Seventh Framework Programme Theme 6 Environment Collaborative Project (Large-scale Integrating Project) Project no. 212085 Project acronym: MEECE Project title: Marine Ecosystem Evolution in a Changing Environment D1.5 Driver response envelope scenarios Due date of deliverable: 31.08.2010 Actual submission date: 20.09.2010 updated 07.2011 Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: CNRS Start date of project: 01.09.08 Duration: 48 months Project Coordinator: Icarus Allen, Plymouth Marine Laboratory Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme, Theme 6 Environment Dissemination Level PU Public x PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission) RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission) CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission) EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 D1.5 Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios L Bopp, (CNRS), I Allen (PML), C Smith (HCMR) Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 2 2. Climate Driver Response Envelopes ...................................................................... 3 st 2.1 Projected 21 century changes in marine biogeochemistry: a multi scenario analysis. .................................................................................................................. 4 2.2.1 Global Scale ........................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 European Seas....................................................................................... 8 3. Anthropogenic response envelopes........................................................................ 9 3.1 Overall approach............................................................................................... 9 3.2 Types Anthropogenic Response Envelopes ................................................... 10 3.2.1 Eutrophication ...................................................................................... 10 3.2.2. Pollution............................................................................................... 10 3.2.3 Fishing.................................................................................................. 11 3.2.4 Coloured Dissolved Organic matter ..................................................... 12 3.2.5 Invasive Species .................................................................................. 12 4. Summary of the scenarios .................................................................................... 13 4.1 Scenarios for WP3 .......................................................................................... 13 4.2 Scenarios for WP4 .......................................................................................... 14 Appendix 1: ELME scenarios ................................................................................... 16 Appendix 2: Definitions and codes for scenarios ...................................................... 18 Page 1 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to outline the potential response envelopes of climatic and anthropogenic drivers which act to modify European marine ecosystems. The policy driver for this work is the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) (MSFD) which requires member states to develop strategies to achieve a healthy marine environment and make ecosystems more resilient to climate change in all European marine waters by 2020 at the latest. The strategies must contain a detailed assessment of the state of the environment, a definition of "good environmental status" at regional level and the establishment of clear environmental targets and monitoring programmes. The MSFD also identifies a number of high level descriptors (e.g. biodiversity, commercial fish, eutrophication, foodwebs, pollution and invasive species) each of which has a defined set of indicators. The goal of this work is to indentify the range of response of key drivers of marine ecosystems (e.g. climate change, ocean acidification, pollution, eutrophication) which will enable us to define and run model scenarios to quantify changes in ecosystem state and attribute the dominant drivers causing them . These envelopes of response will used to define the model scenarios for ecosystem response to climate and anthropogenic forcing (WP3 & 4 respectively). Information from the resulting simulations will be synthesised into a web based atlas, which will allow the outputs to be readily interpreted and the implications for marine policy and management to be diagnosed in WP 5 (Figure 1). The guidelines for scenario definition presented here are based on the discussions helped at workshop in Crete (Feb 2010) and Bologna (June 2010). WP3 considers two classes of experiments using coupled physical-biogeochemical-HTL models: re-analysis forced simulations and climate-scenario forced simulations. The objective of the former is to hindcast recent history using forcing constrained by observations (such as ERA-40 and NCEP). This provides reference simulations which can be verified against contemporary observations to give estimates of uncertainty in the models and feedback to development/parameter choice (WP2). The second class of model simulations are forced by global climate simulations, which are unconstrained by observations