Chemml Enqineenn~Sriencr Vol. 39. No 2. pp. 245-252. 1984 Printed in Great Britain SAFE DESIGN OF COOLED TUBULAR REACTORS EXOTHERMIC, MULTIPLE REACTIONS; PARALLEL REACTIONS-II THE DESIGN AND OPERATION OF AN ETHYLENE K. R. WESTERTERP Chemical Reaction OXIDE REACTOR and K. J. PTAS&KI Engineering Laboratories, Department of Chemical Engineering, Technology, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands (Received 23 December FOR 1982; accepted Twenre University of 17 May 1983) Abstract--ln part I a model and criteria have been developed for the safe design and operation of cooled tubular reactors for multiple reactions of the parallel type. In this Part II the model is extended to parallel reactions with an arbitrary stoichiometry. The results are applied to the industrial process of the ethylene oxidation with pure oxygen. It is shown that the criteria derived in part I lead to useful guidelines for the design and operation of an ethylene oxide reactor. system of two parallel reactions: DETERMINATION OF THE TUBE DIAMETER FOR AN KlTNLENE OXIDE REACTOR In Part I[l] a model has been derived for the design and operation of multiple reactions of the parallel type in a cooled tubular reactor. This model will now be applied to the Ethylene Oxide reactor. In Part I two selectivity criteria were developed for the pseudohomogeneous model of the cooled tubular reactor in which the reactions were assumed to have stoichiometric coefficients equal to one. In order to apply the derived criteria to the ethylene oxidation, where the stoichiometric coefficients differ from one, we have to reformulate these criteria for a more general stoichiometry. This has been done in the appendix. The industrial production of ethylene oxide is based on the direct oxidation of ethylene in the gas phase with a silver-based catalyst. In this oxidation process either air or pure oxygen is used. It has been shown[2,3] that the process using oxygen is more economical than the airbased process. Packed-bed, multitubular cooled reactors are used in the oxygen-based process and an excess of ethylene is applied. Non-converted ethylene is recycled. The main by-products are Co2 and Hz0 formed according to: CA0 CH/ -, ’ : O2 + ~C~H~LP.~CZH& o~++~H$-+;CO~+~H~O - 210.3 MJ - 473.0 MJ (2) (3) which corresponds to the general parallel reaction system. The reaction rate expressions reported in literature[4] range from purely empirical correlations to complicated rate expressions of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type. At a large excess of ethylene as applied in the oxygen-based oxidation units, literature [S-7] agrees that the rate equations simplify to first order kinetics in the oxygen concentration, so that in this case R,,+ = kPCOl and R,, = kxCm. From the literature data we selected the rate expressions reported in Table 1, in which also the system parameters and the chosen reactor design data are given. We will now use the criteria derived to determine safe tube diameters for a differential selectivity in the hot spot of SbB = 0.70. The reactor inlet temperature is assumed to be equal to T,. For the prescribed value of the differential selectivity Sb, = 0.70 the value of the differential reciprocal selectivity ratio based on ethylene as the key-component is: (1) CO1 + H20 Most kinetic studies[4] agree on the predominance of the parallel reactions and the combustion of ethylene oxide can be neglected under industrial reaction conditions, so we simplified the reaction scheme (1) to a The kinetics of reactions (2) and (3) are controlled by the oxygen concentration, therefore it is convenient to use oxygen as the key-component and the maximum allowable differential reciprocal selectivity ratio (Shr=lno. K. R. WESTERTERP Table I. Values -mp of system 210 1.32*10-4 kl? P w 1.50 H’ = 2.25 c = P and design ro/ * and parameters 02 -AHx m’/kg s TR I.16 kJ/kg = (E) (S&)B The maximum allowable eqn (A9): is calculated ~~(P-l)-ln [ from = 1 YAP - 1) T mn = the - 473 nr/kool - 546 K kg/m’ Table 2. Reactor configurations designed according to concentraiicmin Oxygen ,“!