JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 99, NO. E5, PAGES 10,847-10,865, MAY 25, 1994 Classification of asteroid spectra using a neural network E. S. Howell, E. Mer6nyi, and L. A. Lebofsky Lunar and PlanetaryLaboratory,Universityof Arizona,Tucson Abstract. The 52-colorasteroidsurvey(Bell et al., 1988) togetherwith the 8-colorasteroidsurvey(Zellneret al., 1985) providea data set of asteroidspectra spanning0.3-2.5 pm. An artificial neuralnetworkclusterstheseasteroidspectra basedon their similarity to each other. We have also trained the neural network with a categorizationlearningoutput layer in a supervisedmodeto associatethe establishedclusterswith taxonomic classes.Results of our classificationagree with Tholen's classificationbasedon the 8-colordata alone. When extendingthe spectral rangeusingthe 52-colorsurveydata, we find that somemodificationof the Tholen classesis indicated to producea cleaner, self-consistentset of taxonomic classes. After supervisedtraining usingour modifiedclasses, the networkcorrectlyclassifies both the training examples,and additional spectrainto the correct classwith an averageof 90% accuracy.Our classificationsupportsthe separationof the K class from the S class,as suggested by Bell et al. (1987), basedon the near-infrared spectrum. We definetwo end-membersubclasses which seemto have compositional significancewithin the S class: the So class,which is olivine-richand red, and the Sp class,which is pyroxene-richand lessred. The remaining S-classasteroids have intermediate compositionsof both olivine and pyroxene and moderately red continua. The network clustering suggestssome additional structure within the E-, M-, and P-class asteroids,even in the absenceof albedo information, which is the only discriminant betweenthese in the Tholen classification.New relationshipsare seenbetween the C classand related G, B, and F classes.However, in both cases, the number of spectrais too small to interpret or determinethe significanceof these separations. Introduction indicate that theseare real divisionsamongthe objects manifestedin differentways,not artifactsof the paramThe first step to understanding the relationships eterization. However,it is important to rememberthat may within a group of diverse objects is to classify them in differentwavelengthranges,spectraldifferences accordingto their physical characteristics. Many re- resultfrom a singlecompositional element,andpossibly searchers have classified asteroids based on various cri- teria. Tholen and Barucci [1989]have recentlypresented a comprehensive review of the various taxonomies that have been put forth. These taxonomies are all based on similarities in the reflectancespectra and in somecasesthe albedosof the objects. The spectrum is related to the surfacecomposition,soany taxonomy basedon these data is at least in someway related to the surface compositionof the asteroid. However, many asteroid spectrado not have uniquecompositional interpretations. What is striking about the many different systems of classificationis not so much the differences,but the similarities. The samegeneralgroupingsappearregardless of the parameterization chosen. These similarities only a minor constituentof the asteroid. While a taxonomicsystemis a usefulfirst stepin understandingthe overallstructureof the asteroidbelt, it necessarily doesnot includeall the informationwe have available. In the formal classification, we must limit ourselves to the data that are available for all of the objectsconsidered.Thus, interpretationof this or any asteroidtaxonomyshouldalso considerany additional piecesof informationthat werenot includedin deriving the taxonomy itself. Compositionalstructureseenin the asteroidbelt reflectsnot only compositionalgradientsin the the solar nebula, but also subsequentprocessingover the age of the solar system. While it is clear that most of these objectsare closerto their pristinestate than the larger planets, they may still be sufficientlyaltered to make determination Copyright 1994 by the American GeophysicalUnion. Paper number 93JE03575. 0148-0227/ 94/ 93JE-03575505.00 of solar nebula conditions difficult. How- ever, learningabout the alteration mechanisms may be equally valuable. A great successof Tholen's asteroid taxonomy is the clear indication of differencesin 10,847 HOWELL 10,848 the distribution of different ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION asteroid classes with helio- centtic distance. However, subsequentwork by Jones OF ASTEROID SPECTRA tional V-type objectshavebeenidentified[Cruikshank et al., 1991; Binzel and Xu, 1993]. The Q classcur- et al. [1990]showsthat significanteffectsof later heat- rently includes only near-Earth asteroids. The 52-color ing eventsare alsopresentand alsohavea strongdepen- survey includes members of all of these classesexcept denceon heliocentric distance.Bell et al. [1989]discuss the Q class. Tholen did not include the asteroid albedo in definadditional asteroidalteration processes which may also have a spatial dependence.In somecasesit may not ing his clusters, since scalingthe albedo appropriately be possibleto distinguishbetweenformation processes to balance the range of color data proved difficult. Afand those attributable to later events. In this paper we describe the application of an ar- ter the clusters were determined, the available albedos were used to check for internal consistency within a class. The E, M, and P asteroids are spectrally indis- tificial neural network (ANN) for the classification of asteroid spectra, and present an augmented asteroid tinguishable, but have widely different albedos. Simtaxonomy using that technique. First, previous taxonomic systemsare briefly reviewed and the Tholen taxonomyis described,sinceour systemextendshis system by using additional spectral information. We briefly describe the data that were used for our classification of the asteroids. To compare the neural network technique to the minimum tree classification method that Tholen used, we use the same 8-color data that Tholen used for his analysis. Then we apply the neural network technique to the combined 8-color and 52-color ilarly, the B- and C-type asteroids are not spectrally well separated, but do have different albedos. However, the albedos of many asteroids are either unknown or highly uncertain, and so limit the size of the database defining the taxonomy. For this reason, we have followed Tholen's method of using only the spectral data, eventhough the albedoclearly containscompositionally valuable information. Although he did not do a formal classificationusing the additional spectral information provided by the 52data acquiredby Bell et al. [1988],to take advantage color survey,Bell noticed that the Eos family asteroids of the larg•.r spectralrange. The resultsand interpre- (a-3.0 AU) seemedto be anomalous amongthe S class. tation of the asteroid groupingsare presented,followed These objects show much less reddeningin the continby some notes on unusual objects and caseswhere our uum from 1 to 2.5 /•m, and he suggesteda separate ANN classification Previous differs from that of Tholen. Taxonomies K classfor theseobjects[Bell et al., 1987;Bell, 1988]. However, while all K-type asteroidsare in the Eos family, not all Eos family asteroidsare K types. Tedesco et al. [1989]alsocreateda K classthat includestwoEos family members,but extendsto other S-classobjectsas Tholen identifiedfourteenclasses of asteroids[Tholen, well. His taxonomy is basedon U, V, and x filter phoIn his asteroid classificationusingthe 8-colorspectra, 1984; Tholen,1989]. The meanspectrafor the Tholen classes are shownin Figure 1, after Tholen[1984].He found two significantprincipal components,one related to slope and the other to the presenceor absenceof an absorptionband near 1/•m. Five broad asteroidgroups were defined, the A, X, D, C, and S classesof asteroids. The A-type asteroidsare a small group of objects whose spectra are very red, and resemblepure olivine. The X-type asteroids include the E, M, and P types, distinguishedfrom each other by albedo. D-type asteroid spectra are very red and do not showany absorption features. The G-, B-, and F-type asteroidsare closely related to the C-type asteroids. These classesare distinguished primarily by the steepnessof the spectrum at 0.3-0.4/•m due to the Fe-O charge-transferabsorption band centeredin the ultraviolet (UV). This band has been linked to the hydration state of the surface minerals on asteroids,with increasedoxidation of iron being related to the presenceof water at some time in Mean 8-Color Spectrafor Tholen AsteroidClasses _1 I I I I I I I I I I I-- 1.0 •• 1.0 EM• • 1.0 m 1.0- • - 1.0 • 1.0•: ::• 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 the asteroid'shistory[Feierberg et al., 1985].However, not all C-type asteroidsshow evidenceof surfacehy- dration[Joneset al., 1990;Lebofsky et al., 1990]. The S-type asteroidshave variable red slopes,and showeither olivine or pyroxeneabsorptionbands,or both. The rare R, V, and Q classesare generallysimilar to the S class,but with