
FTM practice test
Chapter 1
Chain of Command:
Sec. of Defense:
Michael B. Donely
Gen. Nortan A. Schwartz
Gen Stephen R. Lorenz
Holm Center/CC
USAF Major Commands:
Air Mobility Command
Air Combat Command
Air Education and training command
Peterson AFB, CO
Air Force Special Operations Command Hulburt Field, FL
Ramstein Germany
Pacific Air Forces
Wright Patterson AFB, OH
Global Strike Command
General Robert E Lee:
General Joseph L. Collins:
General Omar Bradley:
If our air forces are never used, they have achieved their finest goal.
If I didn’t have air supremacy, I wouldn’t be here.
Air Force Song
Airman’s Creed
Chapter 2
You should only bring two bags your____________ and a ______________________.
Detachments must have ___________ present on travel days.
If your flight is rescheduled contact who?
Your flight to Atlanta must arrive before what time?
The insurance available to you is called ____________________ and you can receive up to how much?
Chapter 3
Permanent marker is used to mark what on your laundry?
What is my laundry mark?
When wearing blues where is the flight cap stored?
When wearing the ABU where is the cap stored?
A _________ ________ ________ is to be worn with ABUs and PTUs unless otherwise directed.
As a minimum, I have to wear what when I sleep?
Bring _____ to defray any personal expenses.
Five optional items allowed at field training.
Quote by Curtis E. Lemay, Chief of staff USAF.
Chapter 4
Quote by General Ulysses S. Grant
Drink ____ to _________ of water per hour for no more than ____ a day or more than 1.5 quarts an hour for water replacement.
Rapid ingestion of large amounts of water can lead to _____ ______ ___________.
Chapter 5
Victory Smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the
changes occur.
Chapter 6
What is the honor code?
Lying is any statement of ________, which is meant to ______ or _______. An example is?
Stealing is anyone who wrongfully ________,_________, or ______ someone else’s property without their permission.
Cheating is _______ __________ of another. One example of cheating is:
Toleration means __________ without ___________. If you know a cadet who has violated the honor code and you fail to report the
matter, you are guilty of __________.
What are the core values?
Integrity is the act of doing the _______ _______, not because it will help them in the long run but because it is right. It is the act of
“_______ _______ _______”
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling, which thinks that
nothing is worth war, is much worse. The person, who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important
than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better
men than himself.
Chapter 7
Name the things you are prohibited from doing at field training:
A. _______________________________________
B. ________________________________________
C. ________________________________________
D. _______________________________________
E. ________________________________________
F. ________________________________________
G. ________________________________________
H. ________________________________________
I. ________________________________________
J. ________________________________________
K. ________________________________________
L. ________________________________________
M. ________________________________________
N. ________________________________________
O. ________________________________________
P. ________________________________________
Q. ________________________________________
R. ________________________________________
S. ________________________________________
T. ________________________________________
U. ________________________________________
V. ________________________________________
W. ________________________________________
X. ________________________________________
Y. ________________________________________
IMT 341 are used for what?
The IMT 341 must be turned in to your ________________ and by ______ on that TD.
You must have at least _____ on you all times with the first two lines filled out.
Multiple 341s will result in a form 17 and counseling.
AFROTC 84-m is for ______, and is the _______ checklist.
AFROTC 84-1m for _______, and is the ______ checklist.
The 7 basic responses are:
1. ________________________________________
2. ________________________________________
3. ________________________________________
4. ________________________________________
5. ________________________________________
6. ________________________________________
7. ________________________________________
To pass an individual or group politely state, what?
What are the no salute areas?
When having class the cadet GP/CC will stand and command _____________________________________________ once the cadets
are at parade rest the GP/CC will command ______________________. The GP/CC will than turn and salute (officers only) and state
When closing the lecture for the day, the GP/CC will command ________________________________. At this time cadets will
__________________________ and be ready to stand. The next command from the GP/CC will be _____ ___________. They will
than turn and salute (officers only) and report _____________________________________________________.
When passing a FTU or OTS staff, or CTA cadets _______ the wall and state, ____________________________________.
List 3 security violations:
A. _______________________________________
B. ________________________________________
C. ________________________________________
Quote by Charles A. Gabriel, Chief of Staff, USAF
Chapter 8
What the 4 things you are allowed to do during Call to Quarters?
