Making of EV-roaming solution: integration of payment

Making of EV-roaming solution:
integration of payment schemes
in France
Barcelona, 2013-11-20
Chairman of the Board
GIREVE: a company created by 5 major actors
implied in e-mobility
French Plan of Ac3on for e-­‐mobility. W.G. on payment & Roaming 2012
2013 Oct. 2012 : agreement to create GIREVE Co July 2013 : GIREVE SAS « Dedicated to a charging infrastructure visible, accessible and interoperable » Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 2 A need for real time data exchange
for end user convenience
•  Mapping of publicly accessible charging points (CP) is under
development, but end users need more :
•  Information on status of the CP : available or not.
•  Possibility to reserve a CP at the destination proximity.
•  Authorization to charge for a customer having a mobility contract with
another operator.
•  Charging conditions settlement for the sake of the end customer
•  Payment through a single contract with an e-Mobility service provider.
•  Smart charging for energy efficiency
•  …
Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 3 « Charge Spot Finder »: Find available charge spots Search CP around X,Y,Z from EVSO sharing their EVSE data with B CSO CSO CSO GIREVE Data flow Getcharging staAon.req CSO Getchargings
taAon.conf CSO E-­‐Mobility SP Getcharging staAon.conf Getcharging staAon.req Free Charging Spot of EVSO (A) (X1,Y1,Z1) EVCOID (X,Y,Z) Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 4 « Charge service AuthorisaAon »: Access to a charging spot Check roaming service agreement by e-­‐MSP Market Place Customer ID unknown : send a request Customer ID check CSO Request for autorisaAon of Customer ID NFC ID 10 Data clearance Roaming agreement and associated services GIREVE Ask agreement for Customer ID ? E-­‐MSP Charging Service Authorised 12 CP1 Mr Albert Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 5 « Data clearance »: Exchange of data and balance sheet emission for roaming services CSO A SubscripAon to roaming services Exchange of data for roaming services And Data balance sheet CSO B E-­‐MSP A GIREVE SubscripAon to roaming services Market Place Data clearance Exchange of data for roaming services And Data balance sheet Payment from e-­‐MSP or CSO to GIREVE for data roaming Billing of charging servicesfrom CSO to e-­‐MSP E-­‐MSP A Payment from e-­‐MSP to CSO Monthly bill (fee or per service) Payment Mr Albert Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 6 Easy introduc3on of new players on the market New CSO X Request for Market Place condiAons Request for Market Place condiAons Control of request and upload Upload & Approve Contract Upload service offer condiAon PC1 PC2 Check and set up condiAons New e-­‐MSP Y Upload contract Market Place Charging Spots Secle & sign contract Upload signed contract and data CS Repository GIREVE Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 7 Interoperability platform for an open and fluid
market of services.
GIREVE Charging service operators E-­‐mobility service providers ☞ A place to create an open and compe33ve market of operators producing high value services for the final customer using an EV, freeing him from the burden of autonomy and charging management. Interoperability for services 2013-­‐11-­‐20 8 System design : codification of roles and their interactions.
Distribu3on System Operator Meter Operator 2nd step : extension to energy management Electricity Supplier Other services : Parking… Charging Service Operator Interoper
ability plaYorm (GIREVE) Charging spot MMI Other E Markets : Capacity, Adjustment… Further steps : enlargement to other services. eMobility Service Provider 1st step of interoperability to be se[led. EV EV User Interoperability for services 2013-­‐11-­‐20 9 System design : standardisation of protocols
between different roles (under construction).
operability plaYorm Charging Service Provider Other protocol : OICP… ? E-­‐Mobility Service Provider -­‐  Proprietary protocol -­‐  Smartphone protol -­‐  … Open protocol OCPP WG eMI3, IEC, ITU : Data models Charging Sta3on or MMI IEC 15118 EV or EV User Communica3on through the cable or short distance Interoperability for services 2013-­‐11-­‐20 10 Situation in France for the time being
Public charging points are installed in streets, public
parking and private parking (supermarkets, hotels, and also
businesses…) -> # 10 000 CP by end 2013.
Multiple investors : mostly public (local communities) and
private (parking operators, trading centers, hotels,
Either they are dumb (not communicating), or they are
operated in a closed perimeter (Autolib, Charging service
Some private initiatives are launched to create e-mobility
service providers through bilateral agreements with
charging service operators.
Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 11 Similar ini3a3ves in Europe 15000 charging points
22 charging service operators
StandardisaAon process for e-­‐mobility and charging interoperability (beyond plugs). (network mgt & clearing house)
GIREVE Green e-­‐MoAon (DG Transport) 300
Mobi-­‐Europe (DG Connect) Ladenetz/
Park & Charge/
RWE/ Eon/
Vattenfal Enss 4,500
Mobi-e MulAple European iniAaAves 3,500
ENEL Austrian
Alliance Plateforms for eRoaming eMI3 Alliance to establish interoperability
Interoperability for services in France 2013-­‐11-­‐20 12 