OFFICIAL PAPKR OF COLUMBIA COUNTY XXXII. VOL. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 0, 1913 I. HELENS TO HAVE NEW POST LAWS FAMILY RETURNS MASTER AISO Will 0 lit- i i ft r wu rr.Mtfl CONFORM TO J. FULLER I ON in thin Mr. )im. or NAME OF CfTY I CANDIDATES Mr. ton will morning when wen re the more names. y la' St. HeleiiH patrons will bcnati;-I'h-'- I Mrl '"'I I. ine amimani with one of, as .. tf we Ljitcr ni Mii'ii ncicn there in no question of the ability of a (x'tilioil to tin1 post to handle rniia' the office ill either cast'. to change I he Mrs. )ili him been a resident hen .'lice il' l artment hero to for about three years uml during nut' of (If post tli tn lli'1 niiini' of thu city. Tin mi.Mt of that time kIic has been Tn'-nli- I I I po-ti- . . I ivn I - Mt con-in- n RESIDENTS BY d Vli-n- , - ;i K ON INCORPORATION A. T. Laws returneil last week on hi' Willamette, accompanied by his When i he County Court met last Wednesday morning they were con fronted by a goodly share of the population of the Guide neighbor hood who were here to settle the (uestiun of the incorporation of that place as a city. The sentiment 'if the people seems to be somewhat divided tin the question of incorporation arid a lively fight was had for two days before the court. nrumy, aiu-- nil me evidence was in concerning the required population, voters, etc., the court took the matter under advisement until Saturday to determine the questions involved. Among the crowd here from (Johle were the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lindsay, K. H. Tip ton, rrank Hishop, J. Nusbaumer, II. M. Fowler, Tom Cooper, II. LADIES A!0 Of M. E. CHM WILL Welter, Fred Stewart, Mrs. V'oight, rn unn Mrs. McKinster and T. C. Watts A. W. Mueller represented the petitioners, while L A. Laker, an A home talent entertainment will attorney of Portland, was looking he eivi-- at the Ciiy Hall 1'Yiday nit for the antis. evenihir, May liith, at S o'clock, under tho auspices of the MethoAid. The following dist ITli'-'-- t BIG M03MESJ1LEO pioi'ram will he rendered' Music, St. Helens Orch'-seraKealinir, Mis. Washhurn, Scap-poosBrawns m family, from California, where Mrs. Lawn. wiJh her two hoys, IM arnl Roy, have heen for the past four months. Roth Hit: boys are g really improved in health in fact, almost completely cured of any disea-uwith which they win. thrcati ficd with. This was a cast where an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure, as the hoys were in time and the results have I .ten cii'iri-lsatisfactory iWior a moi l its' ai home too hoys w ill start on a trip to the moun tains where they will spend Burnt time camping out. post office is Saint in the post ollice, so t liat shi while the name of the city is in thoroughly fiiiniluir with tin in order to get the work. She is at present schno, :;. Helens, mi tin- - department at clerk uml city treiiMuiei. Mr. I'ul- im- - changed kwili'tf!1"1 advised the postmaster lerton in pel haps the most widely; known Democratic war horse in the ,Tf tt'iit a petition would be ncct-supon una iniormn- - county. He has always been i. L,ry. Ami letiiocrat anil always hit bin th in s petition was prepared asking r the change, limit') nIl m little councils of his party. He has been ;iir to tin situation, an ap(encix n resilient of the county for about fur ap- - 4U)raiii ami knows every body by iM a l l. 'I recommending lii.tini'nt hi postmaster of the new the first inline, lie has also hal lice Mr. I. K. Dodd. It is under- - Home experience as postmaster hav-inI ;.mx1 thul the present jMistmastcr, that pimitii n at one tin c II. (.. limy, bun contemplated re at Warren, where he has niiule hit. ding f"f some time, although li irt home most of the tin e during the Seie.'tion. Ladies (juartette. past 40 years. Some other of the ne i n t out lor over a year yet Schu-.D..II Thildrt n. Ijt while the name of the office faith are looking for lightning to Vi.