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________
C. ________________________________________
D. ________________________________________
Sleeping/ lying in bed is prohibited during _________ ___ ________.
You must sign in/out on an AFROTC IMT 82. Always consult your _______ or ______.
When filling out the IMT 82 you must state the exact time you ________ the line and it must be down to the very minute.
What are the different types of formations and what do they consist of?
Cadets will always double time when wearing PTUs. True or false
Cadets are allowed to put the flight at ease anytime. True or false.
The ____________ will act as a road guard with 10 or fewer cadets.
To post the road guards the command is ___________________________. The command to retrieve the road guards is
When a guide enters a building they must announce _________________.
The ___________________ will be the last person to enter a building and the first to leave.
If you do not attend Church you will have __________ ___________ __________. During this time you are allowed to do what 4
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________
C. ________________________________________
D. ________________________________________
To get the mail the mail orderlies will report to the __________ ___________ __________. And do as follows:
The mailing order at Maxwell will be as follows:
Chapter 9
Flights will arrive no later than ______ minutes before or after their scheduled dining priorities.
What is the verbiage to report into the mess checker?
The area outside the mess hall will only be called to attention for _______ and above.
Cadets will have up to _____ minutes to finish their meals when the last person sits down at their table.
You are to ______ at the ______ before entering the line.
Cadets must wash their _______ before entering the DFAC. At a minimum, use ________ _________ ____________.
Tight meals are designed to _________, a sense of ________ _________ and individual __________ ___ ________.
When at the table position 4 will state what 3 things.
A. ________________________________________
B. ________________________________________
C. ________________________________________
Cadets 2 and 3 will pass ________ to their ________.
When cadets are done with their meals they will place their ______ on top of their tray, and cadets ___ and ____ will pass their trays
to cadets in positions ____ and ____.
The cadets in position __ will lift the ______ holder while position ____ wipes the table down. Position ____ will wait to
_________any waste left over from cleaning.
Chapter 10
What are off-limits to cadets unless a staff member specifically authorizes entry?
When entering a room occupied by the opposite gender, cadets and staff member must announce, ___________________. And wait
for the proper response, __________________ or __________.
Doors and blinds will be opened at a __________ during duty hours and closed during ____________ _______________.
Rooms should be in _______________ ___________ from the first ___________ _____________ until the beginning of __________.
_____________ must be completely __________ during formal inspections and no more than _______ _____ at other times.
Chapter 11
What are the three types of beds?
When making a dust cover bed the top sheet is approximately ____ inches from the head end of the mattress.
The white collar bed is used during?_____________
On a white collar bed how far should the bottom of the collar be from the head end of the bed?
Cadets on the bottom bunk face _______ while cadets on the top bunk face _______.
Hang all sleeved items with the _______ sleeve facing the door of the closet.
From top to bottom, left to right list all items that are to be displayed on the closet top shelf.
From left to right list all shoes to be displayed.
What items will be displayed in the top clothing drawer?
How will hydration systems be displayed in the dorms?
The Quote by Alfred Thayer Mahan is?
In the Personal hygiene drawer what is supposed to be displayed on the bottom of the drawer as a liner?
List the drawers in order from top to bottom.
Chapter 12
Write out the process for a open ranks inspection.
Open ranks inspections focuses on __________ and ________________.
What is the verbiage to inform the inspector the flight is ready for the open ranks inspection?
What form is used when inspecting female cadets rooms?
During a standby inspection the _______________ will state
The drill evaluation will be held on a _______ __________
What does LCE stand for?
What does FTPR stand for?
If more than ____ discrepancies are reported during a formal inspection, what will be used to counsel the
What is the quote by General George S. Patton, Jr., USA?
Chapter 13
What is the quote at the end of the chapter?
Cadets must show up to FT _________ _____________ ______________
You must ensure you bring two mouth guards already ______________ and ____________
For Pt cadets will fall in by ______ and will form up in ____________ formation, without a _____________.
Starting with squadron 1 each _____________ will salute the GP/PFO and say
The cadet _________________ ensures that the group is at parade rest and prepared for the PT session prior to but not later than
Chapter 5
What does CC stand for and what do they do?
What is the vice commander?