much strongerabsorptionbands. The only memberof the R classis 349 Dembowska.The only example of the V classwas 4 Vesta, but recently addi- 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.6 1.0 Wavelength(!zm) Figure 1. Mean 8-colorspectrafor the T,5olen[1984] asteroid classesare shown. The spectra are all at the same scale, but offsetfor clarity. The Q classasteroids are not representedin our data. HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION tometry (with central wavelengthsof 0.365, 0.550, and 0.701 /•m, respectively)and the IRAS albedo,and did not include any near-infrared data. In fact, the K class as defined by Bell is a subset of the Tedescoet al. K class,in spite of the differencesin the definingspectral parameters. OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 10,849 The taxonomy developed by Tholen is based on the 8-color asteroid survey, which remains unchallengedas the most complete samplingof the asteroidbelt to date. The 8-color spectrophotometry spanned 0.3-1.1 •umfor most of the 589 asteroidssurveyed.A large rangeof heliocentric distanceswas sampled, including groupssuch Burbine [1991] performeda principal components as the Hildas (3.9 AU) and the Trojans (5.2 AU). The transformationusingthe 52-colorsurveydata combined with the 8-color data. He found five significantprincipal components. The first is correlated with the overall slopeof the spectrum. The secondis correlated with the depth of the 1-/•m absorptionband, consistentwith the first two principal components in the 8-color analysis data are given as magnitudesrelative to the Sun, representedby a mean of four solar analog stars. The spectra are normalized to 0.0 magnitude at 0.55 •um. Typical errors are 1-3%, larger in a few cases. Tholen used 405 of the 589 objects, representingthe highest quality spectra for his cluster analysis. We omitted 50 of [Tholen,1984]. The third is correlatedwith the depths the 589 asteroidswhich had only five of the eight colof both the 1- and 2-/•m absorption bands for most objects, separating olivine-rich objects from pyroxene-rich objects. The fourth and fifth do not have a clear interpretation, but each contain only 2.2% of the total variance. He found that the Tholen groups remained distinct, and did not change or augment that taxonomy. However, it is important to note that Burbine did not do an independent classification,but only tried the Tholen groupings and found them adequate. He used only 66 of the highest quality spectra for his principal component analysis, and did not have all taxonomic classesrepresented. The majority of the 52-color survey asteroidsare S class. There is considerablediversity in the spectral appearance of these objects, especially between 0.8 and 2.5/•m. However, in the visual range there is also great diversity, and many workers have suggestedthat subdivisionsamong the S-type asteroidsmay be appropri- ors measured, but did not exclude any on the basis of large errors. Since the formation of the cluster structure determined by the neural network is less sensitive to noise in the data than many classicalmethods, these two classificationsare comparable. sevensubgroups.Gaffeyet al. [1993]parameterizedthe M - -2.5 log10(F) Bell et al. [1988] carried out a smaller-scaleaster- oid survey covering 0.8-2.5 /•m for 117 asteroids chosen to represent all of the established Tholen classes.A circularly variable filter with 3.5%-5.2% spectral resolution was used to obtain 52-color spectrophotometry. They found that the S-type asteroidsshowedconsiderable variability in the pyroxene and olivine absorption bands in the near infrared, and changedtheir observing strategy to include more of these objects; thus 59 of the 117 objects are members of Tholen's S class. We extended the 52-color data to 0.34/•m by adding Tholen's 8-color photomerry, matching the spectra in the region of overlap. Bell et al. reported relative reate. Chapman[1987]suggested a divisioninto several flectance values, so for consistency,we converted the groupsbased on the U-B and B-V colors. These were Tholen magnitude valuesto relative reflectance,scaled not selectedas natural divisionsamong the objects, but to 1.0 at 0.55 •um. These quantities are related by as convenient,unambiguousdivisionsof the group into spectra using the pyroxene band positions and depths where M is magnitude and F is flux, or in this case to measurepyroxenecompositionand olivine/pyroxene whereit has been divided by the solaranalogflux value, ratio. These measures were correlated with meteorite compositions in an attempt to determine which asteroids might be likely parent bodies of ordinary chon- drites. Barucciet al. [1987]combinedthe 8-colorpho- relative reflectance. The 52-color spectra were taken in two sectionswith different spectral sampling. For convenience,we resampied these data at a uniform spacing throughout the spectralrange. Seventeenasteroidsdid not have 8-color photomerry available, but 12 of those had UBV pho- tometry and IRAS albedos and classified438 asteroids using G-mode analysis. They obtain four subclasses of Tholen's S-type asteroids,though the majority of the tometry reported[Tedesco, 1989],and Tholenclassifiobjects are of the first or SOclass. We compareour di- cations[Tholen,1989].UsingsolarcolorsfromHardorp visionof the S-type asteroidswith theseother groupings [1980],we convertedthesedata to reflectance, and used in a later section. a cubic spline to produce 0.34- to 0.8-/•m data consistent with the other objectsfor which 8-colorphotometry The Data was available. The interpolations were checkedcarefully to guard against artifacts produced by the cubic The data upon which most asteroidclassificationsys- spline. We used 65 points from 0.34 to 2.57 •um,spaced tems have been based are reflectancespectra. The two at 0.035 •um, as the input data to the neural network. surveyswhich we have used, the 8-color survey and the Hence we will refer to these modified spectra as the 6552-color survey, have been describedin detail by Zell- color spectra. Gaps due to telluric water absorption at her et al. [1985]and Bell et al. [1988],respectively. We 1.4 and 1.9 •um are also closedin this manner. Since will briefly summarizethesedata here, and describethe the spline sampling is comparableto the original specmodificationsthat weremadebeforeenteringthesedata tral resolution of the data in most of the range, the into the neural network. noise variability is reproduced by the spline with only lO,85o HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION minimal smoothing. The errors are not explicitly used by the neural network. A classificationusing only the 52-color data in its original form showedlittle differencefrom the versionbasedon resampleddata, giving confidence that this treatment OF ASTEROID SPECTRA Xo I = Y'iWjiXi summation x. 1 • yj=f(I) o did not affect the results. During the 52-color survey, severalasteroidswere observed on two or more different nights. These spectra were examined individually, and in those caseswhere the spectra were nearly identical, they were averaged to improve the signal-to-noiseratio. When the spectra were sufficientlydifferent, they were not averaged, and two versionswere retained. We definesignificantly different as point to point differencesof more than two sigma for three or more adjacent points. Two spectra of 367 Amicitia showedsignificantvariation, but since no visibledata were availablefor this object, it was not included in either classification. There were four separate spectra of 43 Ariadne with two distinct shapes. Each pair was averaged,but the two differently shaped spectra were retained. Altogether, 20 objectswere observedon two or more nights, and six of thoseshowed spectralvariation. These differencesmay be due to surface inhomogeneity,but could also be due to lightcurve variations during the time necessaryto obtain the spec- transfer Weiglts Xr/ Y' element Figure 2. The structure of a processingelement, the buildingblockof neural networks,is shown.Each processingelement computes the weighted sum of its inputs. The weights, Wi, are adjusted during the learning process. The output of the processingelement is a function, called the transfer function, of this sum. In general, the transfer function is a nonlinear function. Reproduced with permission from NeuralWare, Inc. [1991]. errors are also possible, though we feel they are less likely. Additional observationsof these asteroidswould be especiallyvaluable to resolve this issue. layer receivessignalsfrom its input connections. For example, at the ;_spurlayer, each PE will receive the weighted sum of all the spectral channelsof a given spectrum.This weightedsumis transformedby the socalled transfer function, which is generally a nonlinear Artificial function(e.g., sigmoid,hyperbolictangent,or similar function). The result is sent to the PE's output con- trum. Other sources of observational Neural or instrumental Networks The human eye and brain are extremely efficient at pattern recognitioncomparedto traditional image processingalgorithms. Ideally, to classifygroupsof