IGKV/Pub./2011 /02 Brain Storming Workshop on Emerging Issues of Agricultural Research and Education in Chhattisgarh Proceedings and Recommendations 29th September, 2010 Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Krishak Naga4 Raipur-492 006 (Chhattisgarh) Parlicu lars FOREWORD PERFACE 1. Programme 01 2. Welcome Address by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor 03 3. lnaugural Address by 4. Key Note Address by Director General, H. E. Governor of Chhattisgarh o7 09 ICAR, New Delhi 5 Proceedings of Workshop 13 6 Recommendations 17 7 List of di gnitaries Participated 20 dturqifigfrffiqrmq (r-derq) Ts.o T{R, Trqg{ 4s2 oo qrc< 6 INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA Krishak Nagar, Raipur 492 006 (Chhaiiisgarh) lndia uT_ Phone sr 771 2,1,13419 (O) :91 771 24C3003 (R) Fax : 91 771 2442342 2442131 e ma malappan'rey@yahoo n lv€bsite l.om malappandey@red ff ma : LW. gau edu. n rrc-qT-qrtrTq *-dqFd Prof. M.P Pandey FOREWORD 31n itn !)anf)lti eXrithi <)1s/ruat.1Dryr/aua l.lu anly Trtltnity itt,tlitutiat afi '{7/thnlti,tVnrlt r,rttr:ittV t/te uce\ of, aqtictt/trual. rBucal.lryt anil rt.'ttntltf,ar: f)ttr:k1ruttnt ofi aqrialhtrr: ant) iuprotttrtt:ttt ofi lit,eli/toob n,lcx' ia.une t.t orc t,ery poot a ni iryt ttDe n it; o'[ fjatrnc,r.r. 3!t ir n ttilol Doniuant te7ion t nn aqrirtrltutr atf) fiou:.rt fiot t/tcit lit, t /ih ooDt. Thr, ,vtckt t cononic anD arTrit:u/,lural yttnrtrio i.t fa,tt r:/tnnginrJ in lhis re qion n,hich nrlt ns a'pprol at( notif,itztlio'/t.\ fu t\rtr:alirtt atD *,rtrtrlt ,s'pccifiic to thi,s reqion 3/url/ttr, th I 2't 'plrtu h aloul piotities atniD tlu: tha/kngt,t tarqe teD to sta cf;fir.,oD aqricultum/ rlnrrtl/t mtr: atD anD l/tere i.t tttt lo rt: orirttt r:l)wntiorr tiut tl ,vrru:ity anb r:Liur.ttt c/tnuqt, g)n /.n nD pul)uclitity, tuorc rc.ttar/t ou| usurrr'/r t/tt: 7ap in on l/tut: lnto i,ssut,s i.t tt'qltirci). gJour 1rr:r'ent arJdcu/lut:ol ryrotuth tL,il/ le neeDcD'f,ot'rlrttrtinq r:rtutnrl li/tt 3lrDia ;lt tuott/A uquirc ru.ttt inttrrbrtnl )n /tnonlt)rJt lt.1u.1qunc?i, itt,ttitulitntl. uqpol att\ D it nifjiu.tlion in nrTintl.tur.:c. !)ot,e ntnent t: ?,rt,t1'L t. .\rrtttt./i, fi i / : a i I i.on ;1 o is a/so 1,l,rttt)tt,7 it r, quircD to oB u'r,s l/tt.tc tt'i/linq issue,s to futtD tuch Ttof ccls. au\ lo tntutc l/tt tfiectbe fj'fya t i),t. rontiDtt (r:,lat1iz.tli.)'/t uf " e'V rain ,rlorninrT ntorkshop on ?t Ltqitl,J i,\\ut,\ a7i.atll.uta/ u,lvarch anD r\.ucnt.iru itt Yh.hatti.ryth" at e|!ld{a)) llte rutrnucnDation.: of l.hi,t ructr:kt/top ruill lv tety ut$ul fiot rcotiental.ktn af tl)ut:ation anD reltnrch in tfu tuttr Date.02.02.2011 a,s titttr:/t7 o,ntt , f at0 in 7o/k:11 onkinEr anD plnnnln4 (1ai /.th attisn ar/.t. - -llj t'"^,\,,\ y^v\ \l \A Prof. N/.Pl Pdndey ttqtglrilctq BrgritlrqililIa' g.r[.E.fa.Eqo Trrt. ?.T{rg{ +sz ooo (uffiw.ra) rrrro DIRECTORATE OF RESEARCH SERVICES lndira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur 492 006 (Chhattisgarh) lndia d qEa r's €irr.I{' 3r.Fiqr.r i,ri d. Dr. S.K. Patil Direclor Research Services PRtrFACE The lndira candhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya is addressing the agricultural education and research through four faculties namelyj agriculture, veterinary, agricultural engineering and fisheries. The research for the a rea specific needs is being carried out through AICRPs of ICAR, Ad-hock projects from different national and internationalagencies. The university has a rich collection of rice and lathyrus germ-plasrn which is unique in the world. ln view of the present situatlon there is a need to develop improved varieties and optimum resource utilization and conservation technologies for the specific farming situations of the state. lt is a lso required to prod uce better graduates to take care of futu re research and extension needs. ln order to chalk out the plans and strategies the "Brain storming workshop on emerging issues of agricultural research and education in Chhattisgarh" was organized in which eminent persons from all spheres of agricultural research and education participated. The recommendations of this seminar are brought out in the form of proceedings, which includes the keynote addresses, proceedings of the sessions, recommendations and glimpses ofthe workshop. Date.02.02.2011 S.K, r:tt:itltitlit:t:t i,,: t)')| | t : Ili it I i :) i i li it i: lt I tl lt it i it i ti | tiiiililtt t)i)illtt li ii! il))ilt ). :i;i.:;.tr ' t.' t:, Ptuuedi,,gs a"d Reco ,tentlalions ofRrdin Stor ing Wbtksht,! | |it : o E Agricuh rul Resenfth o d Education ti . )L .1') eryi,ry Issues of ii Chhattisgtth PROGRAMME tit,ittti'ttiu: tilitltil)ltt Brain Storming Workshop on "Emerging lssues of Agricultural Research and Education in Chhattisgarh" 29'^ September 2010 lnaugural Session 10-00-11.15 Chief Guesi- an H.E. The Governor ofChhattisgarh ShriShekhar Dutt, .A.S., Special Guest - Secretary DARE & D G., CAR, Dr S. Ayyappan, Chairman Min ster of Agr 6Lllture, Govt. of Chhattisgarh, ShriChandrashekharSahuandSpeciaGuest-ShrP.JoyOornmen,lAS,ChiefSecretary,Govt. Of CG 10.00-10.a5 NationalAnthem & Floral Welcome 10.0510.15 1At 5-10.20 We comeAddress- Prof. Address 10.24-10.30 Address by- by [,4. P Pandey, Vjce Chance lor, IGKV Ra pur ShriP. Joy Oommen,lAS, Ch efSecretary, covt. of CG l\,4 nisterofAgri., L vestock Development. Fisherres & Labour GovtofCG Shri Chandrashekhar Sahu 14.34-10.50 KeynoteAddress 14.54-11.1A Address by - 11.10-11.15 Vote of Thanks : Dr. S.K. Pati , Director Research IGKV H. E. Dr. S.Ayyappan, Secretary DARE & D G , ICAR The Governor of C.G. Shr Shekhar Dutt, l.A.S Proceeni gs onn Re.o lhe AgtiLtltwal Rctetch dnd Ellucution ddtiotts o1 Btiin Std.nikg i Eneryi g Wbrktltop on Issues of Rale af Chhattisgq Technical Session CRIDA in Natural resaurce - | : lssues and strategies relaied to Session cauntry- agricultural education (11.30-12.30pm) Chairman : DDG (Educaton) ICAR, Dr. Arvind Expert Panel(5 min each) Kumar Co'Chairman: Vice Chancel or Vivekanand Technrcal Uni., Bhiai, Dr. B.C Mal Prablems in qualiu educattan and strategies ta avercome KeySpeaker: Dr. Arvind Kumar, DDG Education, ICAR- Quariy educatian in State Agricultural Universities: /ssues ard 1. Dr Ashwani Kumar, PC A CRP, WM, Bhubneshwar /ssoes ard strategies far watet management in Chhattisgarh 2. Dr. Sngh PC LTFE, NBSS Bhopal/ssues ard strategies far long term suslainable feiilizeruse and sailhealth in Chhattisgarh. 3. Dr Ra Slrategles wa a ve quality educatian and Govt of Chhattisgarh- Sce naria af higher ed ucatian in K. [,4 r tegies far sustainable ground uti Iiz ation i n C h h atti sg a rh. shra, Director nstructions, IGKV, Raipur, lvlajor battlenecks and remedial measures of examinatian anclevaluatian system in IGKV. 4. Dr. O.P. Kashyap, Dean Agriculiure, GKV, Raipur, af medicinal plants C Board- & their G 5. Dr. A.S.R A.S. Sastri, HOD, Agrometerology. IGKV Raipur- NRM for climate change mitigation in Chhattisgarh 6. Shri C.L. Jain, D rector, SAMETI, Govt of CGDevelopnental lssues & so/ullors far sustainable Chhattisgarh. LJ Le str"a management for sustai nable I ivelihaad i n rco m e. 2. Shri M.K Raut, AS, Secretary Higher Education, 3. Dr. p!r- /ssues ard lmpartant species 1. Dr. B C. Mal- Vice Chance lor, Vivekanand Techn cal strateg i e s ta M K. Verma, Head Water Resource Deptt., NlT, 4. Shri S.C. Agrawal. CEO, CG Medicnal Expert Panel ( 5 min each) Un. Bhiai, Prablems in Ivuneshwar exploitation of natural resources min 5 min 5 Session lssues related to implementation of ICAR educat on l, CG. Open house discussion Chairman's remark and wrap-up - lll : lssues and strategies related to crop improvement (2.30 - 3.30pm) pol cies in Chhattisgarh. lcKV Raipur- Past agriculture educalion for fLrture 5. Dr. B.R. Chandrwanshi, Ex. Dean, expetience d '10 5 of evelopments in slale, rnin min Session Open house discussion Chairman : NAVASARI, Dr.A.R. Parhah, Co-Chairman: D rector CRRI. Cuttack, Dr. T.K Adhya KeySpeaker: Vice Chance lor, IGKV, Raipur, Dr IV.P. Chairman's remark and wrap-up - Il : Vice Chancellor, Gularai Agric Un, Pandey- /ssues ard sirategies related ta crop impravement in Chhattisgarh. lssues and strategies related to Natural Resource Management Expert Panel ( 5 min each) (12.30 - 01.30pm) 1 Chairman : Dr.T.K.Adhya Director, CRR , Cutiack Co-Chairman: Shri C.L. Jain, D rector, SA[,4ETl, covi ofcG KeySpeaker: Dr. B. Venkatesrulu, Director. CRIDA, Hyderabad ( Dr. [/]. Osman, Head, Res. . Dr. S.S. Baghe , Ex Vice Chance lor, AAU & CAU I\,4an pur- Fuiure research thrust an i m p rove crap me nt i n C h h atti sg a rh 2. Dr R.L. Pandey, Ex Dean, IGKV- /ssues and strategies relaled to impravement in pulses in Chhattisgarh ti g lt'otkshop on E eryi e lssue,s of .lgrirah rul Resedrch d'td Education ih Chhnttisearh Pnrcadings and Recohttte lations o1Btai,i Stot j :;t ' | | ii it I il lt i I t )t I ii i : tii tti t.: i ! l,l ,t t. : i . Dr. A. Seetharam, Ex PC A CRP on l\/!llets- /ssues and strategies far inpravement in small millets in ) ltii!t:i )),;t.t 1,r.i:i, 7. Dr. Narayanbhai Ch awda- Prospects and problems af Chhaftisoath 4. e ntre pre ne Director, DOR, i harliculture sfraleoles far Dr D.M Hegde- /ssues ard improvement in ailseeds in 6 min 5m n u in Chhattisgarh: Farmer and r's pe rsp ective. Open house d scussion Cha rman's remark and wrap-up Chhattisgarh 5. Ex D rector Research, IGKV Ra put- Experiences af research on rice 6. Dr. I\4.N. Shrivaslava. Session i m prav e m e nt i n C h h atti sg a rh. Chairman -V: Prof. M M. Hambarde, DG, CCOST CGCOST in re aUon 10 address ng issues & strategjes related to 6 Co-Chairman : Shri D.S. Mishra, Principa Secretary & Agri.u ru.e P-od. ct min Open house discussion min Govt. Chairman's remark and wrap-lp Session - lV : lssues and strategies relaied to Horticulture 6rops (3.45 - 4.45pm) Chairman : Dr. G. Ka looVice Chance lor, JNKW, Co-Chairman : Dr. H.P S ngh DDG, Horticu lure KeySpeaker : Dr. H.P Sngh, DDG, HorUculture/ssues ar,d strategies related ta impravement af harticultuftl crops in Ch h : Shri Shivraj Singh, Deputy Chairman, Siate P anning Comm. Chhattisgarh. agricu tural research n Chhattisgarh. 10 Plenary Session (4-45-5.45pm) atti sg a rh v i s -a -v i s cau ntry. or CoTn-t<sione . ofCG. Rapporteur Reports Remarks of Go-Chairman Chairman's remark Welcome Address by Prof. M P Pandey, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, IGKV Raipur Venue : Vivekanand Hall College of Agriculture, Raipur Expert Panel (4 min each) 1 . 