MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA F/E-0.40 SRBICA - THE MONASTERY OF DEVI^ I/I-0.69 SRBICA - MANASTIR DEVI^ SK 1413 1948/1990. Extraordinary importance SK 1413 1948/1990. izuzetan zna~aj POSITION POLO@AJ Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Srbica, Kosovsko - mitrova~ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska OWNER VLASNIK Srpska pravoslavna crkva Serbian Orthodox Church The church of the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, the eastern part Crkva vavedewa Bogorodice, isto~ni deo DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The monastery of Devi~, with the church dedicated to the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, is situated about 5km to the south of Srbica. Its present appearance is the result of numerous remodellings, destructions and rebuildings in the course of its five centuries long history. The first donor of the monastery was holy hermit th century. The foundation Joanikije of Devi~, born in the 15 of the monastery has been attributed to despot \ura| Brankovi}, who, according to tradition, erected the church in 1434, as a votive for the healing of his virgin daughter herefrom the name Devi~. Despot Grgur, despot \ura|s th century son, donated a bell to the monastery in 1458. A 19 fresco cycle representing standing figures of the holy members of the Brankovi} family has been preserved in the chapel. The monastery was destroyed by the Turks at the end of the 15th century. It was restored in the time of Patriarch Makarije Sokolovi}, as it is witnessed by a fresco inscription from 1587. During restoration campaign oil paintings from 1863 were strapped, removed from the wall and mounted on the walls in the old churchs nave and the narthex. The Royal Na oko 5 km ju`no od Srbice nalazi se manastir Devi~ sa crkvom posve}enom Vavedewu Bogorodice. Dana{wi izgled crkve i manastira rezultat je mnogobrojnih promena, ru{ewa i dogradwi tokom pet vekova postojawa. Prvi ktitor manastira bio je sveti pustino`iteq Joanikije Devi~ki, ro|en u XV veku. Osnivawe manastira pripisuje se despotu \ur|u Brankovi}u koji je, prema predawu, podigao crkvu oko 1434. u spomen i za ozdravqewe svoje k}eri device, po ~emu je manastir prozvan "Devi~ki". Despot Grgur, sin despota \ur|a, poklonio je zvono manastiru 1458. godine. U paraklisu crkve sa~uvan je ciklus zidnih slika iz XIX veka sa stoje}im figurama svetih Brankovi}a. Turci su razorili manastir krajem XV veka, a obnovqen je u vreme patrijarha Makarija Sokolovi}a, o ~emu svedo~i natpis na fresci iz 1587. godine. Najnovije uqane zidne slike iz 1863. godine su prilikom konzervatorskih radova 1966, strapirane i preme{tene na prazne zidove naosa 241 MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA Doors are the only remain of the old iconostasis. Their design, woodcarving and icons indicate that they must have th century. The other been made in the second half of the 16 parts of the present iconostasis were made in 1974. The church has been destroyed, rebuilt and remodelled several times in its history. Each time the same type of material was used dressed stone and lime mortar, which makes precise dating impossible. The earliest building in the complex is the church. A parekklesion and a small chapel, square in plan, with relics of Holy Joanikije were subsequently attached to its north side. The church is singlenaved, rectangular in plan, barrel-vaulted, with three niches acting as a sanctuary. The apse, containing the altar, is semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. It has a window contemporary to the construction of the church, which is the only original aperture. After the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe} the church was restored and painted. The church and parekklesion got their fresco decoration on that occasion. Fragments of these frescoes are preserved in the churchs sanctuary and above Joanikijes coffin. The monastery was famous for the cult of St Joanikije, a hermit and healer, and the activities of its th and 17th centuries. scriptorium in the 16 During the World Wars the monastery was exposed to plunders and destructions. In 1915 it was robbed by treasure-hunting Austrian soldiers. Marble coffin of Holy Joanikije was broken with pick, while conventual buildings were destroyed. In the period between the two World Wars valuable manuscripts