Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Further Information
Key Information
The Nominated Members of Staff
Responding to An Allegation of Abuse
Allegations Concerning Members of Staff
Responding to Welfare Concerns
Written Records
Information Sharing
Primary Information
Definitions and General Principles
A Child
What are Child Protection and children in Need Issues?
Child Protection
A Vulnerable Adult
14 – 16 Skills Centre Learners/School Pupils
Consultation with others including Parents
Gillick Principle
The Human Rights Act 1998
Procedure for Reporting Concerns
How should allegations and concerns be dealt with
Specific concerns
Allegations against learners on placement with children
Allegations against other learners of abuse
Protection concerns about siblings and family members of learners
Criminal Records Bureau
Supporting Information
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Discrimination Abuse
August 2010
Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Assessment for Learners at Risk
Summary Guides for Staff
Learner Welfare Concerns
Kingsway Childrens Centre Statement of Safeguarding Children
This document is available in large print or in an alternative format that meets your needs. Please contact
the HR Manager. August 2010
Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
The Corporation recognises that all members of staff and learners have a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of
children and young people and preventing their abuse. This policy and procedure covers both the College and
Nursery, detailing staff with responsibility and actions to be taken in accordance with the Children’s Act 1989.
Further Information
The Director of Quality and Learner Services, Kit Sargent has ultimate responsibility.
Nominated Child Protection Officers are:
Learner Support & Liaison Officer Rachel Benstead
Kingsway Children’s Centre
Sue Stephenson
Other staff suitable to give advice and guidance include members of the Counselling, Student Advisor and Retention
Officer Teams
This policy was last reviewed in August 2008 and approved by the Learner Support Services Group September 2008
and the Corporation October 2008.
The latest version was approved on 14 September 2010 by the Senior Management Team.
A review will be lead bi-annually by the Director of Quality and Learner Services involving relevant consultation with
external organisations that will form part of this review, through the staff with specific responsibility for the policy and its
development. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Key Information
This policy is intended to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people and vulnerable adults who are learners
of North Lindsey College. Its aim is to provide an environment in which young people feel secure and supported.
Members of staff have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that all children, young people and vulnerable adults
are protected from harm. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be taken seriously. There is also a
responsibility for the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults where to ignore such issues may result in
This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation is made that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has
been abused, or when there is reasonable cause to believe that abuse has taken place, or when there is significant
concern for their welfare.
This policy has been developed in accordance with the following legislation and guidance, including ‘Working Together’
This policy should also be read in conjunction with others which address the safeguarding of children and young
people, such as Healthy College, Health & Safety, Anti-Bullying Strategy and Recruitment of Staff.
United Nations Human Rights of the Child 1989
The Children Act 1989
The Protection of Children Act 1999
The Education Act 2002 (Section 175)
The Children’s Act 2004
Every Child Matters 2004
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006 (DFES)
North Lincolnshire Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Procedures and Guidance
The Children Act 1989 defines a child as a person of 18 years or younger.
A vulnerable adult refers to any person over the age of 18 years who may be unable to protect himself or
herself against significant harm or serious exploitation.
Harm or abuse can be categorized as :
Physical harm
Sexual harm
Emotional harm
This can also include financial or material exploitation or witnessing of domestic violence.
Our responsibility extends to children and young people such as siblings who we gain knowledge of through
our learners who may also be at risk of harm. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Key Information
The Nominated Members of Staff
All staff have a responsibility to respond to issues in line with this policy. Nominated members of staff have specific
responsibility to ensure procedures are followed and to liaise with appropriate external agencies to ensure the
protection of children and young people. They are:
Chair of the Corporation
Richard Morley, and all members.
Director of Quality and Learner Services
Kit Sargent
Safeguarding Officers
Rachel Benstead
Sue Stephenson
(Main College)
(Kingsway Children’s Centre)
Responding to an Allegation of Abuse
Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the nominated Safeguarding Officer with
responsibility for child protection as soon as possible that day.
The relevant Safeguarding Officer will report the matter to the local Children’s Social Services Duty Suite whether or
not he/she feels that this action is justified in the particular circumstances of the case.
