Introduction to Econometrics Chapter 6 Ezequiel Uriel Jiménez University of Valencia Valencia, September 2013 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.1 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model: an overview 6.2 Misspecification 6.3 Multicollinearity 6.4 Normality test 6.5 Heteroskedasticity 6.6 Autocorrelation Exercises Appendix 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.2 Misspecification [3] TABLE 6.1. Summary of bias in when x2 is omitted in estimating equation. 2 Corr(x 2 ,x 3 )>0 Corr(x 2 ,x 3 )<0 3 >0 Positive bias Negative bias 3 <0 Negative bias Positive bias 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.2 Misspecification [4] EXAMPLE 6.1 Misspecification in a model for determination of wages (file wage06sp) Initial model wage = b1 + b2 educ + b3tenure + u = 4.679 + 0.681 educ + 0.293 tenure wage i i i (1.55) (0.146) (0.071) 2 Rinit = 0.249 n = 150 Augmented model + a wage +u wage = b1 + b2 educ + b3tenure + a1 wage 1 2 2 Raugm = 0.289 F 2 2 ( Raugm Rinit )/r 2 (1 Raugm ) / ( n h) 4.18 3 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.3 Multicollinearity [5] EXAMPLE 6.2 Analyzing multicollinearity in the case of labor absenteeism (file absent) TABLE 6.2. Tolerance and VIF. age tenure wage Collinearity statistics Tolerance VIF 0.2346 42.634 0.2104 47.532 0.7891 12.673 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.3 Multicollinearity [6] EXAMPLE 6.3 Analyzing the multicollinearity of factors determining time devoted to housework (file timuse03) houswork 1 2 educ 3 hhinc 4 age 5 paidwork u max 542.14 8782 min 7.06 E 06 TABLE 6.3. Eigenvalues and variance decomposition proportions. Eigenvalues 7.03E-06 0.000498 0.025701 1.861396 542.1400 Variance decomposition proportions Variable 1 C EDUC HHINC AGE PAIDWORK 0.999995 0.295742 0.064857 0.651909 0.015405 Associated Eigenvalue 2 3 4 4.72E-06 0.704216 0.385022 0.084285 0.031823 8.36E-09 4.22E-05 0.209016 0.263805 0.007178 1.23E-13 2.32E-09 0.100193 5.85E-07 0.945516 5 1.90E-15 3.72E-11 0.240913 1.86E-08 7.80E-05 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.4 Normality test [7] EXAMPLE 6.4 Is the hypothesis of normality acceptable in the model to analyze the efficiency of the Madrid Stock Exchange? (file bolmadef) n=247 TABLE 6.4. Normality test in the model on the Madrid Stock Exchange. skewness coefficient kurtosis coefficient Bera and Jarque statistic -0.0421 4.4268 21.0232 y x FIGURE 6.1. Scatter diagram corresponding to a model with homoskedastic disturbances. [8] y 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.5 Heteroskedasticity x FIGURE 6.2. Scatter diagram corresponding to a model with heteroskedastic disturbances. 6.5 Heteroskedasticity 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.5 Application of the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test [9] TABLE 6.5. Hostel and inc data. i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Step 1. Applying OLS to the model, hostel 17 24 7 17 31 3 8 42 30 9 inc 500 700 250 430 810 200 300 760 650 320 hostel b1 + b2 inc + u using data from table 6.5, the following estimated model is obtained: = -7.427+ 0.0533 inc hostel i i (3.48) (0.0065) The residuals corresponding to this fitted model appear in table 6.6. 6.5 Heteroskedasticity 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.5 Application of the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test. (Cont.) [10] TABLE 6.6. Residuals of the regression of hostel on inc. i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 uˆi -2.226 -5.888 1.1 1.505 -4.751 -0.234 -0.565 8.913 2.777 -0.631 Step 2. The auxiliary regression uˆi2 1 2 inci i uˆi2 23.93 0.0799inc R 2 0.5045 Step 3. The BPG statistics is: BPG = nRar2 = 10 (0.56) = 5.05 2(0.05) Step 4. Given that 1 =3.84, the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity is rejected for a significance level of 5%, but not for the significance level of 1%. 