Policy Documentation: Pupil Attendance & Punctuality OUR VISION To meet 97% target for attendance and 100% for punctuality. Responsibility for Review: Principal Approved by Governors: 18th June 2015 Date of Next Review: September 2016 Statement of Policy: ‘Central to raising standards in education and ensuring pupils fulfil their potential is an assumption so widely understood that it is insufficiently stated –pupils need to attend school regularly to benefit from their education. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind. Children with poor attendance tend to achieve less in both primary and secondary school’. School Attendance: Statutory guidance and departmental advice, DFE Aug 2013 The Academy is committed to ensuring that students and parents understand the absolute importance of full attendance at the Academy. We expect the highest attendance and punctuality from all pupils, at all times. We support pupils and their families to ensure that excellent attendance is achieved. Overall Aims: To ensure that every child is safeguarded and their right to education is protected. To strive to achieve the school attendance target of 97% and punctuality of 100%, through celebration and collaboration with children and parents. To raise standards and ensure every child reaches their full educational potential, through a high level of school attendance and punctuality. To ensure all the stakeholders, governors, parents, pupils and staff receive regular communication, about the importance of good attendance and punctuality. To keep accurate, up-to-date records and have a robust and rigorous system for analysing attendance. To identify causes of low attendance/punctuality with individuals, classes and groups of pupils and address them. To work with parents and the Educational Social Worker, in order to address barriers to attendance and punctuality and overcome them. Parents: Children should only be kept at home if they have a serious illness or injury. If this is the case, parents should contact the school first thing. If a child has a minor illness e.g. mild headache, stomach-aches etc. parents should inform the school and bring them in, if they don’t school will contact parents straight away. If pupils’ have a dental, clinic or hospital appointment, parents should let the school know. Pupils’ should only be out of school for the duration of the appointment. Pupils should miss as little time as possible. Therefore, parents are expected to: Ensure their child attends school and arrives on time every day. Promote a good attitude to learning by ensuring their children attend school in the correct uniform and with the basic equipment required for lessons. Not arrange medical and dental appointments in school time wherever possible. Telephone to inform the school to on the first day of absence for their child. Provide a written or verbal explanation of absence, including dates of absence as soon as their child returns to school. Work in partnership with the school and other agencies in the best interests of their child; this includes informing the school about significant influences and changes in the child’s life, which may impact on learning. Attendance is monitored on a daily basis and all concerns are raised with our Educational Social Worker. First day absence calls and home visits are a vital part of our duty to ensure that children are safe. Liaison with other agencies including the Local Authority and Children’s Social Care is a statutory duty to make sure that Child Protection and other safeguarding concerns are identified early and support is offered to families. Punctuality is important for pupils to have a good start to their learning for the day. Often the key information is shared at the start of lessons and children who miss this input are at a disadvantage. If a child has more than 2 late arrivals in a week they will receive reminders. Breakfast Club is open from 8 am each morning to assist parents who may struggle to otherwise bring children on time. Strategies for promoting good attendance and punctuality Meet and Greet: From 8:25 am the entrance doors are open with learning taking place during registration. Leadership and pastoral team members are in the playground to welcome pupils and speak to parents. Lessons start promptly at 8:40 am. Cloakroom doors close at 8:40 am, from this time pupils will need to go to the office for their register mark and will be recorded as late. Weekly Assembly: Every week the whole school shares the attendance of each class. Classes that achieve their targets gain a star on the central attendance display board. Each Key Stage has a trophy for the class with the best attendance that week. We regularly reinforce why attendance and punctuality are important. Central School display: A central display will be used in school to celebrate good attendance and punctuality. A whole school poster (appendix) detailing the % to days will also be used so that pupils can clearly see the relationship between the % figure and number of days absent. Attendance letters: At the end of each term parents will receive an attendance and punctuality letter. The letter details attendance to date, how many un-authorised attendances and the number of late arrivals to date. Each letter is colour coded – green letters show that pupils’ attendance is good, orange letters show that pupil attendance could improve and red letters show that attendance is a concern. Celebration: At the end of each term all pupils who have gained 95% attendance are awarded a certificate and parents are invited to join the celebration. Details are posted on the academy website. Class Reward: At the end of each term the class with the highest overall attendance is rewarded with a special lunch or a tablet for the class as chosen by the children. 