Newsletter,May 2012 - Howland Stone Store Museum

ANNUAL MEETING: Sunday, May 20, 2012 @ 7:00 pm at the Museum.
Election of Officers/Program See enclosed program brochure for further details.
Other News items:
• Emily Howland third and fourth graders visited HSSM to learn about Miss Emily, the Underground
Railroad, and Women’s Rights.
• HSSM received a Museumwise Grant of $3000 to hire professional fund-raising consultant Paula Peter.
Paula assisted us in organizing a Capital Campaign for the Opendore Project.
• In December, 2011, we submitted Emily Howland’s nomination to the Women’s Hall of Fame; new
nominees will be announced in Spring, 2013.
Our donors 1/10/2012 to 4/28/2012 Thank you!
New Members in 2012
Jacqueline S. Alexander
Ron & Trudy Buxenbaum
Barbara & Charles Casper
Cayuga Lake National Bank
Jack and Mary Lou Charles
Don & Sue Culver
Alan & Faith Emerson
Katherine Graham
Edgar Holmes and Carmen
Susan Howland Crumrine
Kurt D. Kabelac
Lili MacCormick
Bradley Mitchell
Charlotte Mosher
Margaret Mosher
Ted O’Hara & Bronwym
Roger & Bonita Post
Dan Schultz
Ann Tobey
Linda VanBuskirk
Keith & Sarah Welch
David & Patricia White
Robert & Joy Wilcox
Robert and Kara Chase
Friends of Susan B. Anthony
Elizabeth Stanton
What’s your membership status? Our Museum membership year follows the calendar year, altho’
your membership carries into 2012 if you joined late in 2011. If you have a RED dot on your
mailing label, it means your status as a member is up-to-date. Thank you!!
Membership Form (2012) I/We would like to support the ongoing work of the Howland Stone Store Museum.
_______ $10 individual
_______ $15 family
_______ Additional donation
Phone ____________________________________
TOTAL enclosed
E-Mail ____________________________________
Make checks payable to Howland Stone Store Museum, PO Box 124, Aurora, NY 13026
Volunteer Opportunities—want to help?
______ assist with grants, fundraising
_______ assist with programming, exhibits
______ greet visitors Thurs or Sat p.m.
_______ work on accessioning
Howland Stone Store Museum
2956 St. Rt. 34B in Sherwood
P.O. Box 124, Aurora, New York 13026 or 315-364-5587
Newsletter—May, 2012
Opendore Update:
Floor Plan of Opendore. State Rt. 34B is at the bottom of each illustration. NORTH is at the left of each drawing. On left:
Preservation architects have labeled the condition of various portions of the structure. On right: Striped portion will be removed.
Remaining is rehabilitated, restored, or new construction.
•The first actual work on site (now in progress) is a Cultural Landscape Survey of the site, a requirement
of the State Historic Preservation Office. This includes a review of historic photo documentation, a field
investigation of the ‘Opendore’ landscape, a scaled mapping of existing conditions, and a brief written
analysis. The final report will assist in planning future treatment of the landscape, both for practical
application (construction, parking, walkways) in the rehabilitation project, and for future landscape
restoration and preservation options.
•We are now soliciting bids for the architectural firm to plan the project: treatment and/or removal of
hazardous material and non-salvageable portions of the structure; and stabilization of the north wing. We
hope to have this portion of the project completed in late 2012.
•Later steps include rehabilitation of the North Wing, and building a new addition 16’ x 28’ at the site of
the present Library so that we may use this space for Museum programming and storage.
•We are in the early phases of a Capital Campaign to raise $600,000 for this project. This figure
includes: $400,000 as our match to the grant—will give us the rehabilitated building
$100,000 to furnish the building and pay start-up costs for opening
$100,000 to support annual operations for the first 3-4 years
We can receive a maximum of $400,000 from the state, but we must have the money for each portion of
the project before we can proceed with any work, and a particular phase of the work must be completed
before we can receive state money (50%) for that portion of the project.
If you wish more detail or answers to questions about Sherwood, our Museum, or this project, visit our
website: or call 315-364-5587. We will gladly accept any contributions and
pledges, as well as gifts in memoriam.