Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf Nobel Prizes in Physics © Dr. John Andraos, 2002 - 2015 Department of Chemistry, York University 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ONTARIO M3J 1P3, CANADA For suggestions, corrections, additional information, and comments please send e-mails to c1000@careerchem.com http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/ NOBEL PRIZE PHYSICS YEARNAME OF SCIENTISTS NATIONALITY TYPE OF PHYSICS 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 German Dutch Dutch French French French British Hungarian-German British German-American French Italian German Dutch German Swedish Dutch German British radiation magnetism, radiation magnetism, radiation radiation radiation radiation gases cathode rays gases spectroscopy optics telegraphy telegraphy gases radiation gases cryogenics crystallography crystallography Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen Henrik Antoon Lorentz Pieter Zeeman Pierre Curie Marie Curie Antoine Henri Becquerel Lord John William Strutt Rayleigh Philipp Eduard Anton Lenard Sir Joseph John Thomson Albert Abraham Michelson Gabriel Lippmann Guglielmo Marconi Carl Ferdinand Braun Johannes Diderik van der Waals Wilhelm Wien Nils Gustaf Dalen Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes Max von Laue Sir William Henry Bragg 1 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1925 1926 1927 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1933 1934 1935 1936 1936 1937 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 Sir William Lawrence Bragg no prize awarded Charles Glover Barkla Max Planck Johannes Stark Charles Edouard Guillaume Albert Einstein Neils Bohr Robert Andrews Millikan Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn James Franck Gustav Hertz Jean Baptiste Perrin Arthur Holly Compton Charles Thomson Rees Wilson Sir Owen Willans Richardson Prince Louis Victor de Broglie Sir Chandrasekhara V. Raman no prize awarded Werner Heisenberg Erwin Schrodinger Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac no prize awarded Sir James Chadwick Victor Franz Hess Carl David Anderson Clinton Joseph Davisson Sir George Paget Thomson Enrico Fermi Ernest Orlando Lawrence no prize awarded no prize awarded British crystallography British German German Swiss Swiss-German-American Danish American Swedish German-American German French American British British-American French Indian radiation quantum theory, radiation spectroscopy material science theoretical physics atomic structure electricity spectroscopy atomic structure atomic structure atomic structure atomic structure atomic structure thermoionic phenomena atomic structure spectroscopy German Austrian British quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory British Austrian-American American American British Italian American atomic structure radiation atomic structure crystallography crystallography nuclear physics nuclear physics 2 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1951 1952 1952 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1958 1958 1959 1959 1960 1961 1961 1962 no prize awarded Otto Stern German atomic structure Isidor Isaac Rabi Austrian-American nuclear physics Wolfgang Pauli Austrian-American quantum theory Percy Williams Bridgman American high energy physics Sir Edward Victor Appleton British atmospheric physics Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart BlackettBritish nuclear physics, radiation Hideki Yukawa Japanese theoretical physics Cecil Frank Powell British nuclear physics Sir John Douglas Cockcroft British nuclear physics Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton Irish nuclear physics Felix Bloch