The relevant Safeguarding Officer should discuss with the Social Services Department what action will be taken to
inform the parents of the child and a record of that conversation should be recorded in the notes.
If the relevant Safeguarding Officer cannot be contacted within the working day of the initial concern arising, the
Director of Quality and Learner Services should be contacted directly.
The relevant Safeguarding Officer must notify the Director of Quality and Learner Services as soon as is practicable,
and in any event, within 24 hours of the initial concern arising.
If the complainant is the young person him/herself, questions should be kept to the minimum necessary to understand
what is being alleged, and leading questions should be avoided. The use of leading questions can cause problems for
the subsequent investigation and any court proceedings.
Young people with special educational needs (SEN) may need different treatment, eg. in the way their physical/mental
condition might mask possible abuse. Particular attention may have to be given to SEN learners with speech
impediments as these can make communication difficult.
A written record of the date and time of the report shall be made and the report must include the name and position of
the person to whom the matter is reported. The telephone report must be confirmed in writing to the local Duty Suite
Worker within 24 hours. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Key Information
Allegations Concerning Members of Staff
Any suspicion, allegation or actual abuse of a young person or vulnerable adult, by a member of staff must be reported to
the relevant Safeguarding Officer. The Deputy Principal will be notified and an investigation under the Disciplinary
Procedure will also be conducted where appropriate.
In addition on being notified of any such matter the Safeguarding Officer shall:
notify the Principal and Deputy Principal
take such steps as he/she considers necessary to ensure the safety of the young person in question and any other
young person who may be at risk
report the matter to the local Social Services Department in accordance with the procedure set out at 4 above, and
LSCB requirements via the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
ensure that a report of the matter is completed by the person who reported the original concern.
If the Safeguarding Officer is the subject of the allegation of complaint the matter must be reported to the Principal or
Director of Quality and Learner Services.
In the event of a complaint being made against a Senior Post holder, the Safeguarding Officer would notify the Chair of
the Corporation.
Responding to Welfare Concerns
Members of staff have a responsibility to respond to concerns regarding the welfare of young people and vulnerable
adults. Within the Every Child Matters (ECM) legislation, the aim for every young person is to have the support they
need to:
Be healthy
Stay safe
Enjoy and achieve
Make a positive contribution
• Achieve economic well-being
Where there is a welfare concern, members of staff have a responsibility to discuss this with a member of the Pastoral
support team. The ‘Assessment of Learners at Risk’ (Appendix 1) will be used to highlight any additional support or
services that may be required. If the learner is failing to achieve more than one of the ECM outcomes, they will be
considered to be at risk.
The Safeguarding Officer will seek consent from the learner and their parents where appropriate to carry out a further
analysis of their situation. This will be recorded using the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) form, which is a
voluntary process, to proactively identify the strengths and needs of a learner and assist with obtaining support services.
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Key Information
The assessment covers emotional and behavioural development, general health, employment and money issues,
crime, community and family considerations, and well as others. The assessment is forwarded to the Common
Assessment Coordinator at Social Services. If he/she considers it necessary, a Child With Additional Needs (CWAN)
meeting or Child In Need (CIN) meeting will be convened between the relevant professionals to formulate an action
plan of support for the learner and their family.1 For a summary of these procedures, see Appendix 2.
Written Records
North Lindsey College maintains a register of all learners who are recognised as being at risk of harm. This is a
confidential document and information is only shared with other staff or services on a need to know basis.
The Safeguarding Officers and the Director of Quality and Learner Services shall retain a copy of:
the report of any incidents
any notes, memoranda or correspondence relating to the matter
any other relevant material.
Copies of reports and notes should be kept securely locked at all times. Where information is recorded electronically, it
will be password protected.
Information Sharing
The need to work in partnership with other agencies must be offset by the need to maintain the rights of privacy.
