AIP New Zealand NZHN AD 2 - 62.1 HAMILTON ELEV 172 NZHN DEPARTURE (1) CHRISTCHURCH CONTROL: 125.3 123.8 TOWER: 122.9 126.8 119.8 ATIS: 128.6 UNATTENDED: 122.9 Communications Outside Hamilton Tower hours contact Christchurch Control (Bay Sector) for clearance and traffic information before entering IMC or controlled airspace. Outside Bay Sector hours contact Christchurch Information 125.3 MHz. Departure Procedures Call Hamilton TWR on 122.9 prior to start, advising receipt of ATIS (with QNH) and requested level. Route clearance will normally be issued within 2 minutes. Call Hamilton TWR on 122.9 for start clearance. OCEANIC TRANSITION — WEST (to PAPTI, MADEP or PEBLU — FL260 or above) S S S S S Intercept cleared route to POKOM or as directed by radar Maintain 10,000ft to LEKUS Cleared level FL250 Expect further clearance to filed level prior to 100 AA Cross NZZC/NZZO FIR BDRY at cleared level or advise ATC if unable OCEANIC TRANSITION — NORTH (via Auckland VOR to NZZC/NZZO FIR BDRY points — FL260 or above) S S S S Intercept cleared route to Auckland VOR or as directed by radar Cleared level FL250 Expect further clearance to filed level prior to 100 AA Cross NZZC/NZZO FIR BDRY at cleared level or advise ATC if unable Effective: 7 APR 11 HAMILTON E Civil Aviation Authority DEPARTURE (1) AIP New Zealand NZHN AD 2 - 62.2 ELEV 172 HAMILTON CAT A,B,C,D NZHN DEPARTURE (2) SY R 4 3 R1 80 7 R32 R337 3000 Minimum Sector Altitude 25 NM HN HAMILTON TAY LA2 VOR/DME 114.0 HN S37 50 57 E175 20 19 NDB 390 S37 51 38 E175 19 51 R 0 7 4 EN 2 D M R17 6 R1 83 R1 98 /2 00 F AL L S MI KE R 3.6% to 3500 ft BUDEN 12 HN DME S38 02 30 E175 16 07 3000 DA BK A R1 9 8 R 08 9 WK A RB KA 7 2 R1 K G T 25 /1 27 R1 U R0 97 / 09 5 10 DRO PT R161 A D E BU D M D E 4.8% to 4000 ft D R 0 8 1 7 0 23 8/ 22 R HNDEP2M 6 5 0 R 3.3% Minimum net climb gradient HN OM OK P 7 4 2 R R1 1 0 4 1 3.3% Minimum net climb gradient NOT TO SCALE All climb gradients stated apply from take-off ALL DEPARTURES When airborne contact CHRISTCHURCH CONTROL 125.3 RWY 18L CAUTION:Close-in obstacles not considered in climb gradient Trees: 220 ft AMSL, 206”/460 m from CWY END 230 ft AMSL, 205”/480 m from CWY END 250 ft AMSL, 195”/890 m from CWY END 270 ft AMSL, 198”/920 m from CWY END Maintain runway centreline to MNM 700 ft, then as cleared, direct or via departure procedure Aircraft must be established on an evaluated track within 25 HN DME MNM net climb gradient 3.3% (200 ft/NM) except for tracks overflying any part of: 125 HN NDB beyond 10 DME R127 HN VOR/095 Sector between R097MNM net climb gradient 3.6% (220ft/NM) to 3500 ft 230 HN NDB beyond 7 DME R228 HN VOR/200 Sector between R198MNM net climb gradient 4.8% (295 ft/NM) to 4000 ft 340” HN NDB beyond 15 DME not available. R340 HN VOR/ 321” When D234 is active, sector between R320Departure procedures RWY 18L RWY 36R BUDEN TWO DEPARTURE (BUDEN2) TAYLA TWO DEPARTURE (TAYLA2) MNM net climb gradient 5.5% (340 ft/NM) to 3000 ft Track to TAYLA REP (R356 HN VOR 12 DME) to ensure airspace containment Maintain 3000 ft to TAYLA Track to BUDEN REP (R176 HN VOR 12 DME) Intercept cleared route or as directed by radar Maintain 3000ft to BUDEN Intercept cleared route or as directed by radar NOTE:Aircraft that are to enter the Auckland Oceanic FIR via POKOM/LEKUS or the Auckland VOR -refer to Oceanic Transition on DEPARTURE (1) page HAMILTON Effective: 24 JUL 14 c Civil Aviation Authority DEPARTURE (2) i al . t or r om 3 APR 14:Edi Changesf 04 R3 HAMILTON 5 5 TAYLA 12 HN DME S37 39 24 E175 24 29 3.3% Minimum net climb gradient R3 60 2 9 R 2 7 0 R35 6 20 ATIS: 128.6 UNATTENDED: 122.9 D234 9500 ft SFC R340/340 E 5DM 1 RD I TA R2 ZE 86 Y TOWER: 122.9 126.8 119.8 1 /32 3 20 R3 31 S KE LA W E CHRISTCHURCH CONTROL: 125.3 123.8