
BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
What kind of info is reported in a PLR for
NSN, lot number, condition code, quantity ammo and pryo?
of each
Who is required to submit a PLR?
All CAIMS reporting units
When do you submit a PLR?
Monthly between the 1st and 8th
Who is required to submit an ATR?
All CAIMS reporting units
When do you submit an ATR?
Within 48 hours of change in inventory
Who is required to submit a Boat Inspection
Boats less than 65 feet, except for non- Report?
powered boats and those powered by
motors, and all barges
How often is the report to be submitted?
Not to exceed 1 year between inspections
When is a special Boat Inspection Report
When a boat is transferred or disposed of
How many copies of the Boat Inspection
2 copies: original to MLC, the unit keeps a Report are
copy, and the second is forwarded to the area/district
How long after the inspection do you have to
submit the report?
10 days
The Boat Inspection Report is what form number? CG 3022
What comments does the CO/OIC make on the
Inspection Report?
higher authority.
All unsat items and lists and other items deemed Boat
necessary, especially those requiring assistance from
Which form is used to provide info for Gov.
Which form is used to provide info for
commercial supplies?
DOT F 4200.1.2CG
Who is the last person to oversee goods being
Approving Official
What are three methods used to acquire
supplies and services?
DRMO – from CG or other Gov. agencies
MILSTRIO – standard requisition and issue
Direct purchase from a commercial source
When using FED LOG what do you need
to enter to begin your search?
Item name, NSN, part number
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
What are the three parts of an official
CG Class B message?
heading, text, and ending
List, in order, the five elements contained
Class B message.
1) Classification designator 2)SSIC 3) within the text of a
Subject line 4) Reference line 5) text of message
What does the prosing NNNN mean, and
where is it used?
End of Message Function (EOM), after final BT
How many separators are used in a Class B
message, and what is the prosing?
2, BT
How many classes of messages are used
throughout the military?
What class is the official message originated
by Gov. and agencies?
Class B
How many precedence categories are there?
Four: (R) Routine, (P) Priority, (O) Immediate, (Z)
How fast should you respond to each category?
(R) 6 hours or less, (P) 3 hours or less, (O) 30 min.
or less, (Z) 10 min. or less
What element identifies the level of protection
for message information?
Classification designator
How many characters are there in a DTG?
How many classification designators are there?
4: Unclassified, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret
Who is responsible for determining the
The originating unit
What element identifies the subject matter of
the message?
SSIC – Standard Subject Identification Code
What are the three types of LE SITREPS?
Initial, Subsequent, Final
What are the five paragraphs within a
Situation, Action Taken, Future Plans, Disposition, LE
What are the five paragraphs within a
Situation, Action Taken, Future Plans and SAR SITREP?
Recommendations, Amplifying Info, Case Status
What units are required to use AOPS?
Cutter and small boats
What is the form number for a Procurement
DOT F 4200.1
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
How many types of messages does the CG use?
What is the COMDTINST number of the manual COMDINST 16247.1B
that contains LE SITREPS?
What does TMT stand for?
Training Management Tool
When are you required to fill out an AOPS report? Within 72 hours of activity
A cutter with 2 small boats are required to submit 3 activity logs
how many activity logs?
Piloting and Navigation
The method that requires you to determine what
course to steer for the intercept is?
Given speed
The method of intercept that requires you to
determine what true speed own speed must
maintain to complete the maneuver is?
Given course
The method that required you to determine the
course and speed that will give you the required
relative speed necessary to intercept a contact is
Given time
What is the period between the time you decide
to execute an intercept maneuver and the time
you actually begin the maneuver?
Dead time
What is MX?
Point of Execution
What is e-r?
Reference ship vector designation
What is e-tw?
Vector – true wind direction and speed
What is r-aw?
Vector – true wind speed
What is e-aw?
Apparent wind direction and speed
The velocity and true direction from which the
wind is blowing is known as?
True wind
Wind is always expressed in terms of the
direction it is….
Coming from
The velocity and true direction from which the
relative wind is blowing is known as?
Apparent wind
In what COMDTINST would you find a sample
underway check-off list?
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
How many hours before getting underway do
you start the check offs?
48 hours
According to the pre-underway checklist, at
what time period do you energize the
24 hours
How do you label the initial mark of a contact
on a maneuvering board?