Where information needs to be shared, both within and external to the college, this need shall be explained to the
young person openly and honestly. Share only essential information that is fit for purpose, securely, and with those
who need to know. If unsure, seek advice from the nominated members of staff.2 1 Common
Assessment Framework for Children and Young People: Practitioners and Managers Guides (DFES, 2006)
Information Sharing: Practitioners’ guide (DFES, 2006) non-statutory guidance
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Primary Information
The College, its employees and indeed the wider general pubic has a general duty to ensure the safety and protection
of learners who are children i.e. under the age of 18 years. We also have a duty towards adult students (over 18 years)
who can be defined as vulnerable by virtue of disability or inability to adequately protect him or herself.
The general responsibility and duty towards these learners might be extended to the recognition of significant need for
services and support, promoting welfare and wellbeing in so far as the College and other agencies are able.
This is both an individual and a corporate responsibility. This policy and procedure is therefore designed to support and
inform actions and also to ensure that the corporate responsibility is best affected, and the relevant personnel and
roles within College are notified and involved where required.
It is therefore important that all staff are aware of procedures and are trained to recognise and deal appropriately and
responsibly with concerns.
This policy and procedure is designed to cover concerns and actions within the main body of the College or its
activities off site and also at the Kingsway Children's Centre.
Legislation and associated guidelines for dealing with child protection issues apply to young people up to the age of 18
years. They refer not only to our duty to protect, but in more recent legislation our duty for the overall welfare and
development of young people as well as a duty to co operate with other agencies.
However, legislation does not distinguish between children and young people, who particularly from the age of 16 may
be seen, or see themselves, as having a different status from children. Therefore our practices and responses will
reflect this although our legal obligations remain the same.
Whilst The Children Act 1989 is the main legislation for the protection of children this has been reinforced and
extended to include welfare issues and a duty to cooperate (with other agencies) in the Children’s Act 2004. Other
legislation including The Education Act 2002 makes clear the duty to protect.
One of the most significant government policies has been Every Child Matters which incorporates a range of
responsibilities aimed at all agencies ensuring they support young people in a proactive fashion.
Whilst there is no specific legislation for Vulnerable Adults the procedures mirror the much more established child
protection procedures. North Lincolnshire Council has developed a policy and procedures to protect vulnerable adults
from abuse, and the College will co-operate within these procedures. Abuse of vulnerable adults is, like abuse of
children, a criminal offence and any suspected incident will be reported to the police for investigation.
Whilst the legislation for Child Protection is relevant to our learners aged 18 years or under the procedures should be
followed regardless of age to ensure we protect and support all our learners and provide a safe environment in which
to learn.
In addition, The College will cooperate at all times with the Local Safeguarding Children Board to maintain external
links and ensure policy and training is responsive to local needs. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Primary Information
Definitions and General Principles
A child
The Children Act 1989 defines a child as a person under the age of 18 years.
Children and young people can present with a variety of problems, which may raise concerns about their general well
being safety and welfare.
It is important to quickly assess the nature of the concern and if the concern is clearly of significant harm then child
protection procedures need to be invoked immediately.
If significant harm does not seem apparent but more generalised concerns appear then an assessment of needs is
more appropriate.
What are Child Protection and Children in Need Issues?
"...a child shall be taken to be in need if
He/she is unlikely to achieve or maintain, or to have the opportunity of achieving or maintaining a reasonable
standard of health or development without the provision for him of services by a local authority under this
his/her health or development is likely to be significantly impaired, or further impaired, without the provision
for him of such services
he/she is disabled."
Organisations must therefore have the means available to assess:
Whether a child is "in need"
The level of vulnerability
Which needs must be met as a matter of priority
Whether child protection policies need to be implemented.
Child Protection
A child in need of protection is one who is or is likely to suffer significant harm.
These can be categorised as
Physical harm
Sexual harm
Emotional harm
Also financial or material exploitation and witnessing domestic violence. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Primary Information
A Vulnerable Adult
A vulnerable adult refers to any person over the age of 18 years who amongst other indicators:
• Is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness
• Is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself
• Is or may be unable to protect himself or herself against significant harm or serious exploitation
N.B. Significant harm covers the four categories of harm applied to children i.e. physical, sexual, emotional and
neglect, but also includes serious financial or material exploitation.
