City of Evanston Citywide Performance Measures 2012 CPM Report Overview November 10, 2012 1 2012 CPM Report Presentation • Performance Measurement Review – Background – Goals • 2012 CPM Report Overview • Next Steps • Questions 2 Performance Measurement Review Background: • The 2012 CPM Report was developed in accordance with the City Council’s goal of “Efficiency and Effectiveness of Services.” • The 2012 CPM Report was created using measurement and reporting guidelines provided by ICMA. • 2012 represents the first year of CPM reporting for the City of Evanston. 3 Performance Measurement Review Background: • The draft Comprehensive Performance Measures were introduced during the May 21, 2012 City Council Meeting. • The City Council submitted comments and suggestions during the May 21, 2012 meeting and during individual meetings with staff. • City Council suggestions were incorporated into the 2012 CPM Report. • The 2012 CPM Report is available for viewing on pages 227 – 236 of the Proposed FY 2013 Budget document. 4 Performance Measurement Review Goals of Comprehensive Performance Measurement: • Provide elected officials with detailed information to help make informed decisions about strategic goals and resource allocation. • Provide the public with accurate data about the quality and efficiency of local government services. • Increase accountability of City staff by enhancing tracking and reporting of organizational performance. • Allow for benchmarking of City service provision against other communities. 5 2012 CPM Report Overview City Manager’s Office – Pg. 228 # Service Area 1 Sustainability 2 Sustainability 3 Citizen Engagement 4 Citizen Engagement 5 Citizen Engagement 6 Events and Activities Performance Measure Description Total energy savings Citywide during a specific period of time calculated in terms of kWh and Therms Annual grant funding secured. Percentage of 311 requests completed within established service level agreement. Number of administrative services assumed by 311. Change in number of subscribers to City communication channels annually. Number of citizen engagement events and/or activities. 2012 Target 20,000 kWh 100,000 Therms $100,000 48 Business Hours Target on Track ✔ 4 ✔ 24,000 ✔ 72 ✔ 6 2012 CPM Report Overview Law Department – Pg. 228 # Service Area 7 Ordinance Prosecution 8 Traffic Prosecution 9 10 11 Ordinances and Resolutions Loss Minimization/Risk Management Administrative Adjudication Performance Measure Description Ordinance cases prosecuted during a specified period of time (animal, aggressive panhandling, curfew, disorderly conduct). Traffic prosecution cases during a specific period of time, including percentage of successful prosecutions. Ordinances and resolutions written and/or reviewed during a specific period of time. 2012 Target Target on Track 500 6300 140 ✔ Cases tried to verdict. 8 ✔ Number of administrative adjudication cases tried per year (including appeals). 80 ✔ 7 2012 CPM Report Overview Administrative Services Department - Pg. 229 # Service Area 12 Purchasing 13 Human Resources Recruitment 14 Human Resources Satisfaction 15 16 Human Resources Retention Telephone System and Network Problem Resolution/Repair 17 Finance / Accounting 18 Parking - Revenue 19 Parking - Compliance Performance Measure Description Calendar days from requisition to purchase order (formal and informal bids). Calendar days from requisition to hire/recruitment for internal and external hires. Percentage of employees who rate training opportunities, work environment and quality of HR services as satisfactory. Length of time that employees maintain employment with City. Percentage of telephone system and network problems corrected within 48 hours during a specific period of time. Total number of financial reporting documents published and/or certified during a specific period of time. Number of parking tickets issued and parkingrelated revenue generated during a specific period of time. Number of e-mail and text alert subscribers for street cleaning notifications. 2012 Target Target on Track 3 Days 60 Days ✔ TBD 12 Years ✔ 65% ✔ 21 ✔ 9,484,400 ✔ 1500 ✔ 8 2012 CPM Report Overview Community and Economic Development Department – Pg. 230 # 20 21 Service Area Property Maintenance Compliance Property Maintenance Compliance Performance Measure Description Total inspections performed per 1,000 population. % of compliant rental units of the Housing Code Compliance Program within a calendar year. Average number of days to review Single Family & Accessory Structures and Commercial & Accessory Structures. 