Swiss-American nuclear magnetic resonance Edward Mills Purcell American nuclear magnetic resonance Frederik Zernike Dutch microscopy Max Born German quantum theory Walther Bothe German quantum theory Willis Eugene Lamb American spectroscopy Polykarp Kusch German-American atomic theory William Shockley British-American semiconductors John Bardeen American semiconductors Walter Houser Brattain American(b. Amoy, China)semiconductors Chen Ning Yang Chinese-American particle physics Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese-American particle physics Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov Russian radiation Ilja Mikhailovich Frank Russian radiation Igor Yevgenyevich Tamm Russian radiation Emilio Gino Segre Italian particle physics Owen Chamberlain American particle physics Donald A. Glaser American bubble chamber Robert Hofstadter American particle physics Rudolf Ludwig Mossbauer German radiation Lev Davidovich Landau Russian cryogenics 3 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1970 1971 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 Eugene P. Wigner Maria Goeppert-Mayer J. Hans D. Jensen Charles H. Townes Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov Sin-Itiro Tomonaga Julian Schwinger Richard P. Feynman Alfred Kastler Hans Albrecht Bethe Luis W. Alvarez Murray Gell-Mann Hannes Alfven Louis Neel Dennis Gabor John Bardeen Leon N. Cooper J. Robert Schrieffer Leo Esaki Ivar Giaever Brian D. Josephson Sir Martin Ryle Antony Hewish Aage Bohr Ben Mottelson James Rainwater Burton Richter Samuel C.C. Ting Philip W. Anderson Sir Nevill F. Mott John H. van Vleck Hungarian-American Polish-American German American Russian Russian (b. Australia) Japanese American American French German-American American American Swedish French Hungarian-British American American American Japanese Norwegian-American British British British Danish American-Danish American American American American British American atomic structure, quantum theory atomic structure atomic structure quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory optics nuclear physics particle physics particle physics plasma physics solid state physics optics superconductivity superconductivity superconductivity semi and superconductivity semi and superconductivity electricity astrophysics astrophysics atomic structure atomic structure atomic structure particle physics particle physics electromagnetism electromagnetism electromagnetism 4 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1985 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1991 Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa Arno A. Penzias Robert W. Wilson Sheldon L. Glashow Abdus Salam Steven Weinberg James W. Cronin Val L. Fitch Nicolas Bloembergen Arthur L. Schawlow Kai M. Siegbahn Kenneth G. Wilson Subramanyan Chandrasekhar William A. Fowler Carlo Rubbia Simon van der Meer Klaus von Klitzing Ernst Ruska Gerd Binnig Heinrich Rohrer J. Georg Bednorz K. Alexander Muller Leon M. Lederman Melvin Schwartz Jack Steinberger Norman F. Ramsey Hans G. Dehmelt Wolfgang Paul Jerome I. Friedman Henry W. Kendall Richard E. Taylor Pierre Gilles de Gennes Russian German-American American American Pakistani-British American American American Dutch-American American Swedish American Indian-American American Italian-American Dutch Polish-German German German Swiss Swiss Swiss American American German-American American German German American American Canadian-American French cryogenics radiation radiation particle physics particle physics particle physics particle physics particle physics spectroscopy spectroscopy spectroscopy condensed phases astrophysics astrophysics particle physics particle