The director of support oversees all support staff functions including ____________, _______________, _______________,
The scheduling officer is in charge of ____________ and ensures all training curriculum and ___________ is _______________.
What does the Project officer do?
The director of operations supervises who?
Assistant Director of Operations (ADO) is the primary like between the _________ and _________.
The _____________ maintains discipline, standardizes training, and oversees the physical training (PT), drill and ceremonies, and
standardization programs for the cadet group.
What does the Command support staff do?
What are the five types of CTAs?
Draw the cadet Group organization chart:
The cadet GP/CC reports to the ___________. This individual will ____________ cadet activities and monitor the
_________________ and conduct of the cadet group.
This position will ensure common areas inside the dorm are clean and orderly ________________________.
This position ensures the safety and adequacy of the athletic areas and ensures flight member s know the procedures for warm-up
This position reports to the GP/CC or the GP/CD and is responsible for training FLT/Standos on inspection
This position is responsible for assembling the flight during formations, reporting attendance during fire drills/emergency evacuations,
and receiving the report of element leaders____________________.
Write L for leadership positions and NL for non leadership positions and state their rotations
Cadet Group Commander ______
Guidon Bearer______
Cadet Deputy Flight commander______
Cadet Flight supply officer______
Cadet Mail orderly_______
Cadet Safety Officer_____
Cadet flight drill and ceremonies officer_______
What is the quote at the end of chapter 5?
Dining Procedures: Arrival and Departure
When entering, form two lines along the edge of the wall
Square corners if not carrying a tray or if you’re on carpet
Facing movement to take tray and silverware, side-step when in serving line
Exit through left side door (front door when at high FPCON) – go to flag pole
First two cadets from flight to exit retrieve guidon (tallest one carries it)
Do not step on blue line! Pause for a few moments and then move
Dining Procedures: Tight Meals
Cadet 1:
go to tray cabinet after meal
Cadet 2:
Pass napkin to cadet on right
Pass things in tray to cadet 1 after meal
Wipe table
Cadet 3:
Pass napkin to cadet on right
Pass things in tray to cadet 4 after meal
Lift napkin holder so cadet 2 can wipe table
Cadet 4:
say “Be Seated” when all cadets are present
Say “moment of silence” when all cadets are seated
Say “Enjoy your meal” a few seconds later
Clean up waste left over from cleanup, then go to tray cabinet
Dining Procedures: Arrival – special
Cadet Flt/cc:
Note halting time, put flight at “Parade Rest”, walk to 1 pace in front of
mess checker, salute, “Sir/Ma’am, ‘X’ flight reports with a dining priority of
00:00, we arrived at 00:00” after they’ve responded, say “Will that be all,
Sir/Ma’am?” salute, return to flight, call column of files to enter facility.
Sign in for flight upon entering DFAC
Process through dining line last
Cadet Flt/cd:
Process through line first
Water monitor:
Request to be excused upon reaching DFAC
Go to kitchen and fill glasses of water until relieved
When relieved, process though line
Dormitory Maintenance: Beds
Dust cover bed:
Bottom sheet: flush with bottom
Top sheet: 6 inches from top
Blanket: 6 inches from top
Tuck blanket and top sheet together!