29" September 2010, 10.00-11.15AM Dr. M.G. Bhatt. PC, A CRP, Cashew- /ssues and strategies related ta impravement in Cashew in 2. Chhattisga., Dr. S. Arul Ral, PC, AICRP Palm- /ssues ard strategies relatecl to improvement in Palm in Chhattisgarh 3. Dr. B. Singh, PC, AICRq Vegetable- /ssues ard slrategies related to impravement in Vegetable craps in Chhattisgarh 4. Dr. J. Jorge, PC, AICRP, Tuber- /ssues and strategies related lo improvement in tuber craps in Chhattisgarh 5. Shr K. S. lyangar, Jt. Sec, NCPH, New Delh - /ssues ard sfraiegies related to adaption af A,4lS in Chhaftisgarh 6. Shr A. Katiyar, lFS, Director Hort. covi. of C.c./ssues ard strategies relaled to development of h a ii cu ltu re i n C h h afti sg a rh s Excel ency the Governor of Chhatt sgarh, Chance lor of this university and Chief Guest of this H naugural session, most respecied Shri Shekhar Dutt ji. Chairman, respecled Shr Chandrashekhar Sahu Ji, Minister for Agriculture. AH. Fishery and Labour, Government of Chhattisgarh. Special Guesl of this workshop. respected Dr S Ayyappan, Secretary DARE and DG ICAR. New Delhi, DDG (Education) ICAR, Dr. Arvind Kumar, DDG (Hodiculture) ICAR, Dr. H.P S ngh Respecled ShrjP. Joy Oommen, ChiefSecretary, Government of Chhatiisgarh, Honorabe Vce Chancellors Dr. P Raghav Reddy, ANGRAU Dr. G. Kalloo, JNKW Jaba pur, Dr A.R. Pathak, NAVSAR , Gujrat and Dr. B C. l\4a1, VTU. Bhi ai, Sh. Shivraj Singh, Vice Cha rman State Planning Commssion, covt of Chhaitisgarh. Shri D.S. Nlishra, Agr culture Product on Commiss oner, Govt. ofCG. DireclorCRR, Ptuceedings a l Reconne ttmh Stoming dations ol Agticultlttat Reseatul, uitd Edu@tio in lvotkshop o" Enerying Issuts Chhatlisedfi d r' rr " 'r 'irl i :llrt: his kind consent to be the Specla Guest of ihi; workshop. He s an enrinentsc entistand has s gn ficantr, contribulion in f shery development of lndia, and now as DG of ICAR provid ng eadership n lhe development of lndlanAgrculture Sir, amsurethatyourpresenceand guidance wlL be helpful n shaping the AgrlcLrltural educalion and research ln Chhaitisgarh. lwelcomeyou on ),our'ir5. v.Sli to Ch' atl <oa-_.s DC ICAR. Dr. T.K. Adhya, all the Project Direclols and Projects Coordinators ofA I lndia Coordinated Research Proiects al the offcals from government of Chhattisgarh, Dr. S K. Patil, Director Research and organizing secretary of ths workshop, al Deans, Directors, Head of Departments, Professors and from ICAR, Scientsis of this universiiy, persons from press and medla and Lad es and Genileman. It ls a materofgreat priviege towelcorre al ofyou in this inaugural sesslon of "Brain storm ng workshop on Emerging issues ofAgricullura research and Education ln Chhattisgarh". Friends, we have wth us, His Exce lency the Governor of Chhattisgarh, Shri Shekhar Dutt on whose niiiailve this workshop is organjzed. lt s he, who gave the idea of inv ting em nent personalit es of agr culture research and educauon to d scuss and deLberate upon various issues with special reierence to the agl culture of Chhattisgarh On behalf of Indra Gandhi Krish Vishwavidya aya, and on my personal behalf, I extend the moslrespectfuland cord alwe come to you Sir. we also have with us resPected Shri Chandrashekhar Sahu Ji, Minister for Agriculture, AH Fishery and Labour, Government of Chhattisgarh ln fact, he lsthe gu ding forcelorallthe persons involved in aoricultura development in ths state. He is very concerned with the acUvties of un vers tyand glves Ume for discusslons with individua sc entist. I we come you Sirfrom the innercore ofmy heart. I deem it a prlv lege to welcome Dr S. Ayyappan, Secretary DARE and Director Genera ICAR, who has k ndly accepted our nvltat on to v sit Chhatt sgarh and I am verv happy to welcome Sh. P Joy Oommen. Chief Secrelary Government of Chhattisgarh He is very kind and helpfuL in rnatters relaled to unlverslty and provides supportwhen very needed. I extend my warm we come to Dr. Arvind Kumar, DDG. education and Dr.H.PSinqh DDG horticultLrre forrn ICAR New Delhi. I also we come Vice ChanceLors Dr. P. Raghav Reddy, Dr. G. and Dr B.C. IVal. I feel p Kalloo Dr A.R. Pathak, easure in welcoming Sh. Shivraj Singh Vice Chairman Staie Panning Comm ssion Govt of Chhattisgarh, Sh. D.S. Mshra Agricu ture Produclion Cornmlssioner, Govt. ofCG, and Director CRRI, welcom ng al Adhya. I am pleased in eminent speakers and d gnitaries, Dr T.K. officlals from state governrnent, and all the pTofessors, scientsts and teachers preseni in this naugural session. His Excellency Sir lndira Gandh Krishi s the only premier institution of spreading the ight ol agriculiura V shwav dyaLaya Chhattisgarh eclucaUon and research for develcpment of agricullure and improvement of live ihood of farmers The education. research and extension are lntegraled pad in Phr'.cdit1gs a d Reo"ol. oJ Bnin St/, ti g tlbrlshop o" Ehersitls Istues ol ,lgriL.llturut Res.arch al Etlu@no ik Chhanisgoth ddtions The university has excellent library fac lity and its central library has ihe status of 'Regional Lbrary for Centra lndia" by lnd an Counc lofAgricultural Research, New Delh. This library is fuly computerized where information is avaiable n dlgta formats and internet. lt has of about 35.000 reference co leciion through books. about 10000 back voumes of nattonal and rnternational Journals, more than 6.000 reports and olher publications. and more than 1,000 P.c. and Ph.D. thesis. The University subscrbes about 250 journals this university and there is we defined setup to take up these act v ties including 60 fore gn journals. There is excess to 3000 journals of the world through CeRAfacil ties. Education is belng imparted fourfaculties name y; Theslluation specifc research is carried outthrough ng and Dairy technology. There are fve agricu ture. one Veterinary, two AgricultLrre Eng neering one Dairy Technoogy. and 16 afflated agriculture, Hortculture seven research stations. We are operat ng 40 All lndia and AgrrcultLrre Eng neering colleges spread over entire development Agricu ture n Veter nary, Agr culture Engineer state offering tlG program. ThePGprogram s offered by flfteen department in Aoriculture, seventeen departments in Veter nary, four departments n Agricultura Engjneering and two departments in dairy techno ogy. ln order to make higher agricultura education relevantto presentdayneeds exce lence in knowedge generation and skil developmeni is of signiflcance. As sard By Galileo Galilei paramount The principal goal of education is lo create men who arc capable of doing new things. nat simply by repeating what other generations have clone. One of ihe p I ars for qualty assuTance in agrlculture education s the curricu um deve opment. Thesitual on dema n ds for reorientatio the curricu um to provide the n of skls to meet the Coordinated Research Proiects, 36 ad,hoc research projects, six nternational and four NAIP projects concerned with wide range of problems re aied to the of state agricuture. The research programs are iinanc al y supported by state government, ICAR, DST, DBT, Wor d Bank added project like NATP, NAIP and by nternatonal funding agencies like lRR, Rockefeller foundation, Bll Gales foundaton etc. Universty has created and regularly improving ts research facilties by modern zalion oftls laborator es. Ricethe ifeline ofthe people ofthe state is culUvated ln approx mate y 3.8 m ha wiih very ow productivily of 1.st/ha.This ssue is being addressed bydeve opmentol newvar et es and management pract ces. The university has second argesl co ection of rce germplasrn with 23070 accessions. These co lections are carefully preserved and used for development of new varieties We have deve oped and released 13 varieties of rice al chalenges lnthiscontext, lamveryhappyto nformyou The universly has released in Sir, that recenUy IGKV has adopted new curricu a based includes pulses, fruiis, orlseeds and vegetables Th s yearwe have released eleven variet es ofd fferent crops on the of 4r' Deans cornmttee. Further we have regularized the academic calendar academic regu alions are amended. and separate regulatons are prepared for the UG PG and Ph D. recommendations n which two var et es are 52 varietes which ofrice. LookingtoT5% ra nled area and recLrrrentdrought, IGKV has developed lnd ra Barani Dhan-1 s capable of degree program as per the gu de ines of ICAR/VC . As a giving good yied under drought. I am confdent that result, the numberofstudenls securlng JRF. SRF.ARS, coupled with integrated farming system models and NEThas ncreased steadiy. developed for Chhatlisgarh pla ns and Bastar plateau Pruceedings dnd Recontn dntiot\ o1 aruin Storning W)tkshop on Agtit:ulturul Resestch md Educatiot it1 Chhdttisgcrh such varieties have potentia of removing Chhattisgarh from the clutches of drought and poverty. I assure you Eheryi g Issues of il I Ragi is an important dryland crop in k ba region ils produciivity s on y 2-3 q/ha. We have but I demonsvated I as I high as 35q/ha can be achieved. Last yeal we have germplasm for development I varieties in future and we wilnot Letanybodyio make its produced 350 q of breeder seed of ragifor the staie. ln I inappropliateuse,Viewofitsnuailiouschalactersandabiitytoregulatel bloodsugarwe havedeveloped mu ligrainflourand rag ln orderloeffc enily uliize thegermplasm modern I vaLue addilion under Naiiona malt for further Lrsed together with are to be tools of biotechnology I Agrcultural nnovation project' classical breed ng approaches. Bio-prospecting will I His Excel ency sir' ln order to tra n the farmers and haveioessent a ly lay the fou nd atio n ior effective mln ng I e{Iensior orice'we hava slan'o si^'een Krish viqy"n 'o' genes coecri c rarE o,deveropment ano rransre- or I kendras across state coverinq althe d sklcts' very of more resisla nt varieties. lG KV has alreacly eveloped I sholl) <vhs be opened i^ nosl ren_ole ' tz' ,aci .esisrant .lto ''l su it.es dno idenr ricat on oi geles o I Naraydnp_r' B'apa r' Balral Dur and gall Tioge dno /n( and rron a-e roenu'red fon rhe ,cariaoand' I benefted signifcantv through the *l':" germp asm. However, the faciihes are ltmted and in f".::I activ'.ies o'^V\. a_d a.r \erv rdpp\ to -'o-n lou >ir I 'Rice s precious of more water efficient r, that IGKV is committed to make use ofthis in very large area ihat with ex st ng technology yie d d view of ths, we are establishing a modern I Researchraboratory"wirhworrdcrassraciites.,"".r* |u:t!".