spectra into generalizedgroups, we would like to look at and evaluate each example. However, as databasesget large, this is not a practical technique,nor are we able to be unbiased in our view of the data. We tend to see the features we can interpret as dominating the spectrum, and to ignorethosefeatureswhich we cannot interpret. Over the last decade, ANNs have been shown to excel in the field of pattern recognitionand classi- fication [Mer•nyi et al., 1993a; Mer•nyi et al., 1993b; Huang and Lippman, 1987]. They are able to handle nections,which in turn will be input to the PEs in the next layer. The data are driven through the network in this fashionand finally an output vector is presented at the top layer. For example, this vector can represent the labels of different classes,encoded in the form of Output t t buffer t Hidden ( Ioyer large data sets easily and quickly. A very good review on ANNs is givenby Pao [1989]. ANNs are massivelyparallel, finely distributed computing architecturesthat mimic the information processingof the nervoussystemin a simplifiedway. They consistof a large number of artificial neurons,or pro- Inpuf buffer Figure 3. A sampleartificial neural networkintercon- cessingelements(PEs) as shownin Figure 2. These nection pattern is shown. The circles representprosimple PEs are (usually) identical, and are densely cessingelements(PEs). Data flow from bottomto top. wired into a net-like structure with weighted connections. This net structure is typically organized into one input, one output, and one or more hidden layers. An example for an ANN architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. PEs in one layer can be connectedto any PE in other layers. For the networks in this study, all PEs in a given layer are connectedto all PEs in the subsequentlayer. At any time step, each PE in each In this example, each element of the hidden layer receivesinput from eachdata channelin the input buffer. Similarly,eachelementof the output bufferreceivesinput from all elements of the hidden layer. The dense interconnectivity gives the network its computational flexibility. The interconnectionpattern betweenPEs is one of the main characteristics of a particular neural network paradigm. Reproducedwith permissionfrom NeuralWare,Inc. [1991]. HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 10,851 binary vectors(classA = 1, 0, ..., 0; classB = 0, 1, ..., 0, etc.). In supervisedtraining, ANNs learn to derivethe characteristics of a groupof spectra(a class)from a subset of that groupfor whichthe classmemberships (the classlabels)are known. The collectionof suchsubsets (2-D) hiddenlayer (the Kohonenlayer), basedon their siredoutput (the correctclasslabel) for this pattern. The adjustmentprocedureis prescribed by the so-called learningrule. If the trainingsamplesare consistent, the training will convergeafter somenumberof iterations, i.e., the weightswill no longerchangesignificantly. At training hasconverged(no moresignificantchangesoccur in the weights),we switch to the supervisedphase similarity to each other. Each PE becomes a representative of several input patterns: very similar patterns will be mapped onto the same PE or PEs that are close to each other in terms of their input connection weights. The similarity measurein this caseis the for all classesis the training set, and the spectra in Euclidean distance, but could be different if so dictated this set are called the training spectra. These patterns by the characteristicsof the data. The minimum tree are presentedmany times to the network along with algorithm used by Tholen also usesthe Euclidean distheir known classlabels. For a given pattern, the net- tance as the similarity measure. This topologicalmap, work comparesits own actual output with the known together with the Euclidean distancesbetweenthe PEs classlabel (this latter is the "desiredoutput" in neu- in terms of their weights, yield information about the ral net terminology). Basedon the differencebetween cluster structure of the data as explained below. No the actual and desired output, the weightsthroughout a priori assumptionon the number, size, or center of the entire network are then adjusted so that next time the clusters is used. The output layer is not learning the actual output more closelyapproximatesthe de- during the unsupervisedphase. After the unsupervised this point, the networkis trained, which meansthat it will givethe correctlabel for the trainingpatterns,and and train the output layer to associate the previously clustered patterns into the classesthat are thought to be meaningful. As we mentioned above, the network will have difficulty if we try to teach class labels that are in contradiction with the cluster structure it has formed. Decisionsabout meaningful classesare based on initial assumptionsabout taxonomic classes,and in ing samplescan preventconvergence of the training. In some casesadditional data, such as albedo and a possomecases,the network may be able to learn inconsis- teriori interpretations of clustersthat the network may of the S tent labels, but then it will not be able to make good suggest(as was the casewith the subclasses predictionsfor unknownpatterns basedon that knowl- asteroids). edge. The 2-D Kohonen layer maps the n-dimensionaldata ANNs are proven to be more robust and less sensi- space nonlinearly onto a 2-D lattice, with the presertive to noise than most conventional methods. Their vation of the topology, i.e., the similarity relationcapability to learn relationshipsfrom samplesof under- ship among input patterns. Unlike principal comporepresentedor unevenly representedclasses,and learn nent plots, which only present 2-D or three-dimensional it can make predictionsfor patterns that were not includedin the training set. An inconsistentset of train- complicated(e.g., nonlinear,embedded)classbound- (3-D) projectionsof the data, the Kohonenmap fully aries is superiorto most standardtechniques[Huang represents the n-D data space in 2-D, in terms of the and Lippman, 1987]. The massivelyparalleland dis- ordering of the patterns based on similarity. The infortributed architectureoffersdramatically increasedcomputing speed,often with significantlyreducedmemory requirementscompared to conventionalsequentialcomputers. The numerousANN paradigms developedfor variousproblemsdiffer mainly in the connectionpattern among the PEs, the transfer function and the learning mation about possiblecluster separationslies in the PE weights. After appropriate analysis,separationscan be defined and overlain on this 2-D topologicalmap in the form of fences,the height of which representsthe degree of separationbetweenPEs. Ultschand Simeon[1990] describea successfulapproachto the analysisof the Korule. honen map and representationof cluster separationsby these fences. We used their technique with some minor modification. For example, in Figure 5a, the fences Our Classification Method derived from the PE weights are superimposedon the Kohonen map, a wider line indicating a stronger sepThe ANN paradigm employedhere is a hybrid network. Its hidden layer is a two-dimensional self- aration, or higher fence. Further developmentof this organizingmap (SOM) developedby Kohonen[1988], method is in progress and a more detailed discussion which is coupledwith a categorizationlearning output will be given in a subsequentpaper (E. Mer•nyi et al., layer. These two layers have different learning rules. manuscriptin preparation, 1994). The fencesdeterThe mathematical formulaefor self-organizationas well mined at this stage should be consideredpreliminary. as for the Widrow-Hoff learningrule of the output layer Naturally, these classboundariesare not rigid and can can be foundin the work by, e.g., Pao [1989].The par- change if more objects are used in the network clusticular software implementation that we used is from tering. An advantage of this ANN paradigm is that NeuralWare,Inc. [1991]. The layout is shownin Fig- training time is modest, so the classificationcan be easure 4. This ANN performsclassificationin two phases. ily revised as more spectra are obtained. Once trained, First, in unsupervisedmode, it forms a topologicallyor- the network identifies unknown patterns very quickly dered map of the input patterns in the two-dimensional and easily. 