bm2 study guide -

Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
How often is a PLR submitted?
Monthly between 1st and 8th of each month.
How long after change in inventory of ammo and pyro is an ATR submitted?
48 hrs.
What does TMT stand for?
Team Management Tool.
Who is required and when are you required to fill out an AOPS report?
Cutters and small boats, 72 hrs after activity.
A cutter with 2 small boats are required to submit how many activity logs?
3 activity logs.
Who is required to submit a Boat Inspection Report?
All boats less than 65 feet long. Except non-powered and boats powered by outboards.
A detailed inspection of each boat shall be conducted when?
Not to exceed 1 year between inspections.
When shall a special inspection be completed?
When a boat is transferred or disposed of.
How long after the inspection is completed do you have to submit it?
Made within 10 days.
The Boat Inspection Report is what form number?
CG 3022.
What comments does the CO/OIC make on the Boat Inspection Report?
All unsatisfactory items and list any other items deemed necessary, especially those requiring
assistance from higher authority.
How many copies are made of the report and whom does it go to?
3, Original-MLC (vr), Copy-unit, Copy-area/district boat managers.
What form is a surf requisition log?
CG 4940.
What form is a procurement request?
DOT F 4200.1.
Who is the last person to over see goods being purchased?
Approving Official.
How many classes of messages are use in the Coast Guard?
How many classes of messages are used in the military?
What class is the official message originated by Govt. and agencies?
Class B.
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
The official Coast Guard heading is divided into three parts what are they?
Heading, Text, Ending.
How many precedence categories are there?
Routine(r), Priority (p), Immediate (o), Flash (z).
How fast should you respond to each category?
(r)=6 hrs. or less, (p)=3 hrs. or less, (o)=30 min. or less, (z)=10 min. or less.
What are the 5 paragraphs in a SAR SITREP?
Situation, Actions Taken, Future Plans & Recommendations, Amplifying Information, Case
What are the 3 emergency phases of a SAR SITREP?
Uncertainty, Alert, Distress.
Most SITREPs are what classification?
How many classification designators are there?
Who is responsible for determining the classification?
The originating unit.
What element identifies the subject matter of the message?
(SSIC) Standard Subject Identification Code.
How many paragraphs are within a SAR SITREP?
5 paragraphs.
What is the last paragraph header in the finial SAR SITREP?
Case status.
What is MX?
Point of execution.
What is e-r?
Reference ship vector designator.
How many methods are used in solving intercept problems and what are they?
3, Given speed=Course to steer, Given course=True speed, Given time=Course and speed.
When 3 LOPs and 2 LOPs are used what is the optimum angle between objects?
120, and 60.
When do you tune and peak radars?
1 hr before getting underway.
What is a position determined by crossing lines of position obtained at different times and
advanced or retired to a common fix?
A running fix.
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
When shooting radar fixes what should be shot first?
Fixes that are abeam of you.
What is the initial mark of a contact on a maneuvering board?
When should the gyrocompass be energized?
24 hrs prior to getting underway.
What effects the direction and speed of relative wind?
Own ship course and speed.
What is the tine that it takes you to compute a problem?
Dead time.
What is e-tw?
Vector-True wind direction and speed.
What is r-aw?
Vector-True wind speed.
What is e-r?
Own ships course and speed.
What is e-aw?
Apparent wind direction and speed.
Wind is always expressed in terms of the direction it is?
Coming from.
The velocity and direction from which the wind is blowing is know as?
Apparent wind.
The DR position is marked with a
Where do you record bearing, ranges, and sounding used in Navigation?
Standard Bearing Book OPNAV FORM 3520/2.
What is the maximum time between fixes?
1 hr.
Unit commanders shall conduct a material inspection of the unit’s boats how often?
Once a month.
There are 2 basic types of material inspection?
Formal-annually, Informal-monthly.
Who is required for a material inspection of a boat?
BM & MK.
What is the COMDTINST for the Color and Coatings Manual?
COMDTINST M 10360.3 (Series)
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
What is a casualty that makes a boat not serviceable?
Disabling Casualty
What discrepancies are those, which restrict the operations of the boat such that it can perform
some missions, not all missions safely?
Restrictive Discrepancies.
What discrepancies are those that degrade the effectiveness of the boat to perform one or more
Major discrepancies.
What discrepancies do not affect the operational readiness of a boat, but does not meet the
standardization criteria as established for that boat?
Minor discrepancies.
What readiness rating does a boat that has no disabling casualties or restrictive discrepancies?
What readiness rating does a boat that has no disabling casualties, but one or more restrictive
discrepancies but have been waived by the operational commander for limited operations?
Bravo (Restricted).