14-16 Skills Centre Learners/ School Pupils
Children and young people who are attending North Lindsey College for education remain in the care of their school.
Any concerns and allegations should be reported to the link member of staff of the school immediately or in the case of
an allegation against a member of staff to the school Head.
Consultation with Others Including Parents
Those with parental responsibility should be notified and consulted about any investigation or assessment unless doing
so might seriously impede an investigation of significant harm or put a child or young person at further risk.
Gillick Principle
Young people have a right to confidentiality and make choices regarding the reporting of matters within their level of
understanding, and provided that it is not overridden by the significantly greater harm of failure to report and take
Consideration of functioning level and ability to choose or initiate own action would be required in consideration of the
child's ability to make an informed choice.
The Human Rights Act 1998
The main principles cited as relevant to child and adult protection are that actions should be
• necessary and relevant
• proportionate
• legal. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Primary Information
Procedure for Reporting Concerns
If a child/young person seems to be in need of services the College should follow its normal duty and procedures for
referral to support services or other agencies where necessary.
The College has the power to assess the needs of a child and call a meeting requesting the involvement of other
relevant agencies or individuals if unable to meet needs within their own resources.
The college should cooperate with other agencies by attending case conferences or Child in Need meetings as
How Should Allegations and Concerns be Dealt With?
It is important that all children are protected from significant harm and all allegations and suspicions should be taken
seriously and acted upon promptly.
This procedure should be followed whenever there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child "is or is likely to be
suffering significant harm".
Promises of confidentiality should not be given as matters may develop in which that promise may not be honoured.
Take the child seriously and listen without asking leading questions allowing a free recall and unprompted account in a
non-judgmental way.
Report the minimum of details to the nominated Safeguarding Officer.
A full record should be made including:
Date and time
Place where and circumstances in which the allegation took place
Name of complainant
Name of child subject to allegation or suspicion if different from complainant
The nature of the abuse and a description of any injuries observed.
A written account of the allegation
Home address
Family/household composition
Those with parental responsibility and any other agencies involved.
With some children/young people with special educational needs there may be cause to consult and involve
appropriately trained staff to assist in information gathering.
Parents may need to be involved. We should assume that parents of children have a right to be made aware of any
concerns and investigation unless to do so would seriously impede any investigation or further put at risk the child or
young person. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Primary Information
Specific Concerns
Allegations Against Learners on Placement with Children
Any allegation of abuse against a learner within placement needs the fullest investigation both from the child's point of
view but also from the learner's point of view.
It would be normal to suspend placement whilst investigations are undertaken.
Any concerns that result from that investigation may need disciplinary action or a review of the appropriateness of
continuing placement and the course of study.
Allegations Against other Learners of Abuse
Allegations of abuse by one learner against another learner need to be taken seriously and in accordance with child
protection procedures, but also may involve disciplinary procedures.
Protection Concerns about Siblings and Family Members of Learners
Any concerns about the safety and protection of a learner may also reflect concerns about others within the household.
Younger siblings for example may be at risk of harm and the matter will need reporting and investigating as if the
younger sibling was our responsibility as well.
Criminal Records Bureau
In an effort to safeguard the children and young people attending the College and in line with legislation all staff shall
be required to undergo a Criminal Records Bureau check at enhanced level. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Supporting Information
The Nursery has a duty to be aware that abuse does occur in society. This statement indicates the procedures that
will be taken if we have reason to believe that a child in our care is subject to emotional, physical, sexual abuse or
Our prime responsibility is:
To protect the welfare and well-being of all children in our care
To ensure that children are never placed at risk whilst in the charge of Nursery staff
To ensure that all learners working within the Nursery will be supervised at all times
To regularly raise staff awareness of Child Protection issues and procedures
To ensure that all staff are familiar with local area child protection policies and procedures
We believe that we have a duty of care to the children in our care, parents/carers and staff to act quickly and
responsibly in response to any disclosure that may come to our attention.
The Nursery has a duty to report any suspicions regarding abuse to the Local Authority. The Children Act 1989
(section 47-1) places duty on the Local Authority to investigate such matters. The Nursery will follow the procedures
and requirements as detailed previously for the College and in accordance with LSCB requirements. We will also
comply with College policy and procedure.