*ul':l^'11:i1"-1i,::1']::l:'::l::: l_e ba<l p'{orr'nq KVKS. T /o'a'T"c'ro1 Basta' and lou s,- t-at il w'l oe o-e o'the best rice researcL ore f.or sdrguj. a,e recognzeo by cAR fo-ounLn u,! lh .es.a-ch laLil.'es o" aoorecia obotechnology, transqenic, nanotechnology, bioThe steady or declnng growth rate is a malor p'doe orospect,ng and biointorrai,cs. lhs lao wll co-cern.Theg-ow.htateo.Chhati.q"rh"^as ll.aoo Chhattisgarh 10 make use of our large gene power to 09_10 and was hghest n the country due to the refl ect at th e phenotypic level and eco n omic ut lization of leadershipofourChefminsterShri Rarnan SinghJi I laoorarorv in germ-plasm. in Chhatiisgarh depends on subsistence agr culture and non iimber forest produces. However, the farmers are The extreme velihood y of the farmers of Bastar poor, SeveraL environmental and socio_ economic factors are further endangering live ihood of furiher want 10 inform to a I the deleqates from country thatthemalorshareofS.3%wasfromagrrculturesector. ectual min sterofagr culture Sh. Chandrashekhar sahu J who is n fact a farmer and hence has clear vision of what The ent re credit goes to ol.tr respected and lntel shou d be done for bettermenl offarmers. The technical n tribalfarmers in thisreg on in recentyears. The ICAR has given two NationaL Aqricullural achieving this growth raie. I would ike to tal'e this nnovaton Projects through World Bank support to opportuniy io assure Hs Ercellency and nister of manpower and techno og es has p ayed a major ro e I I I | I | I I | I I I I I I I N4 address these specific issues. Hrs Excel ency sir, IGKV agrlculture that lndira Gandhi Kr sh vishwavidyalaya spread wll not left any stone unturned to continuously produce lnvolving best technical manpower and techno og es lor the ls implementing thls program in nineteen village over Bastar Narayanpur and Kanker disiricts 3OOOfarmfamles. Sir developmentofagricutureinlhestat" I once aga n welcome aL ihe guest on the da s and ncome of these iamilies has I am very happy to inforrn you lhal the average annual increased by50% afteriwoyearsoflnterventon.In next delegates presentlnth s hallfrom my thls Thanks' change even after the exit of unlversty from program two years, our efforts w ll be centered on sustainlng aTea. ----_l_'r"r''- nnercoreofhea't' I I I I I I I I I l I I o Ptuceedinss and Reconne dations ol Rflli,lStor,,tins Wotkshop r:,neryik!: ksu.s of Agricahurdl Research d,td Etlucdtiolt in Chhattisg.trh : lti,ir llr t; rlnaugural Address by Shri Shekhar Datt, ' H.E. Governor of Chhattisgarh the other paars ofcountry.Amalority ofthe studenls come fronr remote tr ba villages, who have even not se-on train before ioinino the aqriculiura co i i Venue: Vivekanand Hall.ColleqeofAgriculture. leqe. Further, most of them study untl 12"' standard in Hlndi medium. As a lnd ira Gandhi Krish i Vishwavidyalaya, result. Raipur among the few Stale Agrcutural un versilies i. I e co. ,try uhe.e B s. (Agl p.ograT i. IGKV 29'" September, 201 0, 1 0.00- 1 1. 1 5 aM Hon'ble Agriculture Minister of Chhattisgarh Shr. Chandrasekhar Sahu ji, Secretary DARE and Director General of ICAR, Dr. Ayyappan, Chief Secretary of Chhattisgarh Shri. P. Joy Oommen, Deputy Director General (Horticulture) Dr H.P Singh, Deputy Director General (Educaiion) Dr. Arvind Kumar, Vice Chance lor of IGKV Prof. I\,4.P. Pandey. Vice Chance lors of other es, d stinguished Project is running ln Hindi medium. Standard text books are not ln llnd and iher standards are poor as compared to Engish textbooks. Because of these, available though the know edge ofour sludents s comparablewith any otherstudents n the counlry, their express on ofthe subject in Engl sh sometimes, becomes dis' advantageous. Rigorous coach ng and exposure need rectors and to be qiven very high priortyforthese students Fufther, of varlous ICAR Projects, Director of Research, IGKV, Dr. S.K. Pati , Officers and in order to spread the agr cultural education to remote disiinguished faculty of lhis unlvers ty, officers of state agr cLrllLrre and alled departments, learned speakers of open up private agricutural coleges. This js another universit D Coordinators this brain storming workshop, distingu shed guesls, beloved sirde-tc, and lad e: a_d !le_.le-ne r corners of the state, the governmenl has taken steps to mportant aspecl of agrlcultural education in the state that the state has 15 afiiiated agriclrlture, horticu ture and agrcultural engineering coleges, besdes nne constituent colleges. five ofthese being agriculture. Th s increases the responslb lity ofstate governnrentand the burden on agrlcultura universityto keep up the standard of educaton and performance of examlnation and This is a very happy and memorab e event for the siaie of Chhattisgarh for two reasons. Firstly, a braln slorming workshop is being organized to discuss the challenges of deve oping agricultura research and al education in Chhatiisgarh state. Secondly, stalwans of agricultural research and educaton ihe running Master and Ph.D. programs in four facultes. However, there s need to development in Chhattlsgarh state. develop PG programs on contemporary and job oriented The scenario of agricu tural education in this tribal dominated Chhattisgarh state ls slghuy different from This university s assembled here in Raipur for the cause of agriculturaL felds. The siate government amended the act of the Un versily and included d ploma and cert ficate Reco l'enlutiolls oJ Rrain Stot'nittg Yotktho? o" E rcryi g ,lsticultutul Research dntl Edkation ilt Chhanisgath Pru('eatlitrgs u1d . proqrams n the academic curricu a. These diploma and aed ficate p'oqrans caate opporl-'ilec for selfemployment for rura youth. There ls a need to discuss the scope of such programs in the un versily. lntroduction of e-courses in teaching bythe ]CARwlllbe a mllestone to address issue of quality education lt woud provde an equal opportunity to each of the studenl to study the same contenl and quality The Issues of is necessary to lmprove the cattle breed in the state in order to provide year round employment to farmers, Besides,anima husbandry, the fanners, espec alyfarm women can be traned in bee-keep ng, lac and l11. sn-oorr u-lt ,ar o_ ano ot' er a liad ac.i\it'e! ^_i'h 1 a) p ov'de yea- 'ou' d aroloyl enl a_d farl (ona. This also mln mizes large-scale migrat on of margina andsmal farmersand and-less aborers. state government w ll help the un versily to create the Anoiher typlcal culUvation system for rab crops n required infrastructure and man-power for such the state is '?e/ay"cropping which is ocally known as programs 'utera'. This utera crop is a bonus rabi crop. Crops I ke lathyrus, inseed and sometimes chckpea are gown The research requirements ofthe state are a so dferent lrom ol_er srates Ispr'nariya ce gro/r'i^g area w th 3.9 nriLlion hectares under rice, ofwhich 75 per centarea s rainfed. I\l oleover, n aboutS0 percentarea, rice is cultvated under traditlonaL broadcast biasi' systen o' L-ll valion. wh L' rlan! o' ['e rice o'owe-s and scient sts from other parts ofthe country and world under utera cultvation after rice. This utera area is part ofthel2Tpercentcroppinq ntenstyofthestate. Asitis grown under conserved molsture and fertllzers ln the r ce fa lows the productiviiy of these crops under utera system isverylow. As a resu t, there hasbeenemphasis on convertng these areas from utera to sown crop do not undersland. This kind of cultvation has many limiiations and hence, Chhattsgarh state records the lowest rice productivity in the country. Under such conditions very ntens ve and concerted research work need to be done for mprovlng the rice productivity in the state. Location specific techno ogies need to be developed unike !rriqated rice cultvaiion. All the iTponeo lecrlo'oq'es ray _oI\^orr lor [_e Ieq on. ln Chhatusgarh the rice bunds are hlge with an average helghl of 3-4 feet. lt ls esumated that in Ch'alt.garh >Late. aoout'0 oe' Lenlof t_e ri(e a'ea's under rice bunds. Techno ogies need to be deve oped system by adoplion of m n mum or zero tilage seed drills. Th s syslem ol utera is a form of conservation for utilzlng these rice bunds properly for agroJorestry, adjustmenis in sowing time and other crop operations. pasture and pu ses. This issue aso needs thorough discussion ln thls Large land in the state remains fa low in rabiseason. At present, the cropping intens ty in the slale is around 127 per cent anC ii fluctuaies from year to year due to vagaries of monsoon. lfsultable crop rotaiion andwater harvesling and moisture conservation technologles are developed, the cropp ng iniensity in ihe staie couLd be increased io 150 to 160 per cent Research on these issues should be given a very high pr ority. Another weaker ink in lhe agricullure chain of the slaie s anima husbandry. Though the cattle population ish gh, the rnikproduction isverylow averacre, each cow gives about 300 in the state. On an mlofmikperday. lt agriculture with no lllage. Conservation agricullure is ta k of the day. We need to rethink our strateg es about clevelopment of ihis existing relay cropp ng system of thestate. Added to the agony is the c imate chang-o due 10 qloba vr.rn.g a.d -ego'al cirnaLe L"a_qe ,s _ow being felt by common person in the Chhattisgarh as wel . Rainfa I quanturn is decreas ng and the distrlbution is in many districis monsoon onset is delayed byB changlng workshoP in 10 Chhatt sgarh. The days Th s demands [iti']t : i;)t.lltti:i 1i,l:.t, ::, u t , ilit ti::it)i I | t: : ,i:| , : tt,itl,:)t .' t t ,':: ji r\ieatinss :., ) lt)tttit t l. ti::ti)li ) i ) : : and n".,,,,ennatit)ls ol Brai Stt,'ntilts u,otkshtry on Etrtsitls tssues t)l ,lgrittlturul Reseafth ahtl )iducato" in Chhaftisga l lli,::i,t)tti :.': ' li':l:l:l lli:.:'l' lnordertospeedupdeveopmentsinagricultureor factors responsib e for erosion of unversity systems. l;t,irnyotn"ruu"nre,theunverstieshavetotakealeading Several of the states have adopted this model actand i]l,,lll.l tililill ::: rce and I believe that they can do so oniy when