Newsletter 12th October 2015 Issue 4 Attendance Congratulations to many of our pupils who received a 100% attendance certificate on Friday for their attendance throughout September. We will be continuing to give this award each month to all pupils who have attended every day for the month. We will also be awarding the class who has the highest attendance on a weekly basis. Please see below the attendance for each class for last week: R– Ash R– Beech 1Sycamore 1– Hazel 90% 3Chestnut 94.2% 94% 3– Rowan 98% 91.5% 4– Poplar 98.1% 96.1% 4– Willow 95.4% 2– Silver Birch 97.6% 5– Holly 100% 2– Hawthorne 96% 5– Maple 97.9% 6– Oak 94.8% Congratulations to Year 5 Holly for 100% attendance for last week. Which class can challenge them to have 100% attendance for this week? Tubs4Tablets ‘Flora’ and Tesco are currently running a scheme to support schools in getting tablets into the classroom. We are asking for your support by collecting tokens from ‘Flora’ tubs. Just 50 tokens are needed for the school to claim a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0. Please help us by collecting as many tokens as possible and handing them into the school reception so that your child can have access to up-to-date technology in school. Harvest Thank you to everybody who donated food and/or attended the Year 4 Harvest assembly today. The food will be donated to Bradford Foodbank who help families across Bradford who are in crisis. If you haven’t donated and would still like to, please send your donations to school and we will ensure that these are forwarded on to the Foodbank. Smoking It has been noticed that some parents are smoking on the school site as they leave or arrive to collect their children. May I please remind you that the site is a non-smoking site and is illegal to be on the premises with a lit cigarette. Any cigarettes must be disposed of before entering through the school gates. Thank you, Delyth Roberts Acting Principal