College of Teacher Education

Bulletin of Information
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique
AACUP Level II – Re-accredited Status
June 2001 – June 2006
Republic of the Philippines
Sibalom, Antique
The Teacher Education Program
Revised as of 2008
Table of Contents
The Teacher Education Program ................................................................................ 2
Brief Historical Sketch .................................................................................................. 3
Mission and Objectives ................................................................................................ 3
Admission Requirements ............................................................................................. 4
Request for Unscheduled Subjects ............................................................................ 4
Accreditation ................................................................................................................. 4
Academic Regulations ................................................................................................. 5
Attendance .................................................................................................................... 5
Financial Information (as of 2009) .............................................................................. 6
Registration ................................................................................................................... 6
Cross-Registration ........................................................................................................ 7
Withdrawal from Enrollment/Changing/Dropping of Subjects .................................. 7
Shifting of Course ......................................................................................................... 7
Transfer of Student ....................................................................................................... 8
Grading System ............................................................................................................ 8
Scholarship.................................................................................................................... 9
A. Entrance Scholarship.......................................................................................... 9
B. Academic Scholarship ........................................................................................ 9
Financial Grant to Student Assistants ...................................................................... 10
Scholastic Delinquency .............................................................................................. 10
Graduation Requirement ............................................................................................ 12
Graduation with Honors ............................................................................................. 13
THE CURRICULUM ................................................................................................... 14
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) .......................................................... 14
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) ........................................................... 18
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE) ............................................ 26
Bachelor of Special Education (BSPED) .............................................................. 30
COURSE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... 35
GENERAL EDUCATION .................................................................................... 35
BEED General Curriculum ................................................................................. 44
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION .......................................................................... 48
Bachelor in Special Education ........................................................................... 62
AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION .......................................................................... 65
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education ..................................................... 65
COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION.................................................................................. 82
Brief Historical Sketch
The Teacher Education Program started with the offering of courses
leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Arts. By virtue of
Republic Act 5339, approved on June 15, 1968, the school was authorized to
offer courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education
with majors in Automotive, Civil Technology, Furniture and Cabinet Making,
Electricity, Electronics, Drafting, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Garment
Trades, Foods, Cosmetology, and Tailoring. In 1976 the school opened
enrolment in the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Practical
Arts Education. In 1987 when the Bachelor of Science in Education and
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education were offered, BSPAEd was phased
out. By authority to operate under Board of Trustees resolution # 121 series of
1987, the school offered the BEED with specialization on the following fields:
Filipino, Mathematics, English, Health and Science, Social Studies, and
Livelihood and Home Economics. The same resolution mandated the opening of
BSE curriculum with majors in mathematics, English, Filipino, and Social Studies.
With the issuance of CHED Memo No. 30, series of 2004, the BEED
program offered the general curriculum and early childhood education.
The BSED program offered Biological Sciences in addition to the existing
Mission and Objectives
The Teacher Education Program is committed to provide quality education
to prospective teachers who are competent and productive in their own fields of
specialization and who are socially, morally and intellectually developed to be
responsive to the needs of the changing times for the development of Antique
and the nation as a whole.
Specifically, the Teacher education program aims to:
1. Train prospective teachers to become highly competent in their fields
of specialization;
2. Provide prospective teachers opportunities to maximize their potentials
to become productive and versatile citizens;
3. Develop transformational leadership among prospective teachers to
become more responsive to the changing needs of the society;
4. Develop among prospective teachers appreciation for human values
and cultural heritage;
5. Develop research competencies among prospective teachers in the
fields relevant to teacher education;
6. Establish linkages with non-government and government organizations
and render community extension services.
Admission Requirements
New Students:
1. Applicants must have an average of 85% and above.
2. They must pass the interview and the college entrance examination.
3. They must submit the following:
a. Form 138 or High School Report Card
b. Certificate of Good Moral Character
c. Medical Examination Certificate
d. Three (3) recent 2”x2” colored ID pictures
e. One (1) long folder
4. Applicants with an average grade of below 85% but not lower than
83% should undergo the second interview.
1. Applicants must have an average of 85% or above.
2. They must pass the interview and college entrance examination.
3. They must submit the following:
a. Transcript of Records
b. Transfer Credentials
c. Medical Examination Certificate
d. Three (3) recent 2”x2” colored ID pictures
e. One (1) long folder
4. Applicants with an average grade of below 85% but not lower than
83% should undergo the second interview
Request for Unscheduled Subjects
Subjects may be scheduled by the Dean to be offered in summer when
needed by at least fifteen (15) students.
Tutorials may be arranged for graduating students with permission and
approval of proper authorities.
Units earned in any recognized private, state college or government
institution will be duly accredited provided;
1. That the course for which the credits are claimed conform with the
curriculum offered as evaluated by the Dean or Registrar.
2. That the rule on sequence is observed.
Academic Regulations
1. One unit of credit is at least 16 hours of instruction in the form of
lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial or recitation in any combination of
these forms within a semester.
2. No student shall be allowed to take more units on the load for the
semester; however, graduating student with better than average record
may be permitted to carry a heavier load in the last year of his course.
3. The normal load for summer terms shall be six units. In justifiable
cases the Dean may allow a student to take nine (9) units.
4. No student will be allowed to enroll in any subject unless he has taken
the pre-requisites.
5. The Dean is empowered to limit the load of students who are
employed, full or part time outside UA.
1. Punctuality and regularity of attendance is required of all students.
2. A student who has been absent for three (3) consecutive meetings
should be reported by the faculty member concerned to the Guidance
Counselor through the Dean, stating he knows the reason for the
absence. The Guidance office shall call the student immediately and
notify his parents.
3. When the number of hours lost by absence reaches 20 percent of the
hours for recitation, lecture, laboratory or any other scheduled work in
a subject, a student shall be given a grade of 5.0; except if the faculty
member prescribes no longer attendance requirements to meet his
special needs. Time lost due to late enrollment shall be considered
Financial Information (as of 2009)
P 150.00/Unit
Registration (semestral)
Library fee (semestral)
Athletic fee (semestral)
Medical/Dental fee (semestral)
Cultural fee (semestral)
Guidance fee (semestral)
Maintenance fee (semestral)
FLP (annual)
Student Government (annual)
School Organ (annual)
PFEA (annual)
Educ. Dept. fee (semestral)
ROTC/CWTS (semestral)
Laboratory fee (semestral)
Institutional Dev’t Fee (semestral)
I.T Fee (Comp)
Mentor Fee (College of Education
Publication Fee)(semestral)
Student Teaching Fee (Graduating)
Cocoon (Graduating)
I.D. (1st year students)
Fine (late Enrolment)
1. No student shall be registered in any subject after 12 percent of the regular
classroom meetings have been held, unless the Dean, on the basis of the
student’s scholastic record, approves his/her registration.
2. A fine will be charged for late registration, except in special cases.
3. Students may register for particular subjects within a semester when
permissible under the system of instruction adopted by the College.
1. No student who is registered in any other institution shall be admitted to
UA without a written permission from his Dean or Registrar. The permit
shall state the total number of units for which the student is registered and
the subjects that he is authorized to take in UA.
2. Total number of units or credits for which a student may register in UA
shall not exceed the maximum allowed by the rules on academic loads.
3. UA shall not give credit to any course taken in other colleges unless
authorized by the Registrar on the recommendation of the Dean on the
student’s request, with subjects specifically described, a copy of which
shall be filed with the Registrar.
Withdrawal from Enrollment/Changing/Dropping of Subjects
1. A student with the consent of his instructor and Dean may drop a
subject by filling in a prescribed form. If the dropping takes place
after three-fourths of the hours prescribed for the course has
lapsed, the faculty member concerned shall be requested to state
on the form whether or not the student shall be given a grade of 5.0
for the course, on the basis of his class standing.
2. Any student who drops a course/subject without the approval of
his/her Dean shall have his registration privileges curtailed or
entirely withdrawn.
3. A fee of P10.00 per subject will be charged for changing and
dropping of subjects except for justifiable reasons.
Shifting of Course
1. Ideally, students are discouraged from shifting courses; however,
approval is granted on a case-to case basis.
2. The student will have to seek the endorsement of his/her Dean to
the Dean of the desired course.
3. The College Dean will have to approve the request and the Office
of the Registrar be notified and given a copy of the letter of request
for record purposes.
Transfer of Student
The following rules shall govern the admission of transfer – students:
a. Transfer student may be admitted provided that:
1. He must have obtained an average of 2.5, 81 or B or better for the
units he has earned outside UA.
2. The number of students enrolled in the course in which he seeks
admission has not yet been filled up as set by the Registrar and the
b. The admission of transfer student shall be on probation basis until such
time he shall have validated or repeated in accordance with the rules,
all the subjects taken outside UA which are required of his course.
c. An admitted transfer student may not be allowed to enroll in a subject
the prerequisite of which taken elsewhere has not yet been validated
or repeated in UA.
d. An admitted transfer student must validate all the courses he has taken
for advanced credits at the rate of the least 18 units/semester within a
period of his admission. Failure to comply with this requirement will
mean cancellation of his registration privileges.
e. Any or all of the above rules may be set aside in exceptional case
upon the recommendation of the Director for Admission or the Dean
and upon the approval of the President.
Application for the advance credits shall be made on the prescribed form
to the Registrar or to the Dean.
Grading System
The following grading system is adopted in the College:
1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1 3.6 “INC”
(95 and above)
Very Good
Fair or Passing
Conditional Failure
Conditional failure must be removed by examination within the period
specified by the Registrar or the Dean not to exceed one year and the highest
grade after removal is “3.0”.
In case the class standing is not passing and the student fails to take the
final examination for any reason, a grade of 5.0 is given. Failure requires reenrollment, and repetition of the course.
“INC” is given if the student, whose class standing is passing, fails to
appear for the final examination due to illness or other valid reasons. If in the
opinion of the Dean the absence is justifiable, the student may be given
“INC” is also given to work that is unfinished. The deficiency must be
removed within one calendar year, otherwise, the grade becomes a 5.0. If the
student passes the examination for removal of an” INC”’ the final grade may be
3.0. or better. If he fails, the final grade shall be “5.0”. An “INC” may also be
removed by submitting a written report or term paper in which case, the final
grade may be “3.0” of better if the student passes; if he fails, the final grade shall
be “5.0”.
A. Entrance Scholarship
1. Valedictorians from private, public, and vocational high schools; provided
that they come from a class of at least 50 graduates.
2. Salutatorians from private, public, and vocational high schools; provided
that they come from a class of at least 50 graduates.
B. Academic Scholarship
An institution or full scholarship consisting of a free tuition shall be enjoyed
by any undergraduate student who obtains at the end of the semester an
average of 1.45 or better; provided he has no grade lower than 2.0 in any
A unit or a partial scholarship consisting of 50% reduction in tuition shall
be enjoyed by any undergraduate who obtains at the end of the semester an
average of 1.6 or better; provided has no grade lower than 2.5 in any subject.
In addition to their general average grade a student to be eligible for an
institution scholarship:
1. Must have taken during the previous semester not less than 18
units regular load for academic credit prescribed in the curriculum.
2. Must have completed the non-academic requirements for the
3. Must have no failing grade in any academic or non-academic
subject in the preceding semester.
4. An institution (or Full) and a unit (partial) scholarship shall last only
for one semester, but shall be renewable for the succeeding
semester if the student meets the conditions prescribed.
Information on other scholarships may be available from the Office
of the Director for Student Affairs and Services.
Financial Grant to Student Assistants
Upon recommendation of the Guidance Office and approval by the SAS
Director, the college accepts deserving students who are in need of financial
assistants as student aids. Their services may be in form of office assistants or
the maintenance of physical facilities. In return, they are entitled to a
remuneration of P20 per hour not to exceed the number of hours prescribed by
the college and office and depending upon the academic load of the grantee.
1. Application Letter
2. Schedule of Classes
Scholastic Delinquency
The faculty of each college or departments shall approve suitable and
effective provisions governing undergraduate delinquent student, subject to the
following minimum standards:
a. Warning- Any student who obtains final grades below 3.0 in 25% to
49% of the total number of academic units he is registered for the
semester shall be warned by the Dean to improve his work.
b. Probation – any student who obtains final grades below 3.0 in 50% to
75% of the total number of the academic units at the end of the
semester shall be placed on probation for the succeeding semester
and his load shall be limited to the extent to be determined by the
Dean; provided that this does not apply to students who received final
grades in the succeeding semester.
c. Dismissal – any student who obtains final grades below 3.0 in at least
76% of his final grades shall dropped from the rolls; provided that this
does not apply to students who received final grades in less than nine
academic units.
