NOT DESIGNATED FOR PUBLICATION STATE OF LOUISIANA URT OF APPEAL C FIRST CIRCUI 0 CA 1877 20 RONNIE ACOSTA R BERT CHAMBERLAIN AND BONNIE M NTGOMERY VERSUS PARISH OF I AFOURCHE Judgment Rendered N on ED FROM T APPEAL iE SEVENTEENTH JUDICIAL UISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE PARISH OF I AFDURCHE STATE OF LUUISIANA CKCT Nt1MBETi 108333 DIVISI4N D DC THE HONORABLE ASHI Y BRUCE SIMPSON Jl1DGE J Marvin Attorney for PlaintiffsiAppellants 3aton Ronnie Acosta a k Ronald Acosta Montgomery e Louisiana Rou Robert Chamberlain Bonnie Montgomery Ann Acosta Gail Chamberlain Terry Landry Christina Landry Ben Bowles Jessalyn Bowles Huey Shaheen Cherie Shaheen Brian Hayes Melissa Hayes William James f eidi James Lyle Trabeaux Shirleen Trabeaux Patrick M Wiley Jr Bruce Braud Dana Braud Lipton Danos Loretta Danos Dale Ray Patsy Ray Joey Trainer Hannah Trainer Shane Thibodaux Karen Thibodaux Gwen Owens and Danielle Trosclair Carlton J Cheramie Attorneys for Defendant AppelleE Andrea Cheramie Stentz Parish of Lafourche Cut O f Louisiana EFO B E WHIPPLE McD4NALD AND McCLENDON JJ r r L ti S n cu C l v j rC nor J M n A This appeal is from ax acCion in district court regardin the dedication and nance of a suk tc maiz division street or the followin reasons we affirm On March 2b 1979 Antill Subdivision was created by an Ac t of Yartition in Lafourche Parish and the map of tlie subdivision was r corded with the Lafourche Parish Clerk of Court Th Act ok Partition formally dedicated the street Antill riv known on said subdivision plan to public use unto and in favor of the I Palice Jury of th Parish of Lafourch the inhabitants af the parish of Lafourch and to tl e public in general as a free and public street Antill Drive is an unimprov d dead end street that is open for public use and has been used as a public street since 1979 On September 13 l97 Local Ordinanc Number 124Q was passed unaninlously providing for the minimum requirements for the construction of subdivision streets accepted into the Parish Road System Antill Drive was not accepted into th Parisll Road Syst m On August S 2000 the Iaafourche Parish Council ent d into a Cooperative r Endeavor lgreement with the residents of Antill Subdivision to assist the esidents in the maintenance ofi Antill UrivE and to provide such material and services as may be needed ta properly upgrade and maintain these str ets Accordin to the petitiol ers the Parisll has not complied with this agreem nt In 2008 a suit for declaratory judgment was filed against the Parish of Lafourch askin the district court to declare that 1 Antill Drive is a public et which is owned by I st afourche Parish or over wl ich Lafourch Parish has a servitude of public use 2 the Lafourche Parish Couticil was actin within its authority when it adopted Rcsolution No Q 091 and acknowledged ownership by We note that the appeflants brief subntits that the Agreement was bctween ihe Parish and the residents the ngree ent sCated that it was with the residents of Antill Urive r Ubviously residents oi Airtill Urive are residents c7f tl7e subdivision but the subdivision may have other of Antiill Subdivision residenls that do not live on Antill Drive z The resc lution also dealt witl7 two other streets ihat are ot involved in this Iiti n atic 2 e parish over Antill Drive 3 Caafourche Parish has a legal obli tl ation to maintain Antill Drive 4 t Cooperative Endeavor d n Agreement si on August 2000 between the Lafourche Parish Council and the residents of Antill Subdivision is a al and bindin contract 5 Lafourche Parish is legally obligated to fulf 11 the le rms of the A t reement and G all costs of this suit are to be paid by the Parish Several xceptions were fil d and adjudicated by the district court An answer and reconventional demand was filed by Lafourch Parish in March 2009 Several procedural issues were addressed that are not relevant to th appeal in this matter Ultimately a motion for summary jud ment was heard The court issued written reasons on May 27 2Q1 the same day that it rendered and signed a f nal Based on its findings the court did no address whether the judgment Lafoui Parish Counc il acted within its authority when it adopted Resolution No 00 091 I he court ruled that 1 Lafourche Parish Counci L has a s rvitude of passage for public use over Antill Drive 2 the parish is not obligated to expend public money to maintain Antill Drive and 3 the C operative Endeavor greernent for thc improvement a l ad maintenance o Antill Drive is null and void as it applied to the residents of Antill Drive This appeal was fiiled alle ing three assignments of error 1 the trial court rred ia ruling that Lafourche Parish has a servitude of passage over Antill Drive r than ruling that the parish owns the street 2 th trial court erred in ruling rath that the parish is not abligated to expend public money to maintain Antill Drive atld 3 the trial court rred in ruling that the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the parish and the residents of Antill Drive is null and void he appellai I ts correctly note the four inodes of dedication of roads or streets t public us They argue that the parish eith r through dedication or under th Cooperative Endeavor Agreement is obligated to maintain Antill Drive 3 he district court issued extensive written carefully error reviewed them as we reasons for its ruling We have cord in this matter have the entit e r s of aw in the district court We find no s are not manifestly ruling Th factual findin erroneous as they would have to be to allow this court to revers them See Pierce v State Offr ce of the Legislcztive Audito 2007 0230 La App 1 Cir 2 08 9 8 4 2d 61 writ deni So d 2008 0542 La 08 25 978 So 4 2d 369 In f act the district s court reasons indicatie that each of the petitioners assertions was given consideration however the law did not allow the result they sought We agree The jurisprudence on this subj ct does not cause us to r ach a different result In particular we find Clement v Ci ry ofLake Charles 201 703 La App 0 3 Cit l 2 l0 S2 So 8 3d 1054 distinguishable Accordingly the judgment of the district court is affirmed This opinion is issued in compliance with Uniform 16 l B Rules Louisiana Courts of Appeal Rule 2 ainst the plaintiffs a AFFIRMED 4 Appeal costs ar ass ssed