6.5 Heteroskedasticity 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.6 Application of the White test [11] Step 1. This step is the same as in the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test. Step 2. The regressors of the auxiliary regression will be 1i 1 i 2i 1 inci 3i inci2 uˆi2 1 2 inci 3inci2 i uˆi2 14.29 0.10inci 0.00018inci2 R 2 0.56 Step 3. The W statistic: W = nR 2 = 10 (0.56) = 5.60 Step 4. Given that 22(0.10) =4.61, the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity is rejected for a 10% significance level because W=nR2>4.61, but not for significance levels of 5% and 1%. 6.5 Heteroskedasticity [12] Heteroskedasticity in the linear model 29.42+ 1.219 bookval marktval marktval = b1 + b2 bookval + u (30.85) (0.127) n = 20 400 350 Residuals in absolute value 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.7 Heteroskedasticity tests in models explaining the market value of the Spanish banks (file bolmad95) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 bookval GRAPHIC 6.1. Scatter plot between the residuals in absolute value and the variable bookval in the linear model. BPG nRar2 20 0.5220 10.44 As 12(0.01) =6.64<10.44, the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity is rejected for a significance level of 1%, and therefore for =0.05 and for =0.10.l W nRar2 20 0.6017 12.03 As 22(0.01) =9.21<12.03, the null hypothesis of homoskedasticity is rejected for a significance level of 1%. [13] EXAMPLE 6.7 Heteroskedasticity tests in models explaining the market value of the Spanish banks (Cont.) Heteroskedasticity in the log-log model ln( marktval ) 0.676+ 0.9384 ln(bookval ) (0.265) (0.062) 1.0 0.9 Residuals in absolute value 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.5 Heteroskedasticity 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 ln(bookval) GRAPHIC 6.2. Scatter plot between the residuals in absolute value and the variable bookval in the log-log model. TABLE 6.7. Tests of heteroskedasticity on the log-log model to explain the market value of Spanish banks. Test Statistic Table values Breusch-Pagan 2 BP = nRra =1.05 22(0.10) =4.61 White W= nRra2 =2.64 22(0.10) =4.61 6.5 Heteroskedasticity [14] ln(hostel) b1 +b2ln(inc) +b3secstud +b4terstud +b5hhsize +u ln( hostel)i -16.37+2.732ln(inc)i +1.398 secstudi +2.972terstudi -0.444 hhsizei (2.26) (0.324) (0.258) (0.088) (0.333) R2 = 0.921 n = 40 1.6 1.4 Residuals in absolute value 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.8 Is there heteroskedasticity in demand of hostel services? (file hostel) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8 ln(inc) GRAPHIC 6.3. Scatter plot between the residuals in absolute value and the variable ln(inc) in the hostel model. TABLE 6.8. Tests of heteroskedasticity in the model of demand for hostel services. Test Breusch-PaganGodfrey White Statistic 2 BPG =nRra =7.83 W= nRra2 =12.24 Table values 22(0.05) =5.99 22(0.01) =9.21 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.5 Heteroskedasticity [15] EXAMPLE 6.9 Heteroskedasticity consistent standard errors in the models explaining the market value of Spanish banks (Continuation of example 6.7) (file bolmad95) Non consistent 29.42+ 1.219 bookval marktval (30.85) (0.127) ln( marktval ) 0.676+ 0.9384 ln(bookval ) (0.265) (0.062) White procedure 29.42+ 1.219 bookval marktval (18.67) (0.249) ln( marktval ) 0.676+ 0.9384 ln(bookval ) (0.3218) (0.0698) 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.5 Heteroskedasticity [16] EXAMPLE 6.10 Application of weighted least squares in the demand of hotel services (Continuation