Any student on probation in accordance with the preceding rule
who again fails 50% or more of the total number of units in his final
grades shall be dropped from the rolls subject to the following
Any student dropped from one college shall not ordinarily be
admitted in another unit of the college, unless in the opinion of the
Director for Admissions his natural aptitude and interest may qualify
him in another field of study in which case may be followed to enroll in
the proper college or department.
d. Permanent disqualification – Any student who at the end of the
semester or term obtains final grades below 3.0 I shall of the academic
units shall be permanently disbarred from readmission to any college
or department; provided that this not apply to students who received
final grades in less than twelve academic units.
Permanent disqualification does not apply to cases, where on the
recommendation of the instructors concerned, the faculty certifies that
the grade of 5.0 was due to student’s unauthorized withdrawal which
takes place after the mid-semester and the student’s class standing is
poor, his grade of 5.0 shall be counted against him for the purpose of
this scholarship rule. The Dean shall deal within these on their
individual merits.
A grade of INC. is not included in the computation. When it is
replaced by a final grade, the latter is to be included in the grades
during the semester when the removal is made. Required courses in
which a student has failed shall take precedence in his succeeding
Honorable Dismissal
A student of good standing who desires to move to sever his connection
with the University of Antique shall request for Honorable Dismissal from the
Honorable Dismissal is voluntary withdrawal from UA with the consent of
the Registrar or his representative. Clearance should be accomplished before
Honorable Dismissal is issued.
A student who leaves UA for reason of suspension, dropping, or expulsion
due to disciplinary action rendered against him may be included in the Honorable
Graduation Requirement
No student will be recommended for graduation unless he has complied
with all the requirements prescribed for graduation. Candidates for graduation
who began their studies under a curriculum more than ten years old shall be
governed by the following rules:
1. Those who had completed all the requirements of the curriculum but
did not comply for, nor were granted the corresponding degree or title
shall have their graduation approved as of the date they should have
originally graduated.
2. Those who had completed all but two or three subjects required by a
curriculum shall be made to follow any of the curriculum enforced from
the time they first attended UA to the present.
3. All candidates for graduation shall make up for their deficiencies,
including the submission of bound copies of their undergraduate
thesis, and clear their records not less than five weeks before the end
of their last semester.
4. No student shall be graduated from UA unless he has completed at
least one year of residence work which may however, be extended to a
longer period by the proper faculty. The residence work must be done
immediately prior to graduation.
5. No student shall be conferred any title or degree who fails to pay the
required graduation fee within the specified period. Such student may,
however, upon his request and payment of the necessary fees, be
given a certified copy of his credentials without specifying his
completion of the requirement toward any title or degree.
Graduation with Honors
Students who complete their courses with the following average computed
on the basis of units shall be graduated with the following honors:
Summa Cum Laude
1.0 – 1.20
(with no grade lower than 1.5)
Magna Cum Laude
1.21 – 1.5
(with no grade lower than 2.0)
Cum Laude
1.51 – 1.80
(with no grade lower than 2.5)
Provided that all grades in all subjects prescribed in the curriculum shall
be included in the computation of the average
(Based on CMO No. 30, s 2004)
Revised 2008
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
1. General Education
1.1 English Language
66 Units
9 Units
English + - Review of Basic English Grammar
0 Unit
Eng. 1 – Study & Thinking Skills in English
3 Units
Eng. 2 – Writing in the Discipline
3 Units
Eng. 3 – Speech Communication with Lab.
3 Units
1.2 Literature in English
Eng. 4 – Literatures of the World
1.3 Filipino Language
3 Units
3 Units
9 Units
Fil. 1 – Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan
3 Units
Fil. 2 – Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba’t-Ibang Disiplina
3 Units
Fil. 3 – Masining na Pagpapahayag
3 Units
1.4 Filipino Literature
3 Units
1.5 Natural Sciences
9 Units
Science 1 - Intro to Biological Sciences
3 Units
Science 2 – Earth Science
3 Units
Science 3 – Science, Technology, and Society
3 units
1.6 Mathematics
6 Units
Math 1 – Basic Math
3 Units
Math 2 – College Algebra
3 Units
1.7 Humanities
6 Units
Humanities I – Art Education
3 Units
Humanities 2 – Logic
3 Units
1.8 Social Sciences
12 Units
Psychology 1 – General Psychology
3 Units
Sociology 1 – Society and Culture
3 Units
Pol. Sci.
1 – Politics and Governance with
the Philippine Constitution
Economics 1- Principles of Economics with TAR
& Other Current Issues
1.9 Mandated subjects
History 1 – Phil. History & Culture
Rizal His Life & Works
3 Units
3 units
6 Units
3 Units
3 Units
1.10 Computer Literacy
3 Units
1.11 Physical Education
8 Units
2. Professional Education
57 Units
2.1 Educ. 1 – Child and Adolescent Development
3 Units
2.2 Educ. 2 – Principles of Teaching 1
3 Units
2.3 Educ. 3 – Principles of Teaching 2
3 Units
2.4 Educ 4 – Educational Technology 1
3 units
2.5 Educ 5 – Social Dimension of Education
3 Units
2.6 Educ. 6 – Educational Technology 2
3 Units
2.7 Educ. 7 – Curriculum Development
3 Units
2.8 Educ. 8 – Assessment of Learning 1
3 Units
2.9 Educ. 9 – Assessment of Learning 2
3 Units
2.10 Educ. 10 – Developmental Reading 1
3 Units
2.11 Educ. 11 – Facilitating Learning
3 Units
2.12 Educ. 12 – Developmental Reading 2
3 Units
2.13 Educ. 13 – The Teaching Profession
3 Units
Educ. 14 – Guidance & Counseling w/ Intro to SPED
2.15 Practice Teaching
3. Field Study Courses
3 Units
6 Units
6 Units
3.1 FS 1 – The Learner’s Development and Environment
1 Unit
3.2 FS 2 – Experience the Teaching-Learning Process
1 Unit
3.3 FS 3 – Technology in the Learning Environment
1 Unit
3.4 FS 4 – Exploring the Curriculum
1 Unit
3.5 FS 5 – Learning Assessment Strategies
1 Unit
3.6 FS 6 – On Becoming a Teacher
1 Unit
3. Content Courses
57 Units
3.1 – English
12 Units
English 1a – Thinking and Study Skills
3 Units
English 3b – Interactive English
3 Units
English 7a – Philippine Literature in English
3 Units
English 18 – Children’s Literature
3 Units
3.2 – Science
12 Units
Science 4 – Ecology
3 Units
Science 5 – Physics for Health Sciences
3 Units
Science 6 – Inorganic Chemistry
3 Units
Science 7 – Astronomy
3 Units
3.3 – Filipino
6 Units
Filipino 9 – Pagpapahalagang Pampanitikan
3 Units
Filipino 20 – Mga Anyo ng Kontemporaryong Paniti
kang Filipino
3 Units
3.4 – Social Studies
6 Units
Geography 1 – Basic World Geography
3 Units
Geography 2 – Geography and Natural Resources
of the Phil.
3 Units
3.5 – Mathematics
12 Units
Math 5 – Plane and Solid Geometry
3 Units
Math 11a – Advance Algebra and Trigonometry
3 Units
Math 12b – Analytic Geometry and Intro. Calculus
3 Units
Math 25 – Problem Solving
3 Units
3.6 – Music Arts and P.E.
MAPE – Foundations of MAPE
3.7 – Values Education
Values Educ. 1 – Personhood Development
3.8 – Home Economics and Livelihood Education
General Education
Professional Education (incldg Practicum Courses
and Special Topics)
Content Courses
3 Units
3 Units
3 Units
3 Units
3 Units
(6) Units
66 Units
57 Units
57 Units
8 Units
188 Units
(Based on CMO No. 11, s 1999)
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED)
1. General Education
1.1 English Language
69 Units
9 Units
English + - Review of Basic English Grammar
0 Unit
Eng. 1 – Study & Thinking Skills in English
3 Units
Eng. 2 – Writing in the Discipline
3 Units
Eng. 3 – Speech Communication with Lab.
3 Units
1.2 Literature in English
Eng. 4 – Literatures of the World
1.3 Filipino Language
3 Units
3 Units
9 Units
Fil. 1 – Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan
3 Units
Fil. 2 – Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba’t-Ibang Disiplina
3 Units
Fil. 3 – Masining na Pagpapahayag
3 Units
1.4 Filipino Literature
3 Units
1.5 Natural Sciences
9 Units
Science 1 - Intro to Biological Sciences
3 Units
Science 2 – Earth Science
3 Units
Science 3 – Science, Technology, and Society
3 units
1.6 Mathematics
9 Units
Math 1 – Basic Math
3 Units
Math 2 – College Algebra
3 Units
Math 6 – Statisitcs
3 Units
1.7 Humanities
6 Units
Humanities I – Art Education
3 Units
Humanities 2 – Logic
3 Units
1.8 Social Sciences
12 Units
Psychology 1 – General Psychology
3 Units
Sociology 1 – Society and Culture
3 Units
Pol. Sci.
1 – Politics and Governance with
the Philippine Constitution
3 Units
Economics 1- Principles of Economics with TAR & Other
Current Issues
3 units
1.9 Mandated subjects
History 1 – Phil. History & Culture
Rizal His Life & Works
6 Units
3 Units
3 Units
1.10 Computer Literacy
3 Units
1.11 Physical Education
8 Units
2. Professional Education
51 Units
2.1 Educ. 1 – Child and Adolescent Development
3 Units
2.2 Educ. 2 – Principles of Teaching 1
3 Units
2.3 Educ. 3 – Principles of Teaching 2
3 Units
2.4 Educ 4 – Educational Technology 1
3 units
2.5 Educ 5 – Social Dimension of Education
3 Units
2.6 Educ. 6 – Educational Technology 2
3 Units
2.7 Educ. 7 – Curriculum Development
3 Units
2.8 Educ. 8 – Assessment of Learning 1
3 Units
2.9 Educ. 9 – Assessment of Learning 2
3 Units
2.10 Educ. 10 – Developmental Reading 1
3 Units
2.11 Educ. 11 – Facilitating Learning
3 Units
2.13 Educ. 13 – The Teaching Profession
3 Units
Educ. 14 – Guidance & Counseling w/ Intro to SPED
2.15 Practice Teaching
3. Field Study Courses
3 Units
6 Units
6 Units
3.1 FS 1 – The Learner’s Development and Environment
1 Unit
3.2 FS 2 – Experience the Teaching-Learning Process
1 Unit
3.3 FS 3 – Technology in the Learning Environment
1 Unit
3.4 FS 4 – Exploring the Curriculum
1 Unit
3.5 FS 5 – Learning Assessment Strategies
1 Unit
3.6 FS 6 – On Becoming a Teacher
1 Unit
4. Area of Specialization
4.1 English
60 Units
English 5 – Mythology and Folklore
3 Units
English 6 – Intro to Linguistics
3 Units
English 8 – Language Curr. for Secondary Schools
3 Units
English 9 – Afro-Asian Literature
3 Units
English 10 – English-American Literature
3 Units
English 11 – Structure of English
3 Units
English 12 – The Teaching of Listening and Reading
3 Units
English 12a – The Teaching of Speaking
3 Units
English 13 – Intro to Mass Comm. and Campus
3 Units
English 14 – Intro to Stylistics
3 Units
English 15 – Speech and Stage Arts
3 Units
English 16 – Creative Writing
3 Units
English 20 – Remedial Instruction in English
3 Units
English 21 – Preparation and Evaluation of
Instructional Materials
3 Units
English 22 – The Teaching of Literature
3 Units
English 23 – English Language Research
3 Units
English 24 – English for Specific Purposes
3 Units
English 25 – Literary Criticism
3 Units
English 26 – Translation and Editing of Text
3 Units
English 27 – Language and Literature Assessment
3 Units
4.2 Mathematics
67 Units
Math 3 – College Algebra
3 Units
Math 4 – Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
3 Units
Math 5 – Plane and Solid Geometry
3 Units
Math 6 – Statistics
3 Units
Math 7 – History and Fundamental Concepts of Math
3 Units
Math 9 – Business Math
3 Units
Math 10 – Computer Math
3 Units
Math 11 – Advanced Algebra
3 Units
Math 12 – Analytic Geometry
3 Units
Math 13 – Mathematics of Investment
3 Units
Math 14 – Linear Algebra
3 Units
Math 16 – Differential Calculus
5 Units
Math 17 – Integral Calculus
5 Units
Math 18 – Number Theory
3 Units
Math 19 – Probability and Inferential Statistics
3 Units
Math 20 – Vectors
3 Units
Math 21 – Research In Mathematics
3 Units
Math 24 – Differential Equation
3 Units
Math 25 – Problem Solving
3 Units
Math 26 – Linear Programming
3 Units
Math 27 – Strategies in Teaching Math
3 Units
4.3 Filipino
63 Units
Filipino 4 – Introduksyon sa Pag-aaral ng Wika
3 Units
Filipino 5 – Panitikan ng Rehiyon
3 Units
Filipino 6 – Panimulang Panglinggwistika
3 Units
Filipino 7 – Ang Kurikulum Filipino sa Batayang
Antas ng Edukasyon
3 Units
Filipino 8 – Kulturang Popular
3 Units
Filipino 9 – Istraktura ng Wikang Filipino
3 Units
Fil;ipino 10 –Panulaang Filipino
3 Units
Filipino 11 – Maikling Kwentong Filipino
3 Units
Filipino 12 – Sanaysay at Talumpati
3 Units
Filipino 13 – Pagtuturo at Pagtataya sa Pakikinig
at Pagsasalita
3 Units
Filipino 14 - Pagtuturo at Pagtataya sa Pagbasa
at Pagsusulat
3 Units
Filipino 15 – Dula at Nobelang Filipino
3 Units
Filipino 16 – Introduksyon sa Pagsasalin
3 Units
Filipino 17 – Paghahanda at Ebalwasyong Kagamitang
3 Units
Filipino 18 – Introduksyon sa Pananaliksik-Wika at
3 Units
Filipino 19 – Pagpapahalagang Pampanitikan
3 Units
Filipino 21 – Panunuring Panitikan
3 Units
Filipino 22 – Introduksyon sa Pamamahayag
3 Units
Filipino 23 – Pagbasa ng mga Obrang Maestra Filipino 3 Units
Filipino 24 – Panitikan ng mga Umuunlad na Bansa
3 Units
Filipino 25 – Pagtuturo at Pagtataya ng Panitikan
3 Units
4.4 Social Studies
60 Units
Geography 1 – Basic World Geography
3 Units
Geography 2 – Places and Landscape in a Changing
3 Units
Geography 3 - Geography and Natural Resources
of the Philippines
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 1 – Socio-Cultural Anthropolgy
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 2 – Asian Studies
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 3 – World History and Civilization 1
6 Units
Soc. Sci. 4 – Comparative Government and Politics
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 5 – World History and Civilization 2
6 Units
Soc. Sci. 6 – Scientific Reasoning and Critical Thinking 3 Units
Soc. Sci. 7 – Trnds and Issues in Social Studies
3 Units
Soc. Sc. 8 – Law-Related Studies
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 9 - Macro-Micro Economics
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 10 – Building Bridges Across Soc. Sci.
