ENGR 2200U F09 - UOIT.CA: Faculty Web Server

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
ENGR 2200U: Electrical Engineering Fundamentals
1. Instructor:
Anand Dersingh
Office: U5-69 cubicle ‘a’
Tel: (905) 721-8668 ext 3839
E-mail: WebCT email
Office hours:
Thursday 2pm – 3pm
Consultation Information
The preferred means of seeking assistance from the Instructor is during office hours, in person. Every effort will be made to
respond to e-mail as quickly as possible, but students should not expect a response in less than one working day. Students
should consult the course FAQ section in WebCT first, and may be referred there for answers to their questions.
2. Teaching Assistants (Laboratories and Tutorials)
Tutorials: Ye Tao
Labs: Munish Multani
Office: TBD (See WebCT)
Office: TBD (See WebCT)
Email: WebCT email
Email: WebCT email
Office hours: TBD (See WebCT)
Office hours: TBD (See WebCT)
3. Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to provide the fundamental knowledge and skills of Electrical Engineering to the students.
These objectives are to understand and be able to apply: circuit theory and circuit analysis for linear circuits in DC, sinusoidal
steady state and transient conditions, and to gain proficiency in the electrical engineering laboratory. These techniques are used
in subsequent courses in electronics, power, and signals and systems. Circuits containing resistance, capacitance, inductance,
and independent and dependent voltage and current sources will be studied.
4. Course Outcomes
At the successful completion of this course, the student will have knowledge and understanding of electric circuits, how to
solve them, how to evaluate them in the laboratory, and will have knowledge and experience in basic electrical engineering
laboratories and equipment.
5. Prerequisites
PHY 1020U: Physics II. Introduction to electromagnetism and optics
MATH 1020U: Calculus II
6. Course Organization
Three lectures hours (in two 1.5 hour lectures) and two tutorial hours per week, and three laboratory hours every other week (6
labs in total) for one semester.
7. Required Course Texts and Other Materials
Electric Circuits, 8th Edition, James W. Nilsson and Susan A. Riedel, Prentice Hall, 2007. The book is available in
bookstore and is accompanied by an OrRCad/PSpice manual. Note: The 7th Edition text is also usable, but it is responsibility of
the student who chooses to use the 7th edition to identify the differences and obtain any necessary additional material from the
8th Edition. A copy will be on 3 hour research in the Library.
8. Reference Books and Information Sources
Course Evaluation
Tutorial and In-class Quizzes
Midterm Tests (two worth 10% each)
Passing Grades:
Each student is required to have passing grade in the weighted average of his/her midterm and final exam grades. A
combined grade of less than 50% in these will result in at most a D for the course final mark (depending on the
student’s other grades). A combined grade of less than 40% in the midterms and final exam will automatically result
in a final grade of F for the course.
Deferred Midterm Exams:
Please note the following:
• Medical certificates MUST be sent DIRECTLY from the Doctor’s Office or Hospital within 5 days by mail
or preferably by fax to the Academic Advisor of FEAS (fax number 905-721-3370 attn: Academic
• A fee for the deferral must be paid by the student if the Medical certificate is valid and arrives on time.
• Failure to comply with the above will result in an F for the mid-term and/or the final exam.
• The deferred exam will be either written or oral at the discretion of the instructor.
10. Midterm Tests:
Midterm Test I: Thursday October 22, 2009, 5:10 pm – 7:00 pm (in tutorial)
Midterm Test II: Thursday November 19, 2009, 5:10 pm – 7:00 pm (in tutorial)
Note: The midterm tests will take place during only one of the two the tutorial hours during that week. Students are expected to
make arrangements to be available for each one regardless of which tutorial section they are in. In the event that arrangements
cannot be made, they must notify the Instructor in person with a written explanation two weeks prior to the date of the midterm
11. Homework
Regular homework will be assigned to the class in the form of readings, practice problems, etc. Solutions will be also provided
for problems assigned. The problems assigned will reflect the types of questions to be seen on the midterm and final tests.
Students are expected complete the homework.
