Osk Stream Sediment Samples Lithological Contact 449000 447000 AL-13-16 453000 AL-13-18 AL-13-18B Thrust Fault Normal Fault 6252000 River Elevation Contour The Aley Carbonatite (290 km north of Prince George, BC; inset map) outcrops over a 3-3.5 km diameter area. Measured+indicated resources are 286 million tonnes at 0.37% Nb2O5 (Taseko Mines Limited, 2013). The Aley Carbonatite intruded into platformal carbonate and siliciclastic rocks of the Kechika Formation, Skoki Formation and Road River Group. Twelve stream-sediment samples (locations denoted by red circles) were collected from the stream draining the Aley carbonatite. From Mackay et al. 2015; modified after Mäder (1986), Massey et al. (2005), McLeish (2013) and Mackay and Simandl (2014). 1000 500 0 1500 1000 500 0 10000 5000 0 100 750 500 250 0 0 Tailings 25 m m >4 m m 4 2- m m m m m 5μ 63μ 0μ 50μ 2 0 < 1 2 5 35μm 506 2 0 1 2 50 m m 2 1- m -1 m m >4 Sieve Opening Size m m 4 2- m m m m m 5μ 63μ 0μ 50μ 2 0 < 1 2 5 35μm 506 2 0 1 2 50 m m 2 1- m -1 Water flow 3 Mag Ap Stage 1 (previous work) involved characterising the Aley carbonatite, stream-sediment sample collection, and orientation survey. This involved chemical analyses of the sediments and selection of an optimal size fraction for indicator mineral studies (Luck and Simandl 2014; Mackay and Simandl 2014). Pcl Cmb Agg Lit a 0.5 mm b 0.25 mm 0.25 mm c d a) Fresh (unweathered) euhedral, dark brown and b) subhedral, strongly weathered pyrochlore grains from stream sediments sampled directly over the deposit (sample AL-13-04). c) Subhedral, slightly weathered and d) strongly weathered pyrochlore grains from downstream (8.8km; sample AL13-16) of the Aley carbonatite. a b Cmb 100μm 100μm c Ap d Mnz Dol Pcl 100μm e Rim f Cl 100μm Mag Pcl Ap Stage 3 (proceeding concurrently with stage 2) will address customization of microscopic, SEM, QEMSCAN, and electron microprobe methods in advanced mineralogical studies. Hem 0.25 mm 0.25 mm 100μm 100μm a) Euhedral columbite(Fe) partially surrounded by apatite (polished grain mount in plane polarized light; ppl). b) The columbite-(Fe) grain shows irregular texture characteristic for the Aley carbonatite (back scatter electron; BSE). Composite grains containing two or more mineral phases are common. c) Euhedral pyrochlore grain (ppl). d) The pyrochlore is highly fractured and contains dolomite (Dol) and minor monazite (Mnz) inclusions (BSE). The grain also has a minor weathered rim of Nb and Fe oxide material. e) An anhedral apatite grain (ppl image) f) with subhedral pyrochlore and hematite inclusions. The apatite has an alteration (weathered) rim of hematite (Hem), magnetite and minor chlorite (Cl) (BSE). Starting Mass of Magnetite in Synthtic Standards (g) Limited exploration budgets and deposit andcommodity specific exploration necessitates a more focussed, customized approach. ( Left ) Mozley C800 heavy mineral concentrate (sample AL13-16) containing apatite (Ap), pyrochlore (Pcl), columbite-(Fe) (Cmb), and magnetite (Mag). Lithic fragments (Lit), and grain aggregates (Agg) are also present. Pyrochlore is identified by its distinctive octahedral crystal habit. Optical identification can be difficult in highly weathered grains. A magnet can be used to separate magnetite from columbite-(Fe) and other non-magnetic minerals. Mass of Magnetite in Mozley C800 Concentrates (g) Nb in Raw Samples (ppm) 8000 AL-13-02 6000 AL-13-16 AL-13-08 AL-13-10 AL-13-18 4000 AL-13-18B AL-13-01 AL-13-07 AL-13-09 0 Tailings 0 5000 10000 Concentrate 15000 20000 25000 AL-13-08 7000 AL-13-04 AL-13-05 AL-13-06 6000 AL-13-02 5000 AL-13-10 AL-13-16 4000 3000 2000 AL-13-01 AL-13-18 AL-13-18B AL-13-07 AL-13-09 1000 0 5000 0 10000 15000 20000 25000 LREE (Σ La, Ce, Pr, Nd) in Concentrate (ppm) d 180 