physics quantum theory microscopy microscopy microscopy superconductivity superconductivity particle physics particle physics particle physics atomic physics ion trapping ion trapping particle physics particle physics particle physics material science 5 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1992 1993 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 Georges Charpak Russell A. Hulse Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. Bertram N. Brockhouse Clifford G. Shull Martin L. Perl Frederick Reines David M. Lee Douglas D. Osheroff Robert C. Richardson Steven Chu Claude Cohen-Tannoudji William D. Phillips Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Stormer Daniel C. Tsui Gerardus 'T Hooft Martinius J.G. Veltman Zhores I. Alferov Herbert Kroemer Jack St. Clair Kilby Eric A. Cornell Carl E. Wieman Wolfgang Ketterle Raymond Davis, Jr. Masatoshi Koshiba Riccardo Giacconi Alexei A. Abrikosov Vitaly L. Ginzburg Anthony J. Leggett David J. Gross H. David Politzer Polish-French American American Canadian-American American American American American American American American French American American German-American Chinese-American Dutch Dutch Russian German American American American Germany American Japanese Italian-American Russian-American Russian British-American American American particle physics astrophysics astrophysics spectroscopy particle physics particle physics particle physics cryogenics cryogenics cryogenics laser physics laser physics laser physics quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory quantum theory microelectronics microelectronics microelectronics laser physics laser physics laser physics particle physics particle physics x-ray astronomy superconductivity-superfluidity superconductivity-superfluidity superconductivity-superfluidity theoretical physics theoretical physics 6 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 Frank Wilczek Roy J. Glauber John Lewis Hall Theodor W. Haensch John C. Mather George F. Smoot Albert Fert Peter Gruenberg Yoichiro Nambu Makato Kobayashi Toshihide Maskawa Charles Kuen Kao Willard Sterling Boyle George Elwood Smith Andre Geim Konstantin Novoselov Saul Perlmutter Brian Paul Schmidt Adam Guy Riess American American American German American American French German Japanese-American Japanese Japanese Chinese Canadian-American American Russian-Dutch Russian-British American American-Australian American 2012 David J. Wineland American 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 French Belgian British Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Canadian Serge Haroche Francois Englert Peter W. Higgs Isamu Akasaki Shuji Nakamura Hiroshi Amano Takaaki Kajita Arthur B. McDonald theoretical physics optics optics optics cosmic microwave background radiation cosmic microwave background radiation discovery of giant magnetoresistance discovery of giant magnetoresistance broken symmetry in subatomic physics broken symmetry in subatomic physics broken symmetry in subatomic physics fiber optics charge coupled device charge coupled device discovery of graphene discovery of graphene accelerating expansion of universe accelerating expansion of universe accelerating expansion of universe measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes for the discovery of neutron oscillations for the discovery of neutron oscillations 7 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf NUMBER OF PRIZES AWARDED BY TYPE OF PHYSICS AREA OF PHYSICS NUMBER OF NOBEL PRIZES astrophysics/cosmology 9 atmospheric physics 1 atomic physics 1 atomic structure 16 bubble chamber 1 cathode rays 1 condensed phases 1 cryogenics 6 crystallography 5 electricity 2 