and represent ‘typical’ conditions both in the past and under various atmospheric composition scenarios (defined in IPCC-AR4). The computational expense of three-dimensional coupled hydrodynamic requires the use of ‘time-slice’ experiments for specific periods The focus is both on a variety of coastal-ocean regions and on a global scale using the range of coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem models that have already been applied in each area as the base line set of simulations. To facilitate this inter-comparison, several common scenarios to be run in each region need to be defined. WP4 addresses, the potential response of the marine ecosystem to direct anthropogenic stress in future climate change scenarios. The following types of anthropogenic impacts on the marine environment will be considered; 1. Input of pollutant substances with the capability of altering marine ecosystem function (e.g. eutrophication) or with direct toxic effects on the biota (e.g. heavy metals, herbicides, antibiotics); 2. Input of optically active dissolved organic matter that may substantially modify the light climate in the water column and therefore the primary production processes; 3. The exploitation of marine living resources (direct and indirect effects of fishery on ecosystem structure and functioning); 4. Introduction of invasive alien species. Page 2 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Figure 1. Summary diagram of the simulation approach and the linkages to WP5. 2. Climate Driver Response Envelopes To take into account climate change & ocean acidification drivers scenarios in the different regional configurations & models, MEECE participants have chosen to use, when possible, outputs of the IPSL-CM4 / PISCES model. These outputs are used both to force the regional models (winds, air temperature, precipitation…) but also to initialize their biogeochemical fields (in particular nutrients, carbon & alkalinity). They are provided on a dods server (see http: // and deliverable D1.2). The specific data required for model forcing depends on the boundary condition algorithms of the individual models. Details of the recommended downscaling methodology used in MEECE can be found in D3.1 Based on the limited amount of CPUs available for the different regional models, only one future scenario and a 20-yr time slice have been agreed on. The following time slice and conditions have been defined: - Scenario: A1B - 2080-2100 (optional: 2030-2050) - Model: IPSL-CM4 / PISCES Figure 2 displays some of the results of this simulation for the 2080-2100 period, with a focus on the European Seas. Page 3 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Figure 2: Changes between 2080-2100 and 1980-2000 in SST (a, °C), carbonate ion concentrations (b, micromole/L), nitrate concentration (c, micromole/L) and vertically integrated primary productivity (d, %), from IPSLCM4-PISCES. In this report, we explore how the MEECE drivers (e.g. climate change and ocean acidification) depend on the choices of both the future scenario and the global model used. We first focus, with the same model configuration, on how the response of marine biogeochemistry depends on the scenario used (A1B, A2 and FP6-ENSEMBLE E1 scenarios). We then show how marine biogeochemistry (i.e. primary productivity) responds to climate change for the same future scenario (SRES – A2) but for different global oceanbiogeochemistry models. st 2.1 Projected 21 century changes in marine biogeochemistry: a multi scenario analysis. We explored the sensitivity of our results to the choice of the future scenario. Three scenarios were chosen: among them are the classical SRES scenarios A2 and A1B, which are very similar in terms of radiative forcing from 2000-2050, but then diverge in the second half of the st 21 century. We have also chosen a very moderate scenario (E1) (see Figure 3). Figure 3: Prescribed atmospheric pCO (ppm) as defined by the SRES A2, SRES A1B and E1 scenarios for 20002 2100. Page 4 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 This E1 scenario was designed for attempting to match the European Union target of keeping global anthropogenic warming below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The E1 scenario was derived within the FP6-ENSEMBLES project by using an ”Integrated Assessment Model” which includes the energy system, land use, carbon cycle and also a simple climate model. In terms of atmospheric CO2, it peaks to less than 450ppm in 2050 and then shows a marked decline to the end of the century. The patterns of changes of CO3 and NO3 in the European seas are very similar for the SRES A1B and E1 scenarios (see Figure 4). CO sea surface concentrations decrease from -10 to 3 70 micromol/L in the A1B scenario, whereas the decrease if limited to less than -30 micromol/L in the E1 scenario. NO3 concentration show in both scenarios a marked dipole: NO3 concentrations increase in the Barents Sea in both scenarios but decrease elsewhere. Figure 4: Changes between 2080-2100 and 1980-2000 in carbonate ion concentration (a and c, micromole/L) and nitrate concentration (b and d, micromole/L) for the SRES-A1B (upper) and E1 (lower) scenarios, both with IPSLCM4-PISCES. 