& *t 919 VelocLty the u. feed = conversion xu = 0.40 md = 0.70. Tpa = 534 r. 02 reactor vol. ,.4, * lo,J kmols as the design value for the reactor. For standard tube diameters and for X AL = 0.40 sets of cooling medium temperatures and reactor lengths are given in Table 2. The overall heat transfer coefficient has been calculated as outlined in [8]. We assumed the reactor to produce The minimum cooling temperature is calculated from eqn (A12) resulting in (T,),i, = 0.8963 or (T,),i, = 489.4 K SLlpxfiCidl reactor dtCaa or T,, = 533.5 K (260.X). Oxygen oxide L’(Trm- Tc) = 0.977 I,, ethylene (216.4”C) for Da,lDu,i, = 5. The parameters P1,z in the criterion (AlO) are P1 = 1.00 and P2 = 0.973 for the average values of T, = 503 K and AT,d = 0.80. As P, = Pz and since ATod is high compared to (T,, -T,), we will use for P the value P = 1.00. We now find with eqn (AlO): = & .0.429 = 2.571 temperature for = 850 Cd K PTASI~~SK~ = 13.2 TP From eqn (A14) we get (S;rP),.: (S&),,,o K. J. 1.3 G,, - 6.0 ml per the selectivity criterion cent m/s din&J3 I’0.40 s es 1” 24.3 248 516 1.85 5.9 1%” 38.1 297 506 2.66 7.8 2” 49.3 290 497 3.72 11.2 0.766 2lr” 59.0 282 189 5.14 16.4 0.790 3” 72.7 269 475 6.91 31.5 0.829 0.717 0.719 0.740 1 ” n II 516 1.82 5.7 1%” * n 50-I 2.58 7.4 0.736 2 ” ., .I 499 3.50 10.1 0.758 25” 3 ‘. II .I I m 491 4.68 13.6 0.778 479 7.50 24.9 0.815 Safe design of cooled tubular reactors steam, so the coolant is boiling water. Figure 1 presents the relationships between the conversion X,, the reactor temperature T and the integral selectivity S,, as a function of the reactor length for the standard tube diameters. We see from Table 2, that a 2.5” tube already requires a cooling medium temperature of 489 K, which is so low that excessively large tube lengths are required for the conversion chosen. Moreover, we observe that the integral selectivity increases with increasing tube diameters; this is due to the lower average temperature levels in the reactor for the larger diameters, which favours the desired reaction. Further the lower coolant temperatures move the hot spot temperature further away from T,,. For an integral selectivity of Sen -0.76 and a feed concentration of 6 mole % of oxygen the allowable nominal tube diameters range from l-5 to 2.5”. 247 We will select a reactor with 2” tubes of 12 m length for our following considerations. The capacity of the reactor, of course, is determined by the total number of parallel tubes. In Table 2 also the results obtained are given if the second criterion is used. The difference in the results for the two criteria is rather small; this in general is not the case, but here ATad is so high that the correction term in the second criterion with respect to the first criterion is small. OPERATION OF THE REACTOR According to the aforementioned design method based on a selectivity criterion we will consider a reactor design with 2” tubes of 12 m. length operating at a feed concentration of 6 ‘mole % of oxygen and a cooling medium temperature of 473 K. 260 1 240- T, ‘C 23c- 226 3” ZOO! 0 2 4 6 6 10 12 2. m (b) d, = 3” Fig. I. Oxygen conversion (a), temperature profiles (b) and integral selectivily (c) as a function of the reactor length and the tube diameter for the ethylene oxide reactor (COO=6.0% mol, UII= 1.3 m/s, P = 1.0 MPa). 14 K. R. 248 WE~ERTERP Runaway We first check on runaway at design conditions by increasing the oxygen concentration in the feed and keeping U ( T,,,, - T,)ld, constant. Results are given in Fig. 2, which shows that runaway occurs at 7.9 mole % & in the feed. Hence, at the proposed design conditions the reactor operates completely safe. Moreover, the integral selectivity Spe is the highest at the oxygen concentration of 6 mol % as can be seen from Fig. 2(c). Varying reactor loads Another important operation problem are the reaction conditions to be chosen at varying loads. We will con- and K. J. PTASIASKI sider two reactor load changes of 50 and 150% of the design rate u0 = 1.30 m/s. We should be aware that a variation in reactor load results in a change in the overall heat transfer coefficient. According to selectivity criterion (AlO) a proper reactor operation requires keeping the term U(T,,,,- T,)ld, CA0 constant and in our case equal ‘to 1.47 * 10’ Jlkmo1.s in order to maintain the required selectivity and safe operation. Therefore the cooling medium temperature should be adjusted for the change in the heat transfer coefficient as a result of the change in the reactor load. In Table 3 cooling medium temperatures calculated from U(T,,,, - Tc)ld,Cao = 1.47 * 10’ Jlkmo1.s are given for the new reactor loads. In T .902- 06 x, .oQQ I 280. I ; :494m 270. T(OC) 2.m (a) 230 Tc i 6 i t5 lb 2, m (b) 1494m 0.60 I 0 2 4 1 6 8 lo 4 12 Fig. 2. Oxygen conversion (a), temperature profiles (b) and reactor selectivity (c) in the ethylene oxide reactorasa function of the tube length; effect of oxygen inlet concentration Ud, = 2”. uo = 1.3m/s, P = 1.0MPa). 