100% for the Year: At the end of each year we also celebrate all pupils who have gained 100% attendance for the whole year. Parents are invited and presented with a gift to acknowledge their key contribution to getting their children to school every day. Extended Holidays In line with Dixons Multi Academy Trust, leave for pupils during term time is not authorised. We only have children for 190 days per year and believe in line with the statutory DfE guidance that the remaining time is sufficient to arrange holidays and other family events without taking time off during term time. The Academy recognises that taking children out of school may constitute a safeguarding risk and will make necessary enquiries, in order to be satisfied that the child is not at risk. The school may contact outside agencies in order to ensure that a visit is legitimate and safe for the child. Authorised absences will only be agreed when they are short and circumstances are rare, unavoidable and significant for example a family crisis such as a life threatening illness or death of a parent or sibling. Individual circumstances can be discussed with the principal. If you have exceptional circumstances, which lead you to request leave in term time for your child/ren, please complete the required form, which you can obtain from the school office. The maximum amount of time allowed to be authorised is no more than 5 days. Where pupils take more than 5 days unauthorised leave, the Academy will work with Bradford Council to issue a penalty notice. If unauthorised absence reaches 20 days the pupil will be removed from the school register. Parents will then need to apply for a place through Bradford Council, there is no guarantee that the child will be allocated a place at the same school they left. “In the case of regular or persistent absence without permission, the academy must refer the case to the Local Authority which will consider prosecution”. Bradford Council advice to Academies February 2014 Regular Un-authorised Absence The Education Act 1996 says that: “If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school, fails to attend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence”. There are two offences relating to parental responsibility for ensuring regular attendance at school or alternative provision: 1) If a registered pupil is absent without authorisation then the parent is guilty of an offence under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. A conviction for this offence can result in a fine of up to £1,000. 2) If the parent knows that their child is failing to attend regularly at the school and fails to cause him to do so, he is guilty of an offence under Section 444(1A) of the Education Act 1996. This is known as an aggravated offence. A conviction for this offence may result in a substantial fine up to a maximum of £2,500 and/or a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3 months and/or a community penalty. Most prosecutions undertaken by academies will be under Section 444(1). When pupils have un-authorised absences of 5 or more days within a 6 week period, the Academy will work with parents in order to improve attendance. If attendance does not improve within a given time frame the Academy may refer parents for prosecution. Penalty Notices On receipt of a penalty notice request the Local Authority will, acting within the Code of Conduct: Issue a penalty notice warning letter. This advises the parent that if any unauthorised absence occurs in the next 20 school days then a penalty notice will be issued and gives details of the payment required. At the end of 20 days check with the school if there have been any unauthorised absence and issue a penalty notice to the parent(s) if necessary. The notice requires payment of £60 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days. If not paid within 21 days the payment doubles to £120 per parent, per child. There is then a further 7 days to pay. If the notice remains unpaid the Local Authority will commence prosecution proceedings under Section 444(1) of the Education Act 1996. Local Authority Responsibility The Local Authority will be responsible for the following: Completing and submitting all administrative documentation with regard to the court process and securing a hearing date. Serving the summons on the parent(s). Attending court on behalf of the academy and presenting the case to the magistrates (including initial hearings, adjournments and sentencing). Ensure all parties are kept informed of dates and outcomes. If parents have any questions regarding attendance, the Parental Involvement Officer and Educational Social Worker will be able to answer most queries. The office staff and Principal are able to discuss individual circumstances as required. Appendices: Warning letters Table of procedures to promote good attendance and punctuality Poster relating days absent to attendance percentage. Appendix 1 – Meeting in School Invite Letter Dear Re: (Pupil name) (DOB) Any child with below 90% attendance is considered by the Department for Education to be a “persistent absentee”. For persistent absentees the school is expected to have plans in place to both support the children and to improve their attendance. Your child’s attendance is now only (--) %. This could be due to illness, holidays in term time or unauthorised absence. We would like to offer you an opportunity to improve your child’s attendance with support from the school. We have arranged a meeting at school for: (Day/Date/Time) If you want to talk about this meeting please contact me. . Yours sincerely Appendix 2 – Second Invite to a Meeting Dear Re: (Pupil name) (DOB) You were recently invited to a meeting at school to talk about improving (pupil name)’s attendance. Unfortunately you did not attend this meeting and did not contact school to discuss this. A further meeting has been arranged at school for: (day/date/time) It is important that you co-operate with efforts to improve (pupil name)’s attendance if legal proceedings are to be avoided. For your information I am enclosing a copy of your child’s current attendance certificate. Please also see the enclosed “Notice to Parents or Guardians” which warns you of the possibility criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court and gives details of the legislation and possible penalties. We would like to avoid referring to the Local Authority requesting legal proceedings and hope that you will now co-operate with efforts to meet to discuss the situation. Yours sincerely Appendix 3 – Final Warning Letter Regarding Possible Legal Proceeding Dear Re: Attendance (Pupil name) (DOB) Year Unfortunately you have failed to co-operate with recent efforts to meet with you to discuss your child/children’s attendance. Or Unfortunately you have failed to co-operate with recent plans to improve your child’s attendance. We will now be monitoring (pupil name)’s attendance for 4 weeks from (day/date) to (day/date). If there are unauthorised absences during this period we will be submitting a referral to the Local Authority requesting legal proceedings. It is important if your child is ill during this period that you to discuss this with school as soon as possible. Prior to authorising any absences we need you to provide proof that your child is ill such as an appointment card or prescribed medication. Please see the enclosed “Notice to Parents or Guardians” which