2.2 Planktonic ecosystem response to climate change1: A multi-model analysis of projected 21 century changes in marine biogeochemistry. The projections of the IPSL-CM4-PISCES model have been compared to 4 other models (BCCR, MPIM, CCSM3 and CSM1.4) for the SRES-A2 scenario. The analysis of these simulations has been made at the global scale as part of the FP6-EurOceans project (Steinacher et al 2010). In this report, we share the main conclusions of Steinacher et al. (2010) (see abstract and Figure 5), then we show how these models behave in the European seas. 1 This work refers to the planktonic ecosystem response to climate change component of task 1.5. The remainder of T1.5 is reported in D1.4. 2.2.1 Global Scale Changes in marine net primary productivity (PP) and export of particulate organic carbon (EP) are projected over the 21st century with four global coupled carbon cycle climate models. Page 5 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 These include representations of marine ecosystems and the carbon cycle of different structure and complexity. All four models show a decrease in global mean PP and EP between 2 and 20% by 2100 relative to preindustrial conditions, for the SRES A2 emission scenario. Two different regimes for productivity changes are consistently identified in all models. The first chain of mechanisms is dominant in the low- and mid-latitude ocean and in the North Atlantic: reduced input of macro-nutrients into the euphotic zone related to enhanced stratification, reduced mixed layer depth, and slowed circulation causes a decrease in macronutrient concentrations and in PP and EP. The second regime is projected for parts of the Southern Ocean: an alleviation of light and/or temperature limitation leads to an increase in PP and EP as productivity is fuelled by a sustained nutrient input. A region of disagreement among the models is the Arctic, where three models project an increase in PP while one model projects a decrease. Projected changes in seasonal and inter-annual variability are modest in most regions. Regional model skill metrics are proposed to generate multi-model mean fields that show an improved skill in representing observation-based estimates compared to a simple multi-model average. Model results are compared to recent productivity projections with three different algorithms, usually applied to infer net primary production from satellite observations. Page 6 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Figure 5: Productivity (left) and projected changes by 2090–2099 (right). Vertically integrated annual mean primary -2 -1 production (PP, mgC m day ) derived from ocean colour (a) (SeaWiFS; Behrenfeld et al., 2006; Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997b) and simulated by IPSL (c), MPIM (e), CSM1.4 (g), and CCSM3 (i) under preindustrial conditions (decadal mean 1860–1869). The Taylor diagram (b) shows the correspondence between model results and the satellite-based estimates (Taylor, 2001). In this diagram the polar coordinates represent the correlation coefficient R (polar angle) and the normalized standard deviation (radius). Panels d, f, h, and j show the projected changes by the end of the 21st century under SRES A2 for the four models. The changes are shown on an exponential scale and represent the difference between 2090–2099 and 1860–1869 (decadal means). Page 7 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 2.2.2 European Seas Figures 6 and 7 are used to draw roughly the same conclusions as those we could achieve with the model results from IPSL. Nutrient concentrations (nitrate or phosphate) decrease with climate change for all models and in roughly similar proportions. The BCCR, CSM, CSSM, and MPIM models do not show however increasing concentrations in the Barents Sea. In terms of productivity, all models show a strong dipole between a northern zone where productivity increases substantially (up +100%), and a southern zone, more extensive, where productivity decreases (from -10 to -50% in the different models). Figure 6: Changes between 2080-2100 and 1980-2000 in nitrate concentration (micromole/L) from CSM1.4, CCSM3, BCCR and MPIM. Figure 7: Changes between 2080-2100 and 1980-2000 in relative net primary productivity or net community productivity (%) from CSM1.4, CCSM3, BCCR and MPIM Page 8 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 3. Anthropogenic response envelopes 3.1 Overall approach The Marine Strategy framework directive indentifies 11 descriptors of Good Environmental Status. Each of these has a set of potential variables. MEECE has undertaken an exercise whereby we mapped potential indicators onto model outputs, so we can determine the key variables to be simulated. A web-based tool has been defined to summarise the results of this exercise and can be found at ( This tool allows the user to search by region; descriptor and attribute to determine which models systems can supply relevant information. The scenarios will use the SRES AR4 storylines (Fig. 8, as interpreted by the ELME project – to define our scenarios for fishing, nutrients and pollution (see Appendix 1). The storylines follow the four-quadrant approach, whereby the future ‘possibility-space’ is divided, based on two axes or dimensions. The approach has become commonplace following its earlier adoption by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The