportation: Total cost At Premium Location 3. 4. PROPOSED CHARGE At Premium Location I. Standard ii. Some Day Ili. Weekend iv. Holiday • 594 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 13 of 43 • PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8l30H3 SHARYLAND UT1LiT8cS, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION [VJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 . SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN ;. '. LINE NO. 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - METER TEST - SDS-7 Applicable to Meter tests performed at the request of Competitive Retailer or Retail Customer in 2 accordance with Section 4.7.4, METER TESTING. 3 4 5 ESTIMATE OF COST 6 2. 7 CT/Other Meter Self Contained 8 Three Phase Sjpgle Phase Three Phase Sinnle Phase 9 Labor. 10 Meter Tech 11 0 50 12 Hours $ 57.99 13 Rate $ 28.90 Cost 14 15 16 17 18 19 Meter Tech Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.75 117.20 87.61 $ $ 1.00 117.20 116.82 $ $ 1.25 117.20 146.02 $ $ 0.75 15.08 11.27 $ $ 1 00 15.08 15 03 $ $ 1.25 15.08 18.79 $ 98.89 $ 131 85 $ 16481 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Transportation: Meter Tech Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.50 15.08 7 52 Meter Tech Hours Rate Cost Total Cost: $ 36.41 PROPOSED CHARGE Self-Contained Meter - Company Owns 1 First test vAthin the previous four years ii. Found outside of the accuracy standards W. Single Phase iv. Three Phase No Charge No Charge $ 36.41 $ 98.89 CT/Other Meter - Company Owned i. First teat within the previous four years ii. Found outside of the accuracy standards iii. Single Phase iv Three Phase No Charge No Charge 131.85 $ $ 164.81 Competitive Meter $ 16481 • 595 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 14 of 43 • PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8l30/13 SHARYLAND UTIUTti=S, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - RE-READS - SD8-8 Applicable to requests to re-read Retail Customer's Meter to verify the accuracy of Company's Meter 2 Reading. The re-read shall be completed within five Business Days of Company's receipt of the request 3 4 5 ESTIMATE OF COST 6 2 7 8 U. Meter Reading found to be accurate 9 Labor. 10 Hours 038 Meter Reader 11 $ 4992 Rate 12 1906 $ Cost 13 14 Transportation: 15 0.38 Hours 16 15.91 Rate $ 17 6.08 $ Cost 18 19 Total cost: 20 $ 2513 ii. Meter Reading found to be accurate 21 22 23 PROPOSED CHARGE 24 3. 25 No Charge 26 I. Meter Reading found to be In error 2513 $ ii. Meter Reading found to be accurate-IDR 27 S • 596 ^ Schedule N4-2 Page16of43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8l30113 . . ' SHARYLAND UT®-ITIES, LP . .. TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV,1-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 11 12 13 14 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 29 30 4. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1. 38 39 40 41 2. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 3. 56 57 4. 58 59 60 61 1 62 63 64 2. 65 66 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - OUT-OF-CYCLE METER READ FOR THE PURPOSE OF A SWITCH - SDS-9 Applicable to requests to read Retail Customer's Meter on a date other than Company's regularly scheduled monthly Meter Reading date for the purpose of svritchfng Retail Customer's account to a new Competitive Retailer. Company that perform the Meter Read on the Competitive Retailer's requested date, provided the Company receives the request on a Business Day that is not later than two Business Days prior to the requested date. Notices received after 5:00 PM CPT, or on a day that is not a Business Day, will be considered received on the next Business Day. If the requested date is not a Business Day, the out-of-cycle Meter Read will be scheduled for the first Business Dayfolloviing the requested date. The meter read shall be performed In accordance with Section 4.3.4, CHANGING OF DESIGNATED COMPETITIVE RETAILER. ESTIMATE OF COST Labor T&D Craft Labor Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.38 49.92 19.06 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.38 15.91 6.08 Total cost $ 25.13 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 25.13 PROPOSED CHARGE Advanced Meter Without Advanced Meter 00C Read for Purpose of a Switch OOC Read for Purpose of Mass Trans $ $ $ 2513 25.13 25.13 Transportation. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - OUT-OF-CYCLE METER ESTIMATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF A SWITCH DUE TO DENIAL OF ACCESS BY RETAIL CUSTOMER - SDSB ESTIMATE OF COST Labor. Field Service Rep Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.20 5160 1032 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 020 8.34 1.67 Total cost: $ 11 99 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 11 99 PROPOSED CHARGE Advance Mater $ 11.99 Transportation: DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - OUT-OF CYCLE ESTIMATE FOR THE PURPOSE OF A MASS TRANSITION -SD8 ESTIMATE OF COST As Calculated PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • 597 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 16 of 43 • • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 6130A3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP .^. ^. , :. . . TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES . , 31, 2012 TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3, DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - OFFSITE METER READING (OMR) EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - SDS-10 Applicable to installation, upon request, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer, of Company's "Standard Advanced Metering Equipment" designed to transmit information via radio to a hand held Meter Reading device carried by the meter reader. This allows for the provision of a Meter Reading without visual contact with the Meter. Equipment shall be installed within 30 days of receipt of request. ESTIMATE OF COST Durinc Normal Business Hours Labor. Meter Repair Tech Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.50 58.31 29.06 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0 50 5160 2571 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.50 14.72 7.33 Total Labor and Transportation $ 6210 Equipment $ 55.00 Total cost: $ 117.10 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 117.10 T&D Craft Labor Transportation • 598 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 17 of 43 • PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 5/3U/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO 1 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - AUTOMATED METER READING (AMR) EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - SDS-11 2 3 Applicable to installation, upon request, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer, of 4 Companys "Standard Advanced Metering Equipment' designed to transmit information via telephone to a 5 central location. This allows for the provision of Meter Reading information on aide or special reading date 6 without visual contact with the Meter. Equipment shall be installed within 30 days of receipt of request. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 ESTIMATE OF COST 3. PROPOSED CHARGE i. ii, iii lv. Single Phase Self-Contained Three Phase Self-Contained Single Phase Instrument Rated Three Phase Instrument Rated As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated As Calculated • • 599 • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 18 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA Sl30113 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IVJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - INTERVAL DATA RECORDER (IDR) EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION - SD-12 Applicable to installation, upon request, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer, of Company's "Standard Advanced Metering Equipment' designed to access interval load data via telephone or other mode of transmission agreed to by customer to a central location. Equipment shall be installed within 30 days of receipt of request 2. ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job. 3. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated r^ 600 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 19 of 43 • ..... . ......... ......... ......... °....... PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA !l30A 3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 26 27 28 29 30 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - SERVICE CALL - SD-13 Applicable when Company employee is dispatched to the Retail Customers Premises at the request of the Retail Customer or Competitive Retailer to investigate an outage or other service problem that, upon investigation by Company, is determined not to be a problem with Company's equipment or system. ESTIMATE OF COST Business Day 8am - 5pm Labor. T8D Craft Labor Business Day non-bus, hours Holiday Weekend Hours Rate Coat $ $ 0.53 78.14 41 30 $ $ 0.79 117.20 9293 $ $ 1.06 117.20 12391 $ $ 1.06 156.27 165.22 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0 53 1133 5.99 $ $ 0.79 11.33 8.99 $ $ 2.00 11.33 22.66 $ $ 2.00 11.33 22.66 $ 47.29 $ 101.92 $ 146.58 $ 187 88 $ $ $ $ 47.29 101.92 146.58 187.88 Transportation: Total Cost PROPOSED CHARGE I. ii. iil, iv During Business Days, 8.00 AM -5.00 PM CPT Business Days non-Business Hours Weekend Holiday 601 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 20 of 43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 -ERRATA 6130113 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION fVJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - SECURITY LIGHT REPAIR - SD-14 2 Applicable to requests, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer, to repair ebsting 3 Company-owned security lights on Retail Customer's Premises unless such repair is necessary due to 4 normal lamp and glass replacements. If necessary due to normal lamp and glass replacements, repair 5 shall be performed at no charge. Company shall complete repairs within 15 calendar days of the request 6 in accordance with Section 5.4.6, RETAIL CUSTOMER'S DUTY REGARDING COMPANY'S FACILITIES 7 ON RETAIL CUSTOMER'S PREMISES. 8 9 ESTIMATE OF COST 10 2. 11 As calculated for each job. 12 13 14 PROPOSED CHARGE 15 3 16 As Calculated 17 • • 602 Schedule [V-J-2 Page 21 of 43 ^ 1 I ---PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8/30H3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION TV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - SECURITY LIGHT REMOVAL - SDS-16 2 Applicable to requests, by Retail Customer or Retell Customer's Competitive Retailer, to remove 3 Company-owned security lights on the Retail Customer's Premises in accordance with Sections 5.7.8, 4 REMOVAL AND RELOCATION OF COMPANY'S FACILITIES AND METERS and 5.7.9, DISMANTLING 5 OF COMPANY'S FACILITIES. This charge shall not apply to removals initiated by the Company. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A Retail Customer or a Competitive Retailer on behalf of Retail Customer, shall request removal of outdoor lighting facilities at least 30 days prior to the requested removal date. The removal request shall be completed by Company on requested removal date. If mutually agreed to by Company and the Retail Customer, or the Competitive Retailer on behalf of the Retail Customer, Company may begin the removal or outdoor lighting facilities and complete the removal of outdoor lighting facilities on a date or dates other than the initially requested removal date. 2. ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job. 3. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • • 603 • Schedule IV-J-2 Paqe22of43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8130/13 _ .. SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP ., TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN . LINE NO 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - STREET LIGHT REMOVAL - SDS-78 Applicable to requests, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Retailer, to remove existing Company-owned street lights, in accordance with Sections 5.7.8, REMOVAL AND RELOCATION OF COMPANY'S FACILITIES AND METERS and 5.7.9, DISMANTLING OF COMPANY'S FACILITIES. A Retail Customer or a Competitive Retailer on behalf of Retail Customer, shall request removal of outdoor lighting facilities at least 30 days prior to the requested removal date. The removal request shall be completed by Company on requested removal date. If mutually agreed to by Company and the Rated Customer, or the Competitive Retailer on behalf of the Retail Customer, Company may begin the removal of outdoor lighting facilities and complete the removal of outdoor lighting facilities on a date or dates other than the initially requested removal date. 