- Bosch India

Bosch India News
Bosch India News | December 2014
Corporate magazine from Bosch India
Cover Story
Denner: “Bosch India should set the agenda for shaping change in the country”
Edition Special
Flashback 2014 – the highlights of the year gone by
Primavera India Trust - Dedicated to helping children in need
December 2014
2 | Contents
Bosch India News | December 2014
Dear Readers,
Political movements change the course of nations. Sometimes for good. For a while, the India Inc and the people
at large have been longing for a ray of hope – a hope for the revival of the economy. With the new Modi-led central
government, the sentiments have definitely improved. But as Dr. Berns (RBIN/P) said in his recent video message
to Bosch India associates, “there are still wide gaps between sentiments and ground realities. And there are gaps
between announcing programs and implementing them and their pre-conditions. But the overall picture has clearly changed to the
positive side and is likely to be conducive for sustainable economic growth”, we welcome the New Year with both a sense of optimism
and a cautious approach.
“Change is the only constant.” When the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus coined this thought, the first human settlements were
just 3,000 years old. The industrial age was still millennia away. You have to wonder what Heraclitus and his compatriots would have
made of the pace of change in today’s world. In the space of last two decades, the speed of the technological revolution has been
breathtaking. It has also meant great uncertainty for business – what is fresh and new today, could be the MySpace of tomorrow –
obsolete and forgotten except by few loyalists. It is critical, therefore, that a company like Bosch – which has been at the vanguard of
so many technological innovations in the past century and more – stays ahead of change and further shapes it. This was the critical
message that Volkmar Denner (G1), Chairman of the Board of Management, Robert Bosch GmbH, conveyed to Bosch India associates
when he met them during his Town Hall Meeting in Bangalore on October 30. Shaping change is also a strategic area of focus under
the new 'We are Bosch' mission statement that will be launched across the company in 2015. 'We are Bosch' will replace the 'House of
Orientation' and is expected to promote a greater sense of what Bosch stands for and its values in the new globalized and
connected world.
In this year-end issue of the Bosch India News, besides a comprehensive look at G1’s trip to India and his views and opinions on the
Company’s achievements and future directions in the country, you can also read about how the Starters and Generators division
managed its remarkable Journey of Transformation, the 40th anniversary of Bosch Rexroth in India, what makes Bosch India’s UX team
unique and the social causes that the Primavera India Trust is supporting across the country.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue and as always we look forward to hearing from you. If you have any story ideas that you want
covered in upcoming issues, please do mail us at bi.news@in.bosch.com. Colleagues can also post ideas/feedback on Bosch Connect.
Wishing you all a happy and prosperous 2015 with a hope that the much awaited waves of growth and development bounce back!
Happy reading!
Dhiraj Singh
3 Cover Story
| Denner: “Bosch India should set the
agenda for shaping change in the country”
| Flashback 2014 – the highlights of the
Special year gone by
| SG India: Continuing on its remarkable
Journey of Transformation
| "We want to grow our brand in India" Gunjan Srivastava, MD, BSH india
| 40 years of Bosch Rexroth in India: A vibrant
history and a bright future
21In Focus
| UX Studio in Bangalore: Setting the
standard for exemplary user experience
| Diversity in practice
26Social Media | Reaching out with social media campaigns
28Bosch Impact | Primavera India Trust - Dedicated to
helping children in need
| Winnovate – Fostering a culture of
innovation at Bosch India
Issue 3
December 2014
Editor-in-Chief: Dhiraj Singh
Managing Editor: Saudha Kasim
Associate Editor:
Lovina Raymond
Transcend Solution
Cover Image: Panel discussion in progress:
G1’s Town Hall Meeting
| Bosch eLearning Services – setting industry
trends, winning accolades
| Awards and Recognition
News at a glance: What’s been happening in Bosch India
Srinivas MN
Yuvarajan G
Venkatraman Balaji
Gopalan Vijendran Venkoparao
Hemanth SM
Karishma Yadav
Devasmita Halder
Smruti Guttal
Mamta Gopinath
Roohie Menon
Sonia Jaidev
Sachin Kulkarni
Vikranth Pothireddy
Usha Bhan
Printing: Print Point India Pvt. Ltd.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Cover Story | 3
Denner: “Bosch India should set the
agenda for shaping change in the country”
Town Hall Meeting with Bosch India associates
High profile visits demand a great
The Town Hall Meeting (THM)
deal of planning and an impeccable
said, to “increase the share of local
value add, raise the share of local
execution. Notwithstanding, after the
Reflecting the culture of open
supply, strengthen decision-power
event, what remains in public’s
dialogue, a Town Hall Meeting was
in India and increase the number of
mind is just the modest essence
an integral part of Denner’s agenda
local managers.”
of the event – the messages of the
in India. He took this opportunity
to directly interact with Bosch
For an emerging market like India,
associates and made an engaging
Bosch has to set the agenda for
shaping change in order to fully
For Bosch India, Volkmar Denner’s
visit was one such special event that
take advantage of the growth
left behind some vital messages, some
The focus on profitability and agility
opportunities that the country
food for thought. As the Chairman
was prominent in the business
offers. But there were still issues to
of the Board of Management, Robert
performance overview. On one hand,
be addressed as a matter of policy
Bosch GmbH, this was Denner’s
he expressed his satisfaction on the
by the new Indian government – the
maiden visit to India and the meetings
sales growth of the Group, on the
most critical being labor reforms
that he held with some of the key
other his message on cost control and
that could increase the productivity
stakeholders during the four days that
agile processes were articulated loud
and competitiveness of the country’s
he spent in India, became a take-off
and clear.
manufacturing industry.
reasons. For he made an emphatic
Innovative spirit and world-class
To shape change, it is necessary to
impression on the group of people he
engineering talent
anticipate it. “And Bosch India, has
point after he left. Indeed for good
interacted with.
what it takes to be a change agent,
For Bosch to continue to grow in India
providing solutions that not just
In this year-ending issue of BI News,
and realize even greater success, it
secure its own growth, but also make a
the editorial team presents some
was necessary, Denner said, to offer
positive impact on Indian society and
of the key highlights of Denner’s
appropriate, meaningful affordable
transform the lives of millions,” said
interactions with the Indian
products and to continue to invest in
associates and the media.
local R&D. It was also important, he
4 | Cover Story
Bosch India News | December 2014
A visit to TCI and Ban/P
Great opportunities to shape change
as GDP growth is moving to countries
developments and changes in
like India, China and the ASEAN.
the coming years,” Denner said.
During his presentation, Denner
The rising middle classes in these
Bosch in India, he noted, is already
revealed the new mission statement
countries (by 2050 five billion people
taking advantage of the promising
for the Company, ‘We are Bosch’.
worldwide will be middle class and
opportunities the country is offering.
‘Shaping change’ is an area of
Indians would account for a nearly
strategic focus under this new
a fifth of this number) means that
Expanding beyond the automotive
mission statement and Denner
businesses such as Bosch should be
business in India
explained why: “The world around
creating more affordable products for
us is changing and there are great
this segment.
opportunities for Bosch to shape
The Eye Care solution of the New
Business Team (NBT) made a strong
these changes, especially in
“Megatrends such as the need
impression on Denner. “This initiative
electrification of vehicles, automation
for climate and environmental
is a step towards expanding Bosch’s
in manufacturing and driving,
protection, changing mobility,
presence beyond the automotive
connectivity of vehicles, energy
aging population, urbanization,
business. The team’s philosophy of
efficiency and emerging markets.”
an increasingly connected world
being ‘Patriotic about the problem
and increasing globalization that
and democratic about the solution’
Emerging markets are important for
is making the emerging markets
means that it works with experts and
the future growth strategy of Bosch
stronger will lead to fundamental
entities spread across geographies
to offer the best-in-class solutions to
address local problems aimed at mid
and bottom of pyramid segments.”
The mid-price segment is, as Denner
repeatedly stressed during his
presentation, critical for Bosch’s
success not just in India but other
emerging markets as well.
Denner said, “You can be very proud
of these developments that meet
local demands. And I expect more
affordable products to develop in the
near future.”
Such localized innovation is
necessary for Bosch to meet its
Bosch India News | December 2014
Cover Story | 5
Need for more localizes innovations such as the NBT eye care solution was emphasized
growth targets not just in India, but
Strong R&D
It was also the strength of Bosch’s
R&D that led to engineers at Bosch
also markets like China and Brazil,”
It was no coincidence; Denner said
Rexroth, in collaboration with local
during the THM presentation, that
farmers, to develop the electro-
NBT got the opportunity to present
Bosch India had managed to come
hydraulic hitch control for the Indian
its work to Denner – along with the
up with such innovative solutions
tractor market. Both the control
Eye Care solution, the team also
for country-specific issues as the
and its software were developed
showcased its water purification
company clearly had a strong focus
systems to address the shortage of
on Research and Development (R&D).
drinking water and a solution to
“R&D is a key success factor that we
“OEMs have high respect for
monitor different electrical loads
will continue to invest in,” he added.
