Challenges in Image Analysis of Shoeprints

Challenges in Image Analysis of Shoeprints
Yoram Yekutieli Ph.D. , Sarena Wiesner M.Sc., Yaron Shor M.Sc. SAMSI Forensics Opening Workshop September 1st 2015
Tasks in image analysis of shoeprints (some examples from the work of others)
Our project and the SESA system (Statistical Evaluation of Shoeprint Accidentals)
Marking accidentals
Shoe aligned coordinate system
Orientation of accidentals
Location of accidentals
Shape of accidentals
More issues: noise, databases
Why do we need image analysis of shoeprints?
Identification of shoe sole pattern (shoeprint classification)
Estimation of shoe sole size, orientation, wear
Identification of a specific shoe
Recognition of accidental characteristics and estimation of their features
Image enhancement of shoeprints
Visualization of shoeprint data
Databases of shoeprints and accidental characteristics
Identification of shoe sole pattern
Robustness of the methods to changes in rigid transform : scale, translation, rotation, mirroring, Deformations,
Lighting conditions, Partial data (partial shoeprints)
Lab impressions vs. Crime scene prints Processing related to the pattern:
Feature extraction Pattern matching
How new patterns are defined (learned?)
Identification of shoe sole size
Either a comparison task of two images to tell if the shoes have the same size (two shoeprints, a shoeprint and a photo of the outsole)
Or, given an image of a shoeprint find what is the size (in inches or cm) of the shoe that created that print?
After knowing the shoe pattern (given or recognized), is there a catalogue for all shoes?
Without knowing the pattern: segmentation of the figure from ground.
Automatic or manual – a dedicated GUI (graphical user interface)
Crime scene prints vs lab impressions
Partial shoeprints Identification of shoe sole orientation
A task of aligning two images of shoes (outsoles, shoeprints) vs identification of the orientation of a shoe in an image.
Related to estimation of size.
After knowing the shoe pattern (given or recognized), is there a catalogue for all shoes?
Without knowing the pattern: Segmentation of the Figure from ground.
Automatic or manual – a dedicated GUI (graphical user interface)
Crime scene prints vs lab impressions
Partial shoeprints Shoe sole wear
A comparison task of two shoeprints to tell if they have the same wear pattern.
Or given one shoeprint (crime scene or lab impression) estimate the degree of wear.
How should the answer be given? A number? A map of numbers related to locations on the shoe sole? Automatic or expert estimation?
Given the pattern of the shoe or without it.
Identification of a specific shoe
Do they match? Are they pair?
Given two images, did they originated from the same shoe? (inputs)
Given a big database of specific shoes (shoeprint) and a target shoe, find its closest
match in the database. Do they pair?
Dealing with crime scene prints,
Partial prints
The use of accidental characteristics
In: Proc. Int. Conf. Image Processing, vol 4, pp. 441‐444 (2007)
In: International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 1‐4 (2008)
In: Image Vision Computing 27, pp. 402 (2009)
In Int. Conference on Granular Computing, pp. 459–464. IEEE (2010).
The S E S A software system
Statistical Evaluation of Shoeprint Accidentals
Software package
Internal modules
User modules
Accidentals DATABASE
Accidentals marking tools
a. Contours
a. MarkAccidentals
b. Locations
b. FaDeMa
Database queries
Statistical models
Strength of evidence expert assistance tool
what is the probability of having a specific accidental?
It is the multiplication of these terms:
The probability of having an accidental in this specific location
The probability of having an accidental with this specific orientation
The probability of having an accidental with this specific shape
Marking and Matching accidentals
How to mark? manually, semi‐automatically, and fully automatic. Learning texture around an accidental to robustly estimate accidental contour?
What is shape (generally and on an accidental)?
How should shape be defined to facilitate modeling its distribution?
Should we treat the outer contour of the accidental? Its area? Its inside? Oriented edges?
How to treat open accidentals vs. closed accidentals? Should the contour be continuous? Should it be composed of more than one part? What do we do with big accidentals that span many sole elements? (such as a straight, elongated scratch that creates many gaps in neighboring line segments)?