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job. 3. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • 604 ^ Schedule IV-J-2 Page 23 of 43 ......... ......... ......... ..... PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 -ERRATA 8/30/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP " ..'^. . TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - TAMPERING - SDS-17 2 Applicable to unauthorized use of Delivery System pursuant to Section 5.4.7, UNAUTHORIZED USE OF 3 DELIVERYSYSTEMorotherTamperingwithCompanymeteringfacilitiasoranytheftofeledricseroiceby 4 any person on the Retail Customer's Premises. 5 6 7 Tampering charges can include, but are not limited to, Delivery Charges, cost of replacement and repair of damaged Meter and associated equipment, cost of Installation of protective facilities or relocation of the 8 Meter, and all other costs associated with the investigation and correction of the unauthorized use. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2. ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each occurrence 3 PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated r^ r^ 605 Schedule IV-J-2 Page24of43 . PUC DOCKET NO. 41474. ERRATA 8/30H3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION 'IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 2. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - BROKEN METER SEAL - SDS-18 Applicable to breakage of the Meter seal. ESTIMATE OF COST Labor. Meter Reader Hours Rate Coat $ $ 0.32 5027 1613 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 032 50.27 16.13 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.32 17.95 5.76 Units Rate Cost $ $ 2 016 032 Total cost: $ 38.34 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 38.34 T&D Craft Labor Transportation: Materials Meter Seals • • 606 • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 25 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8130M3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES . ^ TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3. ^ DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - INACCESSIBLE METER CHARGE - SDS-19 Applicable when Company personnel is unable to gain access to the meter of a non-residentlai critical load premises as a result of continued denial of Access as provided in Section, DENIAL OF ACCESS BY RETAIL CUSTOMER. ESTIMATE OF COST Labor. Meter Reader Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 64.70 26.96 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 58.31 24.30 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 5160 21.50 Hours Rate cost $ $ 042 22.41 9 34 Total Cost $ 8210 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 8210 Market Analyst T&D Craft Labor Transportation: • • 607 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 26 of 43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 6130113 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - PCB INQUIRY AND TESTING CHARGE - ODS-1 2 Applicable to requests for information pertaining to PCB levels and testing of Company-owned, 3 mineral oil-filled electrical equipment 4 A. Initial Charge, includes up to four transformers or other oil-filled electrical equipment at a 5 specific location 6 B Additional Charge, for each additional transformer or other oil filled electrical equipment at a 7 specific location 8 C. Lab Testing Charge, if required 9 10 11 ESTIMATE OF COST 12 2. As calculated for each occurrence. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • • 608 E Schedule IV-J-2 Page 27 of 43 PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8/30/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION N-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 ,. SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - POWER FACTOR CORRECTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION CHARGE - ODS-2 Applicable to requests for the installation of equipment on Company's Delivery System necessary to correct the Retail Customers power factor to the level specified in the Tariff. The Retail Customer will be given the opportunity to correct the problem on Retail Customer's premise prior to Company taking this action. Failure of Retail Customer to correct its power factor problem constitutes a request for Company to install the necessary equipment as described above, ESTIMATION OF COST As calculated for each job. 3. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • • 609 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 28 of 43 • "" -PUCDOCKET tJO.41474-ERRATA tfJN1S SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - INADVERTENT GAIN CORRECTION CHARGE • ODS-3 Applicable to Retail Electric Providers that have selected an incorrect promise from the ERCOT portal for a awkch or move-in and Company is required to correct the inadvertent gain. ESTIMATE OF COST Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.38 3096 11.76 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.20 56.30 1126 Total Cost $ 23.03 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 23.03 Customer Service Rep Market Analyst • 610 Schedule IVJ-2 Page 29 of 43 • . . PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8130l13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP ° TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN ^ LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. 9 10 11 12 13 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - RETAIL DELIVERY SERVICE SWITCHOVER CHARGE - ODS4 Applicable to requests to switch electric service of a consuming facility from Company to anothei utility that has the right to serve the consuming facility Switchovers shall be processed pursuant tc Substantive Rule § 25.27, a copy of which will be provided upon request ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • • 611 ^ Schedule IV-J-2 Page 70 of 43 ..... ......... ......... ........ PUC DOCKET NO. 41474- ERRATA 8130/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP ' TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. 10 11 12 13 14 3. ........ DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - MISCELLANEOUS DISCRETIONARY SERVICE CHARGE - ODS-5 Applicable to requests for discretionary services not covered by standard conditions and are provided in accordance with Commission Substantive Rules and are charged on the basis of an estimate for the work or the Company's cost plus additional adders. ESTIMATION OF COST As calculated for each job. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated q • 612 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 31 of 43 • PLC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8/30l13 ' . . . SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IYJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 2 8 10 11 12 13 3 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - DELIVERY SYSTEM FACILITIES RELOCATIONIREMOVAL CHARGE-ODS-111 Applicable to requests for relocation or removal of Company facilities at the request of and for the benefit of the requestor pursuant to Section of the Tariff for Retail Delivery Service. ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated CI 613 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 32 of 43 PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8130M3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, lP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 '. .^ SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN • LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3. 35 36 37 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - COMPETITIVE METER REMOVALIINSTALLATION SERVICE FEE - ODS-7 Applicable to requests for Company to remove Company-owned meter and replace it with a 3rd party owned meter, at the Retail Customer's request. This applies to the reinstallation of a 3rd party owned meter previously removed In association with DD4. ESTIMATE OF COST Self-contained Meter Labor. Meter Technician T8D Craft Labor Metering Analyst CT Meter IDR $ $ 0.50 58.31 29.16 $ $ 0.50 58.31 29.16 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0 50 5831 29.16 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.80 5160 41.28 $ $ 2.00 51.60 10320 $ $ 250 51.60 12900 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.50 58.31 29.16 $ $ 050 5831 29.16 $ $ 050 58.31 29.16 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.80 15.92 12.74 $ $ 200 15.92 3184 $ $ 2.50 1592 39.80 $ 112.34 $ 193.36 $ 227.12 Transportatiom Total Cost PROPOSED CHARGE A. Self-Contained Meter B CT Meter C. IDR Meter $ $ $ 112.34 19336 227.12 614 • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 33 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA E/30113 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. 9 10 11 12 13 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - ADDITIONAL SERVICE DESIGN CHARGE - ODS-8 Applicable to requests to prepare iterative designs to provide service to a specific location where such iterations are at the request of the Retail Customer for the Retail CustomeYs sole benefit. ESTIMATE OF COSTS As calculated for each additional design performed. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • • 615 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 34 ot 43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474- ERRATA 8l30M3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LIP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - METER COMMUNICATION SERVICE FEE - ODS-9 Applicable to testing of third party communication equipment necessary to obtain interval data from Meter. This charge is assessed to Retail Customers that have interval data recorder meters that are not required by ERCOT. ESTIMATE OF COST Minimum Labor. Meter Technician Hours Rate Cost $ 1.50 58.31 $87.47 Hours Rate Cost $ 1.50 15.92 $23.88 Metering Analyst Hours Rate Cost 0.50 53.98 $26.98 Transportation: Total Cost $13833 PROPOSED FEES: $13833 • • 616 • • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 35 of 43 PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8/30/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 11, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - ELECTRICAL PULSE EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONIREPLACEMENT CHARGE - ODS-1 0 Applicable to requests for the installation/replacement of electrical pulse device equipment ESTIMATE OF COST A. Installation Charge Isolation Relay B. Replacement Relay/ Initiator Pulse Initiator Enclosure Box Labor Meter Tech. $ $ 1.00 5831 58.31 $ $ 1.00 58 31 58.31 $ $ 1 00 58.31 58.31 $ $ 1.00 5831 58.31 2.50 15.92 39.80 $ $ 1.00 15.92 15.92 $ $ 1.00 15.92 15.92 $ $ 1.00 1592 15.92 $ $ 1.00 15.92 15.92 $ 204.83 $ 74.23 $ 74.23 $ 74.23 $ 74.23 Equipment $ 378.59 $ 217.92 $ 54.96 $ 272.88 $ 9526 Total Cost $ 583.42 $ 292.15 $ 129.19 $ 347.11 $ 16949 $ 58342 $ $ $ $ 29215 12919 347.11 169.49 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 2 50 5831 145.79 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.33 5831 19.24 Hours Rate Cost S $ Metering Analyst Transportation Total Labor and Transportation PROPOSED CHARGE A Installation Charge B. Replacement Charges 1. Isolation Relay 2. Pulse Initiator 3. Relay/Initiator 4. Enclosure Box • 617 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 36 of 43 • ........ ......... ....... .... PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8130M3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - NONSTANDARD SERVICE EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONITESTING CHARGE - ODS-11 Applicable to periodic inspectionftestlng of non-standard Delivery System equipment installed at the request of the Retail Customer. This charge is applied each month ESTIMATE OF COST Labor Distribution Ops Tech Hours Rate Cost $ $ 1.17 53.20 62.25 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 1.17 1592 18.63 Total cost: $ 80.87 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 8087 Transportation: • • 618 Schedule IV-J-2 Page37of43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474. ERRATA 6/30/13 SHARYLAND UTIUTES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 2 10 11 12 13 14 3. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - INTERVAL DATA RECORDER (IDR) COMMUNICATIONS MONTHLY SERVICE FEE - ODS-12 Available upon request, by Retail Customer or Retail Customer's Competitive Rider, for Company's monthly fee for communications for "Standard Advanced Metering Equipment' designed to access interval load data via telephone or other mode of transmission agreed to by customer to a central location. ESTIMATE OF COST As calculated for each job. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated / Monthly • • 619 • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 38 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8130f13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1 2 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - DENIAL OF METER ACCESS CHARGE - OD8-13 3 4 Applicable when Company personnel is unable to gain access to the meter of a residents[ or non-residential premises as a result of continued denial of 5 6 Access as provided in Section, DENIAL OF ACCESS BY RETAIL CUSTOMER. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2. ESTIMATE OF COST Labor. Meter Reader Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 64.70 26.96 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 56.30 23.46 Hours Rate Cost $ $ 0.42 15.92 663 Total Cost $ 57 05 PROPOSED CHARGE $ 5705 Market Analyst Transportation. 3 • C7 620 • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 39 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8130l13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LIP NJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31,2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - RETURNED INSTRUMENT FEE - ODS-14 Returned Instrument Fee is charged to the party making the payment for each check (or other form of payment) returned unpaid by a financial institution to the Company. 2. ESTIMATE OF COST $ 25.00 3. PROPOSED CHARGE $ 25.00 • • 621 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 40of43 • PUC DOCKET NO.41474 - ERRATA 8130M3 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31;3012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - DISTRIBUTED GENERATION PREaNTERCONNECTION STUDY FEE - DGS-1 2 Applicable to requests for studies that may be required and conducted by Company for the interconnection of distributed 3 generation on the Company's delivery system. 4 6 7 8 9 10 .7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 60 2. ESTIMATE OF COST Non-Exoortina A. O to 10 kW 1 Precertified, not on network Engineer A. 0to10kW 2. Not pro-certified, not on network Engineer A. O to 10 kW 3. Pre-certified, on network Engineer A. 0 to 10 kW 4. Not pre-Certified, on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Precertlfied, not on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 3. Pre-certified, on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 4. Not pre-certified, on network Engineer Hours Rate Cost 1.25 63.58 79.48 Hours Rate Cost 3.25 63.58 206.64 Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost 300 63.58 190.74 500 63.58 317.90 7 75 63.58 492.75 Hours Rate Cost 9.75 63.58 619.91 Hours Rate Cost 3850 63.58 2,447.83 Hours Rate Cost 38.50 63.58 2,447.83 B 10+ to 500 kW 1. Preoertified, not on network Engineer B. 10+to500kW 2 Not pro-certified, not on network Engineer B. 10+ to 500 kW 3. Pre-certified, on network Engineer B. 10+ to 500 kW 4. Not pre-certified, on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 1. Precertified, not on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 3 Pre-certified, on network Engineer D 2000+ kW 4 Not pre-cartified, on network Engineer Hours Rate Coat 2 75 6368 17485 Hours Rate Coat 475 6368 302.01 Hours Rate Cost 1425 63.58 906.02 Hours Rate Cost 26.00 6358 1,65308 Hours Rate Cost 13 00 6358 826.54 Hours Rate Cost 1500 63.58 953.70 Hours Rate Cost 45.25 63.58 2,877.00 Hours Rate Cost 55.00 63.58 3,496.90 • 622 . Schedule IV-J-2 Page 41 of 43 PUCDOCKET NO.41474-ERRATA 8J3011,T SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SE RVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 • - SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Be 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 EXQ9f1'jpg A. 0 to 10 kW 1 Precertified, not on network Engineer A. 0 to 10 kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer A. 0 to 10 kW 3, Pre-certified, on network Engineer A. 0to10kW 4. Not pre-certified, on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Precertified, not on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 3. Pre-certified, on network Engineer C. 500+ to 2000 kW 4. Not pre-certified, on network Engineer Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost 125 63.58 79.48 3.25 63.58 206,64 3.00 63.58 190.74 Hours Rate Cost 5.00 63.58 317.90 Hours Rate Cost 7.75 63.58 492.75 Hours Rate Cost 9.75 63.58 619.91 Hours Rate Cost Hours Rate Cost 49.75 63.58 3,163.11 51.75 63.58 3,290.27 B. 10+ to 500 kW 1. Precartified, not on network Engineer B. 10+ to 500 kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer B. 10+ to 500 kW 3, Pre-certified, on network Engineer B. 10+to600kW 4 Not pre-certified, on network Engineer 0. 2000+ kW 1. Precer'Mied, not on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 2. Not pre-certified, not on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 3. Pre-certified, on network Engineer D. 2000+ kW 4 Not pre-certified, on network Engineer Hours Rate Cost 2.75 6358 174.85 Hours Rate Cost 4.75 63.58 302.01 Hours Rate Cost 19.50 63.58 1,239.81 Hours Rate Cost 28.50 63.58 1,812.03 Hours Rate Cost 13.00 6358 826.54 Hours Rate Cost 15.00 63.58 953,70 Hours Rate Cost 55.00 63.58 3,496,90 Hours Rate Cost 57.00 63.58 3,624.06 • 623 • • Schedule IV-J-2 Page 42 of 43 PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 . ERRATA 8130/13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJ-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICES TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO 112 3. 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 PROPOSED CHARGE Non-Emortinc Size Range A. O to 10 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3, Pre-certifled, on network 4. Not pre-certified, on network C. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified, on network E. 2000+kW to 10000 kW $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 79.48 206,64 190.74 317.90 • 492.75 61991 2,447.83 2,447.83 As Calculated Size Range B 10+ to 500 kW 1. Pre-cartified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certifled, on network $ $ $ $ D. 2000+ kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2, Not pre-certfied, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4, Not pre-certified, on network F. 2000+kW to 10000 kW $ 826.54 953.70 $ 2,877.00 $ $ 3,496.90 As Calculated Size Range B. 10+ to 500 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2, Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4 Not pre-certified, on network $ $ $ $ D. 2000+ kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified, on network F. 2000+kW to 10000 kW 826.54 $ $ 953,70 $ 3,496.90 3,624.06 $ As Calculated 174.85 302.01 906.02 1,653,08 •• • Exportin Size Range A. O to 10 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2. Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4, Not pre-certified, on network $ $ $ $ C. 500+ to 2000 kW 1. Pre-certified, not on network 2, Not pre-certified, not on network 3. Pre-certified, on network 4. Not pre-certified, on network E. 2000+kW to 10000 kW $ 49275 $ 619.91 $ 3,163.11 $ 3,290.27 As Calculated 79.48 206.64 190.74 317.90 • 174.85 302.01 1,239.81 1,812.03 '• • 'No cost if 20 kW or less inverter Is used No cost if generator supplies less than 15% of feeder load and less than 25% of feeder fault current 624 Schedule IV-J-2 Page 43 of 43 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474. ERRATA 8730k13 . .. SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-2 PROPOSED CHARGES FOR DISCRETIONARY SERVICES AND OTHER SERVICESTEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN LINE NO. 1 1. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DESCRIPTION OF CHARGE - DISTRIBUTED RENEWABLE GENERATION METERING DGS-2 Applicable to installation, upon request pursuant to Substantive Rule § 25.130(b), by Retail Customer or Retail Customers Competitive Retailer, of metering equipment that separately measures both the Customer's consumption from the distribution network and the out-flow that is delivered from the Customer's side of the Meter to the distribution network. Equipment shall be installed within 30 days of receipt of request 2 ESTIMATION OF COST As calculated for each job. 14 15 3. PROPOSED CHARGE As Calculated • 625 • Schedule IV-J-3 Page 1 of I PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 - ERRATA 8I30f13 SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J-3 RATE CLASS DEFINITION TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: RICHARD LAIN • Line No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Code LIG LIGM 103 104 105 LIG 110 111 112 113 114 115 119 440 549 550 552 553 558 559 559.1 660 660.3 661 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 678 679 680 697 CURRENT RATE DESCRI PTIONS Class Name Lighting Lighting Unmetered Lighting Security Lights Connected with Existing Meters Lighting Residential Street Light Lighting Residential Street Light Metered Lighting Residential Security Light Lighting Lighting Metered General Service Residential Home General Service Residential Small (Hand) House General Service Residential Bam-Shop-etc General Service Residential Water Well General Service Residential Electric Fence General Service Residential Total Electric Home General Service Residential Competitive Service Rider Irrigation Irrigation Commercial Small Commercial - No-Demand Oil Commercial Small Commercial Commercial Small Commercial - Santa Fee Commercial Small Commercial - School Commercial Small Commercial - No-Demand Oil Commercial Small Commercial Commercial Small Commercial Large Power Primary Large Power (Industrial) Primary Oil Large Power Primary Large Power Wind Gen Large Power Secondary Large Power (Industrial) Secondary Non-Oil Large Power Secondary Large Power (Continuous Run) Secondary Large Power Primary Large Power Primary - Texaco Large Power Primary Large Power Primary Large Pamir Primary Large Power Primary - Manufacturing Large Power Primary Large Power (Industrial) Primary Oil Large Power Secondary Large Power (Industrial) Secondary Oil Large Power Primary Large Power Primary - Chaparral Cotton Gin Cotton Gin Non-Ginning Months Cotton Gin Cotton Gin Ginning Months Large Power Secondary Large Power - Dual Fuel Secondary Large Power Primary Large Power - Duel Fuel Primary Large Power Secondary - Economic Development Large Power Secondary Large Power Primary Large Power - Dual Fuel Primary 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Code 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 PROPOSED RATE DESCR IPTIONS Class Name Residential Service Residential Secondary Service - 10 KW And Below Secondary <= 10 kW Secondary Service - Greater Than 10 KW Secondary > 10 kW Primary Service Primary Oil & Gas Secondary Service -10 KW And Below Oil & Gas Secondary <=10 kW Oil & Gas Secondary Service - Greater Than 10 KW Oil & Gas Secondary > 10 kW Transmission Service - Not Used At This Time Transmission Lighting Service - Unmetered Lighting Unmetered 626 Schedule IV-JAa Page 1 of S ^ 8f80Hd PUC DOCKET NO. 41474SHARYLANDUTILII7ES,LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION ..... NJ4a LOAD RESEARCH DATA ST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS . .................___ DEMAND DATA Rate Class • Reaiden8al SeMee Voltage Level - Secondary There an no classes for which hourly demand data (or damand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) Is available for each custorner In the class. LINE NO I 2 3 4 5 8 7 5 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAXN 2 CLASS PEAKKWM 3 ERCOT PEAKKWN 4 SYSTEM PEAKKWM January'12 February March April May June July August September November October December'12 M AT METER • • 627 Schedule IV44a Papa 2 of 8 ^ TA5 OT17 C DOCKET NO.4144SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV-J4. LOAD RESEARCH DATA ..'. TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS ............___...... DEMAND DATA Rate Class • Secondary Service Less Than or Equal to 10 kW Voltage Level - Secondary There an no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) I. available for each customer in the oiass. LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 a S 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX* 2 CLASS PEAK KWW 3 ERCOT PEAK KVW 4 SYSTEM PEAK KWW January'12 February March April May June July August September October November Deoember'12 A AT METER • • 628 SehaduM NJ^a Papa 3 of 8 • C DOCKET O. 414 4- FARATABA10113 BHARYLANDUTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJJa LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 PONSOR: JOHN HUTTS ................... . DEMAND DATA Rate Class • Secondary Service Greater Than 10 kW Voltage Level ^Secondary Than an no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for I n tervals shorter than one houf) Is available for each customer In the clus. LINE NO 1 2 3 4 8 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 2 CLASS PEAK KWN 3 ERCOT PEAK KNM 4 SYSTEM PEAK K%W January 112 February March April May June July August September October November Deoember'12 8 AT METER • 629 • Schedule NJ-/a Papa 4 of 8 ..... PUC DOCKET 4 1 474 - ER RA TA 8q. SRARYLA,ND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJ-" LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS DEMAND DATA Rate Class - Primary Ser4loo Voltage Level - Primary Thera am no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) I. available for each customer In the close. LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 a S 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 2 CLASS PEAK KMYI S ERCOT PEAK KWIM 4 SYSTEM PEAK KNN January '12 February March April May June July August September October Novembar December'12 N AT METER • C7 630 Schedule IV.JA& Papa 5 of S • PUC DOCKET N. 41 4 4-ERRA TA t/30113 HARYLIIND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION N.I-la LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS ..................__. DEMAND DATA Rate Class • OR 8 On Secondary Service Less Than or Equal to 10 kW Voltage Level ^ Secondary Thera an no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) Is available for each customer in the class. LINE NO I 2 3 4 5 S 7 B 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 2 CLASS PEAK KWYI 3 ERCOT PEAK KWN 4 SYSTEM PEAK KWM January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 # ATMETER C7 631 Schedule NJ-4a Pape8of8 • S C DOCKET 0.414T4 - ERRATA SKARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRAMSITION TO OOMPETfTION IV-J4. LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 01, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS DEMAND DATA Rate Class • OR & Gas Secondary Service Greater Than 10 kW Voltage Level - Primary Thera are no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) is available for each customer in the akss. LINE NO I 2 3 4 8 8 7 8 9 10 17 12 ♦ MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 2 CLASS PEAK KWM 3 ERCOT PEAK KWN 4 SYSTEM PEAK KWM January '12 February March April May June July August September October Novembar December'12 ATMETER is • 632 Schedule IV-J4a Page 7ote • .414 4S o0 PUC DOC K ET HARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION N.J-4a LOAD RESEARCH DATA EST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 PONSOR;JOHN HUTTS DEMAND DATA Rate Class - Transmission Voltage Level • Transmission Then an no classes for which hourly demand data for demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) Is available for each customer In the class. LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 5 B 10 11 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX* 2 CLASS PEAK KWM 3 ERCOT PEAK KWM 4 SYSTEM PEAK KV1M January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 N AT METER • • 633 Schedule NJ-4a Papa 8 of e • A$fb0. 7 ... PUC DOCKET NO. 4144SHARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION NJ4a LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS ........................ DEMAND DATA Rate Class • Lighting Service Unmetered Voltage Level ^ Secondary There an no classes for which hourly demand data (or demand data for Intervals shorter than one hour) Is available for each customer In the clan. LINE NO I 2 3 4 5 8 7 a B 11 10 12 MONTH 1 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 2 CLASS PEAK KWM 3 ERCOT PEAK KWB 4 SYSTEM PEAK KKN January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 A AT METER • • 634 Schedule IV-J4b Papa I of 180 • PUC DOCKET NO. 41474 • ERRATA 8130/13 SHARYLAND UflIfTIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION N-J4b LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS Rate Class Stratum LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 .. ......... .. = Residential Service R1 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December 12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 2 SAMPLE METERS 0- 800 kWfi Annual Usepe 0- 800 kWh Annual Usepe 0- 800 kWh Annual Usepe 0- 800 kWh Annual Usape 0- 000 kVUh Annual Usage 0- 800 kWh Annual Usape 0- 800 kWh Annual Usape 0- 800 kWh Annual Usage 0- 800 kWh Annual Usape 0- 800 kWh Annual Usage 0- 800 kWh Annual Usage p. 800 kWh Annual Usage 3 AVERAGE KNM 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 68870 230.18 377.34 387.52 534.10 768.52 883.80 855.52 878.40 436.82 448.48 83450 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAXI 5.88 4.12 4.04 404 4.54 5.08 5.27 5.50 5.98 4.51 5.20 8.04 5 CLASS PEAK KWR+ 154 0.88 138 1.38 1.62 2.58 2.28 2.58 2.26 099 092 180 6 SYSTEM PEAK KWW1.54 0.41 1.46 1.27 1.38 2.14 2.18 2.25 2.28 0.88 1.08 1 70 7 ERCOT PEAK KWIH 2.38 2.31 2.32 2.22 M AT METER +AVERAGE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • S 635 Schedule IV-J4b Page 2 of 180 • P DOCKET NO. 41414 - E0H3 SHARYLAND UTIU77ES,LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION fV.l4b LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS Rate Class Stntum LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 a B 10 11 12 .... ......... = Residential Service = R2 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November Deoember'12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 3 AVERAGE KNM 2 SAMPLE METERS 501 -1800 kVUh Annual UsaOe 801 -1800 klMi Annual Usage 801 -1800 kWh Annual Upe 801 -1800 kWh Annual Usage 801 -1800 kWh Annual UsaOe 801 -1800 kWh Annual UsaOe 801 -1800 kWh Annual Usage 801 - 1800 kWh Annual Usage 801 - 1600 kWh Annual Usage 801 -1800 kWh Annual Usage 801 -1800 klMi Annual UaaOe 801 - 1800 kWh Annual UsaOe 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 1,358.85 42404 80270 .BB 1,169.40 1,562.24 1,720.86 1,73223 1,274.34 835.08 842.28 1,330.84 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 8.58 6.58 7.18 8.80 7.08 7.69 7.51 7.85 7A0 7.28 7.50 8.48 5 CLASS PEAK KNW+ 374 2.40 2.84 2,72 3.61 4.07 4.23 4.34 4.31 2.48 2.90 3,78 8 SYSTEM PEAK KUNk 374 0.47 2.83 2.63 2.64 3.85 3,81 3.87 9.81 2.35 2.47 354 7 ERCOT PEAK KNM+ 4.25 3.83 4.12 3.63 # AT METER +AVERAOE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • C7 636 Schedule IV-J4b Page 3 o1180 • PUC DO.41474- ERRATA S14ARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IV4.4b LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 20i2 SPONSOR: JOHN HUrrS Rate Class stratum LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ..... ......... Residential Ser'Acs R3 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 3 AVERAGE KWH 2 SAMPLE METERS 1801-2800kWhAnnual Usage 1601 - 2800 kWh Annual Usage 1801 - 2800 k1Mi Annual Usage 1801 -200 kWh Annual Usage 1801 .2:0 0 kWh Annual Usage 1801 - 2800 kWh Annual Usage 1801 - 2800 kWh Annual Usage 1801 - 2800 k1Mi Annual Usage 1801 -2800 kWh Annual Use9e 1601 - 2800 WA Annual Usage - 2500 kWh Annual Usage 1 1801-2800kWhAnnualUsage 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 53 2,187.93 909.89 1,388.79 1,382.85 1,788.98 2,331.01 2,403.99 2,397.80 1,822.98 1,376.54 1,370.45 2,081.57 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 12.11 9.37 No 8.71 925 9.80 10.13 9.99 9.50 9.08 0.82 11.43 5 CLASS PEAK KVN+ 591 4.51 4.89 416 5.21 6.12 Sol 5.98 5.74 3.57 3.09 8,18 8 SYSTEM PEAK KWN+ 5.91 1.92 4.15 3.88 3.65 552 5.12 5.85 5.02 365 3.70 5.26 7 ERCOT PEAK KV4Ykt 5.79 551 576 4.88 N AT METER AVERAGE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • 637 Schedule NJ4b Page 4 01180 • RA A V30113 DC DOCKET NO. 414 SHARYi.AND UTILITIES, LP T RANSITION TO COMPETMON N.1-4C LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN MUTTS Rate Class Stratum LINE NO I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 • ResIdential Service R4 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November Deeembar92 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 3 AVERAGE KIM 2 SAMPLE METERS Over 2600 kWh Annual Usage Over 2800kWhAnnual Usage Ovar2800 kWh Annual Usage Over2800 kWh Annual Usage Over 2600 kWh Annual Usage Over 2800 kWh Annual Usage Over 2600 kWh Annual Usage Over2800 kWh Annual Usage Over 2600 kWh Annual Usage Over 2800 kWb Annual Usage Owr2800kWhAnnual Usage Over 2800kWhAnnual Usage 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 2,590.74 878.48 2,154.17 2,248.49 2,782.89 3,53025 3,550.08 3,580.48 2,478.67 1,780.88 1,730.54 2,480.45 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX* 14.35 1195 1413 10.04 11.81 13.09 1273 12.87 11.82 10.45 13.24 15.41 5 CLASS PEAK KWM+ 8.01 4.00 5.42 8.82 7.04 9.64 7.87 7.88 7.36 4.28 4.59 8.83 8 SYSTEM PEAK KNM+ 8.01 1.21 6.71 8 94 8 77 8.14 7.38 7.58 705 4.35 454 8.54 7 ERCOT PEAK KV1W+ 887 7 70 7.96 7.53 N AT METER +AVERAOE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • ., 638 Schedule NJ-4b Page 5 of 160 • /13 UC DOCKET NO. 41474-ERRATA HARYLAND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION N.1-Ib LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS Rate Class stratum LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 76 8 B 10 11 12 ......... • Secondary Service Less Than or Equal to 10 kW LSI MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 3 AVERAGE KWH 2 SAMPLE METERS 0- 10 KW Average Annual NCP 0-10KWAvemOeAnnual NCP 0-10 KW AveraOe Annual NCP 0-10 KW Average Annual NCP 0-10 KW AvenOe Annual NCP 0-10 KW AvanOe Annual NCP 0-10KWAveraOeAnnualNCP 0-10 KW Average Annual NCP 0-10K1NAvenOeAnnualNCP 0-10 KW AvenOe Annual NCP 0-10 KW AveraOe Annual NCP 0-10 KW Average Annual NCP 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 78.83 14.70 245.BB 74.38 9653 821.08 1,474.18 2,417.28 788.83 147.36 112.85 75.71 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 0.17 0.07 2.12 0.43 0.38 5.35 8.83 6.63 315 0.53 0.46 0.17 5 CLASS PEAK KWW 0,18 0.02 0.13 018 0.00 4.50 4.45 3.10 2.81 0.41 020 0.18 6 SYSTEM PEAK KWN 0.18 002 1.50 0.06 0 07 4.55 4.48 4.61 2,70 0.31 0.28 0.08 7 ERCOT PEAK KWIN 4.51 4.47 447 2,75 • ORIGINAL STRATIFICATION A AT METER +AVERAGE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS 639 SehaduM NJ-4b Page 8 of 180 • 0. PUC DOCKET N. 414 - ERRA TA HARYLAND UT3LITIES, LP RANSfiION TO GOMPETfTION .'.'. IV _J-4b LOAD RESEARCH DATA ST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 SPONSOR: JOHHUTTS Rate Class Stratum LINE NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 ......... • Secondary Service Less Than or Equal to 10 kW 681 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November December'12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 3 AVERAGE KWH 2 SAMPLE METERS 0- 400 5515 Annual Usage 0- 400 kWh Annual Usage 0- 400 kWh Annual Usage 0-400 kWt Annual Usage 0-400 kWh Annual Usage 0-400 kWh Annual Usage 0- 400 kWh Annual Usage 0- 400 kWh Annual Usage 0- 400 kWh Annual Usage 0-400 kWh Annual Usage 5-400 kWh Annual Usage 0-400 kWh Annual Usage 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 87.50 67.05 7528 129.72 198.50 154.78 15969 153.26 145.52 189.24 107.48 84.38 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 1.35 1.62 128 123 1.34 1.43 1.42 1.43 1.31 121 1.18 1.37 5 CLASS PEAK KWW+ 0.37 046 0.53 0.42 0.70 0.45 0.72 0.82 0.53 0.77 0.45 051 8 SYSTEM PEAK KWM* 0.18 0.01 0.08 0.24 0.10 0.25 0.30 0.30 0.17 0.50 018 0.17 7 ERCOT PEAK KVA#+ 0.39 0.31 0.22 0.14 N AT METER +AVERAGE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • • 640 Schedule IV-J-4b Page 7 01160 • PUC DOCKET NO. 4144Ory; ""----- SHARYi.AND UTILITIES, LP TRANSITION TO COMPETITION IVJ-4b LOAD RESEARCH DATA TEST YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2012 ... SPONSOR: JOHN HUTTS Rate Class Stratum LINE NO I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 ^ Secondary Service Less Than or Equal to 10 kW = 662 MONTH January'12 February March April May June July August September October November Deeember'12 1 STRATUM BOUNDS 2 SAMPLE METERS 401 -1500 kNT Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 - 1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 - 1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWfi Annual Usage 401 -1500 kVM Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 401 -1500 kWh Annual Usage 3 AVERAGE KIM 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 57307 288.48 431.76 814.08 595.83 785.84 854.09 1,103.83 710.78 505.75 538.51 635.02 4 CUSTOMER NCP MAX# 3.36 2.27 2.48 2.02 3.38 2.87 3.41 3.80 3.80 3.43 3.39 353 5 CLASS PEAK K1MY+ 1.36 0.46 090 1.77 1.13 158 142 ISO 1.80 079 1.24 1.39 8 SYSTEM PEAK KWW+ 1.21 0.55 0.46 1.27 1.48 1.38 128 1.26 1.22 0.00 0.83 1.32 7 ERCOT PEAK KNM'+ 1.31 1.17 1.42 1.15 * AT METER +AVERAGE DEMANDS EXTRACTED FROM LOAD RESEARCH DATABASE AT THE DATE AND TIME OF CLASS, SYSTEM, AND ERCOT PEAKS • • 641