Bosch India”
both at the aggregated and device
Speaking to associates, Denner
level using non-intrusive methods.
expressed his delight and excitement
Asked by an associate what feedback
During this interaction, Denner
that R&D engineers were tapping
OEMs had about Bosch India
affirmed Bosch’s commitment for
into new areas such as a large scale
offerings, Denner said that the
the healthcare space and solutions
application for smart street lighting
overwhelming response was one of
that can impact the society positively
based on the Internet of Things (IoT).
high respect for the Company. During
through such innovative solutions
Using a Bosch Software Innovations
these interactions with key customers
from teams which are agile and
platform, the application not only
including Mahindra & Mahindra and
customer oriented. He also remarked
optimizes power consumption but
Tata Motors, electric mobility – in
that such solutions can open up
also helps improve the quality of
keeping with Bosch’s shaping change
newer business models for Bosch.
public lighting.
vision – was a topic that generated
he added.
great interest.
Responsibility - an essential part of Bosch's philosophy in India as demonstrated through BVC's training programmes and various CSR
6 | Cover Story
Bosch India News | December 2014
The need for more measures to increase productivity and competitiveness, such as labour reforms was highlighted
The top focus areas that will
of initiatives at Bosch India clearly
our sales in the region again”,
henceforth define how the
demonstrate that this responsibility
added Denner. Attended by key
automotive industry goes forward
is an essential part of the Company’s
Indian media representatives from
are emission and safety, and in
diverse media houses this press
event turned out to be a hotbed
his conversations with OEMs
Bosch’s offerings in these areas
The Talk: Up-close-and-personal
of deliberation on myriad topics
were discussed. The customers
with media
ranging from innovation to business,
manufacturing to labor-related
were impressed by Bosch’s broad
approach to mobility solutions and
“India’s rich cultural heritage and
concerns and India’s
the ‘local for local’ approach towards
its technological achievements have
growth potential.
offering tailored solutions for
made a great impression on me.
emerging markets like India.
While I have previously visited your
India to play a key role in Bosch’s
country, this is my first address to the
regional success
Responsibility, an essential part of
Indian media. And I am delighted to
Bosch India’s philosophy
have the opportunity to speak with
Denner’s visit to India comes at a
you today!” said Denner (G1), during
critical time when many people
During the THM, Denner stressed
his first press briefing in
believe that the country is on the
how the success of Bosch is
Bangalore, India.
cusp of change given the optimism
the current central government
dependent on the ability to balance
the interests of our associates,
“Over the past ten years, Bosch has
has inspired. In his address to the
partners, customers, communities
doubled its sales in Asia Pacific.
media, Denner underscored the
and the environment. A number
By 2020, we are aiming to double
same optimism: “I firmly believe that
Denner appreciated the openness of comments at all levels in Bosch India
Bosch India News | December 2014
Cover Story | 7
Media round table in progress
India will continue to contribute to
Bosch is gearing up with its latest
and ease of use to customers in the
our company’s success and pursuit
technological offerings. Bosch’s new
affordable two-wheeler segment
of technological advancements that
engine management system (EMS)
as well.
are ‘Invented for life’. We believe
can adapt to any kind of two-wheeler,
that the new government is poised
ranging from high-performance
to accelerate economic growth and
bikes to affordable single-cylinder
introduce strategic reforms that will
two-wheelers that play a significant
“Bosch has invested heavily in
help the country meet its long-term
role in Asia, and particularly in India.
India in the past five years and our
“Compared with the mechanically
intention is to continue doing so,
controlled carburetor, and depending
provided labor conditions help us
Foray into a new segment of two-
on situation, the electronically
remain competitive”, elaborated
wheeler offerings
controlled fuel-injection system
Denner to a media query on India’s
Optimistic about India:
can reduce fuel consumption by up
labor reform. When asked about
Denner also introduced to the Indian
to 16 percent,” Denner said. This
his thoughts on India’s ‘Make in
press, Bosch’s latest technological
technology is also fully capable of
India’ campaign, Denner said, “We
innovation, one that is especially
complying with future emission
support the announcement to boost
relevant for the Indian market: the
legislations. Furthermore, it opens
manufacturing. While labor reforms
two-wheeler engine management
up a variety of opportunities for
are fundamental pre-condition, it
system (EMS). The two-wheeler
connectivity functions, including
is too early to judge the effect of
segment in the emerging markets
using a smart phone to access
this campaign as it is yet to come to
is one of the key focus areas for
information such as fuel consumption
effect. Today in the world there are
Bosch. To cater to this market,
and journey data – bringing fun
many Free Trade Zones and they
The automotive press briefing on Bosch’s latest mobility offerings
8 | Cover Story
Bosch India News | December 2014
Live demonstration of vehicles fitted with the latest technologies at the RBEI and TCI facility
At the center stage: Bosch’s mobility solutions
Prior to Denner’s press briefing, automotive journalists were also invited to an exclusive automotive press event
where three of Bosch’s Mobility solutions business heads – Friedrich Boecking (DS/RP-IN), Sandeep N (GS/RP-IN) and
Balasubramanian V (CC/SA-IN CC-AS/RBU-IN) highlighted Bosch India’s mobility offerings and shared their views on
the upcoming legislations.
The highlights:
Diesel Systems: CO2 reduction program – initiatives from Bosch for OEMs in India
• CO2 reduction measures for low price vehicles /passenger cars segment and technology trends
• CO2 reduction measures for commercial vehicle segment with BS4 and technology trends
Gasoline Systems: CO2 measures and mass mobility solutions
• CO2 measures for gasoline engines
• Supporting the compressed natural gas (CNG) market
• Mass mobility solutions in four wheelers
Chassis control: Promoting active safety and the unique scientific research on accident data in India.
will increase. That means a country
like India has to be competitive with
other countries, especially in Asia.”
Despite the challenges of the last
years, the company is confident that
India will continue on its path of
dynamic development. The Group’s
continuing investment in India
clearly demonstrates this positive
outlook. Denner in his closing note
also resonated this sentiment, “Bosch
has great strengths on which we
continue to build. For example, there
is our strong corporate culture with
its firmly established values, and
there are our loyal and committed
associates. With our global footprint,
high quality and innovative strength,
the prospects for our business are
excellent – globally and here in India.”
A journalist taking a test ride of two-wheeler fitted with the latest Gasoline technology
Bosch India News | December 2014
Edition Special | 9
Flashback 2014 –
the highlights of the year gone by
It was a year filled with many firsts:
Auto Expo, the first visit of Volkmar
the new Eye Care solution designed
the first visit by German President
Denner as the chairman of the Bosch
specifically to address the local
Joachim Gauck to the Bosch Bangalore
board of management (G1) to India.
needs. Let’s take a lowdown of the
Plant and the Bosch Vocational
It was a year that also witnessed the
past twelve months and some of its
Center, the first Bosch Tech Expo to
launch of two new businesses: Bosch
key happenings.
run concurrently with the bi-annual
Energy and Building Solutions and
Positive response from
diversified Indian market. Radical
the skill development initiatives on
distinguished visitors
innovations powered by local R&D
an international level. He was also
and offerings based on ‘local ideas’
taken around the workshop and
2014 saw a number of distinguished
are the way forward. Citing examples
the Mechatronics Lab of Vocational
visitors, including the chairman of
of products developed on these lines,
Center where he openly interacted
the Bosch board of management
Tyroller expressed his confidence in
with the apprentices and learned
and the German President, visiting
Bosch India.
about their experiences with the
Bosch India. In February - Peter
German model of vocational training.
Tyroller (G14), member of the board
On February 7, German Federal
The Federal President acknowledged
of management, Robert Bosch
President Joachim Gauck visited
the importance of vocational training
GmbH, responsible for Asia Pacific
the Bosch Vocational Center (BVC)
and elaborated on how Bosch had
- conducted his first Town Hall
in Bangalore. He was accompanied
surpassed its business needs and
Meeting with the Bosch associates
by representatives from politics,
demonstrated responsibility towards
in Bangalore. He stressed on the
business and the media. Gauck
Indian society, standing out as a role
fact that Bosch India will have to be
acknowledged Bosch India’s
model for other organizations.
ready with ‘glocal’ offerings for the
continuous endeavor of keeping
10 | Edition Special
The unique Bosch Tech Expo
Bosch India News | December 2014
Bosch technological exposition
and its Clean and Economical, Safe
Bosch India adopted a new approach
and Comfortable mobility solution
to showcase and discuss its latest
offerings. Visitors to the Bosch
technological offerings to the Indian
Tech Expo included top honchos
and international OEMs during the
from OEMs such as M&M, Renault
2014 Auto Expo in a new format
Nissan, Ashok Leyland, Tata
at a private venue near the OEM
Motors and Hyundai. Cost-effective
show. This approach was taken to
yet sophisticated automotive
give customers easy access to the
technologies, developed specifically
for the local market from gasoline,
diesel and various automotive
divisions were on display. Robert
Bosch Engineering and Business
solutions (RBEI), ZFLS and ETAS – the
subsidiaries of Bosch also exhibited
their latest technological offerings at
the Tech Expo.