12. Assignments
Assignments will be assigned weekly, except for the final week, for a total of 12 assignments. The best ten will count towards
the student’s final grade. The assignments will be due 1 week following the date they are assigned, by 5:00 pm. Assignments
may be a combination of on-line assignments and paper assignments handed in as will be detailed in each assignment. Students
may also hand in additional rough notes to explain their partial or incorrect solution to on-line questions, for which it will be
entirely at the Instructor’s or TA’s discretion whether partial marks are awarded. These must also be submitted by the deadline.
Late assignments will be accepted with a penalty of 20% of the full mark per day or partial day, including weekends.
Assignments received more than 4 days late will not be graded.
13. Laboratories, Prelab Reports, Notes and Reports
Detailed laboratory instructions are found in the Electrical Engineering Fundamentals Laboratory Manual which is available
through WebCT.
Six labs will be performed (note that these may be modified during the term and will be finalized no later than one week before
the first section performs each of the laboratory):
Laboratory equipment familiarity and verification of Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws
Series and parallel circuits, voltage and current dividers
Basic network theorems
Superposition and maximum power transfer
RC, RL and RLC circuits and frequency selective circuits
Steady state AC circuit analysis and transformers
The laboratory evaluation will consist of three parts: Prelab Report; Conduct in the lab; Laboratory Report.
Students are required to complete the Prelab Report and hand it in to the Laboratory TA at the start of the lab. They will not be
permitted to start the lab until they have completed a satisfactory Prelab Report.
Conduct in the lab will be evaluated by the Laboratory TA. Students are expected to be prepared for the lab, to conduct
themselves effectively and safely, and to keep a notebook of laboratory experimental results. The results recorded in the
notebook must be signed by the laboratory TA at the end of the experiment before leaving the laboratory, and the student is
expected to have this notebook available through out the term for inspection by the Instructor and/or Laboratory TA. The
results reported in the laboratory reports must agree with the experimental results recorded in these notebooks. Further details
are provided in the course laboratory manual.
Laboratory reports are due one week following the day the laboratory was performed, by 5:00 p.m. They must be submitted via
WebCT as a single pdf or Word document. Each member of the group is to submit a copy of the same report via WebCT.
Late laboratory reports will be accepted with a penalty of 20% of the full mark per day or partial day including weekend days.
Reports received more than 4 days late will not be graded.
Students who miss a laboratory will not receive a mark for the laboratory report. They are expected to make arrangements
with the Laboratory TA to attend a different laboratory section or to otherwise make up the laboratory.
14. Tutorials
The tutorials will be used to demonstrate detailed solutions to electric circuit problems by the TA in front of the class. The
students will then work on their own solutions to (an)other problem(s) and hand it in at the end of class for grading.
15. Computer Experience
The OrCad/PSpice software that comes with the Course Text is will be used as the main software tool for the course. The
software will be used to learn computer based circuit analysis and can be used by the students to verify examples and problems.
Matlab and NI Multisim will also be introduced as a means for solving and analysing electric circuits.
WebCT will be used to provide course material and to submit assignments. Additionally, the text book publisher’s on-line
assignment system, PH GradeAssist may be used where appropriate for assignments.
16. Course Content
16.1. Detailed Course Content
The course is divided into three parts. Parts I and II will be evaluated in the respective midterms. All parts will be
evaluate in the assignments and in the final Exam, however the final exam will be weighted more heavily in terms of
the questions to Part III as Parts I and II will already have been evaluated in the midterms.
Note that this outline is subject to change and may be modified at the Instructor’s discretion.
Part I: Resistive Circuits and Circuit Analysis Techniques
Week 1: Why study circuit theory? (§1.1) 1 ; Coulomb’s Law, electrostatics, electromagnetics (class notes); Circuit analysis
overview, circuit variables (voltage, current, power), passive sign convention (§1.2 – §1.6); Ideal current and voltage
(dependent and independent) sources, electrical resistance (Ohm’s Law) and ideal resistors (R), open and short
circuits, construction of a circuit model (§2.1 – §2.3); Solving a circuit: Kirchhoff's Laws (KVL, KCL) (§2.4).