2012 Target Target on Track 254 98% ✔ Residential: 14 Days Commercial: 24 Days ✔ 22 Plan Reviews 23 Planning & Zoning Reviews Plan Commission: Average review time (days) of rezoning cases in committee. 120 days 24 Planning & Zoning Reviews Average review time for Subdivision cases 90 days ✔ Continued… 9 2012 CPM Report Overview Community and Economic Development Department – Pg. 230 Cont’d # 25 Service Area Planning & Zoning Reviews 26 Planning & Zoning Reviews 27 Planning & Zoning Reviews Performance Measure Description Plan Commission: Average review time (days) of Plan Unit Development cases in committee. Zoning Board of Appeals: Average review time (days) of Variation & Special Use permit cases in committee. Historic Preservation: Average review time (days) of Certificates of appropriateness cases in committee 2012 Target Target on Track 90 days ✔ 30 days 30 days ✔ 30 days ✔ 28 New Businesses No. of new and closing businesses in Evanston. New Business Openings: 75 Businesses Closed: 40 29 Affordable Housing Production/Rehab Number of housing units (owner and rental) improved per $100,000 of grant funding. 80 ✔ 10 2012 CPM Report Overview Police Department – Pg. 231 # Service Area 30 Crime Rates 31 Calls for Service 32 Peacekeeping and Domestic Quarrels 33 Crimes Solved 34 Response Time 35 Seizure Data 36 FTE to Population Proactive Activities by the Problem Solving Team 37 38 Complaints Performance Measure Description Benchmark of crime level against that of other communities. Number of police calls per 1,000 residential population compared with the percentage of dispatched police calls. Number of domestic quarrels, referrals to Victim Services and follow-on services provided. Percentage of UCR (Uniform Crime Reports) Part I Crimes Cleared. Response time in minutes to Top Priority Calls. Benchmark of quantity of illicit drugs and firearms seized against that of other communities. Sworn and civilian FTE's per 1,000. 2012 Target TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Compare year-to-year volume and results in reduced in crime opportunities TBD Compare trendlines in citizen comments at Human Services Committee TBD * Performance measures to be added after full year of data collection. Target on Track 11 2012 CPM Report Overview Fire Department – Pg. 232 # Service Area Performance Measure Description Percentage of emergency fire calls with a response time of five minutes and under from dispatch to arrival on scene, compared with square miles served per fire Suppression Station, and compared with population density. Fire Incidents confined to room of origin. Number of on the Job (OJI) related injuries per 100 members that resulted in time lost from duty in a 1 year period. Job related vehicle crashes, deemed preventable, per 100 members in a 1 year period. Sworn and civilian FTE's per 1,000 population. Emergency responses (in seconds). 39 Response Time 40 Fire Incidents 41 Injuries 42 Vehicle Accidents 43 44 FTE to Population EMS Response Time 45 Alarm Response Time Turnout Time for emergency and non-emergency alarms. 46 Loss Minimization Estimated property value preserved. 2012 Target Target on Track 95% ✔ 65% ✔ <5 ✔ <5 1.4 240 ✔ Em<70 Non<100 ✔ ✔ N/A 12 2012 CPM Report Overview Health Department – Pg. 232 - 233 # 47 Service Area Communicable Disease Epidemiological Investigations 48 Educational Outreach 49 Educational Outreach Lead Poisoning 50 Health Inspections 51 Dental Care 52 Vital Records 53 Pediatric Oral Care Performance Measure Description Number of investigations and complaints. Number of individuals reached by educational activities per 1,000 population. Track local trends in testing sites for lead, childhood blood lead screening rates, and incidence in childhood lead poisoning rates. Number of restaurant, temporary food and farmer's market inspections (cont'd in comment). Number of visits to dental clinic for preventative and restorative care. Number of birth and death certificates issued. Average time wait time for pediatric oral restorative and preventative care. 2012 Target Target on Track 450 ✔ 2,000 ✔ 20 ✔ 1,200 ✔ 1,500 1,500 ✔ 10 ✔ 13 2012 CPM Report Overview Public Works Department – Pg. 233 - 234 # 54 Service Area Waste Diversion Performance Measure Description Total waste diversion rate. 55 Road Rehabilitation Road Rehabilitation Expenditures per paved lane mile. 56 Timely Capital Improvements 57 Resident Satisfaction Percentage of capital improvement projects on time and under budget. Survey of residents impacted by all Public Works projects. 