Bosch India News | December 2014
R&D in India gets a boost
Edition Special | 11
academic research community
transform our everyday lives and
and work with some of the best
open up new business opportunities.
In February, Bosch further
technical talent pool in India. The
Keeping this vision in mind, the
reinforced its commitment to India
research focus of RTC will be in
RTC is focusing on technologies for
by inaugurating a Research and
the area of Internet of Things and
smart networking of devices and
Technology Center (RTC) at Robert
Services (IoTS), System & Software
systems with enhanced reasoning
Bosch Engineering and Business
Engineering for engineering methods,
and assistance capabilities. These
Solutions (RBEI), Bangalore.
data and cutting-edge technology
technologies also specifically aim to
Present only in four other
areas of computer vision and image
address India-centric challenges, as
international Bosch locations, this
processing. With IoTS becoming an
the company believes that the country
prestigious high-end innovation
integral part of our lives, entirely
can achieve a strategic edge by
center aims to engage with the finest
new services will emerge that will
becoming an early adopter of IoTS.
New business line to focus on energy generation and efficiency
In February, the new business line,
East and Asia region. At the launch of
Bosch Energy and Building Solutions
the new business,
(BEBS), was launched. Primarily a
Dr. Steffen Berns,
service based line, this new business
managing director
unit will focus on energy generation
of Bosch Limited
and efficiency. With the inclusion of
said, “With
this new business unit, Bosch is now
this portfolio
a turnkey solution provider for solar
expansion, we
photovoltaic power plants apart from
consolidate our
being a supplier of heating solutions.
position in the
Headquartered in Bangalore, it is the
Energy business as
first office located in Asia Pacific and
a ‘full-line solution
is also responsible for the Middle-
provider,’ offering
products, solutions and services.”
12 | Edition Special
Bosch: ‘Making in India’ since 1953
Bosch India News | December 2014
Minister in New Delhi. The event was
and local talent of engineers. The
attended and addressed by eminent
country, he said, needs to address the
The new central government,
leaders from across international and
system of industrial clearance and
which came to power this summer,
Indian industries – including Bosch,
continued momentum for reforms.
immediately got down to business,
represented by Franz Hauber (RBIN/
launching a number of initiatives with
an aim to revive the economy. Make
The Make in India campaign is
aimed at making India a prominent
in India campaign, one of the most
In his speech, Hauber stressed on
manufacturing hub through inflow
important of these, was launched on
India’s strengths, which include
of new technology and capital while
September 25 by the Indian Prime
positive sentiment, huge potential
facilitating creation of new jobs.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Edition Special | 13
Non-automotive businesses in the
30 local and national media houses
Technology, Power Tools, Packaging,
- comprising print, electronic and
Energy and Building Technology,
digital - attended the event.
Engineering and Business Solutions,
and Home Appliances – made short
In August, in continuation with its
efforts to increase focus on the non-
In the key note address, Dr. Steffen
presentations about their key
automotive businesses in India and
Berns explained the mega themes
business offerings and some of the
growing them, Bosch India held its
and challenges that Bosch in India is
critical issues that their business
first ever non-automotive Media Tech
aiming to tackle through its innovative
divisions are trying to solve in the
Day to highlight the non-automotive
offerings. Berns also reinforced
Indian context.
business offerings and the important
that Bosch is making concentrated
role they play in people’s lives.
effort to further strengthen the non-
A special 30 minutes feature
‘Experience technologies invented
automotive businesses in India and
presentation on the event was also
for life – beyond mobility solutions’
is addressing needs of the country
broadcast on ET Now, India’s leading
was the theme of this Media Tech
with a “local for local” approach.
business channel.
Day event held at the Bangalore
The regional Presidents of various
plant. Representatives from around
non-automotive divisions - Security
14 | Edition Special
Bosch India News | December 2014
An Eye Care solution that addresses
demand for comprehensive eye
He presented case studies that
India-specific challenges
care of the middle- and lower-
showed the pressing problem of
income demographic and offers high
vision impairment and blindness in
The non-automotive Media Tech
functionality, ease of use, and a cost
the country and spoke about how
Day event was also a witness to a
effective system to doctors.
the fundus camera – which weighs
about 440 g – could be easily handled
milestone for Bosch in India – the
launch of its new Eye Care solution
Harsha Ramesh Angeri (RBEI/BUD
and taken door to door in the rural
that is designed to meet the shortage
RBIN/ BUD), (left in the picture above)
districts of India. “This solution,
of eye-care specialists and the
head of the New Business Teams
best exemplified the spirit of Bosch’s
high demand for vision screening
(NBT), gave a detailed presentation
corporate slogan, ‘Invented for Life’,”
in the country. This eye screening
on the benefits and functionalities of
added Angeri.
and detection system meets the
the device.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Features | 15
SG India: Continuing on its remarkable
Journey of Transformation
The roadmap for SG to become a profitable market leader was evolved on the principles of Trust, Transparency and Team work (TTT)
A century ago Bosch launched its first
newly-constructed Naganathapura
(Race To Profitability, Value
electric starter motor for automobiles
Plant on the outskirts of Bangalore.
Stream Organization) that are
– a development that was greeted by
Since its establishment, the key
customer focused and driving lean
motorists of those times with delight.
challenges for the division have
practices internally
Prior to this mechanism becoming
included countering established
- Significant improvement on all
a standard for automobiles, it took
competition, competitiveness in
enormous effort to start a heavy,
terms of cost, and product portfolio
- A quarterly retreat by the SGIN
large-volume engine. Thanks to the
gaps in certain segments.
Management team along with
an external team coach is enabling
electric starter motor, drivers didn’t
have to work up sweat (or risk serious
In order to effectively overcome these
business process review, recharge
injuries) to crank their engines to life.
challenges, the senior management
and synergy
team at SG India (SGIN) initiated a
It was Gottlob Honold, Bosch’s chief
top-down Journey of Transformation
Elaborating on Race to Profitability
engineer, who had the idea of using
during a workshop in 2011. Anil
(RTP), Kumar says, “RTP is a
an electric motor to start the engine.
Kumar MR (SG/RP-IN) says, “The
business process where leadership
Bosch wasn’t the first to attempt to
Roadmap to become a profitable
with ownership as a foundation is
do this – other manufacturers had
market leader was evolved on the
encouraged at all levels. The team
already done so and while their
principles of Trust, Transparency,
and team leaders are selected based
products worked relatively well, they
Team work ( TTT), powered by an
on technical and personal traits. RTP
were still unsuitable for everyday
entrepreneurial approach towards
provides an opportunity for people to
use and series production. With the
develop entrepreneurship and exhibit
leadership skills while working in a
electric starter motor, Bosch was able
to establish an entirely new line of
For the division, key drivers
matrix organization. All key business
business as well. The Starter Motors
supporting profitable growth both
parameters are driven by the middle
and Generators (SG) division is today
locally and globally were:
management, mentored by the senior
management. This brings inclusivity
responsible for developing starter
motors and generators for passenger
- Innovative business models for
and passion into the business. As a
and commercial vehicles.
de-risking and cost optimization at
part of continuous improvement,
Chennai and Hassan
SGIN is looking at upgrading this
SG in India – a Journey of
- Product portfolio management
process in 2015, which will help
(through Product Fit to Market,
the business to achieve sustainable
local innovations) while ensuring
profitable growth in the mid- and
In India, the SG division started its
Global Quality levels
operations 25 years ago at the then
- Process oriented organizations 16 | Features
Bosch India News | December 2014
Another process that has helped
requirements and interfaces. To
strong global collaboration has led
SGIN in its journey is Value Stream
achieve cost competitiveness, the
to a significant increase in the export
Organization or VSO. A VSO process
NBL is also produced at a strategic
business for the division and new
organization is customer-centric
location based on an innovative
product launches to keep SGIN ahead
and drives lean practices. This,
business model. This has enabled
of competition.
Kumar says, facilitates quick decision
SGIN to penetrate both local and
making and encourages ownership.
global markets.
On the technology front, according
to Kumar, there are a number of
The VS owner will drive a cross
functional team with regard to SQCD
When asked what has helped SGIN
innovations that will contribute to
(Safety, Quality, Cost and Delivery).
achieve this milestone, Kumar
SGIN’s success in the mid- and long-
This is an integral part of the lean
replied, “The steep ramp-up of 5
term. “We plan to strengthen the
management practiced at SGIN.
million generators within a span
share of business in the passenger
of four years was mainly achieved
car segment with the innovative
Another important factor has
through productivity improvements
lightweight starter motor, C6x,”
been teamwork. “Thanks to the
at Naganathapura Plant and quick
he says. “We are also working on
passionate team at SG including all
ramp-up at the strategic location,
evolving the NBL further, making it
stakeholders,” says Kumar, “the
while maintaining global quality
more compact and efficient to cater
key milestone in our Journey of
levels and exceeding customer
the new market trends of downsizing
Transformation, the breakeven of
expectations.” He further added, “the
and increasing fuel efficiency. System
business, was achieved in 2013.”