electromagnetism 3 gases 4 high energy physics 1 ion trapping 2 laser physics 6 magnetism 6 material science 3 microelectronics 4 microscopy 4 nuclear magnetic resonance 2 nuclear physics 8 optics 8 particle physics 31 quantum theory 21 radiation 17 semiconductors 3 solid state physics 1 spectroscopy 9 superconductivity 10 telegraphy 2 8 at m os ph er at ic p om hy bu ic p sics bb hy le s ch ics co cat am nd ho b hi en de er g h s e ra en d p ys so erg has th er lid y p es m sta hy oi s on te p ics ic hy ph si en cs om el en nu ec a cl io tric ea n m i t rm a tra y ag teria pp ne l s ing tic ci re enc so e n th eo tel anc e re e t gr el ica aph ec l p tro hy y se ma sics m gn ic e cr on tism ys du t c m allo tor s ic ro g ra ph el ec y t m ron ic ro ics sc op y ga m s ag es ne tis m la o se p as t i r c tro ph s ph y ys cry sic ic og s s/ c en nu os ics cl m o ea lo g r sp ph y su ec ysi pe tro cs rc sc at ond opy om u ic ctiv st ity ru ct qu ra ure an dia t pa um tion rti t cl heo e ph ry ys ic s NUMBER OF PRIZES AWARDED Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf theoretical physics thermoionic phenomena PRIZE YEAR 2003 2014 1970 NOBEL PHYSICISTS SUPERVISOR Abrikosov, Alexei A. Lev D. Landau Akasaki, Isamu Alfven, Hannes Olof Gosta Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg 9 3 1 NOBEL PRIZES BY TYPE OF PHYSICS 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 AREAS OF PHYSICS Ph.D. 1951 1964 1934 UNIVERSITY Inst. Physical Problems (Moscow) Nagoya Uppsala DATES 1928 1929 1908 - 1995 Age at Prize 75 85 62 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 2000 1968 2014 1936 1977 1947 1956 1972 1917 1964 1903 1987 1967 1986 1948 1952 1981 1975 1922 1954 1954 2009 1915 1915 1956 1909 1946 1994 Alferov, Zhores I. V.M. Tuchkevich Alvarez, Luis Walter Arthur Compton Amano, Hiroshi Anderson, Carl David Robert A. Millikan Anderson, Philip Warren John van Vleck Appleton, Sir Edward Victor William H. Bragg Bardeen, John Eugene P. Wigner Bardeen, John Eugene P. Wigner Barkla, Charles Glover Sir J.J. Thomson Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich MA Leontovich, AM Prochorov Becquerel, Antoine Henri Bednorz, J. Georg Bethe, Hans Albrecht Binnig, Gerd Blackett, Lord Patrick M. S. Bloch, Felix Bloembergen, Nicolas Bohr, Aage Bohr, Neils Born, Max Bothe, Walther Boyle, Willard Sterling Bragg, Sir William Henry Bragg, Sir William Lawrence Brattain, Walter Houser Braun, Carl Ferdinand Bridgman, Percy Williams Brockhouse, Bertram Neville 10 1970 1936 1989 1930 1949 1913 1936 1936 1899 A.F.Ioffe Phys.-Tech. Inst., Leningrad Chicago Nagoya Cal Tech Harvard Cambridge Princeton Princeton Cambridge (M.Sc.) 1930 1911 - 1988 1960 1905 - 1991 1923 1892 - 1965 1908 - 1991 1908 - 1991 1877 - 1944 70 57 54 31 54 55 48 64 40 1956 P.N. Lebedev Institute, Moscow Ecole de Ponts et Chaussees, Paris (eng.) Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech., Zurich Munich Johann Wolfgang Goethe U, Frankfurt Cambridge (MA) Leipzig Leiden Copenhagen Copenhagen Goettingen Berlin McGill Cambridge (MA) 1922 - 42 1852 - 1908 1950 1906 - 2005 1947 1897 - 1974 1905 - 1983 1920 1922 1885 - 1962 1882 - 1970 1891 - 1957 1924 1862 - 1942 51 37 61 39 51 47 61 53 37 72 63 85 53 Cambridge (MA) Minnesota Berlin Harvard 1890 - 1971 1902 - 1987 1850 - 1918 1882 - 1961 25 54 59 64 Toronto 1918 - 2003 76 1877 Heini Granicher, K. Alex Muller 1982 Arnold Sommerfeld 1928 E. Hoenig 1978 Lord Ernest Rutherford 1921 Werner Heisenberg 1928 Edward M. Purcell 1948 Benjamin Mottelson 1954 Christian Christiansen 1911 Christian Felix Klein 1907 Max Planck 1914 John Stuart Foster 1950 Sir J.J. Thomson 1885 Sir J.J. Thomson, Sir W.H. Bragg 1912 John Torrence Tate 1929 Georg