Pillow flush with head, centered
Dust cover: terminates 24 inches from head of bed
White collar bed:
Collar: 6 inches, folded twice (once to make)
Should be 24 inches from head
Open-air bed:
Don’t remove mattress cover (unless exchanging)
E-fold all blankets, “e” to inspection side
Stack widest to narrowest, pillow on top
Dormitory Maintenance: Closet
Top Shelf (L-R)
Duffel bag: grounded to left
Flight cap: grounded to left
Soap in container: 24 inches from left
Poncho: 18 inches from right
Flashlight: 12 inches from right
BDU cap: flush to right and front
Starch: flush to right and back
Hanging arrangement: (L-R)
ABU special, ABU Shirts, ABU pants, Blue special, Blue shirts, blue pants
Shoe Display:
Combat boots, low quarters, shower shoes, sneakers
Dormitory Maintenance: Wet items maintenance
PT shirt:
Top cadet (bottom if >2 cadets) - drape over chair (front facing desk)
Bottom cadet (if >2 cadets)- drape over left side of footboard (front facing
PT shorts:
Top cadet (bottom if >2 cadets) - seat of chair (front facing up)
Bottom cadet (if>2 cadets) - drape over right side of footboard (front facing
Hang on the shower rod (right sleeve facing in)
Dormitory Maintenance: Dresser Drawers
Top drawer (R-L):
Top: underwear, cotton (blues) socks, Wool (ABU) socks
Bottom: brown (ABU) t-shirts, V-neck (blues) t-shirts
Bottom Clothing drawer:
Towels: single fold to front, flush to left
Washcloths: ground to front and left, on top of towels
Shoetree: right-rear corner
Soap: right-front corner
Hygiene drawer (Rear-Front):
Toothpaste: rear-right, Deodorant: ‘toothpaste’-right
Razor: center-left, Toothbrush: center, Shampoo: center-right
Shaving cream/Hairbrush: front-right, comb/pick: ‘cream/brush’-right
Miscellaneous information:
AETC IMT-341: On-the-spot documentation (positive and negative)
AFROTC IMT-17: Official counseling
AFROTC IMT-84M: Male dormitory checklist and inspection sheet
AFROTC IMT-84-1M: Female dormitory checklist and inspection sheet
AFROTC IMT 85: Squadron area inspection report
Reporting in:
Center yourself on the door, knock once. When called, leave door as you
found it, take the most direct route (do NOT square corners) to desk,
perform facing movement, salute (except NCO’s) “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet *name]
reports (as ordered).”
When leaving, come to attention, “Will that be all Sir/Ma’am?” take one
step back, salute, give the greeting of the day, facing movement, and leave.
“War makes extremely heavy demands on the soldier’s strength and nerves. For this reason, make heavy demands on your men in peacetime
exercises.” – German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, ys”v (Preface)
“Duty then is the sublimest word in the English language. You should do your duty in all things. You can never do more, you should never wish to
do less.” –Gen. Robert E. Lee (Chapter 1)
“The American people rightly look to their military leaders to be not only skilled in the technical aspects of the profession of arms, but to be men
of integrity.” –Gen. Joseph L. Collins (Chapter 1)
“Leadership is intangible. Therefore no weapon ever designed can replace it.” – Gen. Omar Bradley (Chapter 1)
“If our air forces are never used, they have accomplished their finest goal.” – Gen. Nathan Twining (Chapter 1)
“If I didn’t have air supremacy, I wouldn’t be here.” Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower (Chapter 1)
“I don’t mind being called tough, because in this racket, it’s tough guys who lead the survivors.” – Gen. Curtis E. Lemay, Chief of Staff, USAF
(Chapter 3)
“In every battle, there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.” Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
(Chapter 4)
“Victory smiles upon those that anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after the changes
occur.” –Italian Air Marshall Guilio Douhet (Chapter 5)
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling, which thinks that nothing is
worth war, is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal
safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” John
Stuart Mill (Chapter 6)
“Integrity is the fundamental premise of military service in a free society. Without integrity, the moral pillars of our military strength, public
trust, and self-respect are lost.” –Gen. Charles A. Gabriel, Chief of Staff, USAF (Chapter 7)
“War, once declared, must be fought offensively, aggressively. The enemy must not be fended off, but smitten down. You may then spare him
every exaction, relinquish every gain, but ‘till then he must be struck incessantly and relentlessly.” – Alfred Thayer Mahan (Chapter 11)
“There is only one sort of discipline- PERFECT DISCIPLINE. Men cannot have good battle discipline and poor administrative discipline.” – Gen.
George S. Patton Jr. United States Army (Chapter 12)
“The power of excellence is overwhelming. It is always in demand, and nobody cares about its color.” –Gen. Daniel S. “Chappie” James, USAF
(Chapter 13)
“It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of
speech. It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who
serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protestor to burn the flag.” Father Dennis Edward O’Brien,
Sergeant, USMC (Chapter 15)
Mock Test
Measurement from right wall to the right of the poncho (inches)?
What 3 items must be on you at all times (Not counting FTM/AM, check all)
PT Towels go in which drawer?
USAF Chain of Command- President:
Who's responsible for determining where a flight can place extra display items?
What's the measurement of the dust cover from the top of the mattress to the bottom of the dust cover (inches)?
Waste baskets in rooms must by empty during what?