August 10, 2005
Planning and Transportation Committee
Ted Tyndorf, Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division
Final Report
City Initiated Official Plan Amendment – 2 McDonalds Place, 1 & 3 Concorde
Gate and 10 & 12 Concorde Place
Ward 26 - Don Valley West
This report responds to Council direction to present an amendment to the New Official Plan that
re-designates the lands known municipally as 2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10 &
12 Concorde Place from Mixed Use Areas to Emplyoment Areas.
Financial Implications and Impact Statement:
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
In the event that City Council decides to amend the New
Official Plan to re-designate the lands known municipally
as 2 McDonalds Place, and 1-3 Concorde Gate 10 & 12
Concorde Place from Mixed Use Areas to Employment
Areas, City Council may:
amend the Official Plan for the City of Toronto
substantially in accordance with the draft Official
Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 1;
authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic
and technical changes to the draft Official Plan
Amendment as may be required.
City Council at its meeting of June 14, 15 and 16, 2005 directed staff to present an Official Plan
Amendment to re-designate 2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10 & 12 Concorde
Place from Mixed Use Areas to Employment Areas for consideration at a statutory public
meeting at the September 12, 2005 meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee.
The property at 2 McDonalds Place is owned by McDonalds Restaurant of Canada Limited and
the properties at 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10 & 12 Concorde Place are owned by Cadillac
Fairview. The properties include four office buildings, one of which is owned by McDonalds
Restaurants of Canada Limited and the remaining three which are owned by Cadillac Fairview.
Official Plans
The North York Official Plan designates the lands Industrial. The Business Park Secondary Plan
policies in the North York Official Plan also apply to these properties. The Industrial
designation and Secondary Plan policies permit a wide range of industrial activities, including
manufacturing, warehousing, service uses and offices. The North York Official Plan provides
policies to evaluate proposals to redesignate Industrial land for other uses, including residential
The New Toronto Official Plan designates the lands Mixed Use Areas, which permits a broad
range of institutional, residential and commercial uses. The current uses are permitted within
both the Mixed Use Areas designation and the Industrial designation in the North York Official
Re-designation to Employment Areas
Council directed that the lands be re-designated to Employment Areas in the New Toronto
Official Plan. The Employment Areas designation permits a wide variety of employment uses
and provides policies to review proposals for uses such as major health, post-secondary
education and recreation and entertainment facilities. The objective of these polices is to ensure
that such uses do not detract from the economic function of Employment Areas. The
Employment Areas designation does not permit residential uses.
-3The attached draft Toronto Official Plan Amendment therefore would implement Council's
direction to designate the subject lands to Employment Areas.
This report implements Council direction from the meeting of June 14, 15 and 16, 2005.
Thomas C. Keefe
Director, Community Planning, North District
Phone No.:
Fax No:
Ted Tyndorf
Chief Planner and Executive Director
City Planning Division
List of Attachments:
Attachment 1: Draft Toronto Official Plan Amendment
-4Attachment No. 1
Planning and Transportation Committee Report No. XX, Clause No. XX,
as adopted by City Council on XX, 2005.
Enacted by Council: ~, 2005
BY-LAW No. ~ - 2005
To adopt Amendment No. 31 of the Official Plan of the City of Toronto respecting the
lands known municipally as 2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10 & 12 Concorde
WHEREAS authority is given to Council by the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as amended,
to pass this By-law; and
WHEREAS Council has provided adequate information to the public and has held at least one
public meeting in accordance with the Planning Act; and
WHEREAS the Council of the City of Toronto, at its meeting of XX, 2005, determined to amend
the Official Plan for the City of Toronto, which Official Plan was adopted by By-law No. 10822002;
The Council of the City of Toronto HEREBY ENACTS as follows:
Amendment No. 31 to the Official Plan, consisting of the attached text and map.
ENACTED AND PASSED this ~ day of ~, A.D. 2005
(Corporate Seal)
City Clerk
2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10& 2 Concorde Place
The following Text and Map constitute Amendment No. 31 to the City of Toronto Official Plan
(being an amendment to the provisions of the Official Plan, Chapter 4, Land Use Designations).
The section headed “Purpose and Location” is explanatory only, and shall not constitute part of
this amendment.
The proposed amendment is to re-designate the lands on the west side of Concorde Place, north
of Wynford Drive known municipally as 2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10& 12
Concorde Place. This amendment implements City Council direction of June 14, 15 and 16,
2005 regarding these properties.
The Official Plan of the City of Toronto is amended as follows:
1. Maps 12 and 15, Land Use Plan are amended by re-designating the lands known municipally
as 2 McDonalds Place, 1-3 Concorde Gate and 10& 12 Concorde Place from Mixed Use
Areas to Employment Areas in accordance with Schedule ‘A’, attached hereto.