1 Safe design of cooled tubular reactors Table 3. Selectivity and conversion in an ethylene oxide reactor with 2” tubes of 12 m length, keeping U(T,, -T,)~JY,AJ, constant and at varying reactor loads. T ” “0 lil,S x c s RL PB K Wl*.X 0.65 196 480 0.39 0.815 1.30 290 497 0.42 0.766 1.95 368 505 0.40 0.744 249 Fig. 3 is shown what the new conditions are-the solid lines-and also what would happen-the dotted lines-if the coolant temperatures were not adjusted according to the criterion and were kept constant at T, = 497 K. It can be seen from the solid curves that operation of the reactor adhering to criterion (AlO) leads to safe operation without runaway and with high selectivities. For the lower load of u0 = 0.65 m/s the conversion is decreased (Fig. 3a) due to lower average temperature tevel (Fig. 3b) despite the longer residence time. On the other hand at the higher load of LI,,= 1.95 m/s the conversion is 0.6 260 0,5- X* I 04. I 065 2 m/s 4 6 8 x) 2. m *ljr----=-~ (a) 2co,1 ! 4 1 2 0 I 6 1 8 I lo I ‘1,73 m 060 0 :, 2 4 I I I 6 8 10 ’ Fig. 3. Oxygen conversion (a), temperature profiles (b) and reactor selectivity (c) as a function of the reactor length and its load for the ethylene oxide reactor (solid lines calculated according to criteria, dotted lines-keeping T, constant); dr = 2”. CAO = 6% mol, P = I MPa). K. R. 250 WESTERTERP and K J. PTASI~KI entrance of the reactor and consequently the length of the tube-or cooling area-available to remove heat at the highest heat production rates is also reduced. But also the heat transfer coefficient is reduced at the lower bow rate. The combination of these two effects in the first part of the reactor results in conditions which are not adequate anymore to keep the hot spot within acceptable limits and to prevent runaway. Figure 3 demonstrates the strong influence of the gas flow rates through the reactor. Temperature profiles, conversions and integral selectivities are all affected in a decreased (Fig. 3a) due to shorter residence time and despite the higher average temperature level (Fig. 3b). If the coolant temperature is not adjusted, decreasing the toad to 50% leads to immediate runaway because of the reduction of the overall heat transfer coefficient at lower gas flow rates. This may seem an unexpected result because reducing the load also results in a reduction of the total heat production in the reactor, so we would expect less severe conditions and a more safe operation. This is not true. At reducing the flow rate the hot spot moves towards the 07 0 4 2 0 6 8 10 12 2 4 2.m (a) 0.80 se I I 0 2 I 4. 6 8 10 4 0 2. m Fig. 4. Oxygen conversion (b) (a), temperature profiles (b) and integral selectivity pressure and its length (d, = 1.5”, CA0 = 6% mot, uo = I , 6 8 10 2.m (c) Cc) as a function 1.3m/s). of the reactor Safe design of cooled tubular reactors Table 4. Selectivity and conversion P 251 in an ethylene oxide reactor with 1.5” tubes of 12 m length, keeping U(T,,, T,)/dt CAMug = 1.3 m/s, T,. = 534 K. “%A =c u W/m% iea x Lo.4o K A,12 s pa,12 m 1.0 0.79 297 506 0.53 0.743 2.0 0.81 441 497 11.4 0.41 0.767 3.0 0.82 553 489 15.6 0.33 0.787 different way. It is a matter of overall plant economics which combination of conversion and selectivity is best or in other words which gas flow rate (number of tubes in the reactor for a desired production) represents an economic optimum. The influence of the reactor pressure In our previous calculations we used a reactor pressure of 1.0 MPa. It is known that in industrial practice frequently higher reactor pressures are applied. In Fig. 4 and Table 4 therefore results are given for design pressures of 2.0 and 3.0 MPa and compared with the 1.0 MPa case. In these figures a nominal tube diameter of 1.5 in. and a length of 12m are taken and conditions are chosen according to criterion (AIO). In this case 2 in. tubes would give far too low conversions at the higher reactor pressures. We see that the reactor selectivity is improved at higher pressures at the expense of the conversion obtained. We conclude from these figures that the reactor pressure is a very important variable, but a correct choice can only be made on economic grounds taking a.o. compression costs, reactor construction costs and selectivities obtained into account. 