Soc. Sci. 11 – Economic Planning and Strategies
3 Units
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 12 – Teaching Approaches in Social Studies 3 Units
Soc. Sci. 13 – Production of Social Studies Instructional
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 14 – Assessment and Evaluation in Social
3 Units
Soc. Sci. 15 – Research in Social Studies
3 Units
4.5 Biological Sciences
60 Units
Chem 5 – Inorganic Chemistry w/ Lab
5 Units
Chem 8 – Organic chemistry w/ Lab
5 Units
Physics 5 – Physics for Health Sciences w/ Lab 1
4 Units
Physics 9 – Physics for Health Sciences w/ Lab 2
4 Units
Bio. Sci. 1 – History and Philosophy of Science
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 2 – Ecology with Lab
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 3 – Cell Biology
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 4 – Microbiology with Lab
5 Units
Bio. Sci. 5 – Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
4 Units
Bio. Sci. 6 – Genetics with Lab
4 Units
Bio. Sci. 7 – Statistics for Biology
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 8 – BioChemistry w/ Lab
5 Units
Bio. Sci. 9 – Research for Biology
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 10 – Biotechnics with Lab
3 Units
Bio. Sci. 11 – Earth and Environmental Science
4 Units
(6) Units
General Education
Professional Education
Major/Field of Specialization
69 Units
51 Units
60-67 Units
8 Units
188-195 Units
(Based on CMO No. 11, s 1999)
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE)
1. General Education
1.1 English Language
70 Units
9 Units
English + - Review of Basic English Grammar
0 Unit
Eng. 1 – Study & Thinking Skills in English
3 Units
Eng. 2 – Writing in the Discipline
3 Units
Eng. 3 – Speech Communication with Lab.
3 Units
1.2 Literature in English
Eng. 4 – Literatures of the World
1.3 Filipino Language
3 Units
3 Units
9 Units
Fil. 1 – Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan
3 Units
Fil. 2 – Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba’t-Ibang Disiplina
3 Units
Fil. 3 – Masining na Pagpapahayag
3 Units
1.4 Filipino Literature
3 Units
1.5 Natural Sciences
9 Units
Science 1 - Intro to Biological Sciences
3 Units
Science 2 – Earth Science
3 Units
Science 3 – Science, Technology, and Society
3 units
1.6 Mathematics
Math 1 – Basic Math
6 Units
3 Units
Math 2 – College Algebra
1.7 Humanities
3 Units
6 Units
Humanities I – Art Education
3 Units
Humanities 2 – Logic
3 Units
1.8 Social Sciences
12 Units
Psychology 1 – General Psychology
3 Units
Sociology 1 – Society and Culture
3 Units
Pol. Sci.
1 – Politics and Governance with
the Philippine Constitution
3 Units
Economics 1- Principles of Economics with TAR & Other
Current Issues
3 units
1.9 Mandated subjects
History 1 – Phil. History & Culture
Rizal His Life & Works
6 Units
3 Units
3 Units
1.10 Computer Literacy
3 Units
1.11 Physical Education
8 Units
1.12 Drawing
4 Units
2. Professional Education
51 Units
2.1 Educ. 1 – Child and Adolescent Development
3 Units
2.2 Educ. 2 – Principles of Teaching 1
3 Units
2.3 Educ. 3 – Principles of Teaching 2
3 Units
2.4 Educ 4 – Educational Technology 1
3 units
2.5 Educ 5 – Social Dimension of Education
3 Units
2.6 Educ. 6 – Educational Technology 2
3 Units
2.7 Educ. 7 – Curriculum Development w/
Trade & Job Analysis
3 Units
2.8 Educ. 8 – Assessment of Learning 1
3 Units
2.9 Educ. 9 – Assessment of Learning 2
3 Units
2.10 Educ. 10 – Developmental Reading 1
3 Units
2.11 Educ. 11 – Facilitating Learning
3 Units
2.13 Educ. 13 – The Teaching Profession
3 Units
Educ. 14 – Guidance & Counseling w/ Intro to SPED
2.15 Practice Teaching
3. Field Study Courses
3 Units
6 Units
6 Units
3.1 FS 1 – The Learner’s Development and Environment
1 Unit
3.2 FS 2 – Experience the Teaching-Learning Process
1 Unit
3.3 FS 3 – Technology in the Learning Environment
1 Unit
3.4 FS 4 – Exploring the Curriculum
1 Unit
3.5 FS 5 – Learning Assessment Strategies
1 Unit
3.6 FS 6 – On Becoming a Teacher
1 Unit
4. Area of Specialization
4.1 – Automotive
4.2 – Drafting
4.3 – Furniture & Cabinet Making
4.5 – Food Trades
4.6 – Garments
4.7 – Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
4.8 – Electronics
4.9 – Electricity
4.10 - Cosmetology
60 Units
(6) Units
General Education
Professional Education
Major/Field of Specialization
70 Units
51 Units
60 Units
8 Units
189 Units
(Based on CMO No. 30, s 2004)
Bachelor of Special Education (BSPED)
1. General Education
1.1 English Language
69 Units
9 Units
English + - Review of Basic English Grammar
0 Unit
Eng. 1 – Study & Thinking Skills in English
3 Units
Eng. 2 – Writing in the Discipline
3 Units
Eng. 3 – Speech Communication with Lab.
3 Units
1.2 Literature in English
Eng. 4 – Literatures of the World
1.3 Filipino Language
3 Units
3 Units
9 Units
Fil. 1 – Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan
3 Units
Fil. 2 – Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba’t-Ibang Disiplina
3 Units
Fil. 3 – Masining na Pagpapahayag
3 Units
1.4 Filipino Literature
3 Units
1.5 Natural Sciences
9 Units
Science 1 - Intro to Biological Sciences
3 Units
Science 2 – Earth Science
3 Units
Science 3 – Science, Technology, and Society
3 units
1.6 Mathematics
9 Units
Math 1 – Basic Math
3 Units
Math 2 – College Algebra
3 Units
Math 6 – Statisitcs
3 Units
1.7 Humanities
6 Units
Humanities I – Art Education
3 Units
Humanities 2 – Logic
3 Units
1.8 Social Sciences
12 Units
Psychology 1 – General Psychology
3 Units
Sociology 1 – Society and Culture
3 Units
Pol. Sci.
1 – Politics and Governance with
the Philippine Constitution
3 Units
Economics 1- Principles of Economics with TAR & Other
Current Issues
3 units
1.9 Mandated subjects
History 1 – Phil. History & Culture
Rizal His Life & Works
6 Units
3 Units
3 Units
1.10 Computer Literacy
3 Units
1.11 Physical Education
8 Units
2. Professional Education
51 Units
2.1 Educ. 1 – Child and Adolescent Development
3 Units
2.2 Educ. 2 – Principles of Teaching 1
3 Units
2.3 Educ. 3 – Principles of Teaching 2
3 Units
2.4 Educ 4 – Educational Technology 1
3 units
2.5 Educ 5 – Social Dimension of Education
3 Units
2.6 Educ. 6 – Educational Technology 2
3 Units
2.7 Educ. 7 – Curriculum Development
3 Units
2.8 Educ. 8 – Assessment of Learning 1
3 Units
2.9 Educ. 9 – Assessment of Learning 2
3 Units
2.10 Educ. 10 – Developmental Reading 1
3 Units
2.11 Educ. 11 – Facilitating Learning
3 Units
2.13 Educ. 13 – The Teaching Profession
3 Units
Educ. 14 – Guidance & Counseling w/ Intro to SPED
2.15 Practice Teaching
3. Field Study Courses
3 Units
6 Units
6 Units
3.1 FS 1 – The Learner’s Development and Environment
1 Unit
3.2 FS 2 – Experience the Teaching-Learning Process
1 Unit
3.3 FS 3 – Technology in the Learning Environment
1 Unit
3.4 FS 4 – Exploring the Curriculum
1 Unit
3.5 FS 5 – Learning Assessment Strategies
1 Unit
3.6 FS 6 – On Becoming a Teacher
1 Unit
4. SPED Subjects
4.1 SPED 1 – Intro to SPED 1
3 Units
4.2 SPED 2 – Intro to SPED 2
3 Units
4.3 SPED 3 – Psychology of Children with Special
3 Units
4.4 SPED 4 – Observational Child Study 1
3 Units
4.5 SPED 5 – Observational Child Study 2
3 Units
4.6 SPED 6 – Assessment of Students with Special
3 Units
4.7 SPED 7 – Curriculum for SPED 1
3 Units
4.8 SPED 8 – Curriculum for SPED 2
3 Units
4.9 SPED 9 – Preparation of Instructional Materials for
4.10 SPED 10 – Inclusive Education
3 Units
3 Units
4.11 SPED 11 – Psychological & Physical Knowledge
3 Units
4.12 SPED 12 – ICT in SPED
3 Units
4.13 SPED 13 – SPED Classroom Management
3 Units
4.14 SPED 14 – Movements, Arts, Music for Children
with Special needs
3 Units
4.15 SPED 15 – Behavior Management
3 Units
4.16 SPED 16 – Individualized Educational Program
3 Units
4.17 SPED 17 – Home & Family Life of children with
3 Units
4.18 SPED 18 – Guidance & Counseling for Children
with Special Needs
4.19 SPED 19 – Research in SPED
3 Units
4.20 SPED 20 – Effective Communication with Professionals
& Families
3 Units
4.21 SPED 21 – Organization of SPED Program
3 Units
Concentration (Gifted)
6 Units
Creative Teaching & Enrichment Activities
3 Units
Psychological Dynamics of Personal and
Interpersonal Relations
3 Units
Concentration (Mentally retarded)
6 Units
Movement Education
3 Units
Theory & Practice in Vocational Rehabilitation
and Placement of MR
3 Units
English + - This course reviews the basic grammar of English to prepare
students for language use in the different disciplines/subjects in the tertiary
English 1 – Study and Thinking Skills
This course aims primarily to develop students’ communicative and
thinking skills in English for academic study; reading skills are developed and
essential morphological and syntactical features of English are introduced to
provide learners good control of grammar.
English 2 – Writing in the Discipline
This course focuses on the basic concepts and methods in research and
writing of a research proposal. It will prepare the students on how to
conceptualize and write a research proposal as a prerequisite to actual
conduct of research project and writing of the undergraduate thesis.
English 3 – Speech Communication with Lab.