Should size be a separated entity to estimate and model its distribution? How should shapes be cataloged? Classified? Saved and retrieved from databases? matched? What about partial shapes? # 384
size 127.5813
type 2
Is close YES
# 384
size 127.5813
type 2
Is close YES
# 397
size 78.2432
type 2
Is close YES
# 397
size 78.2432
type 2
Is close YES
# 389
size 93.723
type 2
Is close NO
# 389
size 93.723
type 2
Is close YES
# 394
size 133.2704
type 4
Is close NO
# 394
size 133.2704
type 4
Is close NO
# 359
size 299.0067
type 1
Is close YES
# 359
size 299.0067
type 1
Is close YES
Coordinate systems
1. Objective: define a shoe aligned coordinate system so location and orientation (of
features on the shoeprint) will be with respect to this coordinate system.
But we want to collect data on many features from multiple shoes. We need a way to
align all shoes together:
2. define a universal shoe aligned coordinate system.
A. All shoeprints should be aligned using this coordinate system (Even for different
patterns and sizes!)
B. But very similar shoes will usually be aligned much better using a direct
registration of the two prints.
C. So data from multiple shoes can be combined: the location of accidentals can be
superimposed on one coordinate system, and we may attempt describing their
distribution. The same for orientation.
The diversity of shoe soles: many shapes, patterns and sizes. So what is the
meaning of a location or orientation in multiple shoes?
All shoeprints must be aligned. All == past, present and future shoes. A more
restrictive definition – the universality of the coordinate system is to the subset of
a large collection of male suspect’s shoes. How?
Both methods were checked for consistency with the human markings and found to have les than 5 mm position error, and less than 2 deg orientation error.
Orientation of accidentals
Again, there are two tasks:
Matching shoes (and hence matching accidentals) vs
Finding the orientation of a specific accidental
Orientation of an accidental with respect to the shoe aligned coordinate system
Extracting the orientation from the shape:
Finding the major axis and the minor axis of the shape (of the contour points of an accidental) using PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
Orientation of accidentals
We measured the orientation of the accidentals in our database: a constant distribution
Histogram (90 bins, each of 2 degrees) of orientations of the ~8,900 accidentals of the CONTOURS data set.
Orientation of accidentals
Defining elongation index by the ratio of variances of contour points along the major axis and the minor axis.
For a round shape this index is 1. For more elongated shapes, the measure increases:
Orientation of accidentals
Measuring the error in orientation as a function of the elongation index (by repeated marking of a variety of accidentals). First: for each pair (n>82,000) of repeated marking of accidentals we measured the difference in orientation (orientation error): Orientation of accidentals
Calculating the orientation error as a function of the elongation index Orientation of accidentals
The distribution is nearly constant, therefore the probability of finding an accidental with a specific orientation depends on the error in orientation – it is the area under the constant probability in the range of the error.
Location of accidental characteristics
What is the probability to find an accidental in a specific location in a shoeprint?
We marked more that 13K accidentals on more than 400 shoeprints (from the Israeli
police suspects datasets).
Marking the center of gravity
of accidentals superimposed
on one coordinate system.
The estimated probability density
function (normalized PDF), is observed
PDF (left) divided by the accumulated
contact area (middle).
Our collaborators from the statistics department of HUJI (Graduate student Naomi Kaplan‐Damary with Prof. Micha
Mandel) work on unbiased estimators of the probability of location, under several assumptions. Does accidental mark locations follow a "homogenous Poisson process“?
Estimating errors and operator variability
Errors and noise is a major issue when building pattern recognition systems. The
challenges here are measuring the errors of the different components of the system,
including those that involve variance of the human operators.
Issues of human‐machine interaction and user interfaces that are tightly related to
the image analysis system add complexity.
Databases and datasets
Many challenges:
Preparing a standard set of images (of shoe soles, shoeprints, crime scene, lab
impressions, accidentals) to test algorithms and methods:
To test the accuracy of a method of matching shoes, of classifying a pattern, of
extracting relevant features.
Anecdote: In image datasets, it was found that object recognition and classification
algorithms tend to be over fitted to the datasets. The results on the performance of
algorithms thus tend to be optimistic. There was a work that showed that the algorithms
could be classified according to the dataset they were trained on!
Thank you