NBL being a leading driver for growth
solutions in collaboration with
has significantly contributed to the
other divisions within Bosch such as
SGIN turnaround.”
advanced start-stop and powering
The 5,000,000th Baseline Generator
local innovations based on customer
SGIN recently celebrated another
Agility, collaboration and
needs with strong local R&D will also
remarkable achievement – the rollout
innovation: keys to a successful
be important in helping us scale even
of the 5,000,000th Baseline Generator
greater heights here at SGIN.”
emerging markets by a global team
An agile approach – in the form
With a rich history to build on and
with project leadership from India.
of innovative business models
technological innovation threading
and customer-focused processes
through its DNA, SG’s future in India
The NBL is a compact, high efficient,
– supports the business to adapt
is bright and assured.
modular, internal fan generator
quickly in a dynamic market while
suitable for different customer
exceeding customer expectations. A
(NBL), a product developed for
The steep ramp-up of 5 million generators within a span of four years was mainly achieved through productivity improvements at
Naganathapura Plant
Bosch India News | December 2014
Profile | 17
"We want to grow our brand in India"Gunjan Srivastava
Says Gunjan Srivastava, MD and CEO, BSH Household Appliances Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd.
Srivastava recently talked to Bosch India News about BSH’s innovations for the Indian
market, its strategy for growth and new, localized household appliances for the country’s
growing middle class.
BSH has a reputation for being a
How is BSH planning to make a
in which water temperatures reach
premium brand – if sustainable,
product like the dishwasher – still a
up to 70°C, kill 99.9 percent of all
rapid growth has to happen, will
foreign concept to many Indians – a
bacteria. Consumers can be assured
the Company produce appliances at
must have product in the country?
that even Indian utensils laced with
the entry level for the large Indian
It is true that the dishwasher as a
oil and grease will be 100 percent
middle-class as well?
product concept is still hardly known
clean in a Bosch dishwasher. Also, our
In general, yes, we will be offering
in India. In the top metro cities,
dishwasher doesn’t wash glassware
appliances at the entry level for the
consumers are beginning to realize
alone, but also can accommodate
larger Indian middle class as well.
the benefits (convenience, hygiene,
and clean stainless steel utensils,
health) of dishwashers and are
microwavable plastics, steel cookers
beginning to opt for it.
and kadais.
penetration in the country. Although
We believe that the dishwasher
In which regional markets within
Bosch caters to the mass premium
actually is a must-have product in
India do you expect to see the
segment, we are very focused on the
every modern Indian household.
strongest growth for BSH and why?
fact that we will never be producing
We need to make more and more
BSH has been growing steadily
any ‘me too’ products in the market.
households aware that our general
over the past few years. Consumer
We aim to use our global expertise in
habit of washing dishes with cold
behavior towards purchasing is
our attempt to offer only our best for
water (~ 28°C), does not kill the germs
also changing and most want to now
our consumers in India.
and bacteria on dishes. Dishwashers
upgrade. Of course, growth in each
Home appliance products as a
category have a very low level of
The Bosch serie 4 range of washing machines (L) launched in India and the newly inaugurated plant in Chennai (R)
18 | Profile
Bosch India News | December 2014
loads using the right amount of
water with the ‘ActiveWater’
• Up to 65 percent shorter wash programs taking into account the need for a faster wash
• Innovative wave pattern ‘VarioDrum’ gives a powerful yet caring wash and its patented
AntiVibrating side walls keeps
the noise to a minimum
• First washing machine to be
certified by the ECARF institute
for hygienic wash to keep clothes
bacteria and pollen free
• Tailored programs such as
monsoon program, Sari program
V. Ranjith Nair, Head Business development, BSH India explaining the product features to
Steffen Berns , regional President, Bosh India
and VoltCheck ensure the
variety of clothes used by the
Indian customers are cleaned to
region differs according to product
family involved in multiple activities.
categories, as each product segment
Each of them has lesser time on hand
is in a different stage of the product
and each activity has a different set of
It is guaranteed that our new range
life cycle.
clothes – whether it is for the morning
of Bosch Serie 4 washing machines
jog, for the office, for social events
will be technologically advanced and
and other activities.
will continue to deliver unmatched
Broadly speaking, in metro and
washing for their entire lifecycle.
tier 1 cities, we see consumers with
changing lifestyles upgrading to
Thanks to our presence in the Indian
higher-end products and more
market for a few years now, we
With the Chennai plant becoming
premium brands. We envisage that
have been able to gather valuable
operational, are there plans to
this will drive the market preference
consumer insights, basis which we
establish more manufacturing
to more premium appliances and to
concluded that consumers want
a mass premium option like Bosch.
machines which run faster, powered
We laid the foundation stone for the
In markets beyond these, there are
by the most up-to-date technology
Chennai factory in February 2013.
plenty of first time buyers whose
to make their lives less hectic and
Since then it’s been a wonderful
purchases are aspirational. In this
their usual household chores less
journey, thanks to the hard work of all
case, the product choices may differ,
mundane. There have been many
our colleagues. Of course, we do want
but we still see demand for well-
instances of fluctuation in voltage
to grow our brand in India and would
known, international brands.
of electricity, erratic water supply,
like to take this one step at a time –
excessively noisy machines and the
the setting up of the Chennai factory
BSH recently launched a front
need for a bigger drum size over a
being the first step in this direction.
loading washing machine in India
specific period of time.
Will BSH be exporting products it
– can you explain what innovations
were necessary to make it a product
The Bosch Serie 4 - our new 7 kg
manufactures in India?
Indians would want to buy?
range of washing machines are thus
We took the step to set up a
Worldwide, BSH as a brand, believes
perfected for the Indian consumer
manufacturing plant in India to fuel
that to succeed in any market,
and includes the following India-
our ambition and further expand in
we must customize and produce
specific innovation:
the home appliances market here.
according to the specific needs of
• They have a bigger drum
The plant will primarily cater to the
those consumers. This also holds
capacity of seven kgs for the
growing consumer demand in India
true for the Indian market. A typical
growing laundry needs of the
and will also act as an export hub for
Indian household today is more
the South East Asian region, Australia
hectic with every member of the
and New Zealand.
• Flexibility to wash even smaller
Spotlight | 19
Bosch India News | December 2014
40 years of Bosch Rexroth in India:
A vibrant history and a bright future
The DCIN plant in Bangalore
In 1795 – the same year that Napoleon
Bonaparte was quelling pro-royalist
A vibrant history
The success story continued. Bosch
Rexroth in India grew rapidly by
rebellions across France – Georg
“We have come a long way from the
doubling its turnover every two to
Ludwig Rexroth put a water-powered
days when we started hydraulics
three years in the years that followed.
hammer mill into operation in
manufacturing in Ahmedabad,”
It was this that gave confidence to the
Elsavatal (Spessart). That hammer
says Dr. Johannes Grobe, Managing
management, says Grobe, to make
mill laid the foundation for a
Director of Bosch Rexroth in India.
fresh investments like setting up the
company, Bosch Rexroth, which has
“During those initial years, till 1990,
new manufacturing plant in Sanand,
become one of the world’s leading
Bosch Rexroth in India established
Ahmedabad. This has helped Bosch
specialists in the field of drive and
itself in the market and grabbed
Rexroth strengthen its presence in
control technologies.
major orders – for example, hydraulic
India and take a step forward to fulfill
systems and components supply to
specific local customer demands.
Bosch Rexroth set up its base in India
some of the big steel manufacturing
on February 18, 1974, when it was
companies.” In this way, the company
incorporated as Rexroth Maneklal
proved its worth and offerings
Industries Ltd. 40 years later,
and consolidated its position as a
Local innovations have been a key
this drive and control technology
successful technology-, innovation-
factor in establishing the reputation
subsidiary of Bosch in India has
and engineering-led company.
of Bosch Rexroth in India. And there
become the first choice supplier of
Local innovation
is no better example of this than
hydraulic, pneumatic, electric drives
In 2001, the merger of Rexroth with
the tractor hitch control system
and controls, linear motion and
Bosch happened globally and the
developed by the company. Although
assembly technology.
company became Bosch Rexroth.
the system is based on the company’s
20 | Spotlight
Bosch India News | December 2014
The new plant at Sanand
global products, the entire system,
When asked about what role
working together very closely with
including the software was developed
innovation and agility will play in
our customers while addressing their
in India. As the country normally
the future growth strategy of Bosch
needs. To transfer such customer
is a challenging market from a cost
Rexroth in India, Grobe said, “Around
requirements in new product
perspective, engineers had to develop
the world, we work together on
solutions is our passion in view of our
the solution in a way that it meets
innovative technology products
strong knowledge of the applications
the technical requirements without
and services that demonstrate how
and having an agile team is definitely
exceeding cost limitations.
the company creates momentum,
an advantage.”
embraces innovation and is
A future that is bright
In farm tractors, the hitch is a
determined to continue being at the
fundamental device for carrying
forefront of technical developments.
out agricultural works. Its typical
Today, we offer the most sustainable,
It is the dedication and solidarity of
framework comprises a set of
highest performing drive and control
its associates that has ensured the
levers that connect the agricultural
solutions in the Indian market by
continued success of Bosch Rexroth
implement or tool used for tillage,
combining technical performance
in India. “We have every reason to
sowing, irrigation, plant protection
with our global and local knowledge.
be proud in this 40th anniversary
and threshing to the tractor chassis.