Quincke 1872 Wallace Clement Sabine 1908 Hugh Grayson-Smith, 1950 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1994 1929 1935 1959 1983 1992 1958 1997 1951 1997 1927 1972 2001 1980 1903 1903 1912 2002 1937 1989 1933 1921 2013 1973 1938 Brockhouse, Bertram James Reekie, Sir Edward Neville Bullard 1950 Broglie, Prince Louis Victor de Maurice de Broglie 1924 Chadwick, Sir James Ernest Rutherford 1921 Chamberlain, Owen Enrico Fermi 1948 Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Ralph H. Fowler 1933 Charpak, Georges Frederic Joliot-Curie 1954 Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich Sergei I. Vavilov 1930s Chu, Steven Eugene Commins 1976 Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Pyotr Kapitsa 1928 Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Alfred Kastler 1962 Owen W. Richardson, H.L. Compton, Arthur Holly Cooke 1916 Cooper, Leon N. Robert Serber 1954 Cornell, Eric A. David E. Pritchard 1990 Cronin, James Watson Samuel K. Allison 1955 Curie, Marie Antoine H. Becquerel 1902 Curie, Pierre Gabriel Lippmann 1895 Dalen, Nils Gustaf Stodola (ETH-Zurich) 1896 Davis, Raymond Jr. Herbert S. Harned 1942 Davisson, Clinton Joseph Owen W. Richardson 1911 Dehmelt, Hans Georg Hubert Krueger 1950 Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice Ralph H. Fowler 1926 Alfred Kleiner; Heinrich Einstein, Albert Burkhardt 1905 Robert Brout (post-doc advisor Englert, Francois at Cornell) 1959 Esaki, Leo 1959 Fermi, Enrico Luigi Puccianti 1922 11 Toronto 1918 - 2003 76 Sorbonne Cambridge Chicago 1892 - 1987 1891 - 1974 1920 - 37 44 39 Cambridge College de France 1910 - 1995 1924 - 73 68 Leningrad UC Berkeley Cambridge Paris 1904 - 1990 1948 1897 - 1967 1933 - 54 49 54 64 Princeton U. Columbia MIT Chicago Sorbonne Sorbonne Charmers Inst. Tech., Goteburg Yale Princeton Goettingen Cambridge 1892 - 1962 1930 1961 1931 1867 - 1934 1859 - 1906 1869 - 1937 1914 1881 - 1958 1922 1902 - 1984 35 42 40 49 36 44 43 88 56 67 31 Zurich 1879 - 1955 42 U. Libre de Bruxelles Tokyo Pisa 1932 1925 1901 - 1954 81 48 37 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 2007 1965 1980 1983 1925 1958 1990 1971 2010 1969 1991 2002 1973 2003 1960 1979 2005 1963 2004 2007 1920 2005 2005 2012 1932 1925 1936 1974 2013 Fert, Albert Feynman, Richard P. Fitch, Val Logsdon Fowler, William A. Franck, James Frank, Ilja Mikhailovich Friedman, Jerome I. Gabor, Dennis Geim, Andre Gell-Mann, Murray Ian A. Campbell John Archibald Wheeler Leo James Rainwater Charles C. Lauritsen Emil Gabriel Warburg Sergei I. Vavilov Enrico Fermi Ernst Max Orlich Victor Petrashov Victor Weisskopf Jacques Friedel, A.Herpin, Gennes, Pierre Gilles de A.Abragam Giacconi, Riccardo Bruno B. Rossi (MIT) Giaever, Ivar Hillard B. Huntington Ginzburg, Vitaly L. Igor Y. Tamm Glaser, Donald Arthur Carl David Anderson Glashow, Sheldon Lee Julian Schwinger Glauber, Roy J. Verner Shomaker Goeppert-Mayer, Maria Max Born Gross, David J. Geoffrey F. Chew Gruenberg, Peter Stefan Hüfner Guillaume, Charles Edouard Heinrich Friedrich Weber C. Schmelzer; A.L. Schawlow Haensch, Theodor W. (Stanford) Hall, John Lewis Robert T. Schumacher Haroche, Serge Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Heisenberg, Werner Arnold Sommerfeld Hertz, Gustav Ludwig James Franck Hess, Victor Franz Egon Ritter von Schweidler Hewish, Antony Sir Martin Ryle Higgs, Peter W. Charles Coulson 12 1970 1942 1954 1936 1906 1930 1956 1927 1987 1951 Paris-Sud, Orsay 1938 Princeton 1918 - 1988 Columbia 1923 Cal Tech 1911 - 1995 Berlin 1882 - 1964 Moscow State U 1908 - 1990 Chicago 1930 TH Berlin (Dr.Ing.) 1900 - 1979 Inst. Solid State Phys., Russ. Acad. Sci. 1958 MIT 1929 - 69 47 57 72 43 50 60 71 52 40 1957 1954 1964 1938 1950 1958 1949 1930 1966 1969 Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay Milan Rensselaer Poly. Inst., Troy Moscow Cal Tech Harvard Harvard Goettingen UC Berkeley Darmstadt 1932 1931 1929 1916 1926 1932 1925 1906 - 1972 1941 1939 - 59 71 44 87 34 47 80 57 63 68 1882 Zurich Polytech. 