from the period between the th13and 16th centuries were taken away. At the beginning of the World War II, the Albanians destroyed the church, burnt down the iconostasis and killed Hegumen Damaskin Bo{kovi}. Partly ruined chapel and a part of the church were the only parts of the monastery complex, which survived these destructions. Church bells were taken away by Italian soldiers. Rebuilding of the monastery was begun in 1947. Frescoes underwent cleaning and conservation treatment in 1966. Oil mural paintings made in one of the restoration campaigns after 1863 were dislocated. In recent war operations the monastery was ravaged once again. The slab covering the coffin of Holy Joanikije was broken, while the icons and mural paintings were desecrated. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. 3. stare crkve i dana{we priprate. Od starog ikonostasa postoje samo carske dveri, koje se prema obliku, duborezu i slikarstvu mogu datovati u drugu polovinu XVI veka. Ostali deo ikonostasa je iz 1974. godine. Crkva je vi{e puta razarana, dogra|ivana i prepravqana, uvek istim materijalom pritesanim kamenom i kre~nim malterom, tako da ne pru`a dovoqno podataka za preciznije datovawe. Najstarija gra|evina je crkva, uz koju su na severnom delu prizidani paraklis i mala kapela kvadratne osnove, u kojoj je kivot svetog Joanikija. Crkva je jednobrodna, pravougaone osnove, podu`no poluobli~asto presvedena, sa tri ni{e u funkciji oltarskog prostora. Sredwa, oltarska, ni{a je iznutra polukru`na, a spoqa trostrana. Prozor na apsidi, postavqen u vreme izgradwe, jedini je autenti~an otvor, dok su svi ostali iz kasnijeg vremena. Nakon obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije crkva je obnovqena i `ivopisana. Tada su oslikani crkva i paraklis. Fragmenti ovog `ivopisa su sa~uvani u oltaru crkve i nad Joanikijevim kivotom. Velikom ugledu manastira doprinosio je kult svetog Joanikija, pustino`iteqa i lekara, kao i obimna prepisiva~ka delatnost u XVI i XVII veku. Manastir je pretrpeo velike pohare i razarawa u Prvom i Drugom svetskom ratu. U potrazi za skrivenim blagom, 1915. opqa~kala ga je austrijska vojska, a pijukom je razbijen mermerni kivot sa mo{tima svetog Joanikija i razorene manastirske zgrade. Izme|u dva svetska rata odnesene su vredne rukopisne kwige iz XIIIXVI veka. U Drugom svetskom ratu Albanci su ve} na po~etku rata razorili crkvu, zapalili ikonostas i ubili igumana Damaskina Bo{kovi}a. Od kompleksa je ostala samo zaru{ena kapela i deo crkve. Italijanska vojska je odnela zvona. Obnova je zapo~eta 1947. godine, freske su ~i{}ene i konzervirane 1966. Tada je dislociran noviji `ivopis, uqano zidno slikarstvo nastalo u jednoj od obnova nakon 1863. godine. U najnovijim zbivawima ponovo je opqa~kan, razbijena je plo~a na kivotu svetog Joanikija, skrnavqene ikone i freske. BIBLIOGRAFIJA 1. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 263264. 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patri jar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 178-179. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX. veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 479-481. 242 Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 263-264. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 178-179. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 479-481. MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva , Novi Sad 1991, 62-64. V. Jovanovi}, Kosovski gradovi i dvorci XI-XV veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987. S. Mileusni}, Svetinje Kosova i Metohije, BeogradNovi Sad 2000, 120-122. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999, 41-42. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije , Beograd 1998, 176. DOCUMENTATION 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeqstva, Novi Sad 1991, 62-64. V. Jovanovi}, Kosovski gradovi i dvorci XIXV veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987. S. Mileusni}, Svetiwe Kosova i Metohije, Beograd-Novi Sad 2000, 120-122. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999, 41-42. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 176. DOKUMENTACIJA Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia - Belgrade Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina MNEMOSYNE Centre Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture Beograd Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina Centar MNEMOSYNE CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001. Monastery is being protected by Russian KFOR units, residing in the dormitory. The monastery is accessed by a road, which is in very bad condition. It has constant supply of running water and electricity. However, the security of the monastery is still threatened since it is surrounded by villages populated with ethnic Albanians, on one hand, and it doesnt have a proper enclosing wall, on the other. A possible attack is the most likely to be attended from the direction of southwest, where a spring of drinkable water can be found. Within the residential part of the monastery, the construction of the winter chapel has been begun. It was built of Siporex blocks, while its walls were coated with cement mortar. The building was given up in 1999. Present roofing of the church is in very poor condition, leaking in several places. The results of visual inspection indicate that the roof construction is bad. The roof is damaged around leadwork and in the zones surrounding the cornice. Manastir ~uvaju ruske jedinice KFOR-a sme{tene u manastirskim konacima. Do wega se dolazi lo{im putem. Snabdeven je strujom i vodom iz obli`weg izvora. Kako se nalazi u albanskom okru`ewu i nema dobre ogradne zidove, i daqe je ugro`en, naro~ito sa jugozapada, gde se nalazi izvor pitke vode. Na delu do crkve su zapo~eti radovi na izgradwi zimske kapele u sklopu konaka siporeks blokovima, a zidovi su malterisani cementnim malterom. Ti radovi su obustavqeni 1999. godine. Postoje}i krovni pokriva~ na crkvi je u veoma lo{em stawu i proki{wava na vi{e mesta. Na osnovu spoqne opservacije mo`e se pretpostaviti da je i krovna konstrukcija lo{a. O{te}eni su delovi krova oko limenih op{ava i oko krovnog venca. Usled neodr`avawa i neadekvatnog re{ewa odvoda vode sa krovova, nedostatka drena`e oko crkve i nere{enog trotoara, zidna platna su ugro`ena vlagom. A fresco in the sanctuary Freska u oltarskom delu naosa crkve 243 MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA Inadequate disposition of the gutters and their irregular maintenance, absence of drainage system and side-walk in the area around the church have resulted in increased humidity of the walls. The frescoes in the chapel are consolidated, bordered with plaster and cleaned. The frescoes of the sanctuary are bordered, cleaned and partly retouched. Strapped frescoes are moved to the nave and narthex of the old church, as well as to the narthex and the nave of the parekklesion. They show occasional detaches and air cushions. In the restoration process, walls were coated with cement mortar, while frescoes were bordered with plaster. The frescoes had been painted on the ground of lime mortar reinforced with chaff in order to prevent cracking. These materials are working in different manner, which resulted in detaching of the fresco layer from the wall. The murals are covered with soot; numerous cracks, earlier fillings and retouches can be noticed. The lower zones show the development of efflorescence caused by capillary St Joanikije lying on the bier, the fresco in the chapel of St Joanikije Freske u kapeli su stabilizovane, op{ivene i o~i{}ene. Freske u oltaru su op{ivene, o~i{}ene od prqav{tine i delimi~no retu{irane. Strapirane freske su prenete u naos i pripratu stare crkve, pripratu i naos paraklisa. Kompozicije su delimi~no odvojene od zida i potklobu~ene. U obnovi su zidovi malterisani cementnim malterom, op{ivci kompozicija gipsom, a same kompozicije slikane su na kre~nom malteru i armirane plevom, te materijali razli~ito rade pa je do{lo do odvajawa kompozicija od nosa~a. Slike su po~a|avile, vidqive su pukotine, prethodne plombe, retu{i i preslici. U ni`im zonama vidqiva su isoqavawa uzrokovana kapilarnom vlagom. Usled kondenzacione vlage, bojeni sloj je pulverizovan. Stawe zidnih slika u oltaru je relativno stabilno. Na nekim mestima su vidqiva Sv. Joanikije na odru, freska u paraklisu Sv. Joanikija dampness. Condensation caused pulverization of the paint layer. The condition of the frescoes in the sanctuary is quite stable. Occasional air cushions and detaches can be noticed. All the compositions are tarnished with soot and dust. The most severely damaged are the frescoes in the chapel of Holy Joanikije, which were uncovered by strapping of oil murals. The results of earlier conservation