What readiness rating does a boat that has one or more disabling casualties or unwaived
restrictive discrepancies?
Who is responsible for regulating and outfitting and stowage on no-standard boats?
District Commanders.
How often should personnel who use air-purifying respirators fit test?
What are the 2 types of respirators?
Air purifying and Atmosphere supplying.
Who do you request assistance from for determining if you need a respiratory program?
Commander (k), MLC, or District Commander (m).
Who is requested to provide hearing conservation training?
Commander (k).
Who is training offered by for RPC?
Commandant (G-K), & Commandant (G-M).
Who has the overall responsibility for hearing conservation programs?
Commandant (G-WKS).
Single and Double hearing protection shall be worn when?
Continuous sound of 84 and 104 dBA.
Who is required to have hearing conservation programs?
All Coast Guard Units.
Who is required to maintain a Hull History card?
All cutters that are 65 ft. or greater.
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
What are the 3 parts of Hull History?
Hull Board Results, Hull Surveys, and Underwater Body Inspections Reports.
Who is responsible for maintaining the Hull History card?
Who is required to maintain a boat record?
Shore based units.
The boat record has how many sections?
6 sections.
What is the 3rd section?
On a cutter where should the boat record be kept?
Machinery history.
Materials and aerosols having a flash point below 200F are in what category?
What is not to be kept in a flam. locker?
Flam. locker shall contain no more than?
60 gallons of flammable products, 120 gallons of combustible material.
The paint records are to be kept in one of these three places.
Cutters-Hull history, Small boats-Boat record, Shore units-Paint log.
What is the primary means for communicating the hazard of the work place?
Who do you go through for disposing of all hazardous waste?
Your Hazardous Waste Manager.
Small arms are defined as what caliber and less?
50 caliber and shotguns.
Who will designate a petty officer to maintain the units small arms?
Commanding Officer/ Officer in Charge.
How often will the small arms and ammo be accounted for?
How often will inventories be done of the small arms and ammo?
The interval between monthly inventories shall not be less than 23 or more than 35 calendar
How many persons must be present to conduct an inventory?
2 people.
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
How often do you inspect ready service pyro?
How often do you inspect pyro?
What is issued annually and is a listing of all small arms under the units cognizance?
How many persons are required to conduct a R-865?
3 persons.
What category is the .50 cal in according to AA&E?
Category 2.
What category is the shoulder line-throwing gun?
Category 4.
Who shall be custodian of the keys to all spaces containing ammo and explosives?
Who may authorize or direct the transfer of small arms?
Area and District Commanders.
What is the maximum number of days for tempory transfers?
30 days.
Who is the approving authority for any permanent changes to any units small arms allowances,
and authorizes for weapons to be modified?
Commandant (G-OCU)
What form must be filled out when any items are transferred?
What are the three maintenance levels?
Organizational, Intermediate, Depot.
The monthly ordnance inventory must include a comparison of the?
Serial Numbers.
Shore units are required to maintain the ordnance log, what are the three parts?
Small arms log, Privately owned logs, Magazine logs.
How many sections are there in a small arms log?
8 sections.
Any magazine reading above what temp is recorded in red in the NAVSEA OP 4 Ch.7 and
NAVSEA OP 5 Ch.11 for shore units?
100F, and recorded in the Record and Magazine Log.
How are the individual NAR numbered?
By each physical year.
How many hours do you have to forward applicable portions of the NAR to those units within you
24 hrs.
Courtesy of BM2 Jason Boudreaux
How many hours do you have to respond via an ATR with application changes?
72 hrs.
How many people shall conduct the annual inventory and verification?
3, and 1 shall be associated in the weapons dept.
The aerosol must contain no greater or less than what percentage of OC concentration?
10%, 5%
What is the approximately weight of a can of OC?
3 oz.
The Ordnance manual is?
Modifications of weapons shall not be done unless authorized by?
Commandant (G-OCU).
Body armor must be?
Level 2 or higher.
Holster shall not hang lower than how many inches?
4 inches.
The expandable baton shall be?
15 to 22 inches.
How many 15 rounds shall be carried in the LE belt?
A mast with spar running athwartship is called?
The small cap, usually found at the top of a pole mast or flagstaff is called what?
Extending abaft the mainmast of a vessel is a small spar know as what?
Above the truck, there is frequently a slender vertical extension of the mast called the?
Presidents Day at 1200 a 21 gun salute with a 5 sec. interval.
Independence Day - same thing as Presidents Day.
Memorial Day at 1200 a 21 gun salute with 1 min. interval.
What chapter deals with Honor and Ceremonies?
Ch. 5
What manual or instruction would you find the rainbow of color?
NTP 13