1861 - 1938 59 1969 1962 1971 1923 1911 1910 1952 1954 Heidelberg Carnegie Mellon U Pierre e Marie Curie Munich Berlin Graz Cambridge U London 1941 1934 1944 1901 - 1976 1887 - 1975 1883 - 1964 1924 1929 - 64 71 68 31 38 53 50 84 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1961 1999 1993 1963 1973 2015 2009 1913 1978 1966 1990 2001 2000 1985 2008 2002 2000 1955 1955 1962 1914 1998 1939 1988 1996 1957 2003 1905 1908 Hofstadter, Robert Hooft, Gerardus 'T Hulse, Russell Alan Jensen, Johannes Hans Daniel Josephson, Brian D. Kajita, Takaaki Kao, Charles Kuen Edward U. Condon Martinus J.G. Veltman Joseph H. Taylor, Jr. 13 1938 1972 1975 Wilhelm Lenz 1936 Sir Alfred Brian Pippard 1964 Masatoshi Koshiba 1986 George Hockhem (?) 1965 Robert Bunsen, Gustav Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike Kirchhoff 1879 Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich Ernest Rutherford 1923 Kastler, Alfred Pierre Daure 1936 Kendall, Henry Way Martin Deutsch 1954 Ketterle, Wolfgang H. Walther 1986 Kilby, Jack St. Clair No supervisor 1950 Klitzing, Klaus von Gottfried Landwehr 1972 Kobayashi, Makato Shoichi Sakata 1972 Koshiba, Masatoshi Morton F. Kaplon 1955 Kroemer, Herbert Fritz Sauter 1952 Kusch, Polykarp Francis Wheeler Loomis 1936 Lamb, Willis Eugene, Jr. J. Robert Oppenheimer 1938 Landau, Lev Davidovich Niels Bohr (Copenhagen) 1934 Laue, Max von Max Planck 1903 Laughlin, Robert B. John Joannopoulos 1979 Lawrence, Ernest Orlando William Francis Gray Swann 1925 Lederman, Leon Max John Tinlot 1951 Lee, David M. Henry A. Fairbank 1959 Lee, Tsung-Dao Enrico Fermi 1950 Leggett, Anthony J. John Bardeen (Illinois) 1964 Lenard, Philipp Eduard R. Bunsen; H. Helmholtz; Leo Anton Koenigsberger; Georg Quincke1886 Lippmann, Gabriel Gustav Kirchhoff (Heidelberg) 1875 Princeton Utrecht U Massachusetts, Amherst 1915 - 1990 1946 1950 - 46 53 43 Hamburg Cambridge Tokyo Imperial College London 1907 - 1973 1940 1959 1933 - 56 33 56 76 Groningen Cambridge Bordeaux MIT Munich Wisconsin (M.Sc. Eng.) Wuerzburg Nagoya Rochester Goettingen Illinois UC Berkeley Leningrad State Berlin MIT Yale Columbia Yale Chicago Oxford 1853 - 1926 1894 - 1984 1902 - 1984 1926 1957 1923 1943 1944 1926 1928 1911 - 1993 1913 1908 - 1968 1879 - 1960 1950 1901 - 1958 1922 1931 1926 1938 - 60 84 64 64 44 77 42 64 76 72 44 42 54 35 48 38 66 65 31 65 Heidelberg Sorbonne 1862 - 1947 1845 - 1921 43 63 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1902 1909 2008 2006 2015 1984 1907 1923 1961 1977 1975 1987 2014 2008 1970 2010 1996 1989 1945 1978 1995 2011 1926 1997 1918 2004 1950 1964 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Marconi, Guglielmo Marchese Maskawa, Toshihide Mather, John Cromwell McDonald, Arthur B. Meer, Simon van der Michelson, Albert Abraham Millikan, Robert Andrews Mossbauer, Rudolf Ludwig Mott, Sir Nevill Francis Mottelson, Benjamin Roy Muller, Karl Alexander Nakamura, Shuji Nambu, Yoichiro Neel, Louis Novoselov, Konstantin Osheroff, Douglas D. Paul, Wolfgang Pauli, Wolfgang Penzias, Arno Allan Perl, Martin Lewis Perlmutter, Saul Perrin, Jean Baptiste Phillips, William Daniel Planck, Max Politzer, H. David Powell, Cecil Frank Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich 14 Pieter Leonard Rijke 1875 Leiden 1853 - 1928 49 Vincenzo Rosa Shoichi Sakata Paul L. Richards Charles A. Barnes Arnold van Rossem 1890s 1967 1974 1969 1952 1873 1895 