Gospels - Praying Each Day

Locating Scripture
from the prayer web-site
of the De La Salle Brothers
New Testament
Listed as:
- early life
- early ministry
- other events
- last days
- people miracles
- nature miracles
Word of Life - Jn 1
Genealogy - Mt 11-17; Lk 323-38
Birth and infancy - Mt 1-2; Lk 1-2
Baptism of Jesus
- Mt 313-17; Mk 19-11; Lk 321-22
Temptation of Jesus
- Mt 313-17; Mk 112-13; Lk 41-13
John the Baptist - Mt 31-12,111-15, 141-12;
Mk 11-8,614-29; Lk 1,31-20,718-27;
Jn 119-34,322-33
In Nazareth synagogue - Lk 416-30
Jesus calls the Twelve - Mt 418-22,99;
Mk 116-20,213-14,313-19;
Lk 51-11,27-28,612-16; Jn 135-51
Adulterous woman - Jn 81-11
Cana: wedding - Jn 21-12
Children: example; greatness Mt 181-10,1913-15;
Mk 933-37,42-50,1013-16;
Lk 946-48,1021-22,1815-17
Cleansing of temple
- Mt 2112-13; Mk 1115-17;
Lk 1945-46; Jn 213-25
Eating with sinners
- Mt 910-13; Mk 213-17; Lk 529-32
Martha and Mary - Lk 1038-42
Mission of the 12
- Mt 101-42; Mk 67-13; Lk 91-6
Mission of the 72 - Lk 101-12
Entry to Jerusalem - Mt 213-11;
Mk 111-22; Lk 1928-38; Jn 1212-19
Anointing at Bethany - Mt 266-13;
Mk 143-9; Jn 121-8
Last Supper - Mt 2617-29; Mk 1412-25;
Lk 227-20; (also 1 Cor 1123-25)
Payment of Temple tax - Mt 1724-27
Peter's profession of faith - Mt 1613-20;
Mk 827-30; Lk 918-21; Jn 667-71
Picking corn on Sabbath
- Mt 121-8; Mk 223-28; Lk 61-5
Rejected at Nazareth
- Mt 1353-58; Mk 61-6; Lk 416-30
Rich young man
- Mt 1916-26; Mk 1017-27; Lk 1818-30
Samaritan woman at well - Jn 41-42
- Mt 171-8; Mk 92-8; Lk 928-36
Widow's Mite - Mk 1241-44; Lk 211-4
Woman sinner: wipes feet of Jesus
- Lk 736-50
Zacchaeus - Lk 191-10
Gethsemane - Mt 2636-56; Mk 1432-52;
Lk 2239-53; Jn 181-11
Crucifixion and Resurrection - Mt 27-28;
Mk 15-16; Lk 23-24; Jn 19-21
Emmaus - Lk 2413-35
Ascension - Lk 2450-53 (and ACTS 16-11)
(in what follows:
italicised = in Sermon on Mount, being Mt 5-7; Lk 617-49 )
Almsgiving - Mt 61-4
Anxious, worried - Mt 625
Ask, seek, knock - Mt 77-11; Lk 119-13
Barren fig tree - Mt 2118-22; Mk 1112-25
Beatitudes - Mt 51-12; Lk 620-26
'Be compassionate/merciful as your Father is' - Lk 636-37
Birds of the air - Mt 625
But I say to you - Mt 520-48
Divorce - Mt 531,191-9; Mk 101-12; Lk 1618
Do not let your hearts be troubled - Jn 141
Do not worry - Mt 625
EFaith - Mt 21 ; (Lk 17 )
FFalse prophets and true disciples: by their fruit - Mt 7
Eye - Mt 622-23; Lk 1134-36
; Lk 643-44;
; Mt 9
; Mk 2
; Lk 5
Fasting - Mt 6
First/last - Mt 2016
Forgiveness - Mt 1821-22; Lk 174
Friends, I call you - Jn 1514
Fruit: good/bad - Mt 715-20,1233; Lk 643-44; Jn 155
God loved the world so much - Jn 316
Good shepherd - Jn 101-18
Greatest commandment - Mt 2234-40; Mk 1228-34; Lk 1025-28
Greatness: being a servant - Mt 2024-28; Mk 1041-45; Lk 2224-27
Grow greater/smaller - Jn 330
Harvest is rich - Mt 936-37; Lk 102
Home in me - Jn 154
"Hungry, thirsty, naked..." - Mt 2531-46
I am - Jn 858
I am bread of life - Jn 625-59
I am gate - Jn 107
I am good shepherd - Jn 1014
I am light of world - Jn 812,95
I am resurrection - Jn 1125
I am vine - Jn 151-7
I am way, truth, life - Jn 146
I call you friends - Jn 1514
If anyone is thirsty - Jn 737-39
Increase/decrease - Jn 330
JKingdom of God is among you - Lk 17
KLabour, rest, yoke - Mt 11
Judgement (I was hungry...) - Mt 25
Left everything; first/last - Mt 19
; Mk 10
Judging and hypocrisy - Mt 71-5; Lk 637-42
; Lk 1828-30
Life in all its fulness - Jn 10
Light - Mt 512-16 (see also “Parables - Lamp”, and “I am light”)
Love enemies - Mt 538-48; Lk 627-36
Love one another - Jn 1334,1512
(Love your neighbour as yourself) - Lk 1027
Make your home in me - Jn 154
Man cannot live on bread alone - Mt 44
My brother/sister/mother - Mt 1246-50; Mk 331-35; Lk 819-21
Narrow gate - Mt 713-14; Lk 1324
New and old out of storeroom - Mt 1351-52
New commandment - Jn 1334,1512
Nicodemus: being born again - Jn 31-21
