Physical Pharmacy-I

G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
NOTE: Dear Student, The questions given below are from previous question papers. They are just
for your idea purpose; don’t consider them as the only questions to read. Good Luck.
Sub: Physical PharmacyPharmacy-I
Concept: Previous Questions
Topic: States of matter
1. What is polymorphism? Discus its importance in pharmacy with examples.
2. State and explain the phase rule.
3. Write the principle of Differential thermal analysis with its Applications.
4. What is an ideal gas? What are the reasons for deviation of gases from ideas behaviour
5. Explain about critical temperature and critical pressure of gas. What are their importance in
6. Write Gibb’s phase relation. Explain phase, component and degrees of freedom.
7. Discuss applications of phase rule.
8. What are limitations of gas equations PV = RT?
9. Define an ideal gas. Comment on gas the equation PV=RT
10. What are the reasons for the deviation of gases from ideas behaviour?
11. Discuss the application of phase rule to the equilibrium between different phases of water system.(10)
12. State and explain the importance of phase rule
13. What is liquid crystalline state? Discuss the types and significance of liquid crystals in pharmacy.(10)
14. Explain the concept of Hydrogen bonding. What are its applications?
15. Write the principles of liquification in relation to aerosols (8)
16. Classify crystals with suitable examples
17. Describe the principles that are widely used for liquefying gases on large scale.
18. State and explain the laws of crystallography
19. Explain the phase diagram of one component system with an example
20. Explain the process of vaporization of liquids. Describe vapour pressure - temperature phase
21. What is the crystal mention various crystal systems
22. Explain about X-rays and Crystal structure.
23. Explain Joule-Thomson effect
24. Discuss about phase rule.
25. Note on crystalline solids.
26. Explain the application of phase rule to the equilibrium between different of water
27. Explain free energy functions and applications.
28. Explain reversible process, irreversible process, enthalpy and entropy.
29. Explain how the intermolecular forces influence the boiling point.
30. Discuss the Phenol-water system.
31. What is polymorphism, explain its significance in pharmacy.
32. Discuss the kinetic molecular theory of gases.
33. Write a short notes on:
(a) Gas equation
(b) Critical temperature and critical pressure of gases
(c) Phase rule
(d) Degrees of freedom
(e) Crystal structures
Topic: Thermodynamics
G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
1. State and explain the first law of thermodynamics with its applications.
2. How do you explain the efficiency of a heat engine
3. Elaborate the clasius – clapeyron equation and its applications
4. State and explain first law, Second law and Third law of Thermodynamics
5. Define and explain First law of thermodynamics.
6. Name any three basic thermodynamic processes. Explain them with examples
7. Discuss free energy functions and applications.
8. Explain reversible process, irreversible process, enthalpy and entropy.
9. Discuss the third law of thermodynamics
10. Find the amount of work done when one mole of a gas expands reversibly and isothermally from
5atm to 1atm at 25 0 C.
11. Define and explain reversible and irreversible processes.
12. Define and explain heat of solution and Hess’s law of heat of summation.
13. Write short notes on
a) Enthalpy
b) Entropy.
c) Heat of combustion
d) Free Energy functions and applications
e) Hess Law of constant heat summation
f) Thermochemistry applications
Topic: Solutions
1. What are colligative properties? Discuss freezing point depression with significance
2. How do you determine the molecular weight of a substance?
3. Define the terms – Molarity, Normality, Molality, Mole percent and Mole fraction
4. Explain the method for determination of molecular weight.
5. Explain the Arrhenius theory of electrolytes.
6. State the Raoult’s law.
7. Explain the use colligative properties in determination of molecular weight .What determines the
choice of a colligative property
8. State Van’t Hoff’s equation. How is it applied to solutions of electrolytes?
9. What is equivalent conductance, electrolysis?
10. State raoults law. Describe the deviations from the law with suitable examples
11. State and explain raoults law for vapour pressure lowering
12. Explain in brief different types of conjugate solutions with examples
13. Explain the Landsberger method for the determination of molecular mass of a solute with the help of
labeled diagram
14. Explain the Vant hoff theory of dilute solution
15. What is meant by semi permeable membrane. Give examples
16. Explain the modern theories of electrolytic dissociation of strong electrolyte
17. Highlight the importance of depression of freezing point over the other colligative properties (5)
18. A solution of oxalic acid is prepared by dissolving 1.0g of oxalic acid in 100g of pure water. The M.W
of oxalic acid 126.calculate the molal concentration and mole fraction.