basis of the 4-quadrant model is the identification of the two driving forces with the greatest importance and the highest uncertainty. Many existing scenario exercises seem to have also chosen similar criteria to define their ‘possibility-space’, with an axis representing ‘local to global’ and an axis representing ‘community to consumerism’. Summaries of these scenarios follow. Figure 8. Schematic of the ELME interpretation of the AR4 storylines. A1: World markets: Technology and markets fail to deliver sustainable solutions • People aspire to personal independence, material wealth and greater mobility, all of which have a negative effect on wider societal and environmental goals. • Pressure grows to reduce taxes, and more public services are privatized or privately managed. • Social and environmental governance is achieved through international legal frameworks setting minimum standards, and through market-based approaches. • Marine ecosystems are heavily degraded by human activity. Page 9 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 • Increased pressures are placed on marine biological resources, either through utilization or through increasing levels of ‘stressors’ (for example, loss of habitats and changes in water quality). A2: National Enterprise: National identity gets in the way of global sustainability • People aspire to personal independence and material wealth but within a national cultural identity. • The balance of opinion favours increased national isolation and independence in economic, foreign and defence policy. • Long-term economic growth is limited by government policies, which protect important national industries. • By 2020, marine ecosystems come under greater pressure than at present. • Efforts to reduce the effects of human activity are abandoned where they conflict with issues of national self sufficiency. • Large-scale, environmentally damaging projects such as tidal barrages and widescale oil exploration develop under the Fortress Britain scenario. • Governments fail to deal with global problems; B1: Global Community: International co-operation towards global sustainability • People aspire to high levels of welfare and a healthy environment, the best way to achieve these aims is through international co-operation. • Sustainability is seen from a global viewpoint, including: maintaining biodiversity, protecting global commons and providing fair access to environmental resources. • Policies are co-ordinated at the European Union and international level. This is a high taxation scenario. • Major investment in offshore renewable energy projects • Internationally agreed control measures reduce the amount of pollution released into the marine environment • The health of the oceans across the world improves, although it is necessary to sacrifice some local areas for development. B2: Local Responsibility: Tailored solutions for local problems • Public policies aim to promote economic activities that are small scale and regional. • Sustainable development is a major aim of this scenario. • An important focus is on using technology and new ideas to make the best use of local and regional resources. By 2020, this leads to varied outcomes in different parts of the UK. • Local communities manage the marine environment • There are fewer invasive species, oil spills and less damage due to port development. • Action is taken to reduce the effects of human activity at a local level, and this results in a cleaner marine environment overall. 3.2 Types Anthropogenic Response Envelopes 3.2.1 Eutrophication Eutrophication scenarios will draw on ELME. The existing river inputs will be modified according the trends identified in Appendix 1. The scenarios will assess the consequences for eutrophication related drivers, e.g. nutrient concentrations and ratios, changes in chlorophyll. 3.2.2. Pollution Pollution scenarios will draw on ELME. The baseline pollution inputs will be modified according the trends identified in Appendix 1. The scenarios will assess the consequences for eutrophication related drivers, e.g. pollutant concentrations and impacts on the growth of key functional types (e.g. phytoplankton, benthic suspension feeders) Page 10 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 3.2.3 Fishing There is a tension with the fishing scenarios between defining ‘scenarios’ as fisheries management objectives and defining fisheries scenarios in terms of the ELME interpretation of the millennium assessment scenarios. The scenarios will be defined in terms of changes in fishing effort (F). In the following discussion we use a number of reference points for values of F which are defined as follows (Figure 9). • • • • • Fmax: F-value for a maximum yield of fish F0.1: F-value where Y/R is 10% of the maximum Y/R slope Fmsy: F at maximum sustainable yield Flim: maximum value beyond which the stock will not be able to self-renewal Fpa: F-value for a precautionary approach (can estimated as a function of Flim). Figure. 