interventions can be seen. The frescoes are painted on classical fresco ground made of fresco mortar reinforced with chaff. Fresco layer is picked, covered with the network of cracks, detached from the wall, worn out and tarnished with dust and soot. 244 potklobu~ewa nosa~a i odvajawe od zida. Sve kompozicije su potamnele od ~a|i i pra{ine. Najte`e je stawe zidnih slika u kapeli svetog Joanikija, sa kojih je strapiran noviji sloj uqanih slika. Vidqive su ranije konzervatorske intervencije. Freske su slikane na klasi~nom fresko-malteru armiranom plevom. Bojeni sloj je ispikovan, krakeliran, odvojen od zida, tro{an i potamneo od pra{ine i ~a|i. MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA I/III-0.70 I/III-0.70 BANJA RUDNI^KA THE CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS BAWA RUDNI^KA CRKVA SVETOG NIKOLE Protected in 1958 za{ti}ena 1958. POSITION POLO@AJ Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren OWNER Srbica, Kosovsko-mitrova~ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva The church and the belfry, view from the southwest Crkva sa zvonikom, pogled sa jugozapada DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church of St Nicholas in Banja Rudni~ka is situated about 2 km to the northwest of Rudnik, by the road connecting Kosovska Mitrovica and Pe}. The earliest history of the church is related to tchelnik, protovestiary and famous bell-caster Rodop, buried in it in 1436. Rodops sepulchral slab has been preserved in the church. It is one of the most significant monuments of Serbian epigraphy, famous for poetic qualities of the incised text, its epigraphic features and the artistic value of its ornaments. Prism-shaped sarcophagus with slanting lateral sides was made of white marble. It is bordered with frieze composed of floral ornaments. Under the text, Rodops monogram, featuring a rosette can be seen. Rodops bell made in 1432, once belonging to the church, can be seen in the treasury of the monastery of the Patriarchate of Pe}. th century. It The church was destroyed in the 17 was reconstructed shortly before the World War II, 19361941. During the war, it was ravaged by Albanian fascists, who also destroyed the iconostasis. The conservation was undertaken in 1971, when the church was reconstructed once again. The old church is single-naved, barrel-vaulted with an altar apse - semicircular inside and seven-sided in the Crkva svetog Nikole u Bawi Rudni~koj nalazi se na oko 2 km severozapadno od Rudnika na putu Kosovska Mitrovica - Pe}. Rana istorija ove crkve vezana je za ~elnika, protovestijara i poznatog livca zvona Rodopa, koji je tu sahrawen 1436. godine. U crkvi se ~uva Rodopova nadgrobna plo~a, koja spada u najlep{e i najve}e srpske epigrafske spomenike, kako po poeti~nosti uklesanog zapisa, tako i po epigrafskim i estetskim vrednostima ornamenata. Sarkofag je ra|en od belog mermera u obliku kvadera sa zako{enim bo~nim stranama. Ivicom sarkofaga ide friz sa floralnim ornamentom. Ispod teksta je stilizovana rozeta sa Rodopovim potpisom. U crkvi se ~uvalo i Rodopovo zvono iz 1432. godine, koje se danas nalazi u riznici Pe}ke patrijar{ije. Crkva je bila sru{ena u XVII veku, ali je obnovqena neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat 1936-1941. godine. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata albanski fa{isti su je opqa~kali i sru{ili ikonostas. Konzervatorski radovi zapo~eti su 1971. godine kada je crkva ponovo opravqena. Stara crkva je jednobrodna gra|evina, poluobli~asto presvedena, sa polukru`nom 245 MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA exterior, flanked by two semicircular niches, diaconicon and prothesis. It is entered through the doors in the west and south walls. Western door is surmounted by an oculus. The church was built of stone up to the level of windows: these are the authentic walls of the original church. The remaining parts of the walls were also built in stone, while the vaults were built in brick. The walls are coated with mortar and white-washed. The cornice consists of a simple profile and blind arcades moulded in mortar. The church is entered through a masonry portico with the upper construction supported by six polygonal columns. A belfry was attached to the north side of the portico. oltarskom apsidom, spoqa sedmostranom, i dve bo~ne polukru`ne ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Ulazna vrata su na zapadnom i ju`nom zidu. Iznad zapadnih vrata je okulus. Zidana je kamenom do visine prozora, to su autenti~ni zidovi prvobitnog hrama, daqe zidawe nastavqeno je tako|e kamenom, a svodovi opekom. Crkva je glatko malterisana i okre~ena belo. Potkrovni venac je nagla{en jednostavnom profilacijom i arkadicama izvedenim u malternoj plastici. Ispred ulaza u hram je zidani trem na {est poligonalnih stubova. Uz trem sa severne strane sazidan je visoki zvonik. BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAFIJA: 1. 