1o,852 HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA SOMu/C trained on 65 p. data• s65o15• 20+10K6/7/91 Figure 4. The layoutof the Kohonenself-organizing map, coupledwith a categorizationlearning output layer is shown. The bottom layer is the input data. The center square is the 2-D hidden layer, or Kohonenmap. The output layer is shownat the top. Each processing element(PE) in the input (bottom) layer is connectedto all PEs in the 2-D Kohonenlayer. All PEs in the Kohonen layer are connectedto each of the output PEs. For illustration, the input connections to oneKohonenPE and the connections of two KohonenPEs to the output (top) layerare drawn here. Reproducedwith permissionfrom screengraphics,(• NeuralWare, Inc. In the application of this ANN paradigm to asteroid 8-color and 52-color surveys into a 65-color resampled classification, we assumed the Tholen[1989]classes were spectrum. We first make a direct comparison of our a good first estimate of the classmembershipof most classification and Tholen's. The two are based on the asteroids. The network is initially trained using all of the spectra with their Tholen class labels. Later, subsets of the available data are used, with someexamples set aside as "unknowns" to check the network's abil- ity to generalizefrom the examplesit has seen. These jackknifing tests are describedin more detail in a later section. We turned to the examination of the Kohonen map whenthe networkhad difficultylearningthe membership of certain objects. It is important to emphasize that the cluster structure is defined by the data in the unsupervisedtraining phase and is not changedin the supervisedphase. The network only learns to assign class labels to previously defined areas of the cluster structure during training. If the labels it is taught are too sparseor contradictory, it will not learn to identify the class,and/or it will misclassify patternswhichwere not includedin the training set. Results The and 8-Color Discussion Classification We used the neural network to classifyasteroidsfirst using.the8-colorspectraalone,and then combiningthe same data, although we used a larger subsetof the 8color data for our classification,including some lower signal-to-noisespectra. Even though the two classification techniques are very different, the similarity measures are the same. Although the cluster structure is determined differently, we obtain very similar results, giving us confidencein the technique. We then apply the neural network technique to the additional spectral information in the 65-color spectra. We discussthe classificationresults, and presentsuggestionsfor modifications to the Tholen taxonomic system. The Kohonen SOM in Figure 5a shows the cluster structure determined from the neural network, using only the 8-color data. For comparison,Figure 5b shows Tholen'sprincipalcomponentanalysis(PCA) with the clustersdetermined using the minimum tree algorithm. The heavy lines on the SOM indicate the degreeof separation, or fence height betweenthe PEs, heavier lines representinghigher fences.Although most of the asteroids in our 8-color classificationagreewith their Tholen classlabels, there are some that do not, even though the two techniques used the same data and the same HOWELL ET AL.' CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 10,853 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 4 2 a b c d e f g h i j k 1 rn n o Figure 5a. The topologicalKohonen map for the 8-color spectra is shown. Each grid square representsa processingelementin the Kohonenhidden layer as shownin Figure 4. Each object is labeled by its Tholen type. While this map is analogousto Figure 5b, it is not a graph, but rather a topological map. However, distanceson this map are not linear, becauseit represents the similarity relationshipsin the full 7-dimensionalspace.The heavy linesrepresentthe degree of separationbetweenprocessingelementsin 7-dimensionalspace. These can be more easily visualizedas fencesof varying heights,where heavierlines representhigher fences. The object labeledS nearthe D classin the upperleft is 152Atala. SeeTable3, explanatorynote6 regarding this object. See text for analysisof the clusters. similarity measure. In most casesdisagreementsoccur when the classesare separated by albedo, not spectral shape,suchas betweenthe E, M, and P classesor between the C and B classes. Discrepanciesmight also arise from a mathematically provenshortcomingof the minimum tree clusteringalgorithm, called the "chain" effect,which meansthat two objectswill be considered Figure 5b. This plot from Tholen[1984]showsthe -2 $ $ -4 v o • • -4 t -2 FIRST • R I 0 PRINCIPAL • I ,, 2 COMPONENT I 4 I principal component projection of the 405 high-quality spectra gathered during the 8-color asteroid survey. The letters correspond to the Tholen asteroid taxonomic types. The units on the axes are arbitrary. This 2-D projection best illustrates the 7-dimensionalcluster structure of the data from which Tholen asteroid taxonomy. derived his 10,854 HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION close if a short chain exists between them. The defini- tion of a short chain is the length of the longestlink in the chain that leads from one object to the other, throughany numberof objects.Therefore,two objects that are connectedby a large •numberof short links, may be put in the same cluster even if they are far apart. A completeand rigorousdiscussion of this can OF ASTEROID SPECTRA classesstill seemto do a reasonablejob. Plate 1 shows the SOM for the 65-colorspectra,again with linesindi- catingthe fenceheights,and grid labelsfor easeof dis- distance of an object from identified cluster centersas well as the chain length betweenup to three objectsin the minimum tree to reduce this problem. In general, the relationshipsof the groupsto each cussion.For clarification,the different classesare color coded. For any PE, there are fencesboth diagonally and horizontallybetweenadjoiningPEs, the heightsof which are not necessarilyrelated. For example,the So asteroid354 Eleonora,at 113,is well separatedfromthe PEs in all directionsexceptdiagonallyto the lowerleft to k12 and j12. It is not stronglyseparatedfrom the other So objects. The groupingsare similar to the 8color clusters with the additional spectral information other in both the Tholen PCA being clearly most diagnosticfor the S-type asteroids be found in the work by Fu [1976]. Tholen usedthe and the Kohonen SOM (Figures5a and 5b) are the same. For easein referring to the SOM, the grid of PEs are labeled on the sincethe olivine and pyroxenebandsare providingnew compositional information.The diversityin the C-type asteroidsand related G, B, and F types has decreased, while the diversity of the S types has increasedwhen goingfrom 8-colorto 65-colorspectra. This changeis tinct group in both systems. The C-type asteroidsare certainlydue in part to the smallnumberof samplesof a diversegroupin both systems.The G-type asteroids these asteroid types. The E-, M-, and P-type objects are a well-definedsubgroupin the SOM at j5, as well still showsomegroupingsamong themselves,but it is axes. These should not be interpreted as representing variables, but rather as analogousto cartographicgrid labels. The olivine-rich A-type asteroidsare a very dis- as in the PCA. The F-type asteroidsare also separated from the C-type objects, but lesstightly clustered. In the SOM there are some divisionsbetween the F-type asteroids. The B-type asteroids are only partly separated from the C-type asteroidsin spectral appearance (note objectsat g4 and gl), but are higherin albedo. The D-type asteroidsin the upper left corner are well separated in both systems. In the SOM, there is an additional separation of two main belt D-type asteroids in PEs dl4 and d15. The T-type asteroidsseemtransitional betweenthe D- and S-type objectsin the PCA. In the SOM, they are more closelyrelated to the S types, and are not strongly separated. Asteroid 570 Kythera at n14, is weakly separated from the other T-type objects. The S-type asteroidsare alsoa very diversegroup in both systems,although not divided by large distances as are the F types. There are somefencesseparatingS objectssuchas at PEs k5 and 12. Asteroid ll5 Thyra, at k5, is alsounusualin the 65-colorclassification.The isolated object at 12 is the near-Earth asteroid 1627 Ivar. The group of S objects near the A asteroidsincludes many of the objectsdesignatedSo in the 52-colorclassification. The X-type asteroids,that is, the E, M, and P types, seemto showmore diversityin the SOM than in the PCA. These objects are well separatedfrom the S-type and D-type asteroids,but are not well separated from the C-type asteroids. The distinction betweenCtype and P-type asteroidsis somewhatarbitrary, since it is basedon the span of colorsamong the M-type objects. The SOM showssomeindicationthat there is a divisionamongX-type objects,one groupin the upper right, and anotherin the lowerleft. This possibilitywill be considered in a later section. The 65-Color Classification When we add more spectral information, we expect that the cluster structure might be different. However, as Burbine found when performinga PCA on the combined 8-color and 52-color survey data, the Tholen not clearly related to the patterns seen in the 8-color classification. Especiallyin the bottom right part of the map, the Cv objectsare not well separatedfrom the P-type objects, the multiple labels indicating contributions from both classtypes. The S class. From examination of the 65-color SOM (Plate 1), someinternal groupingswere apparent among the S-classasteroids. The samegroupings were presentwhen the neural networkwas trained on the S-typeasteroidsalone. We introducetwo subgroups amongthe S-type asteroids. The So type, whichare olivine-rich and reddest, and the Sp type, which are olivine-poorand least red. The remainingS typesare intermediate in olivine content and continuum slope. In the SOM for the 65-color asteroids, the olivine-rich A-type asteroidsare more similar to the So-typeasteroidsthan to any other type, althougha high fence surrounds the A class. This association confirms that spectralsimilarityis correlatedwith composition in this case.It is importantto note that thesesubdivisions do not necessarilyrepresentnatural divisionsamongthe former S-classasteroids.That is, a continuumof com- positionsexistsfrom Soto S and from S to Sp. In our experiments, nomisclassification everoccurred between So and Sp. With the divisionwe report,no misclassification occurred between So and S or S and Sp. How- ever, moving theseboundarieseither toward or away from the extrema in the continuum slope-olivinespace mightproduceequallycleansubgroups. Therearelow fencesseparatingsomeSp objects,especiallynearh-j, 2-6. Given the small number of spectra, any groupings which appear well separatedcouldinsteadbe an artifact of this particular set of examples.The important point is the So and Sp subclasses definethe endsof a broad continuum of the former S-class asteroids for fu- ture studiesof compositionally differentobjectswhich may lead to finer divisionswith clearerevolutionaryinterpretations. HOWELL ET AL.- CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA T T TSo 15 10,855 T T 14 ' D 13 M i ' M M P o 12 !P 11 iCx i !cx icx i i i 10 [ ...... ' 9 8 7 6 , , 5 i ' i 4 3 2 a b c d e f g h i j k 1 rn n o Plate 1. The topologicalmap formed in the Kohonen layer, as in Figure 5a, for our 65-color (8-colorcombinedwith 52-color)asteroidspectrais shown.Objectsare labeledwith our modified types, and color coded for clarity. Distances on the map are nonlinear, even more so than in Figure 5a, due to the higher dimensionalityof the data. The degreeof separationin the 65-color spaceis denoted by lines or fences,where heavier lines representhigher fences. Analysis of the clusters is discussedextensively in the text. The ordering of the S-type asteroidson the 65-color VJK colorsfor the S asteroids,so our groupingsare not the same as Chapman's groups. SOM indicates a trend in spectral shape, but is not useful in itself if we cannot interpret it. Visual inspection of the spectra indicatesthat the spectralslopewas obviously a major factor in the groupingamong the S-class asteroids. Figure 6a showsthe V-J versus J-K colors for these S-type asteroids,where the effectivewave- Barucciet al. [1987]subdividedthe S-classasteroids based on spectral shape differencesin the 8-color spectra. They designatetheir classesS0-S3, with most of the objectsfalling in the primary or SOclass. This group includes the K-class objects. Three of our So objects lengthsare 0.55, 1.25, and 2.2/•m for V, J, and K filters, are classedas S2 in the Barucci system. These objects respectively. The rednessof the spectrum was clearly have a steeper slope in the UV region than the main a factor in determining the cluster structure, but did SOgroup, but are otherwiseindistinguishable.Asteroid not explain everything. Figure 6a indicates that the 115 Thyra, at 17, is the only example of the S1 group V-K color is diagnosticfor these asteroids. Previously, in the 65-color data. We classifythis object as Sp, but Chapman suggestedsubdividingthe S asteroidson the it has an unusual blue spectral slope between 1.5 and basisof U-B and B-V colors. (Central wavelengths 2.5 ium. Barucci's S1 asteroidsare characterizedby the for U and B filters are 0.365 and 0.44 ium,respectively.) lowest overall spectral slope, but the slope from 0.3 to However, there is no correlation between the UBV and 1.1 /•m may not be a good general predictor of slope 10,856 HOWELL ET AL.' CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 1.6 S A•teroids - - 1.5 1.1 • 1.os ß SAsteroids [ - ea • oO _ : -.: i 1 a a ao ac• o ,so as b .3 .4 .5 J-K .6 osp .5 .7 1 1.5 2 2.5 Band II/Band I Area 2.2/'"'1"' ISAsteroids F Higliest Quality I •ee ß •1.8• • o • oo o 0 0 0 _ 1.6 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Band II/Band I Area 0 - eSo osp .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Band II/Band I Area Figure 6. (a) A color-colorplot for the asteroidsdesignatedS-typeby Tholenis shown[after Hartmann et al., 1982]. The broadbandcolorsV-J and J-K, expressed in magnitudes,characterizethe overallslopeof the spectrum from the visible to the near infrared. The 1-or error bars are shown. The combined color, V-K, characterizes the differences betweenthesethreegroupswell. (b) After Gaffeyet al. [1993],this figureillustrates a parameterizationof the pyroxeneand olivine absorptionbandsshownto be characteristicof the olivine fraction of the matic component(pyroxeneplus olivine). Pyroxenehas absorptionbandsnear I /zm and 2 /zm, while olivinehas a singleabsorptioncenterednear 1.2/•m. The horizontalaxis showsthe 2-/•m to 1-/•m pyroxeneband area ratio. The vertical axis showsthe band center of the 1-/•m absorption band, due to pyroxene, olivine or a combination. The So and Sp groupsare moderately well separatedin this space, but the S group overlaps both. The error bar shown is the 1-orerror in the vertical direction, but showsthe median error in the horizontal direction.Seetext for discussion of the error determination.(c) Combiningthe colordata in Figure 6a with the band area ratio from Figure6b, the groupsSo, S, and Sp are well separated.This parameterizationcorresponds to the clustersdeterminedby the neural networkon the basisof spectralsimilarity. The So and S groupsare separatedprimarilyin spectralslope,whilethe S and Sp groupsare better separatedby bandarearatio. The reflectancespectrumis relatedto the maticcomposition as well as the continuumslope,whichmay or may not be dueto compositional differences. The errorbar shownis the medianerrorin the horizontaldirection,and the 1-orerror in the vertical direction. Three pairs of connectedpointsare observations of the sameobject taken on differentnights,whichshowed significant spectraldifferences. (d) Sameas Figure6c, but onlythosepointswith errors lessthan 1.5 times the median error are included. The connectedpairs of points have been omitted, since they indicateasteroidswhichhavelargespectralvariability.The horizontalerrorbar indicatedis the newmedian error of the points included. between 1 and 2.5/•m. We did not have any examples of objects classifiedby Barucci as S3. To test the hypothesisthat the ordering of the Stype asteroidswas related to compositionaldifferences, way that is sensitiveto the olivine/pyroxene ratio and pyroxenecompositionin laboratorysamplesand meteorites. Using the asteroidspectra, we calculatedthe 1-/zmband centerwavelength,and 2-/zmbandto we followedthe methodof Gaffeyet al. [1993]. They band area ratio for these asteroids. The continuum was parameterize the 1- and 2-/•m absorption bands in a estimatedby generatinga convexhull overthe 0.7- to HOWELL ET AL.- CLASSIFICATION 2.5-/•m region of the 65-color spectrum. The band area was then calculatednumerically usingthe 65-colordata values,without additional smoothing.Comparedto the methods employed by Gaffey et al., these calculations are somewhat crude, but fall within the calculated er- rors of his valuesfor the same asteroids. Figure 6b showsthis compositionalspacefor the So, S, and Sp OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 10,857 report observedlightcurve variability for 115 Thyra of up to 20%, which might have affectedthe continuum slope. However, the raw data show no indication of lightcurve variations over the time of these observations (J. F. Bell, personalcommunication, 1992). Applying the parameterizationdescribedabove,Galley et al. [1993]outlinesevenregionsbasedon compo- asteroids excluding those for which the calculated er- sitionally distinct meteorite samples. Figure 7a shows rors were larger than the sizesof the different regions the separation of these groups; however,we have comthat Gaffeyet al. outlined. The error bar on Figure 6b bined groupsI and II, as well as VI and VII due to the in the band area ratio is a median error. This error is small number of objects. We tried training the network determinedfrom the observationalerror for eachpoint, to learn the Gaffey et al. groups, but did not achieve and the estimated error from the continuum determi- nation, but does not include a contributionfrom any wavelength uncertainty. The error in the continuum fit is based on formal propagation of the error in the line fit from two points,eachof whichis a meanof five adjacent data points. However, determiningthe continuum is difficultand basedon subjectivejudgment,especially where the spectral coverageis limited. Becausethe continuum is often not easily determined for observational data, band areasmay havevery large uncertaintiesdue to both noiseand limited spectralcoverage.The Soand Sp groupsare slightlyseparatedin this space,but there is a complete overlap of the S group with both So and Sp groups. Figure 6c indicates that a combination of the band area ratio and the spectralslopematchesthe groupings formed by the neural