How many methods are there to solve and
Intercept Moboard Problem?
The DR position is marked with a?
In a wind vector diagram, relative wind is
always on the same and forward of the?
True wind
Where do you record all bearings, ranges,
and soundings used in navigation?
Standard Bearing Book, OPNAV FORM 3520/3
What is the maximum time between fixes?
1 hour
An estimated position is labeled with?
Small square
What symbol indicates a fix using radar
ranges and visual bearings?
When shooting radar fixes what should be
shot first?
Fixes that are abeam of you
When 3 LOPs and 2 LOPs are used what is the
optimum angle between objects?
120 and 60
Can Unit Commanders change the location of
equipment carried on board?
How often should Unit Commanders conduct
material inspections of the unit boats?
What are the two basic types of unit material
Formal – annually, Informal – monthly
A thorough material inspection requires how
many personnel?
2: 1 Boatswain Mate, 1 Engineer
To find out where to stow the anchor and how
long the anchor line should be, you should
check the what?
Outfit list
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
Who is responsible for regulating, outfitting and
stowage on non-standard boats?
District Commanders
What book would you look in to find the color
of a specific item to be painted on you boat?
Boat Operators Handbook
When a discrepancy is noted during an
inspection, it must be _________ and ________
classified, acted
A boat with one or more disabling casualties or
unwaived restrictive discrepancies would have a
readiness rating of?
A boat with fully mission-capable rating, would
have no _______ casualties or ________
discrepancies noted.
disabling, restrictive
What are the seven required elements of a unit’s
protection program?
evaluation and monitoring, Required
Respirator Protection Coordinator, Written unit respirator
protection plan, Respirator fit test, Training,
Respirator cleaning/maintenance procedures,
List three resources you would use to determine
unit is required to have a respiratory
protection program.
The most recent safety and environmental health if your
audit or inspection, Commandant, MLC, or district
Who has responsibility for maintaining the unit
respiratory protection program?
Unit respirator protection coordinator
Who is required to have a respirator fit-test?
All personnel wearing air purified respirators
At a minimal, how often is respiratory protection Annually
training required?
When are respirators to be cleaned?
After each use
Who trains personnel and performs maintenance
and repair of respirators?
Only thoroughly trained personnel
How often should personnel who use air purified Annually
respirators undergo a fit-test?
Who should you request assistance from in
completing a respirator fit-test?
Commander (k), MLC, District Commander (m)
Who is required to have a hearing conservation
All CG units
What is the decibel level at which noise levels
are considered to be hazardous?
84 dBA
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
At what noise level is double hearing protection
104 dBA
Who is required to maintain a Hull History Card? All cutters 65’ or larger
What types of units are required to maintain a
Boat Record file?
All units having attached small boats
Who is responsible for maintaining the
Hull History Cards?
First Lieutenant
On a cutter, where should the Boat Record be
Machinery History File
On a shore unit, how many parts are in the folder Six
in a Boat Record File?
What information is required to be entered in
Part 1 of a Boat Record File?
Boat Record Book (CG-2580)
What information is required to be entered in
Part 2 of a Boat Record File?
Boat Inspection Report (CG-3022)
What information is required to be entered in
Part 3 of a Boat Record File?
What information is required to be entered in
Part 4 of a Boat Record File?
Engineering changes pending
What information is required to be entered in
Part 5 of a Boat Record File?
Engineering changes complete
What information is required to be entered in
Part 6 of a Boat Record File?
Pending CSMPs
A liquid with a flash point below 141°F has a
flammability of which category?
Liquids with a flash point above 141°F and
below 200°F have a flammability of which
Aerosols and materials having a flash point
below 200°F have a flammability of which
Flammable storage cabinets are to conform to
National Fire Protection Association,
National Fire Code?
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
Wall construction on all sides is to be at least
how thick?
18 gauge steel
Doors are secured at _______ points when
What color must a flammable locker be?
Yellow (13538)
The words _____ are to be conspicuously
stenciled or painted in a contrasting color,
such as _____ or ______.
Flammable – Keep Fire Away, Red, Black
To reduce the risk of fire or explosion,
lockers shall contain no more than?
60 gallons of flammable products, or 120 gallons paint
of combustible material in any one cabinet
What is the easiest way to dispose of paint?
Use it up
To dispose of paint-related materials, you
should go through your unit’s?