Physical Abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff has reasonable cause to believe that there has been a
physical injury to a child, including deliberate poisoning, where there is a definite knowledge, or a
reasonable suspicion that the injury was deliberately inflicted or knowingly not prevented.
Any sign of a mark/injury to a child when they arrive at Nursery will be recorded
The incident will be discussed with the parent/carer
Discussions will be recorded and the parent/carer given access to such records
If there appears to be any queries regarding the injury the Local Authority Social Services Duty Suite will
be notified and the Director of Learning Services will be informed.
Sexual Abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have witnessed occasions where a child indicated sexual
activity through words, play, drawing or had excessive pre-occupation with sexual matters, or had an inappropriate
knowledge of adult sexual behaviour.
The matter will be referred to the Local Authority Social Services Duty Suite and the Director of Quality & Learner
Services. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Supporting Information
Emotional Abuse
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff have reason to believe that there is a severe adverse effect on the
behaviour and emotional development of the child caused by persistent or severe ill treatment or rejection.
The concern will be discussed with the parent/carer
Such discussion will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to such records
If there appears to be any queries regarding the circumstances the Local Authority Social Services Duty
Suite will be notified and the Director of Quality & Learner Services.
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have reason to believe that there has been a
persistent or severe neglect of a child (e.g. by exposure to any kind of danger, including cold and
starvation) which results in serious impairment of the child’s health or development.
The concern will be discussed with the parent/carer
Such discussion will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to such records
If there appears to be any queries regarding the circumstances the Local Authority Social Services Duty
Suite will be notified and the Director of Quality & Learner Services/Principal will be informed.
Discrimination Abuse
Guidelines under the Youth, Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 indicates that we are required to be
aware of discrimination towards people, especially vulnerable or intimidated persons and its implications.
Examples include:
Racist remarks or attacks on the person
Sexist remarks or offensive behaviour
Disability remarks or offence of any kind
Harassment of any kind, including slurs or similar treatment. August 2010
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Appendix 1
Assessment for Learners at Risk
Copy to Rachel Benstead, Learner Support and Liaison Officer
Learner Details
Contact Telephone
The pre-assessment checklist is part of the Common Assessment Framework for children and young people.
It is used across all Children’s Services in the UK to determine whether a young person has additional
support needs.
Does the young person appear to be:
Not Sure
Safe from harm?
Not Sure
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Appendix 1
Learning and developing?
Not Sure
Having a positive impact on others?
Not Sure
Free from the negative impact of poverty?
Not Sure
If you answered ‘No’ to any of the previous questions, what additional services are needed for the young
person or their parent(s) or carer(s)?
If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Not sure’ to any of the previous questions, would a more detailed assessment help?
All learners identified by NLC as needing extra support with the five ‘Every Child Matters’ outcomes will be
contacted at least once per half term to ensure they are accessing the appropriate services.
Name of Referrer:
__________________________ :____________________
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Appendix 2
All allegations or suspicions that the learner is
at risk of harm to be taken seriously.
Do not question the complainant
Report the minimum of details to the
nominated Safeguarding Officers:
College – Rachel Benstead x 4641
Nursery – Mandy Lawrence x 4064
Report the incident as soon as possible that day.
The nominated person must notify Social Services
and follow this up with a written report as stated in
the procedure.
Report Details
Venue of Harm
Allegation Made
Details of Harm and Injury
Complainant Details including date of birth
Name of Witnesses
Name and dates of birth of relevant siblings.
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The nominated person to discuss action with
social services.
If the nominated person cannot be contacted
then the person reporting the incident must
directly contact, Kit Sargent, who must be
made aware of all possible incidents prior to
external contact being agreed with Social
Services. In her absence, the Principal
should be contacted.
Appendix 3
Concerns over the welfare of a learner that
do not put them at risk of significant harm.
Report the details to the relevant Pastoral
Support team member, e.g. Student Adviser,
Counsellor, Retention Officer.