R² = 0.77 AL-13-04 AL-13-06 140 AL-13-08 120 AL-13-16 100 AL-13-01 80 R² = 0.23 160 AL-13-05 160 AL-13-18B AL-13-02 AL-13-10 AL-13-18 60 AL-13-08 AL-13-04 140 AL-13-10 AL-13-05 100 AL-13-18B 80 AL-13-16 AL-13-01 AL-13-18 60 AL-13-09 AL-13-07 AL-13-09 AL-13-02 AL-13-06 120 40 AL-13-07 40 20 20 0 0 0 (Above) Most stream-sediment samples (~75g) show 24.7-32.0% of material retained in concentrate, consistent with the natural sample used during optimization. Sample AL-13-09 (sampled upstream of the carbonatite) shows noticeably lower proportions of retained concentrate (3.8%). (Below) Mozley C800 concentrates show large average increases in the concentration of Nb (4.3 times), Ta (3.1 times), and LREE (3.1 times) relative to raw (unprocessed) samples. Samples are ordered by their geographic location from west to east (see map). The decreasing carbonatite signature with increasing distance downstream is preserved. From Mackay et al. 2015. R² = 0.80 8000 30000 c 200 180 Sample number 9000 Nb in Concentrate (ppm) Middlings 50 100 150 200 250 Y in Concentrate (ppm) 300 350 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Ta in Concentrate (ppm) (Above) Excellent correlation, based on high coefficients of determination (R2), of (a) Nb (R2=0.94), (b) LREE (R2=0.80), Fe (R2=0.86) and moderate correlation of (c) Y (R2=0.77) in raw samples and Mozley C800 concentrates indicates consistent and effective concentration of pyrochlore, columbite-(Fe), magnetite, monazite, and REE2 fluorcarbonates. The low coefficient of determination (d; R =0.23) between Ta concentrations in raw samples and Mozley C800 concentrates is likely due to concentrations near the detection limit. From Mackay et al. 2015. Conclusions - Mozley C800 Laboratory Mineral Separator is a compact, simple instrument with operating conditions that can be optimized for drainage-, deposit-, or commodity-specific conditions. Optimization of Operating Conditions Synthetic standards (75g) were used to test operating parameters. They were made predominantly of quartz with 0.33 to 10 wt. % each of magnetite, garnet, and fluorite. The excellent correlation 2 (R =0.98) between magnetite in synthetic standards and in Mozley C800 concentrates indicates consistent concentration. Magnetite concentration increased by 5.5 to 228.2 times. From Mackay et al. 2015. AL-13-05 AL-13-06 2000 Sieve Opening Size Potential indicator minerals for carbonatite-hosted specialty metal desposits include pyrochlore (4.20-6.40 g/cm ), columbite-(Fe) (5.30-7.30 g/cm ), fersmite (4.69-4.79 3 3 3 3 g/cm ), monazite (4.80-5.50 g/cm ) and REE-fluorocarbonates such as bastnaesite (4.95-5.00 g/cm ) and synchysite (3.90-4.15 g/cm ). These minerals have similar or 3 higher densities than magnetite (5.10-5.20 g/cm ) in the synthetic standards used for initial optimization of Mozley C800 operating conditions. Mag Concentrate 0 Potential Indicator Minerals Project Outline Middlings AL-13-04 LREE (Σ La, Ce, Pr, Nd) in Raw Samples (ppm) Water flow 50 3 Stage 2 (current study) involves evaluation of inexpensive and rapid methods to produce heavy-mineral concentrates for specialty metal-targeted exploration. An initial assessment of the Mozley C800 Laboratory Mineral Separator (referred to from here on as Mozley C800) is presented using synthetic standards (prepared for this purpose) and stream-sediments collected from the Aley carbonatite drainage area. Minerals with high densities and constituent Nb, Ta, and light rare earth elements (LREE; La, Ce, Pr, and Nd) were selected as potential indicator mineral candidates. Wash Water Pipe R² = 0.94 Ta in Raw Samples (ppm) AL-13-10 (Left) A sample being poured onto a Mozley C800. Water is supplied to the v-profile tray by the wash water pipe and the irrigation