Transcendentalism - The Visual Essay Name:_______________________ We have studied Transcendentalism through two essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Choose Nature or Self-Reliance and develop a thesis in which you set out to prove Emerson’s most important or main idea in the essay. Your thesis will be used to create a visual essay that proves your thesis and tells the importance of this piece of literature through images and blurbs. Please follow these steps: 1. Complete your essay in GoogleDocs as a “Drawing” document - don’t forget to title your essay with your firstandlastname.classperiod 2. Share your drawing/document with me at 3. Your essay must include: ○ A thesis (subject + arguable opinion) that clearly states what you are proving: what is the main idea of either Nature or Self-Reliance ○ At least three visuals/images/symbols that support your thesis ○ At least three text boxes that explain the significance of your images and how they support your thesis ○ At least three embedded quotes from Nature or Self-Reliance that support your thesis ○ A clear conclusion statement (rephrase your thesis) ○ Arrows that show the direction of how your essay should be read ○ Color and an organized, neat appearance --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RUBRIC: Requirements: Essay follows the guidelines and includes all elements of the visual essay – a thesis, at least three images, at least three comments, at least three embedded, cited quotes, and a conclusion statement. Arrows show the direction of the essay. ______/25 Content: Writing is relevant, engaging, and clear. Content is original and supporting comments and quotes clearly relate to the thesis topic. Quotes are embedded, and analysis is interesting and significant to the text. ______/20 Appearance: Essay follows an organized pattern – ideas flow well and layout is clear for the reader. There are little to no issues with conventions. Appearance is professional and neat. Effort is apparent. ______/15 TOTAL:_________/60