of example 6.8) (file hostel) uˆi 0.0239+ 0.0003 inc R 2 0.1638 uˆi -0.4198+ 0.0235 inc R 2 0.1733 1 uˆi 0.8857- 532.1 (5.39) (-2.87) inc uˆ -2.7033+ 0.4389 ln(inc) R 2 0.1780 (0.143) (2.73) (-1.34) i (-2.46) (2.82) (2.88) R 2 0.1788 WLS estimation ln( hostel )i -16.21+ 2.709 ln(inc)i + 1.401 secstudi +2.982 terstud i - 0.445 hhsizei (2.15) (0.309) (0.247) R 2 = 0.914 (0.326) n = 40 (0.085) 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [17] 3 u 2 1 00 time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -1 -2 -3 FIGURE 6.3. Plot of non-autocorrelated disturbances. 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [18] 4 5 u u 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 00 time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 -4 -5 FIGURE 6.4. Plot of positive autocorrelated disturbances. FIGURE 6.5. Plot of negative autocorrelated disturbances. time 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [19] y x FIGURE 6.6. Autocorrelated disturbances due to a specification bias. 6.6 Autocorrelation 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model EXAMPLE 6.11 Autocorrelation in the model to determine the efficiency of the Madrid Stock Exchange (file bolmadef) [20] dL=1.664; dU=1.684 Since DW=2.04>dU, we do not reject the null hypothesis that the disturbances are not autocorrelated for a significance level of =0.01, i.e. of 1%. 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 GRAPHIC 6.4. Standardized residuals in the estimation of the model to determine the efficiency of the Madrid Stock Exchange. 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [21] EXAMPLE 6.12 Autocorrelation in the model for the demand for fish (file fishdem) For n=28 and k'=3, and for a significance level of 1%: dL=0.969; dU=1.415 Since dL<1.202<dU, there is not enough evidence to accept the null hypothesis, or to reject it. 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 GRAPHIC 6.5. Standardized residuals in the model on the demand for fish. 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [22] EXAMPLE 6.13 Autocorrelation in the case of Lydia E. Pinkham (file pinkham) h rˆ é dù é 1.2012 ù n n 53 ê ú ú 1 ê1 2 ê ú ê ú ˆ ˆ 2 2 1 53 0.0814 ´ 1- n var b j ë û 1- n var b j ë û ( ) ( ) Given this value of h, the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation is rejected for =0.01 or, even, for =0.001, according to the table of the normal distribution. 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 -1,0 -2,0 -3,0 -4,0 -5,0 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 GRAPHIC 6.6. Standardized residuals in the estimation of the model of the Lydia E. Pinkham case. 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6 Autocorrelation [23] EXAMPLE 6.14 Autocorrelation in a model to explain the expenditures of residents abroad (file qnatacsp) ln( turimpt ) = -17.31+ 2.0155ln( gdpt ) (3.43) R 2 = 0.531 (0.276) DW = 2.055 n = 49 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 GRAPHIC 6.7. Standardized residuals in the estimation of the model explaining the expenditures of residents abroad. 2 For a AR(4) scheme, is equal to BG =nRar =36.35. Given this value of BG, the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation is rejected for =0.01, since 52( ) =15.09. 6 Relaxing the assumptions in the linear classical model 6.6.4 HAC standard errors [24] EXAMPLE 6.15 HAC standard errors in the case of Lydia E. Pinkham (Continuation of example 6.13) (file pinkham) TABLE 6.9.The t statistics, conventional and HAC, in the case of Lydia E. Pinkham. regressor intercept advexp sales (-1) d1 d2 d3 t conventional 2.644007 3.928965 7.45915 -1.499025 3.225871 -3.019932 t HAC 1.779151 5.723763 6.9457 -1.502571 2.274312 -2.658912 ratio 1.49 0.69 1.07 1 1.42 1.14