Discuss concerns with the learner where
possible to gain a clear picture of what the
situation is. Use the ‘Assessment for
Learners at Risk’ to record information.
Is the learner likely to achieve the five Every
Child Matters outcomes without additional
Signpost the learner to relevant
internal/external agencies, e.g. Counselling,
Housing Officer, Connexions. Track progress.
Is learner failing to achieve more than one
of the ECM outcomes?
If so, report to Safeguarding Officer.
Safeguarding Officer to seek agreement to
perform comprehensive assessment of
needs. (Voluntary process, participants
must be aware that information is shared
with Social Services.)
More than two extra services required by the
learner or family? Safeguarding Officer
arranges a meeting of all agencies involved
with the young person. Ensure they are
providing appropriate support and develop an
action plan.
Meetings continue until welfare concerns
have passed or matters escalate to further
Social Services involvement.
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 4
Kingsway Childrens Centre Statement of Safeguarding
It is important that all children are protected from abuse. All complaints, allegations or suspicions must be
taken seriously.
This procedure must be followed whenever an allegation is made that a child has been abused or when
there is reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused.
Promises of confidentiality should not be given as the matter may develop in such a way that these cannot
be honoured.
If the complainant is the child him/herself, questions should be kept to the minimum necessary to
understand what is being alleged, and leading questions should be avoided. The use of leading questions
can cause problems for the subsequent investigation and any court proceedings.
A full record shall be made as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and any other relevant
information including:
The date
The time
Place where the allegation took place
The name of the person taking the referral, and others present
The name of the complainant, and where different, the name of the child who has alleged the
The nature of the abuse and a description of any injuries
A written account of the allegation.
Some children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may require different treatment to other children eg.
Their physical/mental condition may mask possible abuse. Particular attention may be required where a
child has a speech impediment as this may cause communication difficulties.
The Nominated Members of Staff
The nominated Safeguarding Officers will be drawn in from trained Learner Services staff within the
College, and the Nursery. They are accountable in line with this procedure to Kit Sargent, the Director of
Quality & Learner Services. Current Officers are Rachel Benstead, Sue Stephenson-Nursery Senior Early
Years Practitioner and Kelly Grimoldby-Nursery Early Years Practitioner.
Responding to an Allegation
Any suspicion, allegation or incident of abuse must be reported to the nominated Safeguarding Officer
with responsibility for safeguarding the child(ren) as soon as possible after the issue is raised. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 4
The relevant Safeguarding officer must report the matter to the local Social Services Department, (01724
296500 – Duty Office, or if it is out of office hours 01724 296555) whether or not he/she feels that this
action is justified in the particular circumstances of the case.
A written record of the date and time of the report shall be made and must include the name and position
of the person to whom the matter was reported. The telephone report must be confirmed in writing to
Social Services within 24 hours. Ofsted should be informed as soon as is reasonably practicable or at the
latest within 14 days.
The relevant Safeguarding Officer will discuss with Social Services action to be taken to inform
Parents/carers of the child about the issue and a record of that conversation will be included in the case
If the relevant Safeguarding Officer cannot be contacted within the same working day as the initial
concern, the person making the report must contact the duty team at Social Services and notify the
nominated Safeguarding Officer of the action taken.
The nominated Safeguarding Officer must notify the Director of Quality & Learner Services (Kit Sargent)
as soon as is practicable, and in any event within 24 hours of the initial concern.
Allegations Concerning Members of Staff
Any suspicion, allegation or actual abuse of a child by a member of staff must be reported to the relevant
Safeguarding Officer as soon as possible. If within the working day it has not been possible to contact the
Safeguarding Officer, the matter must be reported to the Director of Learning Services, (Kit Sargent) on
that day. An investigation and disciplinary proceedings will be conducted where appropriate. Complaints
against a member of staff will be investigated according to the College disciplinary procedure.
On being notified of any such matter the Safeguarding Officer will:
Notify the Principal/ Deputy Principal/ and Director of Quality & Learner Services
Take such steps as he/she considers necessary to ensure the safety of the child in question or
others who may be at risk
Report the matter to Social Services in accordance with the procedures set out in section 3
Ensure that the person who reported the original concern completes a report of the matter as set
out in section 1.