pipes. Arrows denote the direction of water flow. Duration of processing varied during operating condition optimization to suit deposit characteristics and sample size. Other operating parameters were kept constant for all samples. From Mackay et al. 2015. (Below) Separated concentrate (high density), middlings (medium density), and tailings (low density). Concentrate narrows to where the middlings start. Separation of middlings from tailings is marked by a decrease in the spatial density of grains. From Mackay et al. 2015. b 10000 Nb (ppm) Al ek Cre Results and Discussion Ore Systems a 12000 Y in Raw Samples (ppm) 6254000 1500 1000 500 0 Processing Procedure Propor on of material retained AL-13-08 3000 2000 1000 0 750 500 250 0 Also available as British Columbia Geological Survey Geofile 2015-07 Mackay, D.A.R., Simandl, G.J., Grcic, B., Luck, P., Li, C, Ma, W., Redfearn, M., and Gravel, J. 2015. Assessment of Mozley C800 laboratory mineral separator for specialty metal indicator mineral exploration: Aley carbonatite, British Columbia, Canada. British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey, Geofile 2015-07. 4 TG Natural Resources Canada Ressources naturelles Canada 4 - Mozley C800 increased concentrations of Nb (average factor of 4.3), Ta (average factor of 3.1), and LREE (average factor of 3.1) from stream-sediment samples. 350 - Pyrochlore, columbite-Fe, monazite and REE-bearing fluorocarbonates were consistently concentrated. 300 Ta (ppm) AL-13-09 ORI AL-13-01 3 250 200 Raw - Based on chemical analyses, a predictable relationship between indicator mineral counts in raw stream-sediment samples and concentrates should be expected. Tailings 150 Concentrate 100 50 - These findings justify stage 3 of this project which involves microscopic, SEM (QEMSCAN), and electron microprobe methodology to reduce or eliminate the need for handpicking indicator minerals. 0 25000 Tailings Middlings Concentrate Duration of processing by Mozley C800 (min) The proportion of concentrate for five identical sub-samples (~75g) of AL-13-16 decreased with increasing processing time. All other parameters were kept constant. The 15 minute time interval was selected for the remaining samples; this time is a compromise which ensures adequate concentration of heavy minerals, minimizing loss to tailings. From Mackay et al. 2015. Acknowledgements: LREE (ΣLa, Ce, Pr, Nd) (ppm) AL-13-02 Osk CmOK 6256000 Ce (ppm) AL-13-04 AL-13-05 AL-13-06 AL-13-07 Pr (ppm) CmOK 1000 Nd (ppm) Ospika Diatreme CmOK 2000 0 USA 400 0 Ba (ppm) km 125 La (ppm) Aley Carbonatite ORI Vancouver 250 ORI Kamloops 0 3 Proportion of material retained - The results of this study will form the basis to optimize indicator mineral methodologies to explore for carbonatite-hosted specialty metal deposits world-wide. Osk British Columbia Pacific Ocean Lower to Middle Ordovician Skoki Formation. Dolomite carbonate rocks. Cambiran-Ordovician Kechika Formation. CmOK argillaceous limestone, calcareous siltstone, and dolostone. - Evaluate the advantages of automated methods (QEMSCAN) over hand picking for advanced mineralogical studies. 0 6258000 Prince George AL-13-18 100 Sr (ppm) Lower to Upper Ordovician-Silurian Road River Group. Cherty dolostone, shale, argillaceous limestone, and rare quartzite and quartz pebble conglomerate Ordovician Osk ORI Alberta Ordovician and Silurian ORI CmOK Aley Carbonatite Complex Aley Carbonatite Osk 200 AL-13-02 0 Y (ppm) Alaska Nb (ppm) Ospika Diatreme Massive Carbonatite Related Fenitization 3 Concentration of potential carbonatite pathfinder elements for each size fraction of stream-sediment samples from the Aley area. The 125-250μm size fraction was selected for stage 2 and 3 geochemical and indicator mineral studies based on the distribution of material in the different size fractions and elemental concentrations (Nb, Ta, and LREE; La, Ce, Pr, Nd). Time permitting, the 63-125μm and 250-500μm size fractions would also be worthwhile for testing. From Mackay et al. 2015; modified from Mackay and Simandl 2014. 