Aims to provide skills for effective speech communication for various
English 4 – Literatures of the World
This course identifies the important works of renowned writers from the
different parts of the world and focuses on the literary development of the
leading national literatures. It also includes literary analysis of selected
literary works.
Fil 1. - Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan
Ang kursong ito ay pag-aaral ng Filipino bilang isang dinamiko na
gagamitin sa komunikasyong pasalita at pagsulat. Lilinangin ang apat na
makrong kasanayan sa pakikinig, pagsasalita, pagbasa at pagsulat sa
pamamagitan mg iba’t ibang teksto at konteksto.
Fil 2. - Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Iba’t – Ibang Disiplina
Ang kursong ito ay nagbibigay- fokus sa pagbasa at pagsulat bilang
kasangkapan sa pagkatuto. Lilinangin din ang kasanayan sa pag-unawa lalo
na ang kritikal na pang-unawa, gayundin ang kasanayan sa pagsulat ng iba’t
– ibang sulating akademiko.
Fil. 3 – Masining na Pagpapahayag
Pag-aaral ng mga prinsipyo at proseso ng masimimg na pagpapahayag
sa Filipino. Nakatuon ito sa malayang pagtuklas at pagpapakita ng sariling
kakayahan at talino sa pagsulat at pagsalitang pagpapahayag at
pagbabahagi ng mga ito sa komuniad, bansa at daigdig.
Fil 4. - Panitikang Filipino
Sumasaklaw ang kursong ito sa mga panitikang mula sa panahon ng mga
Kastila hanggang sa kasalukuyan; bibigyan ng tuon ang reyunal na panitikan.
Math 1a. - Integrated Math
This is an integrative course. It is mean to synthesize and reinforce the
concept, processes and skills learned in secondary school such as decimals,
fractions, percent, measurement, ratio proportion, essentials of algebra,
geometry and trigonometry. It further intends to develop and strengthen skill
on problem formulating and solving, justifying and reasoning, evlauting and
extending the analytical skills.
Math 2. - Contemporary Math (Prerequisites : Math 1, Math 1a)
The course deals with the study of exponential and logarithmic functions
radicals, powers and roots, equations and inequalities. It also includes
introduction to linear programming, matrices, sequences and series and
probability. It offers the students an opportunity to learn when and how
mathematics can be used in many different real life situations. It aims to
integrate mathematical theories to reality. Problem solving is the central
Science 1 – Intro to Biological Sciences
The course introduces Biology as a multidisciplinary science. It accents
key concepts about cell structures and function, metabolic processes like
photosynthesis and respiration, plant and animal forms, structures, human
genetics and the mechanisms of evolutionary history of biological diversity.
Science 2 – Earth Science
This course deals with the basic concepts, theories and principles of earth
science. It comprises sciences like, geology, meteorology, astronomy and
oceanography and its interrelationships with other sciences.
Science 3 – Science, Technology & Society
The is a course on the nature of science its impact on technology &
society, as well as the influence of technological breakthroughs and social
conditions on scientific development.
Humanities 1a. - Art Education
This is a beginner’s course dealing with a brief survey of the history of the
art education in the Philippines and abroad; the current practices, philosophy,
and concepts in teaching of art; actual experiences with some art activities;
and appreciation experiences with some art activities; and appreciation
experiences. All these are designed to give the students an adequate
foundation of developing their taste, appreciation and skills which they may
suitably apply in classroom, at home, and in the community.
Humanities 2 - Logic
A training course in the correct thinking processes, deduction, and
induction the empirical and a prior approaches to reasoning.
History 1 – Phil History and Culture
This course will give the students the opportunity to learn and understand
the history of the Philippines. It would enable them to have a better grasp of
the nation’s historical experience. It would also enable them to deal critically
and conscientiously with present issues and problems confronting the
Philippine society.
Psychology 1 – General Psychology
A study of human behavior and mental process and the application of the
principle on human development, perception, learning memory, cognition,
motivation, emotion, mental abilities, personality and its assessment, conflict,
adjustment and mental health, and social order.
Sociology 1 – Society and Culture with Family Planning
This course deals with the study of human society, its origin, development,
forms and processes. It starts with the fundamental concepts of society,
proceeds to the investigation of group behavior deviance conformity and
socialization with emphasis on Philippine cultural values, social stratification,
and conflict. Integrated into the subject is family planning with emphasis in
population education and responsible parenthood.
Pol. Sci 1 – Politics and Governance with the Philippine Constitution
This course deals with the structure and operations of the government and
the legal basis involved especially as defined by the Philippine Constitution.
Economics 1 – Principles of Economics with TAR and other Current Issues
This course deals with how human needs and wants are satisfied through
proper allocation and efficient use of available resources. It starts with the
fundamental concepts and principles of economics and proceeds to the
investigation of the Philippine financial system, fiscal policy, and the
determination of our national income. It also highlights discussion on
taxation, agrarian reform and other relevant issues.
Rizal – Rizal, His Life and Works
This course gives the student insights on the life and works of Dr. Jose
Rizal, our national hero. This will serve as inspiration and model to our
Filipino youth and further awaken in their hearts the values, the ideals and
aspirations of Dr. Jose Rizal that they will come to cherish in their hearts and
their lives.
Physical Education 1 – Educational Gymnastics
This course deals with the study of physical fitness and educational
gymnastics, Self-testing activities, conditioning exercises and activities that
develop physique, increase efficiency of cardiovascular system which
contributes to the development of Physical skills are included.
Physical Education 2 – Fundamentals of Rhythmic Activities
This course deals with both theoretical and practical aspects of rhythmic
activities. It also includes the basic movement and creative skills that one
must posses before he ventures into the world of dance activities. It aims to
enhance the creative talent of the person. Folkdances are introduced which
are useful in strengthening national consciousness as well as preservation of
our cultural values in a changing world.
Physical Education 3 – Individual/Dual and Team Sports
This course focuses on the study and performance of different games and
sports skills in offensive and defensive play with the end in view of developing
proper attitudes toward victory and defeat.
Physical Education 4 – Recreational Activities
This course is designed to help the problem of the government on misuse
of leisure time especially among teeners and to open a whole new world of
the future where recreation will increase 300 percent in the year 2010. This
course includes musical activities which will help the students to develop a
keen adjustment to good music. Recreational activities such as social mixers
and table games that will help awaken a sense of nationalism and
appreciation of indigenous games and dances are introduced. It also includes
social and party activities which provide increased opportunities for people to
share fun and fellowship.
Education 1- Child and Adolescent Development
This course introduces education students to the nature and holistic
development of the Filipino child and adolescent (aged 2-21). It also
emphasizes the implication of this knowledge on the teaching learning
Education 2 – Principles of Teaching 1
This course introduces the nature of learning and teaching to prospective
teachers. It deals specifically with the principles of effective instruction and
the processes involve such as instructional planning, management of
instruction, assessment of learning, and classroom management
Education 3 - Principles of Teaching 2
As a continuation of Principles of Teaching 1, this course gives emphasis
on the application of teaching principles, processes, and strategies for
authentic learning. It exposes prospective teachers to lesson planning,
classroom observation and demonstration teaching.
Education 4 – Educational Technology 1
The course basically focuses on the need to improve instruction through
the use of instructional media and technology, including computer-aided
instruction. It familiarizes students with various instructional media: selection,
utilization, production and evaluation. It also includes the practical aspects of
operating media equipment and planning for a media center.
Education 5 – Social Dimension of Education
This course is an introduction to social science theories and research as
they relate to education and an understanding of the four pillars of learning
which are fundamental in making critical and logical decisions as an active
member of the society and as a global citizen. The course aims to enhance
critical understanding and responding to the transformations in education,
work, culture and globalization.
Education 6 – Educational Technology 2
The course basically focuses on the need to improve instruction through
the use of instructional media and technology, including computer-aided
instruction. It explores different concepts of multi-sensory learning as well as
the use of instructional media in various educational levels and needs. It
familiarizes students with the different types of e-learning and the use of
computer as a teaching tool and the related services of the internet. It also
includes developing the skills in preparing multi-media materials for
Education 7 – Curriculum Development
This course is intended to introduce education students to basic concepts
and foundations in effective curriculum design and assessment. The course
topics include curriculum models, principles and approaches in designing,
delivering and assessing the curriculum.
Education 8 – Assessment of Learning 1
This course is aimed at developing a deep and principled understanding of
the role of assessment in the teaching-learning process. It focuses on the
development of OT testing for measuring knowledge and thinking skills with
emphasis on the enhancement of higher order thinking skills.
Education 9 – Assessment of Learning 2
This course is designed to further develop the conceptual and technical
skills in the design and use of alternative forms of assessment in measuring
authentic learning. It emphasizes the deep understanding of the role of
assessment in improving instruction, i.e. presentation and application of
rubrics and portfolios.
Education 10 – Developmental Reading 2
The course aims to provide knowledge, attitudes and skills in the
acquisition of one’s reading and language proficiency, develop her/his
appreciation and love for literature and content area materials in the local
and global contexts, and raise his/her critical literacy. It likewise provides
reading assessment tools to identify his/her specific strengths and
Education 11 – Facilitating Learning
.Basic course on contemporary theories and research on the cognitive,
metacognitive, motivational, socio-cultural, and individual difference factors in
the acquisition of knowledge. The course coverage shall focus on
contemporary theories and research on learning the exploration and
discussion of these theories and research will focus on how these apply to the
Philippine, regional, local and personal experiences. More importantly, the
processing of these theories and research will emphasize how the teacher
may use the various ideas to better facilitate the learning processes among
Education 12 –Developmental Reading 2
This course aims to develop skills of teacher candidate in the selection
and application of varied theories and strategies, approaches and
assessment tools in reading and to sharpen their skills in the development of
instructional materials in teaching reading in the elementary.
Education 13 – The Teaching Profession
This course deals with the teacher as an individual, classroom teacher,
community teacher and global teacher. This emphasizes professionalization
to cover teacher’s status and levels of professional rewards and
professionalism to improve competencies.
Education 14 – Guidance & Counseling with intro to SPED
This course aims to equip prospective teachers with the basic guidance
and counseling knowledge, skills and techniques to initially sustain the role of
guidance in the total educational program.
This course further provides sufficient orientation for students to acquire a
working of the principles, objectives, set-up, and various services of guidance
program. It is therefore expected that students would be able to come up with
a workable guidance programs in elementary or secondary school.
Practice Teaching
This course gives the students the chance to experience life in actual
classroom work. The opportunities and experiences embedded in this course
will enable them to meet the challenges of the real setting in the classroom.
The varied requirements will help them cope with the demands of the
Field Study - Learner’s Development and Environment
This course is designed to help education students verify the behavior of
the child in the actual classroom setting. It will require them to recognize the
feasible approaches to be utilized with the learner considering the different
phases of his development.
Field Study 2 – Experiencing the Teaching-learning Process
This course serves as the ground for future teachers to verify the
cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, socio-cultural, and individual
differences factors in the acquisition of knowledge and skills in classroom
setting. This gives the students opportunities to observe and reflect on actual
teaching tasks done by teachers in the field.
Field Study 3 – Technology in the Learning Environment
This course gives the students the opportunities to observe and reflect on
actual teaching tasks relevant to educational technology.
Field Study 4 – Exploring the Curriculum
This course is intended to introduce to education pre-service student the
nature, foundations, components, deigns, models, delivery and assessment
of curriculum.
Field Study 5 – Learning assessment Strategies
This course allows students to have hands on experience in designing an
assessment tool, launching this in the classroom and evaluating the results
based on the principles of testing. This course also provides opportunities for
students to explore the utilization of alternative assessment tools in actual
classroom setting. It will require them to apply the concepts they have learned
about developing rubrics for performance-based and portfolio assessment.
Field Study 6 – On Becoming a Teacher
This course is designed to complement the professional education
subject, The Teaching Profession It shall b ring about real life and vicarious
experience of a prospective teacher with emphasis on the characteristics of a
teacher as a person and as a professional. It shall provide wide array of
opportunities for self-direction that could prepare one to become a student
Content Courses
BEED General Curriculum
English 1a – Study and Thinking & Skills 2
This course is a continuation of English 1. It aims to further develop
students’ communicative and thinking skills in English for academic study.
English 3b – Interactive English
This course covers the development of listening, speaking, and grammar
skills for interpersonal communication with emphasis on classroom and social
interaction among students particularly pursuing the bachelor’s degree in
elementary education.
English 7a – Philippine Literature in English
This course covers pieces of Philippine Literature from its genesis up to its
maturity. Representative works of different genre are treated chronologically.
English 18 – Children’s Literature
This course exposes prospective teachers to different literature for
children and adolescents and develop their skills in presentation techniques
such as story-telling, choral reading, etc.