No greater love a man can have - Jn 1513
Not with me is against me - Mt 1230
OPersecution - Mt 10
of honour at table - Lk 14
Possessions - Mt 6 ; Lk 16
‘Our Father’ - Mt 67-13; Lk 111-4
Prayer: 2 or 3 gather - Mt 1819-20
Prayer in secret - Mt 65-6
Priestly prayer of Jesus - Jn 17
Prophet despised in own country - Mt 1353-58; Mk 61-6
Request of James and John - Mt 2020-28; Mk 1035-40
Resurrection of dead - Mt 2223-33; Mk 1218-27; Lk 2027-40
Riches: eye of needle - Mt 1923-26; Mk 1023-27
Salt and light of world - Mt 513-16; Mk 950; Lk 1434-35
Seek first the kingdom - Mt 633; Lk 1231
Sparrows; care - Mt 1028-31
Spirit - Lk 418, Jn 165-15,2022
Take up cross and follow - Mt 1037-39,1624-28; Mk 834-38; Lk 923-26,1427
Tribute to Caesar - Mt 2215-22; Mk 1213-17; Lk 2020-26
True treasures - Mt 619-21; Lk 1233-34
Trusting in providence, seeing how flowers grow - Mt 625-34; Lk 1222-32
Truth will set you free - Jn 832
Two or three gather - Mt 1819-20
Worried - Mt 625
Coins: silver/gold (talents) - Mt 2514-30; Lk 1911-27
Counting cost: building and fighting - Lk 1425-33
Crafty steward ("write 50") - Lk 161-8
Darnel(weeds) - Mt 1324-30
Dragnet - Mt 1347-50
Fig tree (unfruitful) - Lk 136-9
Good Samaritan - Lk 1029-37
Great feast - Mt 221-10; Lk 1415-24
Growing seed - Mk 426-29
Labourers in vineyard - Mt 201-16
Lamp - Mk 421-23; Lk 816-18,1133-36
Lost coin - Lk 158-10
Lost son - Lk 1511-32
Lost sheep - Mt 1812-14; Lk 154-7
Measure - Mk 424-25
Mustard seed - Mt 1331-32,36-43; Mk 430-32; Lk 1318-19
New cloth on old coat - Mt 916; Mk 221; Lk 536
New wine in used wineskins - Mt 917; Mk 222; Lk 537-38
Pearl - Mt 1345-46
Pharisee and tax collector - Lk 189-14
(Prodigal son - Lk 1511-32)
Rich fool (barns) - Lk 1213-21
Rich man and Lazarus (having died) - Lk 1619-31
Servant's duty ("done no more than duty") - Lk 177-10
Sower - Mt 134-23; Mk 41-20; Lk 84-15
(Talents [silver/gold coins] - Mt 2514-30; Lk 1911-27)
Tenants in vineyard (wicked husbandmen) - Mt 2133-46; Mk 121-12; Lk 209-19
Ten bridesmaids - Mt 251-13
Treasure - Mt 1345
Two housebuilders - Mt 724-27; Lk 646-49
Two sons - Mt 2128-32
Unforgiving debtor - Mt 1823-35
Unfruitful fig tree - Lk 136-9
Watchful servants - Lk 1235-48
Wedding feast (man without wedding clothes) - Mt 221-14
Widow and Judge - Lk 181-8
Wise and faithful steward - Mt 2445-51
Yeast - Mt 1333; Lk 1320-21
Bartimaeus - Mk 1046-52
Blind man at Bethsaida - Mk 822-26
Blind man/men of Jericho - Mt 2029-34; Mk 1046-52; Lk 1835-43
Centurion's servant - Mt 85-13; Lk 71-10
Crippled woman on Sabbath - Lk 1310-17
Daughter of Canaanite/Syrophoenician woman healed - Mt 1521-28; Mk 724-30
Deaf and dumb man - Mk 731-37
Demoniac - Mk 121-28; Lk 431-37
Demoniac, pigs - Mt 828-34; Mk 51-20; Lk 826-39
Dropsical man on Sabbath - Lk 141-6
Dumb demoniac - Mt 932-34
Ear of High Priest's slave - Lk 2250-51
Epileptic demoniac - Mt 1714-20; Mk 914-29; Lk 937-43
Jairus' daughter raised to life - Mt 918-36; Mk 521-43; Lk 840-56
Lazarus raised - Jn 11
Leper - Mt 81-4; Mk 140-45; Lk 512-16
Man born blind - Jn 9
Official's son in Capernaum ("Go: your son will live") - Jn 443-54
Paralytic - Mt 91-8; Mk 21-12; Lk 517-26
Sick touch fringe of cloak - Mt 1434-36
Sick man at Sheep Pool in Jerusalem - Jn 51-18
Simon Peter's mother-in-law - Mt 814-15; Mk 129-31; Lk 438-39
Ten lepers - Lk 1711-19
Two blind men - Mt 927-31
Widow of Nain's son raised - Lk 711-17
Withered hand - Mt 129-14; Mk 31-6; Lk 66-11
Woman with haemorrhage - Mt 918-26; Mk 521-43; Lk 840-56
Calming of storm - Mt 823-27; Mk 435-41; Lk 822-25
Cana: water into wine - Jn 21-11
Catches of fish - Lk 51-11; and Jn 211-11
Feeds 4000 - Mt 1532-39; Mk 81-10
Feeds 5000 - Mt 1413-21; Mk 630-44; Lk 910-17; Jn 61-15
Walks on water - Mt 1422-33; Mk 645-52; Jn 616-21
This information forms one of the
resources in the 3-volume book by
Brother Nicholas Hutchinson FSC,
‘Praying Each Day of the Year’ Matthew James Publishing: