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Author Guidelines
Instructions to authors
Presubmission inquiries should be sent to:
Thomas A. Luger
Department of Dermatology
University Clinics Münster
Von-Esmarch-Str. 58
D-48149 Münster, Germany
Tel: 49-251-835-6504
Fax: 49-251-835-6522
E-mail: rodil@uni-muenster.de
Ralf Paus
Lübeck, Germany & Manchester, UK
Department of Dermatology
University of Lübeck
Ratzeburger Allee 160
D-23538 Lübeck, Germany
Tel: 49-451-5002869
E-mail: ralf.paus@uk-sh.de
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Manuscript Arrangement:
Whenever possible, authors are strongly encouraged to emphasize the clinical
relevance of their work. In original papers, at least the final paragraph of the paper
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findings, whenever this makes sense.
Regular Articles
Research Articles may not exceed 4,000 words (not including references). They
should contain a maximum of 4 display items in single column width (including
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new page in the following sequence: title page; abstract; key words (3 to 5);
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Number pages consecutively, beginning with the title page. Type the page number in
the upper right-hand corner of each
page. Number the tables consecutively with arabic numerals. For any further details,
consult the 'Uniform requirements for manuscripts
submitted to bio-medical journals'', Ref. (2) below.
Methods in Experimental Dermatology
Methods manuscripts may not exceed approx 2500 words (not including references)
and should contain a maximum of 3 display items. In addition, Experimental
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Dermatology regularly publishes Methodological Reviews that provide state-of-the-art,
authoritative coverage of important laboratory techniques across all areas of
investigative dermatology and molecular biomedicine. These critical reviews also
cover typical problems and limitations encountered with the discussed method,
suggest problem solving-approaches, and offer pragmatic advice from experienced
laboratory practitioners not only for newcomers but also readers interested in the field.
The submission of METHODS REVIEWS is invited by the Section Editor. If you are
interested in writing a METHODS REVIEW, please, contact the section editor.
Section editor: Stefan Beissert, Münster, Germany
mail to:beisser@uni-muenster.de
Viewpoint, Reviews
Speculative, thought-provoking Viewpoint essays (max. 2500 words, 100 refs.) and
standard review articles (max. 4000 words, 200 refs.) are invited by the editors or
associate editors. These always welcome specific suggestions for topics and
prospective authors, ideally along with submission of a brief structural outline.
Instructions for the design of Viewpoints essays and Review articles are available
from the editorial office and details are negotiated with the editors.
Patterns of Expression
Patterns of Expression is a category of paper reporting the comprehensive pattern of
expression of a new or important gene during embryonic development and/or in the
adult organism, highlighting interesting or unexpected findings. Patterns of
Expression papers should contain data using multiple complimentary approaches,
including but not limited to, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry,
immunofluorescence, real-time PCR, western and northern blot. Papers should not
exceed 2,500 words and do not require an invitation by the Editor. Documentation
should be stringently restricted to what is really essential in order to convincingly
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document the reported expression pattern. Non-essential, Supporting Information,
also in color, may be displayed free-of-charge on the journal website.
Letter to the Editor, Methods Letters to the Editor
Dermatology represent full-fledged short reports, and a corresponding abstract is
presented via PubMed (letter format: 1000 words: structured into BACKGOUND,
150 words; maximum 2 small figures or tables and 30 references). Our letter format
also allows for generous online Supporting Information (including more extensive
information on materials and methods, more figures/tables and additional references).
not exceed 3 printed pages. Additional pages must be paid for at a rate of GBP 170
per page. As a special service to authors and readers, in contrast to full original
are now made freely available to all readers so as to render them maximally accessible
(OpenAccess policy).
Hypothesis Letter
HYPOTHESIS LETTERS offer a forum for the proposal of novel hypotheses on
important skin research topics of general interest. These hypotheses must be
developed on the basis of the published literature, must be stated clearly and
succinctly, and must be experimentally testable. Hypotheses manuscripts that, if
confirmed, are likely to lead to important changes in dermatological therapy and/or
pathobiology concepts are favored. Hypothesis Letters have a maximum of 800 words,
1 composite figure, and 50 references, and can be complemented by an extensive
e-supplement (with additional figs., text, and refs.), and are to be structured as follows:
Background, Premises, Hypothesis, How to test the hypothesis, Relevance and
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perspectives. The corresponding short abstract (150 words) is to be structured into
"Background", "Hypothesis", "Relevance".
Illustrations. All figures should clarify the text and their number should be kept to a
minimum. Details must be large enough to retain their
clarity after reduction. Illustrations should preferably fill single column width (81 mm)
after reduction, although in exceptional cases 2/3 width (120 mm) or full page width
(168 mm) will be accepted. Line drawings should be professionally drafted and
photographed; halftones should exhibit high contrast. A linear size scale should be
incorporated into electron microscopic pictures. Colour illustrations will be
accepted free of charge.
Abbreviations and Symbols. Use only standard abbreviations. All units will be
metric. Use no roman numerals in the text. In decimals, a decimal point, and not a
comma, will be used. Consult the CBE style manual: a guide for authors, editors and
publishers in the biological sciences, 4th edition, Arlington, Virginia, 1978. Avoid
abbreviations in the title. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should
precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. Units of
measurement should be expressed in accordance with the SI and CIE
recommendations (see Ref. 3, below).
References. Number references consecutively in the order in which they appear first
in the text. Identify references in text, tables and
legends by Arabic numerals (in parentheses). All references cited, and only these,
must be listed at the end of the paper. Journal titles
should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. The names of
unlisted journals should be spelled out.
1. Standard journal article
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(For more than 3 authors, list the first three, then et al.) Parrish J A, Fitzpatrick T B,
Tanebaum L et al. Photochemotherapy with oral methoxsalen and long wave
ultraviolet light. N Engl J Med 1974: 291: 1207–1222.
2. Corporate author
International Steering Committee. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to
biomedical journals. Ann Intern Med 1997; 126: 36–47.
3. Agency publication
International lightning vocabulary, Paris: Bureau Central de la Commission
International de l’Éclairage, 1970; vol. 3. Armstrong Lowe. A guide to international
recommendations on names and symbols for quantities and on units of measurement.
Geneva: WHO, 1975 (Progress in Standardization, No. 2).
4. Chapter in a book
Frain-Bell W. The photodermatoses. In: Rook A, ed. Recent advances in dermatology.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1973: 101–133.
English-language editing: Authors for whom English is a second language may
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