Science 4 – Ecology
This is an introductory course on the general concepts and principles
pertaining to the complex pattern of interaction between the physical
environment and the biological communities on earth. Emphasis is also given
on the current environmental issues and concerns.
Science 5 –Physics for Health Sciences
A primary course that involves the planning, design and construction of
basic instruments for physics and chemistry laboratory activities.
Science 6 – Inorganic Chemistry
A course covering the basic principles that include atomic structure,
chemical equations and stoichiometry, periodic table, chemical bonding and
molecular structure, gases, liquids, solids and solutions.
Science 7 – Astronomy
A course covering the various motions observed in the heavens and the
fundamental physical laws that govern them. This course also includes a
discussion of the solar system and other astronomical bodies.
Filipno 19 – Pagpapahalagang Pampanitikan
Nagbibigay kasanayan sa produksyon ng mga malikhaing obra at sariling
likha ng mga estudyante sa iba’t-ibang midyum ng interpretasyon tulad ng
sabayang pagbigkas, madulang pagbasa, reader and chamber theater,
pantomina, aplikasyon ng multi-media atbp.
Filipino 20 – Mga Anyo ng Kontemporaryong Panitikang Filipino
Tumatalakay sa mga anyo ng panitikan, teorya, simulain ng may
pagbibigay diin sa mga sangkap ng a ito s pamamagitan ng pagsusuri
Social Studies
Geography 1 – Basic Geography
This deals with the study of man and space. it gives attention through
explaining the collection of maps. It includes the study of the formation of the
earth and its oceans, the environment and its attributes
This course helps the students understand the relationship between the
physical environment and development. It further aims to update and equip
students with the knowledge needed i order to keep abreast with the global
Geography 3 – Geography & Natural Resources of the Philippines
A study of the basic geographical features and regions of the Philippines
to enable students to understand the different physical and cultural processes
that were instrumental in shaping the country
Math 5 – Plane and Solid Geometry
The course is intended to provide concepts and skills needed by students
to consolidate their understanding of basic geometric principles, axioms,
properties and theorems. The topics included are geometric relationships,
triangles congruence, quadrilaterals, similarity, circles, geometric
constructions, plane coordinate geometry and space figures.
Math 11a – Advance Algebra & Trigonometry
This course provides a rigorous study of the fundamental concepts of
functions leading to the study of trigonometry and some of its practical
applications. The intended approach is to blend important theoretical
concepts and applications of algebra and trigonometry to enhance students’
understanding of the underlying concepts required for more advanced
courses in Mathematics.
Math 12b – Analytic Geometry with Intro to Calculus
This study deals with the basic concepts of the relationship between
algebra and geometry. It covers the study of line, slopes, conic sections, polar
coordinates and properties of higher curves often met in calculus. This i
This course also includes the study of plane surface, their dimensions and
areas; solid figures, their dimensions, areas and volumes; and application of
geometric formulas to particular problems.
Math 25 – Problem Solving
This course aims to provide students with holistic experience of
mathematical problem solving and investigations. Students will go through the
experience of formulating and posing problems and actual solving of both
routine and non-routine mathematical problems. This will enable future
teachers guide and assist students to develop their problem solving abilities.
Music Arts & P.E. 1
This course covers the historical, philosophical and sociological
development of MAPE necessary to understand principles and theories of
Physical education, Health and Music Education. This course relates the past
and contemporary issues, concerns and development of MAPE
Values Education I – Personhood Development
This course deals with the development of human being’s potential toward
an integrated self. Positive self concept and harmonious relationships that
flow from the self to self, to others to community and to god are developed
through experiential sessions. Universal humanness and ethical principles
guide personhood development vis-a-vis the conditions for living fully in the
Home Economics and Livelihood Education
This course focuses on productivity and gainful occupations to augment
income. It aims to develop the ability to prepare students for employment in
occupations utilizing their knowledge and skills in home economics. It also aims
to develop proper work habits and attitudes, discipline and confidence i their
ability to contribute to the nationwide campaign for economic development and
social progress. Likewise, it provides concepts that will prepare students to teach
HELE in the elementary level and engaged in home-based industries.
Furthermore, students are also familiarized with entrepreneurship.
Bachelor of Secondary Education
English 5 – Mythology and Folklore
This course is a study of Greek, Roman, Filipino mythology and folklore. It
provides necessary background information in mythology and folklore which
can help them understand and appreciate them as literary types.
English 6 – Introduction to Linguistics
This course deals with the descriptive and historical aspects of the
language, the nature of the language and its diversity, basic concepts of
phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics which provide students
linguistic knowledge and insights to make them competent language
English 8 – Language Curriculum for Secondary Schools
This course provides prospective teachers insights on the component of a
language curriculum – its underpinnings, content, and development process
as basis for evaluating the current secondary education program and for
designing future language program suitable to Philippine setting. It includes
proper interpretation of defined competencies.
English 9 – Afro- Asian Literature
A study of the various views of life in the Afro-Asian sphere through the
literary works of the famous writers of Asia and Africa.
English 10 – English and American Literature
This course is a study of the different periods of English and American
literary development through readings and discussions of the principal works
of the leading authors representing the major movements in the literary
history of these two countries.
English 11 – Structure of English
This course develops the ability of learners to use the meta-language of
grammar with ease and explain the form, meaning and use of all elements of
English 12 – The Teaching of Listening & Reading
Teaches listening and reading a components of language taking into
account its nature, theoretical underpinnings, the competencies to be
developed and productive teaching-learning strategies
English 12a – The Teaching of Speaking
This course focuses on the speaking component of language taking into
account its nature, its theoretical underpinnings, the competencies to be
developed, and productive teaching-learning strategies.
English 13 – Intro to Mass Communication and Campus Journalism
This study provides the students with basic concepts of mass
communication, particularly journalism. It also provides the opportunity for the
application of these concepts through news writing interview, school
community paper production and exposure to other media.
English 14 – Intro to Stylistics
This course aims to develop the ability to use the conceptual frameworks
and schemes of linguistics and literature in understanding literary language.
English 15 – Speech & Stage Arts
This course is a study of the process of oral communication and the
various forms of speech acts from public speaking and group discussion to
debate, and oral interpretation.
English 16 – Creative Writing
English 22- The Teaching of Literature
This course presents the different approaches and literary theories
necessary for effective interpretation and of different literary forms or genres.
Students discover the beauty of the artistic craft of the writer, the controlling
themes and the lasting human values incorporated in the This course
presents the different approaches and literary theories necessary for effective
interpretation and of different literary forms or genres. Students discover the
beauty of the artistic craft of the writer, the controlling themes and the lasting
human values incorporated in the great works of writers. Elements of different
literary works and how these works will be taught are presented in this
English 20 – Remedial Instruction in English
This course aims to develop the students’ ability to organize, design,
implement, and evaluate a remedial English program in any of the four
English 21 – Preparation of Instructional materials in English
This course equips prospective teachers with skills to develop, prepare,
elect, and evaluate various types of instructional materials in teaching English
and in achieving language objectives in English classes.
English great works of writers. Elements of different literary works and how
these works will be taught are presented in this course.
English 23 – Language Research
Develops skills in applying principles and approaches in research to
find answers to questions in language teaching and learning.
English 24 – English for Specific Purposes
This course sharpens language skills through the use of disciplinebased materials for the development of academic proficiency.
English 25 – Literary Criticism
Gives standard direction by which to shape learner’s perspectives
about a work of literature through discussion of major approaches to
literary criticism.
English 26 – Translation & Editing
Apply rules of discourse and rhetoric in editing various types of
written materials and principles and strategies in translating texts to
various types from English to another language or from another language
to English.
English 27 – Language & Literature Assessment
This course will develop students’ ability to construct discrete and
integrative listening, speaking, reading writing and literature test for language
proficiency and achievement and literary competence.
Filipino 4 – Introduksyon sa Pag-aaral ng Wika
Tumatalakay sa mga teoryang sikolohikal, sosyolohikal, antropolohikal
at linggwistikal na nakimpluwensya sa pagkatuto ng wika.
Filipino 5 – Panitikang Panrehiyon
Pag-aaral at pagpapahalaga sa mga makabuluhang literaturang
kumakatawan ng iba’t-ibang rehiyon ng Pilipinas. Kalakip dito ang
pagtatalakay at pagsusuri sa mga bagay-bagay hinggil sa kultura ng isang
lahi; ang kanilang pananaw, pilosopiya,a t mga katangian na sumsalamin sa
kanilang kabihasnan at sa kanilang kabuuan.
Filipino 6 – Panimulang Linggwistika
Nagbibigay diin sa mga batayang kaalaman at simulain sa linggwistika
at nagpakita ng aplikasyon ng mga ito sa pagtuturo ng Filipino.
Filipino 7 – Ang Kurikulum ng Filipino sa Batayang Antas ng Edukasyon
Tumatalakay sa mga batayang teoritikal, nilalaman, katangian at
panuntunan sa pagpapatupad ng naistrukturang kurikulum sa Filipino.
Pagangkop ng kurikulum sa mga kondiyon at sitwasyong lokal.
Filipino 8 –Kulturang Popular
Sumsaklaw sa pag-aaral ng mga programmang panradyo,
pantelebisyon, pelikula, komiks at pahayagan, tungo sa pagsusuri at
pagkakaunawa sa mabuti at di-mabuting bias ng mga ito sa pagkabuo ng
katauhan o identidad.
Filipino 9 –Istraktura ng Wikang Filipino
Sumsaklaw ito sa deskriptibong pag-aaral ng wika Filipino sa level ng
fonolohiya, morpolohiya at sintaks.
Filipino 10 – Panulaang Filipino
Ito ay sumasaklaw sa pag-aaral ng pangkasanayang pagunlad ng
panulaang Filipino na nagbibigay ddin sa mga sangkap ng tula sa
pamamgitan ng pagsusuri sa ilang mahalagang tula na kumakatawan sa
bawa’t panahon.
Filipino 11 – Maikling Kwentong Filipino
Sumsaklaw sa pag-aaral ng pangkasanayang pag-unlad ng maikling
kuwentong Filipino nang may pagbibigay diin sa mga sangkap nito sa
pamamgitan ng pagsusuri sa ilang mahalagang maikling kuwento magbuhat
noong .gintong Panahon (1904-1920) hanggang sa kasalukuyan.
Filipio 12 – Sanaysay at Talumpati
Pag-aaral ng pangkasaysayang pagkaunlad ng sanaysay nang
kaagapay ang pagsulat ng mga konatemporaryong anyo nito pati na andg
pagsasanay sa pagsulat at pagbigkas ng talumpati.
Filipino 13 – Pagtuturo at Pagtataya sa Pakikinig at pagsasalita
Tumatalakay ito s mga teoriya, simulain, mga metodo sa pagtuturo at
mga uri/pamaraan sa pagtataya ng mga kasanayan sa pakikinig at
pagsasalita ng gumagamit ng iba’t-ibang uri ng texto at gawain.
Filipino 14 – Pagtuturo at Pagtataya sa Pagbasa at Pagsulat
Tumutukoy sa pag-aaral ng mga kontemporaryong dulog at metodo sa
pagtuturo ng iba’t ibang uri ng texto at gawain.
Filipino 15 – Dula at Nobelang Filipino
Tumutukoy sa pag-aaral ng pangkasaysayang pagkaunlad ng dula at
nobelang Flpino nang may pagbibigay-diin sa ilang sangkap ng mga ito sa
pamamgitan ng pagsusuri sa ilang mahalagang halimbawang kumakatawan
sa bawat panahon.
Filipino 16 – Introduksyon sa Pagsasalin
Sumasaklaw sa pag-aaral ng nga teoriya, simulain, at teknik sa
pagsasalin ng mga textong literari at di-literari.
Filipino 17 – Paghahanda at Ebalwasyong Kagamitang Panturo
Sumsaklaw sa pag-aaral ng mga teoriya, simulain, pamraan,
pagggamit at ebalwasyon ng kagamitang panturo kasama ang mga
matrayales para sa alternatibong pagtuturo at pagkatuto.
Filipino 18 – Introduksyon sa Panaliksik-wika at Panitikan
Sumasaklaw sa mga batayang kaalaman sa mga lawak, uri at metodo
ng pananliksik sa wika at panitikan.
Filipino 19 – Pagpapahalagang Pampanitikan
Nagbibigay kasanayan sa produksyon ng mga malikhaing obra at
sariling likha ng mga esudyante sa iba’t-ibang midyum ng interpretasyon tulad
ng sabayang pagbigkas, madulang pagbasa, reader and chamber theater,
pantomina, aplikasyon ng multi-media atbp.
Filipino 21 – Panunuring Panitikan
Tumatalkay sa mga teoriya, simulain at pamamaraan ng pagbasa,
interpretasyon at pagsusuri ng panitika mula sa Bagong Krisistimo hangan
post modernismo.