5000 P (ppm) Yukon 10000 Ta (ppm) Northwest Territories Cambrian and Ordovician - Assess heavy mineral separation by Mozley C800 Laboratory Mineral Separator with an emphasis on recovering Nb-bearing (pyrochlore and columbite-[Fe]) and rare earth element (REE)-bearing (monazite and REE-fluorocarbonates) minerals. Stream Sediment Orientation Survey U (ppm) geochemical methodologies to explore for poorly exposed specialty metal deposits in the Canadian Cordillera. University of Victoria, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Victoria, BC 2 British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, Victoria, BC 3 Bureau Veritas Canada Ltd., Inspectorate Metallurgical Division, Richmond, BC 4 Bureau Veritas Canada Ltd., Upstream Minerals Group, Vancouver, BC REE-Bearing Carbonatite Dykes - To refine customized indicator mineral and 2 1 Study Area, Local Geology, and Stream Sediment Sample Locations Aley Carbonatite and Intrusive Rocks 3 Irrigation Pipes University of Victoria Th (ppm) Main Objectives: 1, 2 D.A.R. Mackay , G.J. Simandl , B. Grcic , P. Luck , C. Li , W. Ma , M. Redfearn , and J. Gravel Size Fraction (wt. %) Ministry of Energy and Mines 1 455000 GICA L S V R U Assessment of Mozley C800 laboratory mineral separator for specialty metal indicator mineral exploration: Aley carbonatite, British Columbia, Canada 451000 LO EY BR B IA GE O I C OLU H S M I T This project received funding and support from Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 (2010-2015), a Natural Resources Canada program carried out under the auspices of the Geological Survey of Canada. Inspectorate Exploration & Mining Services Ltd. and ACME Analytical Laboratories are thanked for their generous support of this project. Logistical and helicopter support by Taseko Mines Limited and the scholarship from Geoscience BC to the first author are also greatly appreciated. Pearce Luck (British Columbia Geological Survey) and Cheng Li (Bureau Veritas Canada Ltd., Inspectorate Metallurgical Division) are thanked for their assistance and expertise during laboratory work. 20000 15000 References: 10000 5000 0 Sample ID Mackay, D.A.R. and Simandl, G.J. 2014. Portable X-ray fl uorescence to optimize stream sediment chemistry and indicator mineral surveys, case 1: Carbonatite-hosted Nb deposits, Aley carbonatite, British Columbia, Canada; In: Geological Fieldwork 2013, British Columbia Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2014-1, pp. 183-194. Mackay, D.A.R., Simandl, G.J., Grcic, B., Li, C., Luck, P., Redfearn, M. and Gravel, J., 2015. Evaluation of Mozley C800 laboratory mineral separator for heavy mineral concentration of stream sediments in exploration for carbonatiterelated specialty metal deposits: case study at the Aley carbonatite, British Columbia (NTS 094B); In: Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2014, Geoscience BC, Report 2015-1, p. 111-122. Mäder, U. K., 1986. The Aley Carbonatite Complex. Master of Science thesis, University of British Columbia, 176 p. Massey, J.W.H., McIntyre, D.G., Dejardins, P.J., and Cooney, R.T., 2005. Digital geology map of British Columbia. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2005-2, DVD. McLeish, D.F., 2013. Structure, stratigraphy, and U-Pb ziron-titanite geochronology of the Aley carbonatite complex, Northeast British Columbia: Evidence for Antler-aged orogenesis in the foreland belt of the Canadian cordillera. Master of Science thesis, University of Victoria, 131 p.