manyarelntheprocess. iilillrr,' functonal rt: Commission recognzed the lmperatives of university Wlth ihis background, it is high time for proper planning for deve opment of agricu tural research and autonomy and cautioned that, "only an autononous education inthe state. lam surethatwith the presenceof institution, free from regimentation of icleas and pressure of pafty or power politics, can pursue truth fearlessly and build up in its teachers and students, habils of independent thinking and a spint af enquiry unfettered by the limitalians and prejudices af the near and the immediate whlch /s so essential for the development of a free society'. The report of the Knowledge Commisslon also recognizes this slating thal, "the autonamy of universities is eroded by interventions from the govemment and inlrusians from pohti.al pra.escc.' l_ '"nher adds trat. "e^petience lhe auionomy is provded to them. The Kothari suggesls fhal implicit paliticizatian has made governance af universities exceedingly difficult and much more suscepiib/e io entirely nonacademic interuentians fram outside. This prohlem needs lo be warts in agrcultural research and education, concTete Tecommendatons would emerge from ths sta brain-slorming workshop. I extend hearty weLcome to all the distinguished guests who camefrom ong d stances and am sure lhat yourexperiencewilhelpus nachievngthe goalsof this workshop. I wish the workshop a grand success. JaiHind. __<r*r__ Key note address by Dr. S. Ayyappan, Secretary DARE & Director General, ICAR Venue: VivekanandHall,CollegeofAgriculture, lndira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, recognized and addressed in a systematic manner within universities but also autside, particularly in g ave rn ments. I egi s I atu re s an d Substanlal number pol iti c al pa ft i e s". of higher educaional institutons demonstrated a credibLe record of qualty and ethlcs n the couniry Centrally funded institutions like Central universit es. institutions of national jmportance such as llTs. several higher technology and managernent institutions and some staleJunded nstitutions are among them. As perthe repori ofYashpal committee one common feature they share arnong thenr s their structure of governance, consstng of eminent persons, excluding practicing politcans and including only a lmited represenlation from the Government. Autonomy in the true sense s available to these institulions wth the guldanceand supporlofsuch governing bod es. Common acts and statules across country may be a good option for ensurng good governance. I appreciate the efforts made by the ICAR in preparing the Mode Act 2009 after delberalions and approva in theVCs conferenceforadoption bythe State agricullural universties. Unformity across country n terms ofsyllabus, activities, examination and admission systems may be very helpfulin dealng wjth many ofthe Raipur (Chhattisgarh) 29'" September,2010 H s Excelency the Governor of Chhattisgarh Chancelor ofthis un versity, ShriShekhar Dutt; of Agricuture. Government of Chhatt I\,4in sgarh and ster Shri Chandrashekhar Sahu ji; Chief Secretary, Government of Chhattisgarh Shri P. Joy Oommen, Deplrty Director General (Horticuture) Dr H.P Singh, Deputy Director General (Education) Dr. Arvnd Kumar, distingushed Vice-Chancelor Dr M.P Pandey Director of Research Dr. S.K. Patil, earned Faculty members, Officials and Ptuceedilits un,l Reconnte !*ttions d Btah St.r'llting W'fishop on Eneryi g Issues Astic uttumt Resetch.tktt Ettucation i{9 han;\ea t Staff of lhe un verslty, esleemed Guests, representatives of press and electronic media, ladies and gentlemen I of Zona! research cenlers (Amb kapur, Jagda pur , Raipur), three Regiona research centers (Blaspur Ralgarh Kawardha), two Research centre (Baronda to be an honorfor beinq invited to this Brain and Bhatapara) and 16 Krish Vigyan Kendras spread on "Emerging lssues of Agricultural Research and Education in overthe eniire state. I have come io knowthat IGKV s offer ng educauon in fve facultes namely Agrculture, Dairy Technology, I deem il Stormlng Workshop Chhattisqarh" organized at IGKV I congratulate the Voe-ChancelLor Dr. I\4. P Pandey and other faculty members for organizing this wolkshop on burnng issues of aglcultural Research and educaton ln Chhattisgarh. Today is certa nly a great moment for the ChhatUsgarh slate and especally Veterinary Scence & Animal Husbandry, Agrculture Eng neering and Fisher es. The annual intake ln llnder graduate, Post graduate and Ph.D s more than 1400' 290 and 39. respective Y. for the IGKV to introspect the course of our iourney, what have we achleved? What Lessons have we learnt for the journey ahead to shape the fulLlre of students and farming communiiy of Chhatllsgarh. lndira Gandhi Krishi VshwavidyaLay Raipur is the only prem er Agr culture University n the state, s nce lndlra Gandhi KrishiVishwavidyalay, Ralpur s the only premler Agriculture University in the state, slnce establishmentin.lanuary20, 1987, nvolvedinteachng, extension and research fo r develo pment of tech nolog ies suitable forthe prevalent aqro_clmatic conditions ofthe state and needs of the farmers. Th s lJniversity has long <roriLa oa.lgro- d. DL-ng .1" Br'.isl reqna. onF Agricuture Research Station was eslab lshed in 1903 known as'Labhandi Farm', which grew up gradualLy and ioday it s the campus of lndlra Gandhi Krishi Vishwvldyalaya Ralpur. Durlng mid s xt es th s center n was recognized and estab ished as Rice Research Staton (RRS) and was fudher strengthened and establlshment as Madhya Pradesh Rce Research lnstitute (NlPRRl) in 1974 underthe eadership ofgreat rlce scienust, late Dr. R.H. Richharia. ihe first D rector of nsttute. Ln tribal order to strengthen Agriculture education in th s popu ation dominated region, College of Agrcuture at RapuT was established in 1961 under Sagar University and later on n 1964 t became one of ihe constituent coLleges of Jawahar Lal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (til.P). Since iis inception in 1987 as separate universiiy, IGKV has expanded many ds mpartino teach ng, research and extenslon lhrough lts 25 constituent and affllated coleges, three fo After the forrnation of Chhattisgarh state on 1" November, 2000, emphasis was given for the development of agrculturaL education. lt has been observed that only 0.4% of the higher secondary stuclents go for higher education in agr cultLlre' mainly because of non-availability of colLeges in the v cinity. As most of the farm fam lies are socio-econon_icaly poor, they cannot afford to send iheir children to Raipur or 10 other institutes for higher education n agrc!Jture. the nurnber of seats were aso lmited. Looking nto the difficuliies, the slate government Moreover, decided to open new colleges and at present there aTe ten consiituent and 15 affiliated colleges of agriculfure and allied dlsciplines. AS a result, agricu ture education has reached to all sections of the soc ety in the siate. The IGKV ls constantly lmproving iis teaching facillties to educatethe people in al thefacultes. Thls universlly s the only SAU in lnd a serving large percentage of scheclule casle scheduled tribe and socio- economica ly backward siudents lt s also the second largesl University n term of lntake capacity ln B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme. rroccctline: a ,l Rc.,' nttndtinns 4 B in St minq ttt'tAJtot, t,! l: .t!;i ! I\u.\ 4 Rt'cdt nt'd t dii,Iio,t it, t hhutri,gdth ABri, utturol llLttl rr',:,rrr i This GKV has its lur sd ction to the entire Chhattsgarh 6tate. I understand thai it is a Chalenging task as th s recognition t'i:tr un versity has Nationa and lnternaiional for Tce research especaly n ra nfed i i; ,,r,,r state has geograph cal area of 1 3.8 rn ha which is more ecosystem and a large numberofstudenis aretrained in than the cornbined qeographica area of the states of rice research. IGKV s known for rare collecton of rice lil Punlab, Haryana and Kera a million, 45% weaker and tr ba popu at on, B0% rlral ge-Tpam. Ar p'esent. tLe'e are 23.070 Jccessions. Emphasis needs to be given lo develop new center for poplrlation, 72% farmers having srnal land holdlngs, low wlder utillzation of r ce germplasm. Besides, rice, LGKV literacy rate of 61'k , 44% people be ow poverty line 44% fatesl, 25'k rrigation fac lties 5.8 m ha cutivab e has recogniiion of research work ofLathyrus ' f with totalpopulation of20 and nseed crops. ln case of Lathyrus crop, IGKV has the largest over 18 districts and 3 agro-clmaticzones. Wth these rea rsiic posiuon, research n the GKV is sound and organized at the leve of zones, regions and collection of 1906 accessions. The state lacks Central stat ons. of and spread lnsiitute for exp oiUng ful genetic potential of such important crops, prospects oforgan cfarming, utilzation ln order to serve under such clrcumstances it is required to bu ld strong partnerships wth staie, nationa non-timber forest produce and soi & water conservatlon research and train ng insttute. ln future effortswil be rnade in th s d rection bythe ICAR. and iniernat onal organ zations. Since iis incept on this Chhatiisgarh has varied types of soils and c imate university has estab ished a commendable networklng and a very good crop cafeter a can be seen n the state. wlth the state. Nationa and other nternationa Field and horiiculture crops ranging from terrperate to organ zations ike lRRl, ICR SAT, Rockfe or folrndatron, tropical cl mate are grown. Crop d versificat on, Vedci^al and Aronaric panls ncrea< -g c.opp-g DAAC, t_A, Cto, CtVNtvT ro carar rha e.r6,qinq is< .ec oflhe agriculture and alied sectors of newly born state oi Chhattisgarh At preseni, 40 CAR Coord nated proiects,36 ad-hoc projects, hvo lnternational projects and four NAIP projects areln operat on. I compliment the faculty of this university for developing such strong partnersh ps. The malor areas of research in the university cons sts of breeding of crop varielies, crop production, crop protection, denlifying new varetes n vegetables, fruits and flower production. for-^stry. med c nal and aromatic plants, deve op ng agricu tural imp ements, fisher es research and producl on, veter nary and dairylechnology. The llniversity has made considerable contr bution in development of suilab e var et es and technology packages for crop productjon especia ly, for tribal and economica ly backward farming community. li has evolved and released more than 48 varieties of differenl crops, given many recommendailons in the areas of crop production protection varietaL selecton etc and designed number of area specific lmplemenls for sma I and marginal larmers ln a short span of this un versrty Recently 11 new varieUes of r ce, fru ts and veqetab es are a so released bV siate seed committee. 