Filipino 22 – Intro sa Pamamahayag
Sumsaklaw sa mga batayang nilalaman ng pamamahayag at
paglinang sa pagsulat sa iba’t-ibang uri at anyo ng journalistic kasama nito
ang paghahanda ng pahayagang pampaaralan.
Filipino 23 – Pagbasa ng mga Obra Maestrang Filipino
Nagpapailalim sa nilalaman at kasanayan sa pagbasa at pagsusuri ng
mga obra maestrang Filipino na itinuturo sa hayskul:i.e. Ibong Adarna,
Florante at Laura, Noli me Tangere, El Filibusterismo, at iba pa.
Filipino 24 – Panitikan ng mga Umuunlad na Bansa
Pag-aaralan ang mga representatibong akdang salin sa Filipino mula
sa mga umuunlad na Bansa
Filipino 25 – Pagtuturo at Pagtataya sa Panitikan
Tumutukoy sa pag-aaral ngmga kontemporaryong dulog at metodo sa
pagtuturo ng iba’t-ibang anyo ng panitikan nang kaugnay ng pagbubuo ng
mga angkop na pamaraan sa pagtataya ng mga kaalaman at kasanayang
Math 3 – College Algebra
This course includes the real number system and fundamental
operations with integer and algebraic expressions, factoring radicals, power
and roots, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, matrices and
determinants, and application of algebraic principles in problem solving.
Math 4 – Plane and Spherical Trigonometry
The course deals with the study of trigonometric functions, logarithms,
solutions of triangles, trigonometric identities and equations, inverse
functions, laws of sines and cosines, spherical triangles and their solutions
and applications of trigonometry in everyday life.
Math 5 - Plane and Solid Geometry
The course equips students with working knowledge in reasoning and in
proving theorems particularly in points, lines, planes, congruence,
inequalities, parallelism, proportionality, similarity and circles . It also aims to
provide a basic yet formal understanding of shapes, figures, their properties
and applications in preparation for a course in Analytic Geometry.
Mathematics 6 – Statistics
This course includes simple laws of probability, data collection and
presentation, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and
variability, regression and correlation, normal curve, elements of statistical
inference and some statistical tools to be used by the students in their
research work.
Math 7 – History and Fundamental Concepts in Mathematics
The course provides the historical context an approaches developed
which ed to the present understanding of mathematical concepts. It also
covers sets and its operations, number system, mathematical systems,
symbolic logic, set theory, relations and functions.
Mathematics 9 – Business Mathematics
This course basically provides students with fundamentals of mathematics
needed to study mathematical principles and their application in the field of
Mathematics 10 – Computer Mathematics
This course provides the students skills in programming mathematical
computations/operations and formulas with the use of computer.
Mathematics 11 – Advanced Algebra
This course will cover polynomial equations, linear and quadratic
functions, inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities. algebraic
functions and their graphs, and introduction to matrices and determinants. It
focuses on the application of algebraic concepts and skills on problem solving
situations in order to develop logical thinking and problem solving creativity. It
covers word problems in geometry, age, coins, distance and mixture.
Mathematics 12 – Analytic Geometry
This course highlights the integration of Geometry and Algebra concepts.
It discusses the Cartesian Coordinate System, lines, circles, conic
sections, polar coordinates and properties of higher curves often met in
Mathematics 13 – Mathematics of Investment
This course deals with simple and compound interest, annuities,
amortization, sinking funds and their application in business of investments.
Mathematics 14 – Linear Algebra
This course deals with system of linear equations, matrices, determinants,
linear dependencies, bases dimensions, linear transformation, vector spaces,
eigen values and eigen vectors.
Mathematics 16 – Differential Calculus
This course covers theory of limits, derivations and applications of
elementary formulas of differentiation, maxima and minima, rates, curvatures
and application to problems.
Mathematics17 – Integrals Calculus
This course covers the properties of summation and integration, derivation
of formulas, application of getting length of lines, areas, volumes of solids of
revolutions, centroids, moments of inertia and application to problems.
Mathematics 18 – Number Theory
This course includes the expansion of mathematical induction, Eucledian
Algorithm, Linear Diophantine Equations, sequences, congruences, residue
system and Euler Fermats theorem. The approach is the discussion of the
subject matter on a highly theoretical plane and relies on proofs
Mathematics 19 – Probability and Inferential Statistics.
This course develops the probability models with notions of sample
spaces, events, relative frequency., combinations, and permutations. It covers
different types of probability and probability distributions,. It includes
inferential statistics.
Mathematics 20 – Vectors
This course deals with vectors which includes vectors algebra, dot and
cross products, matrices and determinants, vectors calculus and coordinate
Mathematics 21 – Research in Mathematics
This course aims to prepares students to undertake an undergraduate
research project. They will experience the process of identifying and
addressing problems, issues and concerns in mathematics teaching and
learning following sound research principles. This course should terminate
with a formal report of the finings and submission of bound copies of the
action research.
Mathematics 24 – Differential Equation
This course is a study of the systems of linear differential equations
through the medium of matrix algebra. It also includes determinants, complex
numbers, fundamental theories and variation of parameter of first-order linear
equations and complex roots of polynomial equations.
Mathematics 25 – Problem Solving
This course aims to provide students with holistic experience of
mathematical problem solving and investigations. Students will go through the
experience of formulating and posing problems and actual solving of both
routine and non-routine mathematical problems. This will enable future
teachers guide and assists students to develop their problem solving abilities.
Mathematics 26 – Linear Programming
This course introduces techniques for solving linear programming
problems. It includes simple method of maximization, duality and minimization
and mixed constraints and its application to problems in real life situation.
Mathematics 27 – Strategies in Teaching Secondary mathematics
This course deals with the different strategies and methods in teaching
secondary mathematics. Emphasis is given on the application of various
teaching techniques that will enable prospective secondary teachers teach
mathematics efficiently and effectively, It also includes professional
development issues and practice of mathematics teaching in relation to
methodology and content.
Geography 1 – Basic Geography
This deals with the study of man and space. it gives attention through
explaining the collection of maps. It includes the study of the formation of the
earth and its oceans, the environment and its attributes
This course helps the students understand the relationship between the
physical environment and development. It further aims to update and equip
students with the knowledge needed i order to keep abreast with the global
Geography 2 – Places and Landscapes in a Changing World
This course is an overview of the diversity of interconnections of peoples
and places in a globalizing world as mediated by culture, politics and
historical development.
Geography 3 – Geography & Natural Resources of the Philippines
A study of the basic geographical features and regions of the Philippines
to enable students to understand the different physical and cultural processes
that were instrumental in shaping the country.
Social Science 1 – Socio-Cultural Anthropology
A study of the origin if people and their communities. Emphasis is placed
on the concepts that are interrelated and unified by understanding the
development of society & culture.
Social Science 2 – Asian Studies
This course is designed to examine the political, economic and sociocultural issues in Asian societies today in the light of historical and global
forces at work in Asia.
Social Science 3 – World History & Civilization 1
A study of the importance of the social, political and economic history of
the world from ancient times to the present. It also identifies the major
contributions of great civilizations, the emergence of the nations, geographical
and industrial discoveries and other factors. elements that have shaped
contemporary way of life.
Social Science 4 – Comparative Government & Politics
A comparative study of five selected models of political systems as to
government structure, organization, function, operation and politics.
Social Science 5 – World History & Civilization 2
A study of the age of scientific, political, social and economic changes that
bought about modern civilization. it also brings about an understanding of
modern conflicts and their causes.
Social Science 6 – Scientific Reasoning & Critical Thinking
A study of the methodological components of the social sciences as tools
in explaining certain phenomena and the understanding of logical reasoning
and critical thinking.
Social Science 7 – Trends and Issues in Social Studies
A study of peace, global and environmental issues, human rights, gender,
multicultural issues in the national and global context.
Social Science 8 – Law-related Studies
A study of selected laws of the country that have practical applications in
the individual’s exercise of their functions at home, in the school, community
and workplace, e.g. family law, labor law, environmental law, human rights,
public accountability, consumer law and common offenses. All lessons shall
be selected, organized and simplified for instruction in the classroom.
Social Science 9 – Macro & Micro Economics
The course explores the basic concepts of micro-economics and the
nature and scope of production, basic economic theories and macroeconomics such as economic growth and development, unemployment and
inflation, monetary and fiscal policies, international trade and related theories
and issues of development.
Social Science 10 – Building Bridges Across Social Science Discipline
This course covers varied presentations of integrative and interactive
activities utilizing the thematic approach to instruction of two or more social
science disciplines.
Social Science -11 – Economic Planning and Strategies
A general survey of the development strategies of developed countries.
i.e., USA, Japan, China and developing countries, i.e., Philippines, Thailand,
Malaysia in search fro a model economy to solve the problems of poverty,
resource degradation, lack of urban planning, unemployment, deficit fiscal
policies, economic dependency and related issues.
Social Science 12 – Teaching Approaches in Social Sciences
A study of innovative approaches, strategies and techniques in teaching
and learning social studies.
Social Science 13 – Production of Social Studies Instructional Materials
This course provides varied opportunities for students to engage in
systematic planning of instructional materials in different social science
disciplines utilizing appropriate objectives and teaching strategies for a given
content of instruction.
Social Science 14 – Assessment and Evaluation in Social Studies
This course is designed to assist students to use appropriate formal and
informal assessment and evaluation tools in different social science
Social Science 15 – Research in Social Studies
This course focuses on the development of competence and skill in
research methodology through exposure to different social science research
models and technique.
Biological Sciences
Biological Science 1 – History & Philosophy of Science
A course on the history and philosophy of science with emphasis on the
epistemological and ontological basis of eccentric assertions and pedagogical
Biological Science 2 – Ecology with Lab
This is an introductory course on the general concepts and principles
pertaining to the complex pattern of interaction between the physical
environment and the biological communities on earth. Emphasis is also given
on the current environmental issues and concerns.
Biological Science 3 – Cell Biology
An introductory course that deals mainly with the structure and function of
the different components of the cell. It also deals with the interactions among
Biological Science 4 – Microbiology with Lab
This course deals with the study o anatomy, physiology and genetics of
microorganisms in particular those of typical and atypical bacteria, viruses,
viroids and prions.
Biological Science 5 – Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
A course covering the structure and functioning systems of the human
body. Topics also include health-related environmental concerns.
Biological Science 6 – Genetics with Lab
This course introduces the students to basic concepts and principles
involved in the science of genetics. A balanced view of both classical and
molecular genetics is presented.
Biological Science 7 – Statistics for Biology
A course introducing the students the basic concepts and principles of
descriptive and inferential statistics with the applications to the field of biology.
Topics include random variables, probability distributions and sampling
distributions. Probability distributions such as the normal curve, t, F, and chisquare are discussed. Appropriate tool for biological research such as
ANOVA, regression, and correlation are also covered.
Biological Science 8 – Biochemistry with Lab
The course covers the fundamental aspects of biochemistry and the
structure and dynamics of important cellular components. The properties and
metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and other important biochemical
compounds are also discussed.
Biological Science 9 – Research for Biology
This course is an introduction to the basic concepts, principles and
methods of biological research. The students will review samples of scientific
researches, prepare abstract, and critique some theses. The student will also
present a research proposal and conduct a research based on the approved
proposal as a training in conducting scientific research.
Biological Science 10 – Biotechnics with Lab
A course that involves the principles in the preparation of biological
specimens and instruments for the field and laboratory activities.
Biological Science 11 – Earth and Environmental Science
A course providing an overview of the physical earth, its structure and
composition and the various processes that sculpture the earth’s surfaces,
integration of astronomy, meteorology, geology, chemistry, physics and
environment concepts.
Physics 9 – Physics for Health Sciences 2 with Lab
A secondary course intended for education students majoring in biological
sciences, It includes topics in waves, electricity, magnetism and optics.
Bachelor in Special Education
SPED 1 – Intro to SPED 1
Introduces he philosophical, historical, ethical and legal bases of
Special Education.
SPED 2 – Intro to SPED 2
Discusses the biological bases, sociological and psychological theories
in Special Education.
SPED 3 – Psychology of Children with Special Needs
Discusses the developmental learning characteristics of exceptional
children and categorizes these exceptionalities
SPED 4 – Observational Child Study 1
Identifies the different types of observations and how to record these
observation. gives opportunities for actual observations of overt behaviors.
SPED 5 – Observational Child Study 2
Allows students to acquire more competence in observing and recording
observations of psychological behaviors of children with special needs.
SPED 6 – Assessment of Students with Special Needs
Familiarizes the students in the use of diagnostic procedures and
instruments appropriate for children with special needs, e.g. administration
and interpretation of psychological tests used for diagnosing exceptional
SPED 7 – Curriculum for SPED 1
This course makes students aware of the principles of curriculum
development for children with physical disabilities.