If the Safeguarding Officer is the subject of the allegation of complaint the matter must be reported to
Senior Management as detailed above.
In the event of a complaint being made against a Senior Post holder, the Safeguarding Officer would
notify the Chair of the Corporation.
Written Records
The Safeguarding Officers and the Director of Quality & Learner Services/Principal shall retain a copy of:
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 4
The report of any incidents
Any notes, memoranda or correspondence relating to the matter
Any other relevant material.
Copies of reports, notes etc, should be kept in a secure place at all times.
Process of Confidentiality
Confidentiality is paramount at all times within the Safeguarding procedure with only nominated/essential
personnel being notified.
The Kingsway Childrens Centre has a duty to be aware that harm does occur in society. This
statement indicates the procedures that will be taken if we have reason to believe that a child in our
care is subject to either emotional, physical, sexual harm or neglect.
Our prime responsibility is:
• To protect the welfare and well-being of all children in our care.
• To ensure that children are never placed at risk while in the charge of Nursery staff.
• To ensure that all learners working in the Kingsway Childrens Centre will be supervised at
all times.
• To revise regularly staff awareness of safeguarding issues and procedures.
• To ensure that all parents/carers are familiarised with the nurseries safeguarding policy.
We believe that we have a duty of care to the children in our care, parents/carers and staff to act quickly
and responsibly in response to any disclosure that may come to our attention.
The Kingsway Childrens Centre has a duty to report any suspicions regarding abuse concerning a child at
the setting to the Local Authority. The Children Act 1989 (section 47-1) places duty on the Local Authority to
investigate such matters. The Nursery will follow the procedures set out in the Local Safeguarding
Children’s Board Guidelines (LSCB) and as such will seek their advice on all steps taken subsequently. We
will also comply with College policy and procedure.
Physical Harm
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff has reasonable cause to believe that there has been a
physical injury to a child, including deliberate poisoning, where there is a definite knowledge, or a
reasonable suspicion that the injury was deliberately inflicted or knowingly not prevented.
a) Any sign of a mark/injury to a child when they arrive at the Kingsway Childrens Centre will be
b) The incident will be discussed with the parent/carer.
c) Discussions will be recorded and the parent/carer given access to such records. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 4
If there appears to be any queries regarding the injury the Local Authority Social Services
Department will be notified, and the Director of Quality and Learner Services will be informed.
Sexual Harm
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have witnessed occasions where a child indicated
sexual activity through words, play, drawing or had excessive pre-occupation with sexual matters, or had an
inappropriate knowledge of adult sexual behaviour.
The matter will be referred to the Local Authority Social Services Department, and Director of Quality and
Learner Services informed.
Emotional Harm
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have reason to believe that there is a severe
adverse effect on the behaviour and emotional development of the child caused by persistent or severe ill
treatment or rejection.
• The concern will be discussed with the parent/carer.
• Such discussion will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to such records.
• If there appears to be any queries regarding the circumstances the Local Authority Social Services
Department will be notified, and the Director of Quality and Learner Services will be informed.
Action will be taken under this heading if the staff team have reason to believe that there has been a
persistent or severe neglect of a child (eg. by exposure to any kind of danger, including cold and starvation)
which results in serious impairment of the child's health or development.
• The concern will be discussed with the parent/carer.
• Such discussion will be recorded and the parent/carer will have access to such records.
• If there appears to be any queries regarding the circumstances the Local Authority Social Services
Department will be notified, and the Director of Quality and Learner Services will be informed. August 2010
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Safeguarding Children and
Vulnerable Adults
Appendix 4
Discriminatory Harm
Guidelines under the Youth, Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999, indicates that we are required to be
aware of discrimination towards people, especially vulnerable or intimidated persons, and its implications.
Examples include:
• Racist remarks or racist attack on the person
• Sexist remarks or offensive behaviour
• Remarks about disability or other offensive language of any kind
• Harassment of any kind, including slurs or similar treatment. August 2010
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