Week 2: Circuit analysis with dependent sources (§2.5); Resistive circuits reduction (§3.1, §3.2), voltage and current
dividers (§3.3, §3.4); Measuring current and voltage (§3.5), Wheatstone bridge (§3.6); Delta-Wye conversion (§3.7).
Week 3: Techniques of Circuit Analysis (§4.1); Node-voltage analysis (§4.2), Dependent sources, special cases (§4.3,
§4.4); Mesh-current analysis (§4.5).
Week 4: Mesh-current analysis with dependent sources and special cases (§4.6, §4.7); Comparison of methods (§4.8);
Source transformations, Thévenin/Norton equivalent circuits (§4.9, §4.10).
Week 5: Maximum power transfer (§4.12); Superposition principle (§4.13).
Part II: Inductive and Capacitive Circuits and Transient Analysis
Week 6: Inductors (L) and capacitors (C) (§6.1, §6.2); Capacitive/inductive circuit reduction (§6.3); Mutual Inductance
(§6.4, §6.5); Natural and step responses of first order RL and RC circuits (§7.1 – §7.3).
Week 7: General solution for step and natural responses of RL and RC circuits (§7.4), sequential switching (§7.5);
Unbounded response (§7.6); Natural responses of the parallel RLC circuits (§8.1, §8.2).
§ is the symbol for “Section” and refers throughout this document to the Section in the course text, Electric Circuits, 7th
Week 8: Step responses of the parallel RLC circuits (§8.3); Natural and Step responses of the series RLC circuits (§8.4)
Part III: Circuit Analysis with Sinusoidal Sources
Week 9: Sources, sinusoidal steady state response (§9.1, §9.2); Phasors, impedance and reactance (§9.3, §9.4);
Introduction to frequency selective circuits and resonance (§14.1 – §14.3).
Week 10: Sinusoidal Kirchhoff's laws in frequency domain (§9.5), combining impedances (§9.6); Superposition and
Thévenin/Norton equivalent for AC circuits (§9.7); Node-voltage and mesh-current analysis with phasors (§9.8, §9.9).
Week 11: Transformers (§9.10, §9.11); Phasor diagrams (§9.12); Sinusoidal steady state power calculations, instantaneous
power, average and reactive power (§10.1 – §10.3).
Week 12: Complex power, power calculations, maximum power transfer (§10.4 – §10.6); Frequency selective circuits and
resonance (§14.3 – §14.5).
Week 13: Balanced three-phase voltages and voltage sources (§11.1, §11.2); Analysis of Wye-Wye and Wye-Delta circuits
(§11.3, §11.4); Power calculations in balanced three phase circuits (§11.5, §11.6).
16.2. Accreditation Units
(The following categories are defined by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board’s Accreditation Criteria and
Procedures report, available at http://ccpe.ca/e/files/report_ceab.pdf)
Basic Science:
Engineering Science:
Engineering Design:
Complementary Studies:
17. Academic Integrity and Conduct
UOIT is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity as defined in UOIT policies and contained in the UOIT
Calendar. Students should familiarize themselves with UOIT’s policies and statements in this area. Acts of academic dishonesty, including
plagiarism, cheating, aiding others in cheating, and examination impersonation, will be dealt with severely as they threaten the integrity of
the academic system and are not acceptable.
UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this
course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com. Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will
be included as source documents in Turnitin.com's restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism in such
documents for five academic years. The faculty member may require students to submit their assignments electronically to Turnitin.com or
the faculty member may submit questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to UOIT's use of the Turnitin.com service are
described on the Turnitin.com website. (To read the entire policy, please go to:
18. Accessibility
To insure that disability-related concerns are properly addressed during this course, students with documented disabilities and who may
require assistance to participate in this class are encouraged to speak with their Instructor as soon as possible. Students who suspect they may
have a disability that may effect their participation in this course are advised to go to the Centre for Students with Disabilities (room B297)
as soon as possible.
19. Approval
This course outline approved by (indicating approval of Faculty’s Curriculum Committee):
Mikael Eklund.
Date: September 2009