Panasonic Telephone Systems Phone 877-289-2829 Single Line Telephone (SLT) Quick Reference (Section 752 Ver. 3.5) NOTES: • Some features may not be available depending on system programming. • * In Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia the line access code = 0 instead of 9. • ** In Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, press the # key after entering the number or code. (For example, to set PSD numbers in Taiwan, Malaysia, and Indonesia, enter 710#.) PLACING OUTSIDE CALLS Make a call using pooled line access DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3-/ ;40;7, +WDON, SKRQH QXPEHU Set Personal Speed Dial (PSD) numbers 7 PRS 0OPER -- 1 SKRQH QXPEHU 36' ELQ QXPEHU +;30<<, KRRN IODVK Access speed dial numbers 8 TUV 0 OPER VSHHG GLDO ELQ QXPEHU Delete speed dial numbers 7 PRS 0OPER -- 1 36' ELQ QXPEHU +;30<<, KRRN IODVK Automatically redial the last number dialled 7 PR S 1 -- 2 ABC +WDON, Have a busy outside line call you back when it becomes open/free DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3-/ ;40;7, 3 DEF EXV\ WRQH H[WHQVLRQ ULQJV ZKHQ OLQH LV IUHH GLDO SKRQH QXPEHU Assign an account code # 8 TUV DFFRXQW FRGH # DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3 -/ ;40;7, SKRQH QXPEHU HANDLING INCOMING CALLS Answer a call ringing at someone else’s phone in your call pickup group 7 PRS -- 0 O PER 1 +WDON, Answer a call ringing another extension 7 PRS 0 O PER 4 G HI -- ULQJLQJ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU +WDON, Place a call on hold (and then retrieve it) +WDON, KRRN IODVK KRRN IODVK Answer a second call and toggle between the two calls KRRN IODVK +WDON, +WDON, KRRN IODVK Retrieve a call that has been placed on Floating Hold * 9 WXY )ORDWLQJ +ROG QXPEHU See More Panasonic Manuals Supervise the transfer of a call to an extension or outside number +WDON, H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3-/RU ;40;7, KRRN IODVK SKRQH QXPEHU +WDON, Transfer a call to an extension or outside number without supervising the call +WDON, KRRN IODVK H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3-/ RU ;40;7, SKRQH QXPEHU Transfer a call to a busy extension +WDON, 2 ABC -- H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU KRRN IODVK COMMUNICATING WITHIN YOUR OFFICE Answer a ringing phone +WDON, Call another extension +WDON, H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU Page another party or make an announcement # SDJLQJ JURXS QXPEHU +WDON, Answer a page using Meet-Me Answer # # +WDON, Set Call Forwarding for: $OO &DOOV= 7 PRS -- 4GHI GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU -- 1 2ABC -- 2ABC 7 PRS IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU RI WKH H[WHQVLRQ RI FDOOV GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU 2ABC -- 4GHI QXPEHU RI WKH H[WHQVLRQ RI FDOOV GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU WR IRUZDUG IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ 7 PRS IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ WR IRUZDUG 1 GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ 1R $QVZHU= 2ABC 7 PRS IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ WR IRUZDUG %XV\= 7 PRS IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ 3DEF -- 2ABC 7 PRS GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU 3DEF -- 4GHI QXPEHU RI WKH H[WHQVLRQ RI FDOOV GHVWLQDWLRQ H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU NOTE: If forwarding calls to an outside number, press the # key and enter a preassigned speed dial number as the destination number. Cancel Call Forwarding for: IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ $OO &DOOV= 7 PRS 7 IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ %XV\= 7 PRS IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ 1R $QVZHU= 3DEF 3DEF 7 PRS IRU \RXU H[WHQVLRQ 1 5 PRS -- 1 WKHLU H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU 2ABC -5JKL 7 PRS IRU DQRWKHU H[WHQVLRQ -- JKL 2ABC -- 3DEF 7 PRS WKHLU H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU 3DEF -5JKL 3DEF -- WKHLU H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU Camp-on to a busy extension and send a call waiting signal H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU Answer a camp-on signal +WDON, EXV\ WRQH 2ABC -- +VWD\ RQ OLQH WLOO SDUW\ DQVZHUV, See More Panasonic Manuals Have a busy extension call you back when it becomes free H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU EXV\ WRQH 3DEF -- ULQJEDFN WRQH Respond to a callback request +WDON, Send a message waiting indication to another extension H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU 4GHI -- ULQJ RU EXV\ WRQH Answer a message waiting indication KHDU PHVVDJH ZDLWLQJ WRQH * 6MNO +WDON, Cancel a message waiting indication sent by another extension * 5JKL Turn Do-Not-Disturb on or off 7PRS 2ABC 0OPER -- Interrup another extension’s call and make an announcement H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU EXV\ WRQH 9WXY -- +WDON, Using Additional Features Establish a conference call from your current call KRRN IODVK H[WHQVLRQ QXPEHU DFFHVV OLQH +</ 3-/ RU ;40;7, . QXPEHU +WDON, KRRN IODVK +WDON, Set a reminder alarm * 3DEF 1 HQWHU WLPH +57 KRXU IRUPDW, Cancel a reminder alarm * 3DEF 9WXY Set Station Lock-out to limit the use of your phone by others when you are away 7PRS 4GHI 6MNO -- Cancel Station Lockout on your phone 7PRS 4GHI 6MNO -- :DONLQJ 756 +&DOO %DUULQJ,26WDWLRQ /RFNRXW VHFXULW\ FRGH