-- s Dart. Solo. changed it became ncccs-- , strike their way, and tin doubt u ii a's (Ireat .Men, Wade A Liry to appoint a new piistma ler. m vera! applications will he on file Kuthelford. Music, ()i chi ,tra. n. p.nld was early in the field with our democratic senators he- d any one knew much j fore the announcement is made of a it hean to a new otlicial for St. Helens. .ul it. Am A New Firm Hit' political wic ol the uno-laiin on ' line or tin? Inlthlill iletiio-at who have waited for yearn ami is also interesting. Mrs. lhn!d ... . . n llf . tl : .. ... HPt fur a chanci at of the rluiniiiitr to he a non partisan demo- - W JlCIl a!!0 AlllCS b CUTU WUiillipil litical (lie, they wa S n V PI ii Oil ''II fill1 P.ll where iin-- : crat, while Mr. Fullerton claims to S i an out ami out Miaic lu'imn wa necetttnry or the in Democrat, man in the cil-mwould K't the Wt.,c)i & Anu. a 1UHila.,s Urm of al. Aicordini-Tlother petitions cverythinK' that democrats " Wash , has purchased the re placed in circulation, princi- - Mrs. I)ild says she will enter the stue and husini s of J. II. Wvlliiitf-fiKh- t i in St. Helens and are preparing with a laiKC petition and ex-taitioni; then hcinif that of W. J. I i ad open up tomorrow. on the mei it to I'p to dale Loth n. tK'cls t wan' i no I '.in this .issue of theheirMist, appears r. an- pn-ttwell filled and more system, that l"'!ll,!-- , Tlli, js :l w,-known firm of the :tini me added I '..'. Lt alut'.if- should not he coiisidend, al:h"UKh Washiuifton city and they come to w race is urowinn: ijiiito excitintr the Ilemocralic hlood has coursed St. Helens to make a home and i'lJ it is n ii iK'Hlinti now w hether throuk'h her veins all her life time build up a business, or rather to up hold the business already established Mr. Ames, by Mr. Wellington, assisted by (!uy Swager, of Kelso, WAMPUS CAT CLUB will be in active charge of the store here, while Mr. Welch will remain in Kelso to conduct the business EOR SELECTED ATTRACTIONS MD WQRKMIN ORGANIZE there. Tney will carry a full and ENTERTAINMENTS NEXT WINTER LODGE IN Sr. HELENS complete line of clothing, boots and shoes, men's, childrens and ladies goods. Lead their annoimct ment St. Helens, Vay 1. 1J1:. Mr. Kdwards of Portland, repre- in the Mi:-t- . S"ino few weeks aK) plana were senting the lirilt Lyceum Hureau of cities, for an organization Itois1, rortland and other laying in St. Helens Wednesday was M.E. niiiK the machinists, cnint'eia before the business a propo-nitio"I the mechanical HtatT of the St. for a course of entertainMinn l,,r. Co. The new oriran-at'"- n ments for St. Helens next winter. MEMBERS KEEf AT GUILD HALL has heen called the "Wutn- - After considerable talk and arguAND LISTEN TO DR. MCDOUGAL Cat t'luh." This beinjr on the ments n selection was made consisting of the Floytls, one of the Mme line iim tin? famous lumler- Td members of the Methodist Kreat Magicians of the country, Mr. "ns order, "Hoo Hon," of Hlack Kandall. u famous cartoonist church enjoyed n banquet nt the faine, hence the derivation of two musical numbers and a Cuild Hall Fiiday evening. May 2, 'i name. We are advised it is a lecturer. These Hre all high grade Ir. Mcllougall. District SuperinNtual hcnevolent (irKanization anil attractions anil cost considerable to tendent of the Portland district, cnc niriiged by was present, ami also Mr. T. S f'lr its purpose n hettcr fellow-"- P bring them here, but of Portland. After enthe success of the course last winter "f thos' closely associated in the people here nre taking hold of joying the gooil things prepared by ii' lines of lulwip nmtii the matter in a way that means the ladies, spcaehes were enjoyed. h,'r heinif cliitihle. The nieet- - success. It will be the ende iv.T to Several of those present were called fiwwill he held subject to the call give the best course of entertain- on to speak on the need of church here, and it is enlargement. Dr. McDougall and 'lUiihli. leader. Messrs. White ment ever given confidently believed and expected Mr. McHaniels kept the company ""I J;w. Ilohhs, who are highly that the people of this community laughing with their wit. Although and well known gentlemen will be lilicral in their patronage. several of the members were not ' ility who will make this a present, half the amount needed panil organization for St. Helens. was pledged. services preaching be will There Plie fnii.,u;.... """H mu tot? Ulllll'IB. at Houlton May 11. an 11 a. m. A card party will be given at the '"wampus, Walter White; vice- - Subject, "What is Regeneration?" ' "mwainpus. Jas, Hobbs; Howler. hall May 14. at 8 p. m., Guild by the pastor, W. T. Fairchild. Wilbur Muckle, to raise money "IT dartman' Ki..r Milton Hecause of Uie scarlet fever and for the Kpiscopal fame- - Ford. Suneller vestments for Mrn.nnhl. small px quarantine at Yankton to attend. Adinvited All choir. there will not be any religious mission 2." cents. Flinch, Five 'vH. K. Krieder. former nas services. Hundred, Rridge. r''fthe Free t ehnrch marked, ' Hiiultun and now unulnr in For in sh a A f ill lin ! of For.