Hazardous Waste Manager
Where are paint records kept?
units – paint log
Cutter - hull history, Small boats – boat record,
What is the primary means of communicating
the hazards of the workplace?
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
When engaged in painting operations, your
Protective Equipment should cover
eyes, hands, head, face, and other exposed body Personal
Personal Protective Equipment shall be?
Readily available, Stored in a clearly labeled
container, Kept in good working order
Who would you ask about Personal Protective
your unit?
Your supervisor, Unit safety officer, Unit Equipment at
Hazardous Waste Manager
Units that generate more than 100 kilograms of
hazardous waste in one calendar year shall
conduct inspections how often?
What is the COMDTINST for the Color and
Coatings Manual?
COMDTINST M 10360.3 (Series)
The weapons petty officer has to be what rank?
E-5 or higher
Small arms are defined as what caliber or less?
50 caliber and shotguns
The person responsible for ordinance at units
without a Gunner’s Mate is called?
Weapons Petty Officer
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
The purpose of the daily count and inspection
That the recorded quantities of assigned small is to verify?
arms are accounted for.
When shall monthly inventories be conducted?
As close to the first of the month as possible
The interval between monthly ordnance
inventories shall not be less than ____ or more
than ___ calendar days.
What is the monthly ordnance inventory to be
compared to?
Unit’s R-865 report
The monthly ordnance inventory must include
a physical comparison of the weapons _____
for all small arms.
Serial numbers
Results on the monthly ordnance inspection are
to be reported to who?
Commanding Officer/ Officer in Charge
How many persons must be present to conduct a
monthly ordnance inventory?
How often is Ready Service Pyro inspected?
What is issued annually and is a listing of all
the small arms under the unit’s cognizance?
What is the arms security risk category for the
9mm pistol?
Four (IV)
Category III and IV arms shall be stored in?
An approved armory, or a class V GSA approved
weapons container
How often shall arms storage rack inspections
Where should pyrotechnics be stored?
In a cool, dry well ventilated space
Who shall authorize unaccompanied personnel
to the armory?
Commanding Officer/ Officer in Charge
Who must sign the log when small arms and
ammunition is issued?
The person issuing and the person receiving
How many days is a temporary transfer of small
arms normally limited to?
30 days
Who may authorize the temporary transfer of
small arms?
Area and District Commanders
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
What is the document for a temporary transfer
of small arms?
Shore units are required to maintain what logs?
these three logs are combined to make the
Small arms log, Privately owned log, Magazine
Ordnance log
Ordnance logs shall be retained aboard for a
minimum of?
Three years
How many required sections are there in the
small arms log?
The small arms log shall be in a ____ book.
What is the first section of the small arms log
does it contain?
The inventory, Model, Serial number, Storage and what
Where is the accountability check logged?
Daily check sheet
Where is all maintenance and inspections
performed logged?
List of satisfactory completed PMS section
Whenever a casualty occurs to small arms it is
recorded in the ____ section.
Casualties and Correction
What is the only round count that must be kept?
Each .50 barrel
What are the three sections of a magazine log?
Location, Inspection, and Log Temp
What units are authorized to use sonic cleaners?
District/group armories, TRACEN Cape May,
TRACEN Yorktown, CG Academy
When is it acceptable to cannibalize weapons?
In an emergency or by Small Arms Repair Facility (SARF)
What maintenance is permissible on match
weapons at the organizational level?
Field stripping
At the organizational level, what are the allowed
Field stripping only, cleaning and lubrication, maintenance
perform safety function check
What Navy manual is used for the primary
support for the management of ordinance
3-M Manual OPNAVINST 4970.4
Where there is a difference between the PMS
and the technical manual, which publication
shall be used?
Three copies are made of the R-865 and sent to
Commanding Officer, Headquarters units, District who?
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
Directive, publications and reports index (DPRI)
are divided into how many sections?
The Standard Distribution List (SDL) is a list of
Coast Guard units by type
Chapters 2 and 3 of the DPRI are important for
Ch. 2 provides distribution info and is in what reason?
Numerical format, Ch.3 is quick and in alphabetical order
What three things can you use to find your
Standard Distribution List (SDL), Directives distribution
Publications and Reports Index (DPRI), and
Ordnance Publications Index (OPI)
Which manual is the ordnance manual?
If a repair requires a tool that is not in the PMS
return it to?