SPED 8 – Curriculum for SPED 2
This course makes students aware of the principles of curriculum
development for children with psychological disabilities.
SPED 9 – Preparation of Instructional material for SPED
Gives students hands-on experience in the preparation of materials for
children with special needs.
SPED 10 – Inclusive Education
This course makes students aware of the philosophy and objectives of
inclusive classrooms. It discusses strategies and procedures in inclusive
SPED 11 – Psychological and Physical Knowledge Approaches
This course describes and demonstrates the processes, steps in the
psychological and physical knowledge approaches in teaching SPED
This course integrates technology in teaching different learning areas in
SPED 13 – SPED Classroom Management
This course deals with the description of teacher and other SPED
SPED 14 – Movements, Arts, and Music for Children with Special Needs
Includes such activities as movement, arts and music useful for increment
of performance.
SPED 15 – Behavior Management
Introduces psychological approaches in helping exceptional children such
as: neuro-linguistic programming , Extinction, language therapy etc.
SPED 16 – Individualized Educational Program
Introduces functional Individualized Educational Program (IEP)
SPED 17 – Home and Family Life of children with Exceptionalities
Describes child rearing practices of parents of exceptional children.
SPED 18 –Guidance an Counseling for children with Special Needs
Familiarizes students on how to create an environment/climate for the
learners in school so they will develop into the fullest and learn to cope
with, life in and out of school.
SPED 19 – Research in SPED
This course allows students to conduct research on exceptional children
SPED 20 – Effective Communication with Professionals and Families
This is an application of test and measurement concepts in describing
behavior of exceptional children and reports honestly and accurately result
of evaluation to parents.
SPED 21 – Organization of SPED Program
This course describes the procedures in organizing SPED classes.
Students are made aware of requirements and expectations for organized
SPED classes.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education
Techno 1 – General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provides
manipulative experiences to student particularly in handling care and used
of electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 – General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology 1. It covers the study
of various portable machines used in woodworking. It intends to train
students in the operation of portable woodworking machines and
assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides students
the knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more
confidence to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of engine operation. It also covers basic welding
practices, hand and power tools and machinery equipment.
Techno 3 – Automotive Engine System
This course deals with the importance of automotive engine fuels it
describes the construction operation diagnosis and servicing automotive
engine system. This includes carburetor and fuel injection system,
lubricating system and cooling system. Also included are fuel exhaust
system super charges and turbo charges and diesel fuel injection system,
ventilation, heating and air-conditioning.
Techno 4 – Automotive Electrical & Electronic Equipment
This course deals with the understanding of electrical and
electronic system of the automobile. It further expands the discussion of
the electricity and electronics. It explains the battery, starting, charging,
electronic and electric ignition systems. The last part includes automotive
lighting, safety and signaling equipment, and driver information and
controls. New development in the use of computer control head-up
displays network and multiplexing are described. Furthermore, it covers
other electrical and electronic devices.
Techno 5 – Engine Performance Driveability and Automotive Engine
Describes the design, changes and devices installed in engine and
automobiles that are made to reduce automotive pollution. It covers
servicing emission control and engine test equipment and tune-up
procedures. It also covers engine trouble diagnosis and driving education.
Techno 6 – Automotive Drive Train and Shop Management
It deals with the automotive drive trains which carry power from the
engine to the vehicles wheels. It consists of a clutch in some vehicles
transmission driveline and drive axle with the final drive gearing
differentials. It also covers the front wheel or all wheel drive. It includes
some shop work practices operation and management.
Techno 7 – Automotive Chassis
This course deals with automotive chassis which includes the
suspension, steering and braking system. Also included are active
suspension four wheel steering anti-lock braking traction control, tire
pressure monitoring and other computerized chassis systems.
Techno 1 – General Shop 1 – (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It a manipulative
experiences to student particularly in handling, care and use of electronic
hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other related jobs.
Techno 2 – General Shop 2 – (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/AutoMetal)
This course is a continuation of a Technology 1. It covers the study
of various portable machines used in woodworking. It intends to train
students in the operation of portable woodworking machines to cut, shape
and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides student
the knowledge and skills that are essential to give them more confidence
to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in Automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of Engine Operation.
Techno 3 – Wood Bench, Advanced Wood Finishing, Enforcement and
Concrete Work, Masonry, Electrical Layout and House
This course deals with development of skills in making the wood
construction joints, application of wood finishing, identification of different
house framing, making of framework, cutting and bending of
reinforcement, making and lay outing concrete hollow blocks, and
plastering and finishing concrete work. It also deals with sheet metal and
electrical house wiring. Furthermore, it includes the laying out of buildings
and a complete architectural designing of a one- story building.
Techno 4 – Structural Construction of Formwork, Exterior and Interior
Framing, Plumbing & Plumbing Estimate.
This involves the development of the skills on the construction of
the formwork of semi-permanent and permanent buildings. It involves the
functional technical knowledge and information desired in planning and
estimating relative to the construction of exterior and interior framing and
house plumbing and estimate.
Techno 5 – Soil Test and Excavation, Advance Masonry, Advanced
Reinforced Concrete Work, House, Planning and Welding.
This block deals with the fundamental construction and design of
the both masonry and reinforced concrete, their treatment, composition
water proofing, handling of steel and concrete, vertical shear, diagonal
tension that will enable to determine loads, stresses and other factors that
govern the size of beams and columns, etc. This includes the study of soil
test, excavation and welding operation.
Techno 6 – Structural Construction, Framework, Stair Building and
This involves the development of the skills on the preparation of the
skeleton of the semi-permanent, permanent and standard buildings and
the functional technical knowledge and information desired in the
construction of the building. It gives the essential knowledge and
understanding of the principles, theories of stresses, design of stairs,
technical terms, job specifications, materials, planning and estimating.
Techno 7 – House Framing Construction of Door & Windows Shutter,
Machine Operation, Advanced Planning & Estimating,
Specification, Provincial, Municipal & City Rules & Regulation &
Building Code
This block deals on house framing, door and window shutters,
Machine operations, planning and estimating of two-storey building. It
involves the designing and constructing the structural work of a two-storey
building. It deals also in estimating, constructing, and building
specification, codes and regulations (municipal, provincial and city) in the
construction of semi-permanent and standard buildings.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principle and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provides a
manipulative experience to student particularly in handling care and used
of electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/ Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology I. It covers the study of
various portable machines used in woodworking. It intends to train
students in the operation of portable wood working machines to cut, shape
and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provide students
students the knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more
confidence to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in Automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of Engine Operation.
Techno 3 - Working Drawing and Architectural Drafting
This course includes furniture designing. It deals with the
preparation of detail drawing, assembly drawing from a design drawing. It
involves the presentation of pictorial drawing, sealing and measurement,
specification and estimating bill of materials Architectural drafting deals
with the preparation for plane Architectural of other places, study of the
Philippine National Building Code and Structural plans and involve
techniques in linking and rendering presentation of drawings.
Techno 4 - Structural/Electrical/Plumbing Drafting and Estimate
This course is continuation of Architectural Drafting 201 and
includes structural, electrical and plumbing drafting, this also includes
estimating materials. It’s structural details of trusses beams/columns and
walls footing/lintels and corbels/canopy and doors and windows
fenestration. It deals with the building’s lighting and power need by
shoeing electrical lighting and outlet layouts and other necessary electrical
diagrams. It also involves the design and layout of popes for drainage,
waste and ventilation purposes and other sanitary requirements.
Techno 5 - Architectural and Structural Details. Advance House Planning
and Commercial Arts II
This course is a continuation techno 4 and deals with the
preparation of a complete plan of a two-storey building. This includes
architectural and structural drawings, details of building parts such as
columns, footings, beams, stairs, slabs, trusses, site development plans,
plumbing and electrical plans, layouts and specifications. Also involves
advance study on techniques and materials of different art media such as
furniture, sign painting, poster making, oil and water painting and
silkscreen printing.
Techno 6 - Estimates and Specifications, Presentation Drawing and
Models and Introduction to CAD Design
This course deals with the preparation of construction estimates &
Bill of materials of a building. This includes estimates of concrete and
masonry, steel
Works, Woodworks, Classworks, Tileworks, Roofing and its accessories.
Also include estimates & specification of plumbing pipes, fitting and
fixtures as well as electrical materials, fixture outlets and fittings.
Techno 7 - Introduction to Compute Aided Design
A study of the basic concepts and features of a computer-aided
design software. Specifically, the subject covers the basic commands on
creating, saving, closing, and opening existing drawings are also basic
computer operations namely, basic mouse operation, using windows
based application software and operating system.
Techno 1- General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provide a
manipulative experiences to student particularly in handling care used of
electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology I. It covers the study of
various portable machines used in wood working. It intends to train
students students in the operation of portable wood working machines to
cut, shape and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides students
the knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more
confidence to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of engine operation.
Techno 3 - Electrical and Electronics Principles and Electronic Circuit
Analysis and Design
This subject deals with the principles of electrical properties,
structure, electronic components and devices in a circuit.
Techno 4 - Electronics Instruments, Measurement and Auto Equipment
This subject deals with the principles and operation of various
electronic instruments and measurements. It involves operations and
investigation of internal and external accessories of electronics audio
equipment’s servicing, principles of different audio transducer, repair and
maintenance of internal electronics circuits and mechanical set-up of
common audio gadgets.
Techno 5 - Electronic Communication System
This course deals with the studies of inductance, coils, condensers
and resistors for radio frequencies, vacumtube theory, extended analysis
of oscillary circuits and methods of exaltation, radiation and transmission
phenomena, comparison of method of transmission and reception; theory
of modulation and detection, and radio measurements.
Techno 6 - Television & Video Systems
This course deals in television and video systems I which the
principle of operation and servicing are emphasized. The course is also
focus on circuit function rather than the circuit element themselves so that
the block diagram become the understanding of the system.
Techno 7 - Digital Electronics
This course deals with the study of clocks, R.C, latch, flip-flop,
counters, register, arithmetic circuits, encoders, decoders, multiplexers
and display devices.
The laboratory portions of the course develop the investigation or
analysis of digital circuits used in electronic industry.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provides a
manipulative experience to student particularly in handling care and used
of electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology I. It covers the study of
various portable machines used in wood working. It intends to train
students students in the operation of portable wood working machines to
cut, shape and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides students
the knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more
confidence to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in Automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of Engine Operation.
Techno 3 - Electrical/Electronics Measuring Instrument, and Electrical
Circuits AC/DC
This course deals with the principles, operations, functions, and
uses of various Electrical/Electronics Measuring instruments and Electrical
circuits AC/DC.
Techno 4 - AC/DC Machinery’s/Illumination and Wiring Design Time
This subject deals with the different electrical machinery’s both AC
and DC. It also deals with Illumination and Wiring Design both
Commercial and Industrial Applications.
Techno 5 - Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
This subject deals with the study of Power Generations, Operation,
Utilization and Power Plant Safety and Maintenance. It also deals with
electric power transmission and distribution, types of equipment,
techniques and problems involve in transmitting electrical energy.
Techno 6 - Industrial Control System, Preventive Maintenance,
Troubleshooting and Safety
This course deals with Industrial Controls System its Application,
Preventive Maintenance, Troubleshooting and safety.
Techno 7 - Philippine Electronics Code (PEC)
This course deals with the basic materials, quality and electrical
work standards for the used of electricity for light, heat, power,
communication signaling and other purposes.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provides a
manipulative experience to student particularly in handling care and used
of electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology I. It covers the study of
various portable machines used in woodworking. It intends to train
students in the operation of portable woodworking machines to cut, shape
and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is introduced. It provides students the
knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more confidence to
go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of engine operation.
Techno 3 - Furniture and Automotive Upholstery
. This subject describes the materials, tools and equipment used in
upholstery, the essential process of the art of the upholstery and essential
practical application of the processes.
Techno 4 - Wood Finishing
This subject describes the various principles in wood finishing the
materials, tools and equipment used and the methods of application.
Techno 5 - Advance Furniture Design, Construction, and Wood Machine
Technology 5 covers advanced furniture designing, manufacturing
process and various machine operations. This course is one of the four
areas taken by BSIE students who major in Furniture and Cabinet Making.
Techno 6 - Advanced Technology Of Wood Machine Operation,
Maintenance and Machine Jig Design
This course gives students more complete information on the
nature and characteristics of wood used as lumber and provides them with
an opportunity to enhance their skills in lumbering, selecting, inspecting
and storing materials. Furthermore this course also aims at developing
students skills in the operation and maintenance of more complex
woodworking machines and in design and construction of jigs to facilitate
the construction of various wood products.