network. The olivine- a high learningrate. Figure 7b showsthat, upon com- 1.1 .9 rich asteroidsalso tend to be the oneswith very red continuum slope, and the olivine-poor objects tend to have less reddish slopes,but there is enoughoverlap that both parametersare necessaryto explain the cluster structure. The V-K color is a good predictor of the group membershipexcept for the transition region from S to Sp. In this region, the primary distinction is the band area ratio, which is a better indicator of pyroxenecontent. Since the olivine spectrumis very 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Band II/Band I Area 8.8 _eo ß S Asteroids i - 8 steepfrom0.55to 2 /•m, the coloraloneis a sensitive m measureof the olivine contribution to the spectrumfor m these asteroids. The color can also be determined ob- ....m servationallywith much greater accuracyand for much fainter asteroids than the band area ratio. Bearing in mind that the errors are large in calculating band area ratio, we eliminated the points for which the errors are especiallylarge, that is, greater than 1.5 times the median error. For clarity, we alsoremovedthose points correspondingto spectrafor which there seem to be large spectral variations between observationsmade on differentnights (connectedpairs of points in Figure 6c). These asteroidsmay be unusual in that they are especiallyinhomogeneous or perhaps lightcurveor other systematicerrorsaffectthe spectra. The remainingpoints are shownin Figure 6d, and the new medianerror bar is illustratedin the upper right. Note that the y-axis error bar is the calculated1-rrerror. Figure 6d showsthe relationshipsbetween these three 1.6 Figure 7. (a) As in Figure6b, the Gaffeyet al. [1993] groupingsof S-classasteroids are based on the chemical compositionof meteorites and laboratory samples. For clarity, we have combinedtheir groupsI and II, and groupsVI and VII due to the small number of objects. Asteroidsfor whichour calculatederrorsare largerthan the regionoccupiedby its grouphavebeenomitted. (b) The groups defined by Gaffey et al., as in Figure 7a, but with the same axes as Figure 6c are shown. These compositionalgroupsdo not separatewell usingthis pa- groupsmore clearly. The Sp asteroid115 Thyra, appearing in the lower left, has a blue-slopingcontinuum rameterization, although the So asteroidsinclude most from 1.5 to 2.5/•m, which may indicate that the band of the Gaffeyet al. groupsI and II, and the Sp asteroids area ratio is underestimated.Harris and Young[1983] include the Gaffey et al. groupsV, VI, and VII. 10,858 HOWELL ET AL.- CLASSIFICATION bining the band area ratio with the spectral slope, the Gaffey et al. groupsno longer separatewell. OF ASTEROID 3.5 - C. R. Chapman(personalcommunication, 1992)used teroids x 2.5 - 0 --•x more likely to have strongolivine and pyroxenedesigobjects with Chapman's "p" designation,one can rule out So as a probableclass. Likewise,for thoseobjects designatedby Chapman as "o", Sp is an unlikely class. However, asteroidsremaining in the S subclassoccur with and without these designations.It is encouraging that the neural network results agree with those obtained by careful inspection of individual spectra. In caseswhere the data involved are simply too extensive for manual treatment, ANNs are a good alternative. Near-infrared spectra of these objects would determine their subclassmembership. To investigatefurther implicationsfor the So, S, and Sp asteroid classes,we examine the orbital characteristics of these objects. The semimajor axis is plotted against albedo for theseobjectsin Figure 9. The albedosare taken from J. C. Gradie and E. F. Tedesco(unpublisheddata, 1988) when available,otherwiseIRAS S _ an admittedly subjectiveevaluationof the pyroxeneand olivine absorptionband strength in his asteroidclassification. Figure 8 showsthat the So and Sp asteroidsare nations, respectively, than S or K asteroids. For those SPECTRA x • 00 : _ - ø¸ - - - - o O [] -- xK -- •o oSp _ .1 .2 Albedo .3 .4 Figure 9. We plot asteroidsemimajoraxesand albedos determinedby J. C. Gradie and E. F. Tedesco(unpublisheddata, 1988) when available,otherwisedetermined by IRAS [Tedesco, 1989].The So asteroidsare concentrated in the innerbelt (seetext). Oneof the two outer belt So asteroidsis an Eosfamily member(a=3.0 and may be unusual for that reason. The S and Sp asteroidsshow no correlation with the semimajor axis. No clear relationship with albedo is evident. albedos[Tedesco,1989]are used. The formerare determined from groundbasedradiometry at 10 and 20 pm, combined with visible observations. There seems to be no albedo trend within or between the So, S, and Sp groups. Likewise, there is no clear trend with heliocentric distance, although as found by other workers inner asteroid belt. It has been suggestedthat this may be an artifact of the tendency to observecloser objectsat higher phaseangles,and thus the continuum slopewould systematicallyappear more red. Sincenone of these data has been corrected for phase reddening, [Chapman,1987;Bell et al., 1988],thereis a tendency we checkedthe observational circumstancesfor possible for So objects, that is, olivine-rich objects, to be in the phase effects. Figure 10 showsthat there was no differencein the range of observedphaseangle for the So, 100 S, and Sp groups. There is no correlation betweenthe - Correlation of S subclasses _rednessof the observedcontinuum slopeand high observational phase angle. We concludethat for thesedata, with Chapman Descriptor 80 - 60 this effect is small. These groupingsshowedno clear K -- Sp correlation with any other physical parameters such as phase coef[icient, object diameter, or other orbital char- So _- • o S 40 20 -- K --_ Chapman The X (E, M, and P) class. Unfortunately,the other Tholen classeshad few representativesin the 52- S p (pyroxene ) acteristics. Sp _- M - o (olivine) Descrip[or Figure 8. Our modified S asteroid subgroupsare compared with Chapman's classification. Within the Tholen S class,Chapman assigneda letter "p" to those objects with strong pyroxeneabsorptionbands, and "o" to those objects with a strong olivine absorption band. Our So objects are most likely to have "o" designation, colorsurvey.The X types(the E, M, andP types),seem to show some separation even in the absenceof albedo information in both the 65-color SOM and the 8-color. However,the groupingsseenin the 8-colorSOM are different from those seen in the 65-color SOM. There are not enoughof theseobjects to be certain of the meaning of these separations. The main differenceseemsto be in the spectral slope, but the compositionalinterpretation of this is unclear. M-type asteroidswere thought to be composedof FeNi metal, which produces a red spectral slope. But for at least some M-type objects, there and least likely to have "p" (no examples). The Sp is waterof hydrationpresentin'the surface minerals, objects on the other hand are most likely to have "p" designations,and least likely to have "o." However, our S group has examplesof both, as doesthe K class, although we have only three membersof the K class. in the near infrared certainly indicates there is great diversity among these objects in the continuum slope, inconsistent with this composition[Joneset al., 1990; Rivkin et al., 1994]. The additionalspectralcoverage HOWELL ET AL.' CLASSIFICATION SPECTRA 10,859 convexdownward (reflectance stronglyincreasing with wavelength). Thoughonlya fewof theseobjectshave beenobserved at 3 •m, hydratedobjectsoccurin both the Cv andCx groups.Giventhesuccess of the G-type asteroid grouping asindicating surface hydration, wedo not propose thissystemasa replacement of theTholen taxonomy.Instead,it is simplya groupingbasedon a differentparameter,perhapsa differentcompositional 5O S Asteroids ß 40 OF ASTEROID 3O element. Until this elementcan be positivelyidentified, ß So - interpretationof this groupingis not possible. There are not enoughB- and F-type asteroidsin this sampleto determinethe relationship of theseclasses to the other classes.In the 8-color classification,the B and 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 F classes separatefairly well fromthe C and G classes, eventhoughthe divisionbetweenB and C asteroids is basedon albedo. However,in the 65-colorclassification, the smallnumberof samplesmakesthisseparation V-K Figure 10. The phasefunction dependson wavelength, and therefore can introduce a slope to the spectrum. The 65-color spectra are not correctedfor observational phase explicitly, so we look for a corrleation between spectral slope and observationalphase angle. The So, S, .and Sp groupsshowsimilar rangesof observedphase angles,with no tendencyfor the reddestobjectsto be those observedat highest phase angle. We conclude that in this wavelengthrange the phase reddeningis a less clear. We therefore combine these objects in a new class,designated B+F, a combination of the TholenB and F classes. This label should not be confused with Tholen's notation which would indicate BF for an ob- ject mostlikelyB, but possibly F. Asteroid2 Pallashas an unusualspectrum,and was labeledB