2. 3. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekoruplja , Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 261-262. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX vek , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 392. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999. DOCUMENTATION 1. 2. 3. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 261-262. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX vek, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 392. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999. Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments DOKUMENTACIJA - Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 The village populated with ethnic Serbs and the church in Banja are being protected by Spanish KFOR units, settled in the immediate surroundings of the church. The church is connected with the village by an asphalted road, which is in poor condition. It has neither running water, nor electricity supply. The church is not officiating. The mortar coating of the façades has almost completely fallen off: from the zone under the eaves, as well as from the columns, gable and lower zones of the walls. The roof has been covered with new pantiles. Due to inadequate size of the gutters, rainwater, however, pours down the walls, deteriorating them. Since the paving of the ground around the church has not been finished, the consequences of the penetration of humidity into the foundations can be noticed. 246 STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001. Srpsko selo i crkvu u Bawi ~uvaju {panske jedinice KFOR-a, stalno stacionirane u neposrednoj blizini crkve. Do sela postoji tvrdi asfaltni put, ali u lo{em stawu. Nema ni vode ni struje. Hram nije u funkciji. Malter na fasadama je otpao na skoro svim povr{inama, podjednako i pod krovnim vencem i na stubovima, zabatu i dowim delovima zidova crkve. Krov je pokriven novim mediteran crepom, ali oluci nisu dobro dimenzionisani te atmosferska voda kvasi fasadu i o{te}uje zidove. Nisu dovr{eni ophodi oko crkve pa su vidqivi tragovi kva{ewa temeqa. MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA I/III-0.71 I/III-0.71 LEO^INA THE CHURCH OF ST JOHN LEO^INA CRKVA SVETOG JOVANA Protected in 1965 za{ti}ena 1965. POSITION POLO@AJ Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren OWNER Srbica, Kosovsko-mitrova~ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska VLASNIK Srpska pravoslavna crkva Serbian Orthodox Church The south façade of the church Ju`na fasada crkve DESCRIPTION DESKRIPCIJA The church, surrounded by the old graveyard, is situated at the outskirts of the village Leo~ina, to the south of the road Pe} - Kosovska Mitrovica, about 4 km to the east of the village of Rako{a. Only scanty historic data about the monastery can be provided. It was mentioned in king Milutins charter issued in 1314, as well as in certain Turkish documents from 1485, and, subsequently, on several occasions in the Katastihos of Devi~ beginning with 1761, towards the end of the 18th century. The existing church was built on a sloping ridge uphill from the graveyard, on the foundations of a th14 century church. According to the sources it used to be dedicated to St Nicholas. The existing building was constructed after the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe}, in the second half of the 16th century. It is a single-naved, barrel-vaulted building, divided by a thick wall into a narthex and a nave. The two units are connected by a narrow passage in the wall. To the east, the church terminates in an apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. Prothesis and diaconicon are merely arched niches in the wall. The church was built of dressed limestone. The position of the main door is unusual: the church is entered through a door in the south