Our capacity to innovate has given
year,” says Grobe. “I feel that it is very
In mechanically operated plows
a new direction to our company’s
important to maintain direct contact
the driver has to look back over his
growth. Going beyond production,
with associates. They should feel
shoulder while driving and use a lever
we have developed the Sanand plant
they are a part of the bigger picture,
to adjust penetration depth manually.
more and more into a technology
fully integrated into the business and
However, this method causes the
center. The R&D hub here is focusing
its operations. Our values are the
mechanical control system to wear
more on developing local variants
foundation upon which the successes
quickly and the ground to be worked
based on our product platforms and
of the past were built, and upon which
unevenly, resulting in low crop yields.
becoming ‘local’ in all key industry
we will build our future.”
Hence the concept of electronic hitch
verticals and implementing Indian
control came into picture.
The electro hydraulic hitch control
The innovation speed, Grobe
automatically maintains a constant
says, depends very much on the
plow penetration depth and prevents
technology and the applications. “We
the drive wheels from spinning,
follow global standards with local
which reduces fuel consumption,
requirements. However, Rexroth in
helps to protect the ground below and
India being application orientated, a
increases yields.
big part of the innovation comes from
Bosch India News | December 2014
In Focus | 21
Bosch eLearning Services – setting
industry trends, winning accolades
“To be yet again selected as one of
TrainingIndustry.com’s top e-learning
companies was an honor”, says
Swaminathan K, VP - Business and IT
Services at RBEI.
Companies on the list were selected
for demonstrating excellence in the
following areas:
breadth of functionality and
capabilities, commitment to the
corporate training industry, industry
The eLearning services team at RBEI
visibility, innovation and impact,
The challenge: to train users, based
in the automotive segment. The team
number and strength of clients,
in 50 locations worldwide, on a new
has slowly but steadily acquired
geographical reach and company size
IT tool within one year. When offered
knowledge and technical expertise
and growth potential
this opportunity, the Robert Bosch
in every aspect of the automotive
Engineering and Business Solutions’
industry. RBEI/BSD made its foray
Commenting on the list, Doug
(RBEI) eLearning Services division
into the highly competitive third
Harward, CEO, Training Industry
(RBEI/BSD) got down to work and
party market during 2010 and has
Inc., said, “The Top 20 companies
created Web Based Trainings (WBT)
bagged high value projects from
provide technology and services that
in four languages. And to add to
Siemens, MBRDI (Daimler) and RRPS
have a lasting impact on corporate
further delight for an already happy
(Rolls Royce).
learning. Their ability to personalize
customer, the WBTs were delivered
the learning environment to both the
much before the release of the
Key project achievements of the
needs of the learner and the goals of
tool itself.
division include:
the business give us confidence in the
This is just one of the many success
- Customized Moodle based stories that has helped RBEI/BSD
Learning Management Solution gain a reputation for being a trend-
(LMS) for the HR department
Ken Taylor, COO, Training Industry
setting, innovative e-learning
released in 2013
Inc., also remarked on the fact that the
services provider. It is a reputation
- ReAP, a dynamic assessment
companies showcased the continued
that has been established not just in
innovation in the corporate learning
the Bosch world, but also externally
- An augmented reality
marketplace. He added that “These
– the division was recently named by
application for BSH that allows
companies demonstrate the breadth
TrainingIndustry.com as one of the
the user to view the product in real of services, tools and reporting,
top 20 learning portal providers
time as well as use, dismantle and
learning leaders need to support any
of 2014.
assemble it
learning program. In particular, the
business impact of the programs
RBEI/BSD – steady, gradual growth
The e-learning division at RBEI began
tool for WBTs
- Safe Braking with ABS WBT –
ease of customization to the client’s
an HTML 5 based solution; it is a
specific needs was a standout
device and browser - independent
this year.”
in 2007 as a five member team. Now,
the RBEI/BSD has more than 140
they support.”
For RBEI/BSD, Swaminathan says,
Winning accolades
members catering to the training
“the continued recognition brings
forth Bosch’s ability to consistently
needs of more than 70,000 clients
The team has used the accolades
deliver on its commitment of
worldwide. It is one of the largest
it has won so far as motivation to
innovation and excellence.
in-house learning solutions providers
further excel in the e-learning space.
22 | In Focus
Bosch India News | December 2014
UX Studio in Bangalore: Setting the
standard for exemplary user experience
The UX team
Here’s a thought experiment: what
way – it will soon be touching the 25
needs, as not everyone is very good
happens when you put industrial
member mark. The state-of-the-art
at expressing their needs. Questions
designers, interaction designers,
UX Studio (designed by team) in the
asked during this process include:
visual designers, researchers,
Bellandur campus was inaugurated
Who is the typical user? What
prototype makers, video and
on January 23, 2013. With its open
motivates them? What new functions
animation experts together? Well,
office layout and intelligent use of
or services would be desirable?
when all these exceptionally skilled
space to encourage collaborative
professionals got together at Robert
effort resembles a mirage and the
Understanding these requirements by
Bosch Engineering and Business
work done here is often perceived as
asking more questions and observing
Solutions (RBEI), a world-class UX
a mystery.
everyday life allows the UX team to
develop a project plan specific to the
team was born.
What is UX?
customer’s exact requirements.
the users, the team sets off to explore
User Experience or UX is the process
Following the observation phase, the
new ideas based on what they see,
of comprehending user needs,
qualitative data is broken down into
hear and experience from the field.
business needs and technology
While research and analysis can
offerings through research,
prove the strongest strategies wrong,
facilitation and design methodology.
testing will throw the most well-
It works best when it’s an iterative
thought about hypotheses off-course
process since each iteration allows
more tangible features: What does
success look like? What will a great
user experience do for your business
and your users? How should a great
user interface work?
and force a team to go back to the
the UX designer to identify new
drawing board and start developing
opportunities, adapt to changes in
The design phase comes in next with
from scratch. A dozen good ideas
business goals and user needs, and
sketching, rendering, 3D modeling
are toyed around and discarded
respond to current market trends and
and digital/paper prototyping.
before a great one is pursued. Yes, it
advances in technology.
The ideas manifest into a form or
Starting with finding out the needs of
interface which can be touched and
is not all fun and games but also very
demanding most of the time. After
The UX process begins first and
felt. Sometimes the designers use
all, every project is a voyage into
foremost in attempting to understand
simple tools such as foam, cardboard
unchartered territory.
what the needs and expectations are
or paper to quickly build a prototype.
from the end users on a new product
They then go back to the potential
The UX team at RBEI Bangalore was
or service. It is essential to have
users to see what they think. This
set up in 2012 and has come a long
a good understanding of the user
level of visualization is important
Bosch India News | December 2014
In Focus | 23
The UX process explained (L) and UX process pillars of success (R)
because a picture or a model in this
journey project for Gasoline Systems
interactive and successful events.
case is worth more than a thousand
was to understand the needs of
Innovatively designed takeaways for
2-wheeler riders (commuter segment
the participants ensured the flow of
- motorcycle and scooter) and identify
information was well received and
Testing is the final step and is when
ways to improve Bosch’s presence
UX designers identify whether what
in the market. The outcome of the
they came up with in the design phase
project resulted in providing key
actually works with the intended
areas of innovation and rich user
audience. Testing the design can be
insights that can benefit new product
The UX team’s ability to successfully
an iterative process in itself where
development activities.
execute key projects that have the
The UX journey at Bosch continues…
potential to accelerate growth for
they move through several design
improvements and test multiple
Increasing awareness to help UX
Bosch is a testament to its ability
times. The feedback delivers valuable
practice at Bosch grow further
to integrate diverse expertise
and transform differences into
insights to the team as to whether an
idea works or not. If the users accept
To familiarize associates from other
achieving common objectives.
the idea, then it would be time to make
departments with the capabilities
With ample support from Bosch
the product ready for production.
and competencies of the UX Studio,
India management, the team is
the team regularly conducts
continuing its efforts to bring about a
The UX team in Bangalore has
interactive sessions, workshops, UX
mindset change in the organization,
already completed many projects
Kaleidoscope, Open House and UX
giving higher prominence to user
for Bosch and has also taken up
Academy trainings.
significant projects for the India
Associates from Bosch India
market. The 2-wheeler customer
have benefited from these highly
The UX studio in Bangalore
24 | In Focus
Bosch India News | December 2014
Diversity in practice
A glimpse of the Diversity Day flash mob that went viral on Bosch India's Social media channels
If there’s one thing Bosch’s first
increasingly open and transparent.
for example, are also being handled
by women at BanP. “Ambika Kuloor
Diversity Day celebrations taught us,
it is this: in a world that is increasingly
While globalization has resulted in
(MFP1) is one of the best production
globalized and digitized and women’s
fierce competition internationally,
planners we have – and she’s an
roles in once-tradition bound
for Bosch India, Baskaran GS (MSD)
incredibly skilled and accomplished
societies such as India are rapidly
says, “It is also an opportunity. We
professional,” says Sanjeev Kumar
evolving, change is the only constant.
