Case Study FPL Improves ALARA using Quantapoint Digital Facility Situation and Challenge FPL performed a Six-Sigma evaluation to determine how to improve their on-site institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) performance. The team discovered that the plants performance in Collective Radiation Exposure (CRE) was weighting down both the site and fleet industry ranking. Recommendations from the Six-Sigma team included both process and procedural changes to improve the site’s CRE: • Reduce the amount of field rework • Improve work planning • Implement better pre-job briefs • Minimize the number of field walk downs • Ownership of Dose The ALARA group solution is to remove as many unknowns as possible during work planning. Traditional walk downs and mock training were determined to have minimal impact. The decision was made to utilize technology to achieve ALARA goals. Solution and Results Quantapoint was selected to perform digitizing that would generate a complete 3D Digital Facility of both containment and auxiliary buildings. The “Digital Facility” is a highly detailed digital version of an existing facility where critical information can be easily accessed on laptops, workstations and tablets. Intelligence was added to the Digital Facility using Quantapoint’s PRISM Inspector program. Over 3,000 individual assets have been tagged in a component database so that plant operations can instantly locate valves and other equipment without having to enter the radiologically controlled area (RCA). Investment Quickly Validated “The Digital Facility was used to satisfy NRC audit requests for installed configurations of components within containment that could not be otherwise accessed with the unit at power. This saved us from having to do a containment entry at power”. - FPL EPU Engineering Manager. 5858 Westheimer Road Suite 712 Houston, TX 77057