MEASUREMENT OF VAPOR PRESSURE FROM TERNARY MIXTURE OF ISOOCTANE-ETHANOL-1-BUTANOL BY EBULLIOMETER Name : Department Advisors : : 1. Yuliawan (2306100005) 2. Samsul Arif (2306100086) Chemical Engineering FTI-ITS 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Gede Wibawa, M.Eng 2. Dr. Ir. Kuswandi, DEA ABSTRACT Gasohol ( a mixture of ethanol with gasoline ) is already commercial fuel in USA, Canada and France. Utilization of ethanol as gasoline additive has several advantageous: it is octane enhancers, it has significant properties important for unleaded fuels, it can be produced from renewable agricultural raw material instead of fossil sources, and it can be reduce carbonmonoxide pollution from vehicle exhaust. However, at ethanol concentration used in gasoline alcohol mixtures, the mixture has higher vapor pressure than the gasoline, thus raising concern about evaporative hydrocarbon emissions from the fuel mixtures. For rational design of gasohol fuel, vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of gasoline-alcohols system are necessary. In this work, ternary VLE data of ethanol-isooctane-1-butanol system were measured using modified ebulliometer. Isooctane was used to represent gasoline, since it is the main component of gasoline. The reability of modified ebulliometer used in this work was confirmed by comparing the measured VLE with the literature data for pure isooctane, ethanol and 1-butanol. The result showed that addition of 1-butanol into ethanol-isooctane vii mixtures could decrease vapor pressure of the mixture significantly. The experimental data were correlated with the Wilson and UNIQUAC equations with average relative deviation in pressure of 2.8 and 2.5 %, respectively. In addition, the experimental data were compared with predicted one using Wilson and UNIQUAC equations with binary interaction parameters were obtained from pairs of binary systems only. Key words : ebulliometer, vapor pressure, UNIQUAC equation, Wilson equation. viii