-t'V'kane. Wash., will preach in the' golden nn.l light sable, pedigreed Pioneer Merchants, Perry & the ,ro Methodist church In Houlton Scotch Collie, puppies, 2t Ciruham, Houlton. net Sunday niornin .ml evening. Mrs. Jack Appleton tin1 inn' i.f BESIEGED OF GOBLE DODD and W. MRS. I. E. COURT BE CHANGED TO r . e. In-ill- - ' 1 -- Fl ( ! m run ti,tu cora am with l ' e Two mortgage or trust deeds were Met! in the i,ounty Clerk ss this ollice week aggregating One of them was from i l.o'To.OOO. he Kerry Timber Co. to the Cen tral Tiust Co. of Illinois, and W. T. bbott. covering timber holdings in Columbia and other counties fur fSOO.OOO, and the other was from the Columbia & Nehalem River Railroad to the Central Trust Com pany of Illinois. 1 he hung fees were $:(."..('.) and $.'!0. 2D respectively. Has Hardware Store o Jllt-ri- i Ix-ti- - - - J. II. Well itlou not to retire - Uc-ture- r, - S Helens J. H. Wellington tlid not sell out his stock of hardware and crockery so he has decided to place this stock in the small building adjoining his tore building and will continue to handle hardware, crockery and tinware. Next week his ad w ill ap pear in the Mbt telling you just what he has in the way of bargains in his line. Mr. Wellington has hi en in the general merchandise business in St. Helens for a number of years and has been one of the most progressive an. prosperous business men of the city. Recently he decided to ietire from the general business and has successfully conducted a sale of his goods until he reached a point where some other person could take the stock, so he disposed of it to the new firm of Welch & Ames, formerly of Kelso. The citizens of St. Helens and vicinity know Duke Wellington so well and have become so accustomed to be met with his genial smile on entrance to his store that he will be missed there, but by stepping next door the same old smile and the same old Duke will greet you and sell you nnything you need in the hardware line. 1 Charles O. Welch, an expert photographer, has located in St. Helens with a complete outfit for his work. The gallery is located at the corner of the Plaza nnd Columbia streets. He is prepared to do any anil all kinds, of photographic work. Iamivc orders for cabbage and tomato plants nt C. H. John's grocery store. Snle-ISeauti- fully i I All SCH001S IN THE COUNTY WILL MEET IN ST. HELENS ON SATURDAY, For Sale Roy's gentle riding p my, saddle anil bridle; cheap. Address Box H2, St. Helens, Ore. MAY 17 LI5T OF EVENTS GIVEN With the annual Columbia county track and field meet but one week away, Saturday, May 17, renewed interest in the big event is being manifested. Contractor I) spa in started a crew to work leveling up the field above the tennis courts Thursday morning and expects to have it in readiness in a few days. After the high places have been graded ami the low places filled, the entire flat will be rolled and a circular track made around the edge. With fair weather St. Helens should have the best athletic ground in the county by next Saturday. County Suiierintemlent J. B. n has just secured for referee of the meet Mr. P. W. Lee, physical director of the Portland Y. M. C. A. This assures the boys of the county the most competent as well as the most impartial treatment which they could possibly get. While the local high school boys have had no track to practice upon nor have been trained by a special coach, as has Clatskanie and Rainier, they will enter every event w ith a resolve to capture their share of the medals. Rainier has engaged George Philbrook, the famous Olympic athlete, to train their boys for this meet. Clatskanie has hail a special coach for several weeks. Yet with all their star coaching St. Helens looks to Captain Dale Perry for first in the hammer, shot and discus at least. Harry Richardson will run all contestants close in the pole vault and the sprints, while "Doc" Smith will run the half mile at a rate of speed which may make the racers from down the stream eat the dirt frem his spiked shoes. Walter Zysett, Frank Robertson, Charles