classin the training. Furtherinvestigation of theseasteroidsis a promisingarea of future research. small effect. but whether this is entirely a compositionaldifferenceis not clear. Other possible causesof continuum reddening that have been proposedare phaseeffects,particle size effects,or regolithweathering[Britt, 1991]. Additional observations are needed to further understand Discussion of ANN Consistency Tests Classification A classificationsystem can be consideredself-consistent if it can correctly predict the classmembershipof this group of asteroidsand investigatethe diversity of the groups. test patternsbasedon the informationcontainedwithin it. A test pattern is a pattern whoselabel is knownbut was not includedin the training set. The modifiedclas- The C, G, B, and F classes. The additional near-infrared spectral data for the C classand related G, B, and F classesis difficult to interpret. The clear distinctions seen in the 8-color clustering were mainly due to the strength and placement of the UV Fe-O charge-transferabsorptionband. Although this band is still presentin the 65-color data, it is a small part of the spectrum not obviouslycorrelatedwith the appear- sification for the 65-color data is self-consistent, that tively correlatedwith the water of hydration in surface minerals. Based only on hydration state, some rearrangement of the C and G classesmay be indicated. Nearly all G-type asteroids observed to date show a water of hydration band, but about half of the C-type asteroids sampled are also hydrated. Not enough Btype or F-type objectshave been sampledto draw firm conclusionsabout these objects. The continuum slope from 1 to 2.5 •m may or may not be due to an additional compositionalcomponent, but if so, it indicates a still differentgrouping.We presenta groupingof the C-type objects which is primarily basedon the continuum slope curvature from 1 to 2.5 •um. The slope of Cv objects is concavedownward(reflectanceweaklyincreasingor decreasingwith wavelength),while the Cx objectsare them into a reliable training material and a representative test set. Instead, a smallerthan desirablenumber is set aside for testing. After the networkis trained with the complementarydata that are still believedto be representative,its predictionsfor the test casesare recorded.This processis repeatedwith severaldifferent test set selectionsuntil enoughpatterns participated in the tests to draw conclusions.In our case,the 65-color data set had only 117 spectrain our 15 modifiedclasses which, as seenfrom Figure 11, are rather unevenlyrep- is, the ANN producesa 98.5% correctlearningrate for these class memberships. By "correct" we mean that the neural network correctly reproducesthe label it was taught for 98.5% of the spectrain the training set. The ANN has a 90% averagepredictionrate for unknownpatterns,that is, patternsomittedfrom the trainingset. The predictioncapabilities of the network anceof the near-infraredregion.Feierberget al. [1985] weretestedby "jackknifing."This procedureis common have shown that the UV Fe-O band strength is posi- when the number of patterns is too small to partition resented.The threesingleobjectclasses (B, R, and V) were not put to test. However, these asteroidspectra participated in the network training so that any test spectrumcould be predictedas one of thesetypes. We randomly selectedtwo objectsfrom each of the So, S, 10,860 HOWELL ET AL.' CLASSIFICATION 65-Color Grouped by ANN A Asteroid Classes ..,v' / OF ASTEROID SPECTRA Spectra Grouped by Tholen Classes / / / BCv B+F Cv Cx 241 somaam, 324 b•mbers, lg 130 olek•r ....... 44 84 317 422 berohn, D 130 •ll cloe•, beren•k, o• ½1oelll K M P Figure 11. The 65-colorspectraare shownat a consistent verticalscale.The generaldifferences in shapebetweenthe differenttaxonomicgroupingscan be seen. On the left, the spectraare groupedaccordingto our modifiedANN classes,while on the right they are groupedby their Tholen classes.Objectswhichhavetwo or moreclasslabelsare placedin the first class,to which it is most similar. Relative reflectanceis plotted, normalizedto 1.0 at 0.55/•m. For reference,the reflectanceof A-type asteroid446 Aeternitasrangesfrom 0.4 to 2.0. Generaldifferences between the groupingsare discussed in the text. Table 3 discusses individualobjectswhoseclassifications differ in the two systems. HOWELL ET AL- 65-Color Grouped CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID Asteroid by ANN SPECTRA Spectra Grouped Classes 10,861 by Tholen Classes s So oeo 2?0 ae? 42 42 103 •,32 348 386 ? ,.M'& 364 i4s•, 1827 s 380 mdustrl, • is tndustrl. 32 20 as? 33 t•m&tnr 4 T v 3oe Fig. 11. (continued) 10,862 HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION and Sp classesand one object from each of the other classes,thus having 16 test casesand 101 training samples in one jackknife. We repeated this six times, with differentrandomselections.Altogether,68 spectraparticipated in at least one test set. Among the So, S, and Sp classes,26 weretested. Misclassifications amongE, M, and P types were not counted, although we kept these separateclassdesignations.The resultsare summarized in Table 1. Trained with our modified class la- OF ASTEROID SPECTRA color data are more closelyrelated to other C-classasteroids than to the P class, so we list them as C class. The network determines weighted multiple classasso- cie•tions.For thoseobjectsthat showedat least 30% contribution by at least one other classin at least two of the sixjackknifetests,we list the additionalclassdesignation. In somecases,the albedo narrowsthe class membership possibilities (seeTable 2 notes). We define the B+F class as a combination of Tholen's B and bels,the networkachievesa 98% learningsuccess rate. F classes,with the exception of 2 Pallas, which was The networkhasa 90% averagepredictionrate for pat- trained as B. The remaining B and F asteroidsare not terns omitted in the jackknifingtests. For comparison, distinguishablein our 65-colorclassificationdue to the we ran the same experiment with exactly the sametest set selections, for the originalTholenclassdesignations. As shownin Table 1, the learningand predictionsuccessrates were 97.3% and 71%, respectively.Because of the small number of patterns, the resolutionof the predictionrate is 6% (i.e., if one,two or three patterns are misclassified,the prediction rate is 94%, 88% and 82%, respectively).The resolutionof the trainingsuccess rate is 1%. Our results indicate that we achieved a cleanerclassstructure for the 65-colorspectrathan the initially assumed class memberships. The network is small number of samples. In the jackknife testing, 2 Pallas showeda similarity to the Cv class,so its ANN classificationis BCv. The spectrum of 1 Ceres is also unusual,and it showedsimilarity to 2 Pallas, giving it a CvB class. However, the two objects are differentfrom each other. Among 20 objectsobservedon two or more separate occasions,six showedsignificantspectral variation as describedearlier. One of these objects, 367 Amicitia, was not included due to lack of visual observations. Two spectra of 43 Ariadne, 863 Benkoela, 18 Melpomene, utilizing the additionalspectralinformationeffectively. 258 Tyche, and 135 Hertha were analyzed separately. Although noisy, both versionsof 863 Benkoela classified as A. One spectrum of 43 Ariadne classifiedas Sp The Spectra while the other classifiedas S, but very near the boundary betweenS and Sp. One spectrumof 18 Melpomene Our modified classes for the asteroids with 65-color classifiedas SoT, the other as S. One 258 Tyche specspectra are listed in Table 2. Figure 11 showsthe 65- trum classifiedas Sp, the other as SSp. In the caseof color spectra grouped according to the ANN classifi- 135 Hertha, one of the spectra classifiedas M, but the cation on the left. For comparison, the spectra are other classifiedas T, although it is somewhatnoisy. If grouped by Tholen's classificationon the right. The these variations are due to compositional variation on objectsBell et al. [1988]designated asK, areseparated the asteroid, then the implication is that asteroidinhofrom Tholen's S class, and 422 Berolina is classed as mogeneitiesoccur at a level that is easily detectable at EM, rather than its original DX Tholen class,since it near-infrared wavelengths. However, these variations hasa high albedo(J. C. Gradieand E. F. Tedesco,un- may also result from systematic errors. Rotationally publisheddata, 1988). Table 3 lists thoseobjectsfor resolved spectra of these objects are needed to settle which our class determination differs from the Tholen this important issue,sincethe fundamentalmeaningof class either in the 8-color classification, the 65-color a taxonomic classis quite different if objects routinely classification,or both. Specialcasesor unusualobjects show different classes on different faces. are also listed with explanatory notes. For those objects that did not show a clear class a•nity, Tholen Summary and Conclusions listed other possibilitiesin order of preference. For exWe classified combined 8- and 52-color asteroid reample, CP is most likely