Who is authorized to perform intermediate
maintenance when deployed?
Port Security Units (PSU)
What are the three maintenance levels?
stations, Intermediate – District/Area
arms repair facilities
Organizational – ship, shore stations and small
armories and certain Headquarters units, Depot – small
The ships maintenance material management
manual provides?
PMS changes, Ordnance forms, Maintenance
requirement cards, Maintenance policy and
When PMS is completed on a weapon it is
logged in what?
Small arms log or Ordnance log
Body armor must provide what type of
Full front, back and side protection from the base
of the neck to the belt line
How buoyant must body armor be?
Must be neutrally buoyant
Body armor is to be certified by who?
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
What are the law enforcement belt, holster,
keepers, and storage pouches to be made of?
Black leather or black ballistic nylon
The holster and 9mm pistol shall be placed on
which side of the individual?
The strong side
The holster shall be:
Standard ride, thumb break, hangs no lower than 4
inches below the belt.
Flashlights carried on the law enforcement belt
shall be no larger than those designed to hold
__ C-cell or __ D-cell batteries.
Three (3) , Two (2)
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
Chemical irritant aerosol must contain no greater 10%, 5%
than __ and no less than __ oleoresin capsicum
(OC) concentrate.
The OC pepper spray canister shall be
approximately __ net weight.
3 oz.
What are the requirements of the expandable
Must have a steel shaft, silver in color, foam non- baton?
slip handle, be no less than 15 inches and no longer than
22 inches
CG law enforcement personnel armed with
the 9mm pistol shall carry it with a __- round
magazine inserted, a round __, and the __ lever
up and off, and at least __ additional __- round
15, chambered, decocking, one (1), 15
How many rounds of ammunition shall the riot
shotgun be loaded with?
Four (4)
At what distance do you use the 12 gauge sting
ball rounds?
5 to 15 yards
At what distance do you use the rubber fin
stabilizer rounds?
15 to 30 yards
What are the only law enforcement badges
authorized for the CG?
CG Special Agent, CG Security Police Badge
How many persons are required to conduct a
3 persons
What category is the shoulder line-throwing
Category 4
Who shall be custodian of the keys to all spaces
containing ammo and explosives?
Who may authorize or direct the transfer of small Area and District Commanders
Who is the approving authority for any permanent Commandant (G-OCU)
changes to any units small arms allowances, and
authorizes for weapons to be modified?
Any magazine reading above what temp is
recorded in red in the NAVSEA OP 4 Ch. 7
and NAVSEA OP 5 Ch. 11 for shore units?
100°F, and recorded in the Record and Mag Log
How are the individual NAR numbered?
By each physical year
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
How many hours do you have to forward
applicable portions of the NAR to those units
within your AOR?
24 hours
How many hours do you have to respond via an
ATR with application changes?
72 hours
How many people shall conduct the annual
inventory and verification?
3, and 1 shall be associated in the weapons dept.
Any weapons container with an empty weight
of less than 500 lbs shall be secured to the
premises unless?
It is protected by an intrusion detection system
Located within an armory or vault
The National Stock Number is a ___ digit code?
Honors and Ceremonies
Should ships underway be dressed or
Ships not underway shall be dressed of fulldressed when?
From 0800 to sunset
Where would you fly the national ensign(s) on
not underway on the 4th of July?
Holiday ensign on the flagstaff, Normal ensign on a cutter
the masthead
In what publication would you find the order in
rainbow of colors is flown for full
dress ship?
Naval Telecommunications Procedures 13(B) which the
The mast with a spar running athwart ship is
called the what?
What is the small cap on the top of the pole
mast or flagstaff?
What is the slender vertical extension above
the truck?
Extending abaft the mainmast of a vessel is a
small spar known as what?
When Independence Day falls on a Sunday,
what day would you conduct the ceremonies?
The following Monday
What is the interval between salutes for a gun
salute fired on Memorial Day?
1 minute
On Memorial Day, at what time do you start
firing the gun salute?
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BM2 Study Guide
Courtesy of BM3 Hunter Lawrimore
On President’s Day, at what time do you start
firing the gun salute?
What is the interval between salutes for a gun
salute fired on President’s Day?
5 seconds
On Independence Day, at what time do you start
firing the gun salute?
What is the interval between salutes for a gun
salute fired on Independence Day?
5 seconds
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