Technical Institute of Livorno Nagoya UC Berkeley Cal Tech Technical U Delft U.S. Naval Academy (no Ph.D.) Columbia 1874 - 1937 1940 1946 1943 1925 1852 - 1931 1868 - 1953 35 68 60 72 59 55 55 Pierre Ernest Weiss Andre Geim David M. Lee Hans Kopfermann Arnold Sommerfeld Charles H. Townes Isidor I. Rabi Richard A. Muller Louis Marcel Brillouin Dan Kleppner G. Kirchhoff, H. Helmholtz (Berlin) Sheldon L. Glashow Charles T.R. Wilson 1958 1930 1950 1958 1994 1952 1932 2004 1973 1939 1922 1961 1955 1986 1897 1976 TU Heidelberg Cambridge (MA) Harvard Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech., Zurich Tokushima Tokyo Strasbourg Radboud U (Netherlands) Cornell Berlin Munich Columbia Columbia UC Berkeley Sorbonne MIT 1929 1905 - 1996 1926 1927 1954 1921 1904 1974 1945 1913 - 1993 1900 - 1958 1933 1927 1959 1870 - 1942 1948 - 32 72 49 60 60 87 66 36 51 76 45 45 68 52 56 49 1879 1974 1927 Munich Harvard Cambridge 1858 - 1947 60 1903 - 1969 47 S.M. Rytov 1951 P.N. Lebedev Institute, Moscow 1916 - 48 Michael Pupin Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Lord Ernest Rutherford Julian Schwinger Heine Granicher Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1952 Purcell, Edward Mills 1944 1975 Rabi, Isidor Isaac Rainwater, Leo James Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara V. Ramsey, Norman Foster Rayleigh, Lord Reines, Frederick Richardson, Robert C. Richardson, Sir Owen Willans Richter, Burton Riess, Adam Guy Roentgen, Wilhelm Roentgen Rohrer, Heinrich Rubbia, Carlo Ruska, Ernst Ryle, Sir Martin Salam, Abdus Schawlow, Arthur Leonard Schmidt, Brian Paul Schrieffer, John Robert Schrodinger, Erwin Schwartz, Melvin 1930 1989 1904 1995 1996 1928 1976 2011 1901 1986 1984 1986 1974 1979 1981 2011 1972 1933 1988 1965 1959 1956 1994 1981 15 Kenneth Tompkins Bainbridge 1938 Albert P. Wills; A. Sommerfeld (Munich) 1927 Enrico Fermi, Edward Teller 1946 Harvard 1912 - 1997 40 Columbia Columbia 1898 - 1988 1917 - 1986 46 58 Isidor I. Rabi Sir J.J. Thomson Serge Alexander Korff Francis Bitter 1907 1940 1865 1944 1966 Presidency College Madras (MA) Columbia Cambridge (no Ph.D.) NYU Duke U 1888 - 1970 1915 1842 - 1919 1918 - 1998 1937 - 42 74 62 77 59 Sir J.J. Thomson Bernard T. Feld Robert P. Kirshner 1904 1956 1996 London MIT Harvard 1879 - 1959 1931 1969 - 49 45 42 1869 1960 1958 1933 1939 1951 1951 1993 1957 1910 1959 Polytech. Zurich Swiss Fed. Inst. Tech., Zurich Pisa TU Berlin Oxford (BSc.) Cambridge Columbia Harvard Illinois Vienna Columbia 1845 - 1923 1933 1934 1906 - 1988 1918 - 1984 1926 - 1996 1921 - 1999 1967 1931 1887 - 1961 1932 - 56 53 50 80 56 53 60 44 41 46 56 1939 1928 1936 1941 1944 Columbia Rome MIT NYU Stockholm 1918 - 1994 1905 - 1989 1910 - 1989 1915 1918 - 2007 47 54 46 79 63 August Kundt Jorgen Lykke Olsen Marcello Conversi Max Knoll John Ashworth Ratcliffe Nicholas Kemmer Charles Townes Robert P. Kirshner John Bardeen, Leon Cooper Friedrich Hasenohrl Jack Steinberger I.I. Rabi; J. Robert Schwinger, Julian Oppenheimer (post-doc) Segre, Emilio Gino Enrico Fermi Shockley, William Bradford John C. Slater Shull, Clifford Glenwood Frank Myers, Richard Cox Siegbahn, Kai Manne Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1924 2009 2006 1919 1988 1943 1998 1958 1993 1990 1937 1906 1976 1965 1964 1998 1999 1977 1910 1951 2001 1979 1911 1963 2004 1927 Siegbahn, Karl Manne Georg Johannes Rydberg 1911 Smith, George Elwood Andrew Werner Lawson 1959 Smoot, George Fitzgerald David H. Frisch 1971 Stark, Johannes Eugen von Lommel 1897 Steinberger, Jack Enrico Fermi 1948 Stern, Otto Otto Sackur 1916 Stormer, Horst Ludwig Hans Joachim Queisser 1977 Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich L. Mandelstam 1933 Taylor, Joseph H. Jr. Alan Maxwell 1968 Taylor, Richard E. Robert F. Mozley 1962 Thomson, Sir George PagetSir J.J. Thomson 1913 Thomson, Sir Joseph John Edward J. Routh 1880 Lawrence W. Jones; Martin L. Ting, Samuel Chao Chung Perl 1962 Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro Heisenberg, Werner (Leipzig) 1939 Townes, Charles Hard Edgar Bright Wilson, Jr. ? 