C, but possiblyP. Our 8-color classificationshowedall of the CP objects in the 65- flectance spectra with a Kohonen-type artificial neural Table 1. ANN 65-Color Asteroid ANN Taxonomy Classification Tholen Taxonomy Jackknife Learnipg Prediction Learnipg Number Prediction Rate % Rate % Rate % Rate % 1 2 3 4 5 6 98 99 99 99 98 98 88 88 94 88 88 94 99 98 96 97 96 98 76 76 70 64 70 70 Average 98.5 90 97.3 71 HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION Table 2. ANN Number 1 2 OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 10,863 Asteroid Classification Asteroid Class Number Asteroid Class Number Asteroid Ceres Pallas CvB BCv 67 68 Asia Leto Sp S 336 346 Lacadiera Hermentaria Class D S 3 Juno Sp 69 Hesperia M 349 Dembowska 4 Vesta V 76 Freia P 352 Gisela SSp 5 6 Astraea Hebe Sp Sp 80 82 Sappho Alkmene So Sp 354 356 Eleonora Liguria So Cv 7 9 Iris Metis S S 86 89 Semele Julia CvP S 364 368 Isara Haidea So D B+F S 92 96 Undina Aegle M T 376 379 Geometria Huenna So B+F 387 Aquitania Sp 10 11 Hygiea Parthenope 13 Egeria 16 18 12 So 101 Helena Sp Cv 103 Hera SSp Cv 389 Industria 19 20 Psyche M Melpomene S,SoT Fortuna Massalia Cx Sp 113 114 Amalthea Kassandra So T 422 431 Berolina Nephele 21 Lutetia• M 130 Elektra Cx 511 Davida Cx 22 Kalliope Phocaea M So 135 138 Hertha Tolosa M,T 521 Brixia CvP 26 27 29 31 32 33 Proserpina Euterpe Amphitrite Euphrosyne Pomona Polyhymnia Sp S Sp Cx Sp Sp 145 152 153 218 221 233 Adeona Atala Hilda Bianca EosI Asterope CvP D(S) P SpS K T 554 584 639 653 661 674 Peraga Semiramis Latona Berenike Cloelia Rachele Cv So So K K Sp 37 39 Fides Laetitia S S 235 241 Carolina Germania S Cx 702 704 Alauda Interamnia 15 25 Victoria Eunomia S 106 115 116 Dione Thyra Sirona 40 Harmonia Sp 246 Asporina 42 Isis So 258 Tyche 43 44 Ariadne Nysa Sp,S E 264 267 Libussa Tirza 46 Hestia P 270 Anahita 57 59 63 64 Mnemosyne Elpis Ausonia Angelina Sp Cx So E 289 308 317 324 Nenetta Polyxo Roxane* Bamberga 65 Cybele P Sp Sp S 385 446 476 532 Ilmatar R Aeternitas Hedwig Herculina Sp Sp EM B+F A P S Cx B+F A 714 Ulula Sp,SSp 762 Pulcova S Sp D 772 773 Tanete Irmintraud Cx D S 849 Ara M A TSo E Cx 863 980 1036 1627 Benkoela Anacostia Ganymed Ivar A T Sp S B+F Classificationdeterminedby the neural network usingthe 65-colorspectraare presented.In caseswhere two or more classescontributed at least 30% in at least one third of the jackknife tests, multiple classlabels are shown. In most cases, one classwas clearlydominant.Labelsare listedin decreasing orderof contribution.In caseswheretwo differentspectra for the sameobject classifieddifferently,the classes are separatedby a comma. SeeTable 3 note 6 for a descriptionof observationalproblemswith 152 Atala. •Asteroid 21 Lutetia classifiedas MCv; however,its albedo excludesthe Cv class. I Asteroid221 Eosclassified as KCvP; however,its albedoexcludes both Cv and P classes. *Asteroid317 Roxaneclassified as ECv; however,its albedoexcludes the Cv class. network. Although the methodis very differentfrom that usedby Tholen to determinehis now widely used taxonomicsystem, our resultsare generallyconsistent with Tholen's taxonomywhen basedon a similar data set. We extend the spectralrangeof the data to include the near infrared, and introduceour classification, augmentingthe Tholen taxonomy:someclassesare rearranged,and certainobjectsare assigned classlabelsdif- We find someevidenceto suggestthe C classand related G, B, and F classesshowdifferentclusteringswith the extended spectral coverage. One such rearrangement is presented,althoughthe compositionalinterpretation is not clear. The number of samples of these objectsis small, and more observationsare requiredto clarify thesegroupings.Similarly,the X asteroids,that is, the E, M, and P classes,exhibit clusterswithin the ferent from Tholen's. Two compositionallymeaningful groupthat are not relatedto albedo,but the numberof subclasses are defined within the S asteroids. We define objectsis currently too small to interpret the meaning So as olivine-rich, red asteroids,and Sp as olivine-poor, of these groups. The neural network approachused here is powerful lessred objects. This classificationis self-consistent to a high degree,i.e., the neural networktrained with our in clusteringand classifyinghigh-dimensionalspectral modifiedclasslabelsproduces98%learningsuccess, and data. Sinceartificial neural networksare well suited to combine data of disparate natures, we may be able to a 90% averagepredictionrate for unseenpatterns. 10,864 Table HOWELL ET AL.: CLASSIFICATION OF ASTEROID SPECTRA 3. Asteroid Classification Differences Asteroid 2 10 18 21 135 Tholen Class ANN 8-Color Class Pallas B B Hygiea Melpomene C S C S Lutetia Hertha M M M M ANN 65-Color Class BCv B+F SoT,S Notes 1 2 3 M M,T 4 5 152 Atala D(S) D D 6 221 Eos S S K 7 258 261 308 Tyche Prymno Polyxo S B T S C T 317 379 Roxane Huenna E B F C 422 Berolina DX 554 Peraga FC F Cv 12 Berenike Cloelia Anacostia Heiskanen 1973 DH S S SU C C S S T B X K K T 13 13 14 653 661 980 2379 2407 Sp,SSp 8 TSo 9 E B+F 10 EM 11 Classifications of objectswhichdifferfrom their originalTholen class,unusualobjectsand specialcases.In caseswhere no classis reported,the objectdid not havethe appropriateobservations to includeit in that classification.For example, someobjectsthat were not observedin the 8-colorsurveydid have UBV colors,and so were includedin the 65-color classification.(1) 2 Pallashas a uniquespectrumthat is well separatedfrom the other B asteroids,and may deserve a separateclass. It was trained as the only B asteroid,but classifiedas havingsignificantcontributionfrom the Cv class.(2) 10 Hygieaclassifes as B+F, althoughtthere is a contributionfrom the Cx class.The albedois 0.079:k 0.005, measuredby both IRAS and J. C. GradieandE. F. Tedesco(unpublished data, 1988),whichis consistent with the B class. (3) 18 Melpomenewasobservedto havesignificantly differentspectraon two separatedaysof observation.This object appearsto be inhomogeneous. (4) 21 Lutetia showsan affinityto the Cv class,but it has an IRAS albedoof 0.21, which clearlyexcludesthis possibility.It hasan unusuallyfiat spectrumfor an M classasteroid.(5) 135 Hertha is classedas M by Tholen. One spectrumclassifiesas T, but it is noisy. Another spectrumfrom anotherdate is consistentwith the M class. The IRAS albedo, 0.13, is more consistentwith the M class,but not far from the T classalbedo range of 0.05-0.10. (6) 152 Atala has beenreclassified as S by Tholen basedon observations subsequent to the 8-colorsurvey.The spectrum shown here classifiesas D in both our 8-color and 65-color systems, as well as in Tholen's original taxonomy. Tholen suggeststhat the spectrumwas contaminatedby a red star duringthe 8-colorsurveyobservations.This object was not omitted from the analysis,sinceit illustratesa casewhere training the networkwith an inconsistentlabel did not affectits ability to correctlyclassifythe spectralshape.Althoughthis object waslabeledS, the networkrepeatedlyclassifiedit as D basedon spectralappearance.This objectneedsto be observedagainin visibleand near-infraredwavelengths.(7) 221 Eos showsan affinity to the Cv and P types in the 65-colorclassification,but its IRAS albedo of 0.13 is not consistentwith theseclasses.Its family membershipis consistentwith a K classification.(8) 258 Tyche was observedon two separate occaisons.One of thesespectraclassifiedas S, the other as Sp. This object seemsto be inhomogeneous. (9) 308 Polyxo has an unusual spectrum for the T class,and it has a contribution from the So classbasedon the steep slope from 0.5 to 1.5 pm. Howeverit doesnot have pyroxeneor olivine absorptionbands. This asteroidwas noted as anomalousby Tholen aswell. (10) 317 Roxanehasa fairly fiat spectrum,and showsa contributionfromthe Cv class.However,its IRAS albedo of 0.50 clearlyidentifiesthis objectas an E-type asteroid.(11) 422 Berolinais classedasDX but doesnot showany affinity to the D asteroids.J. C. Gradie and E. F. Tedesco(unpublisheddata, 1988) find a high albedo(0.5 :k 0.2), whichnarrows the possibilitiesto E or M. This object doesnot have an 8-color spectrum,but does have UBV colors. This object is includedwith the E asteroids in Figure11, but it is still possiblyan M, giventhe uncertaintyin albedo.(12) 554Peragais classifiedas Cv in the 65-colorsystem,but still showssomeaffinity to the B+F class.Its IRAS albedo, 0.05, is consistent with either F or Cv classes,but not the B class.(13) Both 653 Berenikeand 661 Cloelia classifyas K usingthe 65-color spectrum. Both belongto the Eos family, which strengthensthe K classification,eventhough the spectra are quite noisy. (14) 980 Anacostiais classifiedas SU by Tholen,indicatingan unusualspectrum.It is mostsimilarto the T classbut has a smallcontributionby the So class.Burbineet al. [1991]suggestthat the spectrumof this objectresembles spinel. extend the presentedclassificationin the future, by including other, nonspectralparameterssuch as albedo, phase function, asteroid size, and orbital parameters. The current limiting factor is the size of the database. 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