58 Time to complete maintenance and minor repairs Percent of minor vehicle repairs completed within 2 days and percent of preventative maintenance completed within 30 days of due date. 59 Cost of maintenance and minor repairs Average maintenance and repair cost per vehicle. 60 Snow Removal Snow and ice control expenditures per capita compared with inches of snowfall. Timely waste and recycling collection Residential Street Sweeping Percent of residential and commercial waste and recycling picked up on schedule. Street-sweeping expenditures per linear mile swept. 61 62 2012 Target 19% Target on Track $407,007 ✔ Complete ✔ Satisfied ✔ 1.Total Vehicle downtime of 5% or less. 2. P.M. completion rate of 95% ✔ Less than $3.00 per mile driven Snow Cost Per Capita ($6.50) Annual Inches of Snow (20") ✔ 90% ✔ $120 ✔ 14 2012 CPM Report Overview Library – Pg. 234 # Service Area 63 Customer Satisfaction 64 Customer Service 65 Collection 66 Circulation 67 Purchasing Costs Performance Measure Description Percentage of citizens who rated library service as satisfactory. Percentage of library users who rated the helpfulness and the general attitude of library staff as satisfactory. Percentage of library users who rated the availability of library materials as satisfactory. Number of items circulated per resident. Number of dollars spent for materials acquisition per resident. 68 Facility Usage Number of meeting room requests and estimated attendees. 69 Second Visits Number of library program participants that enroll in additional programs. 70 Outreach Effectiveness Surveys gathering information on how they learned about programs. 2012 Target Target on Track 80% 90% 80% 13.8 $18.12 Requests: 4,500 Attendees: 25,000 60% return visits ✔ most costeffective means 15 2012 CPM Report Overview Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department – Pg. 235 # Service Area Performance Measure Description 2012 Target Target on Track 5% increase year over year ✔ 71 Youth Employment Percentage of applicants for youth employment and vocational training opportunities who received such opportunities. 72 Facilities Management Total number and response time of completing inhouse work orders. Historical Comparison ✔ 73 Forestry Response Total number and response time of completing Forestry Division requests. Historical Comparison ✔ Continued… 16 2012 CPM Report Overview Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department – Pg. 235 # Service Area 74 Recreation User Activity 75 Youth Engagement 76 Park Attendance 77 Park User Experience 78 The Arts Performance Measure Description Evaluate total program participation and recreation services by age and Ward. Evaluate employee and employer satisfaction with youth employment programs. Attendance at PR&CS special events and park permits User survey of facility conditions, safety and cleanliness. Number of functional aspects added to web site 2012 Target Target on Track Historical Comparison 80% ✔ 45,700 TBD TBD 17 2012 CPM Report Overview Utilities Department – Pg. 236 # Service Area Performance Measure Description Number of customers experiencing an unscheduled disruption of service. Number of customer complaints for water's technical quality. 79 Reliable Distribution 80 Water Complaints 81 Sewer Complaints Number of customer complaints for sewers' technical quality (seepage, backups, overflows, etc.). 83 Employee Health and Safety Regulatory Compliance Benchmark days lost from work due to illness or injury again. Number of EPA regulatory violations. 84 Water Main Failure Rate Number of known breaks/leaks per mile of water main. 85 Water Sales Millions of gallons of water sold to outside communities. 82 2012 Target Target on Track 720 ✔ 100 ✔ 200 ✔ 3.6 0 ✔ 0.3 ✔ 11,500 MG ✔ 18 Next Steps Moving Forward with Performance Measurement: • Collect year-end performance measurement data for 2012. • Publish the 2012 Performance Measurement Report as part of the Adopted FY 2013 Budget document. • Begin tracking performance measures for 2013. • Obtain CPM information from comparable communities for benchmarking purposes. 19 Questions? 20