9: Common reference and target F values with respect to catch/yield The scenarios will assess the consequences in terms of changes in populations of all commercially exploited fish, foodwebs and changes in habitat state as appropriate to the model in question. Considering the A1 and B1 scenarios some potential impacts on fisheries are as follows: A1 World Markets - Markets First • Decommissioning subsidies reduced • Fewer legal and technical restrictions • Fish from the cheapest sources • Only a few high-tech boats • Heavily depleted fish stocks • Rapid expansion of fish farming This means that at the least, food species require management with an overall approach using Fpa (could also be seen as where we have been coming from). It was noted that in theory Fpa is a limit and not a target. B1: Global Community - Sustainability First • Yield vs. environmental impact • Fish from sustainable sources worldwide • Effective effort-based control system • EU/international marine strategy • Resources allocated to ‘natural’ predators • Seabed set aside for nature conservation All species should be treated sustainably; with an overall approach using Fmsy (this can also be seen as to where the current policy is taking us to). Scenarios Page 11 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 • • • Standard: Business As Usual (existing F values: perhaps should be Fmsy but have been traded off to higher levels for particular species in particular areas) A1: Fpa B1: Fmsy Considerations In data poor areas (e.g. Mediterranean and Black Sea) we may need to use qualified estimates: if only one value is known, then we can apply a known ratio from a similar species to get the other value (e.g. Fpa can be approximated as 0.47-0.61.Flim), or use expert opinion. It should be noted that Fpa and Fmsy are quite close and might not offer enough contrast for the models (scenario runs might not differentiate well), but they are still seen to the important parameter values to run and base the 2 fishing scenario In addition we encourage the modellers to run additional scenarios: • • • • runs with higher F values e.g. Flim, max historic F, runs with differential F-values, e.g. apply Fmsy to main food species and a high F value (Flim) to all other species - this is equivalent to managed food stocks with quotas and non quotas on industrial fishing stocks runs with zero F to represent no fishing or recovery scenarios (although it Is accepted that this is not what a “pristine” system might be like) Where possible, Fmsy model outputs from runs of future (e.g. climate) scenarios 3.2.4 Coloured Dissolved Organic matter There is no available information as to what the likely shifts in terrestrial CDOM sources will be in response to a combination of changes in land use and climate related impacts. MEECE will explore the sensitivity of the habitat state (in terms of optical properties) and hence the foodweb (in terms of primary and secondary production) by perturbing the observed satellite IOP fields used to constrain the model optics. MEECE has prepared a set of IOP forcing data to cover this. (see D1.1; The Inherent Optical Properties (IOP) database contains a series of netCDF data with the monthly IOP of the world oceans in the period 1998-2005. The IOP are calculated from Ocean Colour data (MODIS satellite) using the algorithm described in Smyth et al., Applied optics, 2006. 3.2.5 Invasive Species We will use a different approach for planktonic alien invasive species. In WP2 we have developed an approach to modelling the impacts alien invasive plankton species as emergent properties of a PFT model seeded with randomly assigned species (see D2.13). This model coupled to a GOTM water column model will be applied in selected regions (North Sea, Barents Sea, Baltic, Black Sea and Adriatic Sea) is seeded with ‘random alien invasive species’ and the theoretical; changes in community structure, diversity indices and other measures of vulnerability assessed. The modelling will be forced with climate changes form IPSL. In the Baltic/North Sea we will also use a climate envelope approach to determine shifts in habitat of key species (e.g. P minimum) which is again described in D2.13. Page 12 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 4. Summary of the scenarios We also need to consider the timeframes of the scenarios: In WP3 we focus on climate impacts. Climate impacts are only clearly demonstrated statistically in the forcing beyond 2040/2050, therefore we focus on time-slices for the period 2080-2100 to ensure we see a climate signal. In WP4 we focus more on anthropogenic drivers. The window of policy relevance is the next 20-30 years hence we focus on a time-slice 2030-2040. 4.1 Scenarios for WP3 The objective of WP3 is to define the envelope of response to climate and circulation drivers of marine ecosystem function both on a global and a regional scale and to analyze the impact on ecosystems end to end of changes in: temperature, circulation, mixing, acidification, and light, focusing on physics, biogeochemistry and ecosystem productivity and on higher trophic levels The sub objectives are • · To define common metrics and scenarios • · To run/analyze base-line and ensemble scenarios • · To synthesize results • · To contribute to knowledge transfer activities in WP6 These simulations are run with the drivers defined in WP4 set to their ‘present-day values’, so match the WP 4 reference simulation. WP3.3 Plankton models (+ OA module from WP2) Hindcast simulation (ERA40, IOP data forcing, MEECE river database) Time slices scenarios: IPSL climate model (see Recommended: 1980-2000; 