U . S .D E P A R T M E NOTF T R A N S P O R T A T I O N F E D E R AA L V IATION ADMINISTRATION National Policy EffectiveDate: 10t01t07 S U B J : F A A C o m p l i a n c ea n d E n f o r c e m e n P t roqram This order containspolicies,procedures, and guidelinesfor the FederalAviation Administration's complìanceand enforcementprogram.The order also articulatesthe FAA's philosophyfor using various remedies, inclr,rdingeducation,corrective action, informal action, remedial training, administrativeaction,and legal enforcementaction,to addressnoncompliance with statutoryand regulatoryrequi¡ements enforcedby the FAA. It providesfor the public a written statementof the policy guidancefor imposingsanctions Administrator's for violationsof suchrequirements. The order is used at all levels by agencypersonnelwho are engagedin the investigation,repofting, andprocessing of enforcement actions.It appliesto all officeswith regulatoryresponsibilities. This revisionof the ordercomprehensively updatespolicies,procedures, guidance,and assignments of responsibility. It reorganizes the orderin a mannermore usefulfor agencypersonneland is available electronicallyto agencypersonneland the public.The revisionamendsagencysanctionguidanceto conform to statutorychangesresultingfrom Vision lO0Centuryof Aviation ReauthorizationAct and guidanceinto the agency'scomplianceand enforcement incorporates programorder on policiesand programsthat have developedsincethe last comprehensive order revisionin 1988.Those include policiesrelatingto the FAA's exerciseof its authorityto administratively assesscivil penaltiesand guidanceon the agency's voluntarysafetyprograms. A workgroup of agencypersonnelfrom the field and headquarters with extensiveexperiencein statutoryand regulatoryenforcementreviewedthe agency'spolicies.and programsin this area to producethis comprehensive revisionof the agencyorderon its compliance andenforcement program. RobertA. Stu ActingAdmin Distribution: A-W-l;A-W(AT/PS/SM)-2;A-W (PP/AM/SF/ -2;Z-X GCIFS/IA/VS)-3 (A T/AF/CS) (AS/AM/cC/FS)-3 ;A-XYZ ; A-Y (AM/ARIGC)-3;A-Z (AM/AN/GC)-3 ;A-FAC/FACIFCS-O; A-F AF/FAT/FIA-O(LTD);ZFS-325 InitiatedBy: AGC-300 10t01t07 2150.38 safetybelt,and, if installed,shoL¡lder harnessproperly secureddLrringmovementon the surface,takeoff,or landin ratinga portableelectronicdevice Drinkinsalcoholic notservedbv carrier 4. DUI/DWI PROGRAM, FALSIFICATION OF DRUG CONVICTIONS AND AIRMAN MEDICAL CERTIFICATE VIOLATIONS Fie. B-4-a. Sanctionsrelatedto DUI/DWI Prosram CertificateAction Civil Penalty ( I ) Intentionallyfalseor fraudulententry on medical certificateapplicationregardinga DUI convictionor administrative actionunder14 C.F.R.Q 67.403(a)11) (2) Making an incorrect statementon a medical certifìcateapplicationregardinga DUI conviction or administrativeactionunder l 4 C . F . R .$ 6 7 . a 0 3 ( c ) ( l ) Revocationof all airman and medical certifìcates Indefinite Suspension (pending correction of applicationand determinationof qualification)or Revocationof medicalcertificate l5- to 45-day Suspension of all pa"' 61 certificates (3) Failureto reporta motor vehicleaction(MVA) u n d e rl 4 C . F . R .$ 6 l . l 5 ( e ) (4) Two MVAs arisingfrom separateincidentswithin 3 years,and repoftedboth under 1 4C . F . R$. 6 1 . 1 5 ( d ) (5) ThreeMVAs arisingfrom separateincidentswithin 3 y e a r su n d e rI 4 C . F . R .I 6 1. l 5 ( d ) Fig. B-4-b. Airman Medical Certificate Violations (1) Intentionallyfalseor fraudulentstatementon an applicationfor a medicalceftificateor on a requestfor any specialissuance or SODA under l 4 C . F . R .$ 6 7 . 4 0 3 ( a X l ) (2) Intentionallyfalseor fraudulententry in a record that is kept,madeor usedto show complianceunder 90- to 120-day Suspension of all part 61 certificates Revocationof all part 61 ceftificates Civil Penaltv t Certificate Action Revocationof all airmanand medical ceftificates r 4 c.F.R.Q67.403h)(2\ Revocationof all airmanand medical ceftificates (3) Reproduction of a medicalcertificate for fraudulent purposeunder 14C.F.R.6 67.403(aX3) Revocation of all airmanandmedical ceftificates (4) Alterationof medicalcertificateunder Revocationof all airmanand medical cer-tificates l4 C.F.R. $ 67.a03(a)(a) Fig. B-4-b. Airman MedicalCertificateViolations cont. B-29 Civil Penalty CertificateAction