can expand our worldview and share
Singh. “An increasingly gender
Or as Ramaprasad B (QMM3) puts it,
knowledge with our international
diverse team can only benefit BanP in
“Normal isn’t the norm anymore.”
colleagues.” As a result, Baskaran
the long run.”
says, innovative ideas and new
Ramaprasad is one of many
approaches are conceptualized in
At BanP, age is just a number. A
Bosch associates working at the
order to solve the problems and stay
workforce that comprises multiple
Bangalore plant (BanP) who has
competitive. BanP has also been able
generations, feels Manjunath S
been introspecting and reflecting
to change its value stream – thanks to
(TEF6), is hugely beneficial. “Elders
on the true meaning of diversity
Eric Gayral (BanP/MSD-E) influencing
have hands-on experience and the
post the Bosch Diversity Day. “We
the speed with which projects are
young ones are tech-savvy, both
face challenges often,” he says, “and
completed and the team itself acting
qualities significant for Technical
the seniors often don’t know the
as a catalyst in enabling more agile
Functions. The nature of the work
trivial issues of their subordinates
processes and delivering results.
we do is a melding of both these
factors and this dependency had led
that are preventing them from
finishing tasks on time. To resolve
Effectively leveraging the strengths
to a change in attitudes and a very
this, we realized we need proper
of a diverse workforce
harmonious workplace. For example,
look at Suresh Babu R (TEF3) one
communication between seniors and
subordinates.” As a result of this
In a hitherto tradition bound society
of our senior-most colleagues
thinking, conversations between
like India, the roles of women no
and Ashwini Davies (TEF6), one
the generations, especially at tea
longer hew to any fixed stereotype.
of the youngest here – their levels
times on the shop floor, have become
Uncompromising production jobs,
of experience and abilities may
Bosch India News | December 2014
In Focus | 25
To be fit for the future, diversity is key
differ, but they are able to efficiently
well as all similarities. Together,
accomplish their common goals.”
these employees build ONE Winning
Culture at BanP.
BanP has realized that it is not
enough to offer a strong product or
About Bosch’s First Diversity Day
service – it is also imperative to be
the first to anticipate and adapt to
As a part of the Diversity initiative,
the fluctuations in today’s market.
C/HMD G13/PJ-Diversity announced
Therefore, it has formulated a clear
the first ever “Bosch Diversity Day”
vision: Transform to be fit for the
as June 24, 2014. More than 280,000
future. This vision can only be fulfilled
associates, across 150 countries
through the diversity of employees
and 200 locations were invited
in terms of mindsets, attitudes,
to participate (at their respective
competencies and personalities. Each
one is different and unique. To realize
this potential, BanP has adapted to an
The aim of the event was to highlight
open and inclusive corporate culture
the potential of diversity within
that appreciates all differences as
the Bosch Group over a period of
24 hours. To this end, the company
organized participatory activities,
discussion forums and networking
At Bosch India, various locations
showcased India’s vast cultural
diversity through their attire, music,
cuisine, languages, art and culture
and so on. The celebrations also
proved to be a hit on Bosch’s social
media channels – the unique and
enthralling Flash Mob dance held
at the Bangalore location managed
to reach around 118,000 fans on
Facebook and generated more than
1,200 likes. Long live diversity at
BanP then and now: effectively leveraging the strength of the diverse workplace. Women associates at the Power tools plant in Bangalore.
26 | Social Media
Bosch India News | December 2014
Reaching out with social media
The #rollincontrol campaign on Facebook reached an audience of around 56,000 (L) and the Inventors Top Trump game resulted in
engagement with over 20,000 fans on Facebook (R)
The past few months have proven
to know more about these innovators
was also promoted through this
that nothing goes more viral on social
who, through their contributions,
campaign – creative posts described
media than campaigns in favor of a
ensure Bosch continues to be
how the ABS could help drivers
good cause – various famous and not-
‘Invented for life’.
ensure safer braking to avoid
potholes, negotiate curvy roads and
so-famous people had buckets of ice
handle slippery roads safely.
thrown over themselves to raise funds
The Inventors Top Trump game
for ALS Research, and Hermione
resulted in engagement with over
Granger promoted gender equality
20,000 fans on Facebook. As for the
Bosch followers on Twitter and
at the United Nations (UN) and on
Bosch associates who were featured
Facebook were also asked to
Twitter. Bloggers around the world
in the game – what did they think of
participate in a #selfieforsafety
united in celebration as the blog
it? “I thought it was pretty awesome,”
contest – and the best submissions
turned 20, (maybe it’s time you logged
said Loknath Natarajan (RBEI/
won Bosch ixo tools as prizes. The
back in to your own and posted your
END1Z), “It made me feel unique, to
campaign managed to get Bosch
thoughts on this special anniversary).
be given recognition in this way. Plus,
more than 2000 likes on Facebook
And Bosch India honored its brightest
I think the wider world has a better
and reached an audience of around
minds and promoted safety on the
understanding of how we encourage
56,000. “With this initiative, Bosch
country’s roads.
inventors here at Bosch – I know my
has continued to advocate the need
friends certainly do!”
for more widespread adoption of
vehicular safety technologies,”
Honoring inventors
Promoting safety on Indian roads
said Lovina, who handles Bosch
India’s social media channels. “The
Through the campaign, “Inventors
Top Trump”, Bosch’s Social Media
That Indian roads are some of the
responses to the posts showed that
team took everyone’s favorite
most accident-prone in the world is
more and more Indians are realizing
childhood game and instead of
not news. Determined to address this
that these kinds of innovations will
featuring the usual footballers,
issue and promote safer driving on
lead to the country’s roads becoming
cricketers and wrestlers, made
Indian roads, Bosch India launched
associates with high numbers of
the “Skidding Isn’t Kidding”
Even in days to come, the social
patent applications filed the stars of
campaign on its social media
media tools will continue to play an
the game. Bosch India’s Facebook fans
channels. The anti-lock braking
integral role in reaching out to the
were asked to play the game in order
system (ABS) technology from Bosch
masses and relevant stakeholders.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Social Media | 27
28 | Bosch Impact
Bosch India News | December 2014
Primavera India Trust - Dedicated to
helping children in need
Children and staff of The Prasanna Trust, JP Nagar, Bangalore
For the mothers of young children in
support children of various projects
meal scheme is also provided at
Thangamalai slum, who mostly work
worldwide. It was started by ten
the care center for the children.
as domestic help in households in
Bosch associates with the aim
Underprivileged women from the
the north of Bangalore, the Crescent
to help children from slums in
slums where Crescent runs its centers
Trust day care center is a blessing.
developing and emerging countries
are also trained in skills such as
For almost twenty years the trust has
and to help them become part of the
helped provide day care facilities for
mainstream. The organization still
their children, ranging from the ages
mostly comprises former and current
Chiguru, Vijaynagar, Bangalore
of two and a half to five. Now run by
Bosch associates. Primavera began
– A school for the training and
Mr. Benedict Joseph, the Trust was
supporting charitable trusts in India
rehabilitation of children with special
started almost two decades ago by
almost 20 years ago. As of November
needs. Besides an academic program,
his wife who saw that the women in
2014, Primavera India provides
Chiguru provides vocational training
the slum struggled to hold down their
support to the following trusts
for older children that could help
daily wage jobs and also take care of
around India:
improve their employability.
a day, the family might very well have
Indira Gandhi International
Academy Jakkur, Bangalore – A
Prasanna Trust, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore
to miss their meals, too.
their children. If they missed work for
– An orphanage for girls, where they
residential school for children of Sri
are provided with clean and safe
Crescent now runs three separate
Lankan refugees. Besides imparting
housing facilities, food, and clothing.
facilities in North Bangalore. Since its
an academic education, the academy
The children are sent to good schools
founding, it has taken care of around
also provides vocational training for
and are also given the opportunity to
2000 children and doesn’t charge
the children.
express themselves through cultural
parents for this service. The reason
it can afford to do so is the complete
Crescent Trust, Thangamalai Slum,
funding provided by Primavera.