Laws, Oswald Deming and several other athletes have made good showing and may be counted upon to pick up a few points each. In the grades It. Helens will enter several promising athletes, including Lelland Goheen, James Adams, Lester Wellington, Dewey Harrison, Dewey Smith, Chandler Gray, Glenn Barnett and Harley Vandalah.i The list of events will be as fol d dash, discus throw. lows: d dash, 2 mile high jump, run, broad jump, pole vault, hammer throw, quarter mile run, shot put, hurdle races and half-mil- e relay race. There will be special events for girls including a Wil-kerso- 100-yar- 220-yar- 50-ya- ! "a-i1- - Each visiting team pays its own expenses, but St. Helens must buy the prizes. Therefore an admission fee will be collected by guards surrounding the field. School Notes Fair at St. Helens A thoroughly agreeable surprise came to the high school pupils Arrangements Made to MoTe Wednesday afternoon when the Rev. Fair from Yaniton This Fall Phillip Bauer, chaplain at the state penitentiary, and representative of j The citizens of St. Helens met the prison aid society, talked for with some of the officers of the almost an hour. Mr. Bauer took as Yankton Fair last Wednesday to over the proposition of holding his "text" an automobile advertise- . fair in St. Helens this fall. After the Maximum speed, maxi-- ; considerame discussion concerning ment: mum power, minimum cost," and waysand means it was decided to in a highly entertaining manner ap- - hold the fair on Washington Square, ..t;.wi ikuoi iha moral nroviiled the ieonle of St. Helens necesmanly development of young peo- and Houlton would erect the Work was at once sary buildings. ple. Within a few months Mr. started to secure enough funds Bauer will have addressed every with which to do this, and at this high school in the state. The pupils time it seems assured that the money of the high school wish to urge the will be raised and the fair will lie pavillion will be people to hear Rev. Bauer if he held here. A large also stock sheds sufficient to built, Sunday evenspeaks in St. Helens accommodate all the stock and exing. hibits that will be there. A portion off and The pupils of the 8th grade took of the square will be leveled exhibit fixed suitable for a track to the state examination for hih the stock and to provide a place school entrance Thursday and Fri- where some sports, such as foot day of this week. The present racing etc., can be pulled off. The Freshman class is very much in- people are very much interested and effort to terested in the result, as it expects are coin e to exert every event of the biggest the make this to prepare a special "reception for kind ever held in the countv and the "babies" next September. also to make it an annual event. 5)5 per cent of the students are enjoying tennis since the fine PORTLAND LADY INJURED weather began. From the close of school each afternoon until late in the evening the court cleared by A largq number of motorcycles the student body is filled, with loaded with men and women came others awaiting their turn on the down from Portland lasf Sunday and side lines. after spending the day here returned The declamatory contest of Col- to the city in the evening. While umbia county schools will lie held out near Warren one of the motorat Scappoose on Wednesday, May cycles broke a chain, a piece flying 14th. Contestants from several of up and striking a lady with such the schools in the county are entered force as to inflict a painful wound and much work is being done in on the knee. While she was still preparing for the event. The pub- lying beside the road an automobile happened along, in which was a lic is invited. Doctor, who immediately dresseii the injured knee and the lady was Lost Two razors; finder please taken to Houlton where she took leave at the barber shop of Craig the train for home. We did not & Halstead and receive reward. learn the name of the injured lady. Ljost A gold bar pin. Finder The roads between Portland and St. w ill plerse leave at the Mist office Helens are now in first class condianil receive the sincere thanks of a tion and from now on until late in young lady w ho prizes the pin very the fall the roads will be lined on Sundays with autos and motorcycle. highly. ! entirely from busiuss in ' n 19 COLUMBIA COUNTY FIELD MEET COUNT OF OFFICE WE NO- -