Reviewers Checklist Stage Activity Agree time/date and place of meeting with reviewee. Agree with the reviewee the deadline for returning their self-assessment (usually 10 days) before the PDPR meeting is held Preparation Send self-assessment reminder if necessary Collate information from other sources (PDPR notes, examples of completed work, evidence of other outputs, notes from one-one meetings, project plan progress reports, tangible data - SET, SEM, research income/outputs workload planning data, peer review and publications) Define meeting structure, discussion points and questions Anticipate and plan for areas of focus/challenges and opportunities for the year ahead and any discussion around potential areas for development Introductions and agenda PDPR Meeting Review objectives a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Discuss ways of working (link to competencies), wellbeing/work-life balance/workload planning (WLP) Summarise performance (reflecting progress, achievements, areas of improvement and future focus) Give indicative overall performance outcome for the year (subject to moderation) Agree future objectives using the SMART acronym Discuss and agree development needs, including discussion around any career development aspirations which the reviewee may want to raise Agree the next steps regarding further meetings and copies of the PDPR outcome Write up any objectives/notes/summary documents and share with reviewee After Recommend rating to the Head of School/Department for moderation (share PDPR paperwork where applicable) Organise future meetings to monitor progress against objectives, areas for development (including competency development) support and guidance sessions Check