2080-2100; A1B, A2, E1 (LUA2R2) Minimum: 1980-2000; 2080-2100; A1B (use member LUA1B2) Key outputs as defined in D3.2 common metrics WP3.4 End to End (physics-plankton-HTL model) see table Hindcast simulation (ERA40, IOP data forcing, MEECE river database) Time slices scenarios: IPSL climate model (see Recommended: 1980-2000; 2080-2100; A1B, A2, E1 (LUA2R2) Minimum: 1980-2000; 2080-2100; A1B (use member LUA1B2) Key outputs as defined in D3.2 common metrics The climate forcing data can be downloaded at Page 13 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 4.2 Scenarios for WP4 WP4 OBJECTIVES • • To define the envelope of response to combinations of direct anthropogenic drivers on marine ecosystem on a regional scale. Impact on ecosystems end to end of changes in pollution, fishing effort, fluvial nutrient and CDOM inputs. The MEECE direct anthropogenic drivers (i.e. Drivers originating from a direct human pressure on the Marine environment are eutrophication (nutrients), pollutants (e.g.: herbicides, antibiotics), optically active substances (CDOM), fishing pressure and invasive species. The focus is on physics, biogeochemistry, ecosystem productivity, higher trophic levels. The drivers to be addressed in each region are given in table 4. Note: we are ONLY considering these scenarios to define direct anthropogenic perturbations. The basic emissions scenario we are using remains A1B (see below). We can justify using a fixed emission scenario on the basis that the SRES scenarios do not diverge strongly during the time frame of the WP4 experiments. Table 4 (DOW) Page 14 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 4.1. Hindcast scenarios to test driver sensitivity Reference climate scenario for anthropogenic drivers: IPSL-CM4 A1B + Present Day drivers: 2030-2040. Hindcast simulations of driver sensitivity (as appropriate for each region see table 1) • • • • Eutropication: ERA40 + range of driver sensitivity: 5 years Pollution: ERA40 + range of driver sensitivity: 2 years (copper, herbicides etc.) Fishing: ERA40 + range of driver sensitivity: 5-20 years CDOM: ERA40 + range of driver sensitivity: 2 years? These hind cast simulations should be where possible for the most data rich period for each region. A subset of the main 45 yr hindcast should be run to explore the sensitivity of each region to specific drivers. The timescale have been chosen to reflect expected scales of response for each driver. These may need to be iterated. 4.2: Multiple Driver Scenarios Climate + all regional drivers: 2030-2040 Compulsory scenarios in bold. IPSL-CM4 A1B + SC1 world market (A1) IPSL-CM4 A1B + SC2 global commons (B1) IPSL-CM4 A1B + SC3 Fortress nation (A2) IPSL-CM4 A1B + SC4 local stewardship (B2) The exact perturbation used for each driver is to be guided by the ELME interpretations of each driver under the above scenarios ( The sign of the perturbation should follow the trend of the relevant pressure/driver evidenced by the outcomes of ELME (the synoptic tables of the regional BBN models and/or the extended tables showing regional trends for the drivers in the different scenarios; see annex 1) while the magnitude of the perturbation could to be defined according to historical trends and/or natural variability. Page 15 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Appendix 1: ELME scenarios Summary tables of the outcomes of the ELME interpretation of the 4 scenarios follow. The signs of these responses should be used to define the direction of change in the multiple driver scenarios. Full details can be found at Page 16 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Page 17 of 18 EC FP7 MEECE | 212085 | D1.5 | Driver envelopes for ecosystem model scenarios, updated July2011 Appendix 2: Definitions and codes for scenarios ERA40: ERA-40 is a ECMWF re-analysis of the global atmosphere and surface conditions for 45-years, over the period from September 1957 through August 2002. Many sources of the meteorological observations were used, including radiosondes, balloons, aircraft, buoys, satellites, scatterometers. This data was run through the ECMWF computer model at a 40km resolution. As the ECMWF's computer model is one of the more highly-regarded in the field of forecasting, many scientists take its reanalysis to have similar merit. The reanalysis was done in an effort to improve the accuracy of historical weather maps and aid in a more detailed analysis of various weather systems through a period that was severely lacking in computerized data. AR4 scenario definitions: There were 4 SRES scenario families defined by the IPCC 4th assessment report; A1 World Markets; A2, National Enterprise; B1 Global Community and B2 Local Responsibility, each of which gives a range of response for global average surface warming (A1 1.4-6.4 C, A2 2.0 – 5.4 C, B1 1.1 – 2.9 C, B2 1.4-3.8 C). Within the A1 scenario there are several sub-groups, A1T, A1B, A1F1). Each of these scenarios was run in ensemble mode to quantify the range of response. In MEECE we use the ensemble member LUA1B2 of the A1B scenarios run using the IPSL climate model. This is chosen because it represents a mid range warming response. There is an additional scenario E1 which represents stabilization of atmospheric CO2 at 450 ppm. The forcing data can be downloaded at Page 18 of 18