'lndira Sona' is the first pub ic bred r ce hybr d jn the state and 'lndira kakoda' is wor d's flrsl var ety ofsp ne qourd. intenily, cultvation of cash crops lke sugarcane, cotton etc, ogy, Bio-Chemistry, B o-Djesel, Control, Natural Resins and Gunrs, Chickpea Mcro-bio Bioand Safflower in rlce fa lows and forage crops are the future research thrust areas ofthis Un velsity. The 21'' century is the age of lberalzaiion, privatzation and g obalzation. Knowledge is the key to this age. Fundamental sources of wealth is knowledge and information rather than raw maierals and labour. Whie dealing with ihe prob ems and chalenges n the le d of agricu ture education in the state, one have to vlsua ize allihe availab e scenar os n total ty. The socio cultural pol tical, economic and techno ogical advancements are to be consrdered and analyzed, A large sect on ofstudents in the state are of ruraland tribal background. Hence, teach ng facilites, nfrastructure, lab & ibrary faciliUes and qua ity teachers in adequate number are must to ensure quality educat on. There s urgent need to improve the teaching standards especially n a I these colleges under the university. lt s absolutely essential to ensure suffcent staff and infrastructu re fac lit estoaansm tqualityeducation to the studentsas per lCARstandards in this regard From agriculiural v ewpo nt, Chhattisgarh state has arnple ofpotenlialin agriculture and alied sectors. Th-ore Prcleeiing\ utd Reu lrle dations ofB titt Stonting Worksh!'l' ott E kryi g Issues of Astioltuidl Rlsearch 41t,1 Eduutiou ik Chhid\eafi is adequate rainfall ranging from'1200 mm io 1600 mm fnedn-ual\ ater avaidb ape-pe'con s 3000 m. muc" _igqer tnan t_e Nalonalan_ualaveraoe of 1r00 rr oe person. About 25% of nei cropped area has irrigation facllities as compared to Nauonal average of 38% Chhattisgarh has large number of ponds, almost every village forms the vast source of supply of water to ag culture in the slaie. lf this water is tapped properly cropping intensity can be increased giving sufficient production and employment n agricu ture sector' There is arnple scope for deveLoprnent of irrigation facillties uslng groLlnd waier poteniial provided there is planned development lncluding measures for re_charge of ground water. Besldes the development of surface irr gailon potential, efforts are required to develop the untapped ground water. The maior issues that need to be addressed are : (1) lncreasing the adoption of rain waier harvesting and arlif c al re-chargei (2) to restore v llage ponds and tanks 10 ihelrfu I potentialfor efficlent rain waterharvest ng; (3) crop rotaUon to be practiced to avoid water inlens ve crops especially ln post monsoon seasons; (4) modern waterefficient rrigation iechn ques need lo be Promoted. I am to d that in certain villages, ihere exist more than 50 perennlal ponds that indicate the avaiLabllily of tracliUonalwater bodies ancl can be very easily broughl under aquacLrlture. Government of Chhatlisgarh should ve high pr ority for developrnenl of lh s sector in the state which wllL not only provde additional employment to the rural masses but at the same tlme also mprove nutritional securty. Allied enterprises ike fish culture g 'o _a.olal 'ndjo'itv or sr .oeris a'e Lndola lo conoeLe rll levelexams. Hence, there is need forspecia attention for ti strengthening ol education facilities. I assure that ICAR 'lil will cooperate to IGKV in deveoping and further slrengthening the existing educational infraslructure for improving teaching, research and extension sysiems as perthe siandardsof ICAR. Agriculture ln Chhattisgarh must be vlewed as Teonc ro ra,qer goals o'anolo),nenl leo econonc gro\,!4h. poveriy alevation and sef-reLiance' Adam 'No Smith in 1976 in his Wealth of Nation menlions, soc ety can surely befourishing and happy, ofwhlchlhe fargreaier part ofthe members are pool and m serab e' ' We have to visualize agriculture in Chhaitisgarh as a competit ve entrepreneurialacUv ty rather than a way of life. The prosperity and improvement ln livelihood condit on is possible only by deveLoping our agricultLrre and farrners. For overall development of agrlculture in aparl from 'Green revolulion", 'Yellow the slate revolution White revolution' etc. we need Rainbow revo uuon" to clevelop our communily as a whole' I am Ravindranath Tagore, who in 1939 reminded of confessed, I quo1e, whole of lndia 'l can not take responsibiLity for the if I can free onLy one ortwo vil ages from the bonds ofignorance and weakness, therewilbe - scale, an ideal for the whole of lndia built, on a tiny llthis ideal inafewvil agesonlyand wil say thatthesefewvillages are my ndia". Concerning to agrlculturaL education, the p anners - lf - in the admlnistration as weLl as in the campus may bear need to be involved lnto praclice in the exist ng farmLng systems. I am very happy to know ihat a separate in mind that education should be value or ented' The students shoLrld incu cate the vaues of tolerance, rationality, forward vision and soclalcomm tment, wh le inheiting a passion for knowledge and a sprlt of college of Fisheries has been opened recently for improvemeni in fish culture in the state A new Horuculture College is also going to start frorn the nexl artisl who gve the final touch lo the character reaing of duck, poll try. pig, goat and other allied sectors adveniure. The teachers, I believe, are the role models which the students oflen lke to emLllate. They are the and vaIotrs career of the budding talents eager to reach out and makeamalkinthewide,openworld. ltis mperativethat IGKV has the second argest intake capacily of sludents a1 UG level ancl I feel that with the avallable nfrastructure and staff, t is extreme y difflcult to manage lhe affairs ofeducal on as wel as mainlain ng examinaton lhethrusllnthe campusshould beiowards exce lence in educaiion and characterbuilding. Universties have to play a leading role ln ihis endeavor. Funcuonal aLltonomy and good governance structure is also very important ln order to make the universities strong in dealing w th problerns ofeducat on and research. The lndan CoLlncil of Agricutural academic session cl for development of menslons ofthe hort culiuralcrops. and eva uation in time. I can assume thai faculty must be feeting pressure on them for timely comp etion of task' Secondly. belngtr ba siateandwith rural backgro!nd, the lt t, Vj, l,',i,i,,.1,,'.i,,.i t,ili) | ; t, . |',. :,'' ., 1 L , Ptu&ertikes an.l Reco ma tuno"s of Btdin Stt,t,ti,ls Wotkstto? on E,tcryins tssaes o1 Agticutt tut Rescarch nd Edu&tion i Chhdnisgarh tt .|;;:ll ::li neS"*"t 7r, lirirlriirrevised , New Dehi has recently forrnulated ancl Session-l i tssues and strategies related to the ICAR N4odel Acl20og for Agricultural agricultural education lt :iti:): , !',r ',rr Universities nlnda Thsaclnoionyprovidesautonomy |1-'l'l:' ,n6 good governance but unforrrity across country in ;i lr i I i ' ' Chairman : KL,rnu, terms ot sy abus, act viiies, e\amrnation and adm ssion Co,Chairman : Vice Chance tor. V vekanand Techni.a systems. Severa ofthe states have adopted this model Uni.. tshiai. Dr. B_C_Mat prabtens in ac.anonan/arei t^e procecs '''nyberievet_ati_e .a quarir\ adLc,t,on adoptonofacommonact wll helpin mproving throughout country. ;;";;";ioinn on,n" ourvarue sysrern and strare.es SAUS und,i"h adao,*"".". *o t t"r, "t""* aLve. ^or-a' il becones.lon-e{po vroe_., no^-ds rir'nd.o.r' - rno -on-ooar"r,ir" w" 'a\e lo lra slorn the o.der in s-ch a manner inat he people'. 'il L.ei- oaci..equ enent o .. ano h 'la- overcome K"vsp"uk"r :Dr' Arvrnd Kumar' DDG Education lcAR- Qualiu education in state AattculLdat Uni\ ersiesr /ssues dro heritage, we haveto + I L DDG (Education) tCAR, Dr. Arvind ao.dntage so dignity, make conslstent progress and live in at pe""". srlralegi6! ": Tnis ses< o- Ta n y [oc-<ed ')T' e edu.dt o- ro nael o- t ,o i,t po4a, . i,s-ec .he deTa-dc of rl- a .a'ion ano Need for strengthening in the course ' Dr' Arv nd w" ]) KumarDDG Educat on qave the key note address on ' haveanirnporiantroetopayinthismisson. lcAR_oualily educat on n state Aqric' l'Jniversit es: am hopeful that the de iberat ons n the workshop lssues and skateg es' He emphasized on need for wil culminale ntherecommendaiionthatwilprovetobe fo'-ity and proper mplementai on of the education uselul lor the planners, aclm nistraiors, researchera 'n "nd deve]opmentagencies,programsacrossstatesneedofmor6nllmher.f felowshps and programs to attract most of the rural Thankyoual forgiving meth s opporiun ty. students and streamlning of individua courses being __---rar}(-run by different SAU. He identified the emerging needs of proceedings ofthe Brain storming workshop on "Emerging lssues of Agricultural Research and Education in chhattisgarh" the education are as blend ncl of know edqe' skils and prov iin n aou(at'o. .o ured.e _oo ders rather than seekers, HR neecls to meet the ar.it-des orotessiona present demands or the country, and attract ng the best cllture education. He further enrphas zed thal, the agrculture edLtcaton mustbe ntunetomeet bra n for agr Venue: Vivekanand Hal! and Seminar Halls of College of Agriculture, lndira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, 29' September, , . Raipur 2OlO lnauguralsession The inauguratjon of ihe future requ rements of the siales and country as a whoe must be sustainable couped with econom c v ab lity,lvelihood security, sk llsorlented educatron etc. including the lT and comrnunicatons. He ralsed the issuesofpubljcfunding insuffcrenifaciiiies,increasing Brain Stormrng Workshop inbreeding, and establishing new instjtutions without on "Emerging lssues of Agricutural Research and matching facilties. ln ihrs direciion ICAR is supportng Educat on in Chhatt sgarh"was heid on 29' Septemberat with profess onal and financial support but he has a so Vivekanand Hall, Colege ofAgricuture, lndracandh narrated numberofquality assurances iaken by ICAR Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur. Hs Excelency The ike accreditation, review of course curnculum Governor of Chhattisgarh, Shr Shekhar Dutt, LA.S. was mprovement of facLrtty and infrastructure , adm ssion chief guest. Secretary DARE & D.G, ICAR Dr S policythroughA llndia teve competitionsetc Ayyappan was specia guest and the chairman was He also emphasized that unversties should take IVin ster of Aqricu ture, Govi. of Chhaitisgarh, Shri benefts ftom ihe programs rke N che area ot excet eni chandrashekhar sahu. sh P Joy oommen, lAS, chief incorporating the latest technotogies, modern zation for secretary, Govt. of cG attend ed the fu nction as s pecia pa the farm facil pract guest. t es for m rting ca ed u cation th ro ug h, t"rcn(lations of Bruilt Stomi g Workshop oi bural ReseLrch a d Etllrcation i Chlurttisgafi Proceedings .lgtic a d Re.o E ergi g Issues ol /i t. ) ,it |,:ti ' ,ttt;.' .t ::,it:.,tt 't) it ,t:)il I,. I r;r_.r r exchange regional sports complex, students counsel ng tutoralsforSCandST students He has aLso addressed speclfic ssues related with IGKV, Raipur as; need of reorienlaiion of agriculture educatlon according to present scenario ofthe country and word, pursuing more fund from state and at the same t me to reduce the dependabilty on this aspect, nterfaces establshrnent wilh CAR, SAUs and government, d iscou rag ing inbreedlng, and of IJG students, and accreditation forthe Unlvers tY. The second presentation was made by Shri Iv. K.Raut, Secretary Higher education Govt of CG. He has given the scenario of the higher educalion in the state of CG. He opined that the importance of higher rir r,r I,iii,iil Dr. M. Osman, Prlncipal Scientist, CRfDAl. Hydrabad emphasized on water scarcity and ihe needrlr'1ll for rolatonal use for water productivity of crops in ii rainfed agricuture. He stressed on convergence of I schemes and consortium approval to rneet the challenges of rainfed agriculture. He also suggested that crop management strategies needs io be worked oui fo r extreme eve nts and drouoht conditions There s need of good land use planning use of remote sensing and GlS, soi fertlity enhancement throLrgh biomass production and recyclng, alternate and use system' farm mechanizat on blending of trad tional knowledge with modern science for enchasing productivlly of rainfedagriculture. its specia izat on as compared to the school education whlch has only limited previews wlth a boundary. The low GER (Gross enrolment raiio of 8.5 education lies n as compared to naton of 12.5 and in developed countries s 35 %. He has also pointed out about the slatusofteachers recruitmentto be be ow sat sfactory. The lhird speaker was Dr. B.C. l\,4a1 who emphasized on problems in qua ity education background, less iob opportunities, ess as urban research findings, harderlobs, and ack of qualityteachers Dr. U K.l\,4lshra, Dl, IGKV, Ralpur addressed the problems re ated to the examinaton system and aLso suggested remed es by way of mprov ng the facilties incudng the man power. Dr. O. P Kashyap, Dean, COA. Raipur has addressed issues related to implementallon of ICAR policies in CG. He has enphaslzed on e earning and Wl-Fi iaci ity .The last speaker was DR.B.R.Chandrawansh, shared his past experiences on agriculiural edLlcation for future development. Session-ll Dr. A.K. Singh, l\,4anaging D rector, CG State Forest Produce delivered his lecture on management of medlcinal plants/foresl/non_wood forest prodlct (NWFP) and organic agTculture. He poinled oui that proper marketing support is absolLltely I\,4lnor necessary to the farmers growing medicinal pLants and Tesearch on suitab e varieties and proper cultvation techniques need 10 be deve oped for medlcnal plants and extens on aclivities shou d be carried out and ln non forest areas. There is need of organic cedifcation : lssues and Strategies Related to Natural Reassume Management Dr. T.K. Adhay, Director, CRRI Chairman : co-chairman : of forest/NwFP He stated thai lradtional crops lke kodo, kutkl, ragi etc have good potenlial for organc productions. He stressed that theie s good potential of Shrl C.L. Jain. Director. SAN4ETI, and herbal produce based lndustry in Chhattlsgarh. This is also a strong need to proTnote organ c production and Govi. ofChhattisgarh certficallon Cuttack. - ll, fve speakers delivered thelr lectures on related aspects of issLles and strateg es Ln Session related to natura Resurne N4anagemeni. iir :t:i,itt::):iittl ,l and experienual learnlng. Some more new initiatlves taken in this direction includes e earning, faculty :|iIIirrI of agrlcuLtura, horticultural and forest produce in ChhatUsgarh. Mr. Bakshi from Chhatlisgarh N4edicinal Board' Summarzed hls talk on slrstainab e management of tii:itl ltii:1 r iiti iit ',.t tttti,i t. Prcceedi gs a d Recoht lr"llii6drcnal and aromatic Plants. He h ghlighted the #lrll; efforts of medic na Board for sustainab e management "''r',ri'":r oi ,Ot". He mentoned the sirateg es for selected : it:.1 s pecies of l\4APs for sustainable rn a n o1 Bruh Ston'tine Wo*shop 'endanonsAgri&ltural zone and 45aA area in CG s under iow pH range. Zn deficiency is common in state. Soil erosion is another problem n the state and aboutthree thousand metr c ton so I is eroded per year. Look ng to th s for sustalnable deve opment, watershed management is very important for the state. He stated the need for promoton of integrated Farming System approach for suslainable development of agr culture sector. He a so stressed that MNREGAshould also be made watershed devetopment Dr. A S.R.A.S. Sastri, Prof. & Head, Deptt. of Agro metrology emphasrzed that global warm ng s not uniform through out the gobe and there is reglonal variations clobal Warming in lndia started n 1970, onwards. He stated that due to global warming there are onal changes s ra nfall in drfferent continent, countries and regions of the globes. la Cc in 1970 reg onwords, the droughl situation and extreme events oi rarnfallare increasrng. Onsetofmansoon in ihe CG has advanced by one week There is also need to establish the c irnate change Resource Centers rn the State. The Cha rman Concluded the session wth fotlowino Co-Chairman KeySpeaker : : ta c rop i m p ra ve me nt i n C h h att i sg a rh Thls sess on cha red by Dr.A.R. Pathak, Hon'ble VC., NavsariAgricu tural llniversity, Navsari (Gul.) ancl Co-chaired by Prof. l\,4.M. Hambarde, D.G., CGCOST, Raipur (C.G.). The Keynote address was given by Dr. [,4.p Pandey, Hon'ble V C., GKV., Raipur. He presented the issues and strategles for crop lmprovement in C G He raised the ssues for crop irnprovement wh ch includecl: lity of gemrplasm of dfferent crops, their availab c'ra'acter.zarion. fac lilies reoJi ed or prooer c.,een'^g of gerrrplasrn and segregaling materra , creation of addtiona variabilty, genetc erosion, and regiona cl matic change. He also discussed the various research strategies ior genet 3. 4. 5. c mprovement oivar ous crops like; ihe crop genetc base, plant ideotype concept, exploitaton of Here rosn and use of broadening b otechno ogy a s frontier too forcrop breeding. Dr. R.L. Pandey. Ex Dean, Colege of Agriculiura , Ra pur d scussed aboui the issues and sirategies related to irnprovement of pulses n state. The issues he discussed as general and crop specfic for various crops like Pigenoper, Chck pea, Fetd pea, leantil, grass pea, mungbean and Urid been. He a so emphasized that work shou d be done on Horse gram and Cowpea. Dr. K.N/]. Hegde, Prolect Director DOR, gave Natural resources cannot be taken into isolation but Underground water potent al need to be uiilized in of ssues and strategies forojlseeds in C.G. He emphasrzed for a set up of fertilizer use, soi and crop management, need based plant protection and CG, promoiing diversified uses crop, soil and water needs to be taken up together. 2. Chancelor ,Gujarat Agric Uni, NAVASARI, Dr.A.R pathak, D rectorCRR|, Cuitack Dr.T.K.Adhya ViceChancelor,lGKVRaipur,Dr.M.p Pandey- /ssues and strategies related pornts: 1. i Chairman : Vce need 10 deve op strategy in this regard. ln Chhattisgarh, n different agro climate eryihs Issues ol Chhattisg.th improvement availab lity of waler is decreasing day by day and there is vary ng so I types are found It Session-lll I lssues and strategies related to crop agement. Shr C.L. Jain, Director, SAI\4ETt Govt ofCG stressed the need of diversifcation of crops and d versification of varieties. He pointed out that on Res.arch dn.l Etlucotion Watershed management is lmportantforlhe siate Socra invo vementand giving due rightstothetribal people can pare the whyforth s deve opment. There is need to have concerted efforts for overall managemenl ofnatural resources in CG. Th s Session ended wiih write ofthanks to the chak. account Dr. IV.N. Shrivastava, ret red Director Research. IGKV.