warns you of possible criminal proceedings In the Magistrates Court and gives details of the legislation and possible penalties. If you would like advice and support to improve your child’s attendance please contact me. Yours sincerely Appendix 4 – Notice to Parents and Guardians Warning of Legal Responsibilities and Possible Outcomes. Education Act 1996, (as amended) NOTICE TO PARENTS OR GUARDIANS To «Name» of «address» TAKE NOTICE that, having failed to cause your child «Childsname» who being of compulsory school age and a registered pupil at «school» to attend school regularly, you have rendered yourself liable to criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court under the provisions of Section 444 (1) of the Education Act 1996 (as amended), and TAKE NOTICE that knowing that your child is failing to attend school regularly, and failing without reasonable justification to cause «himorher» to do so, you may have rendered yourself liable to criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court under Section 444 (1A) Education Act 1996 (as amended). Your child may also be brought before the Family Proceedings Court for an Education Supervision Order under Section 36 of the 1989 Children Act and/or a Parenting Order under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. THIS WARNING is issued in the hope that there may be no necessity to take further steps to enforce the law. SHOULD, HOWEVER, THIS WARNING BE DISREGARDED, YOU MAY BE SUMMONED WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. Note: Upon summary conviction for an offence under Section 444 (1) Education Act 1996 (as amended) you are liable to a fine of £1,000. A conviction for an offence under Section 444 (1A) Education Act 1996 (as amended) may result in a substantial fine up to a maximum of £2,500 and/or a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. Yours sincerely Name: Principal Date: ............................................ Appendix 5 - Blank Statement of Witness STATEMENT OF WITNESS CJ Act,1967, s9; MC Act 1980. ss5A (3) (a) and 58: Criminal Procedure Rules 2010, STATEMENT OF (Name) AGE (if over 21 enter "over 21") OCCUPATION (enter job title) ADDRESS (give school address) Rule 27.1 This statement (consisting of (enter page quantity) page/s each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that, if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true. I, (name) have been employed as a (job title) at (school) from (date) to the present time. (Parent name) and (parent name) are the parents of (pupil name) who is aged (age) and is of compulsory school age until (date). Attached to this statement is a Principal’s Certificate of Attendance which covers the period from (date) to (date). This shows that (pupil name) attended for (number) sessions out of a possible (number) sessions. Of the (number) sessions absent (number) of these sessions were unauthorised. The certificate has been signed by (name) of (school). Summary of Involvement Date: (date) Name: (name) Signed: ……………………… Appendix 6 - Procedures used by the school in order to promote excellent attendance: Daily procedures By whom Outcomes / action Parents ensure pupils arrive at school on time ready for Parents / lessons carers Pupils are ready to learn Parents inform the school by 8.40 am, if their child is absent that day Office staff take messages and calls. Classroom staff pass on verbal information. Parents / carers Pupils arriving late to school are registered at reception: Office after 8.40 am Absence mark on SIMS amended to a late mark Staff record attendance using SIMS system. This is done Classroom PIO and office staff ensure all registers are by 8.40 am for morning attendance. From 8:40 until 9:10 staff completed pupils will be marked late. 1st day absence phone calls are made to identify reason Office for absence by 10am Office updates attendance codes Parents provide a written or verbal explanation for any child’s absence on first day of return Parents Admin staff collate explanations and add to SIMs Weekly procedures By whom Outcomes / action Attendance/punctuality statistics produced and shared Office in Celebration Assembly, displayed on the School Attendance Boards and website All can see which classes have reached their attendance target and the number of lates that week. Pupils who have 2 or more lates during the week are written to and get text reminders. Absence codes for individuals are updated using SIMS to identify reason for absence For the next week parents get a reminder text about punctuality at 8am Information provided here is used to provide targeted interventions Office PIO Half termly and termly procedures Analyse attendance/punctuality data to monitor trends and progress By whom Assemblies to promote attendance/punctuality and share term’s data and progress PIO/VP Celebration certificates and rewards Individual attendance/punctuality discussed with pupils and families, at parents’ evenings. Analyse attendance/punctuality data and information to identify cases of concern and develop appropriate interventions. Class teachers VP/PIO/ES W Mentoring and advice on attendance/ punctuality issues provided to all families. Targeted intervention for individual concerns. Attendance Team Meeting to discuss individual cases, monitor progress and refer new concerns. Support and meeting provided for pupils and families. Review success and impact of Attendance / punctuality strategies for the term and report to Principal Meeting with parents to share P/VP PIO/ESW concerns and develop a support plan Parents P/VP/HSLO Amend and refine interventions as appropriate Identify cases that require a penalty notice; either for extended holidays or un-authorised absences. Outcomes / action PIO / VP / Pupils below 91% and / or persistent lates ESW are considered for referral to ESW. P / VP / HSLO /ESW Cases referred to Local Authority for fixed penalty fines GOOD ATTENDANCE MEANS... Being in school at least 97% of the time. This means no more than 5 days off in the year! There are 175 non-school days a year! All this time for shopping, holidays and appointments 0 days absence 190 school days a year 190 school days attended 100% 5 days absence 185 school days attended 97% Best Chances of Success “Well Done” 10 days absence 180 school days attended 94% 15 days absence 175 schools days attended 92% Attendance a concern – less chance of Success “I’m worried” Our School Target is 97% 20 days absence 170 school days attended 89% 28 days absence 162 school days attended 85% Very poor attendance – serious impact on education and reduces life chances “I’m seriously concerned”