HVAC noise & vibration control Noise and vibration control of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems is vital for providing comfortable and safe environments for occupants. Excessive noise levels lead to poor communication, fatigue and stress. High noise levels can even cause hearing loss, especially when exposed for extended periods of time. Excessive HVAC noise and vibration is usually due to poor design, poor installation and sometimes poor maintenance. Proper system design and equipment selection avoids the need for costly and disruptive remedial works. Good design, coupled with carefully supervised installation and regular maintenance, including testing, is the most effective way to ensure that a building is free from noise and vibration problems. Basic noise criteria The most commonly used descriptors of HVAC noise are as follows: NOISE CRITERION (NC): The NC curves were established in the United States for rating indoor noise, and mainly from air conditioning equipment. They consist of a set of criteria curves extending from 63 to 8,000 Hz which use a tangency rating procedure. The criteria curves define the limits of octave band spectra that 46 Saying that HVAC noise and vibration could be attributed to issues like poor design, wrong selection of equipment, incorrect installation methods and lack of maintenance, Edward Adamczyk demonstrates that proper care and attention during all stages of a project can help mitigate the problems. must not be exceeded to meet occupant acceptance in spaces. The NC rating can be obtained by plotting the octave band levels for a given noise spectrum against the NC curves. The noise spectrum is specified as having an NC rating, which is the same as the lowest NC curve, which is not exceeded by the spectrum. NOISE RATING (NR): The NR curves are a set of internationally agreed octave band Sound Pressure Level (SPL) curves, based on the concept of equal loudness, as referenced in ISO/R 1996 (Acoustics – Assessment of noise with respect to community response). They represent the human’s perception of noise, where less annoyance is caused by low frequency noise than by higher frequency noise at the same sound pressure level. Hence, higher levels may be tolerated for low frequency noise. The NR curves are slightly less sensitive at low frequencies and more sensitive at high frequencies than the corresponding NC curves. dBA (A-Weighted Noise Level: The sound pressure level determined when using the frequency-weighting network A) The A-weighting network modifies the electrical response of a sound level Climate Control Middle East September 2013 Noise limits The table below presents typical requirements from different international design standards and guidelines documents which advise on the maximum permissible noise levels in different room types: Room Type dBA Hospitality Guestrooms and suite Meeting rooms and banquet spaces Corridors and lobbies Service and support areas 35 35 45 45 Health Care Patient rooms Wards Operating theatres Corridors and lobbies 30 35 35 40 Residential Living spaces Resting spaces Bathrooms, kitchens, utility rooms 40 35 45 Commercial Cellular offices Meeting rooms and executive offices Open plan Corridors and lobbies 35 30 40 45 Religious Main praying / assembly halls 35 Education Classrooms Large lecture rooms with sound reinforcement Large lecture rooms without sound reinforcement Laboratories 30 30 25 35 meter so that the sensitivity of the meter varies with frequency in approximately the same way that the sensitivity of the human hearing system varies with frequency. As the human ear has a non-linear frequency response, it is less sensitive at low and high frequencies and most sensitive in the mid-frequency range between 1 kHz and 4 kHz. The A-weighting is applied to measured or calculated SPLs so that these levels correspond more closely to the response of the human ear. A-weighted SPLs are often denoted dB(A) or dBA or dB LA. It has been found that, in the majority of cases, the difference between the dBA level and NC/NR curves is approximately 5 to 6 units, i.e. NC/NR 25 ≈ 30/31 dBA. HVAC system noise assessment Noise assessments for HVAC systems involve the examination of the source (equipment) and its transmission paths to a receiver point (noisesensitive space). There are multiple paths, which include the supply, return, and noise breakout from the equipment casing. It is paramount that all noise (and vibration) paths are reviewed and assessed. Since noise takes the path of least resistance, even a small acoustic weakness in a system will significantly affect the noise level generated in a space. Any short-circuiting of vibration will similarly result in structure-borne transmission, which can subsequently be re-radiated as airborne noise in a space. The following is a list of common noise and vibration issues: Wrong selection of equipment Insufficient space for implementing noise control, such as duct attenuators Incorrect locations for attenuators and duct fittings, which increase airflow generated noise High velocities in ducts, which increase airflow generated noise and cause duct vibration Misalignment of ducts and flexible connections, which result in increased air turbulence Poor balancing of systems with the overuse of dampers Excessive vibration caused by inadequate vibration isolation of equipment and adjoining ductwork and pipework. Poor sealing of service penetrations and open return air routes which cause crosstalk and reduce speech privacy between adjacent spaces Lack of room acoustic treatments, which increase reverberation and accentuate the room noise levels Flanking sound transmission around structures through indirect paths The above issues can be resolved by considering the following solutions: Select low-noise equipment Include sound attenuators, lined ducts/plenums and duct lagging Design duct systems with smooth transition elements and correct air flows to minimise turbulence Provide vibration isolation, as prescribed by the equipment manufacturers and as per guidelines given by ASHRAE and CIBSE Clean areas after installation, ensuring that there are no debris or temporary protectors still connected to the equipment and/or isolators Select grilles, registers and diffusers with low pressure drops and low airflow velocities Control crosstalk using lined ducts, return air boots or attenuators Control flanking sound transmission at all junctions/interfaces. Sustainable design There are several sustainable design credit systems used around the world, such as BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) used in the UK, CASBEE (Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency) used in Japan, Green Star used in Australia, HKBEAM (Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method), LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design) used in the US and internationally. In the UAE, the Green Building Regulations are used in Dubai, and Estidama is used in Abu Dhabi, while Qatar has the GSAS (Global Sustainability Assessment System). The above assessment methods recognise the need for good control of acoustics, noise and vibration, which will result in additional credit ratings for buildings. There are many acoustics products available on the THErE ArE MAny ACoUSTICS prodUCTS AVAIlAblE on THE MArKET THAT HAVE bEEn dESIGnEd To MEET SUSTAInAblE bUIldInG rEqUIrEMEnTS, UTIlISInG rECyClEd MATErIAlS or wITH low lEVElS oF VolATIlE CHEMICAlS market that have been designed to meet sustainable building requirements, utilising recycled materials or with low levels of volatile chemicals. Acoustic consultants can use their knowledge of locally available materials and products to advise on such matters. construction administration, site supervision and testing services. The overall result is a project that meets the client’s requirements, for which the contractors have fulfilled their obligations in achieving the design intent. Conclusion With proper care and attention during all stages of a project, acoustics, noise and vibration control can be achieved to avoid the problems highlighted in this article. An acoustic consultant appointed at an early stage can set appropriate standards for the project, ensure compliance with local codes and/ or international practices, prepare specifications, review tenders and provide The writer is the Head of Acoustics and Principal Consultant at PMK International. He can be contacted at edward.a@ pmkllc.com More on acoustics in the next issue. September 2013 www.climatecontrolme.com 47