7.E S& (S&p)B v differential reciprocal selectivity ratio (based on A as a key-reactant) differential reciprocal selectivity ratio (based on B as a key-reactant) stoichiometric coefficient Subscripts B reactant [I] Westerterp K. R. and Ptasinski, K.J., C%em. Engn,q Sci. 198439 235. [2] Gans M. and Ozero B. J.. Hydrocurbon Proc. 1976 S(3) 73. 131 DeMaglie B., Hydrocarbon Proc. 1976 S(3) 78. [4] Voge H. H. and Adams Ch. R., A&m Cataf. 1967 17 151. [S] Sattertield Ch. N., Hetero~enenus Catnlysis in Pmrric~. McGraw-Hill, [61 Verma A. and [7] Miller S. A., London 1969. [81 Westerterp K. New York 1980. Kahaguine S., J.Cataf. 1973 30 430. Ethylenu and its industrial Derivatiues. R., van Swaaij W. P. M. and Beenackers A. A. C. and Operation. Wiley. New York M.. Chemical ReactorDesign 1983. APPENDIX We consider reactions From the discussions presented we may conclude that the criterion U(T,, ~ T,)/d, CA0 = constant leads to very useful results for the design of reactors for multiple, par&e1 reactions and also for the operation of existing reactors in order to achieve optimum operating conditions. In all cases where according to the criterion the coolant temperature has to be lowered the reactor selectivity is improved at the expense of the total conversion. Moreover, we can observe from the results given that the ratio of the integral to the differential selectivity is strongly influenced by the ratio Da,/Da,;, or T,,/T,. The method outlined in part I is restricted to parallel reactions for which the kinetics are of the first order or can be fitted reasonably well by first order kinetics. For consecutive reactions we soon will publish a similar treatment. Benn, of the following type: Both reactions are irreversible, exothermic and of the first order in reactant A. The heat balance for the pseudo-homogeneous model of the cooled, tubular reactor is: Here the heats of reactions AHp and AHx of both reactions are now based on the conversion of one kmole of key-reactant A. We introduce the conversions to the products P and X with respect to reactant A, w,hich are defined by: The dimensionless equations, which describe the reactor behavinur are: NOTATION For the symbols symbols, introduced we used we refer in this part, are: to Part I[]]. (A4) New qg = 2 DalcP(l- xp -Xx) S Pi3 selectivity based on B as a key-reactant (Pdesired product) SbB differential selectivity based on B as a keyreactant (P-desired product) g = DaAT,d (AS) ~nt~HnP)(l-Xp-X~)-D~U.(T-TI) 646) K. R. WESERTEKP and K J PTASI~KI 252 After introducing the total conversion of the reactant A (Xn = Xp + Xx) the relation between the reaction temperature and the conversion XA can be found in which holds: PI = I for the first criterion and for the second one Pz=l- T ma -Tc * 1+ $ Kc*-’ hT,d (All) , + ‘p H&-I’ KY (A7) The differential reciprocal selectivity ratio for the reactions is found by dividing eqn (As) by (A4): dXx -_=S dXp can be found by j, =Jp“. VP(P = 1) in to as If which T, = [l -(In ~~)/y~]-’ and further a practical value has be inserted for Dnc/Darnin. The differential selectivity ratio SkF used in the criteria is based on reactant A as key component. the second reactant B is the more valuable raw material, then B should be chosen as key-reactant. The differential reciprocal selectivity ratio (S,&)n based on El is given by: tA9) v&h - 1)- In and the selectivity temperature (Al) The maximum allowable differential selectivity ratio (Sj,),, is related to the maximum allowable temperature T,., which is now defined by: T Ino Similarly the minimum coolant solving the implicit equation: (Al3) criteria by: The relation between the two selectivities Sjcp and (Skp;,)a can directly be obtained from eqns (A8) and (A13): (Al’3 L414)