wall of the narthex. The narthex Crkva u selu Leo~ini nalazi se izvan naseqa, oko we je staro grobqe, ju`no od puta Pe} - Kosovska Mitrovica, na oko 4 km isto~no od sela Rako{a. Za sada su poznati samo neznatni istorijski podaci. Pomiwe se u poveqi kraqa Milutina 1314. i u turskim dokumentima 1485. godine, a potom u Devi~kom katastigu od 1761. pa do kraja XVIII veka. Sada{wa crkva je izgra|ena na kosom grebenu iznad grobqa, na temeqima starije crkve iz XIV veka. Po ranijim podacima, bila je posve}ena svetom Nikoli. Sada{wa crkva je izgra|ena posle obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije, u drugoj polovini XVI veka. To je jednobrodna gra|evina sa pripratom odvojenom od naosa debelim zidom i malim prolazom, sa polukru`nom apsidom unutra, a spoqa trostranom. Proskomidija i |akonikon su ugra|eni u zid kao polukru`ne ni{e. Poluobli~asto je presvedena. Gra|ena je pritesanom sigom. Ulazna vrata su neuobi~ajeno postavqena, na ju`nom zidu priprate, a prozorski otvori jedan u priprati 247 MUNICIPALITY OF SRBICA OP[TINA SRBICA has one window in the south wall, by the door. All the other apertures are in the nave (three of them), and in the sanctuary (a window in the apse). Fragments of the 16th century fresco decoration have been preserved in the vault, on the west and east walls of the narthex, as well as on the west wall of the nave, in the lowest zone and in the conch of the apse, and in the sanctuary niches diaconicon and prothesis. They were th century by an painted in the second half of the 16 anonymous painter of considerable workmanship, who might have been trained in the court workshop of the renewed monastery of the Patriarchate of Pe}. The church is surrounded by a large Serbian cemetery, with about 200 tombs, which can be dated, according to their shape and type of inscriptions, in theth17 , 18th and 19th centuries. Some of them are outstanding examples of vernacular sculpture and stone-carving. The graveyard with such a large number of tombs dating from th century church make a complex past centuries, and the 16 of exquisite historic significance and environmental qualities. Conservation campaign was completed in 1967. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 468. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999. pored vrata, tri u naosu i jedan na apsidi. U crkvi su sa~uvani ostaci fresaka iz XVI veka na svodu, zapadnom zidu i isto~noj strani priprate, zapadnom zidu naosa, dowoj zoni apside, kaloti glavne apside i ni{ama |akonikona i proskomidije. Freske je radio boqi majstor iz druge polovine XVI veka, verovatno pridvorni slikar obnovqene Pe}ke patrijar{ije. Oko crkve je veliko staro srpsko grobqe sa oko 200 o~uvanih starih spomenika, koji se na osnovu oblika i natpisa datiraju u XVII, XVIII i XIX vek. Neki od spomenika su retki primerci narodne tradicije klesarstva i vajarske ve{tine. Grobqe sa velikim brojem starih nadgrobnih spomenika i crkva iz XVI veka ~ine skladnu celinu izuzetne istorijske i ambijentalne vrednosti. Konzervatorski radovi su okon~ani 1967. godine. BIBLIOGRAFIJA: 1. 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 468. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999. DOKUMENTACIJA DOCUMENTATION Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Pri{tina - Pri{tina Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Board for Kosovo Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU and Metohija STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001. CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 There is no road leading to the monastery. It has neither running water, nor electricity supply. The church has been demolished and ravaged. Its roof has been ruined. The church has run into weed, while the terrain on which it was built has been overgrown with underwood. An old tombstone was brought into the narthex. Since somebody used to make fire in the narthex, its walls are covered with soot. The church is situated in the region populated by ethnic Albanians, and has neither protection, nor appointed guard. 248 Nema prilaznog puta, struje, ni vode. Crkva je razvaqena, opqa~kana i sru{enog krova. Crkva je van funkcije, obrasla u korov i gustu {ikaru. U pripratu je uba~en jedan stari nadgrobni spomenik i u woj je paqena vatra, tako da su svi zidovi po~a|aveli. Nalazi se u albanskom okru`ewu i nema nikakvu za{titu. Neobezbe|ena.