In this Lecture: Multimedia Applications yCategories of multimedia yExample applications Ìhow they work ySome CSCW Gail Reynard Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Main Categories of Multimedia Interpersonal Communication Speech yTelephony yInterpersonal communications • PSTN, ISDN, cellular phone network, PBX ÌSpeech, image, text, video… yInteractive applications over the Internet yEntertainment applications yComputer telephony integration (CTI) • private directory of numbers • integration with other networked services yVoice-mail yAudio teleconferencing yTelephony over the Internet • a.k.a. packet voice (uses voice over IP (VoIP)) Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Site/campus LAN Global Internet Packet G/W Telephony G/W Packet-mode Telephony G/W « « Packet G/W Telephony G/W Packet-mode Circuit-mode Gail Reynard — G5CMVR ISP network Interpersonal Communication Image Only yFacsimile Analog or digital access circuits • PSTN, ISDN • PC fax Circuit-mode Fax machine PSTN/ISDN Gail Reynard — G5CMVR PSTN or ISDN « Gail Reynard — G5CMVR PC fax 1 Interpersonal Communication Text Only yElectronic mail • email server with mailboxes yUNIX talk yText-based conferencing Interpersonal Communication Text and Images yComputer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Ìshared whiteboards • whiteboard program • change-notification • update-control Ìshared editors Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Interpersonal Communication Speech and Video yVideo telephony (videophones) yDesktop video conferencing yMedia Spaces yVoice mail (multimedia) Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Multipoint conferencing yCentralised mode Ìused with circuit-switched networks (e.g. PSTN or ISDN) Ìcentralised conference server Ìconnection-oriented yDecentralised mode Ìused with packet-switched networks (e.g. LANs, intranets) Ìmulticast communications used Ìconnectionless Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Multipoint conferencing (2) Managing Conferencing Sessions yData conferencing yHybrid mode Ìwhen participants are connected via different network types Ìuses a conference server Ìserver receives data either via individual circuits or via multicast Ìgeneral purpose computer as conference server yAudio conferencing Ìaudio bridge needed - 6-48 participants yVideo/multimedia conferencing Ìmultipoint control unit (MCU) (conference server) • multipoint controller (MC) • multipoint processor (MP) Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR 2 Managing Conferencing Sessions (2) yUsing an audio bridge Ìcall scheduled Ìparticipants call in yUsing an MCU Ìcall scheduled Ìparticipants call in (dial-in mode) Ìsometimes MCU calls participants (dial-out mode) Ìtwo display modes • voice activated switching mode • continuous-presence mode Video Conferencing yPicture-in-Picture (PIP), multiple windows, single image... yHigh frame rates - 15-25Hz yUsed for conferences, meetings, etc. yCamera, monitor or video window(s) ySingle or multiple participants Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Video Conferencing (2) Media Spaces yProvide an “awareness” of a remote space yOne or more cameras at each site ySome use document cameras yDifferent frame rates - 1Hz, 1 frame every 5 minutes... y“glance” facility (1Hz) Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Portholes Ontario Telepresence System yAwareness of multiple sites Gail Reynard — G5CMVR yInternal system yCamera, TV monitor, speaker, microphone yAllows the set up of “video calls” yName list, door state, message box Gail Reynard — G5CMVR 3 Ontario Telepresence System (2) Ontario - Door Access Control yAllows external video calls yAllows connection to meeting rooms Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Interpersonal Communication Text, Image, Audio and Video Interactive applications over the Internet yMultimedia e-mail yMultiparty video games yText, image, audio and video yWorld Wide Web Ìinformation retrieval Ìe-commerce Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Entertainment Applications yVideo on demand Ìa.k.a. movie on demand ÌALSO near movie-on-demand (N-MOD) Set-top box PSTN/cable access network Video database Video server Low bit rate interaction channel High bit rate channel for video stream Gail Reynard — G5CMVR with integral high bit rate modem Entertainment Applications (2) yInteractive Television Ìcable, satellite and terrestrial networks Ìsubscriber has access to services provided by: • PSTN • Internet Ìsubscriber can actively respond to broadcast material Ìa return channel is used typically for: • • • • voting participation in games home shopping Gail Reynard — G5CMVR etc... 4 Interpersonal Communication ySynchronous communication ÌAll users are “on-line” at the same time Ìe.g. video conferencing Their People are communications colocated remote are •computer assisted telephony •meeting rooms •packet telephony •videophony •videoconferencing synchronous •professional audio/video dist. •shared workspaces •shared applications yAsynchronous communication ÌUsers may not be logged on at the same time Ìe.g. email Gail Reynard — G5CMVR •argumentation tools asynchronous •MM email •exchange of multimedia docs •asynchronous computer conferencing •co-authoring Gail Reynard — G5CMVR Summary yCategories of multimedia ySome example systems yMethods of communication Gail Reynard — G5CMVR 5