19. What is the difference between molarity and normality.
20. What is molal elevation constant? Derive an expression relating elevation of boiling point and
molecular weight of a solute.
21. A solution is prepared by dissolving 2.5g of sodium chloride in 550g of water. Density of the resulting
solution is 0.997g/ml. what is the molarity, molality and mole fraction of sodium chloride? (5)
G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
22. What are Ideal and Real solutions? Explain with examples.
23. Solubility of liquids in liquids
24. Write short notes on
a) Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation
b) Molecular weight determination
c) Normality
d) Molarity
e) Molality
f) Mole fraction
g) Mole percent
h) Constituve properties
i) Ideal & real solutions
25. How do you prepare 0.1 N solution’s of
a) Sodium Carbonate
b) Potassium Dichromate
c) Oxalic acid
d) Sodium hydroxide
e) Sodium Thiosulphate
f) Silver Nitrate
g) Hydrochloric acid
h) KmnO4
i) ammonium thiocyanate
j) potassium dichromate
Topic: Buffers and Ionic equilibria
1. Derive Buffer equation for weak acid – its salt and weak base – its salt.
2. What is pH and write its importance in pharmaceutical formulations with examples?
3. Give a note on maximum buffer capacity.
4. What is an isotonic solution? Describe the cryoscopic method of adjusting toxicity with a suitable
5. Calculate the amount of sodiumcloride required to render 150 ml of a 1.5 % W/V solutions of
procaine HCL isotonic. [F.P.D of 1% W/V procaine HCL = 0.122 c].
6. Deduce a buffer equation for a weak base and its salt with a strong acid.
7. Mention the steps involved in the preparation of a buffer
8. What necessitates conversion of Ka to pka values
9. What do you mean by scale of acidity ? how it is constructed
10. Write in brief about class II methods of adjustment of tonicity of solutions
11. Describe modern theories of acids and bases
12. Describe Henderson hasslebach equation for an acid buffer and write applications
13. Describe the methods for determination of isotonicity of a solution
14. Define osmosis. Explain the concept of osmosis and osmotic pressure with the help of an experiment.
15. Explain the phenomenal of osmosis and write its applications
16. Describe cryoscopic method for determination of mol.mass of the solute
17. Discuss the Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Give any two evidences in favour of this
18. Describe a method of calculative h ion concentration of a given solution
19. What is meant by molar refraction. Give expression to determine it
G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
20. Give an account of theories of acids and bases.
21. Explain law of mass action and Lechatliers principle.
22. Write short notes on buffer in pharmaceuticals
23. The freezing point lowering of a solution containing 1 gram of a new drug and 100 gram water is
0.573 c at 25c .What is the osmotic pressure of the solution? (The molecular weight of the drug –
24. Explain white – Vincent method for adjustment of tonicity
25. L iso value of sodium borate is 9.4 calculate its isotonic concentration the mol.wt. of sodium borate is
26. Write a note on Bronstes –Lowry theory
27. Deduce an expression for determining Pka value of a weak acid in pharmacy, What are the uses of Pka
value in pharmacy.
28. State ostwald’s dilution law. What are its limitations ?
29. Derive a buffer equation for an acid buffer with suitable example
30. Explain the two methods for adjusting tonicity and pH
31. Discuss law of mass action and Le – Chatelier’s principle.
32. Define Buffers. Derive Handerson and Hasselbach Buffer equation for weak acid and its salt. (8)
33. Explain about Buffer capacity and give its applications.
34. Explain the methods of adjusting Tonicity.
35. Ionic product of water.
36. Define buffer. Explain about comman ion effect with examples
37. Briefly explain buffers in pharmaceutic and biologic systems.
38. Define and explain osmotic pressure. Discuss any one method to determine osmotic pressure. (10)
39. What are colligative properties? Explain any two and give their methods of determination.
40. Graphical solution to pH problems.
41. Write short notes on
(a) Modern theory of acids and salts
(b) Sorensen’s pH scale
(c) Bufered isotonic systems
(d) Adjusting of Toxicity
(e) Acidity constant
(f) Importance of tonicity in injections
(g) Buffer capacity
(h) Conjugate acid-base pairs
(i) Ampholytes
Topic: Electromotive force and oxidation
1. Explain the Daniel cell with a neat diagram
2. Discuss the pH electrodes and their applications.
3. What is an electro- chemical cell? Give a labeled sketch for electro- chemical cell.
4. Write about Ion selective electrodes and their uses
5. List four applications of oxidation - reduction systems
6. What is a single electrode potential? Give the significance of single electrode potential
7. Explain the difference between chemical cells and concentration cells with suitable examples
8. Describe the construction and working of calomel electrode
9. Write the rules to be followed from electro chemical series in selecting the electrodes for a chemical
G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
10. List four applications of oxidation – reduction system
11. Describe the principle involved in the determination of p of a solution using electrometric method(5)
12. Define electromotive forces. Give a neat sketch of electrochemical Cell.
13. Nernst equation for E.M.F.
14. Explain Hydrogen electrode in combination with calomel electrode for measuring EMF of cell (10)
15. Brief note on ion selective electrode
16. Write short notes on
a) Calomel electrode
b) Electrochemicals cells
c) Electromative forces
d) Membrane electrodes
e) Hydrogen electrode
Topic: Physical properties of drug molecules
1. Write a note on the following properties and their importance in pharmacy.
(2 X 10)
(a) Dipole moment
(b) Optical rotation
2. Discuss the following physical properties of drug molecules
(i) Refractive index and molar refraction
(ii) Permenant dipole moment, its significance in biological activity.
3. Describe the applications of refractive index and optical rotation in the elucidation of chemical
structure with two examples.
4. Write in brief about induced polarization and optical rotatory dispersion
5. Write the principle, construction and working of polarimeter
6. Define snell’s law and describe two applications of refractive index
7. Describe the principle, construction and working of abbe’s refractometer
8. Describe the construction and working of a glass electrode
9. Explain the chemical changes that occur at two electrodes in a Daniel cell with a suitable example.
Write the cell reaction
10. Give the cell representation for hydrogen calomel electrode
11. What is optical rotation? How is it measured?
12. Discuss how dipole moment is useful in understanding the structure of a molecule.
13. Write short notes on
a) Dielectric constant
b) Dipole moment
c) Optical rotation
d) Refractive index
e) Optical rotatory dispersion
Topic: Viscosity and Surface Tension
1. Define surface tension. Give the principle of measurements of surface tension using capillary rise
2. Write about significance of viscosity in pharmacy
3. Define interfacial tension. Suggest and describe an experimental method for the determination of
interfacial tension.
4. Derive an expression for the determination of surface tension by capillary rise method
5. Draw diagram of ostwald’s viscometer. Explain the method of determination of viscosity of liquid
G.S.N. Koteswara Rao, M.Pharm., (Ph.D)., (M.B.A)., D.D.D., D.C.T.
Asst. Professor,
RAGHU College of Pharmacy,
Physical Pharmacy-I
Previous Semester Questions, Andhra University
6. Define viscosity. How do you determine the viscosity of a solution using Ostwald’s viscometer? How
do you compare viscosities.
7. Define interfacial tension and write the significance of it in Pharmacy
8. What are surface active agents? Add note on HLB- scale.
9. Write short notes on
a) Ostwald viscometer
b) Surface and interfacial tension
c) Oxidation – Reduction potential
d) Poisseulli’s equation for liquids