- Ralpur discussed aboutthe strengths and lacuma of Coordinated system and various lapse at state and nalion leve . The faiu e of Hlbrio e/lension i4 nce was a so d scussed by hlm.The fifth and last lecture of the given sesslon was by the Co-cha rman prof. Hambarde, DG, CGCOST, Rapur. He d scussed th-A roe of stumtitry Pfl.c?,1iar\ a ,t R!,ott,1tr d'ttio^ ot Btltitt hhmi'uth i t tti"n Ld ,'ttt tit,i,,'i,,':,i i,:.""'',t, ttn 'hof n f"rcrliry l$ue' nf The session was completed wlth concluding He remarks of Chairman Dr' Gautam KaLloo' and speakers appreciated the nice presentation of promoung prolects in agricultural He on Socio_ suggested that projects can be submitted CGCOST in was summed Economic uplifimenl of poor' The sesslon upwlth the remarks ofChairman and Co_Chairman Session-lv Chairman and improvement in field supplemenled following issues for as basic Hofticulture teaching and research quality ieaching in infrastruciure should be healthy for of Strategies Related I Issues : to Horticulture CroPs Dr. G. Kalloo, Vice chancellor, multlpl-o disease/ horticulture, need for development of varieties of horticLlltural crops basic pest resislant and use of research in nulriilon of horticulture crops qrowth regulaiors, slressed root stock breeding for JNK\\'' JabaLPur "maintaining Co'Chairma: Dr. H.P'Singh, DDG' Horlicutture' ICAR. NewDeLhi ln keynote address Dr' H'P' Singh' DDG' research and hoiricuLture covered every aspect of education on Horiicllltural crops' He e!aborately thai presented research achievements and informed about'1 600 varielies of vaious HorilcLrltural crops were Horticultural un formity in grafted plants of iechnoloqies crops need of developing varieUes and ofdeveloping need according 10 clmatic changes, and Kendras as scLon Vlgyan mother orchards by Krlshi qllalily bank, breeding for a biotic stress and use of sell lmprovement in HortlcuLtural crops seed incompatibilty and mai sterillty for hybrid new technology already reLeasecl. He also hlghlighted in lndla and required for Horticultural development padicularly Chhaltisgarh He stressed on development biotic slress' varietal of varieiies against a biotic and iuber crops for development ln spices, plantation and prodLlclion of clifferent purposes, advancement in high qualiiy pLanting rnaterial of hodicultural crops' planting ancl meadow orcharding for higher meadow production of Horticultural crops, suggesled of old orchardinq for hlgher productivity' reiuvenation orchald, utillzalion of wasieland ihrouqh and senile organiciarming of H orticu ltura I crops session-V : Plenalysession Chairman : Shr Shivraj Singh' Dy sprinkler management, micro-irrigation clrip and micro nursery for off system, esiablishment of high- tech outp Llt pre and ' season crop, preclsionfarming for better on leaodll \ a' ano posLLarvesl nanoga-re_' technology He also emphasized on use of hlgh staled thal viz. tissrle cullure and nano iechnology' He uiilized and future strategy should make use of under n vege ao'e r'_its a_o i'owe s' npeor_g in-e,p'o.led lv Tr'd .he pre,enrcllraloloolca cha'oes' Shri Narayah Bhai Chawda shared experiences of his various crops under Chhatlisqarh of dlsease conditions He emphasized for development Grafting in res stant varieties with yield advantages' against varlous cLlcuTbits is an ideal tool for protecilon gourd boille diseases. Grafling of watermelon on varieUes resLrlted in 95% success' He showed as Guava' cleveloped under VNR foundation such Chairman' of Staie Planning Commission' Govt' Chhattisgarh' density production and procluctlvity, lntegrated nutrient ' Co-Chairman : Shri D'S' Mishra' Prl' Secretary & Agricullure Production Commlssio_ ner. Govt. ofCG, Singh' The session was chalred by ShriShivrai commlssion Govt of Deputy Chalrman State plannlng Shri D'S' Nilishtra Agri Production Chhatiisgarh. Commissioner, C.G. was co_chairman' chancellors Chairman requested to allthe Vice_ General ICAR' New Delhi to present and Director and research' expTess their views on qualliy education qLraLity improvernent DG, ICAR expressed hls view that is is a conunuous process' New green revolLltion e/oec.eo l.or1 aasler_ pa1 or Ihe co-_Ir) 'e' Was' Be'od' Cnhanlsqa'h. Oassa. ,,larrqa_d a'o held at iGKV' Further. four such workshops shaLl io be to flnalize the Raipur within short perlod of six months lnvestmeni in map forgreen revolution in the State' road more papaya, chiLliand Binlaland suggested to deveLop particularLy againsireslstance to diseases Io'\'a'ds Aor,1 Edu ar.on ano Re,ea-(n co_'rlbules or o a'ldb'rltv gooo oloao",n,. ." enoh,s zed ha' and qualrty seed, waler and nutrienl managemeni global warming are the e iminaling adverse effects of and pests. majorthrusl areas to recelve prior ty' stablevariety .,,,t, . ..:.. , Ptur'.edilEs .,', .,.; ; . a d Recomne tatio t ofBtain Storhi gt brkshotl on Eneryinglss es of Agtitult tdl Reseafth and Eturution in Chhatthgarh DG a so invited views from the house. Dr. A. R. I ti,Pathak Vice-chancellor Navari. Agri llniversity, cujaral . was of the vew that Aqrl Research and educaiion is Research strenglhened in Gujarat by providing adequate funds by StateGovt.ln Chhatusgarh, Dabriand wate r d istribution policy needs attention. The Director Genera I aooealed to the cc state covt. to provide more funds to chv. Dr rK Adhya, Drecto,, cRR, Newgreen revolution is expected from the eastern part of the country l'e' chhattisgarh, orssa, J^hath:n9, west Bengal and eastern l]ttar curtack ;';T::i"l::lil:i::"","?j;;::,'ffJ?'H""1: enphas /ed rhar . ce oroou^ti\rty lhoJlo oe nade nor. remunerative by intesratins rab crops cha rman oi session declaredthatone ICAR. lnstrtlrte on B ot csiress the I\,4anagement has been sanctioned for Chhattisgarh, As soon as the land a location and oiher formalilies are comp eted the said lnsttuie wil come into exstence. Director, Orlseeds CAR, Dr. D.Nl Hagede emphasized on integrated farming system for overall prosperity of farmers, andto make agriculture more sustainabe-Dr. 2. S. Ayyappan, D.G., lcAR, expressed satisfacton over the progress made by GKV Raipur which rs at present ranked RECOMMENDATIONS ranked was among the SAUS as compared io 26i when itcarne nto existence in 1987. The DG. lcAR arso or the v ew rhat so many Agricurture/Horricu 6r" rure/ Agril. Engineer ng colleges affil ated to lcKV are n operation in the Stale of Chhattisgarh. The ICAR s keep ng a strict vlgil on the performance of these colleges. f ths experment succeeds, the ICAR may in need that qualiiy of education n prvate colleges need to be ^ J. mon itored crit cally. consider permitt ng otherstates toopen such colleges the private sector. DDG. Education expressed the lH[:i';J:J;;r::: ii] ll|i i,]ii,:, Tilili:i on improvement, iteXVl "rop hortjc!lture, natural resource management and Vishwavidya aya anlmal husbandry and fishery s required wth n a short period ofsix months The IGKV shou d bring out four approach papers for l2'h plan preparation from these wo rksho ps. ]n several ofthe crops, the productvity evels in state are beow natonal average' lt s required to prepare sirateg c plan for attaining this average during l2 screen n9 0f the most appropriale practces/ :1::ffi1:: plan period. Research on dentifrcation/ T,[I :J:[::jjT'H,':'?:""T ;"j country stroutA be hken up n association with the state department of Agrculture. Agricultural Un versity and Department of Agriculture need to eir inkagesforlhispurposeas no agency in isolation can sove the emerglng lssues of and degradat on, c lmate change' increasing popr'r aton andfooddemand Research and techno ogy transfer of nteqrated fu rther strengthen th sinsh :"jff:,:ff[ff:fl:i1Ti"::i,.#Ifiilf,:] charman or the session, Dr shivrar ernphaszed that annual growth ln agrcuture is comparatively low as compared to industries. lt is mosfly need undeT assured irrigation. GDP of the state is increasinq and at present and stale s ranked first with DGP of more than dependenl on Monsoon in Chhaitisgarh- There is hortculture and anima husbandry, needs to be given very high priority in the siale. The agriculture and animal husbandry shou d go hand in hand. to take-up more poects to bring more area Good agrcLllture wil provde reqlired feed and fodder for the anirnals, which wlll jn turn provide 11%. lnspiteofthis,alot stobedoneforcommonman. poor quariry or education at schoo ever must susta nable agricuture' There is need to idenlify be mproved. C.G. hasvastpotenUa asgood&vasthuman resource isavailable butnoi properly uiilzed. properuse of naiural resources, water shed are important for 4. rura remark staie government must work together for socio-econom c development of farmers and qualty education 'n the 5' Stat-. development. Lastly, the session ended wilh the that in order to prepare road map ICAR, IGKV and ncome and employmeni and manure for ;:lJ::J""[X,:?kJl,jiy.ffifiilj:i:j: gradualadoptionoforganlctarmingpractlces. Research on clmate resilent agrjc!lture involv ng efftcient and proper Lrse qenotvpes and oi water and nutrient managementand elmlnating adverse effects of globa warming should be the malor thrustarea. AnnualgroMh in agriculture is comparatively low as compared to industries. Agricultural growth is Pruceedings atl Recon enttations ofBruin Sto Atticuhutat Rlseorch atd Eluutk ning Workshop on Ehetgi g Istues addition whlch does not require as much water agri,'ri is required for raising,triops) and needs strategic l'' mostly dependent on monsoon in ChhatUsgarh. There,s need to take-up more number of smaller projects to bring more area planning. EntrepreneLlrship development under assured Large quanliiies of produces state wh ch ls marketed in in the forest raw form. Further, large quanlilies of rice and toma.oe< a-e aldiab.. i- rhe ceaso.. TLere S need of exploring possibiities of processing such comrrodlty through rural commun ties in order to provide emp oyment and lncome opporiun ties ln lhevlllage iiself. There is need to plan a strategyso that round the year activities are avaiable and the rura people is fu ly occupled on thelrfields so that Chhatt sgarh cou d absorb Chhattisgarh abor in this endeavor. There are shed are mportanl for rural development. Farm pond technology and water distribution policy needs special ailenlion. Comprehensive planning is required for water budgeting, consumption, and allocation to different sectors. Planning within field crops, agriculture sector for a location to horiiculture and fisher es is required Precision fa rming developmentfor conservauon of producUon lnputs and irrigaiing or ferlilizlng only the rootzone as has already been done in lsrael, is requjred. There is need to pan for adoplion of prec s on farming system by small and marginal '11 farmers as well. There ls need for proper planning n orderto large scale adoplion of precislon farming tools like dr p or sprlnkler in place off ood irrigation systems common with tubewells/canal irrigauon. There is need todevelopspecificland trse plans as per the capacity of land for different farming stuations to ensure that no land s Left unused. i. thisdlrecton. Much g precious germpasm. There s urgent need to characlerize the germplasrn for various lraits of importance. Establ shment of modern laboralorles and infrastructure needs special atientlon. There a'e sev.-ol c'ops l.\e 12. as relay crops on reslduaL soil molsture and nutrienls lmprovements in th s s!'stem s immedlately required. lncreasing employmeni and income from land to the 73 % ruralpopulation ofthe staie s an lssue of discLrssion and framing out suitab e plans. Br nging fallow lands under cultivation through appropriate technolog es and strategies has great potential in address ng the migraUon or rural population from the slate. There is conslderable land left fallow even n kharifseason n the state oravailable and ls put to inappropriaie use(s). Suitable plans need to be developed for utiLlzation of ralnfed fallows ln 13. 