Day 8 Geologic Time and Folded Mountains


Day 8 Geologic Time and Folded Mountains

Objectives: Students will use methods used by geologists to estimate the age of the earth.

Bell Ringer- Mt. St. Helens’ base is at an elevation of 4,000’ and a peak of 9,677’

What is its change in elevation?

2. Mt. St. Helens has a distance from its center to its base of about 3 miles (5,280 feet =

1 mile). How many feet is this?

3. To find the slope of a volcano; divide the change in elevation by the distance from center to base (rise / run).

4. Use a tangent table to estimate the slope (in degrees) of Mt. St. Helens.

How do geologists estimate the age of the earth?

Read pp. 327-328 discuss

Erosion rates and deposition rates

Varves (show ripple marks from Utah)

Half Life

Geologic time

Page 346 blue to scale

Compare to 354 blue not to scale!

Create Timelines

1m = 1 billion years, 1mm = 1 million years students use 5m of tape and page 354 to label the following

4 main time periods

1 st

fish, insects dinosaurs, flowering plants, formation of Appalachian mountains

The 3 eras:

Cenozoic Era

(65 mya to today)

Mesozoic Era

(248 to 65 mya)

Paleozoic Era

(543 to 248 mya)

Precambrian Time (not an era but rather all time before the 3 eras)

(4,500 to 543 mya)

Folded Mountains activity

Demo folding using towel.

Syncline and anticline

Syncline- downward fold of land causing rock layers to bend down

Anticline- folded upward. Rock bends up.

Put up PA relief map

Students complete lab

Exit Bell Ringer- according to geologists, how old is the Earth?


4.6 billion years
