Human resource management: a case study approach

Human resource management: a case study approach - chapter 12
Quiz questions (answers can be found at the bottom of the page)
1 Which of the following theories of motivation mentions 'valence' and 'instrumentality'?
a) Vroom's Expectancy Theory
b) Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
c) Latham and Locke's Goal Setting Theory
d) Adam's Equity Theory
2 A successful performance management system will include the following:
a) A clear alignment with the business strategy of the organization
b) HR professionals taking the lead in creating the system
c) Comprehensive training of line managers
d) Successful translation of business goals into individual goal
e) Keeping it simple
f) Giving managers an opportunity to get feedback from their team
3 Performance appraisals should monitor:
a) The quality of the employee's performance in relation to their job description
b) The employee's work load in relation to other employees
c) The organisation's achievement of their business objectives
d) Whether any further training is needed to do the job well
4 Multi-rater feedback is also known as:
a) 360 degree feedback
b) Constructive feedback
c) Customer feedback
d) 180 degree feedback
5 A successful performance appraisal meeting requires:
a) Advance preparation by the reviewer and reviewee
b) Must be formal and be by appointment
c) Must be carried out by someone impartial to avoid bias
d) Should be linked to a pay award
e) Should start by discussing positive aspects of the reviewee's performance
f) The manager to do most of the talking
6 SMART objectives are:
a) Sensible, maintainable, accurate, robust and talked-about
b) Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound
c) Serious, measurable, achievable, realistic and timetabled
d) Specific, maintainable, achievable, robust and timed
Quiz answers
1.a. 2.a clear alignment with the business strategy of the organisation, comprehensive
training of line managers, successful translation of business goals into individual goals,
keeping it simple, giving managers an opportunity to get feedback from their teams.
3.advance preparation by the reviewer and reviewee, discussing positive aspects of the
reviewee’s performance first. 4.b. 5.d. 6.a.