Techno 7 - Shop Management, Layout, Advance Machine Operation,
Maintenance Installation and Phototype Construction
This course covers a various operation, maintenance, of wood
working machine cutters, shop management, which include shop lay-out,
quality control, organization and management.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Elec. Ele’x/RAC)
This subject deals with the principles and operation of electrical
properties structures, operation and application of various electronic
components and devices used in electronic circuits. It provides a
manipulative experience to student particularly in handling care and used
of electronic hand tools, power tools, soldering, job designing and other
related jobs.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Entrepreneurship/Wood Working/Auto-Metal)
This course is a continuation of Technology I. It covers the study of
various portable machines used in wood working. It intends to train
students students in the operation of portable wood working machines to
cut, shape and assemble parts.
Likewise, entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides students
the knowledge and skills, which are essential to give them more
confidence to go into entrepreneurial ventures.
It also includes the study of the history of automobile, job
opportunities in Automobile industry, metals and their uses and properties
and fundamentals of Engine Operation.
Techno 3 - Basic RAC Application: Shop Process, Tools & Equipment;
Refrigeration Unit, Electrical Circuits, Instruction and
The course deals with the principles and application of
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning as applied to domestic, commercial,
and industrial refrigeration system. The course also includes refrigeration
processes, compression cycle, component function, refrigerant and their
properties, equipment selection and performance rating, also included the
different types of tools and equipment commonly used in RAC and also
types of Refrigeration unit, electrical circuit, installation, servicing and
Techno 4 - Basic Air Con System and Principles of Electrical Circuit
Control & Instrument and Com. RAC Application
The course deals with the study of basic design principles of most
air conditioning system both for cooling and heating purposes. It also
introduces the study of control indoor climate relevance to comfort air
conditioning,. This also includes the proper installation of different types
of air application and servicing commercial system.
Techno 5 - Principles of Cold Storage System, Commercial RAC & Heat
Load Calculation
The course introduces principles of storage plant practices,
calculation and brine agitation systems; heat exchanger calculations, plant
capacity and operating characteristics; economics of plant operation
cooling tower construction and operation. It also included the basic
principles of heat transfer and their application to the determination of heat
loads to be carried by the refrigeration systems. It also includes heat flow
calculations due to conduction, convection and radiation.
Techno 6 - Special Refrigeration System & Application; Marine and
Transportation Refrigeration
The course deals with the special refrigeration system and its
application. It also included marine transportation refrigeration and air
conditioning, which involves heating, cooling and dehumidification. This
also includes installation, repair and maintenance of both the mechanical
and electrical components. It also covers the study of automotive air
conditioning, operations, principles, service and repair.
Techno 7 - Industrial Air-Conditioning System Application and Servicing
The course deals with the different Application, Construction,
Design and Operation of Industrial Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Food & Nutrition and Entrepreneurship)
The course deals with the study of the principles and their
application related to meal planning, proper selection and buying, food
preparation and cooking, a well as food serving. Practicum activities on
the economic principles and problems involved in planning, students
undergo purchasing, storing, preparation, cooking and service of food.
Moreover, the course also provides knowledge and information about food
preservation, and the techniques and methods used in preserving foods.
This course is also designed to provide basic concepts, knowledge and
skills essential to successful baking of breads, cakes, and pastries.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Clothing1,2 Handicraft, H.E., L.E. & Family
This course consists of home and family living with emphasis on
the rights and duties of the family member and household management,
handicraft using indigenous material, home economics and livelihood
education to determine housing needs with exterior and interior designing,
and clothing which focuses or selection, purchase, care and construction
of unisex garments.
Techno 3 - Sewing Fundamental Machine Operation & Simple Dress
Designing & Construction of Children Garments
This block is designed to give an overview of the course; the scope
of the course to be followed, requirements of the course and shop rules
and regulations to be followed.
This also provides students with the elementary experience in the
proper use and care of the sewing tools and equipment, materials and
supplies and the basic technical know-how of hand and machine sewing
operations that are fundamental in the vehicle of instructions in teaching of
these basic skills.
Techno 4 - Advance Dress Designing and Construction
This block deals with the study of the fundamental principles of
dress design and its application to blouses, skirts and dresses. It provides
opportunity to create original design to individual or jobs in relation to
current fashion trends. It also introduces the development of fundamental
procedures and technical know-how of production work and the
consideration of the factory system. Training starts with the single needle
power machine and is followed by special machines, which are available
in the school and in the garments industry.
This block also includes fashion shop organization and
management. It provides training in the shop layout, planning, organizing,
and managing a school dress shop in the shop layout, planning,
organizing, and managing a school dress shop as well as fashion shop.
Techno 5 - Tailoring
This course is design to introduce the application of the
fundamentals of tailoring though the making of women and men’s
garments. Tailoring is type of garment construction usually for suits pants
and coats, which requires the application of shaping principles not usually
employed in the construction of dresses. The principles involved are
techniques of straightening certain edges stiffening certain portion
handling work so that the garments is molded for shaped as it is being
constructed. Training is given such operation as pressing, shaping and
handling skills making sleeves, collars, lapel and joining parts of the
garments finishes. It develops the ability to assemble and finish tailored
garments according to the current trend methods.
Techno 6 - Dress Accessories, Trimmings and Dress Form Making
This block aims to develop skills in the use of special sewi9ng
machines and their attachments. It aims to develop manipulative skills in
applying various types of decorative construction details in making
accessories and the correct use of trimmings for everyday and formal
This also includes the study of the basic lines an enhancing
personality of the wearer.
This block also involves the developments of advanced techniques
in making a dress form. The model form is an essential equipment in
dress designing. Students who are actually designing patterns from which
garments are to be cut would full-sized made to personal measurements.
Each students should make her own dress form. She make use of a
commercial dress form or, if non is available, may improvise one.
Techno 7 - Mass Production Techniques of RTW Garments, Shop
Personnel Management & Organizational & Project Study
This course aims to introduce the training of basic skills power
machine operation. Training starts with the single needle power machines
and is followed by special machines, which are available in school and in
the garments industry. It also introduces the development of fundamental
procedures and technical know-how of mass production work and the
consideration of the factory system. In the absence of the special power
sewing machine, the ordinary sewing machines and equipment are used
but procedures and methods are introduces and practiced.
This block also introduces the fashion shop organization and
management. It also provides practical training in shop lay-out planning,
organization and managing a school dress as well as fashion shop.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Food & Nutrition and Entrepreneurship)
The course deals with the study of the principles and their
application related to meal planning, proper selection and buying, food
preparation and cooking, a well as food serving. Practicum activities on
the economic principles and problems involved in planning, students
undergo purchasing, storing, preparation, cooking and service of food.
Moreover, the course also provides knowledge and information about food
preservation, and the techniques and methods used in preserving foods.
This course is also designed to provide basic concepts, knowledge and
skills essential to successful baking of breads, cakes, and pastries.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Clothing1,2 Handicraft, H.E., L.E. & Family
This course consists of home and family living with emphasis on
the rights and duties of the family member and household management,
handicraft using indigenous material, home economics and livelihood
education to determine housing needs with exterior and interior designing,
and clothing which focuses or selection, purchase, care and construction
of unisex garments.
Techno 3 - Manicuring and Pedicuring
This course deals with the study of ethics, hygiene, good
grooming, and good posture for the development of a pleasing personality.
It provides experiences necessary to the development of one’s
personality. This course train students in the basic knowledge on parts
and functions of various implements and materials used in manicuring and
Techno 4 - Shampooing and Hot oil Treatment
The course deals theories and principles in hot oil treatment as well
as scalp manipulations. It aims to develop students skills in hot oil
treatment of the hair.
Techno 5 - Make-Up, Creative Hair Styling and Facial Treatment
The course deals with the study of the correct procedures of
applying make-up to a person to enhance a person’s natural charm, to
accentuate her good features and to cover defects. It helps train the
students to apply the principles of color harmony and to recognize the
facial type to which make up is applied. Moreover, the course gives
emphasis on creative hairstyling to suit hair arrangement to personality,
age, and attire worn. It includes skills development in various methods of
pin curling, plain rolls, finger waving and different hair parting.
Techno 6 - Hair Coloring and Chemical Hair Relaxing
The course deals with the processes of hair coloring, hair tinting
and hair bleaching for faded hair. It helps the students to acquire
understanding of the foundation underlying the art of hair coloring and hair
bleaching and the knowledge of the types of chemicals and their
properties and reactions.
Techno 7 - Beauty Shop Organization and Management
The course deals with the study of the requisites for successful
beauty shop organization, operation and management, which include
training on shop layout, efficient shop service, salesmanship, personality
development, and professional ethics and trade mathematics. Students
undergo skill training in all beauty shop procedures and are required to
maintain high standards of work in order to attract and retain patrons.
They acquire knowledge of the responsibilities and duteous of a beauty
salon operator and are provided with both classroom and shop
experiencing necessary in building up beauty shop business smoothly.
Techno 1 - General Shop 1 (Food & Nutrition and Entrepreneurship)
The course deals with the study of the principles and their
application related to meal planning, proper selection and buying, food
preparation and cooking, a well as food service. Practicum activities on
the economic principles and problems involved in planning, purchasing,
storing, preparation, cooking and service of food. Moreover, the course
also provides knowledge and information about food preservation, and the
techniques and methods used in preserving foods. This course is also
designed to provide basic concepts, knowledge and skills essential to
successful baking of breads, cakes, and pastries. Likewise,
entrepreneurship is also introduced. It provides students with the
knowledge and skills which are essential to give them more confidence to
go into entrepreneurial ventures.
Techno 2 - General Shop 2 (Clothing1,2 Handicraft, H.E., L.E. & Family
This course consists of home and family living with emphasis on
the rights and duties of the family member and household management,
handicraft using indigenous material, home economics and livelihood
education to determine housing needs with exterior and interior designing,
and clothing which focuses or selection, purchase, care and construction
of unisex garments.
Techno 3 - Food Service Management 1
Food Service is a fast growing business nowadays. The
establishment of hotels, restaurant, fast food outlets and catering services
have contributed to the rise of food service industry. The introduction of
technology through modern kitchen equipment, tools and gadgets had
made food service task easier, faster and more sanitary. Modern kitchen
technology however, necessitates the training of skilled and competent
food service personnel to fill in the demands of this growing food service
This course is also designed both for those presently involved in
food service who wish to upgrade their career skills and for those who
wish to gain skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for successful
employment in the food service industry.
Techno 4 - Food Service Management 2
The course is a continuation of the first semester, Food Service
Management 1. It is planned to provide and equip student’s further and
deeper knowledge and skills in managing and operating a food service
business such as a school canteen/cafeteria, a coffee shop or any kind of
food service center. It also includes training and development of abilities
and skills in the selection and purchase, proper ways of receiving and
storing these food items. The various aspects in food preparation and
cooking of food items for sale in the business are also given emphasis. It
also covers quantity cookery for catering services.
The course also involves training waiters and waitresses on the
various aspects of their duties and responsibilities as personnel in a food
service business. Trainees are given the chance to operate and manage
a small-scale food service business as income generating project and a
hands on experience in keeping records.
Techno 5 - Experimental Cookery
Experimental Cookery is fun, Challenging and Rewarding. It is the
study of the qualitative method in food preparation under controlled
conditions as affected by temperature, attitude, preparation and
manipulation of standardization of recipes and research in food
preparation. It aims to put out food item that is nourishing, satisfying,
palatable, aesthetic, acceptable, and free from toxic or deleterious
substances and prepared under sound and sanitary condition at the
minimum cost.
Techno 6 - Culinary Arts and Techniques and Advanced Food Preparation
and Foreign dishes
This course covers familiarization with different types of table
appointments and table setting, styles of services, use of indigenous
materials and appropriate tools for artistic presentation of food and
beverages. Specifically, this is designed to enhance the aesthetic
presentation of foods by using carved fruits and vegetables as garnishes.
This course also covers the preparation and presentation of Filipino and
other foreign dishes, involving both western and eastern cuisine.
Techno 7 - Food Service Management
The course is a follow-up of the training students undergo on food
management and service 1 and 2. It provides training on the mastery of
the fundamental principles, technical information, skills and competencies
related to the management and operation of a foodservice unit. This is
also intended to prepare BSIE students to manage a foodservice unit in
schools where they maybe assigned later. If they wish to engage in a food
service business as an entrepreneurship venture, they may succeed on it,
as this is the main objective of the course.
The course covers two broad concepts: operations and
management of a food service system. Operations include menu
management, purchasing and storage, food production, delivery/service
and sanitation. Management includes lay-out and design, equipment
selection, food service system, organization and management, personal
management, and financial management.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bachelor of Elementary Education
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Bachelor of Science in Industrial
Bachelor in Special Education