10 Strategies neeclto work outfor increas ng area under pu ses and oilseeds and increasing their productivity and profitabiliiy through geneiic improvement' cropplng systems and intercropping models 14. Soybean is one ofthe most mportanl crop forthe state and our average yield is above the nat onal average. Further improvement in soybean yeld and soybean based syslem ln the state needs specialfocus. 15. Fert lizerapplication rates areverylow in the state Strategies for promotion of balanced and integrated fertilizer use is required. Further, how the state will respond to nutrent based subsidies forinput manaqement needs attention. 16. Ensurng ava labillty of good qualily seed needs serious altention. Hybrld seed research and development n potential crops like rice, wheai, malze, pigeon pea, sunflowet, caster elc, required special thrust special program ior fodder seed otheralLled enterprises. The other option, whlch is not yet explored for addressing the ssue of ternporary migration, is secondary agricuLtule ( processing and value ets. L-be-.'iqer of trlbal peope. Special efforts are required increase their prod uctiviiy a nd proiitab lty agriculture, horticuture, anirna husbandry or 10 ri and horse gram whlch are live ihood support crops reater attention and efforts should be made to increase the cropplng lntensity ofthe stale from the existing 134%. The rabicrops are mostly grown l. ln order to ensure continuous progress and growth in agrlculture in the state, it s required to plan and work for aitaining exce lence in areas of strategic advantage Rice and lathyrus germplasms, and crop biodiversity is among special areas for lhe slate. There is need to deve op suitab e varieties for dlfferent biotic and ab ot c slresses from these There is a need and scopeofcrop diversifcation in the state for the cultvation of med cina and aromatic p ants and floriculture. Land use pLanning ls required ai dlstrict, block and v llage levels. The marginal lands should be used for plantation and medicinal crops. Applicaiion of ICT n the form of GIS and .emote senslng needs special attent on in and institutionalizat on of rural community is essential irr galion. Proper use of naturaL resources, water . of i,l Chhdttisgath prodLrction is also required. 17. Theproductionplanningshould beintunewiththe na'.etoenono. I\,4a-\e. in.aqe and process:ng s _,i Pruceedi gs dnd Recohthte danoks of Btiitl Stt,i'litlg fibrkshop on l:"rcrsi s tssue! of .lgricklturul Res.arch and Elucitio i Chhnuisgath requ red to make farming as hlghly remlnerative 18. lncreased focus on research on secondary agr culturet food processing, value addit on, food safety and iood qua liy is required. Education 1. There s reducng interest of youngsters rn agrculture educaton. Their jnterest needs rejuvenat on to take up agriculture as profession, business and way of earning decent live ihood. There is need to formu ate new policyto attract and retain the br ght bra n for agricu tura education and research. Felowships for h gher 2 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. education shou d be increased. Gross enrolment rate n agriculture s 11 % n the colrntry and governmeni of lndia s targeting it to increase up io 15%. The overall cER in state s only 8.5% as compared to nat onalcER of 12.5%. What percentage of it (GER) comes from rural background and how to further increase it for agr cult!re in th s state. The 73% of the population n the state is rural and we need to brno more youngsters from rura background in agricutural education having good understanding of rural problems. lt s required to fnd out ways / mechanisms for attracting youngsiers from rural background n agr cultura educat on. The nat onalaverage ofgir students in agriculture is 36% and in Chhattisgarh also it rs now 36%. There s need to plan and dentify areas where this trained women fotce can be uii ized because most ofthe work ofagr culture is done bywomen. 9, development in can ta(e agri.ullJre as b-<nes,, ts d new -p agr cuiture grad,,rate so that they possibility n view ofthe recent aggressive acUon of prlvate sector n PPPmode. ln order to have quality educal on and exce lence agricu ture scjences, accred taiion of the university and its consiiiuent and affliated colleges musi be a regu arfeature, NET should be observed as essenta qua ifcation for the recruitment of teachers, inbreed ng in the student enrolrnent and facu lty recru itment should bed scouraged. 10. There is lack of even the m n mum strength of faculty in certain d scip ines/facu ty and this should befulf lled by appointments. n 11. There is a need to design and re-orient the agricuture educaton systenr which should meet the expectat ons oi the stakeho ders' and requirementofthe end users. Ltshoutd be tuned to meet ihe changing requirements of the state and the country like changing needs of the food and food habits, requirement and development of tech nolog ies, globalization, IPR regime, participalion of private and publc sectors for the development of demand driven va ue chains and agri business concept, food processing, value addrtion, food safety, food qua ty. The agricultLrre education system requ res an appropriate blend of knowledge, skil and attitude. lt should be more practica and ski I orienled educat on- e- students are not shy of beng in agriculture educaton but they can put ihemselves wth ^oa'ioe ce vr'ir- science or 6n9 . eer -g learn ng/courses including lT and communication. Siakeholders' (industry business house, farmers) participation ln education should a so be ensured. Agricu ture education be ng state subject, there is a need for uniformity and proper mplementat on of educat onal program in the ent re country besides shared academ c regulat on and uniform calendar. However, the state Government sholld extend greater financial suppori and attorney to the graduates. Agricutural lJniversity for the development of Bending of knowedge, skllls and attitudes for entrepreneurship deve opment so that professionalism is developed and graduates required infra structu re and essentia I facilities. become job providers ratherthan seekers. Human resou rce needs to meet the present demands There are several Agriculture/Horticulture/AgrL Eng neering colleges affiliated to GKV n the state. The ofthecountry.Wel def nedcapacitybuldrng plans for the faculty is requ red as most of the facu ty acks in competence n neMemerging areas, There is a greater need to prepare and produce Hard-core professionals in the freLd of agr culiure particularly to uphold the research, knowedge generation and entrepreneurship development n different areas of agricu ture. Entrepreneurship ICAR is keeping a strict v gilon the performance ofthese colleges and ifth s exper ment succeeds, the ICAR may consider perm tt ng otherstates to open such co leges in Brlnging in biotechnology, lnformation techno ogy and nanotechno ogy into agriculture so that 12 The PPP mode ofhigher agricu tural educat on: ihe private sector. The mpactofthe modelofpublic and private col eges in mparUng agricu ture education n the state of Chhattisgarh should be assessed. Qualty of education rn prvate coleges need to be non tored cr ticaly ifth s modelhas to sLjcceed. Proceedh\4s und Reco tmetldatio sofBrui Storming Wo*rhol' on AEriculturul Reslat& dtld Eduaiioh in Chhaxisgdrh Eneryi g Issues of LIST OF DIGNITARIES PARTICIPATED Shri Shekhar Dutt,, l.A.S Hjs Excellency, 19. Governor of Chhaltisgarh, Raipur (CG) Dr. S. Ayyappan. Serretary. Depanment of Agricultural Research and Education, and 20 Vlce Direclor General, ICAR, NewDelhi Shri Chandrashekhar Sahu Minister of 21. Shri Shivraj Singh, lAS, Deputy Chairman, State Planning Commission, Chhattisgarh, 2, Ralpur )1 Aqriculiure Produclion Commlssioner, Govt. of Chhattisgarh, Raipur 24 ICAR, 75' B.C. N/al, Vice Chance lor, Vivekanand AgricultLrral lJniversity, Manipur Dr. M.N. Shrivastava, Dr. R.L. Pandey Prof. M.M. Hambarde, Dr. M.G. Bhatt 26 ChandManshi, Central Plantation Crops Research lnstitute, Kasargod (Kerala) 27. Dr. B. Singh PC, AICRP (Vegetables), lndian lnsttutue of Dr. G. Kalloo Vegetables Research (ICAR) JabaLpur Varanasl(UP) (lV.P) 2a. Dr D.N/. Hegde Dr. J. Jorge, Director, Dlrectorate of Oilseed Research, PC,AICRP (TuberCrops), Central Tuber Crops Research lnstitute, Sreekariyam, Trivendram Hydrabad (A.P) (Kerala) Dr.T.K.Adhya zs. Director Centra Rice Research lnstitute, Cutiack(Orissa) 30. Shr C.L. Jain n & Manag lor e ment, 31 Eastern Region, Dr. Narayanbhai Chawda VNR Seeds Pvt Ltd, Raipur(CG) 32' Dr. A.K. Singh, MD Chhatt sgarh Minor Forest produce (T&D)Ltd. Bhubneshwar(Orissa) Dr. M.K. Verma, NearVlP Club Ra pur (CG) Head, Water Resource Depairment, NIT Raipur irector Horticullu re Govi. of C.G. Raipur Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Project Director Water Technoogy Centre ShriA. Katiyar,lFS, D Dr. I\4. Osman Head, Researoh Coord Ln auo CRIDA, Hydrabad (A.P.) Shri K. S.lyangar Jt, Sec, NCPH, NewDeLhi Director, SAMETI, Govt ofCG, Ra pur 16. S.ArulRaj Ex. Dean,lGKV, Raipur JNKW 15 Dr. PC,ALCRP(Palm) Technica Unlvers ty Bhllal. (C.G.) ShriM.K. Raut, LAS, Prlncipal Secretary, Higher Education, Govt. oiChhattisgarh, Raipur Vice Chancellor, 13. Central PC,AICRP (Cashew) Puttur (Karnataka) NewDe hi Dr. B.R. & Science &Technology, Raipur(C.G.) Dr. H.P Singh, DDG, Horticuliure, 11 Asam Agricultural universly Director General, Chhattlsgrh Council of New Delh 10. Dr. S.S. Baghel Ex Dean, IGKV, Ralpur (C.G.) Dr Arvind Kumar, DDG (Educat on), ICAR, Dr Agricultural Ex Dlrecto r Research. IGKV, Raipur(C.G.) Shrl P. Joy Oommen, lAS, Chief Secretary, & or, Gujarat Ex Vice Chancellor Labour, Govt. of Chhattisgarh Shri D.S. Mishra, lAS, Pri.Secrertary Chancel University, NAVASARI, Gutrat Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Go\,,t. of Chhaitisgarh, Raipur Shri S. C. Agrawal, Chef ExecLluve Officer, Chhattisgarh Medicinal Board, Ra pur DrA.R. Pathak =<)-a(D<-_ Chiefguest H.E. coverenor ofChhattisgarh and other dignitaries during inaugural session of the workshop ChiefGuest and