Bangalore – Day care facilities for
activities such as music, drama and
arts and crafts.
young children of working parents
Sri Ramachandra Grameena Vidya
from the slum. The trust runs three
Vikasa Kendra, Bangalore (SRGVVK)
centers around Bangalore. It was
– A school for children from families
Primavera is an organization of
one of the first projects supported
living below the poverty line. The
Bosch employees mainly who
by Primavera India. A mid-day
parents work mainly as laborers
A trust started by Bosch associates
Bosch India News | December 2014
Bosch Impact | 29
Children and staff of Sri Ramachandra Grameena Vikasa Kendra, Bangalore (SRGVVK)
in agriculture, construction and as
school from the age of four and stay
Primavera also recently started
domestic help. It was started in 1991
till they’ve completed high school.
supporting two projects in Nashik
and provides education for children
from classes one to seven. Primavera
Friends of Camphill, Bannerghatta
and Jaipur – the Primavera Knowledge
Center in Kishanpura, Jaipur, which
has provided the school a computer
Road, Bangalore – A residential
lab and also conducts medical camps
community for adults with special
families below the poverty line and
for the students.
needs. It was inaugurated in 1999,
the Waghera Tribal School in Nashik.
and includes two family houses
Through more funding and
Aishwarya Trust, Chennai, Tamil
and a workshop building. Each
volunteering, Primavera India Trust
Nadu – The trust aims to spread
house has a group of 12 men and
is striving to help these organizations
awareness about congenital heart
women with different mental and
make a beneficial impact in the
disease (CHD), a leading cause of birth
physical disabilities – they share their
society to which we all belong.
defect related deaths. It provides free
lives with house parents, several
If you wish to contribute, email
health check up camps for children
co-workers and volunteers. The
primavera.india@in.bosch.com for
from vulnerable backgrounds.
workshop has sections for weaving,
more information. Bosch associates
Corrective surgeries are provided for
paper and candle making, a small
can also join the Primavera India
those children who have CHD.
pottery and bakery.
Trust community on Bosch Connect
Shanti Bhavan Residential School,
SEVAI, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu
Hosur – A residential school for
– A self-help group for women that
opportunities. True to the tradition
under-privileged children. The school
enables them to become economically
of founder Robert Bosch, Bosch India
was started in 1997, with the aim of
self-sufficient. Recent activities
also demonstrates a particularly
providing children from the most
include educating women on growing
high level of corporate social
disadvantaged backgrounds with a
vegetables and marketing the
responsibility – both at the company
world class education. Children start
and beyond.
provides schooling for children from
to get the latest updates on the
Trust’s fund-raising and volunteering
Children of Indira Gandhi International Academy Jakkur, Bangalore (L) and innauguration of the Primavera Knowledge Center in
Kishanpura, Jaipur, which provides schooling for children from families below the poverty line (R)
30 | Innovation
Bosch India News | December 2014
Winnovate – Fostering a culture of
innovation at Bosch India
Winners of the first phase of Winnovate
Spearheaded by the India BUD
• Innovative packaged kits for
extremely innovative associates,”
department through its India
Indian home users
he says. After rounds of analysis
and discussions, six ideas were
Innovation Pipeline (IIP), an avenue
to incubate promising ideas that
In total, 130 ideas were submitted
selected across four themes, which
will impact the Indian market, the
by associates. The BUD team was
were presented to the IIP Steering
Winnovate series is aimed at igniting
impressed with the passion that
Committee comprising Dr Steffen
the spirit of innovation at Bosch in
participants displayed in when
Berns (RBIN/P), Franz Hauber RBIN/
India. Launched in early June, the
presenting their ideas and noted
EM and Vijay Ratnaparkhe (RBEI/P).
series so far has focused on two of
that most of the ideas were born of
Bosch’s businesses in India – Power
problems that associates themselves
The following were the prize winning
Tools and Security Technology.
had experienced and were eager to
ideas of Winnovate 1.0:
• Mini Universal Adaptor for IXO-
Winnovate 1.0
Out of the initial pool of submissions,
Raja Iruthayaraj (RBEI/ENC4Z)
In the first phase of the Winnovate
59 relevant ideas were selected
• Kitchen Accessories for India
series, associates submitted their
by the moderators. For the team
-Murali Narasimhan (RBEI/EEJ)
designs of products for typical Indian
of moderators, selecting the most
• Electrical Soldering and Testing
usage and price points under the
relevant ideas was a tough task
Kit - Praveen Kumar Nalakurthi
following three themes in the Power
because of the sheer number of
Tools segment:
entries received. Moderator Uday
• Motorized Indian Snacks Maker
- Pavitra Shripati Upadhya
• India specific products for PRM) was impressed with the ideas
(RBEI/ENC1) and
industrial cleaning solutions
as they were thought through and
Ramasubramanian R (RBEI/
• India specific products for
presented very well. “Bosch has
Home, Garden and Hobby Use
some budding entrepreneurs and
Bosch India News | December 2014
Innovation | 31
• Popular winner: The Bosch
• Application of TWIST (Tiny The Bulb-holder IP camera was
robotic autonomous skyscraper
Wireless Sensor Technology)
also the most popular idea, which
glass washer design submitted by
sensor for security solutions
received a whopping 140 votes When
Raghavendra Channenahalli (RBEI/
(with a mass market focus)
asked about what the Winnovate
platform means for associates, Harsha
ENC4), which received 373 votes.
This phase saw participation from
Ramesh Angeri (RBEI/BUD RBIN/
around 1744 associates from SG, AA,
BUD) said, “You can see from our
‘Eye Care’ product launch that it is
RBEI and NaP. A total of 63 ideas
possible to turn an idea into a product
were generated – of these 39 were
and introduce it in the market. If you
believe in your idea and want to make
an impact, Winnovate is the best
A team of three moderators selected
7 ideas across 4 themes from the final
Winnovate 2.0
shortlist for presentation before the
This is a sentiment that the Winnovate
IIP Steering Committee.
winners of both phases agree with:
Ramasubramanian and Pavithra said,
The second phase of Winnovate
required associates to submit
The following were selected as the
“Winnovate has provided us with a
innovative ideas related to Bosch’s ST
platform for showcasing our ideas.
These ideas are not confined to the
business. The themes for Winnovate
2.0 included:
I. Bulb-holder IP Camera by
drawing board – the IIP is giving
• Application oriented security
Chandra Mouli Krishna
us a chance to make them into real
products including interface
Moorthy (RBEI/BSR3);
products. We are inspired to take part
with mobile/tablets/internet etc.
for MPP (mid price point)
In-vehicle Surveillance by
focus on India specific problems and
markets for home, office, SME
Janani Raju (RBEI/EST1); solutions for the same.”
(small and medium enterprises),
Deepak S (ST/SAI-ASA) and educational institutes, etc.
Senthil Prabakaran Velusamy (RBEI/ENC2)
a unique ideation platform for Bosch
• Application for passenger/
associates to put their thinking hats
goods safety and security
ATM security and surveillance on, look at local problems and actively
including interface with mobile/
category by Vijimalar Vettrivel
come up with ideas that could shape
tablets/internet (in passenger/
(RBEI/EST1) and Upender
change in the country.
commercial vehicles, railways,
Reddy (RBEI/EET3)
because it gives us the opportunity to
Winnovate, therefore, has served as
About the India Innovation Pipeline (IIP)
The India Innovation Pipeline (IIP) incubates projects which are related to core business divisions and address the
needs of the Indian market. The end result of such an IIP project should lead to development of a product
(H/W or H/W with S/W). All these projects should articulate a clear market need and also specify the means to
address the same. The number of projects and the funding available will be controlled centrally within Bosch India
(RO) by the Innovation Team and the Steering Committee. The review cycles will be aligned with the Bosch global
growth measure review and the country business plan cycle in order to ensure the investments for the innovation
projects are planned into the cycle. The key stakeholders in the RO for an efficient execution of the IIP projects are the
Bosch India management team, new Business development team and the regional Presidents of business divisions.
The Steering Committee comprising RBIN/P, RBIN/EM and RBEI/P is setup for the project review mechanism.
The projects with business division buy-in will be pre-screened by RBIN/BUD before being presented to the Steering
Committee. RBIN/BUD will assess and review the ongoing projects and the new projects wherever applicable on a
monthly basis. IIP funding is available only till Innovation Gate 3(IG3), post which the development has to be funded
by respective business divisions.
32 | Snippets
Bosch India News | December 2014
Awards and Recognition
Bosch Energy and Building Solutions
(BEBS) won the Intersolar Award 2014
in the Best Solar Project in the Industrial
and Commercial category for the 1 MW
first-of-its-kind solar project that was built
on a water lagoon for Maruti Suzuki India
Limited at their Manesar plant.
The Bosch Bangalore Plant won the “Gold
Award” in Excellence in Manufacturing
category of the ACMA Awards, 2014 edition.
The award was received by Dr. Deuster
Jens (BanP/PT) and Mr. Gopikumar (BanP/
PC) from Mr. Anant Geete, Hon’ble Union
Minister for Heavy Industries & Public
Enterprises, Govt. of India.
Bosch Diesel Systems India received
the Innovation award From Mahindra &
Mahindra - Auto & Farm Sector.The Award
was given to Bosch, for its ‘Innovation
Driven Approach’ by introducing
‘innovative, Overall Cost Effective & Field
Fuel Efficient A-Pump System for Arjun
605 DI BSIIIA Tractors >50HP category’.
Starter Motors and Generators India
(SG-IN) won the “GM Supplier Quality
Excellence Award” for the supply of
Baseline Generators to GM India.
Bosch’s Jaipur Plant has secured fourth
position in the Cleverle Award - 2013,
Category: Best Plant Robert Bosch World
(outside Germany). The Cleverle Award
is given every year to recognize the
achievements of outstanding results in the
Employee Suggestion Scheme. The award
was given to Jaipur plant team by Kuebel
Christoph (G13) during international
IdeaM conference on September 18.