1939 Tsui, Daniel Chee Royal Stark 1967 Veltman, Martinus J.G. Leon van Hove 1963 Vleck, John Hasbrouck van Edwin Crawford Kemble 1922 Waals, Johannes Diderik van der Pieter Leonard Rijke 1873 Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton Lord Ernest Rutherford 1931 Hansch, Ted; Kleppner, Daniel Wieman, Carl E. (MIT, undergrad) 1977 Weinberg, Steven Samuel Treiman 1957 Wien, Wilhelm Hermann von Helmholtz 1886 Wigner, Eugene P. Michael Polanyi 1925 Wilczek, Frank David J. Gross 1974 Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees Sir J.J. Thomson 1892 16 Lund Chicago MIT Munich Chicago Breslau Stuttgart Moscow Harvard Stanford Cambridge Cambridge 1886 - 1978 1930 1945 1874 - 1957 1921 1888 - 1969 1949 1895 - 1971 1941 1929 1892 - 1975 1856 - 1940 38 79 61 45 67 55 49 63 52 61 45 50 Michigan Kyoto Cal Tech Chicago Utrecht Harvard 1936 1906 - 1979 1915 - 2015 1938 1931 1899 - 1980 40 59 49 60 68 78 Leiden 1837 - 1923 73 Cambridge 1903 - 1995 48 Stanford Princeton Berlin TH Berlin Princeton 1951 1933 1864 - 1928 1902 - 1995 1951 - 50 46 47 61 53 Cambridge 1869 - 1959 58 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf 1982 1978 2012 1957 1949 1902 1953 Wilson, Kenneth Geddes Wilson, Robert Woodrow Wineland, David J. Yang, Chen Ning Yukawa, Hideki Zeeman, Pieter Zernike, Frederik Murray Gell-Mann John Bolton Norman F. Ramsey, Jr. Enrico Fermi Shoichi Sakata Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes A. Bruining 17 1961 1962 1971 1948 1938 1893 1915 Note: Bolded names are those that are still alive at the time of this writing. TOP 5 UNIVERSITY RANKING 19 Cambridge 12 Columbia 10 Chicago 14 Harvard 8 Princeton 7 Berlin 7 MIT 6 Cal Tech NATIONALITY DEMOGRAPHICS American American born German German born British British born French French born Russian Japanese U.K. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Germany U.S. U.S. NUMBER OF NOBEL LAUREATES 102 68 31 28 24 21 13 12 12 10 Cal Tech Cal Tech Harvard Chicago Osaka Leiden Amsterdam 1936 1936 1944 1922 1907 - 1981 1865 - 1943 1888 - 1966 46 42 68 35 42 37 65 Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf Russian born Dutch Swiss Austrian Swedish Chinese Italian Danish Danish born Hungarian Polish Indian Canadian Irish Norwegian Pakistani Belgian Australian TOTAL 18 9 8 6 4 4 5 4 3 2 3 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 383 CANADIAN BORN PHYSICS NOBEL LAUREATES PRIZE YEAR NAME 1990 RICHARD E. TAYLOR 1994 BERTRAM NEVILLE BROCKHOUSE 2009 BOYLE, WILLARD STERLING 2015 MCDONALD, ARTHUR B. PLACE OF BIRTH EDUCATION b. Medicine Hat, AB Ph.D. 1962, Stanford b. Lethbridge, AB Ph.D. 1950, U Toronto b. Amherst, NS Ph.D. 1950, McGill U b. Sydney, NS Ph.D. 1969, Cal Tech went went went went to Stanford to AEC (Chalk River), McMaster to Bell Labs (Murray Hill, NJ) to Queen's U Dr. John Andraos, http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/NobelPhys.pdf Age Profile of Physics Nobelists at Time Prize Awarded 19 Physics Laureates: Road to Nobel Prize After Ph.D. 70 60 30 Number of Laureates Number of Laureates 35 25 20 15 10 5 0 50 40 30 20 10 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 - - - - - 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 Age Range (years) © Dr. John Andraos, 2002 - 2015 0 1 -> 10 11 -> 20 21 -> 30 31 -> 40 Years 41 -> 50 51 -> 60 61 -> 70