The Bosch Vocational Center (BVC) was
declared the Best Establishment by the
Government of India for the 12th time in
a row. Franz Hauber (RBIN/EM) received
the President of India’s trophy from Prime
Minister Modi on October 16.
Fortune India’s third annual survey of the
country’s most admired companies ranked
Bosch number one in the Auto Components
sector. Bosch scored highest in corporate
governance, product/service quality and
innovativeness among companies in the
auto components sector.
For the second year running, Bosch
Jaipur won the prize at the CII – EXIM
Bank Awards for Business Excellence
2014. The prize was presented during
the 22nd National Quality Summit held in
New Delhi by the Confederation of Indian
Industries (CII) on November 19.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Snippets | 33
News at a glance: What's been happening
in Bosch India
“Smart Water-Power
and Internet Public
utilities for the city of
tomorrow!” was the
topic of the recent panel
discussion organized
by the India Electronics
and Semiconductor
Association (IESA), in association with
The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Bangalore
chapter. Markus Schmidt, Executive Vice
President Sales and Marketing, Automotive
Electronics, represented Bosch at the event.
Also participating in the panel discussion
were Ashwani Garg (Director, New Business
Solutions, Intel), Alok Bardiya (Country
Director for India & ANZ, Corporate
Development, Cisco), B.K. Raghuveer
(Associate Vice President, Infosys) and
Surjit Lahiri (VP-Technology, Mindteck).
Ashwin Mahesh (Founder, MapUnity) was
the moderator.
The aim of the event, which was attended
by Internet of Things (IoT) entrepreneurs
and businesses from around India, was to
explore problems of a rapidly urbanizing
India. Issues such as increase in traffic,
water shortage and energy shortfalls were
the topics touched upon during the two
hour event. The panelists also debated
on what could be done to promote a more
connected world and how this could be
RBEI Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions won the ‘IT Pride of Karnataka, 2013-2014’ award in recognition of
its ‘performance and contribution to the IT
Industry’ at CeBIT India, BangaloreITE.biz
2014, India's premier IT and Electronics
event held on November 13, 2014.
Not too long ago, these blue vans would be
seen plying the roads of rural India. They
would stop at village grounds, shutters on
the sides would go up and hey presto! – a
range of the latest Bosch power tools would
be displayed and demonstrated to rural
The award is part of an STPI initiative,
Government of India and the Department
of IT, BT & ST, Government of Karnataka to
recognize the top performing IT and ITES
companies of Karnataka for their exemplary
performance and contribution during the
financial year 2013-2014.
Swaminathan K (RBEI/BSV) and Jacob Peter
(RBEI/SAM) received the award. This is the
third consecutive year RBEI has bagged
this award.
Two of the vans – or Bosch Vaahans as they
were called – have now been re-purposed,
spruced up and re-branded to be used
by the Bangalore-based Akshaya Patra
Foundation to deliver mid-day meals to
hundreds of schoolchildren.
On October 22,2014, senior management of
Bosch Power Tools gathered together and
flagged off the next journey for these two
Dr. Himanshu Trivedi (DCIN/QMM, DC/
QMM-AZ) was awarded Fellowship of
National Centre for Quality Management
(NCQM), in Mumbai, on September 20,2014,
for his contribution in the field of Quality
This award was given during NCQM’s
Annual Day function by the Chief Guest
Adsul (Technical Director of M/s. Garware
Polyester Limited) and Dr. B. Banerjee (The
President NCQM).
The keys to the vans were handed over
to Vinay N Kumar, Head - Operations
(Bangalore & Bellary) & ERP, Akshaya Patra
Foundation. “It’s a donation for a noble
cause – that of providing children from
underprivileged backgrounds healthy,
nourishing meals in their schools,” said
Vijay Pandey (PT/SAI).
The recently concluded ‘electronica India’
2014 exhibition in Bangalore provided
Bosch’s Automotive Electronics business
a platform to establish and increase
awareness among potential AE/SCS
component customers. Held on September
23 to 25,2014, at the Bangalore International
Exhibition Centre in conjunction with
‘productronica 2014’, the event witnessed
unprecedented visitor turnout and record
participation. Around 341 exhibitors,
representing 713 companies, showcased
their products, solutions and services at
both trade fairs.
34 | Snippets
Aimed at increasing motivation among
suppliers to promote quality, delivery,
flexibility, reliability, technical and economic
capability, the Bosch India Supplier Award
2014 was held recently in Bangalore. This
awards program rewards Bosch India
Business Partners for their superior quality
and outstanding performance.
The 2014 edition recognized suppliers for
their performance during the period July
2012 to June this year. Business Partners
representing all divisions of Bosch in India
from both Direct and Indirect materials
were present, as were senior management
and associates from Purchasing and related
functions from across Bosch India divisions.
Soumitra Bhattacharya, Joint Managing
Director, Bosch Limited, and Peter Meyer,
Executive Vice President of Corporate
Purchase and Logistics, spoke on the
growth opportunities available for
Business Partners and also shared insights
into the current global and Indian
business scenarios.
Robert Bosch Engineering and Business
Solutions (RBEI) conducted the 3rd edition
of the annual inter-school sports meet
at the Nehru Stadium, Coimbatore. The
event, spread over a span of two days saw
the participation of around 1000 students
from 7 Government schools in Coimbatore.
It included both field and track events. It
is gradually gaining in popularity with an
increase in participation of 10 percent over
last year.
Bosch wants to provide opportunities
to children to explore their potential
in all areas of life. This event also seeks
to recognize sports talent which could
otherwise remain hidden in schools.
Bosch India News | December 2014
The medical camp held at the Government
Model Kannada Higher Primary School,
on September 8, 2014, at Wilson Garden
was a clear success – around 200 children
were given thorough check-ups and those
needing immediate medical treatment were
given the same. Representatives of Bosch
senior management – Vijay Pandey (PT/SAI),
Head, Power Tools India and SAARC - Sales
and Marketing, Jagadeesh V (RBIN/PJM),
Ramamurthy K (BanP/TEF,PJ-SR), Pratap
Sargod (DS/MFP-IN), and Goel O P (RBIN/
BVC, BanP/BVC) – also visited the camp and
appreciated the efforts of the organizers,
volunteers and medical staff.
Bosch has set itself a target to cover 100
schools and 20,000 children through the
CHDP this year. The company is well on its
way to achieving this target through the
medical camps held almost every day across
schools in the less privileged neighborhoods
in urban Bangalore.
CRIS (Center for Railway Information
System) an autonomous organization
responsible for providing IT solutions
and applications to the Indian Railways
will be using RBEI's advanced data
analytic solutions to monitor and control
fraudulent ticket booking practices. CRIS
powers IRCTC (Indian Railway Catering
and Tourism Corporation) website and
e-ticketing system. IRCTC can handle a
booking capacity of 7200 tickets per minute
and 120,000 concurrent users can book
e-tickets simultaneously.
RBEI's advanced data analytics solutions
will equip CRIS to monitor and control
fraudulent ticket booking practices. By
analyzing historical transactional data,
individual and agent profile details,
associated data logs, the solution will be
able to handle datasets of close to five lakh
transactions per day and detect ticket
booking irregularities.
Robert Bosch
and Business
Solutions (RBEI)
launched iNVH
(noise, vibration,
harshness) app
at the Bellandur
campus. The app
was launched on
October 14,2014, by Dr. Juergen Moessinger
(RBEI/NE3) and Venkatesh Kannan
(GS/EMP6-NA). iNVH app is a smart,
multi functional, Android based app to
assess noise, vibration and harshness in a
product or component. The app was jointly
developed by RBEI/ENB-NVHCoC and
iNVH app is a smart tool for field
engineers, product development teams,
students, amateurs who wants simple
acoustic measurements. The app’s
noise measurement features can detect
environmental noise pollution levels which
comes in handy for city dwellers to check
sound levels in their neighborhood.
RBEI inaugurated the BVBCET Bosch
Automotive Electronics Laboratory
on October 9, 2014, at B.V.B. College of
Engineering and Technology (BVBCET)
in Hubli. The total investment by Bosch is
planned for close to 20 lakh rupees (INR)
which will be invested in two phases. Phase
1 was inaugurated on 9th October 2014. The
hi-tech lab will provide much needed live
exposure to automotive embedded software
development to over 350 students from
different engineering disciplines.
The lab, among other equipment, contains
a Freescale microcontroller- a kit with all
the advanced features that is necessary
for any automotive embedded software
development. This partnership is
aimed at giving a significant boost to the
employability of engineering students and
is a significant extension of Robert Bosch’s
existing efforts in aiding the growth and
development of technical knowhow in
academic institutions.
Bosch India News | December 2014
Awareness | 35
2015 Bosch India corporate calendar features six of nature’s brilliant engineers
Bosch India News invites news, views, stories, comments and suggestions with appropriate photos and captions from all of you. Please
send us your articles to the Editor, Bosch India News or e-mail us at bi.news@in.bosch.com before/by February 15, 2015 for the next issue.
Edited and published by Dhiraj Singh on behalf of Bosch Limited, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bangalore 560 030. Reproduction of any article
from Bosch India News, without express permission of the editorial team is a violation of copyright.